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IPSGA Funding Request Form

Organization Name Date

Name Phone Email
Contact Person

Event Information
Name of Event
Venue Location Date Time
Expected IPFW Student Attendance Expected Total Attendance Venue Capacity
Purpose of Event (50 word minimum)
(Please continue this sentence:) For the purpose of…

How will this Event Improve Student Life? (50 word minimum)

Attendance of Last Same Event (If first time for event, please disregard this section)
Expected IPFW Student Attendance Expected Total Attendance Actual Attendance

Event Expenditures
Vendor Phone Item Description Price ea. Qty. Price total
1 $0.00
2 $0.00
3 $0.00
4 $0.00
5 $0.00
6 $0.00
7 $0.00
8 $0.00
9 $0.00
10 $0.00
Vendor Total $0.00
Add any contingency money required
Subtract the money you have previously raised for this event.
Total money requested from IPSGA $0.00

Additional Information
Events must be open to all students. Requests must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the date of the event. Please
Consider: 30 Days is often not enough time to receive funding before an event, so consider turning your request in 6 to 7
weeks in advance.

Upon completion: E-mail to You should receive a confirmation e-mail within two business days, if not
contact the Comptroller at (260) 481-6587 or for information.

Thank You for participating in your Student Government!

Events must be open to all students. Requests must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the date of the event. Please
Consider: 30 Days is often not enough time to receive funding before an event, so consider turning your request in 6 to 7
weeks in advance.

Upon completion: E-mail to You should receive a confirmation e-mail within two business days, if not
contact the Comptroller at (260) 481-6587 or for information.

Thank You for participating in your Student Government!


rd minimum)

me for event, please disregard this section)

Price total


e submitted at least 30 days prior to the date of the event. Please

funding before an event, so consider turning your request in 6 to 7

ld receive a confirmation e-mail within two business days, if not for information.


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