Health Dept - Endorsement

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Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities

D 'ccmber ~. 20] 1

Dear Oregon Community Foundation:

On behalf of Benton Count) HealUl Department, 1 cnthusiasticall~ support the Full Circle Famil)'
Cburch s Alpine Sharing Garden project applIcation to the Oregon Community Foundation
CommuOIt) grant to c:'(pand food security and healthy nutritjon to OUT communit}.

Benton County Health Department: in collaboratJon with COlvaJlls Parks and RecreatIOn, has
been workmg on a program to improve opportumties for physical activity and access to
affordable healthy foods for children ln rural areas ofBenton County. Benton County's
Crclcjcndo de Salud focuses on children at highest risk of obesity, primaril~ lo\'.;-incomc children
and families: includmg Latinos and children of migrant and seasonal farm workers, living in
South Corvallis and the adjoining communities in South Benton County. The initiative \\iIl \'Iork
to reduce childhood obcslt) through public polIcies that promote acbvc living, healthy eatmg and
access to h lthy foods.

Benton County's bC3lltiful natural setting: and agriculturnl richness presents many opportunities
for gardening and growin health) foods. But despite these community assets, not all families
have the kllO\\ ledge and resources to grow food and \\c sec a lot of hunger even in fannJand.
Rates of childhood pm'en_' va _ tremendously around Oregon, \\ ith students in rural areas by far
rhe most Iikel~ to livc in impoverished houscholds. accoTdmg to new estimates by the U.S.
CensllS Bureau_

111e Alpine Sllaring Gardens has pla_'ed an active rolc in the reachmg low income child and
families and their program has pro\;dcd valuable technical assistance to the Creckndo de Salud
program planning and lmplcm~ntation.

We believe that the pmposcd application "ill address an important unmet need in Benton County
by providing opportunities for residents to learn to gro, ' their O\\n food and share the produce
with other residents in need.. We believe dus project will result in impro cd health outcomes for
Latinos. living in Benton Count) and look fomard to being an active participant in moving lhis
important ncw initiati c forward .


Patricl3. Parsons
Benton County HcaJth D~partmcnt

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