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RACT: platform structures with the perfect

combination of synchronous and
The paper presents the results of
asynchronous interaction. It provides a
the "Virtual Classroom" project sponsored
means of collaborative learning for the
by the University of Westminster,
Educational Initiative Centre (EIC) for
delivering lectures online. The ultimate
aim was to provide a portable hardware
and easy to use software toolset as well as In 2006, the Open University of
easy to follow guidelines on how to propel the Netherlands (OUNL) started running
the lectures from the conventional dull trials with a so called virtual classroom. A
chalk and talk environment to the realm of virtual classroom is a combined set of
all interactive computer assisted Web tools for conducting classroom like
based electronic classroom. The additional sessions live over the Internet. Since 2006,
goal was to minimize the number of staff more than 20 pilot projects have been
required to give the lectures and allow carried out, involving more than 25 tutors
them to use their valuable time for other and over 200 students. We intended to use
academic duties. The proposed system the virtual classroom as a replacement for
hardware/software setup is a fully face-to-face (f2f) tutoring sessions, which
automatic solution controllable from a are normally organized in our study
single PC. It allowed full student centres located across the country.
interaction and use of multimedia in the All pilots were organised in a
lecture. project that was positioned directly under
Developing a virtual classroom the OUNLcentral board, and in which
system to promote a greater count of most faculties participated. We
students to spend interest into the field of investigated several virtual classroom
education. It integrates the benefits of a instruments in order to come to a first
physical classroom with the convenience selection of promising candidates.
of a virtual learning environment minus All pilots were evaluated
the commuting hazards and expenses. It extensively. Our findings indicate that the
will provide immense flexibility and virtual classroom is a valuable addition to
sophistication in the existing learning our educational offerings. In this paper we

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will describe what a virtual classroom is, The classroom material is
why we choose to implement it and how supplemented by extra activities available
we came to our selection of an instrument. from the virtual classroom pages of our
web site via the internet.
In the Virtual Classroom we are
attempting to approximate the shared and
supportive environment of a real-world
class. The aim of the Virtual Classroom
project is to create an environment that
will help stimulate purposeful
communication between English language
learners across the world.

In the real-world, language teaching

is becoming increasingly concerned with
giving students the ability to use their new
language spontaneously to express their
thoughts, needs and desires. In the The description of virtual classroom
classroom context, the process is greatly is as follows.
enhanced when the provision of new
language skills occurs in a supportive 2.1 What is a virtual classroom?
environment where these new skills are A virtual classroom is an
allowed to develop though use and instrument for conducting live classroom
experimentation. like sessions over the internet. In this,
students and tutors can communicate using
At starting point we felt that it was
voice, video, chat and whiteboard tools.
necessary for all the participants in the
They also have facilities like application
Virtual Classroom to use the same course
sharing, polling, breakout sessions and
materials, since this would provide them
quizzes. It allows the tutor and students to
with some common ground regardless of
participate in real time lessons and
their geographic distance from each other.
discussions. Students can ask questions,
The trial phases of the Virtual Classroom
drawn on the whiteboard, and participate
were restricted therefore to learners
in breakout sessions. Almost everything
attending language classes.
that can be done in a real classroom, can

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also be done in a virtual classroom. not have to travel to the study-centres and
Moreover, the whole classroom session as the sessions were more frequent.
can be recorded and made available for Contact with tutors are limited and in most
review afterwards. cases it takes place through e-mail or in
discussion groups.
In this figure we present a screen
But students and tutors all still felt
shot of the virtual classroom instrument
that the virtual classroom should be a
Elluminate live(student view indicating
supplement to f2f meetings and not a total
some interaction functions)
replacement. They missed the direct
communication, the meeting over coffee
and the general chitchat which makes
learning fun. In the beginning tutors felt
very insecure when using the virtual
classroom and they certainly felt exhausted
afterwards. But after some sessions they
got used to the specific requirements on
communicating and keeping track of
interactions in the virtual classroom.

2.3 Selecting a virtual classroom:

2.2 Why we are using virtual classroom?
In order to select a virtual
The f2f meetings offer the students a classroom we developed a list of
sense of connectedness. They get to know specifications based on the needs of tutors,
each other and their tutor and get students and educational experts: we
immediate feedback on questions and scored potential candidates on educational
problems. So, as a result the students use, user friendliness, features and
were very positive about their experiences. administration.
So, the main pedagogical (teaching) For procedures, the features of the
model of the Open University of the integration educational use we looked at
Netherlands aims at supporting self- the way different teaching activities were
directed learning. Ana also they thought supported, such as discussion, workshops,
the virtual classroom an efficient group work, assessments etc.
alternative for the f2f-meetings, as they did

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User friendliness was assessed by 2.4 When to use a virtual classroom?
examining the installation into our Virtual Virtual classroom is a powerful
Learning Environment (VLE) and the tool to use as a replacement for traditional
availability of training materials for teaching sessions such as workshops and
students and teachers. structured discussion. We even had some
For features we looked at the experience with structured role play and
availability of voice over Internet(VoIP), this also worked very well. Supporting
presentation tools, whiteboard tools, group work and free discussion is a bit
application sharing, public and private more difficult, as it requires more
chat, feedback tools, document sharing, student/tutor experience and feeling-at-
polling and quizzes. ease in using the virtual classroom. We
We looked at how the system should expect that all involved will become more
be installed/administered way students and comfortable in using the tools and as a
tutors were authorized. the way students result it will become much easier use them
and tutors were authorized for use and the in a less directive and restricted way.
licence fees. We initially looked into a
The virtual classroom is technically
whole range of virtual classrooms and
well suited for lectures, but teachers have
assessed them using the list of
to be aware of the fact that boring lectures
requirements. Finally we decided to
become even more boring when you listen
choose for virtual classroom, mainly
to them on the computer.
based on quality of audio, extensive
feature set, support for multiple platforms, Group size should not be to big,
automatic reconnection features and low certainly not in the beginning when tutors
bandwidth requirements for use and the and students are not used to the tool. We
licence fees. worked with groups of 8 to 15 students
and that seems a manageable size. A
virtual class session should also be fairly
short. One and a half hour is an absolute
maximum. otherwise attendance is too
exhausting for both the tutor and the

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2.5 Preparations to make: 2.6 Training and support for tutors and
The first teaching session in a virtual
classroom feels the same as first-time Several training sessions for tutors were
teaching in a real classroom. Tutors feel organized. Each tutor who contemplates
thet they are well aquainted with the using a virtual classroom is offered to
software and are well trained. It is participate in an introductory virtual
important that the tutor must have some workshop. After she/he decides to set up a
hands-on experience before facing the real virtual class a f2f tutorial is organized
students. It really helps to use two pc’s,one in which the tutors learn how to set up the
showing the student perspective and the classroom and how to use it in their role of
other the tutor’s perspective or to work session moderator. However, even after
with one or two colleagues. Specially for the training some tutors still feel insecure
the first session we recommend having an about conducting a virtual class all by
experienced colleague around who can themselves, so for help and support during
point out things or take over when you the first few sessions we always provide
forget something. backup from someone from the Online
support project. All the participating
A virtual classroom session requires
students receive an instruction on how to
good preparation. Tutors should have a
prepare their pc’s. Each student is offered
scenario of their lesson available and
an individual 30 minute test session,
upload all the required materials to the
during which the audio communication
classroom before the students enter the
facility is tested and a short instruction is
session. It is a bit more complicated to
improvise during a virtual classroom
session than it is in a real classroom, 2.7 Interactions:
especially for the inexperienced tutor.
It is advisable to encourage interaction in
One should also be aware that the virtual classroom and to consider how
everything proceeds at a bit slower pace you will interact with your students. There
then in a normal classroom setting. is a whole range of tools available in the
Furthermore, the students who participate classroom but it is important to decide in
in the virtual classroom should be well advance which tools you are going to use.
prepared and instructed. We felt that using polls and quizzes and
then presenting the results to the whole

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group were a very powerful way of and share their experiences with
interacting with the students and to keep themselves or with their teacher. They ask
their attention. their questions and get the answers just
like the conventional classrooms but have
an edge over those who attend the latter. If
they wish (and provided the technique
used permits so) they can ask questions in
the complete privacy as if each student is
individually interacting with the instructor.
Adult education has a long tradition of
valuing the life experience of learners. The
2.8 Recordings: live virtual classroom enables learners to
Students appreciate the fact that the share their experience in a virtual
virtual class can be recorded and made environment with tools that can take that
available via the VLE for later use. sharing to a new level. The LVC(live
Students use it for revision or to make up virtual classroom) allows learners to do
for a class they missed. Just make sure things such as share their screens to
that, in accordance to privacy laws, demonstrate tricks and tips for searching a
students agree from the onset of the customer database or surf to helpful
session that the class will be recorded. websites.

3. APPLICATIONS: 4.2 To Extend the Access to Experts

Virtual classroom is used in A related benefit of the virtual classroom

applications like robotics and engineering is the ability to make scarce resources
educations. accessible to a wider audience. The
program is more widely rolled out, it is
4.ADVANTAGES: delivered by people who are less skilled.
The advantages of virtual classroom are as
4.3 To Do Modeling and Application
Sharing in Breakout Rooms

4.1 Sharing live experience: Educators have long known that learning
Like conventional classrooms, the students is more likely to occur when the students
within a virtual classroom can exchange can transfer learning from the abstract to

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the practical. In the virtual classroom there live virtual classroom program.The answer
are tools that make it possible for students to how many people should be in a live
to run simulations or test models. That is virtual classroom is . . . it depends. The
rather simple talking about investment number of learners per session depends on
concepts such as dollar cost averaging, and how complex the content, how technically
Capital Asset Pricing Model students can competent the learners, how skilled the
learn about these concepts by conducting facilitator, and how much interaction you
modeling exercises in the LVC. have designed into the program.

4.4 To Capture and Repurpose 5.2 Avoid Teaching Software Skills:

Recorded Sessions:
The ability to do application sharing
If you are reading this and recall a corner means that you can teach software skills
of your office in which there is a pile of using the virtual classroom. Choosing to
dusty videotapes of classes that no one has teach software skills such as Word,
ever watched, I don’t need to caution you. PowerPoint, or custom applications is
There is very little to recommend the tempting because it seems like such a
recording of a typical live virtual session natural use of the LVC. It is technically
for playback at a later point. On the other possible, but the virtual classroom adds a
hand, if you have the ability to add value level of complexity that must be
by creating a program that has the purpose considered. If learners are not computer
of being viewed later or if you have the savvy and technically self-sufficient
ability to edit the key pieces of the enough to manage the new application and
program, then you may have an asset. the LVC application at the same time, you
may overwhelm them. It is also boring to
5. LIMITATIONS: watch other students practice an
5.1 Limit Class Size for Optimal
Interaction: 5.3 Anticipate That LVC Classes Will
Take Longer to Deliver than
Don’t get confused by the recommended
Traditional Classroom Courses
maximum number of learners who can
attend a live virtual classroom versus the There are longstanding statistics on the
recommended number who should attend a power of computer-based training to

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reduce the time. These statistics do not Heerlen: Open Universiteit Nederland –
apply to live virtual classrooms. The often- IPO.
quoted statistic assumes that through 2) Rusman, Ellen en Giesbertz, Wil
pretesting, branching, and empowering (2008). Gebruikerservaringen met een
learners to move at their own pace, the virtuele klas. Heerlen: Open Universiteit
time spent learning can be shortened. In Nederland – IPO.
the live virtual classroom, pretesting and
branching are of little help because the
program requires all learners to go through
the entire program at the same pace. The
virtual classroom can theoretically take
longer to deliver the same content than a
traditional classroom. The LVC has the
added burden of frequently stopping and
checking on learners understanding, which
would be seen in the traditional classroom.


The virtual classroom transcends the

boundaries of location, time and space
providing a flexible learning environment
for all. Schools, universities and corporate
organizations benefit form Virtual
classrooms because it provides an
excellent way for experts to teach a
geographically dispersed group of students
without hassle.


1) Giesbertz, Wil, Rusman, Ellen,

Spoelstra, Howard en Wigman, Marcel
(2008). Verder met de virtuele klas.

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