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A Social Systems approaches requires an investigator to understand a perspective of the suspect,

victim or witness. It is incumbent upon the interviewer to understand their own place and
perspective as well. Below is an outline of the highlights. As you go through the information,
you should be able to place the concepts into the context of an investigation. As you go through
the material, think about some practical applications for the theories and approaches presented.

The themes include:

 Caring with Cultural Competence

 Self-Development
 Postmodernism


The perspective of the interviewee impacts the interview. The interviewer should know some of
the individual’s background and perspective. Was there a bad experience with the police on a
previous occasion?

Self Development requires an interviewer to:

 Remain open to re-direction and change

 Remain flexible during an interview
 Watch for the behavior indicators of deceit
 Be aware of non-verbal behavior


Police represent law and order and power.

 Police can’t change how someone views them

 Some are respectful of this power
 Some are fearful of it
 The effect of their assessment can be negated or supported depending on the goals of the
 The postmodernist view suggests that all information is contextual


1. Preparation

This is outlined in the text. It cannot be emphasized enough. There is little point conducting an
interview without being well prepared. If you are not prepared properly the effects can be far
reaching. Damage can occur not only to the case, but to others directly and indirectly involved. If
you want to treat victims well, then detailed interview preparation is a must.
Case Review Highlights

 Not to create prejudice

 Determine facts from conclusions
 Look at perspective of others involved in the case
 Read reports
 Speak with other investigators as to why they have drawn certain conclusions
 Find out if other agencies were or are involved and obtain statements
 Examine the evidence

Prior Criminal Record

 Will expose a weakness prior to an interview

Viewing the Scene

 Before and after if appropriate


 Internal and external sources that affect answers or statements

 Provides for "contamination"
 From leading questions

2. Establish the Psychological Context

When to question

 Give consideration to emotions

 Nature of offence to dictate timing
 Special populations to be given special considerations


 Convenience
 Effect
 Resources

3. The Questioning


 Open Ended
 Follow up
 Leading
 Confrontational


 Oblique
 Formal – Informal

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