Mesopotamia Key Points Word

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Mesopotamia Pamphlet Key Points

Pg 34 - 36
• Mesopotamia - from the greek word between 2 riviers
and it is located between 2 rivers
• Fertile Crescent - a region in Southern Asia that was
the site of the worlds first civilization.
• Rivers of Life And Death - This is a river where
people of Mesopotamia relied their own lives for this
river, it was their own source of life. In the spring,
melting snow picked up tons of topsoil as it rushed
down from the mountains and flooded the land. But
the flood left this topsoil on the surface. Farmers grew
crops from this soil. Every year the river would flood
and the people would stand back with everything they
got and then once its over they will rebuild the site
and pray for the other flood to be not so destructive
next time.
• Surplus - As farmers succeeded in Mesopotamia
communities started to build up surpluses of food so
that they will grow cities such as the Sumer along with
the Tigris.

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