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Myko Honczarenko

English 4

Period H


Walter Mitty Paper:

Pinned down and cut off from the rest of the platoon, Myko
Honczarenko bunkers

down in a fox hole with the last surviving members of his squad. They were
attacked by the

Germans while on patrol. Most of the men where dead before anyone could

what was going on. Honczarenko understood that if they just laid there they
would be dead

within the minute. So with a blaze of fury he picks up his rifle he charges the
German troops.

With a blood curling battlecry he draws the attention of the Germans while
his squad

regroups with his platoon. Torn up by German fire, Honczarenko knelt and
looked to see if his

brothers in arms had made it. A faint smile stretched across his face as he
saw his comrades

valiantly charging towards him. With his last breathes he hears the victorous
screams: "Myko!

Myko!..... Myko move your butt of the couch."

"What?" he said, as he stared at his girlfriend glassy eyed. "I said move
your butt off

the couch, I need to vacuum there" said Ann. with a slight grumble and a long
stretch Myko

complies with his girlfriends request. He slowly walks into the kitchen and
makes himself a
bowl of cereal. His girlfriend soon joins him. "When did you start cleaning?"
Myko asks with a

legitimately confused expression. "Almost an hour ago" she says with

concern in her voice,

"where have you been?". Myko, unphased by the words stares into his bowl
of cereal.

"Stardate 12/48/12765, Captain Myko Honczarenko's logg. Today's


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