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The Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) manages the bi-directional data transfer between
the Siebel base tables and the Siebel interface tables. The process of data movement between
base tables and the interface tables is very complex. Hence a manager is required for this
process of data movement. We must use EIM to perform bulk import, export, merge, and
delete operations because Siebel Systems do not support using native SQL to load data directly
into the Siebel base tables.


• Siebel interface tables are intermediate database tables that act as a staging area
between the base tables in the Siebel Database and other databases
• EIM tables are required to perform major EIM functions: import, delete, merge and
export since the direct process of data movement from external data base to Base tables
is very complex.

Where data
ends up


How to
get there



• There is a many-to-many relationship between Interface table and Base tables


 An interface table may populate more than one base table

 A base table may be populated by more than one interface table

For e.g.

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EIM_ACCOUNT table can populate both S_ORG_EXT table as well as S_ADDR_ORG

While performing data movement activities, it is necessary to know which interface table will
be loading data into which base table and vice versa. In other words, understanding data
mapping becomes a necessity.

In order to find out which Interface table is populating which base table, it is possible to do so
using Siebel Tools.

 Login to Siebel tools

 Click on Flat Tabs
 EIM Table Mapping

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The following fig. shows the various EIM tables that base table S_ORG_EXT populates:

Another method of finding out the relationship is through viewing the bookshelf.

 Open the bookshelf

 Individual Guides > Interface Tables Reference > Interface Mapping


For all EIM processes to function, the Enterprise Integration Manager requires a configuration
file to be present in the admin subdirectory of the Siebel Server. This file contains various
parameters which define what operations the EIM is required to perform. The file is an ASCII
text file and has an .ifb extension.

The general format of this file is:

(a)Header Section:
The header section consists of parameters given at the beginning of the .ifb file.
• [Siebel interface Manager] : This keyword must be present at the beginning of
the .ifb file.
• PROCESS : This provides the manager with information on the
activity to be performed. For e.g. Import Everything
Other Parameters Include

CONNECT : The ODBC System Data Source

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USERNAME : Database/employee logon

PASSWORD : Database Password

TABLEOWNER : Database Table owner

(b) Process Section:

This section consists of the various parameters that specify the operation to be performed
by the EIM.


INCLUDE : Sub Process to execute
BATCH : IF_ROW_BATCH_NUM value to run against
TABLE : Interface Table names
IGNORE BASE TABLES : Do not process these columns
IGNORE BASE COLUMNS : Do not process these columns
ONLY BASE TABLES :Only at this the specified base tables are operated upon. It is
used in conjunction with DELETE EXACT = TRUE
COMMIT EACH TABLE : Commit after each base table, default if true.
ROLLBACK ON ERROR : Error rollback behavior, default is FALSE

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The fig. shows the contents of an .ifb file. This shows the PROCESS as import everything.
TYPE is shown as SHELL. The various tables required, are specified explicitly.


Once the interface tables have been populated, the EIM process is run. The EIM is submitted
as a Siebel Server Batch Component Task either through the Server Administration screens or
from the Server Manager Command Line Interface. On each pass, EIM processes one interface
table and performs a particular action on all rows in that table for that batch.

Running EIM through Administration Screens:

 Server Administration > Enterprise Operations > Component Requests

 Fill the Component Requests

 In the Component Request Parameters list, add or change the various component
parameters for the EIM process.
 Add a new record
 Select the Appropriate name from the job parameters window
 Select the appropriate Value field

 In the Component Request form, click the submit button in the menu options

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Running EIM using Command Line Interface

The EIM server task can also be run through the command line interface. The ‘srvrmgr’
command is used to invoke the Siebel server manager for batch mode processing through
running scripts.

Syntax: srvrmgr <flags>

Flags used:

-g gateway server
-e enterprise server
-u username
-p password
-s Siebel server
-c executes the single command
-i gets command from input file
-o logs information into the specified file

e.g. `srvrmgr -g $gatewayserver -e $enterpriseserver -s $siebelappserver \

-u $sadminuserid -p $sadminpassword -c "list tasks for comp EIM" | \
grep 'Running' | wc -l`

As shown in the example, the server manager is invoked with the parameters of gateway
server, Siebel application Server, userid, password and the command

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Data importing follows the following steps.

1. Identifying the data to be imported:

• This step comprises of identifying what data has to be loaded as well as it’s
location. The data may be present in other databases as well.

• Determine the no. of Opportunities, Accounts and Contacts that have to be

loaded. Identifying this data helps in estimating the time as well as resources
required for import.

2. Identify the column mapping and user key columns

• Identify the base table columns which should contain this data.
According to the data, that has to be that has to be imported, identify the base
tables to be populated. This can be done by defining the data according to the
various business entities:

Account  S_ORG_EXT
Contact  S_CONTACT
Opportunity  S_OPTY
Service Request  S_SRV_REQ
Activity  S_EVT_ACT
Products  S_PROD_INT
Position  S_POSTN

• Identify the Interface tables that map to these base tables:

This can be done through either through the Siebel tools or by viewing the book
This has been discussed above in the ‘Identifying base table to interface table
mapping:’ section.

• Identify the User Key columns and make sure they are populated uniquely:
The User key is a column or a combination of columns which ensure that the
records entered into the base tables are unique. Hence, it is necessary to specify
values to these columns while importing data.

• Identify the Foreign Key column: The foreign key columns are used to create
functional dependency in the database. They should be used only when there is a
need to directly link the data being imported with data already present in the
database. In such cases, additional data may have to be entered for the parent

Each table that is loaded with data requires the filling up of the foreign key
field so as to connect the entered data with the other database tables. The

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ID field is never populated, it is generated through populating the fields
that map to it.

e.g. In the S_ORG_EXT table the PAR_ROW_ID column is never

populated. It is filled instead, by populating the PARTY_TYPE_CD and
PARTY_UID columns in the S_PARTY table.

• Required Fields: Apart from the dependencies and foreign key columns, there
are some fields which are required for successful importing. They mainly
comprise of setting various flags.

• Identify the mandatory column for EIM processing: There are various
mandatory columns that have to be filled for data import.
These include:

ROW_ID :The ROW_ID in combination with

IF_ROW_BATCH_NUM should yield an unique value.
IF_ROW_STAT :This EIM updates this column after processing the row
to indicate the status of the record.
IF_ROW_BATCH_NUM :You must set the values in this column to the same
integer, greater than or equal to 0, as an identifying
number for all rows to be processed as a batch. The
maximum value is 2147483647.

3. Siebel Environment: Before importing large amounts of data, it is necessary to

check the destination database and the import process.

• Memory Resources: The database memory area needs to be large enough to hold
most of the frequently accessed data in the cache.

• Database Resources: EIM uses database server space for the interface tables,
target base tables, secondary tables, and work areas. To make sure that an import
process runs smoothly to completion, you must anticipate and plan for these space

4. Backup your existing database: Before importing data and making changes in
the application, it is necessary to create a backup of your data.

5. Load the Interface Tables: Data is loaded first onto the interface tables after which they
populate the base tables. Data loading is done through SQL queries.

e.g. insert into siebel.EIM_ACCOUNT


values ('1000',1001,'FOR_IMPORT' …)

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7. Edit the configuration file: Create the .ifb file for the corresponding operation. The
steps to create of the .ifb file have been enlisted in the ‘Configuration File:’ section.
Also make sure that the configuration file is present in the Siebel Server/Admin directory.

8. Test the import Process: Test the import process for a small batch of records before
larger records are imported.

9. Run the EIM process: Call the server manager either through the GUI or through the
command line interface.

10.Verify Results: Once data has been imported successfully, there is a need to verify the
results. Query the appropriate records for viewing the results.

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