PATHOLOGY of Heart Failure

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VARIETY OF CV CONDITION ‡Chronic hypertension ‡Coronary artery disease ‡Valvular disease ‡Myocardial infarction ‡Ischemic heart disease

‡Diet ‡hereditary ‡Extrenous activities ‡Environmental factors

Neurohormonal compensatory mechanism

Increase preload & after load stress on the ventricular wall

Heart contraction (systole) Heart filling (diastole) Cardiac output Systemic blood pressure Perfusion to kidney

Activation of baroreceptors

work load of the heart

contractility of myocardial muscle fibers

Activation of symphatetic Nervous System cathecolamines (epi & norepi) Vasoconstrictions release rennin Vasoconstrictions after load blood pressure heart rate

Counter regulatory mechanism Release natriuretic peptidesa and B-type natriuretic peptides

in end-diastolic blood volume in the ventricle

Ventricular dilation

Angiotensin I

Promote Vasodilation and diuresis

Ventricular hypertrophy

Angiotensin II Ventricular modelling Stimulates the release of aldosterones

Sodium/Fluid retention and stimulate the thirst center

Vicious cycle of HF

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