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Methods of job evaluation

Analytical methods
Point ranking method Factor comparison method

Nonanlytical methods
Ranking mthod Job-grading method

Ranking method
‡ Each job is assessed on its title and compared with others. ‡ Jobs are not broken into factors. ‡ Simplest method. ‡ Most inexpensive method.

Job-grading method
‡ This method also involves whole job assessment and the job is not broken into factors. ‡ Other than ranking method it involves a yardstick in the form of job classes or grades. ‡ Grade descriptions are given which are matched with job facts. ‡ Simple and inexpensive method. ‡ Although job grade descriptions are not quantifiable.

Point-ranking method
‡ Involves selection of job factors, construction of degrees for each factor and assignment of points to each degree. ‡ Grading is done on the basis of points or range of points.

Factor-comparison method
‡ Selection of factors, usually 5:‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Mental requirements Skill requirements Phtsical exertion Responsibility Job conditions

‡ Each factor is ranked individually with jobs. ‡ Worth of job is obtained by adding all points.

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