Investigatory Project On Chemistry

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I Shivam Sharma presents this

chemistry project to my Chemistry

Teacher Mr. Vivek Yadav. This project is
of test of the antacids, written in lucid
manner and everyone will perform this
experiment. Very thankful to Mr. Vivek
Yadav to decide me to choose this
Thursday, 06 January 2011
Aim: To evaluate some commercial

Introduction:- The food which we eat must get

digested properly so as to be useful for the body.
The process of digestion starts from the mouth
and is continued in the stomach and then in the
intestines. As a result of digestion, the polymeric
food particles break down into smaller molecules
which get diffused into the blood stream through
the mucous membrane of the instines. The
blood, by circulation, distributes the absorbed
food to all the cells of the body and thus the food
gets assimilated by the body.
In the stomach, food gets digested under mildly
acidic conditions (pH around 2) due to HCI
provided by gastric juice secreted by gastric
glands. However, sometimes excess of HCI is
secreted in stomach due to over-eating or fat
rich diet or highly spiced food. This condition is
known as gastric hyperacidity. In this
condition, the process of digestion of foods gets
dislocated and the patient feels quite
uncomfortable. To reduce the impact of the HCI
in the stomach, patients are advised to take
antacids tablets such as “Gelusil” or “Digene”.
The antacids contain alkaline substances, which
neutralise the excess of hydrochloric acid in the
stomach and thus to maintain pH around 2.

Theory:- Equal mass(=1g) of the different

antacids, are treated with excess but known
volume of a 0.1N. HCI. After neutralisation, the
excess acid is treated against 0.1N NaOH. In this
way, the volume of 0.1N.HCI used for
neutralisation by 1g of the antacid is calculated.

Apparatus:- 50 ml burette, 10 ml pipette, 250

ml titration flask, beaker, burette stand, wash
bottle, weighing balance, watch glass.

Chemicals:- 0.1N NaOH, 0.1N HCI, antacids,

1) Take four different antacids such as
Gelusil, Magnesia, Digene. Powder them one by
2) Weigh exactly 1 g of one antacid on a
watch glass and then transfer it to a conical
flask with the help of a wash bottle.
3) Pipette out 10 ml of 0.1N HCI to the conical
flask containing 1 g of antacid.
4) Slightly warm the contents which will help
in dissolution. Then add 2 drops of
phenolphthalein. In case a pink colour does not
appears, then it correct otherwise add 10 ml
more of 0.1 N HCI.
5) Cool the flask and titrate the contents
against 0.1N NaOH taken in a burette till pink
colour appears in the titration flask.
6) Repeat this process with 1 g each of the
other antacids, and record your observations.

Observations:- Mass of each antacid powder

Antacid Volume of Volume of Vol. Of 0.1N Gradation
0.1N HCI 0.1N NaOH HCI used for of
added required for neutralisation antacid
back titration
Gelusil 10 ml
Magnesi 10 ml
Digene 10 ml
Aciguard 10 ml

Result:- The order of the neutralisation of

antacids is............

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