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Organism and Their Classification

1. All living things are call_________.

2. There are many types of animals and plants on earth. This is called __________ or
3. The __________ is a place where plants and animal live.

Classification of organism

1. Sorting animals into group is called ____________.

2. Organism are classified into ______ major groups called ____________.

Classification of animals

1. Animals are divided into ______ groups

a) vertebrates: animals ___________________
b) invertebrates: animals ___________________

2. Vertebrates are divided into five groups which is:

a) amphibians
b) ________
c) birds
d) ________
e) ________

- live both on _______ and in water
- ______________ animals
- the adults have ________ skin
- the adults breathe using _______ as well as ________.
-the youngs (tadpoles) breathe using _________.
-lay eggs in water
-their skin is covered with slimy _________for protection
-breathe using __________.
-they swim using fins and tails
-__________ animals

5. Birds:
- they have feathers
-they have beaks and wings
- ___________ animals
- breathe using __________.
-internal fertilization
-not all birds can fly

6. Mammals:
- mammals live on land except for _________and dolphins.
- _____________ animals
-hair or furs cover the body
-breathe using ____________.
-their young develop in female body
-all mammals give birth to live young ( except the duck-billed, platypus and spiny

- some live on land and some in water
- have hard, dry and scaly skin
-cold-blooded animals
- breathe using ____________.
-perform internal fertilization
-they reproduce by laying eggs
Classification of plants

1. Plants are divided into two groups:

a) _________plants
b) _____________ plants

2. Non- flowering plants:

- do not produce flowers
-are divided into 4 groups:
a) _______
b) ferns
c) _______
d) algae

3. Flowering plants:

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