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US mustn’t overreact to good news

BY PAUL KRUGMAN Various economic indicators, around 2.5 per cent a year just with that kind of growth, the un- terest rates this year – or at least
THE NEW YORK TIMES ranging from relatively good hol- to keep up with rising productiv- employment rate would be close that is what the futures market
iday sales to new claims for un- ity and population, and, hence, to 9 per cent at the end of this seems to think. Doing so in the
face of high unemployment and

employment insurance (which keep unemployment from ris- year, and still above 8 per cent
F THERE is one piece of eco- have finally fallen below ing. That is why the past 11/2 at the end of next year. minimal inflation would be cra-
nomic wisdom I hope peo- 400,000 a week), suggest that years were technically a recov- Seriously, what we are look- zy, but that does not mean it
ple will grasp this year, it is the great post-bubble retrench- ery but felt like a recession: ing at over the next few years, will not happen.
this: Even though we may have ment may finally be ending. GDP was growing, but not fast even with pretty good growth, So, back to my original point:
stopped digging finally, we are Construction shows no sign enough to bring unemployment are unemployment rates that Whatever the recent economic
still near the bottom of a very of returning to bubble-era levels. down. news, we are still near the bot-
not long ago would have been
deep hole in the United States. tom of a very deep hole. We can
Forecasters have been mark- Growth at a rate above 2.5 considered catastrophic – be-
only hope that enough policy-
Why do I need to point this ing up their predictions – per cent will bring unemploy- cause they are. makers understand that point.
out? Because I have noticed growth as high as 4 per cent this ment down over time. But the So, what can be done to accel-
many people overreacting to re- year now looks possible. gains are not one for one. For a
erate this all-too-slow process of
cent good economic news. What Hooray! But, then again, not variety of reasons, it has histori- healing? A rational political sys-
particularly concerns me is the really. Jobs, not gross-domes- cally taken about two extra tem would long since have creat- HELPDESK
risk of self-denying optimism – tic-product numbers, are what points of growth over the course ed a 21st-century version of the
that is, I worry that US policy- of a year to shave one point off Overreacting: 反应过度的
matter to American families. Works Progress Administration fǎn yìng guò dù de
makers will look at a few favour- And when you start from an un- the unemployment rate. – we would be putting the unem-
able economic indicators, de- employment rate of almost 10 Now, do the maths. Suppose ployed to work doing what Daunting: 令人沮丧的
cide that they no longer need to per cent, the arithmetic of job that the US economy were to needs to be done, repairing and lìng rén jǔ sàng de
promote recovery and take steps creation – the amount of growth grow at 4 per cent per year, start- improving our fraying infra-
that send us sliding right back you need to get back to a tolera- ing now and continuing for the structure. Rational: 理性的 lǐ xìng de
to the bottom. ble job picture – is daunting. next several years. There is even a significant
Fraying: 损坏的 sǔn huài de
So, about that good news: First of all, we have to grow Yet, the maths says that even chance that the Fed will raise in-


EUR to fall further behind USD

This is a new section in JANUARY CALL
my paper where we Trade call: Sell EUR/USD 1.379
explore the forex market Entry price: 1.3335 1.369
and events that may Stop loss: 1.3445
influence trading 1st profit: 1.3225 1.354
2nd profit: 1.3115
What’s happening in the 1.344

reaL Singapore
1.327 1.319
wrestle in the Nov 15
Nov 22
Nov 29
Dec 7
Dec 14
Dec 21
Dec 29
middle of road THE “January Effect” is a calen- SOURCE: FX PRIMUS
dar-related anomaly in the financial
markets where the prices of certain versely, I expect it to drop against US unemployment rate on Friday
financial securities tend to rise in the Swiss franc. I expect figures to come in at 9.7
the month of January.
This is because the Swiss franc is per cent, down from the previous
First discovered in the early 9.8 per cent.
Ferrari driver fast becoming the preferred choice
1980s by then research student Don-
for safe-haven destinations over the
tries to overtake ald Keim of the University of Chica-
USD. Last year, investors flocked to TRADE CALL
go, the phenomenon occurs due to
illegally in tunnel an increase in buying, because inves-
the currency, attracted by the coun- Sell EUR/USD at 1.3335
try’s steady growth and sound fiscal
tors typically sell in December to off- On the last day of 2010, EUR/USD
set capital gains. reached a high of 1.3424 but failed
As Switzerland is an export-ori-
Many investors also repatriate to gain momentum past that. No-
their money at the year’s end to tidy ented country, one would have as- tice the slight gap down when pric-
Abused dog sumed that its economy would be
up their balance sheets. Is the “Janu- es opened to start a new week in the
left with huge ary Effect” evident in the forex mar- hurt by the strength of its currency new year.
gash on head kets? last year. To everyone’s surprise, I expect prices to continue to fall
however, its export sector was unaf- due to downward momentum. We
Let’s have a look, in particular, at
fected even though the Swiss franc will have two targets on this trade.
the USD. In seven out of the last 10
rose to record highs against the
years, the EUR and the Swiss franc
have lost ground against the USD EUR and the USD last year. Entry price = 1.3335
Will you pay In fact, on the last day of 2010, Stop loss = 1.3445
in January.
$6.60 for a packet This was especially evident last the USD fell to an all-time low of 1st profit = 1.3225
of ‘famous’ 0.92997 against the Swiss franc. 2nd profit = 1.3115
year, when the credit crisis sent in-
nasi lemak? vestors into the safe-haven USD.
Amid Europe’s debt problems, I TOP NEWS THIS WEEK
expect this to continue this month United States non-farm employment
for the EUR/USD currency pair. change on Friday The writer is the founder and
However, I do not see the USD I expect figures to come in at chief executive of FX1 Academy,
strengthening markedly against the 135,000 (previous numbers were which provides education in forex
Swiss franc during this time. Con- 39,000). trading.

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