ABCs of Detox Quick Start Guide

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com ABCs of Detox Quick Start

Table of Contents
Section I - Introduction........................................................................ 2
1. What is Detox......................................................................... 2
2. Benefits of Detox .................................................................... 2
3. Detox is GREAT For People ....................................................... 3
4. Detox is NOT For Everyone ....................................................... 3
5. Common Detox Side Effects...................................................... 4
6. Wrap-Up ................................................................................ 5
Section II – Important Facts ................................................................. 6
7. When Your Body Talks: LISTEN ................................................. 6
8. Take a Good Look at Your Poo................................................... 7
9. Seasons Change ..................................................................... 8
10. Wrap-Up .............................................................................. 9
Section III – Types of Detox ............................................................... 10
11. Baby Steps ......................................................................... 10
12. Detoxing “For Real” ............................................................. 11
13. Certified Health Nut ............................................................. 14
14. Wrap-Up ............................................................................ 18
Section IV – The Detox Process........................................................... 19
15. Before The Detox ................................................................ 19
16. During The Detox ................................................................ 20
17. After The Detox................................................................... 22
18. Wrap Up............................................................................. 23
Section V – Next Steps ...................................................................... 24
19. Links/Resources .................................................................. 24
20. Glossary of Helpful Terms ..................................................... 25
21. Wrap Up............................................................................. 27 ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
Hi there,
Welcome to the ABC’s of Detox Starter Kit.
I hate disclaimers and fine print, so let’s get this out of the way
right now.
“Nothing contained in this mini-course should be regarded as medical advice.
None of the statements made herein are to be understood as a
recommendation as to how to treat any particular disease or health related
Any use of the information set forth herein is entirely at the reader's
Of course, if you do discover something useful, I say follow your
gut and see where it leads you. You might just cure that “particular disease or health-
related condition.”
Now, if you’re anything like me, your interest in learning about Detox and cleansing may be
laced with skepticism, doubt or even a touch of fear.
This is normal and, well, frankly expected.
There’s a whole of information swirling around the internet about Detox, Colon Cleansing,
Internal Cleansing and the like. Some of it is relevant and helpful, yet much of it is a thinly
disguised sales pitch.
So it would make sense that some of those feelings of skepticism are being directed at me
(more likely at my photo representation above).
You don’t know me and you really have no reason to believe or care one lick about a word I
have to say.
And that’s cool because this isn’t about me.
It’s about you and that little voice deep down inside telling you it’s time to make positive
changes in your lifestyle. You want to feel better--physically, and possibly emotionally.
It also tells me you’re most likely a motivated self-starter with a desire to ‘find out for
yourself’ instead of blindly trusting in the opinions of others.
That could mean a general sense of ‘unhealthiness’ that finally needs to be addressed. Or a
chronic condition that’s never gone away or has gotten much worse over the years.
Or perhaps you’re as healthy as a race horse and are seeking better ways of maintaining
your good fortune (like how to kick things up a notch higher).
Whatever your reason was, I promise not to waste your time.
My goal is simple: Give you everything I’ve personally learned over the past decade in a
clear and concise way so you can intelligently ‘decide for yourself’ which, if any, of these
detoxification practices are right for you.
Smile, you did a good thing for yourself today. ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
To feeling better right now.
Jaison Greene
P.S. I am a real, live person. If you ever wanna drop me a line, anytime, by all means feel
free: .
* * * ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start

Some back story before we begin:

I was your “typical” American male who ate and drank and smoked whatever I
wanted, whenever I wanted into my early 30s.

As a result, my chronic childhood asthma and seasonal allergies spiraled out of


I couldn’t breathe without taking puff from an inhaler. I found myself very
constipated with a “mad muffin top” overhang of flesh around my midsection.

I summed it up to “getting older” and continued suffer along my merry way.

Crisis struck when I caught pneumonia in early 2002. I was 33. Flat on my
back for two solid weeks, I was forced to take a good, hard look at myself and
the lifestyle choices that led to this point. At a crossroads, but unsure of which
path to follow, I was forced into action less than a year later when both my
mother and sister were diagnosed with breast cancer within 4 months of each

Watching them seek out and find successful alternative health solutions like
acupuncture, Detox and colonics to in addition to conventional chemotherapy,
gave me the courage to research and try my own cleanse.

Exploring the benefits of detox and internal cleansing was my first step in the
journey to better health, the gateway that has completely transformed my entire
life forever.

I now use it once or twice a year and consider it my best weapon in the fight
against the harsh side-effects of the high stress, non-stop pace of life in New
York City.

That’s it for my shpeel. Let’s get started shall we? ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
Section I - Introduction

1. What is Detox?
A “cleanse”, “a Detox”, “detoxification”, “internal cleansing” or ”internal
Detox” are all terms used interchangeably to describe a normal body process of
eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph
glands, and skin.

Your Gastrointestinal Tract (“GI Tract”) is defined as a “tube approximately 15

feet long running through your body from mouth to anus.”

With the exception of oxygen, everything your body needs to survive must pass
through the GI Tract. It is the foundation of your physical health.

Everything you consume must be identified, broken down, utilized and absorbed
or discarded. Combined, these activities form the basis of your the natural
detoxification process.

Day in and day out, morning, noon and night, Detox is happening somewhere in
your body.

As long as these detoxification systems or pathways can successfully manage

this process, you’ll maintain good health and vitality.

When these systems become overloaded, your normal detoxification system

begins to malfunction. The result is some form of “Toxemia” (symptomatic
illness). These symptoms are your body’s way of asking for help.

Your organs of detoxification need their own Detox from the constant, consistent
intake of foods with little nutritional value and/or stressful lifestyle choices.

There’s a popular misconception that a Detox involves starving yourself for a

short period of time.

While Fasting is one type of Detox program that involves a short-term “liquids-
only” diet, the vast majority of detoxification programs recommend eating 3
meals a day.

2. Benefits of Detox...
Using a Detox to clean your insides will result in a noticeable
sense of improvement in the way you look, feel and think
about yourself. ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
*Greater confidence & sex appeal
*Positive outlook on life
*Improved Digestion
*Increased Energy and Vitality
*Relief from Gas & Bloating
*Beautiful Skin& Hair
*Aches & Pains Disappear
*Less frequent colds and flu
*Weight Loss
*Healthier teeth & gums
*Fresher Breath
*Clearer eyes

In short - Your life looks and feels a whole lot better. Aiding in your body’s
detoxification process will effectively “turn back the hands of time” in your

Your vital statistics return to healthy levels for your age, gender and weight.
Healthy cholesterol balance, stabilized blood sugar levels and proper
acid/alkaline blood pH are among the many benefits of doing a short-term,
Maintenance Detox program, just once.

3. Detox is GREAT For People...

Who feel kinda “blah” most of the time, but aren’t “seriously” ill.

Have chronic digestion issues, like:

*Halitosis (Bad Breath)
*GERD (Acid Reflux)
*Bloating &Gas

Want to improve their diets and make lifestyle more healthy,

but lack the will power to take that first step.

If any of the above describes your current situation, your timing

couldn’t be any better.

4. Detox is NOT For Everyone

Detox is a powerful process and not everyone can benefit from its effects. If ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
you’re currently:

*under the age of 18;

*over the age of 69;
*sick (cold, flu etc.); or
*recovering from an acute illness.

NONE of the detoxification practices outlined in this course are recommended

for you.

5. Common Detox Side Effects

The first experience with Detox will probably be an “eye-opening” experience.
Your body will do things and react in ways that may surprise you.

Some people experience what is called a mild “healing crisis”.

This happens when your body dumps stored toxins into your bloodstream,
temporarily overloading your system.

A healing crisis is akin to the old Buddhist proverb:

“it’s always darkest before the dawn”.

In other words, things sometimes need to get a little worse before they can get
much better.

Many symptoms of a healing crisis are very similar to catching a cold or flu, but

They can include:

*Runny nose
*Slight Headaches
*Excessive gas & bloating
*Ache & pains
*Mild fever

The intensity of a healing crisis varies by individual. ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
Most importantly, a healing crisis is a good thing. It means the Detox program
is working and your body is destroying toxins to get healthier.

Thankfully, a Detox induced healing crisis is short-lived. Once it passes, it’s

smooth sailing ahead.

It’s also important to note that some people will never experience a healing
crisis and still receive all the same benefits from an internal cleanse.

6. Wrap-Up
When done properly, Maintenance detoxification, internal cleansing, colon
cleansing or simply Detox, will change your life for the

A Detox for your body is like a tune-up for an expensive,

high performance vehicle.

Treat it right - rotate the tires, change the oil and air-
filters every 2500 miles, let the engine warm up on cold
days, etc. and your vehicle will perform beautifully while saving you money well
into it’s golden years...

Cut corners - neglect it and ignore the warning signs(knocks and pings, poor
acceleration and smoky exhaust) and it will eventually brake down on you.

Unlike a car, replacing a diseased body part is a lot more DANGEROUS (not to
mention EXPENSIVE) than replacing car parts.

Plus, you can trade-in a “lemon” for another model whereas you’re pretty much
stuck with the body you have for life.

Once you see how easy it truly is to reclaim a solid foundation of good health
and allow your body to maintain that good health on its own, doing a
Maintenance Detox program will feel like a natural choice. ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start

Section II – Important Facts

This is where we’ll get into some of the common side effects of Detox, How
to spot certain warning signals and help you decide the best time of year to

7. When You’re Body Talks: LISTEN

If you’ve noticed your health’s been going steadily downhill (ex. chronic fatigue,
indigestion, creaky joints, and funky breath that’s immune to a tic-tac), it’s very
likely that your body is currently battling some form of toxic overload.

You’re not alone. According to the World Health Organization, close to

75% of citizens in industrialized nations suffer from a form of Toxemia or
symptomatic illness.

Toxemia is a broad term for a physical imbalance that occurs when the
accumulation of undigested food, alcohol, cigarette smoke overloads the natural
Detoxification organs.

A Liver Distressed

Your liver searches for hiding places in your body (joints, love handles) to store
what it cannot use or properly sweat, pee or poop out. Toxemia can take many
forms ranging from mild to acute.

Here are a few examples:

*Allergies (food, sinus, seasonal)
*Certain cancers
*Chronic Constipation/Diarrhea
*Dry mouth
*GERD (acid reflux)
*Midday brain fog ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
*Puffy eyes/Dark circles
*Type II Diabetes

You may have noticed the similarities between symptoms of Toxemia and a
“healing crisis” from Lesson 1.

While it’s true the two are often indistinguishable from the standpoint of how
your body feels - crappy - they differ greatly when it comes to the underlying
causes of each condition.

A Healing Crisis is the direct result of beginning an Internal Detoxification

program such as a 7, 14 or 28 day internal cleansing kit or even a short 3-day

It’s the indication that the action you’ve taken (starting a Detox program) is
working and your body is ridding itself of years, even decades of toxic waste.

While Toxemia, on the other hand, is the manifestation your body’s current
toxic overload prior to taking corrective action.

Things will usually not get better on their own. Toxemia is your body’s way of
saying “pay attention to me now before things get worse” and potentially

Toxemia is the warning signal. A healing crisis is the sign that things are getting

8. Take a Good Look at Your Poo

That’s right -- stand up, turn around and take a good look!

Examining the contents of the toilet bowl after a bowel movement speaks
volumes about your current level of health.

Below are some common sights. If this is what you’re seeing more often then
not, you may be in need of some form of Detoxification program:

Hard, dry pebble like poo - straining to produce this paltry offering indicates a
lack of fiber and/or water in your diet. ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start

Loose Poo - short term diarrhea is no cause for alarm. Long term or chronic
diarrhea indicates eating/lifestyle habits that need further examination.

Intolerance to diary products (lactose intolerance) or wheat products (celiac

disease) could be the culprit.

Multi-colored poo - Normal poo comes in various shades of brown due to

the presence of bile in the digestion process.

Daily variations in the color in color are due to your intake of various foods and

Changes in the color of your poo that persist for longer periods of time (10 days
or more) can also be a sign of underlying Toxemia.

Examples of this are:

Black - High presence of iron (from foods or iron pills), consistent intake of anti-
acids (like Imodium or Pepto-Bismol) or blood (from higher up in the digestive

Red - Could include consumption of red foods, like beets, or it may indicate
blood (from lower down in the digestive tract);

White/Gray - Lack of bile (from liver or gall bladder disorders);

Green - A gastrointestinal infection or lots of veggies like spinach; or

Yellow - High presence of fat in stool (could indicate pancreatic or liver


Examining your poo for a week or so will definitely give you clues as to the state
of your digestive health, which is an indicator of the state of your overall health.

9. Seasons Change
You eat and behave differently during the summer than
you do in winter.

Your body also undergoes subtle physical transitions

between the seasons.

One or more of the following changes are commonplace:

*Increased/decrease in appetite ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
*Skin rashes/acne
*Depression/S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
*Increase/decrease in libido

Cleansing just before a change of season makes a lot of sense.

Between fall and winter and then again between winter to spring -- times of
dramatic environmental shifts -- will enable you to make that seasonal transition
easily and with less side effects like depression, increased anxiety and skin

However, if you live in a more temperate zone (alternative rainy/dry seasons),

choosing a time when your schedule is less hectic than usual makes the most

10. Wrap-Up
We covered the factors that indicate when you might be in need of a Detox,
what Toxemia is and the similarities between it and a Healing Crisis.

We also described some basic indicators of your current level of health by

looking at your own poo.

Finally, you learned how the time of year can have a direct impact on your
physical and emotional health. A change of season can be best time of year for
you to begin your very first Detox or perform a regularly scheduled Maintenance
Detox.. ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start

Section III – Types of Detox

There are Seven Popular Types of Detoxification Practices.

This section is split into three levels: Baby Steps, Detoxing For Real and Certified
Health Nut.

Which level would you be most comfortable trying?

11. Baby Steps

A Detox can be as simple as adding a few of the foods from the list below to your
regular diet.

They should eaten raw or lightly steamed.

A. Detox “Super” Food Diet

If you already try something on this list, consider
expanding your repertoire:

Green Tea (great coffee substitute)

Artichokes (protects the liver and acts
as a diuretic on the kidneys)
Chard (Swiss, Rainbow)
Garlic (raw or cooked in food)
Grapes (Red, Green)
Fresh Cilantro (Coriander)
Filtered Water (up to ½ your body weight, in ounces, daily)
Lemons (in hot water)
Cold pressed, Extra Virgin Olive Oil (room temperature)
Mushrooms (Shitake, Reishi, Maitake)
Nutritional Yeast
Parsley ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
Quinoa (“keen-wah”) (no gluten, high in protein, cooks just like rice)
Salad Greens
Sea Vegetables (Wakame, Dulse)
Seeds - All seeds are excellent sources
of vegetable protein and dietary fiber:

Lower Grocery Bill$
More Fiber
Better Nutrition
Less Fat
Less Indigestion
Regular Bowel Movements
Fresher Breath

Potential Downside:
Brief “adjustment” period from increased fiber = more gas/bloating.

12. Detoxing “For Real”

B. Over-the-counter Herbal Cleanse Kits
The ancient Romans and Greeks regularly used herbs for
several medicinal purposes. Intestinal cleansing was one of

They learned that gentle, all-natural herbs like peppermint,

barberry and burdock aid in digestion and elimination.
These herbs, taken with fiber, eliminate years of caked up,
undigested refined foods like sugar, processed meat and
white flour products from the colon.

These herbs and many more have been formulated in to excellent, cost effective,
short-term internal cleanse kits currently available at your local health food store.

Herbal Cleanse Kits (often called “Detox-in-a-box” kits) are gaining in popularity
because of their low cost and ease of use.

Ranging from 7 up to 90 days in duration, these kits take all the guesswork out of
which herbs to use, how often to take them, what to eat and drink and what to ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start

They are hands down the best to way introduce Maintenance Detoxification into
your busy lifestyle.

Herbal cleanse kits do much more than cleanse your colon. Advanced kits address
all six major organs of Detoxification including your liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph
skin and blood.

Fast results (Little as 7 days)
Whole body Detox (colon, liver, lungs, kidneys, skin and lymph)
Easy fit into busy lifestyle
You get to eat food
You get to eat 3 meals a day
You get to eat chicken, fish & tofu
You can eat food
Dosage is pre-measured for your convenience
Choose duration (7, 14, 30 or 90 day kits)
Choose intake method (Drops, powder, pills or capsules)

Potential Downside:
Allergic reaction to certain herbs (see below).

Both CASGARA SAGRADA and SENNA should NOT be used for longer than 7
days in a row. Using them for longer may cause strong cramping and griping in the

They should also not be used if you have diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's
disease, severe hemorrhoids, blood vessel disease, congestive heart failure, heart
disease, severe anemia, abdominal hernia, gastrointestinal cancer, recent
colon surgery, or liver and kidney disease.

Herbs, roots, leaves, flower tops and bark are powerful substances and must be
treated as such. Most, if not all of the most popular over-the-counter detox
products and programs contain a proprietary blend of these herbs often in unknown

If you any concerns about the effects of certain herbs and their how they might
interact with your particular condition, I’ve compiled a listing of over 220 herbs,
roots, leaves, flower tops and barks used in popular over-the-counter Detoxification
products/programs. ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
C. Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture has been regularly practiced in China for over 2000 years. Its effect
on internal cleansing and Detoxification has been noted over the centuries.

Acupuncture works with the body's fundamental energies known as “QI” (“chee”).
Toxic buildup in digestive and elimination systems impact the smooth flow of Qi,
creating imbalance and ultimately manifesting as physical signs and symptoms
such as headache, fatigue, bloating, constipation and gas.

relaxing stress reliever
muscle relaxation
good for breaking addictions (i.e., smoking)
promotes fertility
no medication or herbs to take
improves body, mind and spirit
most flexible spending accounts reimburse

Potential Downside:
Finding qualified practitioners
most practitioners don't accept medical insurance
having an aversion to needles

D. Enemas
Enemas have been used to alleviate constipation and bowel
irregularities for centuries.

When used properly, enemas safely accelerate the

Detoxification process as well as minimize discomfort from a
healing crisis.

Enemas are usually self-administered lying down in the tub

or on towels on the floor. Laying flat on your back or on
your right side with both knees drawn up, the sterilized,
lubricated (water-based) nozzle of a hot water bottle or rectal bulb syringe is
inserted into your anus.

The enema bottle should only contain a maximum 2 cups of liquid at room
temperature and be held for 15 minutes at the most.

Enemas target the very last part of the colon commonly referred to as the sigmoid
colon. ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
By the time stool gets to this “S” shaped, “holding area” of the colon, most
nutrients have been absorbed back into the bloodstream.

Because your poop contains toxic waste at this point, a special circulatory system
between the sigmoid colon and the liver exists.

That sick feeling you get just before you have to poop indicates your liver is
processing toxins sitting in your sigmoid colon.

When you add small amounts of coffee to an enema, the caffeine stimulates the
release of stored toxins from your liver which enters the small intestine moving
through the large intestine, sigmoid colon and out of your body.

Enemas are an effective, inexpensive way to safely detoxify your body.

Enemas should NOT BE abused through overuse.

If you've never given yourself an enema it's very important to follow instructions to
the letter.

Short term relief for:
poor circulation
non-habit forming

Potential Downside:
potentially messy

13. Certified Health Nut

E. Colonics
Often referred to as Colon Hydrotherapy, Colonic Irrigation, or High Colonic, ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
colonics should only be administered by a licensed, board certified Colon

Colonics involves the safe, gentle infusion of pure

(chemical, drug-free) water into the colon via the rectum.

Clients lie on treatment table in complete comfort.

A small disposable speculum is gently inserted into the
rectum through which the water passes into the entire
colon, from anus to the Cecum (the area connecting your
small intestine to large).

The equipment uses multistage water purification systems which eliminate possible
contamination from a previous treatment.

Waste is discretely transported into the drain line without offensive odors or

During a typical colon hydrotherapy session, about 25 to 35 gallons of water flow

into and out of the colon.

Using a combination of abdominal massage (if consented), reflexology, breathing

instruction and relaxation techniques; the colon therapist promotes elimination of
high volumes of toxic waste, which are much greater than those achieved from a
self-administered enema.

Many people report a feeling of heightened energy, an increased sense of well-

being and renewed vitality after just one session.

Your colon will certainly be cleaner, you may also experience easier eliminations
and your overall health status should be improved.

Properly administered colonics are non-addictive. They encourage the restoration

of the colon's natural function by strengthening peristalsis (muscular contraction)
in the colon.

Each colon hydrotherapy session lasts approximately 45 minutes and one should
allow at least one hour per office visit.

Additional colonics may be recommended to achieve the maximum cleansing

benefit. This helps to eliminate fecal matter which may have been lodged in the
colon for weeks, months, or even years, and to keep the client properly hydrated.

lowers blood pressure ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
relives menstrual problems
shrinks protruding abdomen
eliminates gas & bloating
improves appetite
improves memory & concentration
soothes indigestion
cures colds
improves sagging posture
heals hemorrhoids
professionally administered

Potential Downside:
Very Involved Process
Uncomfortable (gas pockets)

F. Fasting
There are many types of fasts. Some are relaxed allowing for fruits, fruit juice and
vegetable broths. Others are more restrictive allowing only water intake over a 3-
7 day period.

Water-only fasts are NOT recommended. Your body receives zero nutritional
intake, while newly released toxins are flooding into your system at the same time.

This combination can be overwhelming, causing more harm than good to even the
most tolerant person.

There are safer, more effective fasts. The Master Cleanse (also known as the
Lemonade Diet) was created by Stanley Burroughs in 1941. The Master Cleanse
uses lemon juice, grade B maple syrup, and cayenne pepper in a mixture
anywhere from 10-40 days.

Burroughs claims the Master Cleanse eliminates toxins in your body, increases
energy and can combat chronic conditions like high blood pressure, and other life
threatening diseases.

While on the cleanse, you drink the lemonade, peppermint tea, salt water flush
and/or laxative tea.

The idea behind the Master Cleanse is to give our digestive organs a break from
solid foods and restore them to their original balance.

Although, it's been popularized by certain celebrities as a weight loss miracle (you ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
will lose some weight), the Master Cleanse is not a recommended weight loss

Burns excess body fat
Detoxifies organs
Destroys abnormal body growths and tumors
Increased sense of well-being
Releases toxins from cells
Promotes healthy cell growth and metabolism
Gives your digestive system a break
Adds years to your life

Potential Downside:
Adjustment period (hunger pangs, lightheadedness, irritability)
Socially isolating (not eating food)

G. Liver/Gall Bladder Flushing

Your liver is your largest internal organ.

It performs over 500 plus functions which are focused on collecting, breaking
down then preparing every toxin that enters the body for elimination.

Liver flushing is a short-term commitment. It involves special equipment, drinking

5 quarts of apple juice over 5 days, Epsom salts and an early Saturday night

Liver flushing is often used by naturopaths and alternative health practitioners to

treat with certain forms of cancer, HIV and other major illnesses.

Liver flushing can be used by relatively healthy people too, particularly people with
chronic conditions like Candida Albicans, seasonal allergies, asthma, gall bladder
disease and others.

*Drastically reduces seasonal allergies & asthma
Eliminates joint pain & joint inflammation
Replaces damaged liver cells with healthy ones
Complete Detox for entire liver & gallbladder
Eliminates thousands of toxins & pollutants
Reverses drug and alcohol damage to liver
Flushes out unhealthy cholesterol deposits
Boosts overall immune system
Allows liver & gallbladder to regenerate and heal ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start

Potential Downside:
Time consuming (6-day, multi-step process)

14. Wrap-Up
There are many available options when it comes helping your body say goodbye to
the built up layers of residue left behind by the crap you've eaten, drank and
smoked however-so-many-years ago.

Ask yourself which feels like the most effective option for you to try at the time.

Pay attention. Listen and wait for an honest answer, that way your experience is
more likely to be successful. ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start

Section IV – The Detox Process

Now that you know what some of your Detox options are, I’m gonna to lay down
a basic framework for what happens Before, During and After your Detox.

15. Before The Detox

Wean yourself off of your favorite foods and behaviors
before starting a Detoxification program is hands
down the biggest challenge of detoxing.

Doing so also has two immediate benefits:

- You’ll lower your chances of experiencing a Healing

Crisis (from Section I).

- You’ll notice a higher number of positive health benefits immediately after the

Keep a Food Diary

Get clear. Set a goal for what you want to accomplish with the Detox.

Is it to sleep better?

Lose a few pounds?

End constipation?

If you can, write down everything that you put into your mouth a week before
the Detox. Getting control of your diet is the first step toward making any
desired change a reality.

Reduce Alcohol Intake

Alcohol damages the liver, muscles and brain, and depletes your body of
essential vitamins and minerals.

Try to gradually reduce your alcohol intake at least 7-10 days prior so that it’s
down to little or none just before starting a cleanse.

Kill the Caffeine

Tea, coffee, chocolate, soda and other caffeinated energy drinks.
Caffeine is a diuretic and leads to dehydration. It also prevents your body from
absorbing vitamins and minerals.

IF YOU MUST have a “Daily Caffeine Fix” to function, Green tea is an excellent, ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
naturally caffeinated coffee substitute that will actually
benefit you during a cleanse.

Start Exercising
If you already have a regular gym routine, cut it in half
prior and to the star of the Detox. Your body will be
working harder than normal and you don’t want to
overburden it with muscle building during this time.

If you don’t work out or have a regular exercise regimen, try walking for ten to
fifteen minutes a day. Gradually increase the distance and speed. Light yoga
increases your circulation and metabolism, which in turn accelerates the rate of

Detox Your Kitchen

Set aside a day to go through your cupboards and refrigerator to get rid of all
your favorite chips, dips, cupcakes, cheeses, jell-o, cream sauces, pre-
sweetened cereal boxes, burgers, dogs, ham, mayonnaise, all bread
and buttered popcorn so that you will have no temptation to fall back on in
moments of weakness.

16. During The Detox

What To Eat
Not as hard as you might think. Nearly all of the 7, 14, and 28 day herbal Detox
kits provide specific food suggestions, menus and shopping lists to guide you
toward foods with a higher nutritional value.
*Although it’s recommended, everything you eat and drink on a Detox does not
have to be organic.

Here are some basics food options:

WATER - should be filtered (use store bought bottled as a last resort).

DAIRY - Soy milk, soy cheese, Nut/Grain milks (Almond, Oat, Rice, Hazelnut).

FRUITS/VEGGIES - can be conventional. Just be sure to rinse thoroughly to

remove wax and any pesticide residue.

GRAINS - Oats, quinoa (“keen-wah”), short grain brown rice, brown rice, pasta,
red or sweet potatoes.

POULTRY - Free range is recommended.

FISH - Wild caught is preferred over organic, farmed. ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
SNACKS - Rice crackers and hummus, seeds, nuts and/or fresh fruit.

Kitchen Checklist
Airtight storage containers and zip lock baggies;

Food processor - to cut down on chopping veggies;

Salad Spinner - removes excess water from leafy greens;

Juicer - high upfront cost, but an extremely convenient way to make fresh fruit
and vegetable juice anytime you want.

You’ll end up saving in the long run, since most health food stores charge a
premium for fresh vegetable juice.

Bathroom Checklist
Since you’ll be spending a lot more time in here, the goal is be comfortable and
relaxed while also maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of your cleanse.

Bathroom brush - long handle, natural bristle, gently use directly on skin daily
to remove dead cells and stimulate circulation.

Good novel or audio book - something soothing, relaxing or funny over, say,
politics or economics. Stress and worry are the last two things you want to
introduce while your clearing out of built-up toxic waste.

Aromatherapy - Candles, incense. Things will come out of you that are about
the same age as you. The smell, however, is another story altogether.

Squatting Materials - Using today’s modern toilet positions our knees much
lower leaving two major areas on the right and left sides of our large intestine
unsupported when we bear down to poop.

The majority of undigested food in our bodies ends up in these two areas. The
longer that waste matter stagnates, the greater risk there is for all kinds of
disease and illness to grow and propagate.

Squatting (with the top of your knees raised to the height of your nipples) is
actually the proper, natural way for humans to move their bowels.

Proper squatting position can be easily achieved without by placing 2-3 of those
thick yellow pages directly under our feet when sitting on the toilet to poop.
The elevation is enough to achieve a proper squat.

If you’ve done away with the yellow pages for ever like I have, you can invest in ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
the modern equivalent, the Welles Step.

The Welles Step is basically two foot platforms fastened to

a steel frame which straddles either side of the toilet
basin perfectly when you’re finished.

Invented by an alternative health practitioner

(Chiropractor, Nutritionist and Kinesiologist) from
California, Dr. William Welles.

*Compact design - slides right under your toilet seat.

*Adjustable - Wood adapter can be widened or shortened to fit base of any toilet
*Durable - Steel frame supports two white platforms for your feet.
*Easy-To-Use - regardless of height or weight.
*Cost Effective - Pay once for a lifetime of health benefits.

17. After The Detox

You’ve “survived” the Detox and now you’re bouncing off the walls
with incredible energy.

You feel better, look better and smell better. And it shows! The world around
make a point to stop and tell you so.

Now What?

In order to maximize the benefits of this new foundation of good health, there
are three very easy things you can do that will replenish vital nutrients and
enhances the benefits gained from the Detox.

Take Supplements
Probiotics - Internal cleansing depletes both good and bad bacteria in your
digestive tract. Good bacteria or flora is essential for proper assimilation of
vitamins and nutrients from the food you eat.

Not everyone wants to eat yogurt everyday so an alternative probiotic source

are enteric coated capsules that can be taken with water or juice daily.

Enteric coated simply means the capsules are able to survive the natural acid
environment of your stomach reaching your small intestine intact where they
can deliver the most benefit.

EFA’s - Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids affect growth, vitality and mental state.
They help convert food into usable energy and then transport that energy
throughout the cell in our bodies. Omega 9 fatty acid, or Oleic acid, it is ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
produced by your body in limited quantities.

Fiber - Adults need an average of 20-25 grams of fiber daily. Fiber is essential
for normal bowel movements and digestive health. Daily Fiber helps by
supporting friendly bacteria and by adding bulk to digestive waste thereby
increasing the transit time of waste through the colon.

Fiber can be easily taken in capsules containing one or more of the following:
Oat bran
Psyllium husks
Apple pectin

18. Wrap Up
Preparation is key for a successful Detox. Knowing what to do before and after
a cleanse gives you power over how great you feel and how long you continue to
feel great.

I personally was able to give drinking milk and using it on my cereal (I made the
switch to Rice and Almond milk) after my very first Detox in 2002.

Many people are able to maintain a healthier lifestyle after completing their first

They have a much easier time giving up cigarettes or fatty foods and getting
these new lifestyle changes to stick.

No matter what you’re dietary/lifestyle goals are, they’re achievable thru

cleansing and Detox. ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start

Section V – Next Steps

In this final section are some great resources to continue gaining more insight
about the numerous alternative health options available right now as well as
communities to share and learn from the experience of others.

I’ve also created a short glossary of important terminology that would/should

give you an even greater understanding of the world of health food, alternative
medicine and Detox.

19. Links/Resources
Products and Information

Ultimate Detox: A Personal Reference Guide

Nothing takes the place of first hand experience. I did
my first Detox in the spring of 2002 and have been
doing them bi-annually since then.

I’ve gone from seeing my doctor four times a year for

asthma-related check ups to once a year to check my
vital stats.

I decided to turn my internal cleansing and Detox

experiences into a handy reference guide for people seeking safe, affordable
answers to their personal health concerns.

Ultimate Detox is 20% for a limited time only:

Ultimate Detox: A Personal Reference Guide

My Master Cleanse
Humor filled, eye-opening vlog (video blog) of my second master cleanse in
the winter of 2009. Witness the frustrations, joys and temptations recorded
over 10 of the most challenging days of my life. There were things coming out
of me that could’ve easily starred in a sci-fi horror flick.

Liver/Gall Bladder Flush

Andreas Moritz is one of the world’s leading experts on Integrative Medicine. His
book the Amazing Liver and Gall Bladder Flush literally transformed my life from
an asthmatic, severe allergy sufferer to “sneeze-free” living with a cat that
sheds...a lot.

Parasites - Fact: The Center’s for Disease Control (CDC) reports that over 80%
of the world’s population is infested with one or more common parasites... ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst, a self-professed former “fatty”
who lived on processed carbs and sugary confections was
content to go on living thay way until she was diagnosed
with a severe case of parasites by fellow colleague.
Frightened for her health, she searched for a cure and
discovered an instant and natural remedy that flushes
out these plaques and parasites for good.

If you’re at all concerned that you or someone you know might have parasites,
and are searching for a proven solution, this might be worth checking out. For
more info, go here: Parasites.

RESOURCES is dedicated to educating and entertaining
alternative health seekers on all things concerning
internal cleansing and Detoxification, the blog features
the latest news and products, contests & free giveaways,
podcasts, video interviews with holistic and alternative
health practitioners.

20. Glossary of Helpful Terms

Alternative Medicine - encompasses any healing practice “that does not fall
under the umbrella of conventional western medicine.

Naturopathy, Chiropractic, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, meditation,

yoga, hypnosis, homeopathy, acupuncture, and diet-based therapies and a
range of other practices are considered Alternative medicine.

Frequently linked with complementary medicine, which combines the same

practices with mainstream conventional western techniques.

Colon Cleansing - Any Detoxification that is targeted specifically for the digestive
tract including your esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine

Complementary Medicine - Complementary medicine refers to a group of

therapeutic and diagnostic disciplines that exist largely outside the institutions
where conventional western medical health care is taught and provided.

In the 1970s and 1980s these disciplines were seen as an alternative to

conventional western medicine and hence became known collectively as
“alternative medicine.” ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
Over time, “complementary” has evolved from being a description of the relation
between alternative medicine and conventional western medicine into becoming
a separate discipline/thing unto itself.

Detox - Internal Cleansing, cleansing, Internal Detoxification, process or

processes by which you rid your body of toxic waste build up via the body’s six
main organs for Detoxification.

Eco-Farming - “Sustainable agriculture” generally refers to types of farming

that are environmentally sound, do not damage the soil’s fertility nor pollute the
water system, and which promote rather than destroy the diversity of crop

Free Range* - is a method of raising animals where the animals are allowed to
roam freely instead of being contained in any manner. Free range apples to
meat, eggs or dairy farming. There are few regulations imposed on what can be
called “free range,” and some farmers use the term to mislead and imply that
the animal product has been produced more humanely than it actually has been.

*Free range does not necessarily mean organic.

GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) - Introduced to the marketplace in

the 1990s. GMOs are edible foods that have had their DNA changed through
genetic engineering. The most common modified foods are derived from plants:
tomatoes, potatoes, soybeans, corn and rapeseed (canola oil plant).

Holistic Medicine- Holistic medicine is a concept, a way of treating the patient

as a whole person instead of treating an illness, as in conventional western
medicine. Holistic medicine is concerned with an individual’s over-all physical,
mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being.

Holistic practitioners treat symptoms of illness as well as looking for the

underlying cause of the illness. Holistic medicine also attempts to prevent
illness by placing a greater emphasis on optimizing health.

Mucoid Plaque - Is a non-medical term coined by Richard Anderson, a

practicing naturopath, that describe a “gel-like”, viscous and slimy mucus that
forms as a layer or layers covering the organs of the digestive tract.

The claim is that mucoid plaque is created when the body produces excess
mucus to protect itself from by products of a poor diet, stress, smoking and
habitual alcohol intake.

Although the body produces mucoid plaque to protect itself, the plaque
eventually threatens the body’s health by reducing the absorption of nutrients,
impairing digestion, causing sugar intolerance, providing a haven for parasites, ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
promoting the development of cancer, causing skin conditions and allergies, and
alternating constipation/diarrhea.

Conventional western physicians and researchers do not believe mucoid plaque

exists. They see it as a complete fabrication without any scientific basis.

Organic - Foods that are grown without the use of conventional pesticides,
artificial fertilizers, human waste, or sewage sludge, and are processed without
radiation or food additives.

Organic fish, chicken and livestock are reared without the routine use of
antibiotics and growth hormones.

More importantly, a study in 2007 concluded that organic fruit and vegetables
contain up to 40% more antioxidants than conventional equivalents, and that
the figure was about 60% for organic milk.

Toxin - Toxins are poisons that are inhaled, eaten (solid and liquid) that could
do damage the human body. Toxins can also be a poisonous substance
produced by living cells or organisms.

Toxins are controversial because many conventional western MD’s do not believe
in the existence of toxins in the body. Since they don’t exist, these MD’s believe
there’s no need to remove them from the body in order to improve a person’s

I beg to differ...

21. Wrap Up
Alternative and holistic healing techniques are here to stay. Yoga, massage,
nutritional supplements, chiropractic, naturopaths, colonics, etc. are fast
becoming part of the fabric of Western, particularly American, culture.

I believe it’s a direct result of our collective frustration with the level of care and
attention we’re getting from conventional western doctors for certain health

If you’re not feeling -so-great most of the time, but aren’t exactly sick.

If you have no health insurance and you need to stay healthy.

If you have chronic digestion issues that need addressing: or you want to make
changes in you diet and lifestyle but lack the willpower to take that first step
then a perhaps a Detox is just what you need to address your problems and
create a solid foundation of health. ABCs of Detox Quick Start

ABCs of Detox Quick Start
Hopefully, this starter kit has been able to simplify what Detox is all about, why
it might be the answer you’ve been looking for, or maybe its even given you the
courage, confidence and conviction to decide whether it’s something you want to
pursue…or leave alone.

I wish you a happier, healthier life right now.

Jaison Greene
Websites: Detox Authority & Tips For Healing ABCs of Detox Quick Start


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