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ROLEPLAYING GAME Ce eee | SEFF GRUBB, OWEN KC, STEPHENS MICHELLE VUDKOVICH CHARLES RYAN IAIN MORRIS KIM MOHAN, PENNY WILLIAMS CHRISTOPHER PERKINS: SEAN GLENN bere sa sat thy Caste 02 ABIGAIL FEIN ANGELIKA LOKOTZ RALPH MCQUARRIE CHRISTOPHER TREVAS, LUCASFILM LTD. ANTHONY VALTERRA eat ne td ral MARTIN DURHAM CHAS DELONG eee ouirerea 3 Mele Weapons m0 | suretnce and robe Bris a Re 5 Sr Mele Weapars 2H Mestenger Ord a belles 3 bro Weapons 30 Labor ris 2 Me nee Neie Sn Weapons 31 Ober Orns nd Avbty CPR sence 2 wine VeHicLes «8 fa a) aren eas | atin ies 8 The Hea Market 4 | Geta and erpn Ses. F5 "Vet a Be Mei 8 HPI WEAPONS o5 Sonic Weapons x linge Mecfeaon —————=nao ¥ Arspeers snd Ch rs a Caton Cpaaiveni pee char | Meee oN Oe oe Pesala Wespons 5) geckaspecc Ranged Weapons aT | gg OU aa mat pent et ‘What Can Be Maded 8 ieponAtadens aes ay ala the ediabon 5 sd cess a eee are a anceaing Weopars pam eee Gain aad eee Regdeen eee 4 BWI? PROTECTIVE GEAR* 39) sbitary Goundspeecers a eaten 1 Gang sesnorAmer le : a ey Bester at Cen Be Mod at icanees 12 Nang be Moan M0 Ob Wehices a ‘rg ei Hi tells Grcomet oma ugECUIMENT © series ond Caries, in| Ut rmor and Protec Sus Breting Devices 5 Setennenen mentee =| eesti & Ugh Repeating Bass 1g Hem Amer — Daten Devices 8 ton uns Sak OTE 43 senor mmers and Deion Dip spos | one Paes 15 counemessues a ange Project egos 21 QWiga| ORCIOS © 4B eda Equpment nia Stuthoner Ass <2 pstomech cis | tiny esi 2 Stine ies 21 Dro Heroes Seay Dees a oar sls % epi Dris 0 SuvialGew s Fede anche 7 | proto and Commerc Des $2 Whatsin Ny Exape Po 5 Cress nd Magna Cases 28 eda Droits —__ $5 Talsand Ober Snes % it Wears 28 nltry Oris 5 Whutsinny Tol % ‘Wit Reket Armariton Security and Guard roids Ey ‘Welcome to the Star Wars Arms and Equipment Guide, 9 compendium of useful and needed items for freelance adventures, soldiers for hie, and aspiring rebels inthe teem: g galaxy. The weapons, armor, and other equipment etaled within allow players and Gamemasters (GMs) to give a bit of variety to the standard blaster pistol, armors, an vehicles of the galaxy, and in some cases to give heroes an ‘extra edge in ertical or dangerous situations. The Arms and Equipment Guide isan accessory for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. bbook to use the tools and rules provided in this volume. This Sourcebook is useful to both players and GMs, since the i'l need a copy of that devices detailed within can be used by both herole characters and thelr allies and opponents Using This Book What kind of blaster docs that bounty hunter cary? What & the best cutfit to wear when sneaking through the forests of dor? How smart is an EV-seres drold? Han Solo has ‘madifed his biaster—how can Ido the samme? The Arms ‘nd Equipment Guide provides a wealth of information on various types of equipment, from the many di ies oF laste rifles to the wide range available to the enterprising hero. Ako, optional rules are presented to allow characters to customize and personalize thelr items, making those weapons and vehicles more effec: tive ina pinch This introduction outlines the purpose and fumction of the book, and also includes information on some af the term nology’ used within, Chapter One covers weapons ranging from the various types of blaster plstols, carbines, and rifles to more esoteric \weapors such as sonic weapons and flamers, In addition, rules are inchuded for customizing and personalizing various types of weapons. Chapter Two discusses armor and rules for customization ‘of armor for particular users, Chapter Three describes a wide variety of common droids avalable for use in the galaxy, including astromechs, prota col droids, and other specialized droid, Chapter Four covers vehicles, including landspeeders, aispeeders, and speeder bikes, Abo featined are some light miftary craft that heroes might get thet hands on through Chapter Five deals with useful tools, including various types of communication, detection, and security gear, medical equipment, and survival took. Equipment Availability Not all types of equipment, weapons in particular, are read ily available to the consume. Sometimes this lack of availablity s due to manufacturing and distribution timita- tions, sometimes to cultural restrictions, and sometimes to governmental regulation. The availability of an item reflects how common its to the average hero of the galaxy. In add tion to availability, an item may aso have legal restrictions placed an its use. The availability ratings defined below are generalizations, and loeal variations and regulations apply. In an area under ‘embargo by the Imperial Navy, all equipment, even the most ‘common, is harder to locate. Certain planets of cities may place additional limitations on the use of certain weapons For example, most weapons (even those rated as prevalent) are restricted on the peaceful world of Alderaan, At the other end of the spectrum, all ut the most deadly egal devices are tolerated on some of the more violent worlds af the Outer Rim, Every item has an availability legal restictons, Pravalant: The item is readily available throughout the sala. Commons The item is available in the galaxy’ lager ‘commercial centers, including most cites and starports, Spacializad: The item is usually restricted to a particular species, planet, or region of space. Within is home area the item és normaly prevalent or common, Beyond this ares its price may double, if its available at al ara: The item is rare 3s a result of low production runs, highly specialized demand, or governmental restrictions, Licansed: Ownership of the item is generally legal for anyone, but 2 permit is required, The permit fee, paid at the time of purchase, i an extra cost, usually 50 of the item's price Military: The item is usually available only to govermen: tal organizations oF to those with ties to them—but private owership of surplus equipment is not toa uncommon. The aiven price is fora surplus item of serviceable quality Restricted: Members of the general public cannot legally purchase or own the item; sale or awnership requtes govern mental license and approval A restricted item brought into a system may be locked down on its ship, quarantined, or confiscated. Ownership without proper dacumentation ‘esis in minor penalties, Maga: The item i strictly legal on mast worlds. egal items are usually confiscated if discovered, Possession results in severe penalties rating, and some abo have Favors, Resource Access, and Availability Certain classes and prestige classes such as the crime lord, hhave special abilities through which they may be able to gain equipment quickly. In general, any item that isnot either restricted o legal can be acquired through the resource access special ability. ‘Acquiring items of restricted or legal lasification require ealing in a favor. For restricted equipment, the favor check DC is 20, assuming that the appropriate docu mentation fs included, though it may be either accurate or Forged. Without documentation, teat restricted equipment as egal For illegal equipment, the favor check DC is 25 ot perhaps. higher. In some places, & particular Mlegal item may simply nat be available The Eras of Play The vast majority of the equipment and weapons in this book are available in all three common eras of play. Most of the items had been common features of galactic lie for ‘ecades~even centuries-before the assault on Naboo. The era of an item & a brief indication of how common the iter is within the various periods of ply. An item is not Usually available in eras prior to it first appearance (though prototypes are always possiblel. The same holds true for eras Tater than those indicated; the item won't be common ‘available, but might still be around. It may be harder to Fine {a common item might become rare), more expensive (the ‘cost might double or triple, or in les than mint condition (= Repair check may be needed to bring it to full operation), The era codes are: Available primarily in The Rise of the Empire era. The rn may also be availabe in late uch more rely as old surplus {WAvailable primarily in the Rebellion era @Available only in The New Jedi Order era or later. The Black Market “Everything is forsale,” said one enterprising and open= minded Imperial bureaucrat, “ifthe price i ight.” The black market thrives on this ethos, providing otherwise unavailable materials without pesky licenses and permissions (though reasonable facsimiles of documentation are available for 3 surcharge, usually about 10% of th pric Contacting representatives of the black market and closing the deal can be an ativentore in itself, Asa rule of thumb, items involved in black market dealings should cost at least triple the normal price, Barter is aeceptable within the black market, though the items offered should, again, be worth triple the normal price of the desired item ‘Most individuals contact the black market for items that are not normally available trough common channels. This may be the result of lacal government concerns, or pethaps a ppangalactic ban on particularly noxious or dangerous items The Corporate Sector, for example, fs notable for its restric tions om luxury items commonly available elsewhere in the galaxy. These restrictions result in a thriving black market tnd create golden opportunities for smagglers, Other eondix tions that encourage the black market may crop up where traditional forms of commence have broken down (Juting fartime, for example} oF in times of local scarcity (during famines and plagues) The black market, as befits is status is the domain of crime lords and other colorful individuals who may see themselves as pety rulers oftheir own domains, of as impor fant linchpins in galactic commerce. Such an individual must bee reasoned with, flatered, and paid off to gain the needed ‘equipment. in general, the individual knows he fs holding a ‘wining hand, and vrings as much in concessions as he feels the market wil beat Tn addition to other challenges in dealing with the black market, delivery may be problematic, and the item may not be in the best possible shape (not to mention the possibilty ‘of potential interference of the local government in the transection). When dealing with the black market, as in all tuansactions, let the buyer beware A good craftsman uses the right tool forthe jab, and for your average her, the right too is the proper weapon. This ‘hapler details the tic available in the galaxy, rangi blasters and Jugthrowers to spe nd strange All these Some del ranges, an ‘variety oF weapon from vat ¢ aity weapons that deal ne mage jeapons have advantages and disadvantages + more damage, others are better at longer still others are preferable when you want to bring in an opponent live stom zation, the best weapons are still base blaster rifles and Pistols, the prefered choice of most individual combatants. The weapons presented here ae broken down into five categories Fist are the eneray weapors—blaster weapon and thase that use similar types of energy. Next are projectile weapors (slugthrowers and dart throwers), followed by thrown grenades and other explosives. Following these are 45 to vibvo wwiguing er category, eluding end of the chapter is a vd attachments for use ith melee weapons, tan weapors, follow weapons that do nat fall into an eapors. At Some of the weapons. ch weapon f described by a number of attributes, as flamers and sonic allows. Wespan Type: The general type of weapon-slugthrone pistol or blaster rife, For exampl Praficianey Graup: The weapon proficiency fe required or use of this weapon, No nes feats are into: ‘duced here, but sometimes a particular Exotie Weapon proficiency feat grants proficiency with more than one item ‘example, Exatic Weapon Proficiency (lame projector) covers al lamers Cost: The normal cost af the weapon, in credits Damage: age dealt by the weapon. Britical: The threat range for a possible critical bit Range Incremant: The stance aut to which an attack car ange. Melee weapors have weapons ha All other ranged! weapons have a maximum range equal to range of the weaponthe no penalty for crerent. Thrown ents Weight: The weapon’s weight Fart DC: Fortitude saving throw DC needed for special Type: The type of damage dealt by the weapon-—slashing, energy, or bludgeoning For example Multifire/Autofire: M indicates that the weapon can be rultfined; A indicates that it can be fred on auto. neither option i listed, the weapon can only fre one shot per attack Size: The size of the weapon. This attribute may affec which 1use the weapon, oF IF the weapon requires ane oF two hands to wield properly Hardness: How well the weapon resists damage if it is attacked. See Attack an Object in Chapter ight of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game WP: The weapon's wound points. Chapter Eight of the Star Wars Ro Brak DE: The DC needed to b Strength Check. ‘Availability: How available the item is, See Equipment Availability in the intioduction for definitions of the various ailabiity ratings rw: The eras of play tems usualy avail ble. See the introduction for more information. Spatial: Any special rules for this weapon ar weapon wpe. Attack an Objet in ing Game ak the item with a Customizing and Personalizing Weapons A skilled individual cam take a tinker with it, tuning its galvering coils, shaving off weight ing with its design to optimize its Such adjustments may improve the weapon hhaw much time and money the and otherwise fi considerably, depending 0 hero wishes to spend on it Weapons ean be customized or personalized, You ean customize a weapon for others. You can personalize a ‘weapon only for yours Customized Weapons: A customized weapon has bee tinkered with to increase its performance, Any user who Picks up the weapon benefits from its improvement Personalized Weapons: | personalized weapon has been tailored to the specific needs of the owner, This process roves its performance—but only for that individual, For er users, the weapon's normal statistics apply as if the apon had not been modified at al, Because personalizing 3 weapon alters a number of attributes to strike a precise balance for a particular user, you cannot customize features and personalize athets-if any modifeation is 3 personalization, they all are Table |-I: Weapon Modification Limits Maximum Maximum Customized Personalized Skill DC to ‘Weapon Modifications Modifications Modify Blaster pistol 2 3 15 Blaster rifle 1 2 15 Heavy weapons 1 Cannat be personalized 20 Vibra weapons 1 2 10 Slugthrowers 1 2 10 Simple 0 1 5 Simple (grenades) 0 0 Exotic © 1 (with ats permission) 20 What Can Be Modified When you modify a weapon, you can change any of the following attributes, (Some aitributes do not apply to certain types of weapons) You may perform any of these modifica tions two or more times unless otherwise specified @ Increase the range inerement by half the base range increment (rounding dawn to the clasest even number For example, you could inerease the range increment of a blaster rifle from 10 meters to 14 meters @ Increase damage by +1. This mod penalty on all attack rolls @ Expand the weapon’s threat range hy 1 (for example changing the threat range of a blaster pistol from 20 to 19-20). This may be done only once per weapon. @ Reduce the weapon's weight liy half, Tis may be done ‘only once per weapon Increase the weapon's accuracy, giving it a +1 attack ‘bonus, This modification ineuts a -1 penalty an ll damage rolls @ Lesser the weapon's multifre penalty by 1. This may be dane only once per weapon, @ Lessen the weapon's Rapid Shot feat penalty by 1. This ‘may be done anly once per weapon, @ increase the weapon's Fortitude save DC by +2. @ Make the weapon more durable, increasing its hardness by 2 and its wound points by 2 Making the Modification Success, and the time required to make the modification, ae determined as for erating an item, but ether the Repair sil or the appropriate Craft skill may He used. Ifyou have fve or ‘more ranks in both the Repair skil and the appropriate Craft Skil, the GM may grant a +2 synergy bonus on your skill check. IPa tech specialist with the appropriate mastercrat ability is working on the modification, a +2 circumstance bonus applies. If you don’t have the proper tools, you take a 5 penalty on the check, To make the modification, follow these steps 1. Find the item’s pric, either from Chapter Seven of the Siar Wars Roleplaying Game, fram this volume, or from the GM. Do not multiply it by 10, as you would for a standard Craft check. 2. Pay one-quarter of the item's price for raw materials. 43 Determine the price of the modified item, A modified ‘weapon's cost i increased by 50% of the weapon's base cost for each modification. For example, a blaster pistol costs 500 credits. A blaster pistol with ane modification costs 750 credits, and a blaster pistol with two modifications costs 1,000 eres. ‘4, Make an appropriate skill check to reflect one day's work, against the DC given on Table 1-1 If the check succeeds, multiply the check result by your skill modifier (your appropriate skill ranks + your Inteligence modifier + any appropriate miscellaneous modifiers) 1 that number ‘equals or exceeds the modified item's price, you have completed the modification, IF your check result x your skill modifier is lower than the ‘modified item's pric, then that number represents progress you have made this day toward completing the modified item. Subtract the amount of progress from the modified items price and record the new reduced value. At the end of the next day af work, make another check. Each day, you make mote progress until the day when your check result x ‘yur skill modifier equals or exceeds the mosifed item's remaining value, At that point, you have completed the modification, Upon completion of the modification, make final ski ‘heck fagain, using the DC from the table) to determine if the item Functions as intended, IF the check fails the modi catlon does not work and all the time, money, and effort Is wasted, IF the check fais by 5 or more, the item was broken | in the process of modification, and it must be repaired (or jury-rigged) just to bring it hack up to its basic functionality You may {ake 10 on skil checks for modifying a weapon. You may nit take 20, regardless ofthe skill you use. ‘A masterrafied weapon may be further customized or personalized, working from the base cost ofthe master crafled weapon. A weapon that has been customized may be further customized or personalized, provided that the weap: fn has not reached its maximum number of customizations (see Table 1-1). ‘While it fs being modified, a weapon is useless, but it ean bbe made operational by jury-tigging. A jury-rigged weapon has all the properties of the weapon before the modification was begun. ‘ere'’s an example of modifying @ weapon: Vor‘en Kumn wants to increase the damage of his weapon, even though i will become more difficult For him to it his target. The price ication is 750 credits, The ‘of a blaster pistol with ane mod ‘ost of materia for one madification is 125 eredits (one fourth of the weapon's normal cost). The sil check has a DC of 15 fas shown on Table 1~1). Kur fas 2 Repair skill modifier of +10 and the appropriate tools. By taking 10, he gets a result of 20 on his fist day's Repair check. So, at the tend of his fist day he has made 200 credits’ worth of progress (check result of 20 x skill modifier of +10} toward the modified blaster pistols price. After taking, 10 for three more days, he has exceeded the modified items price and customized the pistol, He makes another Repair check to see if the modification holds (again, taking 10) and succeeds. His pbtol now does +1 damage, but he takes a ~1 penalty on attacks with it Concealing Weapons The galaxy can be a rough-and-tumble place, so many adventurer cary ther weapons openly almost everywhere they go. Sometimes, however an obvious weapan kt really appropriateor a hero might want to conceal a backup weapon to supplement the blaster on her hip. It's assumed that, when attempting to conceal a weapon, 1 characteris wearing appropriate clothing-something ‘moderately loose and bulky. Tighter or skimpier clothes make concealment haréer, while larger clothes, such as cloaks or Jong coats, make it easier Drawing a concealed weapon is more difficult than draw- ing a regularly hostered weapon, anc normally equines an attack action, Keeping the weapon in an easier-to-draw position makes concealing it a bit more difficult To conceal a weapon, make a Sleight of Hand check A character concealing a weapon before she heads out into public can usually take 10 unless she's rushed, trying £0 oneeal it when others might see er, oF under other unusual constrains. Sleight of Hand can be used untrained in this instanee, but the character must take 10, 'A weapon's size imposes a modifier on an attempt to conceal it, as shown on the table below. The type of clothing worn by the use, and any attempt to make the weapon taser t0 draw, can also affect the check. Use all the mod that apply from the following table when making the Sleight of Hand check Table 1-2: Concealment Modifiers Sleight of Hand Condition ‘Modifier Weapon is Tiny +4 Weapon is Small +0 Weapon is Mediumsize “4 Weapon is Large 6 Clothing is tight or skimpy 4 Clothing is especially loose or bully 12 Clothing is specifically modified +6 for concealing weapon Weapon can be drawn normally “2 Weapon can be draw as free action 4 ‘with Quick Draw feat Noticing a concealed weapon requires 2 Spot cheek. The DIC varies: If the target made a roll when concealing 3 ‘weapon, the DC af a Spot check to notice the weapon is the same as her check resut fan apposed check, in other words). Ifthe taget took 10 on her Sleight of Hand eheck, use this formal Spot DC ~ Target's Sleight of Hi modifiers from Table 1-2} + 10 and skill modifier (inclu Patting someone down to locate hidden weapon requires @ similar check, However, the sil employed is Search, and the searcher gets a +4 circumstance bonus for the hands-on act cof patting the target down The size modifiers on the table above apply only to weapons. Weapon size categories do not use the some phys cal dimensions as size categories for other objeets A chai for example, is a Small objec, even though it's much bigger than many Large weapons) When using these rules to ‘coneeal objects other than weapons, use the size modifier based on a comparably sized weapan, not on the object's size category Ranged Energy Weapons [Energy weapons are the most common types af ranged weapons in the galaxy, and have been dominant for centuries. They fie bolts of concentrated, coherent Hight that strike with @ coneusshe Impact. In addition, most blasters. can be tailored to stun an opponent The most common energy weapons are blaster pistols and blaster rifles, which are commonly referred to as blasters, Within a blaster a gas with high energy potentials fed into ‘conversion enabler and excited by eneray from a power Source (usally & portable, built-in energy cel) The excited ‘gas passes into the actuating blaster module, where Its Compressed into a bundle of tightly packed energy particles. This bundle in turn passes through 2 prismatic crystal to Focus it into a beam, which fs further concentrated and Shaped in the barrel by the galven circuitry. The final beam escapes from the emitter nozzle at the muzzle as a coherent blast of brilliant eneray. Blasters provide a great deal of punch for the investment They vary from easly concealed hold-out pistols to huge repeating weapans and bunker-mounted cannons. Ton pistols and ion rifles comprise another type of energy -apon. They are similar in appearance to blasters, but they fire a broad beam of ionizing energy that does not hharm sentient beings but wreaks havoc on droid and cyber netic pats, Disruptors, another type of energy weapon, function simi- larly to baste, but instead of firing a blast of concentrated energy, they instead blast waves of broadband energy that break down the bonds between molecules, Extremely deadly, tisruptors are tlegal throughout the ga Blaster Pistals ‘Blaster pistols are small energy weapons wielded with one hand, They are the most common eneray weapans in the galaxy. The blaster pistol carsied by law enforcement agents, galactic merchants, and anyone with a need for basic fepower. Unless othenvise noted, every blaster pistol uses 8 rechargeable standard pawer pack that Nas enough eneray for 100 shots before needing to be replaced. A power pack costs 25 credits and weighs 0.1 ka BlasTech DH-I7 Weapon Type: Blaster pistol Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols Damage: 346-1 Range Increment: 12m Fort 0 ‘Auailability: Prevalent, licensed ‘A workhorse ofa blaster pistol, the long-nosed DH-17 continues to be popular even after the introduction of ‘mote advanced mode's, While later models such as the DL-18 provide more energy in exchange for a shorter range, the DH-17 was the weapon of choice on both sides of the Galactic Civil War, t continues to be a popular weapon with smugglers and independent traders who admite tts extended range. BlasTech DH-23 “Outhac! ‘Weapon Type: Blaster pistol Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols Damage: 346 Range Increment: 8 m Fort 0: 14 Maltifie/Autofire: I Hardnes we: ‘Auailabilty: Prevalent, licensed moe ® Ty ©) A modification of the DH-17, The DH-23 fs built with one principal attribute in mind: durability Its range and its effec tiveness as a stun weapon are inferior to the DH-17, but it has 2 more effective heat radiator shrous! andl tight body ‘construction, making the Outback more difficult to break BlasTech DL-IB Blaster Pistal (Typical Blaster Pistal) Weapon Type: Blaster pistol Proficiency Group: Glaser pistols Cast: S00 Damage: 55 Critica: 20 Range Increment: 10 Wight 1 ky Type: Enexey size: Small Break DC: 15 oo The DIL has served as the gaan’ basic blaster for decades Ie as the foundation of many later BlasTech designs as well asthe company’s Fortunes, Versatile enough to Balance ‘multiple requiternents, the BlsTech DL-18 and its chief competitor, the Mere-Sonn Madel 44, are among the most Ubiquitous of these weapons. Typial models such as these are often heavily customized by their owners, The DL=18 is ako known asthe Mos Fisiy Special” since it common, ‘weapon among the crime lords of that Tatooine ely BlasTach DL-22 Weapon Type: Blaster pisto! Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols cost: 550 Damage: 3d6%-1 Critical: 20 Range Increment: 10 m Weight: | ke Fort DC: 14 Type: Energy Multifire/Autofiee: M Stze: Smal) Hardness: 5 we: 2 Break DC: 14 Availability: Prevalent, licensed ra Oo [BlasTech’s response to the Merr-Sann DD6, the DL-22 uses @ higher-grade focusing crystal inthe barre to increase the damage just a fraction atthe expense ofits stunning ability ough this extra damage is regarded as a minor benefit for the added cost, the weapon is a good choice for indhduals| who intend ta invest addtional time to produce an even hard-hitting weapon thvough customization, Elmainin Armaments SBP-200 Blaster Pistal Weapon Type: Blaster psto| Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols Damage: 2d6 Range Increment: 10 m Weight: 1 kg Fort DC: 14, Type: Energy Shae: Small we:2 Break DC: 13, Plait: Prevalent lensed rao @ [An attempt by the small Elmainin Armaments group (EA) to undercut the powerful Mert-Sonn and BlasTech compa: nies produced the SBP-200, which proved to be litle more than an ineffective knock-off of their mast popular models The weapon is fragile, and its substandard focusing enys- tals are less effective than those of equivalent blasters produced by the major companies. FA was reduced to selling the bulk ofits products in backwater regions suc as th Tion Hegemany to customers mare eager for a deal than for ‘quality merchandise, SBPs occasjonally show up among private guard units and smell militias Greff-Timms Industrial ATA Pulsa-Wave Blaster ‘Weapon Type: Blaster pistol Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols Forte" ‘Multifire/Autofire: — Hardness: 5 ‘Availablity: Rare, restricted Pulse-wave weapons are the ancestors of current blast weapons. They fre packets of coherent eneray with devas tating effect, but they have poor range and lack the ability tf later eneray weapons to stun thelr opponents. By the time ifthe rise af the Empire, pulse weapons were archale and GrefT-Timns Industrial was a Footnote in history; however, this weapon stl ees use in the Outer Rim and in Wild Space, particularly on backwater words Imperial Munitians/BlasTach KK-S Blaster Pistal ‘Weapon Type: Blaster pistol Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols ost: 600 Damage: 346+1 Citieal: 20 ‘ange Increment: 12.7 Weight: 1 kg Fort DC: 15, ‘Type: Eneigy ‘Multifire/Autofire: Slze: small Hardness: 5 we: 2 Break DC: 13, ‘Avallabllity: Prevalent, licensed ead ‘Special: This weapon takes a ~1 penalty on attacks. The KK-5 was produced from designs provided by BlasFech but ander the contro ofthe Empire's own manufacturing Facies, know in the galactic burectieracy as Imperial Munitions, These facilities were ususlly nationalized factories belonging to smaller manufacturers thatthe Empire suspected of Rebellion leanings BlasTech, whose awn weapons were increasingly shoving up in Rebel hands, was more than willing to show its loyalty by proviing techniealasistance to the throne. The resulting weapon was unpromising-though BlasTech’s credit, that wasn't due to poor design. The Empire's initial runs were plagued by defective prismatic tystals in the focusing rings, which seriously impaired the ‘weapon's performance, BlasTeeh continued to produce its ‘own designs, and while the Imperial Munitions weapan was common in the Cor, it did not spread much farther. Manufacturing of the KK=5 was curtailed at the end of the Galactic Civil Wat Imparial Munitions/SoreSuub SC-4 Blaster Pistol Weapon Type: Blaster pistol Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols ost: 500 Damage: 3d6 Critical: 20 Range Increment: 12 m Weight: 1 ke Fort DG: 15, ‘ype: Energy ‘Multifire/Autofiee: Ni ‘Size: Small Hardness: 5 we: 2 Availablity: Prevalent, licensed Special: A tracking device in the grip records when and where this weapon is fired, When in range ofthe global pos tioning network, it transmits this information to an Imperial, tracking computes De) Swi SE-4 ‘A SoroSuul design provided for the Empire in the same manner as the Blasech KK-5, the SC-4 isa solid, depend- able blaster. During the Rebellion era, it was sold in the ‘densely populated core worlds, usually to important citizens who needed extra protection. What these buyers didn’t know was that each weapon's grip contained a code traceable by the Empire via a global positioning network. In ther words, the Empire could locate a specific SC-4, and its owner, at ‘any time. In adeition, some versions were fitted out with rmicrocharge explosives. On a computer-caded signa, such 2 pistol woul! explode, dealing 446 points of damage to all within 2 meters (Retlex DC 15 half The secret af the SC-4 was revealed to the Rebellion when SoroSuub became more active in the Rebel cause. At that point, a lange number of these weapons were dumped om the ‘pen market, and the Rebels learned how to use captured eal computers to track them. Remeving the tracker and rmicrocharge (if present) from 3 weapon counts a5 4 single modification ‘Sann Madal 44 Pistol Range Increment: 10 = Fort DC: 15 Type: ‘Multifire/Autofire: M Size: Small Hardness: 5 we: 2 Break DC: 14 ity: Prevalent, licensed rb @ The Merr-Sonn alternative to the BlasTech DH-17, the Model 44s similar to the DH-18 in performance if not Appearance, Like the DH-10, its highly customizable baseline blaster pistol that serves a variety of neds equally well. Mer-Sonn models were once found primarily among Republic and later Imperial Forces, but a lage numer of them have found their way into the efvilfan market, Merr-Sann Madal 434 “O: Weapon Type: Blaser pistol Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols ithHammer” Damage: 346+2 Range Increment: 8 Fort DC: 14 ¥ Multifire/Autofice: M Slze: Small Hardness: 6 we:2 Break DC: 15, ‘Availability: Prevalent, licensed rab @ The 434 gained its nickname from bounty hunters who appreciated both the weapon's durability and its stopping power Its duastce! plating provides additional protection hut adds to the weapon's weight. DeathHammers are ‘common among bounty hunters and professional killer, who often decorate them ornately, adding more detail and Aligree after every kil Mern-Sann IR-5 “Intimidatan" Weapon Type: Blaster pistol Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols cost: 750; +200 for retractable stock Damage: 246 Critical: 20 ‘Range Incroment: 8 m Weight: 1 kg Fort De: 15 ‘Muttifire/Autofire: M/A «= Lh my \ ‘Slae: Small (Medium-siae with stock attached) Hardness: 5 we:2 Break DC: 14 Availability: Specialized, licensed fs ‘Special: Unlike most blaser pistols, the IRS may be set to ‘automatic n this mode, it takes a ~4 penalty on attack rolls in addition to any other penalties unless the retractable stock ‘s.used ‘radical departure from traditional Merr-Sonn pistol designs, the Intimidator isa bulky, angular weapon —prac tically a heavy blaster—but it sacrifices range, damage, and accuracy for the benefit ofa full automatic setting Developed during the height of Imperial spending, the weapon proved too pricey to justify its benefits, so most Intimidators were remaindered through a Hutt trading company, SoroSuub ELG-3A “Diplamat’s Blaster” Weapon Type: Blaster pistol Proficiency Group: Sater pistols Cost: 500 Damage: 346, crite Range increment: 10 Weight: 03 by Fort DC: 17 A ‘Multifire/Autofir: bt [AUR ards: we:2 Break DC: 15 (BLL) Assitabitty Prevent, censed ra 0 @ While knawn for its vehicles, SoroSuub also produces a sleek Tine of weapons called the ELG series, intended primary for bodyguards and other politcal operatives. The Diplomat's Blaster combines the weight of 2 hold-out blaster with the range of a blaster pistol and itis eommonty used in situa tions where weapons ate permitted but should not be dabvious. The ELG-3A's focusing rng is set precisely to deliver hetter than average stun damage. This feature makes it an ideal weapon for bringing down potential assailants with al damage to the surroundings Heavy Blaster Pistols The heavy blaster pistol i 9 class of energy weapon that seeks to combine the utility of the handgun-siaed blaster pistol with the punch of a blaster rife, The resulting weapon is heavier than a standard blaster pista, and has a shorter range, but it can deal out more damage on average than the lighter pistols ‘Heavy blaster pistols are used primarily by law enforce ment offices, bodyguards, and criminals. These weapons are restricted on most planets. Every heavy blaster pistol uses a rechargeable stand power pack that has enough energy for 50 shots before needing to be replaced. A power pack costs 25 credits and weighs 0.1 kilograms. BlasTech DL-44/Mare-Sann “Flash” 4 Heavy Blaster Pistol (Typical Heavy Blaster Pistol) ‘Weapon Type: Heavy blaster Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols Cost: 750 Damage: 348 Critical: 20 Range increment: 6 Weight: 1.3 ks Fort De: 18 Type: Energy Maltifire/Autofire: Site: Medium-size we:s, Break DC: 17 Prevalent, esticted i) The archetypal heavy blaster, the DL-A4 is designed! with lethal close combat in mind. lis range is shorter tha blaster pista’, but the damage it can deliver at close range makes up for this shortcoming, Despite the weapon's restricted status on most worlds, this model has sold well for BlasTech, and its suecess has encouraged ather mant: factures to get into the game. The Merr-Sonn Flash 4, for ‘example, f litle more than a copycat design, of almost identical appearance to the DL-44, BlasTech also licensed this design to Imperial Munitions for the Empire’ blaster. Both the BlasTech and the Mer-Sonn designs use a ‘cautionary pulse” grip that sends aut a vibration to war the user when the power pack is down to 5 shots or fewer The Imperial Munitions design lack this feature. Often in the heat of battle, this gentle vibration is overlooked, and nelther company accepts responsibility for users whose power packs suddenly turn out to be empty The most famous wielder of the DL-44 in The New Jedi Order era was Han Solo, As tales of the General's expolts spread, the weapon enjayed a substantial boost in sales. Truth to be told, Sol’s accomplishments were due more to his ovin capabilities and the specifie modifications he made to his DL-44 than to the attbutes of the factory version of the weapon, BlasTach DT-I2 Haavy Blaster Pistol ‘Weapon Type: Heavy blaster Proficiency Group: Slaster pistols Damage: 5d+2 Range Increment: 6m Fort DC: 18 ‘Multifire/Autofire: M Hardness: 5 we: 5 ‘Avallabllity: Prevalent, restricted The DT-12 sacrifices both weight and long-range accuracy to provide a lethal punch. its large trigger grip makes ita prefered choice for those who lack hands lke those of 3 Human, The bounty hunter Greedo used a DT-12, 9 fact that loyal uses of the DL-44 (see above) never tire of telling BlasTech DY-225 Heavy &l ‘Weapon Type: Heavy blaster ar Pistal Proficiency Group: cost: 900 Damage: 348-2 critical: 20 Range Increment: 10 m Welght: 1.3 kg Fort D¢: 20 Type: ena ‘Multifire/Autofire: iediumsize Hardness: we: break DCT? ra: b @ The DY-225 is extremely effective on the stun setting, capa- bie of bringing down powerful opponents. Designed by BlasTech in the hope of improving the image of heavy” biaster pistols (and altering galactic regulations regarding the weapons), the D¥-225 proved unsuccessful in this area, though it proved to be a solid weapon for both crowd contral and kidnapping attempts BlasTach 7-6 “Thundarar” Heavy Blaster Pistol cost: 900 Mor Seon "Powe 5 ‘Soro Tenepd (ass ssse och. "Tae” Swabia Seunty $5 critical: 19-20 Weight: 2k Damage: 346+3 Range Increment: 8 m Fort DG: — ‘Multifire/Autofire: Hardness: 5 we: 5 Availability: Common, resticted “The ultimate “superheavy” blaster po, the Thunderer nearly qualifies asa blaster carbine. It has no stun setting but it deals more damage and scores more critical hits than ‘most other blaster pistols. A Mip-down barrel support enables the user to wield the weapon as if t were a small blaster carbine instead ofa large hand blaster In The New Jedi Order era, the Thunderer isthe supreme off-the-shelf blaster pistol, Some systems classify it as a carbine and han it entirely Caliban Madel X ‘Weapon Type: Heavy blaster Proficiency Group: cost: 975 Critical: 20 Weight: 1.7 kg Availability: Prevalent, estrcted ‘A “superheavy” blaster pistol from a now-defunet company, the Model X packs a heavy punci but is fagile and requires frequent maintenance. Cakban compounded its difficulties by openly courting Rebels and insurrectionists in its market Ing plan, a tactic that brought a quick visit from the Imperial Armed Forces to the company’s main headquarters at Calabosh-2. The Caliban factories were absorbed! into the nascent Imperial Munitions work, and the design forthe weapon was eventually sold to SoroSuub, which used it as-2 basis for its Renegade mode! (see below) Mare-Sonn *Pawor” 5 Hanvy Blastar Pital Weapon type: Hea blaster Profclncy Groupe Clastr pistols Coats 625 Damage: 348 teal: 20 Range increment: 8m Weight: 11 ke Forte: 16 Type: Energy ulifie/Autofire: Site: Medium size Hardness: wr:s Break Bc: 15 Availability Prevalent, rested rb ® The Power 5 was the fist new design of Mer-Sonn in this category, after the Fash 4 showed that the company could compete against the Dl-44. Because itis made of lighter weight material than the Flash 4 of the BlasTech DL-44, the Power 5 isa litle more fragile than either of those typical heavy blaster models ‘SoraSuub Madel Kylan-3 Weapon Type: Heavy blaster Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols Damage: 348+! Range increment: 8 Fort D¢: 18. ype: Energy ‘Multifire/Autofice: — Size: Medium-size Hardness: 6 we: Break DC: 17 ‘Aaailability: Prevalent tesicted o@ VV] Following the tend of “superheavy” blasters started by Vf I-12, SoroSuub produced a stocky, hard-hitting weap WIKI that was jokingly refered to as a Suilustan Blast Rif (though Sulistans can wield the weapon one ca all Medium-size creatures). The Kylan was produced under Imperial contrac, but a huge shipment ofthese weapons wat “acedentlly”delvered into Rebel hands {uring the Rebeon Weapon Type: Heavy blaster Proficiency Group: Blaser pistols Damage: 348+2 ‘ype: Energy ‘Multifire/Autofice: T-6 Thunderer (see above) SoraSuub Security S-5 Blaster ‘Weapon Type: Heavy blaster Special: The weapon has a bult-n dart laun pling spike launcher ‘Dart Launcher: Damage: 1d4; Critical: 20; Range dart ammunition (see the sidebar later in this chapter). following statistics: Damage: 148; Citcal: 20; Ronge it offers. ed, as Weight: 1.5 kg Shae: Medium-size Hardness: 5 Break DC: 17 Availabilty: Common, restricted eras @ SoroSuub's last word in blaster design, this weapon was an ‘outgrowth of the Caliban Mode! X (ce above) that solved most of the design problems of that earlier weapon. By elim inating the stun setting fiom this weapon, SoroSuui managed to keep the force ofthe bolts high without desta Dilzing the housing The Renegade, as befits its name, has proved to be ‘extremely popular with pirates, smugglers, and others who feel need to have the largest gun in the room. The SoraSuub mode! was considered the ultimate in heavy blaster pistol design until it was superseded by the BlasTech Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols cost: 900 Damage: 3da-3 Critical: 20 Range Increment: & m Weight: 1.3 kg Fort OC: 19 Type: Enerey ‘Multifire/Autofice: — Slre: Medivm-sie Hardness: 5 we:5 Break DC: 17 ‘Availabilty: Prevalent, restricted Era Y @ er and a grap Increment: 2 m; Type: Piercing, capable of handling special ‘Grappling Spike Launcher: See Chapter Seven of the Stor Wars Roleplaying Game. H used as » onoral weangpi sb ‘Increment: 20 m (alo its maximum range); Type: Slashing ‘The Security S-5 is a combination weapon-it merges the properties of a number of ather weapons to produce @ piece of equipment that has potential in several areas but ‘exces in none of them. The 5-5 is a weak heavy blaster, fan acceptable dart thrower, and an adequate grappling ‘gun, What makes i useful is that it ean perform all three ‘of these functions, making it @ good choice for organiza- tions that may encounter a variety of threats in the course ‘of their work, Elite organizations in generally peaceful locations appreciate the weapon for the ehoice of response Hald-Qut Blasters Hold-our blasters, some {ypes of which are also called palm blasters, disposable blasters, or throw-aways, are small, easly concealed energy weapons that can fit into 2 pocket, a atchel, or the folds of a robe with ite difficulty, Becaus. oftheir ease of concealment, hold-out blasters are restricted fon mary civilized worlds, However, laws against hold-out blasters are typically brought into play anly after the posses sot has gotten in trouble for greater cries Hold-out blasters are used primarly by individuals who ant protection but don’t want others to know they are packing energy weapons. Diplomats, nobles, and gambler fften avn hold-out blasters. They are ao Useful In situa fons where the owner needs @ backup incase his primary fepon Is lost, damaged, or confiscated Because of thei small size, hold-out blasters do not use power packs. Unless otherwise noted, they use enemy cll ‘which provide sufficient posiet for 6 shots before they must be replaced, Some hold-out models haye built-in energy cells, requiring the entire weapon to be recharged before it mn be reused The multiire option isnot available with a hold-out blaster pistol BlasTach HS8-200 Weapon Type: Hold-out blaster Proficiency Groups Blaster pistols Cost: 360 Damage: 3d4+1 Critical: 20 Range increment: 4m Weight: 1 ke Fort DC: 9 Type: Enesgy Multifiro/Autofire: Hardness: 5 we: 2 ‘Availability: Common, restricted Special: This weapon uses a customized power pack (cost 20) that provides energy for 12 shots before it must be replaced BlasTech’s entry into the hold-out market, the HSB-200 is hardly 9 hold-out at all. Large and clunky because of a design decision to install a cut-down power pack instead an energy cell, the HSB fs practically a small baste ps dan ineffective one at that. Stl i has its adherents, in particular owners oF small businesses who want something to scare away toughs but not a weapan that deals lethal Bzerka Ail ‘Weapon Type: Hold-out blaster Pepficancy Grou: Alastcrnistls Damage: 5d4~1 Range Increment: 6 = Fort BC: 10 ‘mutttire/Autofire: — Hardness: we:2 ‘Availability: Prevalent, resticted ast 500 Critical: 20 Weight: 0.5 kg ‘The Cactka 411 was develope forthe Empire as 2 hokd-out blaster with a rately Tong range. A tighter emitter muzzle ives it that quality, thougi makes the weapon les effective a ‘Sealing damage than the Merr-Sonn 02 (ee bek). During the Galactic Cv War, the weapon design documents along with an entire factory run in tarsit to Conascant, were captured by Rebel forees Subsequently, the weapon became a favorite of Rebellion ‘espionage agents. The brazen heist, coupled wth the then ‘proven assertion that Caerka was somehow in cahoots with the Rebels, prompted the manufacturer to quash the ramars by signing an exclsivity contract with the Empire fr is weaponry This agreement was the foundation of Imperial Munitions Geo-Tech 12 Defender MicroBlaster Weapon Type: Hold-out blaster Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols Damage: 246 Range Increment: 4 m Fort DC: 10 Type: Energy ‘Multfiro/Autofiee: — Size: Tiny Hardness: 5 we:2 Break DC: 14 ‘Availablity: Prevalent, resticted rab @ Special: This weapon fres only 2 shots. ts maximum range is two range increments. It grants a #2 circumstance bonus on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal it The designers af the Gee-Tech 12 sacrificed damage and range to create the smallest possible blaster. The weapon ts 50 diferent from other hold-out blasters tat it verges on being an entirely new category of energy weapon. With just enough power fortwo shots and incapable of hitting anything more than & meters away, the MicroBlaster is best used for surprise attack or as a distraction. It sa dispos able weapon that cannot be reloaded. Imperial Munitians Modal 2274 Weapon Type: Hold-out blaster Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols Damage: 341 Range increment: 4 m Fort DC: 8 ‘Mattifire/Autofire: ~ Hardness: 5 ‘Availability: Specialized, restricted AA tough litle weapon with a powerful pureh, the 2274 was ‘made hy Imperial-controled factories using designs provided by Merr-Sonn. Unlike many other such weapons, the 2274 was subjected to rigorous testing and quality contol. The resulling weapon was fsted to each member af the Imperial Security Bureau as @ personal sidearm (no civilian mods, were made). Fach 2274 has a serial number contained in rmieroiot concealed on the underside of the actuating bi module. Altering the weapon to remove the serial number requires a Repair check (DC 15), but does not count as a ‘madification. Success results in a ~1 penalty on attack rol Mare-Sann Madal B22 “Imperial” ‘Weapon Type: Hold-out blaster Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols Damage: 34441 Range Increment: 4 m Fort DC: 9 ‘Multfire/Autofire: — Hardness: 5 we: 2 ‘Availability: Prevalent, restited [Aso called (derogatory) the Little Emperor, the B22 was the result of the Imperial hureaueracy's desire for an easily Concealed weapon its political agents could use. The success Of the B22 resulted in the eventual creation ofthe Imperial Munitions 2214 (see above) in the Empire's own factories Following the Galactic Civ! War, the B22 was made available 2s a consumer model, Its Finger-slotted handgiip allows fora fast, accurate draw from a pocket or belt (+2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to conceal the weapon} Mare-Sonn Madel Jl “Happy Surprise” Palm Bie: ‘Weapon Type: Hold-out biaster Proficiency Group: Slaser pistols cost: 360 Critical: 20 Mulifire/Autofire: ~ Hardness: 5 we: 2 ‘Availability: Common, resticted Spedal Ths wespon ints 07 ckcumsance bom on Sight efrand checs made to cancel when held in one's hand While 9 traditional hold-out blaster is wielded tke a common blaster, held by a grip, the Happy Surprise (a translation of its name in Rodin, Kiterth-saio)'s held entirely inthe palm fof the hand with is barrel protruding between the second ‘and third fingers, The weapon can be caried in a clenched hand of paw without arousing too many suspicions. Merr-Sann Madel 02 Hold-Out Blastar (Typical Hold-Dut Blaster Pistol) Weapon Type: Hol-out blaster Proficiency Group: Blaster psiols Cost: 300 Damage: 34 critica Range increment: 4 m Weight: 05 ky Fort Dc: 10 Type: Energy Multire/Autfire:— site: Tiny Hardness: 5 we:2 ‘Availablity: Prvalent,resticted Just as BlasTech is best known for its DL-44 heavy blaster ‘Merr-Soni dominates the hold-out blaster market with the 102, Lightweight, elegant, and functional, the Merr-Sonn Q2 isan almost expected accessory forthe diplomat or noble wha is unsure of his of her alles. The Q2 design Is so widely favored that SoroSuub licensed the design from Merr-Sonn for is own nearly identical Q-2 model SoroSuub also used the design as the bass for its heavier ELG line of blasters. Merr-Sann Madel 04 "Quickfira” Hold-Cut Blastar ‘Weapon Type: Hold-out blaster Proficiency Group: Blaster pistols Damage: 344+2 Range Increment: 2 m Fort DC: 10 ‘Mattifire/Autofi Hardness: 5 we:2 ‘Availability: Common, restricted Speclal: This weapon does not use energy cells. Ate fring 10 shots, it needs to be recharged by connecting it to any large power source via a special cable (included). Recharging takes 10 minutes. Cost: 400 \With this slid, dependable hald-out, Men-Sonn succeeded were BlasTech’s HS1-200 failed in an attempt to bull an Cente weapon around a power pack, Men-Sonn's configuration allows both more shots between recharges ard more power in tach shot. The Quickie pays forts power with range that borders of honfble andl cf best used in closed spaces or when the target is nat aware thatthe weapon is present.

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