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How to plan a wedding without stress

Obviously, wedding is the most important day in a couple’s life. But after having said that, various strings
that come along are enough to derail all your efforts. However, some great wedding planning in advance
shall not only give you wings to fly on your ‘D’ day but also keep the stress at bay.

In the same context, let’s take see some wedding planning tips with less or no stress.

* If it has always been your wish to get married on a particular date that’s close to you, it shall be
your responsibility to first dish out the master key list for the marriage. See if various things for the
marriage would be easily available on that date. Based on the same, you shall decide if you are going to
hire a wedding planner/coordinator or do the job yourself. Once this gets decided, then only you shall
move to the next level

* Be honest with your vendors but as the orders would be in the bulk, never shy away from asking
for a discount. If you are sure that you would be vacating a venue in half a day, don’t pay full and ask for
the discount as every penny counts. Ask for discount beforehand else you would be taken for a ride

* List out various things to be done by your trusted allies- Yes, this shall be done so as to make
sure that all things fall in place on the day. This is to make sure you both are less stressed and enjoy the
time of your life. Don’t worry about things you don’t have a control on. Accidents happens but the
smartness lies in tackling them with expertise

* Keep all in writing- No matter how big or small a thing is, keep the information written with you
with another copy for emergency. Doing the same shall not only let you know what are things to be
done on what priorities but also keep you cool. You take one thing at a time and move ahead, that’s the

* Plan in advance for catering and decoration- Wedding is an occasion that calls for a great feast
and an elaborate decoration, too. In order to be a less stressed couple on your wedding day, just plan
about the menu before hand so that you can arrange for your desired caterer. Call the decorator before
hand so that he/she may inspect the site to be decorated and plan it in advance the way you want it to
be. Also decide if there would be an open or closed bar

* Managing things once the event gets over, takes a heavy toll of time and energy. In order to
make sure the same does not become a dampener, hire a crew of professionals who are experts in
clearing out the mess and keeping the place neat and clean. They shall also be responsible to put
furniture of the house back to their original place

* Enjoy yourself and take some time in between here and there. Obviously a wedding is a great
occasion that comes once in a lifetime and every effort shall be made to make it the most important and
happiest day of your life. Thus, in between arranging for things, don’t completely dig yourself in the
same. Rather take some time to enjoy too

Wedding planning ideas are many but you need to see your priorities and work around the same. Take
some help from the points listed above and make the occasion a less stressful for you both. Always
remember that planning a wedding is easy but one shall be smart enough to pull it off. All the best!

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