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Nano-Towton is set up to use the Basic Impetus rules which are freely available from:
There are also numerous army lists available for free download and I think the rules
are a reasonable alternative to DBA, despite the dodgy abbreviations it uses. Of
course, if you are Italian or speak Italian they will probably not be as amusing.

FP= Heavy Infantry; T= Missile Troops
M= Movement; VBU= Basic Unit Value; I= Impetus Bonus,
VD= Demoralization Value; VDT= Total Demoralization Value
(*) Unit that can include general


Intepenetration is allowed between Longbowmen and Billmen/Dismounted


Nr Type M VBU I VD Notes
2* FP 5 6 2 3 dismounted knights
4 FP 5 5 2 2 billmen
4 T 6 4 0 2 longbowmen - longbow A

Option: Replace 1 stand of billmen with one stand of Northern Spears

Nr Type M VBU I VD Notes
1 FP 5 4 1 2 Northern Spears

The Ambush party consists of one stand of billmen.


Nr Type M VBU I VD Notes
2* FP 5 6 2 3 dismounted knights
2 FP 5 5 2 2 billmen
4 T 6 4 0 2 longbowmen - longbow A

NORFOLK (VDT increases to 20/10 when Norfolk arrives)

Nr Type M VBU I VD Notes
1 FP 5 5 2 2 billmen

Army Frontages:
Lancastrian = 30cm
Yorkist = 24cm

Weather effects
The wind reduces the range of the Lancastrian archers by 1d5cm each turn
Suggested table size
2' x 2'
The armies deploy 20cm from each other (i.e. within long range of the bows).
Space is allowed on each flank for the ambush and Norfolk's arrival

Scenario Special Rules

1. Dice for Norfolk's arrival from turn 3 onwards. On a die roll less than the
current turn number he arrives. Norfolk enters on the Yorkist right flank.
2. The ambush party will spring the ambush on any turn in which they roll less
than the current turn number. The Ambush party enters from the Yorkist left
3. The Lancastrian army is not allowed to advance until they have won the
initiative during a turn. From that point onwards they may manoeuvre
normally. This restriction does not affect the ambush party who may attack as
soon as they are activated.
4. The Lancastrian commander suffers a penalty to his initiative at the start of the
game to represent the initial delays in advancing on the Yorkists. On turn 1 he
just rolls 2d6 for his initiative. On turn 2 he gets +1 to his roll. On turn 3 and
after he rolls 2d6+2 as normal and follows the BI rules for initiative.

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