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Name: ……………………………………………………….

( )
Date: ……………..
Class: ……………….. 4

5N(A) Sc(Phy) Class Test 3

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.
1. The diagram shows an apparatus that demonstrates electrostatics charging. Perspex
is an insulator.

When rubbed with a cloth, the top of the Perspex becomes positively charged. The
small pieces of paper jump up and stick to the lower surface of the Perspex.
(a) Explain in terms of movement of electrons, why the Perspex becomes positively
charged when rubbed with a cloth. [1]

(b Explain why a copper rod cannot be charge by rubbing. [2]


2. Two metal plates are placed vertically opposite each other shown in the diagram.
They are connected to a high voltage power supply.

Draw the electric field between the two plates. [2]

3. One way to measure the speed of sound in air is to position someone with a pistol
some distance from a second person who has a stopwatch. The stopwatch is started
when the flash or smoke from the pistol is seen and is stopped when the sound from
the pistol is heard.
Explain how the result of this experiment would improve the reliability of the
experiment given the following difficulties. [3]
(a) There may be wind blowing during the experiment. (Assume that the wind
speed is constant.

(b There may be some error in starting or in stopping the stopwatch.


(c) The time interval being measured may be very short.

4. A ruler is held against a rotating toothed wheel, as shown in the diagram below.

There are 40 teeth on the wheel and it rotates at 15 revolutions per second. Every
time that the ruler moves from one tooth to the next, it produces a click.
(a) Calculate the frequency of the clicks. [2]

(b The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s. Calculate the wavelength of the sound
) wave having the frequency determined in (a). [2]

5. A current of 10 A flows through an electric heater for 10 min. What is the total charge
that flows through the heater? [2]

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