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Project : Drive National Application

Duration : June’2005 – Till date

Environment : Hardware - AS/400
Languages - RPG400, CL400
Tools - SEU, SDA, RLU

Description : The Drive National Application is used to develop an

application for the site data. The system provides a means of adding, updating and
deleting the data of the site. The application will be used by the staff of the Drive

Role : Developer.

Responsibility : As team member, my responsibilities included preparing the Unit

Test Plan and then Coding of the RPG/400 programs for the Login, Country and
Company modules and testing of these programs with reference to the unit test plan.
Login module is capable of doing the authentication. User can change the password and
if the password expires the system will ask for the change of the password. The country
and company modules will be able of creating a new record, updating and deleting the
records. I am actively involved in reviewing the unit test plan document and programs
created by peer developers.

Project : Manufacturing Expenses Module

Duration : September’2004 – May’2005
Environment : Hardware – AS/400
Languages – RPG400, CL400
Tools – SEU, SDA, RLU

Description : The Manufacturing Expenses Module (MEM) is used to plan and

track the expenses occurred during the Manufacturing process. The system provides a
means of monitoring the incurred expenses and can generate a wide range of analysis
reports which enable client to streamline the production process within their
manufacturing units. The existing system consists of a Visual Basic front end, with the
database and COBOL programs residing on the AS/400 system. The scope of the
project was to rewrite all COBOL programs into RPG III to enhanced application

Role : Developer

Responsibility : As team member, my responsibilities included Coding and

Development of the RPG400 programs, testing of these programs with reference to
SDS, and the preparation of the necessary documentation for these programs.
Preparing Unit Test Plans and reviewing the peers code and documents.

Project : Banking Proceedings.

Client : JOVAN BANK, U.S.A.


SOFTWARE : RPG/400, DB2/400, CL/400

Duration : March 2005 to Till date.

Description : This System aims at design of software, which supports

Bankruptcy proceedings. The design involves maintenance of transactions related to
accounts, checks, claims, creditors, and debtors, disbursements, ledgers maintenance
and payments. The issues concerned in the design of the above factors are, such as co-
relation of the data in the situations of the disbursements where the debtor will typically
wire the total amount to be disbursed and checks will be issued to creditors. From there
the check can be stooped, returned, reissued, refunded etc.
Responsibilities: Participated in the development.

Project #1

Project Title : RLI Producer Validation Maintenance

Client : RLI
Organization : KMG InfoTech Pvt Ltd
Location : Bangalore
Duration : October’05 to Till date
Software : Synon/2E,COBOL/400,CL/400
Database : DB2/400
Team Size : 4
Role : Team Member
In the Producer System, under the Producer Validation Maintenance screen we have the
option of showing a sub-producer/producer that has been closed and the new sub-
producer/producer that it is to be booked to by placing a 9 next to the validation line. The
objective of this project is that the system should automatically populate the entry under
all of the states.
Analysis, Coding and Testing.

Project #2

Project Title : RLI Back-Out & Maintenance Support

Client : RLI
Organization : KMG InfoTech Pvt Ltd
Location : Bangalore
Duration : July’05 to September’05
Software : Synon/2E,COBOL/400,CL/400
Database : DB2/400
Team Size : 4
Role : Team Member
The purpose of back-out records is to create records which will be used to offset the
current active WINS records during WINS posting & Verify the premium amounts being
passed through interface files is correct.
Analysis, Coding and Testing.

Project #3

Project Title : Fairfax C.L.U.E

Client : Fairfax
Organization : KMG InfoTech Pvt Ltd
Location : Bangalore
Duration : May’05 to June’05
Software : COBOL/400,CL/400
Database : DB2/400
Team Size : 4
Role : Team Member
The Principle objective of the C.L.U.E. system is to provide the Property and Casualty
insurance industry with pertinent and timely loss experience information. Insurers will
use this information in the screening, classifying and rating of applicants for insurance
coverage and in the processing of loss records.
Each company that participates in the C.L.U.E. system is required to submit an initial five
year history file of loss experience data and contribute loss experience data updates on
a monthly basis.
Analysis, Coding and Testing.

Project Title : Fairfax – Claim Enhancement

Client : Fairfax
Organization : KMG InfoTech Pvt Ltd
Location : Bangalore
Duration : April’05
Software : COBOL/400,CL/400
Database : DB2/400
Team Size : 4
Role : Team Member
Addition of claimants information underneath the claimant name on claim recovery
initiation screen of recoveries module of claims management in WINS. The main
objective of recover module is for establishing expected recovery amounts and
processing recovery payments that are received for specific claim/claimants.
Analysis, Coding and Testing.

Project #5

Project Title : Fairfax – Batch Program Modification

Client : Fairfax
Organization : KMG InfoTech Pvt Ltd
Location : Bangalore
Duration : March’05
Software : COBOL/400,CL/400
Database : DB2/400
Team Size : 4
Role : Team Member

The main objective of the project is to add a control number before submitting to print
claim recovery edit list. Print the claim recovery details for specific claim recovery
Analysis, Coding and Testing.

June 2003 - Present at ICICI Bank Ltd

Job Profile: AS/400 System AdministratorTaking BackupsRunning of Daily Data Center
operationsRunning Daily/Weekly/Monthly and year end Batch jobs as per the policy and
standards of the BankPrinting of reports and downloading soft copies for daily monthly
batch jobs from AS/400Installing and trouble shooting of Client AccessLabeling of Media
for IdentificationEnsuring proper storage and manage Tape MovementsMaintaining
Tape Library.Manage, Monitor and control jobs and output queuesWorking with job
display, adding, changing holding, releasing and submitting jobsWorking with Joblogs,
accessing job history information and removing log entries.Working with spooled files,
output queues and printers.Working with System values.Handling messages, working
with message queues.Cleanup system and performance tuning.Create, Change and
Delete profiles according to job responsibilities.Assign authorization to group and user
profilesAllow only authorized users to work with the critical object by using Authorization
list. Security Management using System supplied toolsDaily Backups Weekly Backups
Monthly Backups and Parameter tuning of save and restore.Generation of reports from
Bank Master for Management Information System Interface between users and
development teamQuery Handling
Achievements: Elected by the company, as Cluster level co ordinator in Five S
Implementation for the maintenance of Back up as per the banking norms and
June 2004 - Present at Daccit Pvt Ltd

Sales Inventory Management System


The above-mentioned project of sales & inventory management system mainly deals
with the various functions & activities related
to it. The complete project is divided into three modules namely
Sales contract module, invoice &shipping module and production & packaging module.
The entire system is well integrated for their functionalities. Every module has sequence
of activities objective.
I mainly worked with sales contract module which included, preparing report on
purchase order, managing sales information, sales quotation system.
Organization : DACCIT Pvt. Ltd. Indore.
Platform : AS/400.
Languages : RPG/400, CL/400.
RDBMS : DB2/400.
Tools : PDM, SEU, RLU, ISDB.
Status : Maintenance.
Duration : June 2004 till date.
Team Size : 6.
Role : Team Member.
Responsibility : Programmer.

• Monitor and control system utilities such as monitoring memory space, maintaining free
• Monitor and control all the subsystems, Batch jobs, Interactive jobs, output queues, and
job queues.
• Monitor and upgrade the licensed key for the licensed programs in AS/400 and worked
on PTF.
• Creating user profiles and work with user profiles.
• Security Compliance
• Object management.
• Backup and Restore Operation.
• Journaling Management.
• OS400 Maintenance
• Auditing System
• Maintaining the Development Servers.
• Scheduling the system IPL

Project Description
Franklin Templeton is a global investment management organization. Headquarter are
located in San Mateo, California. It has offices in 28 countries around the world. Franklin
Templeton offer investment products under the Franklin, Templeton, Mutual Series,
Bissett and Fiduciary brand names and also manage investment vehicles for individuals,
institutions, pension plans, trusts, partnerships and other clients.

• Analyzing the programs for the Enhancements and Maintenance Requests,
• Involved in the preparation of Unit Test Plans,
• Responsible for Coding the programs and Unit Testing.

Project Name: Expansion of Field Functionality for Countrywide

Technologies (EFFCT)
Client Countrywide Home Loans, USA
Role Team Member
Organization Keane India Ltd, Hyderabad
Duration 08/2004-12/2004
Team Size: 12 Project: EFFECT Module: N/A
Environment Software Languages:COBOL/400,RPG/400,RPGILE,CL/400,
(With skill SQL/400.
versions) Database: DB2/400
Tools: Turnover & Hawkeye’s Pathfinder
Hardware AS/400

Project Description:
This project involved changes to the programs, Reports and Display Files because of
Database field attribute changes.

• Analyzing the programs for the Enhancements and Maintenance Requests,
• Involved in the preparation of Unit Test Plans,
• Responsible for Coding the programs and Unit Testing.

Project Name: Balboa Insurance – VA National Foreclosure Project

Client Countrywide Home Loans, USA
Role Team Member
Organization Keane India Ltd, Hyderabad
Duration 03/2004-07/2004
Team Size: 3 Project: Balboa Module: N/A
Environment Software Languages:RPG/400,RPGILE,COBOL/400,CL/400,
(With skill SQL/400.
versions) Database: DB2/400
Tools: Turnover & Hawkeye’s Pathfinder
Hardware AS/400

Project Description:

The purpose of this project was to ensure proper handling of the VA National Loan
Types in order to meet VA National Servicing Requirements and in additional a new
nightly batch job was developed to identify the VA National Foreclosure Loans.

• Analyzing the programs for the Enhancements and Maintenance Requests,

• Involved in the preparation of Unit Test Plans,
• Responsible for Coding the programs and Unit Testing.

Project Name: Branch Expansion Project (BRANEX)

Client Countrywide Home Loans, USA
Role Team Member
Organization Keane India Ltd, Hyderabad
Duration 11/2003-02/2004
Team Size: 15 Project: BRANEX Module: N/A
Environment Software Languages:RPG/400,RPGILE,COBOL/400,CL/400,
(With skill SQL/400.
versions) Database: DB2/400
Tools: Turnover & Hawkeye’s Pathfinder
Hardware AS/400

Project Description:
This project involved changes to the programs, reports and display files because of
database field attribute changes. (Branch Number from 3 to 7 and Employee Number
from 5 to 7).

• Analyzing the programs for the Enhancements and Maintenance Requests,
• Involved in the preparation of Unit Test Plans,
• Responsible for Coding the programs and Unit Testing.

Project Name: Prudential Group Insurance.

Client Prudential Financials Inc, USA
Role Team Member
Organization TCS, Chennai.
Duration 07/2002-10/2003
Team Size: 15 Project: PGI Module: N/A
Environment Software Languages:RPG/400,RPGILE,COBOL/400,CL/400,
(With skill SQL/400.
versions) Database: DB2/400
Hardware AS/400
Project Description:
Group Insurance is a part of prudential financials insurance group. Group insurance is
mainly involved in providing group insurance to the individuals in a group. Providing
coverage to the long and short illness of the insurance holder.

• Involved in the coding based on the analysis documents,
• Involved in the preparation of Unit Test Plans,
• Responsible for Unit Testing.

Transporter Entry Project:

This Project is basically developed to handle all the rate planes of

the company transporters taken by the transporters from the
company for the goods from one region to another region.we
handle all the entry of rate planes basis on different conditions of
our transporters taken in different regions. All the changes are
maintained according to their requirements on the basis of
different conditions.

Team Size: 4.

Role: Development.

Platform: O/s: O/s 400. S/W: RPG/400, CL/400. RDBMS: DB2/400,


Development Tools: PDM, SEU, SDA, RLU, QUERY.

Duration: Jan. 2006 to Till Now 2006.

Client: McCain (USA).

Previous Employee: Group Ashima Pvt. Ltd.

Projects Summary:

1. Knitting Order Register Printing System:

This system is basically designed to handle all the work of ERP

modules like Purchase, Marketing, and production… KORP is a
To Home system. Through this system we handle all customer
order & we design the reports according to the dates, party, &
invoice no.… wise as per the requirements.

Team Size: 2.
My Role: Development.

Platform: O/s: O/s 400. S/W: RPG/400, CL/400. RDBMS: DB2/400,


Development Tools: PDM, SEU, SDA, RLU, QUERY.

Duration: April 2004 to Aug. 2004.

Client: Group Ashima Pvt. Ltd.

2. Grey Sort Master Entry System:

This system is basically designed to handle all the work of ERP

modules like Purchase, Marketing, Sales and production…GSME
is a To Home system. Through this system we handle all entry or
the user does any type of operation like Insert, Update, Inquiry,
Delete… on the basis of different condition.

Team Size: 2.

My Role: Development.

Platform: O/s: O/s 400. S/W: RPG/400, CL/400. RDBMS: DB2/400,


Development Tools: PDM, SEU, SDA, RLU, QUERY.

Duration: Sep. 2004 to Feb. 2005.

Client: Group Ashima Pvt. Ltd.

3. Customer Order Processing System:

This system is basically designed to handle all the work of ERP

modules like Purchase, Marketing, Sales and production…. A
COPS is a To Home system. Through this system we manage all
the order of our customer’s. All the information related to the
customer requirements is stored in the different database tables.

Team Size: 2.
Role: Development.

Platform: O/s: O/s 400. S/W: RPG/400, CL/400. RDBMS: DB2/400,


Development Tools: PDM, SEU, SDA, RLU, QUERY.

Duration: March 2005 to Aug. 2005.

Client: Group Ashima Pvt. Ltd.

4. License Entry System:

This system is basically designed to handle all the work of ERP

modules like Purchase, Marketing, Sales and production…LES is
a To Home system. Through this system we check the license
authority of our clients for the different things in different modules.
We maintain all the information about their validity through this
Team Size: 2.

Role: Development.

Platform: O/s: O/s 400. S/W: RPG/400, CL/400. RDBMS: DB2/400,


Development Tools: PDM, SEU, SDA, RLU, QUERY.

Duration: Sep. 2005 to Dec. 2005.

Client: Group Ashima Pvt. Ltd.

1. Kroger

Hardware : IBM AS/400

Software : DB2/400,RPG/400, CL/400
Client : Kroger, USA
Team Size : 16
Duration : July 2005 to till date
Organization : CSC
Kroger is the largest retail market chain in United States that is spread over 32 states all
over the US. In this HRIS, Common Benefits, Payroll, Kronos applications are developed
on AS400 platform and RPG3 and RPG4 are the main languages used.

2. Milkyway

Hardware : IBM AS/400

Software : DB2/400,CL/400,RPG/400
Client : Inhouse (DSM SOFT).
Team Size :7
Duration : May 2004 to June 2005
Organization : DSM Soft

Description: Milkyway is the in-house application of DSM Soft. It mainly consists

of the following modules and many more to go.

1. Query Tracking System

2. Time management System
3. Document Numbering System
4. Accounting system
5. Payroll System
6. E-Time sheet
7. Training management System

Standards followed in coding

• Followed the IBM standards for designing menus and screens.

• Used sub-files for quick reference of the database.

3. Manufacturing Concern Automation Systems

Hardware : IBM AS/400

Software : DB2/400,CL/400,RPG/400
Client : Nutrine Confectionery Pvt. Ltd.
Team Size :5
Duration : Jan 2003 to May April 2004
Organization : DSM Soft
Description: Nutrine confectionery, one of the largest manufacturing confectionery and
Biscuits in INDIA, With more than 78 brands, products spread all over India through 0.2
million retailers, with an annual turnover of 6 billion rupees.
The main objective of this project is to atomize all the activities of Nutrine Confectionary
Pvt Ltd. The automation is done under 8 modules.

8. Purchase analysis system

9. Product/byproduct sales system
10. Stores management system
11. Accounting system
12. Transportation system
13. Security system
14. Payroll system

Standards followed in coding

• Followed the IBM standards for designing menus and screens.
• Used data area data structures for Exception and Error handling.
• Used sub-files for quick reference of the database.

4. Accounting Information System

Hardware : AS/400
Operating System : OS/400
Software : DB2/400,RPG/400,CL/400
Client : Yashasvee Securities Pvt. Ltd., Chennai.
Team size : Five
Duration : Oct 2002 to December 2002
Organization : DSM Soft

Description: This application was developed for the company's accounting needs for
automation for all the accounting information .It consists of seven modules. They are
cash and bank maintenance, general ledger, Employee master maintenance, Account
head's master modules. This module includes the important features like Automatic
voucher number generation for payments and receipts master module. Some modules
are customized into commands for effective user interface. Data structures in
overcoming runtime errors.
Incorporates the window sub-files for generating cursor sensitive record selection from a
Standards followed in coding
• Followed the IBM standards for designing menus and screens.
• Used sub-files for quick reference of the database.

5. Credit Scoring Systems

Hardware : AS/400
O/S : OS/400
Software : DB2/400,RPG/400,CL/400
Client : Leaf Automation Ltd.
Team size :5
Duration : Nov 2001 to Sep 2002
Organization : Moldtek Technologies

Description: Leaf is an in-house package developed by our team .It aims to automate
the car loan applications of financial institutions .It consists of maintenance of master
files ,an elaborate process of scrutinizing loan applications and generation of several

6. CAPSIL/400

Hardware : IBM AS/400

Software : DB2/400,RPG/400,CL/400
Client : RBF NIDHI Co Pvt. Ltd.
Duration : April 2001 to October 2001
Organization : Moldtek Technologies

Description: CAPSIL is a complete software system for the above mentioned which
provides the following modeled which involved in the enhancement of work.
• Issue policy
• Policy master maintenance
• Client master maintenance
• Agent master maintenance

All the details pertaining to the policy including the details of the policy amount premium
amount unit value , interest rate etc. will be stored .All the details of the client and his
spouse's name etc. are updated into corresponding file. The details of every policy made
are also entered into agent's logbook depending on which agent's commission and
overall performance indulged . Features provided in the above said project includes,

Help screens at various levels.

• List of values at required places through "windows sub-files".
• Exception Error handling through "FILE Information data structure".
• Messages on each screen using "Message sub-file", CL program to send
messages to message queue and clear the message queue.
• Security of objects depending on user class by using password, Authorization list
,Special authorities and Specific authorities.
• Backup using creation of Journal receiver ,Journal ,Commitment control.
Provided prompt facility.

As Programmer at Beacon Software Systems Ltd,Bangloure. from October 2005 -

December 1999
Project Name: Online Module Evaluation Systems
Team Size: 1
Location: Bangloure.

Profile: The system automates the module tests conducted the participants. Depending
on the Subject code fetches the questions and evaluates the answers. Print reports
based on the input like student wise, batch wise and subject wise



As Programmer at Beacon Software Systems from October 2005 - December 1999

Team Size: 1




Project#2 : Geo Coding

Client : Office Depot Inc, USA
Platform : IBM AS/400 (V5R1)
Skills : ILERPG, RPG/400, CL/400, DB2/400
Duration : November 2005 to Till Date.
Scope : Office Depot, the world's #2 chain of office supply stores. Office Depot
sells office supplies at more than 1,000 company-owned and licensed stores worldwide,
as well as through its catalog and call centers, the Internet site, and a contract sales
force. In addition to typical office supplies, its stores offer computer hardware and
software, furniture, art and school supplies, and printing and copying services

Geo Coding is a new project implemented in Office Depot for address

validations of online orders and mail in rebates etc. Every address entered will be
validated nightly and provides detailed error report.

Role : As a Programmer, my responsibilities are:

 Involved in creating Detail Specifications
 Created Sub files, reports and batch Jobs
 Wrote triggers to capture changes
 Unit testing and system testing
 Supported for three months.

Project#1 : Risk Management Information System (RMIS)

Client : JH-John Hancock (USA)
Platform : IBM AS/400 (V5R1)
Skills : ILERPG, RPG/400, CL/400, DB2/400
Duration : November 2004 to September 2005.

JOHN HANCOCK (JH) is one of the major Life Insurance and Financial
Services Companies in USA. The Company offers different types of Insurance Policies
and Financial Services. JH has many critical applications, which need regular
enhancement and support for smooth running of their business. It is an insurance
administration system that supports administration of Inforce policies and pending
policies from the LHIPS.
Risk Management Information Systems handles all the risk management activities of
John Hancock and its Clients. The Main aim of the RMIS is to generate reports. Reports
are published as paper report, published on the web through Congos Impromptu Web
Reports and also transmitted through E-Mail and FTP.


Basic Responsibilities include providing support for AS/400 Batch Jobs.

 Generating Extracts and Reports.
 Involved in Coding, and Testing.
 Prepared Test Cases.
 Involved in Production Support

Project Name- Reverse Engineering

Client- Case Consultancy Group Inc. (US) (An IT service provider in creating software
Tools & Utilities- RPGILE, DB2/400, SQL/400, X-Analysis, Hawkeye & Other software
– MS Visio, MS Word.
Duration – 8 months.
Team Size- 8.
Project Summary- The end customer is a shipping organization having world wide the
commercial and personal shipping business. This project is to understand the application
programs written in RPG, RPGLE, CL and CLLE and preparing the specification
documents, Flow charts, Report documents, screen documents etc.
Responsibility- Development & Testing of Documents (Specification documents, Flow
charts, Report documents, screen documents).

) Project Name: Stock Management System

Role: Team Member
Organization: Satyam computer Services Pvt. Ltd
Duration: February/2005 to till date
Team Size: 20 Module: 7
Software: RPG/400, CL/400, ILERPG, SQL/400
Operating System: OS/400
Project description: This application software takes care of the complete stores
procedure of the organization. Posting of the procured items into the stores ledger and
personal loan ledger. Using this application transactions like Indent registration from
user departments, Floating tender enquiries to the registered suppliers, selection of the
vendors for order placement, Raising supply orders, maintaining Stores Inward Book
(SIB), preparation of Inspection Report (IR) for received items.
As a Team Member, I am responsible for:
• Generation of new reports
• Maintained Sub files to Add, Update and Delete records
• Preparation of program Specification
• Unit testing & Preparation of test cases and plans
• Documentation
Project #1

Project Title : RLI PUP Forms

Client : RLI
Organization : KMG InfoTech Pvt Ltd
Location : Bangalore
Duration : Oct’05 to Till Date
Software : Synon/2E,COBOL/400,CL/400
Database : DB2/400
Team Size : 4
Role : Team Member
The main Objective of this Project is to introduce 16 Subforms in RLI Personal Umbrella
Policy. Depending on the State and Version type, this process will move corresponding
data to Datastream, and from there it generates forms to PC folder.
Analysis, Coding and Testing.

Project #2

Project Title : RLI Back-Out & Maintenance Support

Client : RLI
Organization : KMG InfoTech Pvt Ltd
Location : Bangalore
Duration : July’05 to Sep’05
Software : Synon/2E,COBOL/400,CL/400
Database : DB2/400
Team Size : 4
Role : Team Member
The purpose of back-out records is to create records which will be used to offset the
current active WINS records during WINS posting & Verify the premium amounts being
passed through interface files is correct.
Analysis, Coding and Testing.

Project #3

Project Title : Fairfax C.L.U.E

Client : Fairfax
Organization : KMG InfoTech Pvt Ltd
Location : Bangalore
Duration : May’05 to June’05
Software : COBOL/400,CL/400
Database : DB2/400
Team Size : 4
Role : Team Member
The Principle objective of the C.L.U.E. system is to provide the Property and Casualty
insurance industry with pertinent and timely loss experience information. Insurers will
use this information in the screening, classifying and rating of applicants for insurance
coverage and in the processing of loss records.
Each company that participates in the C.L.U.E. system is required to submit an initial five
year history file of loss experience data and contribute loss experience data updates on
a monthly basis.
Analysis, Coding and Testing.

Project Title : Fairfax – Claim Enhancement
Client : Fairfax
Organization : KMG InfoTech Pvt Ltd
Location : Bangalore
Duration : April’05
Software : COBOL/400,CL/400
Database : DB2/400
Team Size : 4
Role : Team Member
Addition of claimants information underneath the claimant name on claim recovery
initiation screen of recoveries module of claims management in WINS. The main
objective of recover module is for establishing expected recovery amounts and
processing recovery payments that are received for specific claim/claimants.
Analysis, Coding and Testing.

Project #5

Project Title : Fairfax – Batch Program Modification

Client : Fairfax
Organization : KMG InfoTech Pvt Ltd
Location : Bangalore
Duration : March’05
Software : COBOL/400,CL/400
Database : DB2/400
Team Size : 4
Role : Team Member

The main objective of the project is to add a control number before submitting to print
claim recovery edit list. Print the claim recovery details for specific claim recovery
Analysis, Coding and Testing.
Title : Insurance
Client : Risk Management Information System (RMIS)
Duration : Feb’ 2005 – Till date
Software : RPG/400, CL/400, DB2/400.
Tools : SDA, PDM, SEU, DFU, RLU, QUERY/400
Team Size : 06
Role : Team member


JOHN HANCOCK (JH) is one of the major Life Insurance and Financial
Services Companies in USA. The Company offers different types of Insurance Policies
and Financial Services. JH has many critical applications, which need regular
enhancement and support for smooth running of their business. It is an insurance
administration system that supports administration of Inforce policies and pending
policies from the LHIPS.
Risk Management Information Systems handles all the risk management activities of
John Hancock and its Clients. The Main aim of the RMIS is to generate reports. Reports
are published as paper report, published on the web through Congos Impromptu Web
Reports and also transmitted through E-Mail and FTP.



• Analyzing functional requirements.

• Documentation


• Maintenance of Application programs, modifying already existence Programs

according to requirement.


• The testing was done with the help of test cases and test data
provided by the client
• Performed Code Walk Through Unit Testing
• Prepared UTP and UTR document

Project 2:

Title : Customer Banking Operation

Client : J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., USA
Duration : May’ 2004 – Feb’05
Software : RPG/400,CL/400, DB2/400.
Tools : SDA, PDM, SEU, DFU, RLU.
Team Size : 08
Role : Team member


This is comprehensive Banking application that automates banking

operation to bring in greater accuracy and speed. It enables on-line process and updating
of banking records. The application handles various banking operations like Cash
operations payments & Receipts, maintenance of Saving accounts, Current accounts,
Term deposits, fixed deposits, Premature close etc. In addition the application also
provides some specialized features like Loan management handling of sanction loans,
Interest calculation, Penalty calculation etc are maintained. It generates more than 250
reports like cash scroll, daybook, locker rent collection, loan defaulters list etc, for
transaction analysis and customer related reports.



• Analyzing functional requirements.

• Documentation


• Maintenance of Application programs, modifying already existence Programs

according to requirement.


• The testing was done with the help of test cases and test data
provided by the client
• Performed Code Walk Through Unit Testing
• Prepared UTP and UTR document

Current Project#1: Aviva Insurance

Client : Aviva
Location : Bangalore
Duration : April’05 to till date
Operating System : OS/400
RDBMS : DB2/400
Tools Used : I90
Environment : RPGIV, CL/400

Aviva is the world's seventh-largest insurance group and the biggest in the UK. It is one
of the leading providers of life and pensions products to Europe and has substantial
businesses elsewhere around the world. Its main activities are long-term savings, fund
management and general insurance. It has premium income and investment sales from
continuing operations of £28 billion, and more than £200 billion of assets under
management. The group has 59,000 employees and 25 million customers worldwide.

• Analysis the business requirement and Involved in preparation of business

requirement document.
• Preparation of functional specification
• Preparation of test plans
• Coding, Review, Unit & Integration testing

Project#2: Penske Truck Leasing

Client : Penske
Location : Chennai
Duration : Feb’04 to march’05
Operating System : OS/400
RDBMS : DB2/400
Environment : RPG/400, CL/400

Penske is a global leader in transportation services; Penske Corporation is the parent of
four business groups Penske Performance, Penske Automotive, Penske Capital Partners,
and Penske Transportation Services. Penske is one of the largest transportation services
companies in the world. Penske is using AS/400 for their business. As this project is a
maintenance project task will be assigned as Maintenance Request basis.

• Involved in Analysis and design
• Coding, Unit & Integration testing
• Involved in System Documentation

PROJECT: Aetna Health care

Client : Aetna Health Inc, USA.

Environment : OS/400, RPG 400, CL/400, DB2/400,SQL/400.
Duration : April 2004 to till date.


Aetna Health Inc is one of the biggest distributors of Pharmaceuticals,

Beauty Care Products & Health Care Products. The main Objective of Aetna
Health Inc is to supply quality products and provide Value Added Services
from the manufacturer to the user. It has got 24 distribution centers across
the country with its centralization done from Dublin. The major Vendors
include PFIZER, Glaxo Smith Kline etc & the major distributors or Customers
of Aetna are Wall mart, A hold, CVS, Kroger. We provide maintenance and
support work for Aetna.


 System Study – Acquiring Knowledge on the System Applications.

 Risk Identification.
 Risk Mitigation techniques.
 Updating Query Logs.
 Coding according to the given Specifications.
 Involved in report generation.
 Creating Display files for User end transactions.

1 Finance Export Documents Negotiation Module

Mahvir Group and Auro group
Organisation Vardhman
Duration May-2005 Till working
Team Size 4
Language : RPG/400, RPGLE and CLLE
Environment Database : DB2/400
O/S : OS/400

Support has given If users reports any problem while application is running in production environment. It
also involves code changes.
As a team member, was involved in

• Analysis and replication of the problem reported.
• Fix the reported problem.
• Code modification to the programs, wherever required.
• Analysis whether this issue requires code changes or bug fixing
• Solving a problem in given SLA’s.

2 Support for Export Systems , COPS,BPCS

Mahvir Group and Auro group
Organisation Vardhman
Duration Aug-2003 April-2005
Team Size 4
Language : RPG/400, RPGLE and CLLE
Environment Database : DB2/400
O/S : OS/400

Support has given If users reports any problem while application is running in production environment. It
also involves code changes.
As a team member, was involved in

• Analysis and replication of the problem reported.
• Fix the reported problem.
• Code modification to the programs, wherever required.
• Analysis whether this issue requires code changes or bug fixing
• Solving a problem in given SLA’s.

3 Support for BPCS and Tim system

Mahvir Group and Auro group
Organisation Vardhman
Duration Jan 2003 –July 2003
Team Size 4
Language : RPG/400, RPGLE and CLLE
Environment Database : DB2/400
O/S : OS/400

Support has given If users reports any problem while application is running in production environment. It
also involves code changes.
As a team member, was involved in

• Analysis and replication of the problem reported.
• Fix the reported problem.
• Code modification to the programs, wherever required.
• Analysis whether this issue requires code changes or bug fixing

4 Support for Customer Order Processing System(COPS)

Mahvir Group and Auro group
Organisation Vardhman
Duration Jun 2002 – December 2002
Team Size 4
Language : RPG/400, RPGLE and CLLE
Environment Database : DB2/400
O/S : OS/400

Support has given to the If users reports any problem while application is running in production
environment. It also involves code changes.
As a team member, was involved in

• Analysis and replication of the problem reported.
• Fix the reported problem.
• Code modification to the programs, wherever required.

5 Project Name :Customer/Vendor Form

Auro Group Baddi
Organisation Vardhman.
Duration Feb 2002 – May 2002
Team Size 7
Language : RPG/400, RPGLE and CLLE
Environment Database : DB2/400
O/S : OS/400

Project Description
This system is required by marketing, sales and finance department for generation of form issuance to their
different customers and maintenance of customer/vendor register.

• Analysis of the specifications provided by the clients
• Coding.
• Process development
• Review process development
• Testing.
6 Customer Order Processing System(COPS)
Mahvir Group
Organisation Vardhman
Duration Jul 2001 – Jan 2002
Team Size 4
Language : RPG/400, RPGLE and CLLE
Environment Database : DB2/400
O/S : OS/400

Project Description
This system is required By Marketing and sales department for the booking of the
Customer Orders, preparing the shipping bill by releasing the goods from Ware
House and then making the Invoice. Customized Reports & Entry Screens on Export
System to adapt to the current industrial scenario. Additional Reports for Internal MIS
and Statutory requirements of the Respective Local
• Analysis of the specifications provided by the clients
• Coding
• Testing

7 Machine Maintence System

Worked as IT team member with IBM india
Organisation Vardhman
Duration Jan 2001 – Jun 2001
Team Size 4
Language : RPG/400, RPGLE and CLLE
Environment Database : DB2/400
O/S : OS/400

Project Description
This Sytem involves the different activities to be performed on the machines time to time.
This involves the Machines Master Entry, Schduling of Different activities , Parts
replaced time to time , Record of Breaking also. Customized Reports & Entry Screens
on Export System to adapt to the current industrial scenario. Additional Reports for
Internal MIS and Statutory requirements of the Respective Local
• Analysis of the specifications provided by the clients
• Coding
• Testing

8 Implementation/Customization Of Export System

Worked as IT team member with IBM india
Organisation Vardhman
Duration Apr-2000- Dec 2000
Team Size 4
Language : RPG/400, RPGLE and CLLE
Environment Database : DB2/400
O/S : OS/400

Project Description
I had already gone through the complete cycle of Implementation of the AS400 / Export
System at Vardhman . Which involves the the Contract Booking , Shipping bill,Pre
shipment Invoice, Post Shipment Invoice .Responsibility includes Implementation of
ERP EXPORT System on AS/400 in all Locations including Factories, HO, Corp. &
Branch Offices. Analysis of existing System and Data Transfer from Existing PC Based
Systems to AS400 Identify Changes to be made to data and finally transferred to the
Export System files using CL, RPG, SQL and Query400.
Customized Reports & Entry Screens on Export System to adapt to the current industrial
scenario. Additional Reports for Internal MIS and Statutory requirements of the
Respective Local
• Analysis of the specifications provided by the clients
• Coding
• Testing

| | Annexure |
| |Client |Scotia Bank, Canada |
| |Project Name |MCOE Phase 1A |
| |Location |My Home Hub, Hyderabad. |
| |Duration |Dec '08 - Till date |
| |Team size |6 |
| |Role |Team Member |
| |Languages/tools/packages used |RPG , RPGLE , CL/400 ,Free Format, DB2/400 |
| |Description of the project | |
| |This project is part of the larger initiative of the customer called MCOE (Mortgage
Center of Excellence) aimed at streamlining the |
| |Mortgage processing to reduce costs and increase operational efficiency and customer
service. The Phase 1A of the project is to automate |
| |the work flow processing associated with Mortgage Tax Payments. |
| |Responsibilities: | |
| |Developed code in free format RPG ILE and CLLE on AS/400 from scratch around
Optimus to automate the manual processing involved in mortgage|
| |tax payments. |
| |Designed screens using Display files and Sub files with Multi Screen Navigation (load
all and single page) |
| |Handled different kinds of sub files including (load All, single page) |
| |Prepared test cases for unit testing |
| |Performed Unit testing for the code developed |
| |Conducting code reviews for the developed code |
| |Creating multiple reports and routing to different Out Queues |

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