Boiler Breakdowns

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Freezing temperatures and generally harsh weather across the UK have caused many

gas boilers to breakdown and heating systems to buckle under the pressure of greater
demand. This coincidentally comes at a time when some of the largest energy suppliers
have decided to raise prices. Ensuring your boiler and heating system is properly
maintained without it costing the earth is very important.

Gas Boiler Servicing

Gas boilers have a tendency to breakdown when you need them most so it can really
pay to pre-empt disaster by getting your boiler checked annually just before the cold
weather sets in.

Your boiler should be serviced by a registered Gas Safe technician or if you have an oil
burning boiler you should contact Oftec to find a local engineer. Hopefully by having your
boiler regularly checked you will avoid nasty surprises and keep it in good working order
for longer. If you cannot afford annual boiler checks you can contact the Energy Saving
Trust to see if you are eligible for free servicing.

But what if you are not sure if your boiler needs a service, well there are a few things to
look out for. You may have recently noticed that not as much hot water is available or
your home is not as warm as it used to be. If the problem occurs over a few days or
worsens it may be time for a service.

How do you avoid expensive boiler repair costs?

One of the best ways to avoid costly gas boiler repairs is to take out breakdown cover. It
acts as an insurance policy and can include your heating system, controls, boiler,
plumbing and even electrics. Most energy suppliers offer cover, one of the most popular
products is British Gas Homecare, which services most of the UK and includes annual
boiler servicing and emergency call outs.

However, no matter who you use you should check the small print and make sure it
provides everything you need. When taking out cover there are a few things which you
need to look out for.

 How many call outs are included in your package?

 Is there a limit on how much you can claim?
 Do you have to pay an excess?
 Are parts and labour included?
 Does the cover include 24 hour all year round assistance?

Why should I get my boiler serviced?

Carbon monoxide is a killer gas which is both odourless and colourless. It kills many
people in the UK every year, but many of these deaths could have been avoided if the
proper precautions were taken. Poisoning can occur if a gas appliance such as a boiler
has been installed or serviced incorrectly or by someone who is not properly qualified.
Another common problem is poor ventilation. If a flue or chimney becomes blocked the
gas has nowhere to go and naturally leaks into the home.

Symptoms to look out for include tiredness, headaches, nausea and chest pains.
However these signs can be caused from other illnesses as well, but if you experience
any of these symptoms while your boiler is on or whilst using a gas appliance you should
seek medical attention immediately.
Other indicators include brownish-yellow stains around gas appliances or heavy
condensation in the room where the appliance is installed, these signs can suggest the
presence of carbon monoxide.

Many deaths could have been prevented with a carbon monoxide alarm they are easy to
install and cost as little as £25. With higher energy prices and a bitterly cold winter
hiking up usage and demand it can be tempting to ignore your boiler and heating
system. But by taking out cover which can cost only £10 per month and getting your
boiler serviced annually you can save yourself a lot of trouble and a great deal of

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