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2 A promise that gets kept consistently
2 Defines your organization
2 It creates a personality and a life for your
2 A unique and consistent look, feel, tone
and voice for all communications
2 Conveys-at a-glance the distinctive
attributes of your organization
2 Over time, it builds awareness of and an
attitude towards your organization

2 ëtrengthens the impact of all messages
2 Paves the way for new customer
2 Provides employees with a greater sense
of commitment
2 It¶s essential to your success in the
2 G  


2   -name, tagline, logo
2  -description of your organization
2   -The single most important thing your
organization promises to deliver every time
2    -what you want your brand to be known
for (fun, serious,magical,forceful,imaginative, etc.)
2   edgy, humorous, conservative, subtle
2   -Your organizational history and how it adds
value to the brand, highlights how your products and
services grew from that background and how your
methodology impacts what you offer
2  -colors, taglines, images, fonts,
uniforms, signage, equipment, etc.
6 ›rochures
6 Print and e-newsletters
6 Website, ëcreen savers
6 Events
6 ›anner ads
6 Print ads
6 Public relations
6 Direct Mail
6 Flyers and posters
6 Transit media
6 Power point presentations
6 Exhibit booth/signage
6 CD/multimedia
6 Facilities
Each marketing vehicle requires a unique tweak of the
brand to fit the medium.
6 ›rochures need more marketing copy and detail
6 Websites are a quick read, interactive with the audience
6 Ads are mini billboards, only the most critical info required
6 Posters are colorful and entertaining
6 Newsletters are informational, with regular features
6 Exhibit booths are backdrops
6 Multimedia is entertainment/educational
6 It depends on what you want
6 ›undling projects will save you money
6 Itemizing each project will cost you more
6 The cost range for branding is broad and will be
determined based on scope of work
6 Don¶t buy low bid! You get what you pay for as in any
other industry or service
6 Projects are based on hourly rates
6 Hourly rates usually range from $125-$200
2 earn marketing objectives and strategy
2 Prioritize projects
2 Audit existing and competitive materials and
2 Interviews/focus group
2 Write creative brief and define messages
2 Create timelines and budgets
2 Develop concepts/taglines/site architecture
2 ëtart visual research
2 Present initial creative approaches
2 Develop outline and copy points per
selected concept
2 Develop media strategy
2 Explore layout options
2 ›egin creating visual materials (photos/illustrations)
2 Write full copy draft
2 Revise and write final copy as per client comments
2 ëtart layouts
2 Create and present full layout and/or e-design
2 Develop final electronic files for print, or
coding for web
2 Final execution and management of products
(website launch, launch media campaign, exhibit
built, print pieces to printer, ads placed, press
releases sent, etc.)
includes internal
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6 Find the right advertising/branding agency
6 Top management must be committed to this effort
6 Assign one point person to work with the agency
6 Do not make decisions by committee
6 Keep brand consistent internally  externally
6 Don¶t rush the process-make sure you have enough time
6 Give the brand time to work
6 Create a brand style guide and give to every employee
6 Refresh/update brand after a few years
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6 ëtrengthens employees loyalty
6 Attracts clients/customers
6 Keeps current relationships strong
6 ›uilds confidence
6 ›uilds feelings of security and trust
6 Creates a memorable, positive experience
Now that you have solid messaging, it¶s time to create.
6 Consistency is the #1 rule
6 Repetition, repetition, repetition
Did you know it takes 7-9 times of being exposed to your
company name for a potential client to remember it?
We get exposed to over 4000 messages a day. How can you
break through that clutter?

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