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I want a Yorkshire Terrier

By: Lily Tran

Have you ever tried persuading your parents to get a Yorkshire Terrier,
but every time they said no? If you asked me what kind of dog I would want
I would choose a Yorkshire Terrier also known as Yorkie that’s a few
months old. Oh! I forgot. Back to the three reasons, why I should get a
Yorkshire Terrier. The three reasons why I should get a Yorkshire Terrier is
that I have a lot of time, I have had experience with a small dog before. But,
Yorkies can bark too much. But, oh well! I still want one.

I have a lot of time so I can always take care of my pet Yorkie. It doesn’t
need to walk around a lot, so I don’t need to walk it around much. After
school, I will always go home and groom, feed, and walk my pet Yorkshire
Terrier. I would also play with him/her. If I have a lot of homework I would
take breaks to take care of my Yorkie. Yorkshire Terriers also need a lot of
grooming, so I need a lot of time grooming it and taking a bath for it.

Although…….. Yorkshire Terriers can bark a lot and it could disturb

people. Yorkies are fun and cute, but barking can disturb you and/or other
people when they are doing their work, sleeping, or anything else.
Sometimes barking dogs are good because if there if a thief or robber
trying to rob you they can always bark and warn you. Even though
Yorkshire Terriers bark a lot I can control him/her.

Another reason why I should get a Yorkie is that I have had experiences
with a small dog before. That small dog was a Shih Tzu. She was a few
months old when I got her. She was really hard work, she ran all over the
place barking. People still loved her though. If you work hard, good things
will happen to you. Small dogs can be hard because they can be very, I
mean VERY, hyper and run around barking and scaring people. I’m pretty
sure I can control that though. Small dogs are cute, but they can be hard. I
mean I don’t even know how such little dogs can carry so much energy in
one little body….

So is you want to try to persuade your parents to get a Yorkie, those are
some reasons why. Those are also reasons why I should get a Yorkshire
Terrier. I have to warn you small dogs look cute but, they can be very
hyper. So when you get a dog, (if you get a dog) will you get a small dog or
a big dog? BUT, before you make a decision think carefully, I mean VERY

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