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I doesn't look like a high-tech speaker but it works well.

I didn't expect a high quality of the sound from this

made-from-scratch speaker but it performs very well, better than I expected.
A speaker is just a magnet, a coil, frame and a cone or any material that can make the air vibrate. Here is the bill
of materials that I used to build this speaker:

 1 Magnet (neodymium magnet works great)

 1 Business card
 Wire 32 or 34 AWG (you may use 30AWG)
 Paper bond
 Tape
 Glue
 Scissors
 Ballpoint pen
 Lego bricks or wood.
 Ruler.
Cut two long pieces of paper vertically, half inch wide. (0.5 inches by 11 inches).

Roll one strip of paper over the magnet. Use some tape to keep it but DO NOT put tape on the magnet. The
Cylinder needs to be removed from the magnet, so do not tape the paper to the magnet.

Roll the second strip of paper over the first one. Do not glue or tape each one with the other. Roll it
Use tape to keep the paper as cylinder.
Using the ballpoint pen, Draw three lines on each side of the business card. There is no exact measure but try to
draw the lines at least half inch away from the corners (0.5 inches)
Fold the business card using the lines as reference. The lines will help to fold it.
Remove the magnet and glue the paper cylinders at the center of the business card. Using instant glue or hot
glue works ok.
Once the glue is dry, put the magnet back inside the cylinder and start making the coil.
I do not recommend to use wire AWG 30 as it needs a lot of loops. Using AWG 32 or 34 will need about 40 to
50 loops. After you finish winding the wire, use some tape to secure it. Do not try to make the coil without
attaching it to the business card, it is an almost impossible task.
Make the frame approximately the size of the business card and not higher than one inch. 
I used Lego bricks because I had some handy. Wood may work better. Try not to use any metal that can be
attracted by the magnet.  
Put some glue on the magnet when it is inside the cylinder. On this step, Hot glue works better than instant glue.
Be sure the glue doesn't touch the paper cylinder. Assemble the speaker and let the magnet to fall and glue itself
to the frame. It will allow to have the magnet exactly on the center of the coil. Wait until the glue dry.

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