Adidas Marketing Mix

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Marketing Strategy

Submitted to:
Deepti Srivastava

Submitted By:
Vijayta Yadav
Satyendra Yadav
Tinku Yadav
Himanshu Kanaujia

Adidas was created by Adolf Dassler who took his nickname, Adi, and combined it with
the first syllable of his last name to create the Adidas brand. Adidas first started using
athletes to promote their line of products. In the 1936 Olympic Games, Jessie Owens
sponsored Adidas by wearing Adidas shoes for his races. A lot of star athletes were
sponsored and today star soccer players such as Kaka, Zinedine Zidane, David Beckham
are sponsored by Adidas.

At the end of the 1970s Adidas dominated the world market in sportswear. But in 1978,
a small Oregon company named Nike founded in 1972 offered more distinctive colors
and styles while also patenting the technical innovations underneath and inside them.
As a result Adidas was overtaken by Nike in the 1980s, with large financial misfortunes.
They were able to come back in the market by creating the credo that “Teens will
usually shun whatever their parents wear” and their parents wore Nike. In 1997 Adidas
sales had climbed over 50% from the previous year, jumping back as the driving force in
the sportswear market.

 1989 - entered India, license agreement with Bata

 1996 - joint venture with Magnum International Trading Co. Ltd.

 1998 - Sachin Tendulkar is Brand Ambassador for India

 1999 - introduced the cheapest range of shoes they had ever sold

 2001 - first televised advertisement for India: Paes & Sachin

 2004 - Advantage adidas campaign kicks in. 30% growth milestone

 2005 - Andreas Gellner is new MD, India

We have conducted the survey of adidas customers to analyze the willingness of the
customers in India. So according to our survey we have drafted a graph.

 There are various prices on the x-axis and on y-axis we have the
percentage population.

 Percentage of customer who are willing to pay the prices according to

their affordability.

 As it is clear from the graph when we asked to customer if we are

providing you the pair of adidas shoes at just ` 1000-1499 price. We have
only 7% people who are ready to buy the shoes at these prices. Most of
them are putting question on the quality of the product so inspite of
buying adidas at this price they are ready to pay these to some cheaper
product of matching quality. Hence we have the less percentage.

 Then we increased our price to `1500-1999, and then we have 25% of the
population. Most of them are ready to buy at these prices just coz they
believe that adidas may not compromise with the quality. And these
prices they can afford.

 After increasing the amount to` 2000-2499 the percentage of population

who are willing to pay the price are maximum ie, 31%. They are willing to
pay for that and compromise with the prices factor.

 Increasing price more to `2500-2999 some of them choose for different

brand of some high quality, as if they can pay `2999 so they also go for
other options.

 Increasing more to `3000-3499 the percentage again decreasing i.e., 8%.

the interest of percentage decreasing as for most of them it is not an
affordable prices.

 Now as we asked at `4000+ the percentage of population increases these

population basically high class customers. Most of them are willingly to
pay prices with durability and comfort.



Took advantage of the trend in mobile media advertising early, before many
The Respect M.E. ad campaign reached out to America's youth.
Ahead of the curve on innovative advertising, due to limited budget.
Partnership with MTV further enhanced its image of cool.
Attained consumer confidence and comfortability with the adidas logo on their
cell phones.
The adidas arcade-style soccer game applet creates a complete brand
experience for users.
Breaking into the large, urban basketball market (U.S.)


Consumers on average receive no more than 8 minutes of adidas advertising

per year through all forms of broadcast media.
Many of its ad campaigns in Europe focused on older consumers, and not the
key 12-24 demographic.
Rigid pricing structure.
Many adidas shoes are low quality and over-priced.
Limited product line.
A line of shoes targeted towards athletes (many adidas are) should not be so

Video games can provide a brand experience specifically aimed at the 12-24
year old demographic.
Digital media offers richer, more personal, transactional experiences than
television or print.
Advertising through mobile media can be delivered directly to a targeted
While having the portability of print, mobile media devices are more time-
sensitive, providing continuous on-time delivery content.
3G-equipped cell phones allow users to browse the web, watch movie clips and
sporting events, download music and play games; this opens new doors for adidas.

Lag in technology adoption in the U.S. cell phone market enables adidas to test
new products in Europe before launching them in the U.S..
Target the achievers psychographic.
Trends in North America tend to have enormous impact on consumer
preferences around the world

Consumers may be annoyed by advertisements intruding into their personal
lives (mobile media).
Pop-up blockers and digital video recorders provide customers with ways to
avoid unwarranted messages.
Scarcity of time available to directly address consumers.
The dot-com-induced stock market decline of 2000 lost the confidence of many
would-be advocates of digital media.
Hard to measure the effectiveness of mobile marketing in a rapidly changing
technological environment.
Advertising must be tailored to regional tastes in different countries.
Out of adidas, Reebok, and Nike, adidas is the least preferred brand among
Failure to expand in North America could hamper adidas prospects in Asia and
threaten its leadership in Europe, where Nike is growing.
Marketers use the tools to meet the needs of the target customers these tools are
called marketing mix.

These are 4p’s of marketing: product, price, place and promotion. Collectively they are
called marketing mix. In the context of 4p’s product is to meet the needs of consumers
in terms of services and goods.

Place, promotion, accessibility are the other factors which gives importance there
should be a good place for stocks which will be easier to the consumer to get through it.

Promotion of product also plays and important role in the marketing. Promotion of the
product increases the interest of customer and also creates a value and trust towards it.
It also gives the importance and relevance of the products. Promotion can also be
through the communication.

Price also matters it should be in accordance with your target customers. Also in such a
manner that it will give more revenues in short run.

Each mix has its own importance, remember if your marketing mix doesn’t meet the
needs of the customers then you will never meet your objectives. For example if you
have improve your product, then the cost in the production must increases as a result it
increases the cost of the product. There must be a good communication to tell the
customers that you have improved the quality for them to make more desirable and
stable thus increases the price.

The product is the Pricing decisions Promotion decisions Place (or placement)
physical product or should take into are those related to decisions are those
service offered to account profit communicating and associated with
the consumer. In the margins and the selling to potential channels of
case of physical probable pricing consumers. Since distribution that
products, it also response of these costs can be serve as the means
refers to any Competitors. Pricing large in proportion for getting the
services or includes not only to the product price, product to the target
conveniences that the list price, but a break-even customers. The
are part of the also discounts, analysis should be distribution system
financing, and other performed when performs
offering. Product decisions options such as making promotion transactional,
include leasing. decisions. It is logistical, and
aspects such as useful to know the facilitating
function, value of a customer functions.
appearance, in order to Distribution
packaging, service, determine whether decisions include
warranty, etc. additional customers market coverage,
are worth the cost of channel member
acquiring them. selection, logistics and levels
Promotion decisions services.
involve advertising,
public relations,
media types, etc.
we know that marketing is the fundamental to provide the actual benefit to the
customers. Marketing is not only to provide the product but it is to the change or to
communicate to the customers and convince about it. Adidas as a product people need
comfort, durability and style.


 Chelsea FC  Basketball  bodycare
 Golf  eyeware
 Football  micoach
 Running  watches
Brotherhood  Training  better place
 Tennis
 Women
 outdoor

adidas by Stella

is the only mix which generates the revenues to the company. so the company should
follow the strategy of price making by considering various factors:-

 BRAND VALUE – the price should be decided in such a manner so that it matches
with pshycology of the customers. If you made a higher price than it will
decrease the demand for the product and hence fewer buyers. Fewer buyers
ultimately lesser will be the sales and hence profit.

The price should not be too low because If the price is too low than then it will
decrease the value of the product for the customers. They might be question on
the quality of the product.

 SUITABLE FOR THE TARGET CUSTOMERS - As higher as well as the lower price
will affect the value hence the price should be right. It should be matched with
customers which you are targeting. If you are targeting to high class then your
price should be high and if you are targeting the middle as well as the lower
class then the price should be matched accordingly.
 GENERATING THE REVENUES QUICKLY – pice also affect the revenues and the
profits of the company. If we talking in terms of profit maximization then
marginal revenue should be equal to marginal cost, MR = MC

Also the difference between the total revenue and the total cost should be
π = TR – TC.

- competition T he company should aware about the competetors, what the similar
product company offering prices to customers.
A crucial decision in any marketing mix is to correctly identify the distribution
channels. The question “how to reach the customer" must always be in your mind.

The place is where you can expect to find your customer and consequently,
where the sale is realized. Knowing this place, you have to look for a
distribution channel in order to reach your customer.

Distribution areas:

channel motivation
market coverage
service levels
internet usage
mobile technology usage

Instead of "place" it would be better to use the word "distribution" but the MBA lingo
uses "place" to memorize the 4 Ps of the marketing mix!

The distribution strategies applied by ADIDAS:



Concentrating on distribution channels reaching most profitable segments.

Offering total customer service at higher price.


National market expansion.

Regional market expansion.

Export market expansion.

Promotion includes all of the tools available to the marketer for 'marketing
communication'. Promotion uses methods of communication with two objectives:

(1) Informing the existing and potential consumers about a product.

(2) To persuade consumers to buy the product.

Public relations
Direct marketing

The promotion strategies applied by ADIDAS:


Improving communication with present customers.

Promotion aiming at existing customers.

Understand reasons for losing customers.


Seeking other distribution channels.

Advertising in other media.

Adidas have used the theoretical systems to create their brand building programs. Adidas
launched sub brand of the equipment product line for the elite of sports men. Adidas
continues to prove itself as a brand built to last through a game plan of reinvention. And it is
constantly improving the sales and the brand image.

Marketing mix plays an important role in increasing the sales and making a brand name in the
market. The right product on a correct price at a right place and with proper and constant
promotion plays a vital role in marketing. Adidas used the tool of Marketing mix rightly to enhance
the image and to conquer the market.

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