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Internet Marketing (MKTG 3730)

Spring 2011
Tues. 6:00 - 8:30 PM ROOM 2145 Schneider Hall

Instructor: Dr. William J. Ward a.k.a. DR4WARD

Office: 3233 Schneider Hall

Office hours: Tues. and Thur., 5:00 – 6 PM (& by appt)

Phone: 616 915 8138 E-mail:

Text: “The New Rules of Marketing & PR” (Revised & Updated Second Edition
by David Meerman Scott. (Copyright 2010).

Prerequisites: MKTG 2500

Class Description: This course examines the strategic use of the Internet as an
interactive marketing tool and medium. Students will analyze various models for
increasing marketing effectiveness and efficiency, and will learn strategies for
evaluating and planning web sites and Internet advertising to achieve positive
customer relationships. Students will also critically assess the pros, cons, and
future developments related to this evolving medium.

Course Objectives: Upon completion of this class students should,

among other things:

• Understand the changing & evolving dynamics of internet marketing

• Gain insight through hands-on experience with several digital tools and
social media platforms used with internet marketing, advertising & PR
• Be able to effectively analyze digital tools & social marketing platforms
• Evaluate best practices in internet marketing integration
• Understand the value of listening, monitoring & metrics with internet
• Recognize the importance of interactivity and empowering the consumer
• Realize the importance of ethics & transparency in internet marketing
• Distinguish between various types of internet marketing and identify new
trends in internet marketing
Grade Determination: Your final grade will be based upon the following:
In-class Attendance & Participation 150pts / 25%
Outside of Class Engagement & Reflection 150pts / 25%
Weekly Assignments 150 pts / 25%
Final Team Teaching Presentations 150 pts / 25%
Total Points 600 pts / 100%

Grading Scale:
93 – 100% A
88 – 92 BA
83 – 87 B
78 – 82 CB
73 – 77 C
68 – 72 DC
63 – 67 D
0 – 62 E

Skills: Students will learn by doing. Students will gain hands on experience with
new digital tools, social media platforms, and Internet Marketing to understand
and evaluate best practices, models, and strategy being used by marketers

Classroom Expectations: I enjoy an open and informal classroom atmosphere.

You are encouraged to share information and personal experiences, and ask
questions during lectures and discussions. The most effective learning takes
place during two-way communication. Your classroom participation is
encouraged inside and out of the classroom and your grade will reflect your
Attendance & Participation (25%): Being present in class and contributing to
class discussions will result in a higher grade. Failure to participate in class
activities and repeatedly arriving late or being absent will lower your participation

Attendance at all class meetings is expected in order to assure an even flow of

information and a minimum of disruption for both me and the other members of
your class. An absence will lower your grade, plus participation points for
assignments done in class. We will not make any special accommodation for you
if you miss an assignment or a deadline. Late assignments will not be accepted,
nor made up without my prior approval.

Outside of Class Engagement & Reflection (25%): Learning does not take
place once a week during class but on a frequent and regular basis. Weekly
assignments will require class engagement and reflection outside of class to
demonstrate conceptual understanding and insight into Internet Marketing

Weekly Assignments (25%): Students learn by doing. Weekly assignments

will require application and use of digital and mobile tools and social media
platforms used with Internet Marketing.

Final Team Teaching Presentations (25%): Student teams will design,

implement, and present a multi-media ‘deep dive’ presentation to teach the class
on some aspect of the course subject matter. Team teaching will be15 minute
multi-media presentations followed by discussion. Examples of Presentation
subjects include but are not limited to: case study of integrated Internet marketing
best practice, an in-depth analysis of a particular digital tool or social media
platform, a look at internet marketing innovation, etc. Instructor approval is
Class Schedule: The following schedule is for reference only. The dates, other
than the final exam date, are approximates. We will make every attempt to stay
as close to these target dates as possible.


Jan. 11 Class Begins – Introduction, Paradigm Shift in
Learning & Marketing, New
Marketing Models, New Rules &
New Tools

Jan. 18 Convergence & Integration, Consumer Control,

User-Generated Content

Jan. 25 Community, Connection, Collaboration, Curation

& Cloud

Feb. 1 Engagement, Entertainment, Interactivity &


Feb. 8 Enabling Exchange, Customer Service,

Customization, API’s & Functionality

Feb. 15 Inspiring the Consumer – Making the World a

Better Place

Feb. 22 Mobile Apps, Location Based Marketing, Gaming,

Augmented Reality, 3D

Mar. 1 Spring Break

Mar. 8 Listening & Monitoring, Ethics & Transparency

Mar. 15 Search - Finding Your Consumer & Helping

Them Find You

Mar. 22 New Metrics of Success

Mar. 29 Integration & Evolution – Putting it all together

April 5 Final Team Teaching Presentations

April 12 Final Team Teaching Presentations
April 19 Final Team Teaching Presentations
April 26 Final exam week & class wrap up

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