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Key Learning Community - Theory to Reality

Multiple Intrinsic Human Developmental Learning

Intelligences: Motivation: Commonalities: Continuum: Organization:
Howard Gardner M. Csikszentmihalyi Ernest Boyer David H. Feldman Peter Senge
• Linguistic • Clear Goals • Shared Life Cycle • Universal • Personal Mastery
• Musical • Challenges • Shared Use of Symbols • Cultural • Mental Model
• Logical / relatively matched • Shared Membership in • Discipline-based • Shared Vision
Mathematical with skill level Groups and Institutions 1. Novice • Team Learning
• Naturalist • Immediate Feedback • Shared sense of Producing 2. Apprentice • Systems Thinking
• Spatial • Concentration without and Consuming 3. Journeyman
• Bodily / fear of being interrupted • Shared Relationship with 4. Craftsman
Kinesthetic • No external time Nature 5. Expert
• Interpersonal constraints • Shared Sense of Time and 6. Master
• Intrapersonal Space • Idiosyncratic
• Shared Values and Beliefs • Unique
• Shared Sense of the
Theme-based Improvement:
Collaborative Integrated Curriculum • Collaborative
Curriculum and (James Macdonald)
Environment: Peers
Instruction: Authentic
• Flexible • Multi-age, Multi- Organizing Center Assessment:
• Professional
ability groups Development
Scheduling Human Commonalities: • Projects
• Projects developed • Teacher Portfolios
• Integrated • School Compact • Video and Multi-Media
in high interest area • School
Curriculum • Weekly Program Related Portfolios of Projects
• Choices offered for Improvement
•Teamwork and to Theme • Developmental
“Pod” class Plan, P.L. #221
Collaboration • Mentor Program Performance
• Flow Activity Room • North Central
• Authentic • Apprenticeship Program Descriptors
• Opportunities for Association
Pedagogy • Opportunities for Service • Quality Exemplars
students and staff Commission
• Culminating • Opportunities for • Assessment in each
to focus on strengths Accreditation
Activity Leadership area of Intelligence

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