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CSI Meeting 1-1-11 Minutes

Update on end of last semester events/projects

 Research Symposium – success! Great participation, good location, well attended (including Dean and Provost)
 Socials – Black Hawks game outing cancelled due to lack of interest, Holiday on Main ??
 Service – winter clothing drive finished. Clothing still needs to be delivered (Jessica will contact Shari again);
hospital visit wouldn’t work because of extensive volunteer qualifying procedures; Volunteering @ Salvation
Army – success, consider doing again next year

Program Orientation
 Will probably be end of Jan/beg of Feb, final date not set yet
 Will discuss more when we have a date, may have to be done via email or special meeting as we may not have
much time to plan
 Discussed putting together a video and we discussed focusing our 5-10 minutes on the benefits of membership.

Professional Development
 Ethics – DG willing to present, Feb or April. Will work on Counselor Self care prof. development first.

 Counselor Self Care – choose speaker, pick tentative date

o Had several volunteers, speaker with be Jim Wilwerding from DSM if he is still willing, program grad
who wants to give back
o Jessica will contact about availability.
o Will need to eventually to find space, make arrangements for mileage, get thank you gift card

 Will discuss more at future meetings

 Food Drive - February
 Drop off site will be in office suite in Sabin (will need to get boxes set up)
 Competition between School and MH - Golden Can Award!

 Kasey is working on it, will be finished soon

 Sometime end of Feb/ beg of March
o Date - Possibly Sat Feb 19 or Sat Mar 5
o Location - Considering Montage, CU, My Verona
o Jessica will call for info on separate billing, seating capacity, and availability
o Speaker – need ideas. CSI has list of speakers, alumni?
o Dr. Davis-Gage will get list of eligible students, prepare letter to send out after date/time/location is set

Local Dues
o Will be due in Feb, $5
o Treasurer will collect. May need to appoint new treasurer – Jessica will contact current treasurer and ask if she
plans to be involved or wishes to resign.

Next Meeting – Monday Jan 24, 6:30. New location – SAB 301!

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