Wine For Debian Lenny

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Wine for Debian Lenny, Squeeze and Sid 

Debian-based distributions utilize a special tool for managing packages known as APT. APT
is able to automagically install all of the needed dependencies for a software package, as
well as keep the package up to date, by scanning what are known as APT repositories.
Debian-based distributions have their own repositories of software that include Wine,
however we keep our own repository of the latest available beta packages here for

Warning: These are beta packages

This means they will periodically suffer from regressions, and as a result an update may
break functionality in Wine. If the latest stable release of Wine (currently Wine 1.2) works
for you, then you may not want to use these beta packages.

This repository contains packages for i386 and amd64 architecture.

To install wine packages you can use two methods: add the repository or download a .deb
package and manually install it, but first of all you have to remove older wine version. If
you use the first method you'll have wine automatically upgraded by apt, otherwise you'll
need to manually download and install every new version.

Remove old version

Open a terminal
su #to log as root
apt-get remove libwine wine #to remove outdated version of wine

Method 1: Add the repository

Open a terminal
su #to log as root
gedit /etc/apt/sources.list #to open repository file with a text editor (you can use gedit
or another)
Add this line for Lenny: deb lenny main
Add this line for Squeeze: deb squeeze main
Add this line for Sid: deb sid main
Save and close sources.list
wget -O - | apt-key add - #to add gpg key
apt-get update #to update package list
apt-get install wine #to install latest wine version

Method 2: Download .deb and manually

install it
Chose a .deb package from binary list and save it in your home directory
Open a terminal
cd ~ #to go to your home directory
su #to log as root
dpkg -i #change xxx with your chosen package, this will install wine

Repository maintainer:  Maurilio Genovese
Package builder:  Ben Klein

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