Glycemic Index

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from the heart doc

The Best Sugars for Your Heart the concept. As an artificial

construct, GI cannot account
for substantial variance in
Choose low glycaemic index foods to stay healthy different people. Also, inter-
action with other foods can
In the quest for a healthier designed to compare blood alter absorption. Fat in a meal A low-GI diet
diet, avoiding excess sugar glucose response to different or fibre from a leafy salad will reduces risk of
diabetes and
is an important prescrip- types of meals. Carbohydrates slow absorption and reduce coronary disease
tion. This is especially true which break down quickly the glycaemic response.
for Indians, where the risk of into sugars and go into the Moreover, if you overeat, the usually involve glucose and
Dr Vikas
Saini is a clinical diabetes and heart disease is bloodstream quickly have a value of a low GI is negated. insulin. A big part of ageing
cardiologist and high. Many extend the worry high GI. Usually glucose is the Thus an equally important may thus be due to the
researcher at about sugar to all carbohy- reference with a GI of 100. For concept is glycaemic load. extra oxidative stress from
Harvard Medical
School and Harvard drates. How do we make any food, the average GI value This is the relationship of the processing glucose. However,
School of Public sense of this issue? is calculated from blood tests amount of the absorbable not all the health effects of a
Health. He is
The concepts of glycaemic in 10 human subjects. Both sugar in the food as well as sugar load may be due to the Universal
president of the
Lown Cardiovascular index and load can help you the reference and test food its index. Thus a low-GI food sugar; some data implicates trump card
Research Foundation understand and make health- must contain an equal amount with a lot of carbohydrates the spike in insulin levels against
in Boston. Write to chronic
him at vikas.s@
ier food choices. of available carbohydrate. can have the same glycaemic itself as the culprit. The glycaemic index (GI) Over the years this has load as a high-GI food with Finally, the almost univer- illness:
was developed by Dr David become a popular way of fewer total carbs. sal trump card against chronic exercise.
Jenkins at the University defining a healthy food. For Several studies have shown illness, exercise, rapidly It rapidly
of Toronto. This is a tool instance, a highly sweet bev- that a low glycaemic diet draws sugar from the blood- draws sugar
erage will have a high GI, maintained for many years stream and reduces the insulin from the
most fruits and
since the dissolved sugar will reduces risk of diabetes and response. I tell my patients that bloodstream
the biggest sources vegetables are
be absorbed into the blood- coronary disease. Work on they can indulge in sweets just and reduces

top : Photodisc
of trans fats are low-GI foods
packaged foods and
stream rapidly. the biology of ageing has before or just after exercise, the insulin
street foods
In my opinion, the exces- found that longevity genes when a high-GI food magically response
sively sweet tea served by so and pathways in all species becomes innocuous!
many Indians to their guests
top : Brand X Pictures
is not doing them a favour!
Most fruits and vegetables, Vote for ‘Resistant Starches’
grainy breads, pasta, pulses,
milk, fish, eggs, meat, nuts, An interesting new concept: ‘Resistant Starches’ which may
have some overlap with ‘fermentable fibre’ or soluble fibre.
cooking oil, and brown rice
These act in the large intestine where they are broken down
are low-GI foods (<55). Eating
into short-chain fatty acids. They have healthy effects such
whole fruits with all their fibre as decrease in appetite at later meals, improved insulin sen-
is healthier than drinking their sitivity, a preferential burning of fat, lower cholesterol, and
juices, which have a higher GI improved absorption of calcium and magnesium. Beans,
due to rapid absorption. brown rice and semi-ripe bananas are good sources.
There are limitations to

november 2009 november 2009 prevention ■ 000

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