Dashing Swordsman

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Dashing Swordsman

Paragon Path Features

Swordsman’s Action (11th level)

You may use any light blade as an implement instead of a wand. When you spend an action point to
use an action, you may regain a Bard encounter power that has the force keyword or one spent use
of the Rapier Wit power.

Dashing Strike (11th level)

If you say a pun, one-liner or catchphrase while you attack with your sword, add your Charisma
modifier to your attack and damage rolls.

Dramatic Entrance (16th level)

Whenever you make a particularly striking entrance, as determined by the DM, you gain a number of
benefits. You do not take any damage from hazards of the entrance, such as breaking through
windows or leaping through flames. Any enemies that see you make the entrance must make a Will
save, with a DC equal to 10 + your level + your Charisma modifier, or be stunned for 1d4 rounds.

Dashing Swordsman Powers:

Rapier Wit | Dashing Swordsman Encounter 11

Encounter ✦ Arcane, Weapon | Free Action | Melee Weapon | Target: One creature | Attack: Strength vs. AC Twice per
encounter, when you make a successful pun, one-liner or catchphrase (as judged by the DM), you
may immediately make a basic melee attack against another enemy in reach of you.

(May be used 3 times per encounter at level 15 and 4 times per encounter at level 20)

Dashing Parry | Dashing Swordsman Utility 12

Utility ✦ Arcane, Implement | Minor Action | Target: Self |

When you run, charge or bull rush, roll a d6 and add your Charisma modifier. Use the total as a
Power bonus to your AC against attacks of opportunity. This effect lasts until the start of your next

(Increase to d10+Cha modifier at level 20)

More Lucky than Skilled | Dashing Swordsman Power 20

Daily ✦ Arcane, Implement | Standard Action | Target: Self |

Once per day, at the beginning of an encounter, you may draw upon unnatural amounts of luck and
use this power. Every time you need to roll a dice, be it for a save, an attack, or anything else, you
roll two dice, and use the result of your choice.

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