Listening Lesson Plan

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c 15 minutes

: Intermediate


c:Handouts,pictures,some cards on the board

 c Ss know the subject ͚noun clause͛

 Time management could be a problem .The text is a bit long,so it can be listened three

c:By the end of the lesson the students will have improved their listening skills.Ss will see
some structures(e.g put up with him,read a map).They will be also encouraged to speak authentic




To motivate ss to get to the topic and to draw their attention to the topic.


1)The teacher asks some questions :

*What could be the problems between couples ?

*what could a woman complain about?

2)The teacher sticks some pictures on the board.

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 To get the students to understand the text in general and to provide ss to grasp the main idea
of the text.


1)The teacher wants ss to listen to the dialogue.

2)Ss see if their guesses are true about the text.


 To get the students to understand the text in details.

To make ss catch the missing parts

To show ss how some patterns are used


1)The teacher gives handouts to the Ss

2)Ss complete the missing parts according to the dialogue.

3)For the answering section,T sticks some cards on which the answers are written.

4)Ss come to the board and choose the correct answers then stick them on the board.

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To encourage students to use authentic language

To encourage ss to improve writing and speaking skills.


1)Teacher wants students to work with their partner.

2)Teacher wants students to write a dialogue which is between couples.However,at this time a
woman will make her husband go mad.

3)Ss act out the dialogue.

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