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Of course I am a simple friendly and easy to get long with everybody.

So no wonder I prefer to be open in relationships no matter it is among the weaker
sex or race. But the relationship with the opposite sex is something that involves the
heart and feelings and requires serious commitment. So, to me that such a relationship
is not appropriate at this time, because many things that I should run first before a
serious relationship.

Currently, only the introductory greeting, knowing the heart kindness, observe

and learn more in person is necessary before the relationship. This is because we know
that there are various modes and actions that we do not think people would conduct
them. Also as a student first priority should be education and a secure future. Give
priority to set the proper and planned towards the direction of life.

Death, married, dating, and meeting all defined and specified by Allah the
Almighty One. We as a salve and would be given a reason and thought to be
coordinating all the rules in a balanced life. Don not make me love myself as a willing
pawn their lives, money, and physically because of a different gender.

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