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[15:11:15] [System Message] Welcome to [ DotA-Gaming.

com Public League Room]

[15:11:15] [System Message] Please use legal software. You may need to add Garena into firewall trust list
to start game.
[15:11:15] Public[EU]-2 Whisper You : Welcome To DotA-Gaming Public League!
[15:11:15] Public[EU]-2 Whisper You :
[15:11:15] <papATheBEST> 7threal
[15:11:15] Public[EU]-2 Whisper You : DotA Gaming is a non-profit organization. Help us with servers bills
by clicking 1 time per day on the Advertisements from website!
[15:11:15] Public[EU]-2 Whisper You : Sign-up open! Game Mode: ardm. Type .sign to enter & .out to
leave. Needed Players: +3
[15:11:15] <neXt.dmG> m-ai exp
[15:11:15] Public[EU]-2 Whisper You : Cant sign or use Captain commands? Use .verify command!
[15:11:15] <MuHep> low limit 4me !!!!
[15:11:15] <7heReal> why ?
[15:11:15] <neXt.dmG> :)
[15:11:15] <papATheBEST> go cl?
[15:11:15] <pr0_Vir2all^> .stats astral_soul
[15:11:19] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +3
[15:11:20] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> ...
[15:11:24] <pr0_Vir2all^> .streak
[15:11:24] <He_MaaaAN> 7heReal
[15:11:25] <7heReal> no
[15:11:25] <Astral_Soul> .stats [-eXTaSy-]
[15:11:28] <IRC.Fear> Real
[15:11:28] <Astral_Soul> .rank
[15:11:30] <neXt.dmG> .limit
[15:11:30] <IRC.Fear> go limit 1024 ?
[15:11:30] <Public[EU]-2> This Bot is Made By:
[15:11:31] [System Message] Experience lower bound is 1200
[15:11:31] <DisMay.Virgin> .listplayers
[15:11:32] <U.u|LoveR-> .result draw
[15:11:33] [System Message] <7heReal>[Untouchable], <pr0_Vir2all^>[Skillful], <TennisFTW>[Brilliant],
<Astral_Soul>[Magnificent], <Jaroslav>[Brilliant], <[-eXTaSy-]>[Magnificent],
<A.Vodonaeva>[Excellent], have already signed in
[15:11:33] <7heReal> ne igra'
[15:11:33] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> e lmita din aia ratata
[15:11:34] <DisMay.Virgin> .sign
[15:11:37] [System Message] <Dismay.Virgin>[Extraordinary], has signed in. Needed Players: +2
[15:11:38] <IRC.Fear> Virign
[15:11:39] <IRC.Fear> :D
[15:11:39] <7heReal> .limit 1100
[15:11:41] [System Message] Experience lower bound set to 1100
[15:11:42] <DisMay.Virgin> fear
[15:11:42] <He_MaaaAN> naopish out
[15:11:42] <[-eXTaSy-]> .out
[15:11:43] <DisMay.Virgin> sup
[15:11:44] <IRC.Fear> 1024 plz ..
[15:11:44] <DisMay.Virgin> sign
[15:11:44] [System Message] <[-eXTaSy-]>[Magnificent], has signed out. Needed Players: +3
[15:11:45] <A.Vodonaeva> 7herel can u limit 0 for a sec my friend need to SIGN
[15:11:46] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +3
[15:11:46] <Astral_Soul> .оут
[15:11:47] <IRC.Fear> .....................
[15:11:47] <Astral_Soul> .out
[15:11:48] <pr0_Vir2all^> Disma ))))))
[15:11:49] [System Message] <Astral_Soul>[Magnificent], has signed out. Needed Players: +4
[15:11:50] <DisMay.Virgin> low for fear
[15:11:53] <Astral_Soul> up limit
[15:11:53] <[-eXTaSy-]> go abort
[15:11:54] <He_MaaaAN> 7heReal let me sign
[15:11:55] <DisMay.Virgin> pro sup:D
[15:11:58] <papATheBEST> yooooo
[15:11:59] <He_MaaaAN> limit 0
[15:11:59] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> limit 1000 plz
[15:11:59] <IRC.Fear> :d
[15:11:59] <papATheBEST> guys
[15:12:00] <papATheBEST> abort
[15:12:02] <IRC.Fear> Thereal
[15:12:03] <papATheBEST> lets cl
[15:12:04] <IRC.Fear> go limit 1024 plz ..
[15:12:04] <[-eXTaSy-]> go abort for cl
[15:12:05] <[R]ed[U]ndead> .sign
[15:12:06] <MuHep> go Cl
[15:12:07] <U.u|LoveR-> .result draw
[15:12:07] <pr0_Vir2all^> Hi Mate )))))
[15:12:08] <IRC.Fear> no
[15:12:09] [System Message] <[R]ed[U]ndead>[Excellent], has signed in. Needed Players: +3
[15:12:09] <IRC.Fear> go lower
[15:12:10] <IRC.Fear> and start
[15:12:11] <IRC.Fear> .....
[15:12:11] <papATheBEST> who wana cl ?
[15:12:12] <He_MaaaAN> 7heReal let me sigN
[15:12:12] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +3
[15:12:12] <Astral_Soul> .Listplayers
[15:12:13] [System Message] Find 3 Tunnels.
[15:12:13] [System Message] Found 1 tunnel, Ping:203
[15:12:13] [System Message] Found 2 tunnel, Ping:219
[15:12:13] [System Message] Found 3 tunnel, Ping:219
[15:12:14] [System Message] <7heReal>[Untouchable], <pr0_Vir2all^>[Skillful], <TennisFTW>[Brilliant],
<Jaroslav>[Brilliant], <A.Vodonaeva>[Excellent], <Dismay.Virgin>[Extraordinary],
<[R]ed[U]ndead>[Excellent], have already signed in
[15:12:15] <JnP|Ichigo!> .verify
[15:12:16] <MuHep> go cl !!!!
[15:12:17] <RiverSideKinez> is there a game
[15:12:18] <papATheBEST> yo yoyoy who wana cl ?
[15:12:18] <7heReal> .stats He_MaaaAN
[15:12:19] <pr0_Vir2all^> GO sign Napster ahahah
[15:12:20] <DisMay.Virgin> the realy
[15:12:21] <MaFIaSexX> .rank
[15:12:22] <U.u|LoveR-> .rank
[15:12:23] <pr0_Vir2all^> Out all
[15:12:23] <7heReal> omg
[15:12:24] <DisMay.Virgin> the real
[15:12:25] <papATheBEST> i got friend with me
[15:12:26] <DisMay.Virgin> can u
[15:12:27] <PushTheTemp0> TY SOSYARA
[15:12:28] <PushTheTemp0> EBANAYA
[15:12:28] <7heReal> Who ?
[15:12:28] <He_MaaaAN> 7heReal
[15:12:29] <PushTheTemp0> SUKA
[15:12:30] <pr0_Vir2all^> .extenD
[15:12:31] [System Message] Sign-up timeout extended
[15:12:32] <[-eXTaSy-]> real go abort.
[15:12:32] <DisMay.Virgin> low for my freind
[15:12:33] <PushTheTemp0> TY 4TO SOVSEM AHUEL
[15:12:34] <papATheBEST> come cl mb
[15:12:36] <PushTheTemp0> MRAZ
[15:12:36] <7heReal> why ?
[15:12:36] <Z[]diAc.> .staff
[15:12:37] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +3
[15:12:37] <DisMay.Virgin> 1020
[15:12:38] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen next.dmg
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] 79ers|fRezerR
[15:12:39] <7heReal> abort
[15:12:40] <IRC.Fear> Thereal
[15:12:41] <[-eXTaSy-]> for challenge
[15:12:41] <IRC.Fear> 124 ..
[15:12:41] <DisMay.Virgin> he is pro
[15:12:42] <PushTheTemp0> UBLIUDOK EBANYI
[15:12:42] <IRC.Fear> 1024
[15:12:44] <IRC.Fear> let me sign
[15:12:45] <IRC.Fear> [ff
[15:12:45] <[-eXTaSy-]> cl>sg
[15:12:45] <7heReal> .limit 0
[15:12:46] <PushTheTemp0> EBAL YA TVOY ROT
[15:12:47] [System Message] Experience lower bound set to 0
[15:12:48] <IRC.Fear> .sign
[15:12:48] <[-eXTaSy-]> ok
[15:12:48] <PushTheTemp0> SOSYARA
[15:12:49] <MuHep> .sign
[15:12:50] <Z[]diAc.> hmmm
[15:12:50] <Astral_Soul> омфг
[15:12:50] <DisMay.Virgin> fear
[15:12:50] <He_MaaaAN> .siGN
[15:12:50] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> .SigN
[15:12:50] <PushTheTemp0> SUKA
[15:12:52] [System Message] <IRC.Fear>[Promising], <MuHep>[Beginner], <He_MaaaAN>[Beginner],
has signed in. Sign-up complete
[15:12:53] [System Message] <7heReal> must confirm game start by typing .confirmstart in 90 sec
[15:12:53] <DisMay.Virgin> herE?
[15:12:55] <IRC.Fear> i did
[15:12:55] <IRC.Fear> y
[15:12:56] <A.Vodonaeva> ПО
[15:12:56] <papATheBEST> cl me
[15:12:57] <IRC.Fear> ;D
[15:12:57] <DisMay.Virgin> k
[15:12:58] <A.Vodonaeva> GJ
[15:12:59] <Z[]diAc.> .whoami
[15:12:59] <PushTheTemp0> ANY STAFF HERE ?
[15:13:01] <Astral_Soul> abort it
[15:13:01] <DisMay.Virgin> ty real
[15:13:02] <MaFIaSexX> guys go cl
[15:13:06] <7heReal> ?
[15:13:07] <IRC.Fear> confirm
[15:13:07] <He_MaaaAN> Confirm
[15:13:08] <A.Vodonaeva> go confirm
[15:13:08] <papATheBEST> .challenge A.Vodonaeva .challenge A.Vodonaeva
[15:13:09] <papATheBEST> .challenge A.Vodonaeva
[15:13:11] <pr0_Vir2all^> last lord here ???
[15:13:11] <PushTheTemp0> .staff
[15:13:11] <MaFIaSexX> yy
[15:13:13] <7heReal> .confirmstart
[15:13:13] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen next.dmg
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] 79ers|fRezerR
[15:13:14] [System Message] Team sentinel: 7heReal TennisFTW A.Vodonaeva IRC.Fear MuHep
[15:13:15] <Astral_Soul> .go play with high limit
[15:13:15] <papATheBEST> .challenge A.Vodonaeva
[15:13:15] [System Message] Team scourge: Dismay.Virgin Jaroslav [R]ed[U]ndead pr0_Vir2all^
[15:13:15] <MaFIaSexX> papa cl :D
[15:13:16] [System Message] Game mode is -ardm; Game name is IHLardm3622; Map Version: 6.66; Use
.teams and .heroes to get a reminder on the line-up
[15:13:17] <Astral_Soul> ff
[15:13:17] [System Message] Challenge starts in 450 sec. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave; Use .mode
<mode> To change mode. (<papATheBEST> Challenged <A.Vodonaeva>) First To Pick: <A.Vodonaeva>
[15:13:18] <papATheBEST> pff
[15:13:21] <MaFIaSexX> he on game ...
[15:13:21] <DisMay.Virgin> wtffF?
[15:13:22] <[-eXTaSy-]> go reject
[15:13:22] <papATheBEST> he is game
[15:13:23] <PushTheTemp0> DMG
[15:13:25] <DisMay.Virgin> vodo in game
[15:13:25] <PushTheTemp0> U THERE ?:
[15:13:26] <[-eXTaSy-]> y
[15:13:26] <DisMay.Virgin> lawl
[15:13:27] <IRC.Fear> T_T
[15:13:27] <papATheBEST> .reject
[15:13:29] <papATheBEST> go cl me
[15:13:29] [System Message] Game Aborted
[15:13:29] <DisMay.Virgin> go cancel guyz
[15:13:29] <papATheBEST> go
[15:13:33] <papATheBEST> go cl me gogoog
[15:13:36] <papATheBEST> commonnnnn
[15:13:38] <papATheBEST> no time <
[15:13:39] <MaFIaSexX> eXtaSy promet me to cl papa pls
[15:13:40] <papATheBEST> cl me
[15:13:42] <He_MaaaAN> .teaMS
[15:13:44] [System Message] Team Sentinel: 7heReal, TennisFTW, A.Vodonaeva, IRC.Fear, MuHep,
[15:13:44] [System Message] Team Scourge: Dismay.Virgin, Jaroslav, [R]ed[U]ndead, pr0_Vir2all^,
[15:13:47] <PushTheTemp0> .Staff
[15:13:48] <papATheBEST> promote MAFLA
[15:13:49] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen next.dmg
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] 79ers|fRezerR
[15:13:50] <papATheBEST> some1
[15:13:51] <[-eXTaSy-]> .promote MaFIaSexX
[15:13:52] [System Message] Promoted MaFIaSexX from [Member] to [Host]
[15:13:53] <[-eXTaSy-]> go cl
[15:13:54] <MaFIaSexX> cl me
[15:13:55] <IRC.Fear> .TEAMS
[15:13:56] <A.Vodonaeva> .reject
[15:13:57] [System Message] <7heReal> Ping: P:| Map: [DotA v6.70c.w3x]
[15:13:57] [System Message] <He_maаaAN> Ping: P:| Map: [DotA v6.70c.w3x]
[15:13:57] [System Message] Team Sentinel: 7heReal, TennisFTW, A.Vodonaeva, IRC.Fear, MuHep,
[15:13:58] [System Message] Team Scourge: Dismay.Virgin, Jaroslav, [R]ed[U]ndead, pr0_Vir2all^,
[15:13:58] <iG^MaTrix> FUCK ALL
[15:14:00] <iG^MaTrix> :D
[15:14:01] <papATheBEST> .challenge MaFIaSexX
[15:14:02] [System Message] MaFIaSexX is hardly a worthy opponent for papATheBEST
[15:14:05] <papATheBEST> pff
[15:14:05] [System Message] <TTigar-> has been kicked by <Public[EU]-2> Reason:Timebanned!
[15:14:08] <papATheBEST> promote chigo plz
[15:14:12] <papATheBEST> and he will cl u
[15:14:19] [System Message] Find 3 Tunnels.
[15:14:19] [System Message] Found 1 tunnel, Ping:187
[15:14:19] [System Message] Found 2 tunnel, Ping:187
[15:14:19] [System Message] Found 3 tunnel, Ping:188
[15:14:19] <[-eXTaSy-]> .demote maflasexx
[15:14:19] [System Message] User not found!
[15:14:20] <papATheBEST> promote JnP|Ichigo! leader
[15:14:28] <papATheBEST> he will cl him
[15:14:29] <PushTheTemp0> NIZOO
[15:14:30] <PushTheTemp0> U THERE ?
[15:14:33] <JnP|Ichigo!> papa
[15:14:34] <[-eXTaSy-]> .demote mafiasexx
[15:14:34] [System Message] Demoted MaFIaSexX from [Host] to [Member]
[15:14:36] <JnP|Ichigo!> lets play later ? :D
[15:14:38] <papATheBEST> fucked up league
[15:14:41] <papATheBEST> :@
[15:14:41] <[-eXTaSy-]> .promote JnP|Ichigo!
[15:14:42] [System Message] Promoted JnP|Ichigo! from [Member] to [Host]
[15:14:43] <7heReal> .ann JOIN ME !!!
[15:14:44] [System Message] <7heReal> Says: JOIN ME !!!
[15:14:45] <3aser> .whoami
[15:14:45] [System Message] No swap in SG
[15:14:46] <ventus2121> Join now 6.69c 3 vs 3 weak only are available cuz im weak 2 XD
[15:14:47] [System Message] <3aser> [Member]: Vouched by The.Last.Lord, Rated Beginner(399/1697).
Inactive. Confidence factor: Fair. Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 2:27:23 PM. Vouch Comment: zz
[15:14:52] [System Message] Find 3 Tunnels.
[15:14:52] [System Message] Found 1 tunnel, Ping:141
[15:14:52] [System Message] Found 2 tunnel, Ping:173
[15:14:52] [System Message] Found 3 tunnel, Ping:173
[15:14:56] <papATheBEST> promote chigo to leader mb
[15:14:57] <papATheBEST> :P
[15:14:59] <Jaroslav> slot
[15:15:02] <papATheBEST> host cant cl host
[15:15:04] <[-eXTaSy-]> [15:18:41] [System Message] Promoted JnP|Ichigo! from [Member] to [Host]

[15:15:13] <PushTheTemp0> .whois papathebest

[15:15:14] [System Message] <papATheBEST> [Leader]: Vouched by EU|pieTsaA_, Promoted by [-
eXTaSy-], Rated Glorious(11/1697). Confidence factor: Heroic. Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 3:02:04 PM.
Vouch Comment: gg
[15:15:15] <papATheBEST> he must be leader
[15:15:16] <papATheBEST> so he can cl
[15:15:20] <DisMay.Virgin> jaro join
[15:15:24] <[-eXTaSy-]> GO CL
[15:15:28] <PushTheTemp0> LORD OR DMG ANY1 HERE ?
[15:15:28] <[-eXTaSy-]> [15:18:41] [System Message] Promoted JnP|Ichigo! from [Member] to [Host]

[15:15:29] <Jaroslav> che ne zoiti

[15:15:30] <MaFIaSexX> u can cl
[15:15:31] <neXt.dmG> ?!
[15:15:31] <jeep000> .rank
[15:15:33] <MaFIaSexX> go cl
[15:15:33] <[-eXTaSy-]> go cl chigo
[15:15:37] <papATheBEST> pff he is with me man
[15:15:39] <jeep000> .lastgame
[15:15:39] <7heReal> .ann Jaroslav join me
[15:15:40] [System Message] <Jaroslav>
[15:15:40] [System Message] <7heReal> Says: Jaroslav join me
[15:15:42] <[-eXTaSy-]> papa challenge chigo
[15:15:42] <Jaroslav> ja che v bane
[15:15:45] <papATheBEST> even though i cant cl him
[15:15:45] <jeep000> .info 3546
[15:15:46] <MaFIaSexX> Hmmm
[15:15:47] [System Message] Game IHLsd3546 (1/8/2011)
<Team Sentinel> 7heReal[+27] MYdi^BeMjeKee[+35] .WehrMacht.[+36] PlaY.ZeUs[+40]
<Team Scourge> c..j[-34] I3erserker.Diva[-35] {M}ega_{K}iller[-31] jeep000[-28] STROOOOONZOOOOO[-26]
.:: Sentinel won the game! ::.
[15:15:49] <Astral_Soul> wtf
[15:15:49] <papATheBEST> coz my stats is high
[15:15:56] <neXt.dmG> chall me
[15:15:58] <[-eXTaSy-]> .challenge nP|Ichigo!

[15:15:59] [System Message] Player not found!

[15:16:01] <7heReal> kto ?
[15:16:03] <pase_compose> .autovouch
[15:16:05] <7heReal> ty ?
[15:16:05] <[-eXTaSy-]> .challenge nP|Ichigo!
[15:16:06] <papATheBEST> .challenge neXt.dmG
[15:16:07] [System Message] Player not found!
[15:16:07] <PushTheTemp0> DMG unban justgogame
[15:16:07] [System Message] next.dmg is hardly a worthy opponent for papATheBEST
[15:16:08] <papATheBEST> gogo
[15:16:11] <DisMay.Virgin> jarooooo
[15:16:11] <papATheBEST> pff
[15:16:11] <[-eXTaSy-]> .demote nP|Ichigo!
[15:16:13] [System Message] User not found!
[15:16:15] <neXt.dmG> not me papa -.-
[15:16:15] <DisMay.Virgin> .stats papathebest
[15:16:16] <[-eXTaSy-]> .whoami
[15:16:17] Public[EU]-2 Whisper You : papATheBEST has 104 wins, 70 losses, 1629 experience, ranked
11/1697, Rated [Glorious]; Current losing streak: 1 Confidence factor: Heroic Last
[15:16:17] Public[EU]-2 Whisper You : Login was on: 1/10/2011 3:02:04 PM
[15:16:18] [System Message] <[-eXTaSy-]> [Voucher]: Vouched by Zbrbr^nizooo-, Promoted by
Zbrbr^nizooo-, Rated Magnificent(20/1697). Leaders: kiine, JusT.PoTM, fight4me, papATheBEST, neXt!satanA,
DGL.TV01, nubh.SmOkE[7/7]. Hosts: Gonzalo.H, mazda_taiki, mish@, _nty_, MYdi^BeMjeKee, zzrazor, JnP|
Ichigo![7/7]. Vouchees 25/300. Confidence factor: Fair. Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 3:13:29 PM. Vouch
Comment: ro
[15:16:20] <Astral_Soul> .stats chigo
[15:16:22] <papATheBEST> no one to cl ?
[15:16:22] <IRC.Fear> JAROslav?
[15:16:28] <papATheBEST> omg
[15:16:30] <DisMay.Virgin> jaro slave
[15:16:31] <DisMay.Virgin> join
[15:16:33] <neXt.dmG> .challenge jnp|lchigo!
[15:16:34] [System Message] jnp|lchigo! is not considered a worthy leader!
[15:16:38] <papATheBEST> he is with me man
[15:16:38] <[-eXTaSy-]> .demote JnP|Ichigo!
[15:16:40] [System Message] Demoted JnP|Ichigo! from [Host] to [Member]
[15:16:40] <PushTheTemp0> dmg
[15:16:40] <[-eXTaSy-]> da-i tu
[15:16:42] <[-eXTaSy-]> ca nu am sloturi
[15:16:43] <[-eXTaSy-]> eu
[15:16:43] <pase_compose> .ba extasy dami un vouch si mie pls
[15:16:44] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> doamne
[15:16:45] <PushTheTemp0> go unban justgogame
[15:16:46] <7heReal> ffs?
[15:16:50] <neXt.dmG> .promote JnP|Ichigo! leader
[15:16:52] [System Message] Promoted JnP|Ichigo! from [Member] to [Leader]
[15:16:54] <papATheBEST> opaaaaaaaa
[15:16:55] <[-eXTaSy-]> asa
[15:16:56] <neXt.dmG> .challenge JnP|Ichigo!

[15:16:56] <[-eXTaSy-]> go cl
[15:16:57] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> papa
[15:16:58] [System Message] Challenge starts in 450 sec. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave; Use .mode
<mode> To change mode. (<neXt.dmG> Challenged <JnP|Ichigo!>) First To Pick: <JnP|Ichigo!>
[15:16:59] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> go game
[15:17:00] <[-eXTaSy-]> .sign
[15:17:00] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> ?
[15:17:01] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> .Sign
[15:17:02] <papATheBEST> dmg
[15:17:03] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> go .POOL
[15:17:05] <papATheBEST> btw am with chigo
[15:17:06] <papATheBEST> .sign
[15:17:09] <MaFIaSexX> .SigN
[15:17:10] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .sign
[15:17:10] <neXt.dmG> -.-
[15:17:11] <3aser> Papa
[15:17:14] <neXt.dmG> np
[15:17:15] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> with papa
[15:17:16] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> ma lasi pick ?
[15:17:16] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> xD
[15:17:17] <papATheBEST> 3aser
[15:17:18] [System Message] Sign-up open! Captains: <neXt.dmG> Vs <JnP|Ichigo!>. Type .sign to enter
& .out to leave. Game Mode: [ cm ] First To Pick: <JnP|Ichigo!>.
[15:17:18] <3aser> got slot for me and ur frnd ?
[15:17:18] <papATheBEST> ;D
[15:17:19] <IRC.Fear> .censure sickbraiN
[15:17:19] <neXt.dmG> .reject
[15:17:20] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> :D
[15:17:20] [System Message] Censure issued
[15:17:20] <U.u|LoveR-> .Sign
[15:17:21] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> :))
[15:17:21] <neXt.dmG> :D
[15:17:21] [System Message] Game Aborted
[15:17:23] <3aser> hmm
[15:17:24] <MaFIaSexX> why .....
[15:17:25] <DisMay.Virgin> jaroslave
[15:17:26] <papATheBEST> mm
[15:17:28] <papATheBEST> go cl me some1
[15:17:29] <DisMay.Virgin> join ?
[15:17:30] <papATheBEST> gogo
[15:17:32] [System Message] Can't find jaro in room!
[15:17:32] <papATheBEST> googogog
[15:17:32] <IRC.Fear> jaro?
[15:17:34] <papATheBEST> :(
[15:17:35] <IRC.Fear> p=p
[15:17:35] <Astral_Soul> fear koi si ti priqtel?
[15:17:41] <papaBOSHKASH> .stats Darknessthebest
[15:17:42] <papATheBEST> why no one to cl : (!
[15:17:43] <[VO]fac.cariera> .result sentinel
[15:17:45] <TR.Kot> .result sentinel
[15:17:46] <IRC.Fear> english in main chat bastral
[15:17:48] <IRC.Fear> or w/e
[15:17:50] <z69|> .result sentinel
[15:17:52] <DisMay.Virgin> sec papa
[15:17:53] <-Michel-> .warninfo Jp_soul
[15:17:54] <Astral_Soul> .startgame
[15:17:54] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .result sentinel
[15:17:55] [System Message] JP_Soul has the following warnings: unsportsmanship I - feed+flame
(velocity.light, 12/9/2010); manner III - flame(ur-mother) (velocity.light, 12/11/2010); manner I - flame
(velocity.light, 12/12/2010); manner I - manners/FLAME (R0x1z3R.BuTCH3R, 12/13/2010); manner III -
unsportmanship (XoMaTheBEST, 12/25/2010); [more...]
[15:17:55] <He_MaaaAN> .teamS
[15:17:55] <DisMay.Virgin> if draw i cl u
[15:17:56] [System Message] DotA League Game starts in 450 sec. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed players: +9. (Mode: cm)
[15:17:56] <TR.Kot> radyyt takie igri
[15:17:56] <Astral_Soul> .limit 1300
[15:17:57] [System Message] Team Sentinel: 7heReal, TennisFTW, A.Vodonaeva, IRC.Fear, MuHep,
[15:17:58] <GGC.MaHeRz> Maher is here
[15:17:58] [System Message] Team Scourge: Dismay.Virgin, Jaroslav, [R]ed[U]ndead, pr0_Vir2all^,
[15:17:58] <GGC.MaHeRz> :)
[15:17:58] <7heReal> .ann Join me Jaroslav you last !!!
[15:17:59] [System Message] manner I - manner (.GG.LORD, 1/8/2011); rulebreaking III - flamestaff
(.GG.LORD, 1/8/2011)
[15:18:00] [System Message] Experience lower bound set to 1300
[15:18:01] <thrall_split0> .staff
[15:18:01] [System Message] <7heReal> Says: Join me Jaroslav you last !!!
[15:18:02] <Astral_Soul> .mode ardM
[15:18:02] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen next.dmg
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] 79ers|fRezerR
[15:18:03] <[VO]fac.cariera> .REsult sentinel
[15:18:03] [System Message] Mode set to ardM
[15:18:03] <He_MaaaAN> /FIND Jaroslav
[15:18:03] <papATheBEST> .challenge Dismay.Virgin
[15:18:05] <ice0frog> .result sentinel
[15:18:05] <[VO]fac.cariera> GO result
[15:18:08] <TR.Kot> xochetcia smeiatcia radovatcia i zhit dalwe :O
[15:18:08] <Astral_Soul> .mode arDM-midas-ON
[15:18:09] [System Message] Mode set to arDM-midas-ON
[15:18:10] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <arDM-midas-ON>. Type .sign to enter & .out to
leave. Needed Players: +9
[15:18:10] <DisMay.Virgin> if draw sec
[15:18:12] <pr0_Vir2all^> .teamS
[15:18:13] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> .Sign
[15:18:14] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .listplayers
[15:18:14] [System Message] Team Sentinel: 7heReal, TennisFTW, A.Vodonaeva, IRC.Fear, MuHep,
[15:18:14] <The.Last.Lord> .result sentinel
[15:18:15] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .lastgame
[15:18:15] [System Message] Team Scourge: Dismay.Virgin, Jaroslav, [R]ed[U]ndead, pr0_Vir2all^,
[15:18:16] [System Message] <Astral_Soul>[Magnificent], has already signed in
[15:18:17] <IRC.Fear> .liMIT
[15:18:17] <DisMay.Virgin> we w8ing +1 not in room
[15:18:17] [System Message] Game IHLardm.nm3620: Result confirmed and submitted; The sentinel have
[15:18:17] <Astral_Soul> .extend
[15:18:18] <z69|> .Sign
[15:18:19] [System Message] Experience change: decorous[+18] dieharder[+39] ts-tlotr[+30]
The.Last.Lord[+30] [VO]fac.cariera[+41] Zbrbr^nizooo-[-36] Classic|OGe.[-24] z69|[-16] ~S-c-r-e-a-
m~[-18] TR.Kot[-17]
[15:18:20] <neXt.dmG> .sign
[15:18:21] [System Message] Experience lower bound is 1300
[15:18:21] <papATheBEST> ABORT FOR CL
[15:18:22] <neXt.dmG> dai sign
[15:18:22] [System Message] Sign-up timeout extended
[15:18:22] <papATheBEST> :@
[15:18:22] <[-eXTaSy-]> ..sign
[15:18:25] <neXt.dmG> nnvm
[15:18:25] <[-eXTaSy-]> .SIgn
[15:18:26] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .limit
[15:18:28] [System Message] Experience lower bound is 1300
[15:18:28] <papATheBEST> .challenge Dismay.Virgin
[15:18:30] <papATheBEST> .challenge Dismay.Virgin
[15:18:30] [System Message] <[-eXTaSy-]>[Magnificent], has signed in. Needed Players: +8
[15:18:31] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .SIGN
[15:18:32] <neXt.dmG> .abort
[15:18:33] <papATheBEST> let me cl for god sake
[15:18:34] [System Message] Game Aborted
[15:18:35] [System Message] Can't find jaro in room!
[15:18:36] <[-eXTaSy-]> go cl
[15:18:36] <papATheBEST> .challenge Dismay.Virgin
[15:18:37] <7heReal> .teams
[15:18:37] <papATheBEST> .challenge Dismay.Virgin
[15:18:38] [System Message] Team Sentinel: 7heReal, TennisFTW, A.Vodonaeva, IRC.Fear, MuHep,
[15:18:39] <papATheBEST> .challenge Dismay.Virgin
[15:18:39] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .sign
[15:18:39] [System Message] Team Scourge: Dismay.Virgin, Jaroslav, [R]ed[U]ndead, pr0_Vir2all^,
[15:18:40] <-Michel-> .STats
[15:18:40] <DisMay.Virgin> sec
[15:18:40] <papATheBEST> aaaaaaa
[15:18:41] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .SIGN
[15:18:41] <DisMay.Virgin> papa
[15:18:43] <neXt.dmG> .cq
[15:18:43] <TennisFTW> jaroslav?
[15:18:44] <DisMay.Virgin> dont cl now
[15:18:44] [System Message] Queue cleared.
[15:18:46] <ts-tlotr> .result sentinel
[15:18:46] <Jaroslav> ыус
[15:18:48] <IRC.Fear> jaroslav
[15:18:48] <Astral_Soul> papaz abusers
[15:18:49] <IRC.Fear> in room
[15:18:49] <Jaroslav> sec
[15:18:50] <IRC.Fear> GG_.--
[15:18:50] <Astral_Soul> :S
[15:18:51] <papATheBEST> XD
[15:18:52] <TennisFTW> join todaty?
[15:18:53] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> .cq
[15:18:53] <ts-tlotr> .statS
[15:18:53] <Astral_Soul> how many chall u make
[15:18:54] <neXt.dmG> challenge mb ?
[15:18:55] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> :)
[15:18:56] <DisMay.Virgin> jaro
[15:18:57] <papATheBEST> next.dmg ftw
[15:18:57] <CurseOfNature> .sign2
[15:18:58] <papATheBEST> ;D
[15:18:59] <DisMay.Virgin> join ?
[15:19:00] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .challenge papathebest
[15:19:00] <7heReal> .ann JOIN ME Jaroslav!!!!
[15:19:01] [System Message] Challenge starts in 450 sec. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave; Use .mode
<mode> To change mode. (<NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> Challenged <papATheBEST>) First To Pick:
[15:19:01] <ts-tlotr> .lastgame
[15:19:01] <Astral_Soul> ff
[15:19:02] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .abort
[15:19:02] [System Message] <7heReal> Says: JOIN ME Jaroslav!!!!
[15:19:03] <papATheBEST> gj
[15:19:03] [System Message] Find 3 Tunnels.
[15:19:03] [System Message] Found 1 tunnel, Ping:140
[15:19:03] [System Message] Found 2 tunnel, Ping:204
[15:19:03] [System Message] Found 3 tunnel, Ping:219
[15:19:03] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .reject
[15:19:04] [System Message] Game Aborted
[15:19:05] <TR.Kot> .SIGN
[15:19:05] <papATheBEST> pffffffff
[15:19:06] <Astral_Soul> abusers
[15:19:08] <TR.Kot> .startgame
[15:19:08] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .STARTGAME
[15:19:10] [System Message] DotA League Game starts in 450 sec. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed players: +9. (Mode: cm)
[15:19:11] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .Limit 1100
[15:19:11] <CurseOfNature> .sign
[15:19:11] <TR.Kot> .LIMIT 1250
[15:19:11] <DisMay.Virgin> jaro came so no cl XD
[15:19:12] <papATheBEST> dont sg
[15:19:12] [System Message] Experience lower bound set to 1250
[15:19:13] <ts-tlotr> .sigN
[15:19:13] <TR.Kot> .mode ardmnm
[15:19:13] <Classic|OGe.> .result sentinel
[15:19:14] [System Message] <CurseOfNature>[Beginner], has signed in. Needed Players: +8
[15:19:14] [System Message] Mode set to ardmnm
[15:19:15] <Classic|OGe.> .sign
[15:19:16] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> NO 1 To chall
[15:19:16] [System Message] <ts-tlotr>[Talented], has signed in. Needed Players: +7
[15:19:16] <The.Last.Lord> .vouch GGC.Maherz gg 99
[15:19:17] <papATheBEST> noob egyption
[15:19:17] <Astral_Soul> w/e
[15:19:17] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> papa
[15:19:18] <z69|> .sign
[15:19:18] <papATheBEST> !!!
[15:19:18] [System Message] Successfully vouched GGC.Maherz
[15:19:19] <ts-tlotr> kick bigger
[15:19:20] <Astral_Soul> go abort again
[15:19:20] [System Message] <Classic|OGe.>[Talented], has signed in. Needed Players: +6
[15:19:21] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> OHHHHHHHHH
[15:19:21] <TR.Kot> .deny curseofnature
[15:19:22] <papATheBEST> ;D
[15:19:22] [System Message] TR.Kot has kicked curseofnature from the game!
[15:19:24] <ts-tlotr> deny
[15:19:24] <z69|> .rank
[15:19:28] <papATheBEST> .challenge Dismay.Virgin
[15:19:28] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .LISTPLAYERS
[15:19:29] <The.Last.Lord> .promote GGC.Maherz manager
[15:19:29] <ts-tlotr> ty
[15:19:29] <papATheBEST> oo
[15:19:30] <pr0_Vir2all^> .ann Jaroslav ??????????
[15:19:30] [System Message] <TR.Kot>[Beginner], <ts-tlotr>[Talented], <Classic|OGe.>[Talented], have
already signed in
[15:19:31] [System Message] Promoted GGC.Maherz from [Member] to [Manager]
[15:19:32] <z69|> 1192 olz
[15:19:32] <papATheBEST> pfffffff
[15:19:32] [System Message] <pr0_Vir2all^> Says: Jaroslav ??????????
[15:19:33] <[-eXTaSy-]> .vouch pase_compose gg 231345
[15:19:33] <z69|> plz
[15:19:33] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardmnm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:19:34] [System Message] Successfully vouched pase_compose
[15:19:36] <decorous> .result sentinel
[15:19:38] <TR.Kot> .limit 1192
[15:19:40] <Astral_Soul> let papa chall abusers
[15:19:40] <papATheBEST> deco cl ?
[15:19:40] <TR.Kot> ofc
[15:19:40] [System Message] Experience lower bound set to 1192
[15:19:41] <TR.Kot> fisher
[15:19:42] <Astral_Soul> :D
[15:19:42] <TR.Kot> :O
[15:19:42] <z69|> .SiGn
[15:19:43] <z69|> thx
[15:19:44] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> .SIGN
[15:19:45] [System Message] <z69|>[Skillful], has signed in. Needed Players: +6
[15:19:48] <Astral_Soul> .Listplayers
[15:19:49] <TR.Kot> .limit 1250
[15:19:49] <papATheBEST> cl me ?
[15:19:49] [System Message] <TR.Kot>[Beginner], <ts-tlotr>[Talented], <Classic|OGe.>[Talented], <z69|>[Skillful], have already signed in
[15:19:50] <z69|> buvaet
[15:19:50] [System Message] Experience lower bound set to 1250
[15:19:51] <papATheBEST> CL ME ?
[15:19:51] <ts-tlotr> .whois the.last.lord
[15:19:52] <papATheBEST> WTF
[15:19:53] [System Message] <The.Last.Lord> [Head-Administrator]: Vouched by DotA-Angel, Promoted
by DotA-Angel, Rated Skillful(171/1699). Administrators: .GG.LORD, EU|pieTsaA_, DGL.Doctor[3/3].
Managers: GGC.Maherz[1/3]. Vouchers: SQL.LoveMe, 79ers|fRezerR[2/4]. Censors: XoMaTheBEST,
7heReal[2/2]. V.I.Ps: hossi, JustForGame, CMP.MFSOOOm.M, JustGoGame, eX69-_-aRox[5/5]. Leaders:
Grigaa, i^Gh[]sT, roleX., z69|, tpg_1hp, Mr.Coo1-, dp_, doa.sashok, D3ath.SouL,,
es.happy, HellAg0ny, Ezone.lash6a,
[15:19:54] [System Message] OldEliTe.Myz, Hell_flamee, johnakos, thezulx, CaptainObviouus,
herMesukkKK, herMesQq--[20/40]. Hosts: !!!Nice, 2omorow=fuck, Happy_NeW_2011, sel_sme,
Sup.Mates1[5/40]. Vouchees 62/90003. Confidence factor: Great. Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 2:37:48 PM.
Vouch Comment: GG
[15:19:55] <The.Last.Lord> .baninfo justgogame
[15:19:56] [System Message] justgogame is banned by 0 on 1/10/2011 3:14:20 PM. The ban will expire on
1/10/2011 5:14:20 PM
[15:19:58] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardmnm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +6
[15:20:09] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> limit 1000 plz
[15:20:12] <MaFIaSexX> .staff
[15:20:14] <Astral_Soul> .stats tr.kot
[15:20:14] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> ne acc
[15:20:14] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen next.dmg GGC.Maherz
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] 79ers|fRezerR
[15:20:16] <neXt.dmG> last lord
[15:20:16] <The.Last.Lord> .demote ggc.maherz member
[15:20:17] [System Message] To Be done!
[15:20:22] <neXt.dmG> cand you change my manager?
[15:20:23] <dieharder> .result sentinel
[15:20:23] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardmnm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +6
[15:20:24] <The.Last.Lord> .saff
[15:20:24] <TR.Kot> .stats
[15:20:25] <dieharder> .stats
[15:20:26] <The.Last.Lord> hi dmg
[15:20:27] <papATheBEST> cl cl cl
[15:20:31] <neXt.dmG> i mean can you demote and promote me ?
[15:20:32] <neXt.dmG> hi
[15:20:33] <TR.Kot> papa sign
[15:20:34] <TR.Kot> tard
[15:20:38] <TR.Kot> :)
[15:20:40] <TR.Kot> ):):)
[15:20:41] <GGC.MaHeRz> .demote GGC.Maherz
[15:20:41] <The.Last.Lord> .demote next.dmg member
[15:20:42] [System Message] You cannot demote GGC.Maherz
[15:20:42] <TR.Kot> >:)
[15:20:42] [System Message] To Be done!
[15:20:45] <GGC.MaHeRz> .
[15:20:47] <pase_compose> .stats
[15:20:47] <papATheBEST> cl me gogo
[15:20:49] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardmnm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +6
[15:20:50] <The.Last.Lord> .demote ggc.maherz member
[15:20:53] [System Message] To Be done!
[15:20:55] <neXt.dmG> .whoami
[15:20:55] <GGC.MaHeRz> CANT
[15:20:57] [System Message] <next.dmg> [Manager]: Vouched by Zbrbr^nizooo-, Promoted by
Zbrbr^nizooo-, Rated Skillful(162/1699). Vouchers: [0/1]. Censors: neXt.Sprinter[1/1]. V.I.Ps:
eYe.Just_Qtak44[1/2]. Leaders: -wan-, -[sS]-D1vin3, 1.DeMiaN, nb.tazz, ACVILA_ThE_GoD, Ks^CycloP.[ro],
nethouse.kimo, FreakaDa.Dest, JnP|Ichigo!, Tazdingo_ru1es[10/25]. Hosts: [0/25]. Vouchees 10/350.
Confidence factor: Average. Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 2:57:58 PM. Vouch Comment: ro
[15:20:57] <papATheBEST> am begging for cl from 20 mints
[15:20:59] <GGC.MaHeRz> DNT WRITE.
[15:21:00] <neXt.dmG> o
[15:21:01] <GGC.MaHeRz> wait
[15:21:01] <The.Last.Lord> .demote next.dmg
[15:21:01] <papATheBEST> this is aint good
[15:21:01] <neXt.dmG> h
[15:21:02] [System Message] You cannot demote next.dmg
[15:21:03] <neXt.dmG> nvm
[15:21:03] <GGC.MaHeRz> dntdemote
[15:21:08] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .staff
[15:21:09] <neXt.dmG> i didn;t saw
[15:21:09] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen next.dmg GGC.Maherz
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] 79ers|fRezerR
[15:21:10] <neXt.dmG> :D
[15:21:13] <The.Last.Lord> nizoo
[15:21:14] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardmnm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +6
[15:21:15] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> .sign
[15:21:15] <The.Last.Lord> demote dmg
[15:21:20] [System Message] Find 3 Tunnels.
[15:21:20] [System Message] Found 1 tunnel, Ping:110
[15:21:20] [System Message] Found 2 tunnel, Ping:141
[15:21:20] [System Message] Found 3 tunnel, Ping:141
[15:21:20] <decorous> .listplayers
[15:21:22] [System Message] <TR.Kot>[Beginner], <ts-tlotr>[Talented], <Classic|OGe.>[Talented], <z69|>[Skillful], have already signed in
[15:21:23] <neXt.dmG> no need
[15:21:24] <papATheBEST> deco
[15:21:25] <papATheBEST> cl ?
[15:21:26] <GGC.MaHeRz> .promote voucher
[15:21:26] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .demote next.dmg
[15:21:27] [System Message] NiKoLa.Is.ImBa can be promoted further only by DGL.Doctor
[15:21:28] <TR.Kot> .extend
[15:21:29] [System Message] Demoted next.dmg from [Manager] to [Voucher]
[15:21:29] <Public[EU]-2> This Bot is Made By:
[15:21:32] <3aser> MAHER !
[15:21:33] <neXt.dmG> i've thought god didn;t demote me
[15:21:39] <GGC.MaHeRz> .unvouch
[15:21:40] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .demote next.dmg

[15:21:41] [System Message] You don't have enough access to do this

[15:21:41] <TR.Kot> .staff
[15:21:42] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .demote next.dmg

[15:21:42] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardmnm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +6
[15:21:43] [System Message] Vip/Censors are not allowed to promote or vouch any player or you risk
getting demoted
[15:21:44] [System Message] Demoted next.dmg from [Voucher] to [V.I.P]
[15:21:45] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen GGC.Maherz
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] next.dmg 79ers|fRezerR
[15:21:45] <decorous> .ranK
[15:21:46] [System Message] Demoted next.dmg from [Voucher] to [V.I.P]
[15:21:47] <3aser> MAHEERRRRRR?
[15:21:49] <The.Last.Lord> .unvouch next.dmg
[15:21:49] <ts-tlotr> .Whois the.last.lord
[15:21:51] [System Message] You don't have enough access to do this
[15:21:52] [System Message] <The.Last.Lord> [Head-Administrator]: Vouched by DotA-Angel, Promoted
by DotA-Angel, Rated Skillful(171/1699). Administrators: .GG.LORD, EU|pieTsaA_, DGL.Doctor[3/3].
Managers: GGC.Maherz[1/3]. Vouchers: SQL.LoveMe, 79ers|fRezerR[2/4]. Censors: XoMaTheBEST,
7heReal[2/2]. V.I.Ps: hossi, JustForGame, CMP.MFSOOOm.M, JustGoGame, eX69-_-aRox[5/5]. Leaders:
Grigaa, i^Gh[]sT, roleX., z69|, tpg_1hp, Mr.Coo1-, dp_, doa.sashok, D3ath.SouL,,
es.happy, HellAg0ny, Ezone.lash6a,
[15:21:52] <decorous> .siGn
[15:21:53] [System Message] OldEliTe.Myz, Hell_flamee, johnakos, thezulx, CaptainObviouus,
herMesukkKK, herMesQq--[20/40]. Hosts: !!!Nice, 2omorow=fuck, Happy_NeW_2011, sel_sme,
Sup.Mates1[5/40]. Vouchees 62/90003. Confidence factor: Great. Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 2:37:48 PM.
Vouch Comment: GG
[15:21:54] [System Message] <decorous>[Devilish], has signed in. Needed Players: +5
[15:21:57] <papATheBEST> DECO
[15:21:58] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .sign
[15:21:58] <GGC.MaHeRz> 3ASEEEEEER
[15:21:58] <[-eXTaSy-]> .listplayers
[15:21:59] <GGC.MaHeRz> :)
[15:21:59] <papATheBEST> GO CL ?
[15:21:59] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .demote next.dmg

[15:22:00] [System Message] <TR.Kot>[Beginner], <ts-tlotr>[Talented], <Classic|OGe.>[Talented], <z69|>[Skillful], <decorous>[Devilish], <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa>[Brilliant], have already signed in
[15:22:00] <dieharder> .whoami
[15:22:01] [System Message] Demoted next.dmg from [V.I.P] to [Leader]
[15:22:02] <decorous> go
[15:22:02] <3aser> DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[15:22:03] [System Message] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa>[Brilliant], has signed in. Needed Players: +4
[15:22:03] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> .SIGN
[15:22:03] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .demote next.dmg

[15:22:04] <PushTheTemp0> .staff

[15:22:05] [System Message] Demoted next.dmg from [Leader] to [Host]
[15:22:05] <papATheBEST> go OUT
[15:22:06] <3aser> ur bacl mate ?
[15:22:06] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen GGC.Maherz
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] 79ers|fRezerR
[15:22:07] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .demote next.dmg

[15:22:07] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> Nizoo

[15:22:08] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardmnm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +4
[15:22:09] [System Message] Demoted next.dmg from [Host] to [Member]
[15:22:09] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> DEMOTE ME
[15:22:11] <3aser> back *
[15:22:11] <GGC.MaHeRz> not back
[15:22:12] <dieharder> SIGN
[15:22:13] <pase_compose> .sign
[15:22:14] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> ya
[15:22:14] <Astral_Soul> .top 5
[15:22:15] [System Message] Current 5 leading players: 1.eYe.Just_Qtak44[1869] 2.decorous[1831]
3.79ersIAliNuShHH[1814] 4.7heReal[1781] 5.Krulwons[1712]
[15:22:16] <neXt.dmG> si de aia
[15:22:17] <CurseOfNature> .Sign
[15:22:18] <papATheBEST> DIE HARDER
[15:22:18] <3aser> hmm
[15:22:19] <PushTheTemp0> NIZOOO go UNBAN JUST GO GAME
[15:22:19] <decorous> go in
[15:22:20] <papATheBEST> CL ME NOOB
[15:22:21] <3aser> so what :D ?
[15:22:22] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .ann nizoo demote or revouch
[15:22:23] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> .Sign.limit
[15:22:23] [System Message] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> Says: nizoo demote or revouch
[15:22:25] <dieharder> .Stats
[15:22:25] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> .limit
[15:22:28] <Astral_Soul> .Listplayers
[15:22:28] [System Message] Experience lower bound is 1250
[15:22:28] <Maxisss1> го доточку
[15:22:30] [System Message] <TR.Kot>[Beginner], <ts-tlotr>[Talented], <Classic|OGe.>[Talented], <z69|>[Skillful], <decorous>[Devilish], <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa>[Brilliant], have already signed in
[15:22:30] <Black.Asus> .stats dieharder
[15:22:31] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> plz
[15:22:31] <3aser> maher
[15:22:34] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardmnm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +4
[15:22:34] <3aser> go give me
[15:22:37] <3aser> vip
[15:22:37] <SickBrain> .rank
[15:22:37] <decorous> kpasha go cl?
[15:22:38] <TR.Kot> .limit 1150
[15:22:39] <3aser> or leader
[15:22:40] <SickBrain> .SIGn
[15:22:40] [System Message] Experience lower bound set to 1150
[15:22:42] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> .Sign
[15:22:43] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> ,whois
[15:22:44] [System Message] <SickBrain>[Magnificent], <~S-c-r-e-a-m~>[Skillful], has signed in.
Needed Players: +2
[15:22:47] <CurseOfNature> .verify
[15:22:48] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .whois

[15:22:49] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .whoami

[15:22:49] <Astral_Soul> .stats sickbrain
[15:22:50] [System Message] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> [V.I.P]: Vouched by The.Last.Lord, Promoted by
DGL.Doctor, Rated Brilliant(67/1699). Leaders: [0/3]. Hosts: [0/3]. Vouchees 0/3. Confidence factor: Great.
Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 3:20:26 PM. Vouch Comment: ff
[15:22:50] <papATheBEST> dieharder
[15:22:51] [System Message] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> [V.I.P]: Vouched by The.Last.Lord, Promoted by
DGL.Doctor, Rated Brilliant(67/1699). Leaders: [0/3]. Hosts: [0/3]. Vouchees 0/3. Confidence factor: Great.
Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 3:20:26 PM. Vouch Comment: ff
[15:22:53] <papATheBEST> noob go cl ?
[15:22:54] <Astral_Soul> .rank
[15:22:56] <CurseOfNature> .sigN
[15:22:58] <IRC.Fear> asd
[15:23:00] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardmnm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +2
[15:23:00] <IRC.Fear> .staTS
[15:23:02] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> what u want nikola
[15:23:04] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> demote
[15:23:08] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> limit 1000 plz
[15:23:11] [System Message] Find 3 Tunnels.
[15:23:11] [System Message] Found 1 tunnel, Ping:156
[15:23:11] [System Message] Found 2 tunnel, Ping:171
[15:23:11] [System Message] Found 3 tunnel, Ping:172
[15:23:14] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> why
[15:23:21] <PushTheTemp0> nizo
[15:23:24] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> maher will prom vouch
[15:23:25] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardmnm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +2
[15:23:26] <PushTheTemp0> can u unban justgogame ?
[15:23:28] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> voucher
[15:23:28] <PushTheTemp0> pls
[15:23:33] <Astral_Soul> .stats decorous
[15:23:34] <papATheBEST> yo DIEHARDER
[15:23:36] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> no
[15:23:38] <papATheBEST> AFRAID ?>
[15:23:38] <TR.Kot> .Extend
[15:23:39] [System Message] Sign-up timeout extended
[15:23:40] <papATheBEST> TO CL ME ?
[15:23:40] <Astral_Soul> .Listplayers
[15:23:41] <decorous> kot abortni
[15:23:42] [System Message] <TR.Kot>[Beginner], <ts-tlotr>[Talented], <Classic|OGe.>[Talented], <z69|>[Skillful], <decorous>[Devilish], <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa>[Brilliant], <SickBrain>[Magnificent],
<~S-c-r-e-a-m~>[Skillful], have already signed in
[15:23:42] <PushTheTemp0> why no ?
[15:23:45] <Tazdingo_Ru1es> limit 1000
[15:23:45] <3aser> MAher HEre?
[15:23:45] <TR.Kot> net
[15:23:45] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> no for me
[15:23:45] <papATheBEST> YO PWERFUL SHIT ?
[15:23:46] <TR.Kot> +2
[15:23:47] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> or justgogame?>
[15:23:49] <TR.Kot> .limit 1000
[15:23:49] <dieharder> .SigN
[15:23:50] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .staff
[15:23:51] [System Message] Experience lower bound set to 1000
[15:23:52] <TR.Kot> .limti 1100
[15:23:52] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardmnm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +1
[15:23:52] <Astral_Soul> .sign
[15:23:53] <The.Last.Lord> .promote next.dmg manger
[15:23:53] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen GGC.Maherz
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] 79ers|fRezerR
[15:23:54] <papATheBEST> GO CL ME DODGER
[15:23:54] [System Message] <dieharder>[Excellent], <Astral_Soul>[Magnificent], has signed in. Sign-
up complete
[15:23:55] [System Message] <TR.Kot> must confirm game start by typing .confirmstart in 90 sec
[15:23:55] <The.Last.Lord> all staff
[15:23:56] [System Message] [HELP] Incorrect Rank name! Available Rank names: [Host] [Leader] [Vip]
[Censor] [Voucher] [Manager] [Administrator] [Head-Admin]
[15:23:57] <TR.Kot> .Confirmstart
[15:23:58] <MaFIaSexX> < nizoo > Promet me To Cl PAPA plsss
[15:23:59] [System Message] Team sentinel: decorous NiKoLa.Is.ImBa dieharder z69| ~S-c-r-e-a-
[15:24:00] [System Message] Team scourge: SickBrain Astral_Soul ts-tlotr Classic|OGe. TR.Kot
[15:24:01] [System Message] Game mode is -ardmnm; Game name is IHLardmnm3623; Map Version: 6.66;
Use .teams and .heroes to get a reminder on the line-up
[15:24:02] <papATheBEST> noob retarded shit
[15:24:03] <ts-tlotr> .whois GGC.Maherz
[15:24:04] [System Message] <GGC.Maherz> [Manager]: Vouched by The.Last.Lord, Promoted by
The.Last.Lord, Rated Beginner(399/1699). Inactive. Vouchers: [0/1]. Censors: [0/1]. V.I.Ps: [0/2]. Leaders:
[0/25]. Hosts: [0/25]. Vouchees 0/350. Confidence factor: Fair. User was never online. Vouch Comment: gg
[15:24:06] <The.Last.Lord> .ann all staff add icefrog1992 in skype now
[15:24:06] <3aser> Last.Lord
[15:24:07] <TR.Kot> !!!!!!))))))
[15:24:07] [System Message] <The.Last.Lord> Says: all staff add icefrog1992 in skype now
[15:24:14] <papATheBEST> can i come too ?
[15:24:16] <papATheBEST> hahah
[15:24:17] <3aser> give me vip or smothing
[15:24:18] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .verify
[15:24:19] <3aser> can u ?
[15:24:19] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .staff
[15:24:20] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .stats
[15:24:21] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen GGC.Maherz
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] 79ers|fRezerR
[15:24:27] <papATheBEST> give 3aser vip
[15:24:36] <papATheBEST> he is best undtying
[15:24:37] <papATheBEST> ;D
[15:24:44] <MaFIaSexX> guys
[15:24:45] <3aser> i wasnt undying
[15:24:45] <3aser> xD
[15:24:46] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> nizoo here
[15:24:47] <MaFIaSexX> anygame :X
[15:24:48] <papATheBEST> pff o
[15:24:50] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .extend
[15:24:51] <papATheBEST> pudge?
[15:24:52] <papATheBEST> oo
[15:24:53] <3aser> AA >
[15:24:53] <The.Last.Lord> .ann next one ask for promote will get ban
[15:24:55] [System Message] <The.Last.Lord> Says: next one ask for promote will get ban
[15:24:56] <3aser> dc >>.
[15:24:57] <papATheBEST> aa :D
[15:25:01] <PushTheTemp0> LORD
[15:25:03] <The.Last.Lord> .ann for forum for promote request
[15:25:04] <PushTheTemp0> can u unban
[15:25:04] [System Message] <The.Last.Lord> Says: for forum for promote request
[15:25:05] <PushTheTemp0> me
[15:25:06] <PushTheTemp0> ?!
[15:25:09] <papATheBEST> fu noob 3aser u owned us
[15:25:10] <Astral_Soul> .stats dieharder
[15:25:12] <Astral_Soul> .teams
[15:25:13] <papATheBEST> ;) :D
[15:25:13] [System Message] Team Sentinel: decorous, NiKoLa.Is.ImBa, dieharder, z69|, ~S-c-r-e-
[15:25:14] [System Message] Team Scourge: SickBrain, Astral_Soul, ts-tlotr, Classic|OGe., TR.Kot,
[15:25:15] <3aser> aaxaxa
[15:25:19] <The.Last.Lord> what name
[15:25:20] <GGC.MaHeRz> .whois
[15:25:21] <The.Last.Lord> Push ?
[15:25:21] <3aser> ur picker was , hmhmhmhm
[15:25:21] [System Message] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> [V.I.P]: Vouched by The.Last.Lord, Promoted by
DGL.Doctor, Rated Brilliant(67/1699). Leaders: [0/3]. Hosts: [0/3]. Vouchees 0/3. Confidence factor: Great.
Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 3:20:26 PM. Vouch Comment: ff
[15:25:23] <The.Last.Lord> .find just
[15:25:23] [System Message] Matches found:, eYe.Just_Qtak44(94%), JustForGame(67%),,, JusT_dont_care(58%), just_me_rosko(51%), JustOwN-(56%),
JusT.PoTM(60%), Just.Su(51%), Just.Jeka(59%),,, just_powder(56%),
JusT.Di4blo(53%), Just.i.XxX(26%), JustuhaTheBEST(50%), JustGoGame(52%), just.arragon(51%),
JusT.FlaCh(50%), JustFashion(50%)
[15:25:27] <papATheBEST> was good but lion
[15:25:28] <papATheBEST> failed
[15:25:29] <papATheBEST> ;)
[15:25:30] <PushTheTemp0> justgogame
[15:25:32] <decorous> lord you need add quote
[15:25:32] <The.Last.Lord> .untimeban justforgame unban
[15:25:34] <papATheBEST> failed bad
[15:25:35] [System Message] JustForGame is not timebanned
[15:25:35] <ts-tlotr> WHO IS HOST ?
[15:25:40] <decorous> you wont be here for whole day
[15:25:41] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .whois ggc.maherz
[15:25:42] [System Message] <GGC.Maherz> [Manager]: Vouched by The.Last.Lord, Promoted by
The.Last.Lord, Rated Beginner(399/1699). Inactive. Vouchers: [0/1]. Censors: [0/1]. V.I.Ps: [0/2]. Leaders:
[0/25]. Hosts: [0/25]. Vouchees 0/350. Confidence factor: Fair. User was never online. Vouch Comment: gg
[15:25:43] <The.Last.Lord> Papathe best
[15:25:44] <PushTheTemp0> unban man
[15:25:45] <The.Last.Lord> stop spamm
[15:25:46] <GGC.MaHeRz> nizoo
[15:25:46] <papATheBEST> cl me ?
[15:25:47] <GGC.MaHeRz> demote me.
[15:25:48] <PushTheTemp0> not untimeban
[15:25:48] <PushTheTemp0> ..
[15:25:49] <PushTheTemp0> :S
[15:25:52] <papATheBEST> stop spam
[15:25:53] <papATheBEST> ?
[15:26:01] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> maher
[15:26:02] <The.Last.Lord> .demote GGC.Maherz
[15:26:02] <papATheBEST> go cl me ?
[15:26:02] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> what
[15:26:03] [System Message] Demoted GGC.Maherz from [Manager] to [Voucher]
[15:26:05] <The.Last.Lord> .demote GGC.MaherZ
[15:26:05] <papATheBEST> oo
[15:26:06] [System Message] Demoted GGC.Maherz from [Voucher] to [Leader]
[15:26:07] <PushTheTemp0> lord
[15:26:08] <The.Last.Lord> .demote GGC.MaheRZ
[15:26:09] [System Message] Demoted GGC.Maherz from [Leader] to [Host]
[15:26:10] <PushTheTemp0> .....
[15:26:12] <3aser> ya he failed @ mid :D
[15:26:13] <The.Last.Lord> .demote GGC.MahERZ
[15:26:14] [System Message] Demoted GGC.Maherz from [Leader] to [Host]
[15:26:16] <papATheBEST> yep
[15:26:18] <papATheBEST> so bad
[15:26:25] <3aser> morf was good player
[15:26:27] <The.Last.Lord> .demote .demote GGC.Maherz
[15:26:28] <PushTheTemp0> lorddddddd
[15:26:28] [System Message] To Be done!
[15:26:29] <DT.Felixes> i need vouch
[15:26:31] <PushTheTemp0> omg
[15:26:31] <GGC.MaHeRz> .demote
[15:26:32] <ts-tlotr> .ann who is host plz ?
[15:26:32] <The.Last.Lord> yes ??
[15:26:32] <pase_compose> ba baieti
[15:26:32] [System Message] <ts-tlotr> Says: who is host plz ?
[15:26:33] <3aser> we had retard ca[tain also :D
[15:26:38] <PushTheTemp0> unban not justFORgame
[15:26:41] <papATheBEST> ur pudge won the game
[15:26:42] <PushTheTemp0> justGOgame
[15:26:44] <pase_compose> faci si voi un joc plz
[15:26:46] <The.Last.Lord> .baninfo justFORgame
[15:26:47] <ts-tlotr> .teams
[15:26:48] [System Message] justFORgame is not banned!
[15:26:48] [System Message] Team Sentinel: decorous, NiKoLa.Is.ImBa, dieharder, z69|, ~S-c-r-e-
[15:26:49] <decorous> .teams
[15:26:50] [System Message] Team Scourge: SickBrain, Astral_Soul, ts-tlotr, Classic|OGe., TR.Kot,
[15:26:50] <papATheBEST> coz undying cant do anything to bb
[15:26:50] <PushTheTemp0> NOT FOR
[15:26:51] [System Message] Team Sentinel: decorous, NiKoLa.Is.ImBa, dieharder, z69|, ~S-c-r-e-
[15:26:51] [System Message] Team Scourge: SickBrain, Astral_Soul, ts-tlotr, Classic|OGe., TR.Kot,
[15:26:53] <PushTheTemp0> JUSTGOGAME
[15:26:54] <The.Last.Lord> .untimeban justFORgame
[15:26:56] [System Message] Usage: .untimeban [player] [reason]
[15:26:58] <PushTheTemp0> omg
[15:26:58] <papATheBEST> i farmed )
[15:26:59] <The.Last.Lord> .Untimeban justFORgame unban
[15:27:00] <PushTheTemp0> MAN
[15:27:00] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .baninfo justgogame

[15:27:01] [System Message] JustForGame is not timebanned

[15:27:02] [System Message] justgogame is banned by 0 on 1/10/2011 3:14:20 PM. The ban will expire on
1/10/2011 5:14:20 PM
[15:27:02] <PushTheTemp0> NOT
[15:27:06] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> JUST GO GAME
[15:27:07] <PushTheTemp0> NOT JUSTFORGAME
[15:27:09] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> not Just for game
[15:27:11] <pase_compose> plz 1 game
[15:27:13] <dieharder> <JOIN my gAME
[15:27:13] <The.Last.Lord> .untumeban justforgae unban
[15:27:16] <jarzeb1> ,sign
[15:27:17] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> GOOOOOO
[15:27:18] <PushTheTemp0> OMGGGGGGGGGG
[15:27:18] <GGC.MaHeRz> .baninfo justgogame
[15:27:18] <decorous> Dieharder host
[15:27:19] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .stats dieharder
[15:27:20] [System Message] justgogame is banned by 0 on 1/10/2011 3:14:20 PM. The ban will expire on
1/10/2011 5:14:20 PM
[15:27:20] <ts-tlotr> nikola
[15:27:23] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> y
[15:27:23] <MaFIaSexX> guys startGame
[15:27:23] <jarzeb1> .autovouch
[15:27:24] <The.Last.Lord> .untimeban justgogame
[15:27:24] <ts-tlotr> who is hosty ??
[15:27:26] [System Message] Usage: .untimeban [player] [reason]
[15:27:27] <pase_compose> .sing
[15:27:27] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> idk
[15:27:28] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .teams
[15:27:28] <ts-tlotr> who is host ?
[15:27:29] [System Message] Team Sentinel: decorous, NiKoLa.Is.ImBa, dieharder, z69|, ~S-c-r-e-
[15:27:30] [System Message] Team Scourge: SickBrain, Astral_Soul, ts-tlotr, Classic|OGe., TR.Kot,
[15:27:33] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> we got no host
[15:27:34] <ts-tlotr> ??
[15:27:34] <The.Last.Lord> .untimeban justgogame unban......
[15:27:35] [System Message] JustGoGame untimebanned by The.Last.Lord with Reason: unban......
[15:27:38] <ts-tlotr> why ???
[15:27:38] <PushTheTemp0> atleast
[15:27:39] <PushTheTemp0> xD
[15:27:40] <PushTheTemp0> ty
[15:27:48] <decorous> < Dieharder >host
[15:27:50] <MaFIaSexX> < some one promet mei have Team
[15:27:55] <ts-tlotr> .whois y.....ousef
[15:27:56] <omarfarag> any game
[15:27:57] <Classic|OGe.> .startgame
[15:27:57] <neXt.dmG> mafla go forum dude
[15:27:57] [System Message] <y.....ousef> [Administrator]: Vouched by .GG.LORD, Promoted by
Zbrbr^nizooo-, Rated Brilliant(43/1699). Managers: [0/2]. Vouchers: [0/2]. Censors: [0/2]. V.I.Ps: [0/5]. Leaders:
[0/30]. Hosts: [0/30]. Vouchees 2/5004. Confidence factor: Great. Last Login was on: 1/8/2011 2:32:04 PM.
Vouch Comment: GG
[15:27:57] <MaFIaSexX> < some one promet mei have Team >
[15:28:03] <JustGoGame> .rank
[15:28:03] <dieharder> <NIKOLA TS JOIN MTY GAME>
[15:28:05] <pase_compose> ba baieti dati si voi drumu la un joc
[15:28:05] <neXt.dmG> stop asking on main about promote
[15:28:06] <MaFIaSexX> k
[15:28:11] <MaFIaSexX> i have Team
[15:28:14] <MaFIaSexX> promet some one
[15:28:17] <dieharder> and CLASSic oge
[15:28:19] <MaFIaSexX> we wait 1 h
[15:28:19] <dieharder> join me
[15:28:25] <JustGoGame> .games
[15:28:27] [System Message] Games currently in progress: IHLardm3622[15] IHLardmnm3623[4]
[15:28:29] <Classic|OGe.> wut?
[15:28:30] <JustGoGame> .info 3622
[15:28:31] [System Message] Game IHLardm3622 (1/10/2011)
<Team Sentinel> 7heReal TennisFTW A.Vodonaeva IRC.Fear MuHep
<Team Scourge> Dismay.Virgin Jaroslav [R]ed[U]ndead pr0_Vir2all^ He_MaaaAN
.:: Still in progress: 16 minutes ::.
[15:28:31] <The.Last.Lord> .quote
[15:28:32] [System Message] For vouch request visit our forum and follow vouch request guide
[15:28:32] <Classic|OGe.> classicoge?
[15:28:33] <The.Last.Lord> .Quote
[15:28:35] [System Message] New prizes for upcoming season http://www.dota-
[15:28:36] <The.Last.Lord> .QUote
[15:28:39] [System Message] For better gaming dont Spam or Flood and be Mannered or you risk getting
[15:28:39] <The.Last.Lord> .qUOTE
[15:28:41] <JustGoGame> .censure a.vodonaeva moron
[15:28:42] [System Message] Censure issued
[15:28:43] [System Message] No swap in SG
[15:28:46] <JustGoGame> .info 3623
[15:28:47] <papATheBEST> 3aser
[15:28:48] [System Message] Game IHLardmnm3623 (1/10/2011)
<Team Sentinel> decorous NiKoLa.Is.ImBa dieharder z69| ~S-c-r-e-a-m~
<Team Scourge> SickBrain Astral_Soul ts-tlotr Classic|OGe. TR.Kot
.:: Still in progress: 5 minutes ::.
[15:28:51] <3aser> ah
[15:28:53] <neXt.dmG> lord see whisper?
[15:28:56] <The.Last.Lord> .removequote For better gaming dont Spam or Flood and be Mannered or
you risk getting Kick/Ban
[15:28:57] <papATheBEST> promote usery el tany
[15:28:57] [System Message] Removed quote: For better gaming dont Spam or Flood and be Mannered or
you risk getting Kick/Ban
[15:29:02] <papATheBEST> ma 7adesh rady ye3mal cl la ahly
[15:29:05] <3aser> im member xD
[15:29:07] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> classic go join and ts go join'
[15:29:13] <3aser> scream
[15:29:13] <dieharder> <TS AND Oge JOin ME>
[15:29:15] <dieharder> TS
[15:29:17] <3aser> can u promote
[15:29:18] <3aser> ?
[15:29:23] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> la2 xD
[15:29:26] <3aser> fuu
[15:29:28] <3aser> ;)
[15:29:30] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> lol
[15:29:34] <The.Last.Lord> .addquote Dont Flood/Spamm In room , Or Auto Get ban/kick ...Have Good
Stay ..
[15:29:36] [System Message] Added quote: Dont Flood/Spamm In room , Or Auto Get ban/kick ...Have Good
Stay ..
[15:29:44] <pase_compose> plz faceti unu un joc
[15:29:46] <3aser> walak 2alah yer7am
[15:29:47] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .whois the.last.lord
[15:29:49] [System Message] <The.Last.Lord> [Head-Administrator]: Vouched by DotA-Angel, Promoted
by DotA-Angel, Rated Skillful(171/1699). Administrators: .GG.LORD, EU|pieTsaA_, DGL.Doctor[3/3].
Managers: [0/3]. Vouchers: SQL.LoveMe, 79ers|fRezerR[2/4]. Censors: XoMaTheBEST, 7heReal[2/2]. V.I.Ps:
hossi, JustForGame, CMP.MFSOOOm.M, JustGoGame, eX69-_-aRox[5/5]. Leaders: Grigaa, i^Gh[]sT, roleX.,
z69|, tpg_1hp, Mr.Coo1-, dp_, doa.sashok, D3ath.SouL,, es.happy, HellAg0ny,
Ezone.lash6a, OldEliTe.Myz,
[15:29:50] <3aser> kont admin
[15:29:50] [System Message] Hell_flamee, johnakos, thezulx, CaptainObviouus, herMesukkKK, herMesQq--
[20/40]. Hosts: !!!Nice, 2omorow=fuck, Happy_NeW_2011, sel_sme, Sup.Mates1, GGC.Maherz[6/40]. Vouchees
62/90003. Confidence factor: Great. Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 2:37:48 PM. Vouch Comment: GG
[15:29:55] <papATheBEST> pff 3aser
[15:29:56] <papATheBEST> why
[15:29:56] <3aser> now looking for some1 to give me leader
[15:29:57] <3aser> xD
[15:29:58] <The.Last.Lord> .removequote Dont Flood/Spamm In room , Or Auto Get ban/kick ...Have
Good Stay ..
[15:29:58] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> haha
[15:29:59] <papATheBEST> u not admin
[15:29:59] [System Message] Removed quote: Dont Flood/Spamm In room , Or Auto Get ban/kick ...Have
Good Stay ..
[15:30:02] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> nizooo
[15:30:06] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> ?
[15:30:06] <3aser> inactive >
[15:30:07] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .whois hell_flamee
[15:30:08] <3aser> here
[15:30:08] [System Message] <Hell_flamee> [Leader]: Vouched by EU|pieTsaA_, Promoted by
The.Last.Lord, Rated Excellent(88/1699). Confidence factor: Average. Last Login was on: 1/8/2011 8:57:44
PM. Vouch Comment: gg
[15:30:10] <3aser> got a clan
[15:30:12] <3aser> + dotainvite
[15:30:14] <3aser> + ldhl
[15:30:14] <pase_compose> faceti plz unu un joc
[15:30:16] <The.Last.Lord> .addquote Dont Flood/Spamm In room , Or Get Auto ban/kick ...Have Good
Stay ..
[15:30:17] <3aser> yadoob bal3ab here
[15:30:17] [System Message] Added quote: Dont Flood/Spamm In room , Or Get Auto ban/kick ...Have Good
Stay ..
[15:30:18] <papATheBEST> pff
[15:30:19] <papATheBEST> )
[15:30:24] <3aser> enta zaye
[15:30:24] <3aser> xD
[15:30:26] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> last lord
[15:30:26] <ice0frog> .teams
[15:30:32] <pase_compose> .teams
[15:30:37] <push.the.limits> .rank
[15:30:37] <pase_compose> .team
[15:30:38] <The.Last.Lord> yes scream ?
[15:30:42] <pase_compose> .rank
[15:30:44] <papATheBEST> .promote 3aser head-admin
[15:30:47] <papATheBEST> 3aser ftw
[15:30:48] [System Message] <TTigar-> has been kicked by <Public[EU]-2> Reason:Timebanned!
[15:30:50] <3aser> [05:35:40] <papATheBEST> .promote 3aser head-admin

[15:30:51] <3aser> y plz

[15:30:55] <neXt.dmG> lord do you see whisper?
[15:30:56] <pase_compose> plz 1 host
[15:31:02] <push.the.limits> papathepest es7a men el 7elem
[15:31:05] <[-eXTaSy-]> .staff
[15:31:06] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] 79ers|fRezerR
[15:31:07] <papATheBEST> haha
[15:31:09] <papATheBEST> )
[15:31:10] <push.the.limits> :D
[15:31:13] <3aser> [05:35:58] <push.the.limits> papathepest es7a men el 7elem

[15:31:15] <papATheBEST> weirdet

[15:31:16] <papATheBEST> dream
[15:31:17] <The.Last.Lord> DMG
[15:31:18] <3aser> bardo beseer
[15:31:21] <The.Last.Lord> any staff in room
[15:31:23] <3aser> mesh 3'ala6
[15:31:26] <papATheBEST> me staff
[15:31:26] <neXt.dmG> huh ?
[15:31:28] [System Message] <hamzawee2006> has been kicked by <Public[EU]-2>
[15:31:28] <The.Last.Lord> send me his skype in whsiper
[15:31:29] <3aser> bedna masary :D
[15:31:29] <Public[EU]-2> This Bot is Made By:
[15:31:35] <neXt.dmG> I sure
[15:31:42] <push.the.limits> .stafff
[15:31:43] <3aser> omgggggggggggggggg
[15:31:44] <push.the.limits> .staff
[15:31:45] <neXt.dmG> enter skype first
[15:31:46] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] 79ers|fRezerR
[15:31:46] <3aser> [05:36:24] [System Message] <hamzawee2006> has been kicked by <Public[EU]-2>

[15:31:49] <3aser> UNBAN PLZzz

[15:31:55] <neXt.dmG> i added you
[15:32:01] <3aser> .timebaninfo hamzawee2006
[15:32:02] [System Message] hamzawee2006 has no timebans
[15:32:15] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> ha nizoo ?
[15:32:15] <3aser> .warninfo hamzawee 2006
[15:32:16] [System Message] Player not found!
[15:32:17] <pase_compose> plz one host
[15:32:21] <push.the.limits> .rank 7hereal
[15:32:21] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> w8 plz
[15:32:24] <3aser> .warninfo hamzawee2006

[15:32:25] [System Message] hamzawee2006 has the following warnings: manner III - unsportmanship
(XoMaTheBEST, 1/7/2011)
[15:32:25] <neXt.dmG> accept my request
[15:32:28] <3aser> hmm
[15:32:30] <3aser> .-.
[15:32:31] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> ok
[15:32:35] <neXt.dmG> and i'll add you the admin conf
[15:32:44] <push.the.limits> .rank 7heSuck
[15:32:52] <papATheBEST> nextdmg
[15:32:54] <papATheBEST> add me too
[15:32:57] <papATheBEST> am bored
[15:32:58] <papATheBEST> ;D
[15:33:04] <push.the.limits> wa3ed
[15:33:06] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .whois ~E|c00ff00ffyes
[15:33:07] [System Message] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> [Leader]: Vouched by sheboz, Promoted by DGL.Doctor,
Rated Talented(92/1699). Confidence factor: Average. Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 3:27:45 PM. Vouch
Comment: gg
[15:33:10] <push.the.limits> go host pudge wars
[15:33:13] <papATheBEST> mmm
[15:33:18] <pase_compose> .sing
[15:33:25] <papATheBEST> jay 3ala baly a7dar vamipers dieressss
[15:33:29] <BleAcH-_-LoVeR> .stAtS
[15:33:30] <pase_compose> go host dota plz
[15:33:30] <push.the.limits> lol
[15:33:32] <3aser> BLeach
[15:33:33] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> eyes
[15:33:35] <neXt.dmG> dmarius_2008
[15:33:36] <3aser> rETARRRRRRRRRRRRRD <3
[15:33:38] <neXt.dmG> icefrog ?
[15:33:39] <push.the.limits> mesh bagolak es7a men el 7elem
[15:33:45] <The.Last.Lord> dmg
[15:33:47] <The.Last.Lord> add my
[15:33:47] <papATheBEST> pff push
[15:33:48] <The.Last.Lord> skype
[15:33:49] <The.Last.Lord> -.-
[15:33:50] <push.the.limits> :D
[15:33:51] <neXt.dmG> share your contacts
[15:33:52] <papATheBEST> welcome to jordan
[15:33:53] <neXt.dmG> i added
[15:33:55] <pase_compose> 1 host plz
[15:33:55] <neXt.dmG> you allready
[15:33:57] <neXt.dmG> -.-
[15:33:58] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> yea nizoo ?
[15:34:08] <pase_compose> sing
[15:34:10] <pase_compose> .sing
[15:34:15] <dark_demon1> .autovouch
[15:34:28] <3aser> last.lord
[15:34:28] <pase_compose> one host plz
[15:34:32] <3aser> enta ice0frog?
[15:34:46] <2omorow=fuck> .startGame mode ardm!nm
[15:34:47] <papATheBEST> walak add me !!!
[15:34:47] [System Message] DotA League Game starts in 450 sec. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed players: +9. (Mode: ardm!nm)
[15:34:50] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +9
[15:34:50] <papATheBEST> addddddd
[15:34:51] <papATheBEST> aaa
[15:34:52] <papATheBEST> ;)
[15:34:53] <pase_compose> zsing
[15:34:56] <pase_compose> .sing
[15:34:56] <CurseOfNature> .sign
[15:34:59] [System Message] <CurseOfNature>[Beginner], has signed in. Needed Players: +8
[15:35:05] <2omorow=fuck> ?
[15:35:07] <pase_compose> .sing
[15:35:15] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +8
[15:35:16] [System Message] Joke Of The Week coming Soon...
[15:35:23] <papATheBEST> muahaha
[15:35:26] <papATheBEST> n1
[15:35:28] <pase_compose> .sing
[15:35:33] <The.Last.Lord> DMG
[15:35:35] <The.Last.Lord> give me ur skype
[15:35:37] <The.Last.Lord> in whsiper
[15:35:40] <papATheBEST> ADD ME
[15:35:40] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +8
[15:35:41] <papATheBEST> last lord
[15:35:42] <The.Last.Lord> or go online!!
[15:35:42] <papATheBEST> omg
[15:35:43] <pase_compose> .sing
[15:35:44] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .demote ~E|c00ff00ffyes
[15:35:46] [System Message] Demoted ~E|c00ff00ffyes from [Leader] to [Host]
[15:35:47] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .demote ~E|c00ff00ffyes
[15:35:49] [System Message] Demoted ~E|c00ff00ffyes from [Host] to [Member]
[15:35:50] <neXt.dmG> im online
[15:35:54] <papATheBEST> lets talk
[15:35:56] <papATheBEST> in skype
[15:35:57] <pase_compose> .siGn
[15:36:00] <papATheBEST> haha
[15:36:00] [System Message] <pase_compose>[Beginner], has signed in. Needed Players: +7
[15:36:01] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .promote ~E|c00ff00ffyes vip
[15:36:02] [System Message] Promoted ~E|c00ff00ffyes from [Member] to [V.I.P]
[15:36:03] <neXt.dmG> you need to accept the req cuz i've sent you one allready
[15:36:06] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:36:07] <papATheBEST> dmg
[15:36:13] <papATheBEST> add me 2 to the conv
[15:36:31] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:36:44] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .unvouch ~E|c00ff00ffyes
[15:36:48] [System Message] ~E|c00ff00ffyes has been unvouched
[15:37:00] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:37:15] <[-eXTaSy-]> .rank
[15:37:15] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .vouch ~E|c00ff00ffyes Bro.. 1234
[15:37:17] [System Message] Successfully vouched ~E|c00ff00ffyes
[15:37:22] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .promote ~E|c00ff00ffyes vip
[15:37:24] [System Message] Promoted ~E|c00ff00ffyes from [Member] to [V.I.P]
[15:37:24] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:37:28] <The.Last.Lord> .promote next.dmg manager
[15:37:29] [System Message] Promoted next.dmg from [Member] to [Manager]
[15:37:41] <neXt.dmG> sry papa, only staff :D
[15:37:50] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:38:09] <neXt.dmG> .whois papathebest
[15:38:11] [System Message] <papATheBEST> [Leader]: Vouched by EU|pieTsaA_, Promoted by [-
eXTaSy-], Rated Glorious(11/1698). Confidence factor: Heroic. Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 3:02:04 PM.
Vouch Comment: gg
[15:38:15] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:38:36] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .staff
[15:38:37] <neXt.dmG> .demote papathebest
[15:38:38] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen next.dmg
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] 79ers|fRezerR
[15:38:39] [System Message] Demoted papATheBEST from [Leader] to [Host]
[15:38:40] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:38:48] <neXt.dmG> .Demote papathebest
[15:38:49] [System Message] Demoted papATheBEST from [Host] to [Member]
[15:38:56] <The.Last.Lord> .staff
[15:38:57] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen next.dmg
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] 79ers|fRezerR
[15:38:57] <neXt.dmG> .promote papathebest voucher
[15:38:59] [System Message] Promoted papATheBEST from [Member] to [Voucher]
[15:39:05] <3aser> PAPA
[15:39:06] <The.Last.Lord> .promote xomathebest manager
[15:39:06] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:39:08] <3aser> proomte me
[15:39:08] [System Message] Promoted XoMaTheBEST from [Censor] to [Manager]
[15:39:08] <3aser> !!!!!!!!!!!!!
[15:39:11] <3aser> :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[15:39:13] <papATheBEST> 3aser XD
[15:39:14] <GGC.MaHeRz> WTF?
[15:39:16] <GGC.MaHeRz> XOMA
[15:39:19] <GGC.MaHeRz> STAFF AGAIN?
[15:39:21] <GGC.MaHeRz> MYballs.
[15:39:26] <The.Last.Lord> lol maher
[15:39:31] <The.Last.Lord> caps off =.=
[15:39:31] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:39:46] <[-eXTaSy-]> .Staff
[15:39:47] <papATheBEST> .promote 3aser vip
[15:39:48] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez XoMaTheBEST loserbrake Vixermen next.dmg
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] papATheBEST 79ers|fRezerR
[15:39:49] [System Message] You do not have enough V.I.P slots
[15:39:50] <3aser> xD
[15:39:51] <papATheBEST> oo
[15:39:53] <3aser> u cant ;)
[15:39:55] <3aser> leader
[15:39:56] <papATheBEST> .promote 3aser leader
[15:39:56] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:39:57] [System Message] Promoted noobaghdgs from [Member] to [Leader]
[15:39:58] <papATheBEST> wp
[15:40:01] <3aser> ahaha
[15:40:05] <3aser> at lasst D
[15:40:11] <papATheBEST> .whois 3aser
[15:40:12] <pase_compose> .games
[15:40:13] [System Message] <3aser> [Member]: Vouched by The.Last.Lord, Rated Beginner(398/1698).
Inactive. Confidence factor: Fair. Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 3:24:49 PM. Vouch Comment: zz
[15:40:17] <papATheBEST> ??
[15:40:19] <2omorow=fuck> hhh
[15:40:20] <3aser> hmm
[15:40:21] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:40:26] <3aser> [05:44:53] [System Message] Promoted noobaghdgs from [Member] to [Leader]

[15:40:26] <papATheBEST> .promote 3aser

[15:40:27] [System Message] You do not have enough V.I.P slots
[15:40:32] <papATheBEST> u already vup
[15:40:33] <3aser> Hmm
[15:40:33] <2omorow=fuck> hhhh
[15:40:35] <papATheBEST> vip*
[15:40:41] <papATheBEST> .demote noobaghdgs memeber
[15:40:42] <3aser> .whoami
[15:40:43] [System Message] To Be done!
[15:40:44] <g5.Djems> any cw here ?
[15:40:47] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:40:47] <papATheBEST> .demote noobaghdgs member
[15:40:48] <papATheBEST> oo
[15:40:49] [System Message] To Be done!
[15:40:54] <papATheBEST> .demote noobaghdgs
[15:40:56] [System Message] Demoted noobaghdgs from [Leader] to [Host]
[15:41:04] <papATheBEST> .demote noobaghdgs
[15:41:06] [System Message] Demoted noobaghdgs from [Host] to [Member]
[15:41:13] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:41:18] <3aser> type
[15:41:21] <3aser> .whois 3aser
[15:41:25] <papATheBEST> .whois 3aser
[15:41:27] [System Message] <3aser> [Member]: Vouched by The.Last.Lord, Rated Beginner(398/1698).
Inactive. Confidence factor: Fair. Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 3:24:49 PM. Vouch Comment: zz
[15:41:29] <Public[EU]-2> This Bot is Made By:
[15:41:34] <3aser> gg bot
[15:41:35] <3aser> :)
[15:41:38] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:41:44] <[-eXTaSy-]> .listplayers
[15:41:47] [System Message] <2omorow=fuck>[Decent], <CurseOfNature>[Beginner],
<pase_compose>[Beginner], have already signed in
[15:41:53] <papATheBEST> .promote 3aser
[15:41:55] [System Message] Promoted noobaghdgs from [Member] to [Host]
[15:41:58] <papATheBEST> wtf
[15:42:00] <3aser> loooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[15:42:02] <papATheBEST> .demote noobaghdgs
[15:42:03] [System Message] Demoted noobaghdgs from [Host] to [Member]
[15:42:04] <papATheBEST> pff
[15:42:04] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!nm>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:42:05] [System Message]
Page/125678267457544?created&v=wall-DotA GaminG Official Facebook page
[15:42:05] <papATheBEST> sho had?
[15:42:07] <3aser> loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[15:42:09] <3aser> ma ba3raf
[15:42:10] <3aser> xD
[15:42:16] <3aser> who the fuck is noobaghasds
[15:42:17] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .stAff
[15:42:19] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez XoMaTheBEST loserbrake Vixermen next.dmg
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] papATheBEST 79ers|fRezerR
[15:42:23] <A.Vodonaeva> what the fuck???
[15:42:23] [System Message] Failed to get enough players for a game
[15:42:28] <7heReal> ??????
[15:42:29] <7heReal> TUNNEL
[15:42:32] <2omorow=fuck> .startgame mode usuall
[15:42:33] [System Message] DotA League Game starts in 450 sec. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed players: +9. (Mode: usuall)
[15:42:33] <He_MaaaAN> host off???
[15:42:35] <Hell_flamee> ??
[15:42:36] <Hell_flamee> mode ?
[15:42:38] <7heReal> ME
[15:42:41] <3aser> .stats hell_flamee
[15:42:43] <Hell_flamee> :D
[15:42:45] <Hell_flamee> LSOE
[15:42:46] <3aser> usual
[15:42:46] <Hell_flamee> :S
[15:42:47] <3aser> mode
[15:42:49] <TennisFTW> vodo?
[15:42:51] <papATheBEST> 3aser
[15:42:51] <Hell_flamee> WHAt meen ?
[15:42:53] <papATheBEST> enta man7oos
[15:42:54] <TennisFTW> what happened?
[15:42:54] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <usuall>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +9
[15:42:55] <Hell_flamee> PAPA ^^
[15:42:55] <papATheBEST> men el 2a5er
[15:42:55] <A.Vodonaeva> цеа
[15:42:57] <papATheBEST> 3aleek 3een
[15:42:58] <A.Vodonaeva> im here
[15:42:58] <3aser> ya la7zet :D
[15:42:59] <papATheBEST> hell hi
[15:42:59] <[-eXTaSy-]> .whois Hell_flamee
[15:43:00] <papATheBEST> ;D
[15:43:01] [System Message] <Hell_flamee> [Leader]: Vouched by EU|pieTsaA_, Promoted by
The.Last.Lord, Rated Excellent(88/1698). Confidence factor: Average. Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 3:46:01
PM. Vouch Comment: gg
[15:43:06] <3aser> makel 5ra
[15:43:09] <3aser> eb3eed 3anak
[15:43:10] <He_MaaaAN> .result drAw
[15:43:13] <papATheBEST> makel 3een
[15:43:13] <2omorow=fuck> no i think papa u have a bug
[15:43:14] <Hell_flamee> .Sign
[15:43:15] <2omorow=fuck> thats it :P
[15:43:16] [System Message] <Hell_flamee>[Excellent], has signed in. Needed Players: +8
[15:43:17] <He_MaaaAN> vova
[15:43:17] <papATheBEST> ;D
[15:43:19] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <usuall>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +8
[15:43:21] <He_MaaaAN> go fast sg
[15:43:24] <3aser> yala
[15:43:24] <A.Vodonaeva> do we have save?
[15:43:26] <3aser> cya guys
[15:43:26] <CurseOfNature> .sign
[15:43:28] <3aser> i go study
[15:43:29] [System Message] <CurseOfNature>[Beginner], has signed in. Needed Players: +7
[15:43:30] <papATheBEST> gd luck
[15:43:30] <papATheBEST> ;)
[15:43:31] <Hell_flamee> BB
[15:43:32] <Hell_flamee> GL
[15:43:34] <Hell_flamee> HF
[15:43:38] <Don_maka> .stats
[15:43:44] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <usuall>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:43:46] <IRC.Fear> he amaaaan
[15:43:50] <papATheBEST> yo any cl ?
[15:43:54] <He_MaaaAN> save was 5+ min ago and we got 3 kills after
[15:44:07] <MuHep> ,,,
[15:44:09] <MuHep> wtf ?
[15:44:09] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <usuall>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:44:19] <MuHep> who leave me or host ?
[15:44:23] <He_MaaaAN> host
[15:44:34] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <usuall>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +7
[15:44:36] <A.Vodonaeva> .result draw
[15:44:38] <He_MaaaAN> sigN
[15:44:41] <He_MaaaAN> .SIgn
[15:44:43] <pase_compose> .resut draw
[15:44:44] [System Message] <He_MaaaAN>[Beginner], has signed in. Needed Players: +6
[15:44:45] <Hell_flamee> .Listplayers
[15:44:46] [System Message] <2omorow=fuck>[Decent], <Hell_flamee>[Excellent],
<CurseOfNature>[Beginner], <He_MaaaAN>[Beginner], have already signed in
[15:44:48] <Hell_flamee> .limit
[15:44:50] <MuHep> .result draw
[15:44:51] <Hell_flamee> OMg
[15:44:52] <MuHep> .sign
[15:44:53] <Hell_flamee> no limit
[15:44:54] <He_MaaaAN> pushi sigN
[15:44:58] [System Message] <MuHep>[Beginner], has signed in. Needed Players: +5
[15:45:00] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <usuall>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +5
[15:45:05] <GaGyli> .stats m!ller-
[15:45:07] <Hell_flamee> 2omorrow no limit ?
[15:45:11] <2omorow=fuck> nope
[15:45:11] <He_MaaaAN> vova bla
[15:45:13] <MuHep> .find real
[15:45:13] <He_MaaaAN> sigN
[15:45:14] <zemanorex> .stats
[15:45:15] <2omorow=fuck> no ppl
[15:45:18] <TR.Kot> .ann ITS ME?
[15:45:19] [System Message] <TR.Kot> Says: ITS ME?
[15:45:23] <Hell_flamee> y
[15:45:25] <Hell_flamee> TRK
[15:45:25] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <usuall>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +5
[15:45:26] <Hell_flamee> ITs u
[15:45:27] <Hell_flamee> TR
[15:45:30] <Hell_flamee> Bb
[15:45:34] <Hell_flamee> Disconnetd
[15:45:39] <neXt.dmG> .sign
[15:45:39] <Hell_flamee> back
[15:45:41] [System Message] <neXt.dmG>[Skillful], has signed in. Needed Players: +4
[15:45:48] <Classic|OGe.> .TEAMS
[15:45:49] [System Message] Team Sentinel: decorous, NiKoLa.Is.ImBa, dieharder, z69|, ~S-c-r-e-
[15:45:50] [System Message] Team Scourge: SickBrain, Astral_Soul, ts-tlotr, Classic|OGe., TR.Kot,
[15:45:50] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <usuall>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +4
[15:45:51] <TR.Kot> .ann its me ahah ?
[15:45:53] [System Message] <TR.Kot> Says: its me ahah ?
[15:45:55] <TR.Kot> .ann go fix host
[15:45:56] <decorous> load
[15:45:57] [System Message] <TR.Kot> Says: go fix host
[15:45:58] <decorous> fast
[15:46:01] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .listplayers
[15:46:03] [System Message] <2omorow=fuck>[Decent], <Hell_flamee>[Excellent],
<CurseOfNature>[Beginner], <He_MaaaAN>[Beginner], <MuHep>[Beginner], <neXt.dmG>[Skillful], have
already signed in
[15:46:05] <TR.Kot> go result kakoi load
[15:46:06] <TR.Kot> 4 mrazi
[15:46:07] <ice0frog> .truant TR.Kot
[15:46:08] <TR.Kot> kak vsegda
[15:46:08] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .stats diehardEr
[15:46:10] <TR.Kot> vse delayt
[15:46:16] <TR.Kot> you truant me for what?
[15:46:17] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <usuall>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +4
[15:46:18] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .stats
[15:46:19] <z69|> .result sentinel
[15:46:21] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .siGn
[15:46:23] [System Message] <~E|c00ff00ffyes>[Talented], has signed in. Needed Players: +3
[15:46:23] <TR.Kot> .censure ice0Frog lox
[15:46:24] [System Message] Censure issued
[15:46:24] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .teams
[15:46:24] <A.Vodonaeva> .sIgn
[15:46:25] <decorous> Join my host
[15:46:28] [System Message] <A.Vodonaeva>[Excellent], has signed in. Needed Players: +2
[15:46:29] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .lastgame
[15:46:33] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> .info 3623
[15:46:35] [System Message] Game IHLardmnm3623 (1/10/2011)
<Team Sentinel> decorous NiKoLa.Is.ImBa dieharder z69| ~S-c-r-e-a-m~
<Team Scourge> SickBrain Astral_Soul ts-tlotr Classic|OGe. TR.Kot
.:: Still in progress: 23 minutes ::.
[15:46:37] <decorous> JOin myy hostt
[15:46:42] <decorous> Fastt
[15:46:43] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <usuall>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +2
[15:46:44] <3aser> .r yala i go
[15:46:45] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .mode
[15:46:46] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .moDe
[15:46:47] [System Message] Mode is usuall
[15:46:48] [System Message] Mode is usuall
[15:46:48] <The.Last.Lord> Kot
[15:46:51] <The.Last.Lord> DONT leave game
[15:46:53] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .listplaYers
[15:46:53] <The.Last.Lord> i saw that
[15:46:54] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> go load
[15:46:55] [System Message] <2omorow=fuck>[Decent], <Hell_flamee>[Excellent],
<CurseOfNature>[Beginner], <He_MaaaAN>[Beginner], <MuHep>[Beginner], <neXt.dmG>[Skillful], <~E|
c00ff00ffyes>[Talented], <A.Vodonaeva>[Excellent], have already signed in
[15:46:57] <TR.Kot> I LEAVE?
[15:46:59] <TR.Kot> lol
[15:47:00] <TR.Kot> i was
[15:47:00] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> go load
[15:47:01] <decorous> Join my hostt
[15:47:01] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> 2omorow
[15:47:02] <TR.Kot> in channel
[15:47:03] <TR.Kot> when i lag
[15:47:04] <TR.Kot> ROFL
[15:47:04] <papATheBEST> cl me go ?
[15:47:05] <2omorow=fuck> ?
[15:47:06] <papATheBEST> vodo ?
[15:47:06] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> 2omorow=fuck
[15:47:07] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> go ardm
[15:47:08] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <usuall>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +2
[15:47:08] <2omorow=fuck> ???
[15:47:12] <2omorow=fuck> its ardm
[15:47:15] <2omorow=fuck> .mode ardm!NM
[15:47:16] <neXt.dmG> .out
[15:47:17] [System Message] Mode set to ardm!NM
[15:47:18] <TR.Kot> < i was in channel when i lag ? so i leave ???>
[15:47:18] [System Message] <neXt.dmG>[Skillful], has signed out. Needed Players: +3
[15:47:20] <Kos_Biz_Teez> .gameS
[15:47:21] [System Message] Games currently in progress: IHLardm3622[34] IHLardmnm3623[23]
[15:47:25] <Hell_flamee> PAPA
[15:47:27] <pase_compose> .games
[15:47:27] <Hell_flamee> full ?
[15:47:31] <Kos_Biz_Teez> .STAFf
[15:47:32] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez XoMaTheBEST loserbrake Vixermen next.dmg
<Vouchers> : SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] papATheBEST 79ers|fRezerR
[15:47:32] <pase_compose> .gameS
[15:47:33] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!NM>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +3
[15:47:34] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> JOIN LOADDDDD
[15:47:36] <> .listplayers
[15:47:38] <A.Vodonaeva> go chall me
[15:47:40] <The.Last.Lord> .demote xomathebest
[15:47:41] <A.Vodonaeva> .out
[15:47:42] [System Message] Demoted XoMaTheBEST from [Manager] to [Voucher]
[15:47:43] [System Message] <A.Vodonaeva>[Excellent], has signed out. Needed Players: +4
[15:47:49] <He_MaaaAN> bla da pizdec
[15:47:51] <He_MaaaAN> nax chal
[15:47:53] <The.Last.Lord> .whois loserbrake
[15:47:54] <Hell_flamee> GOD :D
[15:47:54] <He_MaaaAN> na etoi lige
[15:47:55] [System Message] <loserbrake> [Manager]: Vouched by The.Last.Lord, Promoted by la_dracu,
Rated Flawless(7/1698). Vouchers: [0/1]. Censors: [0/1]. V.I.Ps: M!LLEr-, pr0_Vir2all^[2/2]. Leaders:
thecandleofGod1, 1st-Class-Ninja, RLC.r4tzOi, razzvyy, KZ_freeloader, IHCS.Must, bunnyz0r[7/25]. Hosts: c..j,
bakonoda[2/25]. Vouchees 140/350. Confidence factor: Great. Last Login was on: 1/7/2011 6:50:13 PM. Vouch
Comment: gg
[15:47:58] <He_MaaaAN> go ardm
[15:47:58] <The.Last.Lord> sickbrain JOIN game
[15:47:59] <G.Bloodlust> .verify
[15:47:59] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!NM>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +4
[15:48:05] <G.Bloodlust> .stats
[15:48:09] <> .sign
[15:48:13] [System Message] <>[Skillful], has signed in. Needed Players: +3
[15:48:13] <A.Vodonaeva> .Sign
[15:48:14] <He_MaaaAN> ti prosto vremya proebesh
[15:48:18] [System Message] <A.Vodonaeva>[Excellent], has signed in. Needed Players: +2
[15:48:22] <TheMuteOne.> .sign
[15:48:25] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!NM>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +2
[15:48:31] <The.Last.Lord> .stats
[15:48:33] <A.Vodonaeva> .limit
[15:48:36] <Hell_flamee> .out
[15:48:37] [System Message] <Hell_flamee>[Excellent], has signed out. Needed Players: +3
[15:48:41] <Hell_flamee> ITs not good game
[15:48:46] <Hell_flamee> IT will be newbie one
[15:48:49] <[-eXTaSy-]> .games
[15:48:50] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!NM>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +3
[15:48:51] [System Message] Dont Flood/Spamm In room , Or Get Auto ban/kick ...Have Good Stay ..
[15:48:52] <Kos_Biz_Teez> .stats The.Last.Lord
[15:48:52] [System Message] Games currently in progress: IHLardm3622[36] IHLardmnm3623[25]
[15:48:57] <> kos
[15:48:57] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .stats
[15:48:57] <decorous> .stats hell_flamee
[15:48:58] <[-eXTaSy-]> .info 3622
[15:48:59] [System Message] Game IHLardm3622 (1/10/2011)
<Team Sentinel> 7heReal TennisFTW A.Vodonaeva IRC.Fear MuHep
<Team Scourge> Dismay.Virgin Jaroslav [R]ed[U]ndead pr0_Vir2all^ He_MaaaAN
.:: Still in progress: 36 minutes ::.
[15:49:01] <> promote
[15:49:01] <Kos_Biz_Teez> ?
[15:49:02] <> me
[15:49:03] <Hell_flamee> :D
[15:49:06] <[-eXTaSy-]> .info 3623
[15:49:07] <Hell_flamee> decours
[15:49:07] [System Message] Game IHLardmnm3623 (1/10/2011)
<Team Sentinel> decorous NiKoLa.Is.ImBa dieharder z69| ~S-c-r-e-a-m~
<Team Scourge> SickBrain Astral_Soul ts-tlotr Classic|OGe. TR.Kot
.:: Still in progress: 25 minutes ::.
[15:49:09] <Kos_Biz_Teez> .whois
[15:49:10] [System Message] <> [Member]: Vouched by la_dracu, Rated Skillful(188/1698).
Confidence factor: Very Good. Last Login was on: 1/10/2011 3:04:27 PM. Vouch Comment: gg
[15:49:16] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!NM>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +3
[15:49:17] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .email dota-angel
[15:49:17] <Kos_Biz_Teez> .whoami
[15:49:18] [System Message] dota-angel didnt set up any e-mail adress.
[15:49:19] [System Message] <Kos_Biz_Teez> [Manager]: Vouched by R0x1z3R.BuTCH3R, Promoted by
la_dracu, Rated Promising(387/1698). Vouchers: [0/1]. Censors: -Michel-[1/1]. V.I.Ps: -Coveryourwide-[1/2].
Leaders: _-_zeko_-_, JP_Soul, Miniartist, Ex^Noob_PusHer, DarknessTheBest, ARoRA..., [BG]radian,
SYSTEMOFADOWN7, KiNG.Ice13aby, AseRRRRRRRRRR, aTimbala, TechiTacha, aborakan, hamzawee2006,
GC-_-Espada, dieharder, EMINEMSLEGENDRY[17/25]. Hosts: ~S-c-r-e-a-m~, snfoor, memo0709, king-_-dota,
mr.m.k.3, aZaZeal_novaX[6/25].
[15:49:20] [System Message] Vouchees 106/350. Confidence factor: Very Good. Last Login was on:
1/10/2011 2:25:58 PM. Vouch Comment: gg
[15:49:24] <The.Last.Lord> .demote
[15:49:25] <He_MaaaAN> pisg sg
[15:49:26] [System Message] Usage: .demote [player] <rank name>
[15:49:27] <[-eXTaSy-]> .stats sickbrain
[15:49:28] <He_MaaaAN> sam
[15:49:30] <Kos_Biz_Teez> .Promote VIP
[15:49:32] [System Message] Promoted from [Member] to [V.I.P]
[15:49:36] <The.Last.Lord> .demote la_dracu
[15:49:37] <> mbar7 kont ma 28dar afoot game f 7keet for la eno yswelo demote
[15:49:37] [System Message] You cannot demote la_dracu
[15:49:38] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .staff
[15:49:38] <pase_compose> .teams
[15:49:38] <TR.Kot> sicbrain
[15:49:39] [System Message] DotA Gaming Staff
<Head Administrators> : DotA-Angel The.Last.Lord Zbrbr^nizooo-
<Administrators> : y.....ousef .GG.LORD EU|pieTsaA_ DGL.Doctor la_dracu
<Managers> : Kos_Biz_Teez loserbrake Vixermen next.dmg
<Vouchers> : XoMaTheBEST SQL.LoveMe [-eXTaSy-] papATheBEST 79ers|fRezerR
[15:49:40] <TR.Kot> not in room
[15:49:41] <TR.Kot> warn
[15:49:42] <TR.Kot> him
[15:49:42] [System Message] Sign-up open! Game Mode: <ardm!NM>. Type .sign to enter & .out to leave.
Needed Players: +3
[15:49:45] <TheMuteOne.> .vouch
[15:49:46] <Hell_flamee> NIzooo D:
[15:49:46] <The.Last.Lord> .unvouch la_dracu
[15:49:48] <TR.Kot> and
[15:49:49] <> .listplayers
[15:49:49] <TR.Kot> result
[15:49:51] <TR.Kot> sent
[15:49:52] <pase_compose> .teamS
[15:49:53] <TR.Kot> last game
[15:49:59] <Kos_Biz_Teez> .whois la_dracu
[15:50:00] <The.Last.Lord> .untimeban sky_hug
[15:50:02] <pase_compose> .team
[15:50:05] <Kos_Biz_Teez> .Cq
[15:50:06] <The.Last.Lord> .warninfo sky_hUG
[15:50:06] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .cq
[15:50:07] <[-eXTaSy-]> .stats la_dracu
[15:50:07] <> .out
[15:50:13] <> kosssssssss
[15:50:15] <Astral_Soul> .listplayers
[15:50:15] <> kosssssssssss
[15:50:16] <pase_compose> .Teams
[15:50:16] <Kos_Biz_Teez> what?
[15:50:20] <Astral_Soul> .whoami
[15:50:20] <Hell_flamee> .quote
[15:50:20] <[-eXTaSy-]> .verify
[15:50:22] <> pffff
[15:50:24] <[-eXTaSy-]> bot off
[15:50:26] <> bot dawn ?
[15:50:27] <TR.Kot> .result sentinel
[15:50:29] <The.Last.Lord> waite
[15:50:31] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> .whois d2.scooby.doo
[15:50:32] <The.Last.Lord> stop give commands
[15:50:33] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> .result sentinel
[15:50:36] <Kos_Biz_Teez> Don't spam
[15:50:37] <Kos_Biz_Teez> ya
[15:50:38] <[-eXTaSy-]> ok
[15:50:49] <ice0frog> .Teams
[15:50:51] <Hell_flamee> BOT dispointed:D
[15:50:51] <TR.Kot> .stats
[15:50:54] <TR.Kot> .lastgame
[15:50:55] <The.Last.Lord> STOP
[15:50:56] <The.Last.Lord> GIVE
[15:50:58] <The.Last.Lord> FUKNG
[15:50:58] <TR.Kot> result it
[15:51:00] <The.Last.Lord> COMMANDS
[15:51:01] <TR.Kot> sent
[15:51:01] <TR.Kot> we lost
[15:51:02] <Classic|OGe.> .staff
[15:51:07] <Hell_flamee> hahahahah
[15:51:08] <Hell_flamee> xD
[15:51:08] <pase_compose> .tEams
[15:51:09] <Hell_flamee> XDDD
[15:51:13] <Hell_flamee> hahahahaha
[15:51:17] <z69|> .result senTinel
[15:51:22] <dieharder> .result sentinel
[15:51:24] <TR.Kot> if you got tards in team 2 games
[15:51:27] <TR.Kot> ill see your haha
[15:51:27] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> BOTS down
[15:51:29] <Public[EU]-2> This Bot is Made By:
[15:51:33] <Hell_flamee> XDD
[15:51:35] <dieharder> .stats
[15:51:38] <TR.Kot> harder go 1x1 on sf
[15:51:40] <TR.Kot> :O
[15:51:41] <TR.Kot> ??
[15:51:44] <TR.Kot> any way bot down
[15:51:45] <papATheBEST> go 1v1 me
[15:51:45] <papATheBEST> sf
[15:51:48] <TR.Kot> ti lox
[15:51:51] <TR.Kot> s toboi ne interesno
[15:51:51] <papATheBEST> mmm
[15:51:52] <TR.Kot> :O
[15:51:53] <Astral_Soul> .result sentinel
[15:51:55] <[-eXTaSy-]> stop give the commands
[15:51:56] <papATheBEST> davai
[15:51:56] <Astral_Soul> .startgame
[15:52:02] <dieharder> The LAst work CHeck this --->>>
[15:52:03] <papATheBEST> mojet beat ti vigraesh
[15:52:04] <papATheBEST> D
[15:52:09] <ice0frog> .truant SickBrain
[15:52:10] <TR.Kot> lol
[15:52:12] <TR.Kot> mozhet ?
[15:52:13] <papATheBEST> davai join ?
[15:52:13] <pase_compose> .start game
[15:52:16] <TR.Kot> ti somnevaewcia :D ?
[15:52:18] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> .startgame
[15:52:18] <TR.Kot> ok go
[15:52:19] <A.Vodonaeva> .listplayers
[15:52:22] <papATheBEST> ok
[15:52:23] <papATheBEST> i host
[15:52:23] <decorous> .result sentinel
[15:52:24] <ice0frog> ana rinad
[15:52:25] <MuHep> go so spectatoramu
[15:52:26] <The.Last.Lord> .staff
[15:52:27] <ice0frog> ya 7mar
[15:52:31] <ice0frog> .ann me rinad
[15:52:34] <TR.Kot> [15:56:27] [System Message] Found 1 tunnel, Ping:187
[15:56:27] [System Message] Found 2 tunnel, Ping:187
[15:56:27] [System Message] Found 3 tunnel,
[15:52:35] <TR.Kot> PAPA
[15:52:36] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> .lastgame
[15:52:45] <Classic|OGe.> .lastgame
[15:52:47] <ice0frog> walla no crtidit
[15:52:48] <Classic|OGe.> bot workinG?
[15:52:50] <ice0frog> ren enta
[15:52:51] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> .lasTgame
[15:52:53] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .stats
[15:52:58] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .verify
[15:53:01] <z69|> .REsult sentinel
[15:53:06] <Classic|OGe.> .result draw
[15:53:18] <Un1xCr3w> bot down
[15:53:22] <The.Last.Lord> STOP Give commands
[15:53:24] <ice0frog> 5allast emte7anat
[15:53:26] <The.Last.Lord> bot back soon
[15:53:30] <dieharder> - Disconnection after first blood and after the 15th minute of gameplay: If a saved
game is available from the last 10 minutes, then reload. If not th
[15:53:32] <ice0frog> .truant SickBrain
[15:53:42] <ice0frog> .truant SickBrain
[15:53:51] <z69|> icefrog u rly idiot
[15:53:52] <ice0frog> lol elyom 5allaset
[15:53:53] <dieharder>
[15:53:56] <dieharder> check rules
[15:53:56] <z69|> read rules
[15:53:59] <z69|> bitch
[15:53:59] <ice0frog> enta ren 3alay
[15:54:00] <pase_compose> .TEams
[15:54:16] <ice0frog> yes
[15:54:21] <ice0frog> esma3
[15:54:21] <eYe.Just_Qtak44> .rank
[15:54:22] <ice0frog> come
[15:54:23] <ice0frog> now
[15:54:24] <eYe.Just_Qtak44> .top 10
[15:54:25] <Kos_Biz_Teez> Dieharder
[15:54:33] <pase_compose> .teams
[15:54:39] <z69|> kos close this game
[15:54:41] <pase_compose> .;ast game
[15:54:42] <z69|> sentinel
[15:54:45] <pase_compose> .last game
[15:54:49] <z69|> was 12-3
[15:54:50] <pase_compose> .lastgame
[15:54:55] <The.Last.Lord> Diehard
[15:54:56] <z69|> and they wont join
[15:54:59] <The.Last.Lord> Did u make post ?
[15:55:03] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> dieharder
[15:55:03] <pase_compose> .stats
[15:55:04] <Kos_Biz_Teez> Dieharder u was the Host?
[15:55:05] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> here ?
[15:55:06] <dieharder> (8 kills and no deaths, 9/1 etc) or has destroyed 3 barrack buildings, they can
choose to deny the load.

[15:55:09] <Classic|OGe.> If a team has gained an advantage of 8 kills (8 kills and no deaths, 9/1 etc) or
has destroyed 3 barrack buildings, they can choose to deny the load.
[15:55:11] <z69|> y
[15:55:19] <decorous> its after 15 min
[15:55:20] <decorous> mb
[15:55:21] <Sparksss> .lastgame
[15:55:23] <Classic|OGe.> choose deny the load
[15:55:24] <Classic|OGe.> haha
[15:55:30] <pase_compose> .sing
[15:55:32] <decorous> - Disconnection after first blood and after the 15th minute of gameplay:
[15:55:36] <dieharder> but if its saved
[15:55:37] <The.Last.Lord> SEND THE FUKNG GAME at forum
[15:55:39] <dieharder> 10 min
[15:55:39] <The.Last.Lord> and we decide
[15:55:40] <z69|> destroyed 3 building
[15:55:42] <dieharder> we have save 9 min
[15:55:42] <The.Last.Lord> .cq
[15:55:44] <XoMaTheBEST> Decorous
[15:55:45] <dieharder> or 10
[15:55:45] <XoMaTheBEST> !
[15:55:47] <Classic|OGe.> choose deny the load ?
[15:55:48] <decorous> privet
[15:55:49] <2omorow=fuck> Behave u freaking HeadAdmin
[15:55:49] <2omorow=fuck> .TEams
[15:55:52] <XoMaTheBEST> Privet

[15:55:54] <2omorow=fuck> .verify

[15:55:54] <Kos_Biz_Teez> Lord
[15:55:55] <2omorow=fuck> .lastGame
[15:55:57] <z69|> hi
[15:55:58] <The.Last.Lord> yes ?
[15:55:58] <XoMaTheBEST> .cq
[15:55:59] <A.Vodonaeva> STOP SPAM COMANDS IDIOTS BOT DEAD!!!

[15:55:59] <Kos_Biz_Teez> u can reload the bot ?

[15:56:00] <z69|> vania
[15:56:01] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .lastgame
[15:56:08] <dieharder> stop commands
[15:56:09] <dieharder> mb :D
[15:56:10] <Hell_flamee> xD
[15:56:11] <Hell_flamee> DDDD
[15:56:16] <Hell_flamee> morecommands
[15:56:18] <Hell_flamee> plz
[15:56:23] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> dieharder take this season as 1st ?
[15:56:24] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> :D:D
[15:56:41] <2omorow=fuck> Btw
[15:56:49] <2omorow=fuck> I dont think there is prizes anymore :D
[15:56:54] <The.Last.Lord> There is
[15:56:55] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> ahhahah
[15:56:56] <The.Last.Lord> premum
[15:56:57] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> 1
[15:56:58] <The.Last.Lord> for top 5
[15:57:07] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> top 3
[15:57:21] <Classic|OGe.> lol
[15:57:27] <Classic|OGe.> i made premium 3 at season
[15:57:34] <Classic|OGe.> but they ddint give anyting
[15:57:35] <The.Last.Lord> asm3
[15:57:40] <The.Last.Lord> mo fadylklk ta r7el
[15:58:11] <papATheBEST> )
[15:58:12] <VorGosh> .sTats
[15:58:18] <TR.Kot> LOX
[15:58:22] <TR.Kot> otkuda pervi koil?
[15:58:22] <papATheBEST> tt
[15:58:25] <TR.Kot> 4iter
[15:58:26] <VorGosh> .StaTs
[15:58:29] <papATheBEST> ot keyborda
[15:58:30] <papATheBEST> haha
[15:58:31] <MuHep> 4e to 6istroBAto
[15:58:31] <VorGosh> wtf bots?
[15:58:34] <TR.Kot> z
[15:58:35] <TR.Kot> TI zhe
[15:58:36] <TR.Kot> kinul
[15:58:39] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> last lord
[15:58:39] <TR.Kot> yzhe bil pervi couil
[15:58:40] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> [15:59:58] <Kos_Biz_Teez> u can reload the bot ?
[15:58:43] <papATheBEST> ne bil
[15:58:45] <TR.Kot> ili ia 4et oxuev o dumay
[15:58:46] <TR.Kot> :O
[15:58:49] <papATheBEST> )))
[15:59:00] <{DK}wasswasssss> .stats
[15:59:06] <papATheBEST> anyone for 1v1 sf?
[15:59:10] <papATheBEST> -D
[15:59:10] <TR.Kot> GO EWE RAZ
[15:59:11] <TR.Kot> ?
[15:59:12] <papATheBEST> go
[15:59:13] <TR.Kot> :o
[15:59:20] <MuHep> spectar
[15:59:20] <decorous> go
[16:00:02] <The.Last.Lord> .statS
[16:00:10] <{DK}wasswasssss> .Stats
[16:00:20] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> papa go
[16:00:30] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> host
[16:00:32] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> or
[16:00:35] <~S-c-r-e-a-m~> nvm
[16:01:01] <EMINEMSLEGENDRY> .stats
[16:01:09] <EMINEMSLEGENDRY> .startgame
[16:01:18] <ts-tlotr> .staff
[16:01:23] <Un1xCr3w> .stats
[16:01:27] <The.Last.Lord> .cq
[16:01:29] <Public[EU]-2> This Bot is Made By:
[16:01:31] <Un1xCr3w> bots down ?
[16:01:32] <The.Last.Lord> dont give commands
[16:01:36] <The.Last.Lord> .CQ
[16:01:48] <Un1xCr3w> .cq
[16:01:57] <GGC.MaHeRz> .verify
[16:02:00] <Hell_flamee> LASt lord i want to change my stats to another acc
[16:02:03] <GGC.MaHeRz> Down down Down
[16:02:05] <The.Last.Lord> maher
[16:02:09] <Hell_flamee> like x3mfobos to fgfobs
[16:02:11] <GGC.MaHeRz> ?
[16:02:14] <ts-tlotr> Deco lsn
[16:02:17] <The.Last.Lord> u hacked that CA :D ?
[16:02:20] <Hell_flamee> :D
[16:02:21] <Hell_flamee> DDD
[16:02:22] <GGC.MaHeRz> not yet :)
[16:02:22] <XoMaTheBEST> he cant hack
[16:02:23] <Hell_flamee> MAher
[16:02:23] <XoMaTheBEST> nvm
[16:02:23] <XoMaTheBEST> :Q
[16:02:24] <The.Last.Lord> lol
[16:02:28] <GGC.MaHeRz> Xoma
[16:02:32] <GGC.MaHeRz> SU better u find ur self
[16:02:33] <GGC.MaHeRz> tonight
[16:02:34] <ts-tlotr> GO all .truant sickbrain
[16:02:35] <VorGosh> .Stats
[16:02:35] <GGC.MaHeRz> banned by admin
[16:02:36] <GGC.MaHeRz> MOFO
[16:02:37] <GGC.MaHeRz> ok?
[16:02:42] <XoMaTheBEST> kk
[16:02:45] <GGC.MaHeRz> u cant suck a dick
[16:02:47] <GGC.MaHeRz> :)
[16:02:47] <The.Last.Lord> manner
[16:02:48] <The.Last.Lord> maher
[16:02:49] <XoMaTheBEST> i can
[16:02:49] <GGC.MaHeRz> Have lIfe
[16:02:51] <Hell_flamee> xd
[16:02:52] <XoMaTheBEST> make
[16:02:53] <Hell_flamee> xxxd
[16:02:53] <Un1xCr3w> lol
[16:02:54] <ts-tlotr> after bots back
[16:02:54] <> .staff
[16:02:55] <XoMaTheBEST> basic mamber
[16:02:56] <GGC.MaHeRz> dnt need to know me advices
[16:02:58] <XoMaTheBEST> for all admins
[16:02:59] <XoMaTheBEST> .!.
[16:02:59] <GGC.MaHeRz> i am leaving.
[16:03:01] <GGC.MaHeRz> hahah
[16:03:03] <Vixermen> ^
[16:03:04] <GGC.MaHeRz> I dnt have access
[16:03:06] <GGC.MaHeRz> in Database
[16:03:11] <GGC.MaHeRz> BUt i had garena league admin
[16:03:18] <GGC.MaHeRz> and after a while will have
[16:03:21] <Hell_flamee> GGC.CCRR
[16:03:23] <GGC.MaHeRz> a Global channel admin account
[16:03:25] <GGC.MaHeRz> orczz
[16:03:26] <GGC.MaHeRz> Demoted
[16:03:29] <Hell_flamee> :S
[16:03:30] <GGC.MaHeRz> GGC.Orczz
[16:03:32] <XoMaTheBEST> ahahaha
[16:03:35] <Vixermen> .stats
[16:03:39] <Vixermen> ?
[16:03:40] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> ya maher
[16:03:41] <Hell_flamee> bot
[16:03:41] <Hell_flamee> down
[16:03:43] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> yabn el ws5a :D
[16:03:43] <Hell_flamee> dont
[16:03:43] <XoMaTheBEST> mars in msn > you and all arabs :)
[16:03:44] <Hell_flamee> command
[16:03:46] <The.Last.Lord> Bot will back soon
[16:03:47] <XoMaTheBEST> .!.
[16:03:56] <Hell_flamee> XOMA
[16:04:10] <Vixermen> maher the hacker ?
[16:04:11] <Vixermen> ^^
[16:04:12] <7heReal> .lastgame
[16:04:13] <Hell_flamee> :D
[16:04:16] <XoMaTheBEST> Maher the sucker
[16:04:22] <Hell_flamee> XOma
[16:04:23] <Hell_flamee> bb
[16:04:23] <GGC.MaHeRz> HAHAH
[16:04:24] <Vixermen> mda
[16:04:25] <7heReal> .stats
[16:04:25] <Hell_flamee> Xdd
[16:04:28] <GGC.MaHeRz> :)
[16:04:28] <7heReal> .lasTgamE
[16:04:30] <Gonzalo.H> .rank
[16:04:34] <XoMaTheBEST> Xoma you'r Daddy
[16:04:35] <XoMaTheBEST> .!.
[16:04:36] <Gonzalo.H> .verify
[16:04:40] <Vixermen> xoma>maher
[16:04:41] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> OR MAMMY?
[16:04:42] <GGC.MaHeRz> U SUCKS!
[16:04:43] <Gonzalo.H> Bots Down
[16:04:45] <GGC.MaHeRz> HAHAHA
[16:04:47] <GGC.MaHeRz> MAHER IMBA
[16:04:48] <GGC.MaHeRz> MOFO :)
[16:04:50] <GGC.MaHeRz> u cant do shit
[16:04:56] <XoMaTheBEST> Maher's room = wc
[16:04:57] <XoMaTheBEST> :Q
[16:05:11] <GGC.MaHeRz> HAHAH
[16:05:17] <GGC.MaHeRz> Ur Pussy = SHIT!
[16:05:25] <Kos_Biz_Teez> Stop Flame guys!
[16:05:26] <XoMaTheBEST> ofc you sucked you know it
[16:05:26] <XoMaTheBEST> :(
[16:05:39] <GGC.MaHeRz> hahaha
[16:05:42] <GGC.MaHeRz> i lick ur pussy
[16:05:43] <GGC.MaHeRz> OoO
[16:05:46] <GGC.MaHeRz> Nasty
[16:05:46] <ts-tlotr> .staff
[16:05:48] <GGC.MaHeRz> Disgusted :S
[16:05:48] <XoMaTheBEST> you lick my ass
[16:05:50] <GGC.MaHeRz> U sUck :P
[16:05:54] <GGC.MaHeRz> ahh u bItchy
[16:06:00] <GGC.MaHeRz> ur Pussy
[16:06:03] <GGC.MaHeRz> Became Wet nOw
[16:06:05] <GGC.MaHeRz> OoOU
[16:06:07] <GGC.MaHeRz> Wait For It
[16:06:12] <GGC.MaHeRz> Why So Horny?
[16:06:14] <GGC.MaHeRz> _!_
[16:06:37] <Vixermen> viksa>univerz
[16:06:38] <Vixermen> ?
[16:06:42] <Vixermen> @
[16:06:42] <GGC.MaHeRz> VIKTORRR :P
[16:06:45] <Vixermen> :E
[16:06:53] <GGC.MaHeRz> WHY SHUTED XOMA?
[16:06:59] <Vixermen> shuted ? :##
[16:07:04] <knivus> woho bleach ep is up
[16:07:17] <loserbrake> .stats
[16:07:18] <sw0RdfisH> [16:10:32] [System Message] <DG-_-Ne0> has entered this room

[16:07:20] <GGC.MaHeRz> why?

[16:07:21] <GGC.MaHeRz> SHUTED?
[16:07:24] <Vixermen> Bene4ka is da best
[16:07:25] <Vixermen> dud
[16:07:27] <loserbrake> Bot LAG?
[16:07:37] <DG-_-Ne0> y
[16:07:37] <dieharder> ST
[16:07:39] <Vixermen> watch this
[16:07:39] <dieharder> u HERE?
[16:07:40] <DG-_-Ne0> ne0 is he naps
[16:07:41] <Vixermen> ah
[16:07:44] <Vixermen> bot offline :##
[16:07:48] <XoMaTheBEST> No time to talk with the dregs of society
[16:07:49] <loserbrake> aaham
[16:07:53] <GGC.MaHeRz> HAHAH
[16:07:54] <dieharder> TS-TLOSR U HERE?
[16:07:56] <Vixermen> HAHAHAH
[16:07:57] <GGC.MaHeRz> u DOG ASS :P
[16:07:57] <GGC.MaHeRz> hahaha
[16:08:00] <GGC.MaHeRz> ASS LICKER
[16:08:31] <XoMaTheBEST> You are a child of Chernobyl
[16:08:35] <The.Last.Lord> mAnner mager
[16:08:46] <GGC.MaHeRz> u sucks :)
[16:08:49] <GGC.MaHeRz> haha
[16:08:52] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> maher
[16:08:53] <GGC.MaHeRz> man u ass licker
[16:08:55] <TheCanDleOfGod1> .games
[16:08:55] <GGC.MaHeRz> licked acidut
[16:08:57] <GGC.MaHeRz> ass :)
[16:08:58] <GGC.MaHeRz> yes?
[16:09:01] <Zbrbr^nizooo-> STOP IT maher
[16:09:02] <TheCanDleOfGod1> .rank
[16:09:07] <XoMaTheBEST> Die from cancer has made life easier for their parents
[16:09:08] <TheCanDleOfGod1> no bots ?
[16:09:08] <GGC.MaHeRz> I DO WHAT I WANT
[16:09:09] <GGC.MaHeRz> man
[16:09:10] <GGC.MaHeRz> u sucks
[16:09:11] <XoMaTheBEST> P.S Xoma With Love
[16:09:12] <XoMaTheBEST> !
[16:09:13] <GGC.MaHeRz> from ur weed
[16:09:16] <GGC.MaHeRz> HAHAHA
[16:09:17] <GGC.MaHeRz> ur mother
[16:09:19] <GGC.MaHeRz> just said that
[16:09:19] <Allstars_GG> .games
[16:09:20] <GGC.MaHeRz> :)
[16:09:27] <GGC.MaHeRz> tell her to get the money back
[16:09:29] <Allstars_GG> .verify
[16:09:29] <GGC.MaHeRz> hahaha
[16:09:34] <DisMay.Virgin> nice game
[16:09:36] <TheCanDleOfGod1> ?No bots ? ?
[16:09:36] <DisMay.Virgin> .teams
[16:09:36] <GGC.MaHeRz> FAke Pussy Ass NIgga
[16:09:38] <GGC.MaHeRz> haha
[16:09:42] <GGC.MaHeRz> jelousy will kill u? :P
[16:09:43] <Allstars_GG> .stats
[16:09:43] <GGC.MaHeRz> hahahha
[16:09:44] <DisMay.Virgin> .Teams
[16:09:45] <TennisFTW> .result sentinel
[16:09:46] <DisMay.Virgin> .lastgame
[16:09:46] <7heReal> .result sentinel
[16:09:47] <XoMaTheBEST> You stupid child, Down's syndrome patient
[16:09:48] <IRC.Fear> .RESULT sentinel
[16:09:50] <DisMay.Virgin> no bot
[16:09:51] <Allstars_GG> no bots
[16:09:52] <GGC.MaHeRz> that child
[16:09:53] <[R]ed[U]ndead> .result sentinel
[16:09:53] <7heReal> .RESULT
[16:09:54] <GGC.MaHeRz> ur mother love him
[16:09:56] <DisMay.Virgin> nice game
[16:09:57] <Allstars_GG> no BOTS
[16:09:58] <DisMay.Virgin> 3v3
[16:09:59] <GGC.MaHeRz> And control her puyssy
[16:10:00] <GGC.MaHeRz> pussy*
[16:10:05] <SNG.Marik> .stats
[16:10:05] <GGC.MaHeRz> Tell her not TO suck It Anymore
[16:10:07] <pr0_Vir2all^> .result sentiNeL
[16:10:11] <7heReal> Who
[16:10:13] <7heReal> post ?
[16:10:16] <IRC.Fear> u go
[16:10:19] <SNG.Marik> boty opyat' pizda?
[16:10:19] <7heReal> ok
[16:10:20] <IRC.Fear> i cant now :<
[16:10:20] <GGC.MaHeRz> haha
[16:10:23] <GGC.MaHeRz> mofo like u
[16:10:30] <7heReal> OK I POST!!!!!
[16:10:32] <XoMaTheBEST> Have you ever given birth not to drop?
[16:10:33] <GGC.MaHeRz> cant be even licked :)
[16:10:33] <XoMaTheBEST> :DDD
[16:10:39] <GGC.MaHeRz> man u r just
[16:10:40] [System Message] Find 3 Tunnels.
[16:10:40] [System Message] Found 1 tunnel, Ping:109
[16:10:40] [System Message] Found 2 tunnel, Ping:109
[16:10:40] [System Message] Found 3 tunnel, Ping:140
[16:10:42] <GGC.MaHeRz> a WRong Drip Drops
[16:10:45] <7heReal> .lastgame
[16:10:46] <7heReal> OMG
[16:10:48] <7heReal> !!!!!!!!
[16:10:50] <GGC.MaHeRz> Ur MOther Took It from her Lover "ME"
[16:10:51] <7heReal> WHO LASTGAME >?
[16:10:53] <7heReal> :DD
[16:10:56] <7heReal> fFs
[16:10:58] <TR.Kot> FF)
[16:10:58] <> .vouch shesterCNW
[16:10:59] <7heReal> .staTs
[16:11:00] <TR.Kot> uia lox
[16:11:00] <TR.Kot> :O
[16:11:02] <> niczoo
[16:11:03] <GGC.MaHeRz> u Came WRong
[16:11:03] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> GG TR.KOT
[16:11:05] <Allstars_GG> ddddddddddd
[16:11:05] <GGC.MaHeRz> and born wrong
[16:11:06] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> :Dd
[16:11:07] <Allstars_GG> dddddddd
[16:11:09] <Allstars_GG> .staff
[16:11:10] <> nizooo
[16:11:13] <> zzzzzzzzzzz
[16:11:15] <GGC.MaHeRz> And Ur pussy iS Done Wrong
[16:11:15] <GGC.MaHeRz> HAHAHA
[16:11:21] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> .verify
[16:11:23] <XoMaTheBEST> I just called her, she said that shit in your mouth!
[16:11:29] <Public[EU]-2> This Bot is Made By:
[16:11:35] <VorGosh> .STats
[16:11:35] <Allstars_GG> .verify
[16:11:36] <GGC.MaHeRz> haha
[16:11:40] <7heReal> .laStgame
[16:11:40] <VorGosh> wtf with the bots?
[16:11:41] <papATheBEST> my sf stronk oo
[16:11:41] <Allstars_GG> lol
[16:11:42] <GGC.MaHeRz> the shit in my mouth
[16:11:43] <7heReal> .stats
[16:11:44] <EMINEMSLEGENDRY> Maher go spamm him in pm
[16:11:45] <GGC.MaHeRz> is ur mother pussy
[16:11:47] <GGC.MaHeRz> that u came FROM
[16:11:47] <EMINEMSLEGENDRY> enough with shit
[16:11:48] <GGC.MaHeRz> HAHAHAH
[16:11:51] <GGC.MaHeRz> xoma SUcks?
[16:11:53] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> lol papa
[16:11:56] <DG-_-sparksss> .where sw0rdfish
[16:11:56] <Allstars_GG> maher u droped the bot again
[16:11:59] <Allstars_GG> !?
[16:12:01] <DG-_-sparksss> .rank
[16:12:04] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> HELLo
[16:12:04] <papATheBEST> dd was stronk
[16:12:05] <papATheBEST> ;D
[16:12:05] <DG-_-Ne0> [16:15:47] <DG-_-sparksss> .where sw0rdfish IN UR ASS

[16:12:09] <DG-_-sparksss> HAHA

[16:12:13] <DG-_-sparksss> FUckin alel el adab
[16:12:13] <XoMaTheBEST> She says that you have a dick 8 inches long and 1 in volume
[16:12:15] <DG-_-Ne0> < YA KHAWAL>
[16:12:16] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> HELLO
[16:12:18] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa>
[16:12:19] <DG-_-sparksss> HAHAHAH
[16:12:20] <DisMay.Virgin> zzzzzzz
[16:12:25] <DG-_-sparksss> sba7 el fol ya se7s ya 3rs
[16:12:30] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa>
[16:12:34] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> NiKOlA.Is.imba
[16:12:38] <DG-_-sparksss>
[16:12:39] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa>
[16:12:40] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> xDDDDDD
[16:12:41] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> HAHAHA
[16:12:41] <sw0RdfisH> hussein
[16:12:43] <sw0RdfisH> enta kont fean
[16:12:45] <sw0RdfisH> .rank
[16:12:45] <papATheBEST> LOOOOOOOOOOL
[16:12:47] <Allstars_GG> cos om da saba7
[16:12:48] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> :D
[16:12:48] <DG-_-Ne0> sba7 el fol ya 7abeb <ZEBI<
[16:12:50] <sw0RdfisH> come skype
[16:12:50] <Allstars_GG> lol
[16:12:50] <papATheBEST> faken hater
[16:12:51] <GGC.MaHeRz> HAHAH
[16:12:53] <GGC.MaHeRz> but SHE DIDNT TELL U
[16:12:54] <DG-_-Ne0> <ZEBI>
[16:12:55] <papATheBEST> ahahhaa
[16:12:56] <papATheBEST> ;D
[16:12:56] <GGC.MaHeRz> THE WEIDTH
[16:12:57] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> Sparkss.Is.\()/
[16:13:01] <GGC.MaHeRz> UR MOTHER LIKE IT
[16:13:02] <GGC.MaHeRz> OOoOo
[16:13:04] <GGC.MaHeRz> HORNY Ooo
[16:13:06] <GGC.MaHeRz> OUOUOU
[16:13:06] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> THE LARD.word IS herE ?
[16:13:10] <GGC.MaHeRz> GO Control Her
[16:13:11] <GGC.MaHeRz> MOFO!
[16:13:13] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> X3m GOD HERE?
[16:13:17] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> MAHEr
[16:13:18] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> YA
[16:13:19] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> 33
[16:13:20] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> ANA
[16:13:21] <NiKoLa.Is.ImBa> 3333333333333333
[16:13:21] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> sabry
[16:13:22] <XoMaTheBEST> You're a freak who suffers from Down syndrome and die from cancer make
the lives of parents easier
[16:13:31] <IRC.Fear> Xoma
[16:13:32] <IRC.Fear> nC?
[16:13:35] <> NIZOOOOO'
[16:13:39] <GGC.MaHeRz> Ur ASex Symbol Love TO Be Athing!
[16:13:41] <Miniartist> .stats
[16:13:47] <IRC.Fear> hahah
[16:13:48] <GGC.MaHeRz> MArilyn MOnroe
[16:13:49] <IRC.Fear> ...........
[16:13:51] <> ZZZZZZZZZZ
[16:13:52] <Miniartist> .verify
[16:13:57] <XoMaTheBEST> What Fear?
[16:13:59] <Allstars_GG> lol what ashity room
[16:14:00] <Allstars_GG> :D
[16:14:06] <GGC.MaHeRz> U r A suffering Ass! Have An Overcoming DIck!
[16:14:08] <GGC.MaHeRz> MOFO!
[16:14:09] <Miniartist> bots down ?
[16:14:13] <> y
[16:14:24] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> I neeED ADmin
[16:14:29] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> FOR CHAnge NAme
[16:14:43] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> sabry
[16:14:47] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> ?
[16:14:49] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> x3mgod is no more head
[16:14:52] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> no more staff
[16:14:56] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> X3mgod = last word
[16:15:00] <GGC.MaHeRz> BMBMBMBM
[16:15:10] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> zbrbr nizoo and the last lord
[16:15:13] <GGC.MaHeRz> oma
[16:15:16] <GGC.MaHeRz> XOMA?
[16:15:17] <GGC.MaHeRz> SHUTED?
[16:15:18] <GGC.MaHeRz> AGAIN?
[16:15:29] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> LAST lord = x3mgod
[16:15:36] <> .vouch shesterCNW .vouch shesterCNW .vouch shesterCNW .vouch
shesterCNW .vouch shesterCNW .vouch shesterCNW

[16:15:38] <XoMaTheBEST> Come, I'll fuck you in the mouth, then in the ass, then again in his mouth ...
then she'll shit in your mouth and
[16:15:44] <GGC.MaHeRz> HAHAH Nmofo
[16:15:45] <XoMaTheBEST> you are pleased pololozhit go away t

[16:15:48] <GGC.MaHeRz> SAying 1 SHIT

[16:15:52] <GGC.MaHeRz> IN 1hour
[16:15:53] <GGC.MaHeRz> HAHAH
[16:15:55] <GGC.MaHeRz> ur mother is too horny
[16:15:58] <GGC.MaHeRz> just 10 mins
[16:16:01] <GGC.MaHeRz> she becomes horny
[16:16:02] <GGC.MaHeRz> HAHahHA
[16:16:05] <XoMaTheBEST> to his third-world country
[16:16:06] <GGC.MaHeRz> U came in 2 Mins
[16:16:08] <GGC.MaHeRz> MOFO!
[16:16:15] <GGC.MaHeRz> WAS UR BOSS
[16:16:16] <GGC.MaHeRz> ONCE TIME
[16:16:17] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> maher kefya
[16:16:20] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> mahher
[16:16:21] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> kefya
[16:16:22] <GGC.MaHeRz> sawany bas
[16:16:24] <GGC.MaHeRz> la2
[16:16:27] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> keFYAAAAAAAAaa
[16:16:32] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> overed
[16:16:33] <XoMaTheBEST> kos o5tak stupid arab
[16:16:33] <XoMaTheBEST> :Q
[16:16:38] <GGC.MaHeRz> KOs omeen omak
[16:16:38] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> xoma
[16:16:39] <l3urZuM_Is_Le0N> Tqg GGc :-??
[16:16:39] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> stpo
[16:16:41] <GGC.MaHeRz> ARAB AND PROUD
[16:16:42] <GGC.MaHeRz> MOFO
[16:16:43] <GGC.MaHeRz> U SUCKS
[16:16:44] <GGC.MaHeRz> SLAVE
[16:16:45] <GGC.MaHeRz> !
[16:16:49] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> XOMA HE STOPED
[16:16:50] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> MAHEr
[16:16:52] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> 5a;as
[16:16:53] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> 5ALAS
[16:16:56] <EMINEMSLEGENDRY> [17:21:40] <XoMaTheBEST> kos o5tak stupid arab
[16:16:59] <GGC.MaHeRz> XOMA
[16:17:00] <EMINEMSLEGENDRY> why xoma?
[16:17:02] <GGC.MaHeRz> U STUPID NIGGA
[16:17:04] <GGC.MaHeRz> RUSSIEN
[16:17:04] <EMINEMSLEGENDRY> why raicisim?
[16:17:06] <GGC.MaHeRz> FUCKED Up
[16:17:10] <GGC.MaHeRz> O_O
[16:17:12] <GGC.MaHeRz> KING^XOMA?
[16:17:14] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> EMeminm me HElll_FLamee
[16:17:16] <GGC.MaHeRz> DICK^XOMA
[16:17:17] <EMINEMSLEGENDRY> Russian = sister is A BIG SLUT SORRY
[16:17:18] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> FU
[16:17:19] <XoMaTheBEST> You stupid slut from the station, go to work! You need to feed my family
[16:17:24] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> Xoma
[16:17:24] <GGC.MaHeRz> SLUTT MOLDAVIAN!
[16:17:28] <GGC.MaHeRz> THOSE ARAB FUCKS U
[16:17:29] <GGC.MaHeRz> MOFO
[16:17:31] <GGC.MaHeRz> WHORE
[16:17:32] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> XOMA ALL Hate u now
[16:17:33] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> !
[16:17:35] <GGC.MaHeRz> GO FIND A DOG TO FUCK!
[16:17:38] <[BG]radian> .Stats
[16:17:40] <GGC.MaHeRz> ARAB AND PROUD
[16:17:41] <[BG]radian> .lastgame
[16:17:41] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> maher\
[16:17:41] <l3urZuM_Is_Le0N> <GGC.MaHeRz> What's Your Name ?!
[16:17:42] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> 5al;s
[16:17:45] <EMINEMSLEGENDRY> Your mom is mafia :D?
[16:17:45] <SaBrY.Is.CruSe> MAHER 5alas
[16:17:51] <GGC.MaHeRz> AND SNG MOFO!
[16:17:51] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> <stop >
[16:17:54] <[BG]radian> .whoami
[16:18:00] <EMINEMSLEGENDRY> [17:21:40] <XoMaTheBEST> kos o5tak stupid arab
[16:18:03] <~E|c00ff00ffyes> <STOP IT MAHER AND XOMA >

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