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Topic for Discussion w/e 7th January 2011 12MMC

Happy New Year!

Did you know that the British used to follow the custom of cleaning their chimneys on New Years Day. We believed
this brought good luck to the household for the coming year. The expression "cleaning the slate" came from this
custom. The idea of making resolutions to correct faults and bad habits has since been linked to this event. People
resolved to make themselves better people in the New Year. For many it is still a tradition that we carry out today.

What New Year resolutions did you make this year?

How long do you think you will stick to them?

Did you last longer than a month/week with any you made last year?

If you could write New Year resolutions for other people such as politicians, sports or film
stars, friends and family what would they be and why?

Although this idea is seen as a bit of traditional fun, can you think of two New Year Resolutions
that you could make to ensure you make improvements in your school life this year?

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