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MT2902: MScIT / MIT Final Semester Project Comprehensive Examination by the University Group - Internet Books to be followed + NOTE: + Advanced Internet Programming © All the Comprehensive examination Question Papers will heve 2 3M block paris namely. Pan A & Part B ‘MTOTB: - Java Programming sl , Rabereen Be Pet: enty (MT27B: - Server Side Programming - Cold Fusion - questions, 6% Approsimataly © Model questions are similar to hat ofthe regular exam but shall stress more onthe conceptual skills ‘Major: Advanced Internet Programming, Minor _ MT27A: Advanced ASP @ Components and Objects in ASP, HTML forms, Query strings @ Linking ASPs, ASP Session Object, Global.asa files © Cookies, ASP Application Object, ActiveX data objects © Daou comet, Cumors Locking mectons Command | ject | MT28B: XML © XML Elements, Attributes & Entity, XML style sheets) © XML Namespaces, Object model, Schemas, Content Model, Datatypes © Operators, Path operators, special characters, Templates © Choosing between CSS and XSL, using Namespaces withCSS | MTO7B: Servelets and JSP | © Connecting to Database with JDBC © Networking Ports, URL, Sockets, Networking classes in JDK © Server side technologies, Servlet structures, APL, Executing servlets (© Working with HTML form, Applet -Servlet communication (© JSP Model, Implementing class and JSP, JSP elements, Implicit Objects MTI9D: Java Seript (© Variables, data typos in JavaScript © Objects, properties, methods, events in JavaScript, Event Handling © Processing, Arrays, Operstors, Control flows MT27B: Cold Fusion © Cold fusion Features & Components, application pages & variables © Publishing dynamic data, database connectivity © Processing forms, Pattern Matching, Filtering Data, Action Pages ‘© Creating Dynamic form controls, default variables, checkiig, parameters, Dynamic SQL Reusing code, Custom Tags, -Nesting, Executing. Installing. .Bte Using Coldfusion with Mail Servers Major Subjects shall have more weightage than Minor subjects in each question paper kK

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