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Christians throughout London are invited to take part in the international 40 Days
for Life effort from March 9 through April 17. In addition to 40 days of peaceful
prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, please consider volunteering to pray
outside of the BPAS abortion clinic, 26-7 Bedford Square, WC1B 3HP during the
40 days, and spread the word to others about this important life-saving effort. To
get more information, or to volunteer to help, please contact: Robert Colquhoun or 07947698195. All are welcome!


You are invited to join other Christians from throughout London to take part in the
international 40 Days for Life effort from March 9 through April 17. In addition to
40 days of peaceful prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, please consider
volunteering to pray outside of the BPAS abortion clinic, 26-7 Bedford Square,
WC1B 3HP for one or more hours during the 40 days, and help to spread the
word to others about this important life-saving effort.

There are cards in the pews today asking for your pledge to lift this effort up in
prayer, and asking all local and national leaders to act to protect human life which
is made in God’s image and likeness. Please take a moment to fill out one of these
cards, and then leave it in the pew where it will be collected.

To get more information, or to volunteer to help, please check today’s bulletin or

contact: Robert Colquhoun or 07947698195. All
are welcome!

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