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DAILYCITIZEN Informing Champaign County Since 1838


SPORTS Ohio one of 16 ‘Race to the Top’ finalists

Staff and wire reports Liberty-Salem Local school districts applied for The grants are designed to reward states that
MIAMI (AP) — The U.S. Department of the grant. have adopted and will continue innovative
Education named 16 finalists Thursday in the A statement from Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland reforms to improve student performance. The
first round of its “Race to the Top” competition, and State Superintendent of Public Instruction money is part of President Barack Obama’s eco-
which will deliver $4.35 billion in school reform Deborah Delisle was released Thursday by the nomic stimulus law, which provided an unprece-
grants. Ohio Department of Education. dented $100 billion for schools. Much of that
Selected from a pool of 41 applicants are In it they state, “This is an exciting day for has gone toward preventing teacher layoffs and
Colorado, Delaware, the District of Columbia, education in Ohio. The Race to the Top process addressing other budget concerns. The $4.35
Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, has been and will continue to be extremely com- billion “Race to the Top” fund is targeted specif-
Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, petitive, but Ohio crafted a strong application of ically for education reform.
Graham Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South which we can all be proud. Applications were read and scored by panels
Carolina and Tennessee. The winners will be “We’ve made a major commitment to Ohio of five peer reviewers. Those with the highest
heading for chosen in April, and a second round of applica- schools, because we believe that providing average score were selected to visit Washington
tions accepted in June. every Ohio child with high-quality educational later this month to present their proposals. The
another title “These states are an example for the country opportunities will better prepare them for jobs Education Department said it expects no more
Graham advanced 10 of what is possible when adults come together and for life. Our selection as a finalist moves than half of the money to be awarded in the first
to do the right thing for children,” U.S. Ohio one step closer to receiving Race to the phase of the competition.
wrestlers to the champi- Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said. Top funds. It also confirms the progress Ohio is Duncan said they are setting a high bar in
onship quarterfinals at In Champaign County, Mechanicsburg making through our transformational education the first phase and anticipate few winners.
state on Thursday ... Exempted Village, Graham Local and West reform plan.” See ‘Race’ on Page A-2
See Page B-1

State wrestling competition begins

County Land
holds annual
Special to the Citizen
The public is invited to
Champaign Land Preserva-
Mechanicsburg's Kyle
tion’s Annual Meeting,
Tuesday, March 16 at 7 p.m. Reese battles Fairport
Margaret Piatt, Assistant Harbor's J.C. Giffin in the
Professor of Theater at 140-pound weight class on
Urbana University, will Thursday during the first
speak about land use over round of the state wrestling
180 years on her Logan meet at the Jerome
County family farm. “They Schottenstein Center in
Lived Long on the Land: A Columbus.
Case Study of One Ohio
Farm Family” is the title of
her talk, illustrated with arti-
facts from the family muse-
um collection.
There will be refresh-
ments and a short business
The meeting will be held
in the Urbana Township
Building, 2564 state Route
54, just east of the intersec-
Citizen photo by Alex Howell
tion of Hickory Grove Road
and Urbana-Moorefield

Application Toyota secretive on ‘black box’ data

for grant to SOUTHLAKE, Texas (AP) — Toyota has for AP also found that Toyota: lems, triggering an avalanche of lawsuits.
years blocked access to data stored in devices — Has frequently refused to provide key When Toyota was asked by the AP to explain
be discussed similar to airline “black boxes” that could information sought by crash victims and sur- what exactly its recorders do collect, a company
explain crashes blamed on sudden unintended vivors. statement said Thursday that the devices
Citizen Staff Report acceleration, according to an Associated Press — Uses proprietary software in its EDRs. record data from five seconds before until two
The city of Urbana will review of lawsuits nationwide and interviews Until this week, there was only a single laptop in seconds after an air bag is deployed in a crash.
hold a public meeting at 6 with auto crash experts. the U.S. containing the software needed to read The statement said information is captured
p.m. Monday in the munici- The AP investigation found that Toyota has the data following a crash. about vehicle speed, the accelerator’s angle,
pal building concerning a been inconsistent — and sometimes even con- — In some lawsuits, when pressed to provide gear shift position, whether the seat belt was
request for a $3 million tradictory — in revealing exactly what the recorder information Toyota either settled or used and the angle of the driver’s seat.
Clean Ohio Revitalization devices record and don’t record, including criti- provided printouts with the key columns blank. There was no initial mention of brakes — a
Fund grant to clean up and cal data about whether the brake or accelerator Toyota’s “black box” information is emerging key point in the sudden acceleration problem.
redevelop the former paper pedals were depressed at the time of a crash. as a critical legal issue amid the recall of 8 mil- When AP went back to Toyota to ask specifical-
mill plant at 700 W. Court St. By contrast, most other automakers routine- lion vehicles by the world’s largest automaker. ly about brake information, Toyota responded
ly allow much more open access to information The National Highway Transportation Safety that its EDRs do, in fact, record “data on the
from their event data recorders, commonly Administration said this week that 52 people brake’s position and the antilock brake system.”
known as EDRs. have died in crashes linked to accelerator prob- See ‘Toyota’ on Page A-2
Obama tries
to get more
U.S. visitors
Retail sales post strongest gains since late ‘07
NEW YORK (AP) — Shoppers the broad strength.”
WASHINGTON (AP) — returned to the nation’s malls last He added, there’s still uncertain-
President Barack Obama month, buying a surprising amount ty about whether such a robust
has signed a bill creating a of spring clothing and other items pace can be sustained, particularly
program to promote the and helping stores post the later this year when the sales fig-
U.S. as a premier tourism strongest retail sales since ures are being compared with
destination for international November 2007, a month before more stabilized spending patterns.
travelers. the recession began. The February sales report was
The U.S. Travel The better-than-expected 3.7 the third consecutive monthly
Association calls it a major percent gain reported Thursday increase, according to the ICSC.
step in addressing the drop- showed that Americans are still The monthly index excludes Wal-
off in such visits to the U.S. thrifty, but they are letting go of Mart Stores Inc., which stopped
during the past decade. The some of the frugality brought on by reporting monthly sales last year.
association says the U.S. the economic downturn. And many Shoppers shrugged off snow-
welcomed 2.4 million fewer are willing to spend for certain storms and worries about the econ-
overseas visitors last year higher-end goods. omy to visit a broad array of mer-
than in 2000. Consumers “are now starting to chants, from luxur y retailer
The bill is H.R. 1299. go back to where they had typical- Nordstrom to middlebrow Macy’s
ly shopped” before the recession, Inc. to discounter Target Corp., AP photo
said Michael Niemira, chief econo- which all reported solid sales
mist at the International Council of increases that beat Wall Street ana- Shoppers crowd through Century 21 department store on Wednesday in
Shopping Centers, who expected a lysts’ estimates. New York. Many retailers report sales gains, even in the face of falling
2 percent gain. “I’m surprised by See ‘Retail’ on Page A-2 consumer confidence and snowstorms that hammered the East Coast.

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