Jabatan Pelajaran Terengganu: 1511/1 Science Paper 1 1 Hours

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Paper 1
1 ¼ hours




Paper 1

One Hour and Fifteen Minutes


1 This question paper consists of 50 questions.

2 Answer all questions.

3 Answer each question by blackening the correct space on the objective answer sheet.

4 Blacken only one space for each question.

5 If you wish to change your answer, erase the blackened mark that you have made. Then blacken
the space for the new answer.

6 The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated.

7 You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.

This question paper consists of 21 printed pages

1 The diagram shows an incomplete periodic table.

SET 4 : PAPER 1 2 1511/1

Rajah menunjukkan jadual berkala yang tidak lengkap.


2 X

What is reperesented by X?
Apakah yang diwakili oleh unsur X?
A Metals (logam)
B Non-metals (bukan logam)
C Semi-metals (separuh logam)
D Transition elements (unsur peralihan)

2 The table shows the number of proton, the number of neutron and the number of electron of four
Jadual menunjukkan bilangan proton, bilangan neutron dan bilangan elektron bagi
empat jenis unsur.

Element Proton number Number of neutron Number of electron

Unsur Nombor proton Bilangan neutron Bilangan elektron
P 6 3 3
Q 6 6 6
R 12 6 6
S 12 12 12

Which of the elements P, Q, R and S has the nucleon number 12?

Antara unsur P, Q, R dan S, yang manakah mempunyai nombor nukleon 12 ?

3 Which of the following shows a deflection of the galvanometer needle?

SET 4 : PAPER 1 3 1511/1

Antara susunan radas berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan pemesongan jarum Galvanometer ?


Carbon electrode
Elektrod karbon Carbon electrode
Elektrod karbon
Lead bromide powder Naphtalene powder
Serbuk plumbum bromida Serbuk naftalena


Carbon electrode Carbon electrode

Elektrod karbon Elektrod karbon
Sulphur powder Serbuk
Serbuk sulfur plumbum

4 The diagram shows a human brain.

Rajah menunjukkan bahagian otak manusia.

What action is controlled by part X?
Apakah tindakan yang dikawal oleh bahagian X?
A Knee-jerk (Lentingan lutut)
B Heart beat (Denyutan jantung)
C Drawing (Melukis)
D Walking on a rope (Berjalan di atas tali)

5 The ability to walk on a rope without looking involves the sense of

Keupayaan meniti di atas seutas tali tanpa melihat melibatkan deria
SET 4 : PAPER 1 4 1511/1

A taste (rasa)
B touch (sentuhan)
C proprioceptors (kinestesis)
D hearing (pendengaran)

6 Which of the following shows the sequence of reflects arc in a human body?
Antara berikut, yang manakah merupakan urutan dalam arka refleks anggota
badan manusia?
A Receptor Motor neurone Relay neurone Sensory neurone Effector
Reseptor Neuron motor Neuron perantaraan Neuron deria Efektor
B Receptor Sensory neurone Relay neurone Motor neurone Effector
Reseptor Neuron deria Neuron perantaraan Neuron motor Efektor
C Effector Motor neurone Relay neurone Sensory neurone Receptor
Efektor Neuron motor Neuron perantaraan Neuron deria Reseptor
D Receptor Sensory neurone Motor neurone Effector
Reseptor Neuron deria Neuron motor Efektor

7 Which of the following are the similarities between the nerve coordination and the chemical
Antara berikut yang manakah menunjukkan persamaan antara koordinasi saraf dengan koordinasi
I Reflect towards a stimulus
Melakukan gerakbalas terhadap sesuatu rangsangan.
II Coordinate all body activities
Menyelaraskan segala aktiviti badan.
III Ensure the survival of life
Memastikan kemandirian hidupan.
A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B I and III only
I dan III sahaja
C II and III only
II dan III sahaja
D I, II and III
I, II dan III

8 Which of the following graphs shows a continuous variation?

Antara graf di bawah, yang manakah menunjukkan variasi selanjar ?
SET 4 : PAPER 1 5 1511/1

A Number of students C Number of students

Bilangan pelajar Bilangan pelajar

Blood group A Blood group B Body weight

Darah A Darah B Berat badan
B Number of students D Number of students
Bilangan pelajar Bilangan pelajar

Able to roll tongue Unable to roll tongue Boys Girls

Boleh menggulung Tidak Boleh Lelaki Perempuan
lidah menggulung lidah

9 The number of chromosomes in the skin cell of animal X is 24. What is the number of
chromosomes in its testis cell and its sperm cell?
Bilangan kromosom di dalam sel kulit haiwan X ialah 24. Berapakah bilangan kromosom yang
terdapat di dalam sel testis dan sel spermanya ?

Testis cell Sperm cell

Sel testis Sel sperma
A 12 12
B 24 12
C 12 24
D 24 24

10 What is the percentage of getting a baby boy or a baby girl in every birth?
Berapa peratuskah kebarangkalian untuk mendapat anak lelaki atau anak perempuan dalam
setiap kelahiran?
SET 4 : PAPER 1 6 1511/1

Baby girl Baby boy

Anak perempuan Anak lelaki
A 25 % 25 %
B 25 % 75 %
C 50 % 50 %
D 75 % 25 %

11 The diagram shows an occurrence of a type of twins.

Rajah menunjukkan kejadian sejenis kembar.

Ovum Zygote
zigot Zygote

Which of the following statements are true about the zygote formed?
Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang zigot yang terbentuk?
I Have the same gender
Mempunyai jantina yang sama
II Share the same placenta
Berkongsi plasenta yang sama
III Have the same genetic information
Mempunyai maklumat genetik yang sama
A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B I and III only
I dan III sahaja
C II and III only
II dan III sahaja
D I, II and III
I, II dan III

12 A substance that has an unstable nucleus and continuously decaying is called

Bahan yang mempunyai nukleus tidak stabil dan sentiasa mereput dipanggil
A ionic substance (bahan ion)
B atomic substance (bahan atom)
C molecular substance (bahan molekul)
D radioactive substance (bahan radioaktif)

13 Which of the following statements are true about alpha ray?

Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah benar tentang sinar alfa?
I Positively charged
SET 4 : PAPER 1 7 1511/1

Bercas positif
II Lowest penetrative power
Kuasa penembusan paling rendah
III Deflects towards positive plate
Terpesong ke arah plat bercas positif
A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B I and III only
I dan III sahaja
C II and III only
II dan III sahaja
D I, II and III
I, II dan III

14 In a nuclear fission of uranium-235, the repeated process of bombarding the unstable nucleus
with neutrons is called
Dalam proses pembelahan nukleus atom uranium-235, proses pembedilan nukleus oleh neutron
secara berterusan dipanggil
A chain reaction (t indak balas berantai)
B endothermic reaction (tindak balas endotermik )
C decomposition process (proses penguraian)
D neutralisation (peneutralan)

15 The diagram shows a word equation of the reaction of substance M with water.
Rajah menunjukkan persamaan perkataan bagi tindak balas antara bahan M dengan air.

Substance M + water alkaline solution + gas N

Bahan M + air larutan alkali + gas N

What is substance M and gas N?

Apakah bahan M dan gas N?

Substance M
Gas N
Bahan M
A Sodium (Natrium) Hydrogen (Hidrogen)
B Zinc (Zink) Hydrogen (Hidrogen)
C Magnesium Oxygen (Oksigen)
D Aluminium Oxygen (Oksigen)

16 The diagram shows an apparatus set up to study the reaction of zinc oxide and substance X.
Rajah menunjukkan susunan radas bagi mengkaji tindak balas antara zink oksida dengan bahan X.
SET 4 : PAPER 1 8 1511/1

mixture of zinc oxide crucible dish

and substance X mangkuk pijar
campuran zink oksida
dan bahan X heated

Predict what is substance X if the mixture in the crucible dish glows?

Ramalkan apakah bahan X jika campuran dalam mangkuk pijar membara?
A Iron (Besi)
B Copper (Kuprum)
C Silver (Argentum )
D Magnesium

17 The diagram shows a simple cell.

Rajah menunjukkan sebuah sel ringkas.

ammeter Wire

Zinc Copper
Zink kuprum
Hydrochloric acid
Asid hidroklorik

The reading of ammeter will increase if zinc is replaced with

Bacaan ammeter akan meningkat apabila logam zink digantikan dengan
A Magnesium
B Silver (Argentum)
C Lead (Plumbum)
D Tin (Stanum)

18 The diagram shows a lens with a focal length of 15 cm. Where is the point of interception of the two
Rajah menunjukkan satu kanta dengan jarak fokus 15 cm . Di manakah titik persilangan kedua-dua
garis sinar itu?


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 cm

19 What is the colour formed on the screen?

Apakah warna yang terhasil pada skrin?
SET 4 : PAPER 1 9 1511/1

Blue light
Cahaya biru

Ray box
Kotak sinar
Magenta filter Screen
Penapis magenta Skrin

A Blue (Biru)
B Red (Merah)
C Black (Hitam)
D White (Putih)

20 The diagram shows an experiment to study the subtraction of coloured light.

Rajah menunjukkan eksperimen untuk mengkaji penolakan cahaya berwarna.

Yellow light Observer

Cahaya kuning Pemerhati
Black box
Kotak hitam Red ball
Bola merah
What is the colour of the ball when observed under the yellow light?
Apakah warna bola yang akan diperhatikan di bawah cahaya kuning?
A Green (Hijau)
B Red (Merah)
C Black (Hitam)
D Yellow (Kuning)

21 Bronze is an alloy. What is its main metal?

Gangsa merupakan sejenis aloi. Apakah logam utamanya?
A Iron (Besi)
B Tin (Timah)
C Copper (Kuprum)
D Aluminium

22 Some alloys are very efficient in conducting electricity. This property enables the alloys to be used as
Sesetengah aloi mempunyai kecekapan mengkonduksi arus elektrik sangat tinggi. Sifat ini
membolehkan aloi tersebut dijadikan sebagai
A superconductor (superkonduktor)
B transfomer
C resistor (perintang)
D diode (diod)
23 Which of the following are the harmful effects of excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides to the
Antara berikut yang manakah merupakan kesan buruk penggunaan baja dan pestisid secara
berlebihan terhadap alam sekitar?
SET 4 : PAPER 1 10 1511/1

I Fertilise the soil

Menyuburkan tanah
II Kill aquatic organisms
Membunuh hidupan akuatik
III Increase the growth of algae in ponds
Menggalakkan pertumbuhan alga dalam kolam
A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B I and III only
I dan III sahaja
C II and III only
II dan III sahaja
D I, II and III
I, II dan III

24 The diagram shows a type of microorganism.

Rajah menunjukkan sejenis mikroorganisma.

Which of the following diseases are caused by the microorganism?

Antara penyakit berikut, yang manakah disebabkan oleh mikroorganisma tersebut ?
I Syphilis (Sifilis)
II Tuberculosis (Tibi)
III Dengue fever (Demam denggi)

A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B I and III only
I dan III sahaja
C II and III only
II dan III sahaja
D I, II and III.
I, II dan III.

25 Which of the following involve the beneficial bacterial activities?

Antara berikut yang manakah melibatkan aktiviti bakteria yang berfaedah?
I Production of vinegar
Pembuatan cuka
SET 4 : PAPER 1 11 1511/1

II Production of alcohol
Penghasilan alkohol
III Production of jute fibre
Penghasilan gentian jut
A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B I and III only
I dan III sahaja
C II and III only
II dan III sahaja
D I, II and III
I, II dan III

26 Which of the following pair is correct?

Antara berikut yang manakah merupakan padanan yang betul?

Pathogen Disease
Patogen Penyakit
A Virus Dengue (Denggi)
B Fungi (Kulat) Hepatitis A
C Protozoa Gonorrhoea (Gonorea)
D Bacteria (Bakteria) Malaria

27 The graph shows the production of antibody in blood.

Graf menunjukkan penghasilan antibodi dalam darah.

Level of immunity
The concentration of Aras keimunan
antibody in the body
Kepekatan antibodi
dalam badan

First injection Second injection

Suntikan pertama Suntikan kedua
What is the purpose of the second injection?
Apakah tujuan suntikan kedua?
A To gain passive immunity
Memperolehi keimunan pasif
B To increase the level of immunity
Meningkatkan aras keimunan badan
C To produce more antibodies
Menghasilkan lebih banyak antibodi
D To produce more white blood cells
Menghasilkan lebih banyak sel darah putih

28 The information shows the uses of substance Z.

Maklumat menunjukkan kegunaan bahan Z.

 Fuels (Bahan api)

 Solvent (Pelarut)
 Antiseptic (Antiseptik)
SET 4 : PAPER 1 12 1511/1

What is Z?
Apakah Z?
A Petrol
B Ethanol (Etanol)
C Kerosene (Kerosin)
D Palm oil (Minyak sawit)

29 What process is represented by the word equation below?

Apakah proses yang diwakili oleh persamaan perkataan di bawah?

Glocose Yeast Ethanol Carbon dioxide

Yis +
Glukosa Etanol Karbon dioksida

A Hydrolysis (hidrolisis)
B Dehydration (pendehidratan)
C Esterification (pengesteran)
D Fermentation (penapaian)

30 The word equation shows a reaction of latex coagulation.

Persamaan perkataan menunjukkan satu tindak balas pembekuan lateks.

Latex + Ethanoic Solid latex

lateks acid Getah beku
What substance can be used to replace ethanoic acid in this experiment?
Apakah bahan lain yang boleh menggantikan asid etanoik dalam eksperimen itu?

A Lime water (Air kapur)

B Lime juice (Jus limau)
C Sugar solution (Larutan gula)
D Salt solution (Larutan garam)

31 The
P information
- Add water below shows
to the the steps in the process of making soap.
Pernyataan di bawah menunjukkan
Tambahkan air pada campuranlangkah-langkah dalam pembuatan sabun.
Q - Boil sodium hydroxide and oil
Didihkan natrium hidroksida dan minyak
R - Filter the mixture
Turaskan campuran
S - Add salt to the mixture
Tambahkan garam pada campuran
SET 4 : PAPER 1 13 1511/1

Which of the following sequence is correct?

Antara berikut, urutan yang manakah betul?

32 An obese person could easily suffer from

Orang yang gendut mudah mengalami
I Diabetes
kencing manis
II anorexia nervosa
anoreksia nervosa
III heart disease
penyakit jantung

A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B I and III only
I dan III sahaja
C II and III only
II dan III sahaja
D I, II andIII
I, II dan III

33 The diagram shows an experiment to study the nutrients needed for seedling growth. Which
seedling shows the least growth of roots after two weeks?
Rajah menunjukkan eksperimen untuk mengkaji keperluan nutrien terhadap pertumbuhan anak
benih . Anak benih yang manakah menunjukkan pertumbuhan akar paling sedikit selepas dua
SET 4 : PAPER 1 14 1511/1

Light Light
Seedling Cahaya Seedling Cahaya
Anak benih Anak benih

Cotton Cotton
Kapas Kapas Culture solution
without potassium
Culture Knop solution
Larutan kultur
Larutan kultur Knop
tanpa kalium

Cahaya Light
Seedling Cahaya
Anak benih Seedling
Anak benih
Kapas Culture solution Cotton Culture solution
without nitrogen Kapas without phosphorus
Larutan kultur Larutan kultur
tanpa nitrogen tanpa fosforus

34 The table shows the calorific values of three types of food.

Jadual menunjukkan nilai kalori bagi tiga jenis makanan.

Food Calorific value / kJ per 100 g

Makanan Nilai kalori / kJ per 100 g
Rice (Nasi) 1470
Egg (Telur) 600
Meat (Daging) 1010

What is the calorific value obtained by a student who takes 200 g rice, 150 g egg and 100 g meat?
Berapakah nilai kalori yang diperolehi oleh seorang pelajar yang makan 200 g nasi, 150 g telur
dan 100 g daging ?
A 3080 kJ
B 4500 kJ
C 4850 kJ
D 6160 kJ

35 All passengers jerk forward when a bus stopped suddenly. This is caused by…
Semua penumpang terhumban ke hadapan apabila sebuah bas berhenti secara tiba-tiba. Ini
disebabkan oleh
A force (daya)
B inertia (inersia)
SET 4 : PAPER 1 15 1511/1

C pressure (tekanan)
D momentum

36 The diagram shows a four stroke petrol engine.

Rajah menunjukkan enjin petrol empat lejang.

Inlet valve Outlet valve

Injap masuk Injap keluar

Air Direction of piston

udara movement
Arah gerakan

What stroke is shown by the diagram?

Apakah peringkat lejang itu?
A Exhaust stroke (Lejang ekzos)
B Power stroke (Lejang kuasa)
C Compression stroke (Lejang mampatan)
D Intake stroke (Lejang pengambilan)

37 Ramli cycles at a distance of 600 m in 120 s. What is his velocity?

Ramli berbasikal sejauh 600 meter dalam masa 120 saat. Berapakah halaju pergerakan Ramli?
A 6.0 m s-1
B 5.0 m s-1
C 1.2 m s-1
D 0.5 m s-1

38 The diagram shows the engine of a rocket.

Rajah menunjukkan enjin sebuah roket

Liquid oxygen
Oksigen cecair Tank X
Tangki X
SET 4 : PAPER 1 16 1511/1

What is inside tank X?

Apakah yang terdapat dalam tangki X?
A Diesel (Diesel)
B Kerosene (Kerosin)
C Naphta gas (Gas nafta)
D Hydrogen (Hidrogen)

39 The diagram shows part of a carbon cycle.

Rajah menunjukkan sebahagian kitar karbon.

Process X
Carbon dioxide
Karbon dioksida

Food Plants
Makanan Tumbuhan

What is process X?
Apakah proses X?
A Decomposition (Penguraian)
B Nutrition (Pemakanan)
C Digestion (Pencernaan)
D Oxidation (Pengoksidaan)

40 The diagram shows a layer of gas P in the atmosphere.

Rajah menunjukkan satu lapisan gas P di atmosfera.
Layer of gas P Matahari
Lapisan gas P Sunlight
Cahaya matahari

Temperature increases Earth

Suhu meningkat Bumi
SET 4 : PAPER 1 17 1511/1

What is gas P?
Apakah gas P?
A Ozone (Ozon)
B Oxygen (Oksigen)
C Hydrogen (Hidrogen)
D Carbon dioxide (Karbon dioksida)

41 The diagram shows a pyramid number of a population in a pond. Which of the following represents
the primary consumer?
Rajah menunjukkan piramid nombor bagi satu populasi dalam sebuah kolam.
Antara berikut manakah mewakili pengguna primer?

42 What is the purpose of freezing food?

Apakah tujuan penyejukbekuan makanan?
A Harden food
Mengeraskan makanan
B Improve the appearance of food
Memperbaiki rupa bentuk makanan
C Slow down the microorganisms’ activities
Merencatkan aktiviti mikroorganisma
D Improve the quality and taste of food
Menambah kualiti dan keenakan makanan

43 Pak Man has a banana tree which bears big and tasty fruits. He wants to breed the offspring in a
large quantity in a short period of time. Which of the following methods can be used?
Pak Man mempunyai sepohon pisang dengan buah yang bersaiz besar dan rasanya enak. Dia ingin
memperbanyakkan anak pokok pisang itu dalam masa yang singkat. Antara kaedah berikut yang
manakah boleh digunakan ?
SET 4 : PAPER 1 18 1511/1

A Tissue culture (Kultur tisu)

B Stem cutting (Keratan batang)
C Bud-grafting (Cantuman tunas)
D Seed germination (Percambahan biji benih)

44 The word equation shows the production of butyl rubber.

Persamaan perkataan menunjukkan penghasilan getah butil.
Catalyst : Substance N
isobutelene isoprene Mangkin : Bahan N butyl rubber
isobutelena + isoprena getah butil

What is substance N?
Apakah bahan N?

A Iron powder (Serbuk besi)

B Copper oxide (Kuprum oksida)
C Sodium chloride (Natrium klorida)
D Aluminium chloride (Aluminium klorida)

45 The information shows the properties of a type of plastic.

Maklumat menunjukkan sifat-sifat sejenis plastik.

 Cannot be moulded repeatedly

Tidak boleh diacukan berulang kali
 Have cross-linkage polymer
Mempunyai polimer berangkai silang

Which of the following shows the above properties?

Antara berikut, manakah yang menunjukkan sifat di atas?
A Polythene (Politena)
B Bakelite (Bakelit)
C Perpex (Perspeks)
D Polystyrene (Polistirena)

46 Which of the following are the proper ways of disposing plastic waste?
Antara berikut, manakah kaedah betul pengurusan sisa plastik?
I Dump in a river
Membuang dalam sungai
II Bury underground
SET 4 : PAPER 1 19 1511/1

Menanam dalam tanah

III Burn in incinerator
Membakar dalam insinerator
A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B I and III only
I dan III sahaja
C II and III only
II dan III sahaja
D I, II and III
I, II dan III

47 What is the definition of radio waves frequency?

Apakah takrifan bagi frekuensi gelombang radio?
A The highest point of wave
Titik tertinggi gelombang
B The distance between two consecutive crests
Jarak di antara dua puncak berturutan
C The distance between initial position and crest
Jarak di antara kedudukan asal dan puncak
D The number of complete waves in one second
Bilangan gelombang lengkap dalam satu saat

48 The diagram shows three communication satellites.

Rajah menunjukkan tiga satelit komunikasi.
SET 4 : PAPER 1 20 1511/1

Which of the following statements are true regarding the communication satellite?
Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah benar tentang satelit komunikasi itu?
I They are able to form a communication network with the Earth satellites
Satelit itu membentuk satu rangkaian komunikasi dengan satelit-satelit Bumi
II They provide a limited and slow coverage
Satelit itu memberi liputan yang terhad dan lambat
III They are always located above the same point on the earth
Satelit itu sentiasa berada pada kedudukan yang sama dengan suatu tempat di Bumi.

A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B I and III only
I dan III sahaja
C II and III only
II dan III sahaja
D I, II and III
I, II dan III

49 The diagram shows an electronic component.

Rajah menunjukkan sejenis komponen elektronik.

What is the function of the component?

Apakah fungsi komponen tersebut?
A Allows current to flow in one direction
Membenarkan arus elektrik mengalir satu arah sahaja
B Increase or decrease alternating voltage
Menaikkan atau menurunkan voltan arus ulang-alik
C Store charges and energy
Menyimpan cas dan tenaga
D Control the amount of electric current
Mengawal jumlah arus elektrik

50 Which of the following are the characteristics of a communication satellite?

Antara berikut yang mankah merupakan ciri-ciri satelit komunikasi?
I Orbits the earth every 24 hors
Tempoh edaran 24 jam
II Move from the west to the east
SET 4 : PAPER 1 21 1511/1

Bergerak dari barat ke timur

III Located in an orbit above the poles
Terletak dalam orbit di atas kutub

A I and II only
I dan II sahaja
B I and III only
I dan III sahaja
C II and III only
II dan III sahaja
D I, II and III
I, II dan III


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