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Consumer Behavior

Royal Stag Review

Vivek C [P09159]
Royal Stag
Even after the ban, liquor companies continued to advertise their drinks in the form of
surrogate advertisements. In this type of advertisement, a product other than the banned
one is promoted using an already established brand name. Such advertisements or
sponsorships help in brand building and contribute to brand recall. The product shown in
the advertisement is called the ‘surrogate.’ The surrogate could either resemble the original
product or could be a different product altogether, but using the established brand of the
original product. The sponsoring of sports, cultural, leisure events and activities using a
liquor brand name also falls in the category of surrogate.

The restrictions on the liquor industry were viewed by many critics as attempts by the
government to disassociate it from the social evils associated with alcohol consumption.
Royal stag is one of such company who used surrogate advertisement to put the product in
the minds of customers. The brand name itself creates a negative emotion in the mind of
customer i.e. although they are projecting the music album through their advertisement,
consumers perceive about the parent brand of liquor. They are trying to project themselves
as a companion on partying occasions. They have included a combination of bollywood and
cricket to capture the mind of consumers. The Royal Stag parent brand is well established
this advertisement is to provide reemphasis and constantly remind the consumer about the
brand. There were numerous other advertisements selling music cassettes, CDs, water,
clothing, fashion accessories and sports goods.

The sales motive behind this advertisement is liquor although the emphasis is on the music
cd’s. They bring in the element of youth into the advertisement and there by influencing the
youth mind. The sales of the parent brand are made higher advertisement through brand

Point of Emphasis
 The advertisement emphasis on Brand Recall.
 Element of vicarious learning through the involvement of youth icons.
 The experience of the consumer is looked into while creation of the advertisement.
 Affiliation factor is associated to motivate the people.
 Some of the other elements of motivation included are

 Happiness
 Personality
 Passion

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