EST P2 F4 Final 10

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SULIT 6355/2

for Science
Kertas 2
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Ting 4
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1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 30 soalan.
2. Jawab semua soalan.
3. Tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh tiga atau empat pilihan jawapan.
4. Hitamkan jawapan anda pada kertas jawapan objektif yang disediakan.

1. This question paper consists of 30 questions.
2. Answer all questions
3. Questions in this question paper may have three or four options
4. Shade all your answers on the objective sheet provided

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( 30 marks )

Questions 1 – 25 are based on the given stimuli. Study the information carefully and
choose the best answer.

When approaching a tree to climb, koalas spring from the ground and catch their front
claws in the bark, then bound upwards. Claw marks are usually visible on the trunks of
trees regularly used as home trees by koalas.

1 Which of the following help the koalas in climbing trees?

A Tree barks
B Tree trunks
C Their front claws
D Their claw marks

The bright colouring of ladybirds, generally red or yellow with black spots, is thought to
have a defensive function. It warns would-be predators, like insectivorous birds, that the
beetles are distasteful. When disturbed or handled, most ladybirds discharge drops of a
bitter, pungent fluid from leg joints and other parts of the body, a habit known as ‘reflex-

2 Why do ladybirds have the habit of reflex-bleeding?

A To protect themselves
B To defend predators
C To provoke beetles
D To attract birds

The use of in-vitro culture methods for the selection of variant types in roses has been
documented for many traits especially for flower colour, plant morphology and some
physiological characters. In-vitro methods shorten breeding cycles and reduce the costs of
the development of a new variety.

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3 What can we conclude about in-vitro culture methods?

A The methods are used to increase breeding cycles.
B They help in determining the flower traits.
C They affect all physiological characters.
D They are considered expensive.

Global warming and habitat encroachment will continue to destroy life forms.

4 Various life forms are destroyed due to the following except

A melting of the polar caps due to temperature changes
B changes in our climate and weather
C extensive logging of forested areas
D replanting of deforested areas

Due to anaerobic decay of plants, methane gas is formed as a by-product. Decomposition

of organic matter can also occur with the help of certain organisms, even in the absence
of oxygen. The formation of methane gas in peat swamps and landfills is due to this. As a
result, it can cause fires in peat swamps and landfills.

5 Methane gas is therefore

A a retardant
B combustible
C an reactive compound
D an unsaturated compound

Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless gas that is produced by the incomplete

burning of carbon-based fuels including petrol, diesel and wood. It is also produced from
the combustion of natural and synthetic products such as cigarettes. It lowers the amount
of oxygen that enters our blood. It can also slow down our reflexes and make us confused
and sleepy.

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6 Which of the following is one of the many dangers of carbon monoxide?

A. It stops our reflexes

B. It is a colourless and odourless gas
C. It leads to confusion and drowsiness
D. It reduces the amount of blood in our body.

Despite the government warnings, irresponsible people still continue to practise

open burning. Besides this, rubbish that cannot be decomposed is dumped outside
the landfills. Thus, this causes the rubbish to be swept into the drains when there is
heavy downpour. As a result, blockages often occur and cause stench. In addition,
rubbish buried everywhere worsen the problems to the environment.

7. Which of the following is an effect of dumping rubbish everywhere?

A. Open burning
B. Heavy downpour
C. Burial problem
D. Clogged drains

There are many things that satellites can do to help us. Communication satellites act as a relay
station to bounce messages such as telephone calls, television pictures and internet connections
throughout the world. Weather satellites travel very fast so that they can give very detailed
images of the Earth’s surface. They record the temperature of the air, land and sea, watch the
clouds and measure the strength of winds.

8. Which of the following is true about satellites?

A. Communication satellites bounce messages to relay stations.
B. Communication satellites connect people throughout the world.
C. Weather satellites record the movement of the air, clouds and winds.
D. Weather satellites send detailed images of the Earth’s surface very fast.

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It is important to recycle aluminium cans as recycling is actually cost-effective. For

example, recycling one kilogramme of aluminium can save about eight kilogramme of
bauxite, four kilogramme of chemical products and fourteen kilowatt hours of
electricity. However, the cans usually arrive mixed with other recyclable materials. So,
the first step is to separate them. Contaminants are then removed. Next, the cans are
crushed and baled into aluminium bricks and transported to processing plants where they
are fed into rotary furnaces. Before that, they are shredded. By heating the aluminium,
at a high temperature, it changes into its liquid state. This is called the molten

9. Which of the following is true of recycled aluminium cans?

A. They save the natural resources
B. They need more energy to process
C. They are more expensive to produce
D. They must be separated from other products

10. Choose the correct sequence to recycle aluminium cans at a recycling plant.

A. Separation ->contaminant removal -> baling -> crushing ->shredding->melting

B. Separation -> contaminant removal ->shredding->crushing-> baling -> melting
C. Separation -> contaminant removal ->crushing ->baling ->shredding ->melting
D. Separation -> contaminant removal ->crushing ->shredding ->baling ->melting

Most modern cars are streamlined in order to reduce friction forces from the air. But in
order to control a car’s speed and direction, there is a lot of friction between the tyres of
the car and the road surface. A new tyre will provide good grip as it has a rough surface
with plenty of tread. A worn tyre with less tread and a smoother surface will provide less
grip and the car will be much difficult to control and stop. Having tyres which are in good
condition is important if you need to stop quickly but there are several other important
factors which will affect how quickly a car driver can stop.

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11. Which of the following factors has the most influence on how quickly a driver can
stop his car?

A. The tyre surface

B. The car’s speed
C. The streamlined body
D. The newness of the tyre.

The process of gathering facts through observation and formulating scientific hypotheses
and theories is called the scientific method. Many scientific investigations involve the
following steps; First, the collection of scientific facts through observation and
measurement. Once data have been gathered, scientists try to explain how or why things
happen in the manner observed by stating a scientific hypothesis. There can be
development of one or more working hypotheses to explain these facts. This is followed
by formulation of the scientific theory after the acceptance, modification or rejection of
the hypotheses are done based on extensive testing.

12. Choose the correct sequence of the development of new scientific knowledge.
A Collect dataà develop hypothesisà accept, modify or reject hypothesis à
test hypothesis à theory.
B Collect dataà develop hypothesisà test hypothesisàaccept, modify or
reject hypothesis à theory.
C Collect dataà develop hypothesisà theory àaccept, modify or reject
hypothesis à test hypothesis
D Collect dataà develop hypothesisà accept, modify or reject hypothesisà
theory à test hypothesis

Motion is caused by force. A stationary object does not move unless a force acts on it to
start it going. Once it is moving, it carries on at the same speed in a straight line unless a
force makes it speed up, change direction or slow down and stop.

13. What can happen to a moving object if a force acts on it?

A. It slows down and then stops.
B. It stops and starts moving again.
C. It moves on then changes its direction
D. It keeps on moving at the same speed. [Lihat sebelah
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Short and tall people can receive serious injuries from airbags in vehicles, according to a
new study. Dr Craig Newgard, a researcher, found that small and large stature people are
at risk for injury from the airbag as opposing to it having protective benefits. He found
that airbags are effective for people of medium height, from 5 feet 3 inches tall to 5 feet
11 inches.

14. Which of the following people is at risk for injury from an airbag in a vehicle?
A. He is 5 ½ feet tall
B. He is over 5 ¼ feet tall
C. He is of medium height
D. He is below 5 feet tall

In the mangrove swamps bordering the Kuala Selangor Nature Park, long tailed
macaques and silver monkeys are common. Besides feeding on fruits in the mangroves,
they also come down to mudflats to hunt for crabs. Often these monkeys can be seen
bathing in the river, or washing their food in it.

15. What can we conclude about the mangrove swamps at the Kuala Selangor Nature
A. They create homes for all animals.
B. They provide habitat to certain animals.
C. They are feeding grounds for all animals.
D. They are breeding grounds for certain animals.

Factors that affect elasticity

Factor Change in factor Effect

Length Shorter spring Less elastic
Longer spring More elastic
Diameter of spring Smaller diameter Less elastic
Larger diameter More elastic
Diameter of spring wire Smaller diameter More elastic
Larger diameter Less elastic

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16. Which spring is the most elastic?

A A long, 2 cm-diameter spring
B A short, 2 cm-diameter spring
C A long, 5 cm-diameter spring
D A short, 5 cm-diameter spring

A finger cut-off in an accident would have some problems in reattaching it if the veins
are so tiny and damaged during amputation. Although blood can flow to the reattached
limb via the arteries, it cannot flow back out again via the veins. The blockage soon
causes the reattachment part to go black and develop gangrene, and eventually it has to be

17. A limb will suffer from gangrene when

A The blood flow in the body is slow
B There is no blood flow in the arteries
C The blood flow in the vein is obstructed
D There is insufficient blood in the body

Stars are huge balls of burning gas that are scattered throughout Universe. They burn for
millions of years, giving out both light and heat. Stars produce energy by a process called
nuclear fusion. The coolest stars are red and dim, while the hottest stars give off blue-
white light. The temperatures on their surface range from 3,500 C for coolers stars to
over 40,000 C for the hottest stars.

18 Stars are similar in their

A colours
B locations
C functions
D temperatures
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The gases that help capture the heat called ‘greenhouse gases’ include water vapour,
carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and a variety of manufactured chemicals. Some
are emitted from natural sources while others are anthropogenic, resulting from human

19. Which of the following produces anthropogenic ‘greenhouse gases’?

A Manufactured chemicals
B Human activities
C Natural sources
D Captured heat

Genetically engineered foods containing genes derived from bacteria and viruses are now
starting to appear in the shops, and food with insect, fish and animal genes will soon
follow. These genetic changes are radically different from those resulting from traditional
methods of breeding. Yet, the sale of these foods is being permitted without proper
assessment of the risks and without adequately informing the public, even though many
scientists say that genetically modified foods could cause serious damage to our health
and the environment.

20 People are concerned about the sale of the genetically modified food because the
production of the food might

A create new breeds of bacteria and viruses.

B affect the prices of food that are on sale now.

C cause damage to health and the environment.

D worsen the current global warming.

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Scientific understanding of earthquakes is of vital importance to all nations. As the

population increases, expanding urban development and construction works encroach
upon areas susceptible to earthquakes; we may be able to reduce damage and loss of life
from this destructive phenomenon.

21. There has been an increase in the threat of earthquakes because

A more earthquakes now occur

B people do not know when earthquakes may happen
C people still have little understanding about earthquakes
D people are now living in places where earthquakes can occur

22. Based on the diagram above, what happens when the gas in a bicycle pump is
squeezed using a piston?

A The piston produces gas

B The pressure of the gas drops

C The volume of the gas gets smaller

D The temperature of the gas decreases

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Physics in the 20th century was built on the twin revolution of quantum mechanics which
is a theory about matter and Einstein’s theory of time, space and gravitation known as
relativity. Attempts to unify the two theories present formidable technical obstacles.
Certain elements of these theories can cause confusion if brought together.

23. What can we conclude from the text above?

A Einstein’s theory and quantum mechanics are basic theories of physics.
B Einstein’s theory of time, space and gravitation is about matter.
C Quantum mechanics is part of relativity theory.

Shops are packed with antibacterial products that promise to kill germs on contact. The
residue can kill the weaker bacteria, but they allow stronger microbes to flourish. The
American Medical Association suspects that these may even resist therapeutic antibiotics
used to treat illnesses.

24. What can we conclude about antibacterial products?

A help to kill germs
B ensure good hygiene
C wipe out weaker bacteria
D guarantee antibiotics’ effectiveness

Botulinum toxin is produced from the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum, one of the most
poisonous substances known. A gram of botulinum toxin, if dispersed and ingested,
could kill 20 million people. The toxin produces a toxin that blocks the release of
acetylcholine, a transmitter that tells a muscle to contract. In extremely dilute form, the
poison, delivered in the drug Botox, has proved effective and safe in medical applications
ranging from the softening of wrinkles, to the relief of migraines, to a cure for crossed
eyes, to a treatment for the spastic contractions of multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy.

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25. What is meant by dispersed and ingested?

A spread and digested
B released and infused
C separated and dissolved
D sprinkled and inhaled

Questions 26 – 30 are based on the following passage. Choose the most appropriate
answer from the options given.

Tamarind pulp is a 26. _________ laxative and is recommended as a

treatment for constipation in both adults and children. It can also help to 27._______
other digestive ailments, such as sluggishness, nausea and morning sickness during
pregnancy, while its 28. _________ powers are known to ease sore throats, ulcers and
rheumatic pain. In India, tamarind is used to fight infections, particularly those of the
intestines, as well as cold. This use is 29. _______ up by the recent discovery in Mexico
that tamarind has antibacterial powers.
Tamarind has been used to treat asthma and jaundice, and is known to reduce
fevers and have a general cooling 30. _________ on the body.

26 A rare
B mild
C good
D potent

27 A wipe out
B interfere
C prevent
D treat

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28 A natural
B cooling
C soothing
D traditional

29 A shown
B backed
C supported

30 A effect
B affect
C change
D result


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