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Fiber card on a server "abc" is to be replaced

Login to the server abc using your id and password.
type this command to see the line saying "error @ fcsx (“were x is 1,2,3..”)
2.datapath query adapter
type this command to see the no of paths in both the fcs i.e fcsx were x is
1,2,3 etc.if the fcs are working good then there should be equal no of paths if
not you will see 0 no of paths in the fcs which is failed
3. lscfg -vpl fcsx (“were x is 1,2,3..”)
type this command to see the physical location and also copy the output for
documentation purposes.
4. rmdev -Rdl fcsx (“were x is 1,2,3..”)
type this command to remove the failed fiber card . can list the devices with grep fcs to see that the fiber card is removed.
6.Now do the following to let CE know that he is pulling out the right fiber
press enter to continue
task selection
hot plug task
pci hot plug manager
replace and remove pci hot plug manager
then select that particular fcs only
the above process will flash the light on the fiber card after CE replacing
that fiber card.
to configure
8.add paths
9.datapath query adapter
check that no of paths in both the fcs are equal and copy the output for
documentation purposes.
10. lscfg -vpl fcsx (“were x is 1,2,3..”)
copy the output for documentation purposes. And see the number which says
network address that is the wwpn number we have to send that to the SAN
people and tell them that we have replaced a failed fiber card with the
following wwpn number and tell them to bind it .

NOTE: never remove both the fcs than all the servers will loose connection
with SAN.

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