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February 28 - March 13 – 2010 Men's Hockey World Cup

April 1 – The Indian government initiates The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act to
provide free and compulsory education to all children aged between 6 and 14 years, making education a
fundamental right for millions of children
April 1 – India launches its new 2011 biometric census, the largest census in the world
April 3–12: 2010 Kabaddi World Cup in Punjab won by India by defeating Pakistan on 12 Apr. 2010
April 6 – 2010 Dantewada ambush: At least 70 Indian soldiers are killed in an attack by Naxalites in the
Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh.
April 15 – The maiden flight of the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mk.II, India's first launch
with an indigenous cryogenic upper stage, ends in failure, resulting in the loss of the GSAT-4 satellite.[27]
May 22 – Air India Express Flight 812 overshoots the runway at Mangalore International Airport in India
August 7 – Mumbai oil spill: An oil spill stretching at least two miles long occurs in the Arabian Sea
offshore Mumbai
September 10 – Thousands of people are evacuated in Delhi over flooding fears
September 29 – India launches a national identity scheme aimed at reducing fraud and improving access
to state benefits.
October 3–14 – 2010 Commonwealth Games to be held in Delhi.
3 October - XIX Commonwealth Games, were held in Delhi, India, from 3 to 14 October 2010.
25 October – More than 700 species of ancient insects are discovered preserved in amber in an ancient
rainforest in India
5 December – 20-year-old Nicole Faria from Bangalore, Miss India, wins the Miss Earth 2010 crown in
Vinpearl Land, Nha Trang, Vietnam.[8

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