Upgrade Oracle APEX 3

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Upgrade Oracle APEX 3.2.1 to 4.0.

1 on Oracle Database 10g

Express Edition (XE)
Apex is a great tool for rapid web applications based on Oracle Database. It’s free, and if you’re happy
with Oracle XE’s limitations, then it’s perfect, you have the database free as well. I’ve been following
APEX for long time ago, since it was called HTML DB, and wrote 2+ years ago a guide how to install

Now APEX 4.0.1 is GA and most of the people would like to upgrade. It’s very simple.

1. Download APEX from OTN

2. Unzip it making sure you don’t change the name of the apex folder inside the zip.

unzip apex_4.0.1.zip /tmp/

cd /tmp/apex

3. Connect to your XE installation

sqlplus / as sysdba

4. Run the installation script


5. Wait 10-15 minutes then connect again as sysdba and import images

SQL>@apxldimg.sql /tmp
!do not put the “apex” folder in the path there

That’s it, no more unlock account, set password, set port, you already did this on the previous


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