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LIM, Clarisse R.


Fort Santiago: A Place of the Present, a Glimpse of the Past

Fort Santiago recaptured the gallantry and bravery of the

Filipinos. It fronts the greatness of our history. When I first had the
chance to see its beauty, the only idea I had in mind is to search the
world for a time machine. I have confirmed that desire when I saw the
elegance of this place. The brick olden by time, golden footsteps of
Rizal, the huge entrance wall, and the kalesa; many things impressed
me in Fort Santiago, but the best place for me is the Rizal Shrine. I was
able to see how great and talented our National Hero is. He was able to
make a couple of poems and novels, sketched different images, and
sculpted objects that exemplified his beliefs. I guess that those are far
more powerful than any of the revolution that had happened in history.
Jose Rizal’s life was a complex one. All along he was carrying on his
shoulders the future of every Filipinos.

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