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SPECTRUM“Achieve the wisdom of knowledge of Truth

as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.”
A Non-Profit Educational Corporation Dedicated To Bringing You The Truth


Cancer Cure Since 1930s

We’re Being Robbed
By FDA, AMA, Big Business
“There are third-world countries more infection-free than
our [U.S.] hospitals, which have infection rates, leading to
death, of over 100,000 citizens per year. This rate does
not match the number of deaths caused annually by
Happy Birthday, Nikola Tesla pg.3
medical abuse, mis-diagnoses, and mis-application of
drugs which, together with hospital infections, cause
The News Desk: 270,000 deaths per year.” — Jim Folsom (FDA victim)
Items You Won’t Want To Miss pg.4
The United States of America is in a health crisis of
SOLTEC: Your Lively, Living Universe: staggering proportions. What happened to the supposedly
Both Without And Within pg.27 most bountiful and advanced nation on Earth?
Millions and millions of Americans have no healthcare
Who Was Dr. Wilhelm Reich? And Why Has coverage, and can’t afford the costs of the medical-
History Tried So Hard To Erase Him? pg.73 pharmaceutical cartel’s stable of remedies. Meanwhile,
many who CAN afford “the system” are disillusioned by
ROBERT RYAN: Cancer Research: fixes creating more problems than the patient began with.
A Super Fraud? pg.78 Therefore, millions and millions of Americas have been
seeking so-called “alternative” approaches to health and
HILARION: Understanding Your wellness. And with statistics like Jim Folsom mentioned
Bio-Electric Sensing Machine pg.81 above, who can blame anyone for wanting a saner
approach to health and wellness?
JOHN THOMAS: Blindness, Mad Cow Disease, (See: Cancer Cure Since 1930s, p.30)
And “Canola” Oil pg.86

AL MARTIN: Bushonomics And The

Downfall Of America pg.94
billion of our dollars to help us gain access to Caspian Sea oil. Perhaps some British
Painful Questions: An Analysis of government officials also allowed the attack for that Caspian oil, and perhaps some
the September 11th Attack Israelis wanted the attack so they could justify attacking their neighbors.
by Eric Hufschmid Those of you who do not believe anything illegal occurred should look for
explanations for the mysteries this book brings up. The inability to properly explain
Is the U.S. Government so incompetent that the the attack is simply more evidence that we are witnessing an incredible scam.
9/11 attack merely appears to be a scam?
This book discusses the aspects of the
September 11th attack and the response of the U.S. Painful Deceptions
Government that can make us wonder whether our
government is involved in the attack, or whether A video supplement to the book Painful
they are so amazingly incompetent that they only Questions: An Analysis of the September 11th
appear to be involved. A government of idiots is as Attack.
dangerous as a government of conspirators, so we The World Trade Center Towers: How
have a serious problem in either case. could both towers disintegrate into dust and
The suggestion that the CIA or military knew O short sections of steel in 10 seconds?
about the 9/11 attack is often rebuffed with a remark VI Building 7: How could
similar to: “But it doesn’t make sense for them to this 47-story, steel-framed DVD video – 2 hrs.
$20.00 (+S/H) allow the attack!” building disintegrate at $15.00 (+S/H)
Code: PQB (1.5 lb.)
It may not make SPECIAL OFFER 5:30 that evening? Code: PDD (0.5 lb.)
sense to you, but it may have made sense to them. Buy both the book The Attack at the Pentagon: How could a
VHS video – 2 hrs.
After all, it made sense for them to use Americans and the video terrorist fly a Boeing 757 into the restricted
in LSD and nuclear radiation experiments many for only $30.00 (+S/H) airspace around the Pentagon? $15.00 (+S/H)
Created by Eric Hufschmid. Code: PDV (1.0 lb.)
years ago. For all we know, they decided to Book + VHS = PQV (2.5 lb.)
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BY JIM MARRS (available on VHS & DVD)
This 2.5-hour presentation is a recording of the lecture
Was the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan given in Denver, Colorado, where hundreds of people gathered
and Iraq planned long before the tragedies to learn more about the reasons for our weather variations,
of September 11, 2001? Why did many directly related to the drastically escalating solar flare activity.
WTC survivors mention bombs? Why did Learn about the connection between our Sun and the changes
normal security measures consistently fail now taking place all over the world,
that day? Why has no one in government and understand why we can expect VHS video – 2.5 hrs.
been fired or even reprimanded for failure much greater effects to take place, as $22.00 (+S/H)
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that matter, who was truly behind the James McCanney explains, in easily DVD video – 2.5 hrs.
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Code: PXD (0.5 lb.)
this information is suppressed.
$19.95 (+S/H) Bush families? SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866
Code: WOF (1.75 lb.) If the purpose of the perpetrators of 9/11
was to end traditional American freedoms,
they may well have succeeded. Laws rushed through a
Congress that never had a chance to read them while under a Behold A Pale Horse
declared state of emergency have curtailed our freedoms. audio cassettes, read by the author William Cooper
Research for The War On Freedom was begun on September “William Cooper is the only man in America who has all the
11, 2001 and culminated in a contract with a major New York pieces to the puzzle that has troubled so many for so long.”
publisher. Despite passing a legal review and the excited (Anthony Hilder, Radio Free America)
interest of the editors, the book was suddenly canceled with the William Cooper, a former U.S. Naval Intelligence Briefing
explanation that it may “upset the families of 9/11 victims”. These Team member, accurately predicted the fall of the Soviet Union,
families, as well as the public, deserve the truth, even if it is not the end of the Berlin Wall, and the invasion of Panama. His
“politically correct”. Here are the uncensored facts; judge for information came from top-secret documents that he read while
yourself. with the Intelligence Briefing Team and from over twenty years
Jim Marrs is an award-winning Texas journalist whose books of research. Cooper reveals his theories on the assassination
of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, and UFOs. He urges the
Crossfire and Rule By Secrecy reached the New York Times Best
listener: “Like it or not, everything is 2 Audio Cassettes – 3 hrs.
Seller List. He teaches at the University of Texas at Arlington and changing. The result will be the most wonderful experience
is a frequent talk-show guest. He lives in Wise County, Texas. in human history or the most horrible enslavement you can $17.95 (+S/H)
imagine. Be active or abdicate; the future is in your hands.” Code: BPHA (1.0 lb.)
AGE -2
TO-LAST PAGE Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866
Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003
After 23 years, it still angers me to on. The stage was set for a “acceptable” scientific pursuits.
talk about this subject. But the fundamental, undeniable revolution in Every year around now, I’m
shorter—and less painful—version of the scientific acceptance of matters reminded of this eye-opening chapter
the story fits well with accounts in psychic. Or so I thought. in my life—not only because that’s
this month’s SPECTRUM on what Of course, I was naïve back then when it all began, but also because
happened to Dr. Royal Raymond Rife about how science REALLY worked. it’s the birthday time of the most
and Dr. Wilhelm Reich. I hadn’t yet hit my first brick wall. notable “unseen guide” haunting me
My story began on Father’s Day of But I was about to. during that research, Nikola Tesla.
1976. Based on earlier research into It wasn’t long before the top He was born at midnight between
Kirlian Photography, I built a detector scientific journal’s response came July 9 and 10, 1856, in a tiny house
(see photo) which I thought might back to me in a letter from the in the village of Smiljan, province of
show the presence of “psychic” esteemed Editor. I’ll never forget the Lika, Croatia, between Yugoslavia’s
energies like those flowing from the one key sentence that made me Velebit Mountains and the eastern
hands of a healer. It was about the grow up fast: “Clearly what you are shore of the Adriatic Sea.
size of a sandwich, and operated describing is not possible, Like Rife and Reich after him,
sort of like a Geiger Counter. In the therefore you must have done Tesla’s most important work was only
wee hours, just after the clock struck something wrong.” really understood by those who knew
Father’s Day of 1976, it how completely it
was finally ready to test. threatened to topple their
So I fired it up for the first control mechanisms long
time. And it worked. enslaving humanity. Were
Boy, did it work! I soon his most profound gifts to
found that you could even all of us not so craftily
concentrate on it, stolen and hidden away,
mentally, from another our planetary society
room, and cause it to would have been well on
chatter away like you’ve its way from prison to
seen Geiger Counters do paradise a century ago!
near radiation in the old Tesla opens his great
science fiction movies. little 1919 book titled My
Over the next several Inventions with this deep,
years I performed some clue-filled reflection:
2000 novel, painstaking “The progressive
experiments to prove that development of man is
what was happening was vitally dependent on
genuine. Some involved then-well- What was that again?!? The invention. It is the most important
known psychics who were friends overwhelming evidence I reported product of his creative brain. Its
and wanted to visit my lab at was not up for debate. My findings ultimate purpose is the complete
Stanford to play with “that contraption should have been shared widely so mastery of mind over the material
of yours” after the word got around. other careful scientists could conduct world, the harnessing of the Forces of
My goal was “simply” to prove, their own experiments and observe Nature to human needs. This is the
once and for all, that such non- the same fantastic phenomena I difficult task of the inventor, who is
physical energies existed, so science uncovered. often misunderstood and unrewarded.
could move past the point of arguing Ah—but now we’re glimpsing the But he finds ample compensation in
over whether or not they’re real, and REAL agenda! There was no way the pleasing exercises of his powers
get on with expanding such an such paradigm-busting findings were and in the knowledge of being one of
amazing frontier of understanding. going to be allowed into print to that exceptionally privileged class
In 1980 the milestone scientific awaken a wide audience of credible without whom the race would have
paper describing my detector and its scientists. Especially not when so long ago perished in the bitter struggle
astonishing attributes was sent to the comprehensive a disinformation against pitiless elements.”
foremost scientific journal in the campaign was in full swing from the As we read herein about what
world for disseminating new highest levels of the world controllers happened to Rife and Reich (and by
fundamental phenomena. Mind you, to keep conventional science ignorant inference, many others) when they
any paper carrying the kinds of of the whole world of subtle energies tried to share the fruits of their
implications this one did certainly and their awesome implications for creativity for the upliftment of the
needed to be supported by strong mankind. human condition—as Tesla attempted
evidence of repeatable, quality Many other brick walls followed, before them—may we make a solemn
experiments—as I said, more than and soon, just to survive, I had to vow to stop such freedom-robbing
2,000 in this case. That’s what helps completely shelve the many years of atrocities from persisting any longer.
other scientists who read the paper grueling yet amazing research and, Happy Birthday, Nikola Tesla!
to discern if something real is going with lingering outrage, turn to — Dr. Edwin M. Young, Editor-In-Chief

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 3

We cover a “full spectrum” of news and
information to help you follow the First Law of
The Creation. The Highest (First) Command
of The Creation states: “Achieve the wisdom of
knowledge of Truth, as this will enable you to
wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.”
Items You Won’t Want To Miss
The SPECTRUM can be regarded as class
notes for a graduate-level course in The Truth 6/7/03 DR. AL OVERHOLT The First Amendment gives
that no university would dare teach. ( broadcasters the right to lie or
deliberately distort news reports on the
For orders call toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 IN THE PRESS Any other commentary is not needed.
Otherwise call: 1-661-823-9696 [end quoting]
6 issues = $25 U.S. / $30 Canada / $35 Foreign From the website, It’s not that readers of our publication
12 issues = $45 U.S. / $55 Canada / $60 Foreign 2/28/03: [quoting] didn’t know this already, but it’s almost
(Note: All prices are in U.S. dollars) refreshing when such an admission is
Please call for bulk subscription rates. Appellate Court Rules now made matter-of-factly—especially
Media Can Legally Lie when it comes to understanding why, a
EDITORIAL POLICY few months ago in Iraq, certain
Opinions of The SPECTRUM contributors by Mike Gaddy journalists lost their lives in curious
and advertisers are their own and do not On February 14, a Florida Appeals “accidents” and others were prevented
necessarily reflect those of The SPECTRUM court ruled there is absolutely nothing from further reporting.
staff or management. The SPECTRUM will illegal about lying, concealing, or
always correct any meaningful error of fact. distorting information by a major press FLOATING THE DOLLAR
Permission is hereby granted to anyone to organization. The court reversed the
quote The SPECTRUM in whole or in part, so $425,000 jury verdict in favor of From Conspiracy Nation, 5/29/03:
long as FULL credit of this source is given, journalist Jane Akre who charged she was [quoting]
including contacting address, phone number, pressured by Fox Television management In the mid-1990s, Mexico decided to
and Internet website. and lawyers to air what she knew and “float” its peso: allow the market to fix
documented to be false information. The the price of the peso, instead of quietly
PUBLISHING INFORMATION ruling basically declares it is technically intervening to support their currency.
We intend to offer, to the best of our not against any law, rule, or regulation to Ever since paper money was no longer
ability, The Truth, however it comes to us, in deliberately lie or distort the news on a backed by gold and silver, the value of
order to allow you to make your own television broadcast. each nation’s currency is relative to that of
informed decisions about matters that impact [end quoting] other nations’ currencies. The rise of post-
your daily life. We hope to broaden your What more insightful lesson on moral modernism—“the truth is relative”—
choices and empower you to create a better decay could we possibly share as a coincides with the abandonment of
world. reminder about why The SPECTRUM relatively stable backing (i.e. gold and
The SPECTRUM assumes no responsibility exists?! silver) for paper money. But which came
for unsolicited manuscripts. And then consider this professional first? Did the truth first become “relative”
The SPECTRUM is published the second excuse, excerpted from the and then the currencies became relative?
Tuesday of each month by The Spectrum website, 5/17/03: Or did the currencies first become relative
Newspaper, Inc., 9101 West Sahara Ave., [quoting] and then were mirrored by post-
PMB 158, Las Vegas, NV 89117. modernism?
No Iraqi Weapons Of Mass Destruction? In late December of 1994, foreign
U.S. Media Scoundrel Shrugs investors were nervous about the Mexican
DONOR INFORMATION His Shoulders peso; their deposits made “a stampede for
The SPECTRUM is a 501(c)(3) non-profit the exits”. (See Conspiracy Nation,
educational corporation. All donations are by David Walsh “Behind The Immigrant Trailer Deaths”.)
gratefully appreciated and formally The pollution of the American body There was a financial crisis. It was
acknowledged for your tax-deduction politic continues unabated. U.S. media decided to float the peso. This caused the
purposes. Thank You Very Much! pundits, whose lies about Iraqi “weapons value of the peso to decline relative to
of mass destruction” have been exposed other currencies.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS by events, are rapidly inventing new Also in the 1990s, the value of the
falsehoods to justify the old ones. dollar compared to the Japanese yen
Either send your old address label along
with your new address to us 30 days before
Michael Schrage, a “senior adviser to declined drastically, until the dollar/yen
you move, to: The SPECTRUM, P.O. Box
the Security Studies Program at the ratio sank below par to about 1 dollar
Massachusetts Institute of Technology” equals 0.85 yen. But at that time the
1567, Tehachapi, CA 93581. Or call us toll-
has penned a column, published in the European currency, the euro, had not yet
free at 1-877-280-2866 (PREFERRED METHOD).
May 11 edition of the Washington Post, been inaugurated, so there was not such
headlined: “No Weapons, No Matter. We an attractive alternative haven as now.
Called Saddam’s Bluff ”. Given the mid-90s dollar/yen ratio of

PAGE 4 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

about 1/0.85, the current dollar/yen ratio dropped to a new low, the eighth time this Firms’ Push To Enter Banking
of about 1/1.15 does not seem nearly as year that has happened. Average interest Wins Hill Support
alarming. But this is because most people on a fixed-rate 30-year mortgage fell to Brokerages And Retailers Would
do not take into account the new 5.31% this week, the third week in a row Operate Without Fed Oversight;
currency, the euro, not available yet in the this benchmark mortgage hit a record Greenspan Is Among Critics
mid-90s. weekly low, Freddie Mac, the mortgage
“John Snow, the U.S. Treasury Secretary, company, reported in its nationwideby Kathleen Day
has signaled that Washington was content survey.... Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Wal-
to let the dollar slide.” (“Soaring Euro Are They Seeing What IsMart, General Electric, and other
Poses Economic Threat” by Gary Duncan, Coming Dead Ahead? companies are gaining support in
Times Online (U.K.), 5/28/03.) Take your Congress for the right to set up a
Anatomy Of A Real Estate Crash
pick: Snow’s recent comments were—just nationwide banking system that could
by Clif Droke, Publishing Concepts,
stupid. Snow put his foot in his mouth May 30, 2002: compete with commercial banks but
and his comments were meaningless; a operate under looser federal rules.
The last great financial bubble to blight
shot across the bow, a warning to Europe Consumer groups, bankers, some
the American economic landscape that
to behave “or else”. lawmakers, and Federal Reserve Board
has not yet popped, the real estate bubble,
Washington has decided to float the Chairman Alan Greenspan have sharply
should realize its peak sometime this year
dollar. According to an article by Jay criticized the effort, saying it would
and by no later than the first quarter of
Hancock (“Economic Stealth Attack Takes create a second, parallel banking system
2004. It will be my intention to prove this
Revenge On France”,, 5/25/ that would result in unfair competition
assumption using detailed cycle analysis
03), Treasury Secretary Snow basically and more risk for the federal deposit
and other forecasting methods in the
stated that: “The dollar is strong if it can’t insurance system and possibly
article that follows. While Americans
be counterfeited.” taxpayers....
have enjoyed a generational speculative
Given reports by Chicago independent At issue is whether Congress should
mania in the “ultimate” personal asset,
reporter Sherman Skolnick [whose expand the power of obscure entities
namely housing, the doormat will soon be
commentaries appear regularly in The known as industrial loan companies.
ripped out from under them as the bear
SPECTRUM, including what is These state-chartered, limited-purpose
continues to work out its vicious assault
mentioned here] regarding a sophisticated banks—which operate in Utah,
on everything the public holds dear....
counterfeiting scheme threatening the [end quoting] California, Colorado, Nevada and
dollar, Snow’s statement that “the dollar is Minnesota—generally specialize in one
Unfortunately, it will take the collapse
strong if it can’t be counterfeited” might area, such as offering credit cards. The
of this most sacred cow of the consumer-
be more than ironic. owners of these companies are not
investor before many believe the truth
Indications crossing the desk of regulated by the Federal Reserve and
about our ailing economy. Those of you
Conspiracy Nation are beginning to may include automakers, discount
who have been folowing Al Martin’s
buttress Skolnick’s original report. For commentaries regularly in The department stores, and other firms that
example, there has been a frantic upgrade are largely unrelated to f inancial
SPECTRUM have a very good idea of how
to multi-colored paper for the U.S. dollar services.
this collapse is being helped (rushed!)
as a way to thwart possible dollar-hackers along by the Bush Administration’s The House Financial Services
who have already cracked an embedded Bushonomics. Committee has passed two bills that
picture counterfeiting-prevention device. would allow the giant Wall Street and
“This is the beginning of the bear WILL NEW U.S. BANKING SYSTEM retail firms to transform their industrial
market for the dollar, which is still being THREATEN THE FED? loan companies into full-blown banks.
propped up by massive intervention For example, Merrill Lynch would be
around the world....” reports Gary Duncan From the allowed to open full-service branch
(“Soaring Euro Poses Economic Threat” website, 5/22/03: [quoting] offices around the country that could
by Gary Duncan, Times Online (U.K.),
5/28/03.). [end quoting]
The fall of the dollar would “only” be ATTENTION: 6-MONTH SUBSCRIPTION
the latest casualty in a world economic
collapse that is simply proceeding slowly We are now offering a 6-month subscription, which
enough so that the Big Boys can gather as
much loot as we suckers are willing to provides a great way to introduce The SPECTRUM to friends
give up ( “Experts say: ‘Keep investing in and family—as a gift for birthdays, holidays, or other special
the markets.’ ”), and then run for financial occasions. This is also a way to ease the stress on a tight
cover before the roof falls in on the little budget. Our subscription rates are as follows:


6 issues = $25 U.S. / $30 Canada / $35 Foreign
HOUSING CRASH 12 issues = $45 U.S. / $55 Canada / $60 Foreign
(Note: All prices are in U.S. dollars.)
From the website, Please call for bulk subscription rates.
5/30/03: [quoting]
Washington Post: Mortgages Hit
Another Low Friday, May 30, 2003; Page For orders (U.S. & Canada) call toll-free: 1-877-280-2866
E02 Otherwise call: 1-661-823-9696
Rates on 30-year mortgages have

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 5

accept deposits, cash checks, and pay setting rules for a national and global item, which follows from the Press
interest on accounts for individuals and industry. Release on page 27 of last month’s News
companies.... “We think it’s a particularly bad idea Desk, which said “Doctors Make Natural
A second bill, passed by the committee that the companies pushing this are Treatment For SARS Available
this week, would make it possible for investment firms: Given everything we Worldwide”:
industrial loan companies to set up branch know about how poorly investment firms
offices nationwide without seeking states’ have handled conflicts of interest in DR. HOROWITZ REFUTES
permission. Currently they cannot do that recent years, why would we make it FTC CHARGES OF ILLEGALLY
in most states. easier for them to skirt federal MARKETING SARS CURE
Greenspan, in a letter to Rep. Michael G. restrictions?” Plunkett said.
Oxley (R-OH), chairman of the House [end quoting] Excerpted from,
Financial Services Committee, said the While all this fighting is going on 5/13/03: [quoting]
changes “would alter the structure of among different factions of the elite Subject: Urgent Open Letter from Dr.
banking in the United States and be controllers for “king of the hill” of the Len Horowitz
contrary to two important national money pile, you can be sure of one RE: SARS, FDA, and FTC
policies” one prohibiting non-financial thing: NONE of it is meant to help the May 12, 2003
companies, such as Wal-Mart, from owning average person who just wants an honest Federal Trade Commission
a bank, and one that gives the Federal bank to deal with. Should anybody Bureau of Consumer Protection
Reserve responsibility for ensuring that decide to go the route of true service, Washington, D.C. 20500
“companies that own federally insured without all the ridiculous fees that banks Dear Commissions and Bureau of
banks operate in a safe and sound manner.” are presently slapping on us right and Consumer Protection Officials:
.... left, well—look out—there’ll be a mob This open letter is in response to the e-
The American Bankers Association is beating a path to their door! mailed notice that you sent to our
against giving the industrial loan customer service representative at
companies new powers without Federal BAYER AGREES TO PAY U.S. wherein you wrote:
Reserve supervision. The Federal Reserve $257 MILLION IN DRUG FRAUD “The Federal Trade Commission staff has
is worried that if the bills become law, reviewed marketing claims on your
companies that have full-service banks, From the website, for website....” and “we remind you that the
such as Citigroup, might drop their regular 4/17/03: [quoting] FTC Act requires that health-related
bank charters and move their operations In the largest Medicaid fraud claims...[for] SARS must be supported by
into their industrial loan companies to settlement, Bayer agreed yesterday to competent and reliable scientific
avoid Fed scrutiny, according to Fed pay the government $257 million and evidence at the time the claims are made.”
sources. Citigroup declined to comment.... pleaded guilty to a criminal charge after This provides you with notice of three
Executives at Merrill, Morgan, and engaging in what federal prosecutors health-related claims that we are making
Goldman say they do not want to be said was a scheme to overcharge for the regarding SARS and our Internet
regulated by the Federal Reserve Board, antibiotic Cipro. According to communications:
because they think it is overly restrictive. documents turned over to the (1) The scientific evidence supporting
For example, if they are under the Fed, most government by a whistle-blower, Bayer our justifiable claims regarding the utility
security companies would have to hold was coached in the scheme by a of a plant-based formula for SARS is
more capital as a potential cushion against purchasing manager from Kaiser available on our website
loss than they currently have to hold.... Permanente, one of the nation’s largest ( based on the
Critics say the issue for them is potential healthcare organizations. The fraud scientific publication by Towers, et al.
conflicts. “Without proper oversight, a involved selling Cipro to Kaiser at prices (1995) from the Journal of
commercial company might be tempted to lower than the company was charging Ethnopharmacology;
use an industrial bank as a personal piggy Medicaid, in violation of a federal law (2) We do not recognize the FDA, or
bank and endanger the safety and that requires drug makers to give the your “commission” in collaboration with
soundness of the bank” said Travis Medicaid program the lowest price them, pursuant to this notice, as anything
Plunkett, legislative director of the charged to any customer. To cover up the other than irresponsible, misplaced, and
Consumer Federation of America. Plunkett fraud, the Cipro bottles sold to Kaiser misdirected authority; and
said it was ironic that Merrill Lynch, were relabled with Kaiser’s name and (3) the insidious economic motive
Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and UBS given a different drug identif ication behind your political notice is transparent
were pushing to expand the power of number. among well-educated consumers and
industrial loan companies—and are [end quoting] natural healthcare investigators and
embracing the state of Utah as a primary If Bayer got this large a fine, how high providers.
regulator that could help set national bank would you estimate the real theft was— Such commercial interference,
rules. knowing how the Big Boys always profit allegedly on behalf of American
Last month, these firms were among from their thefts even if they put on a consumers and public health, is rooted in
ten Wall Street firms that paid $1.4 token morality play for our benefit? the advancing Anglo-American global
billion to settle state and federal charges And do you really think the taxpayers Codex Alimentarious legislation that
that they had cost individual investors will receive any benefit from this “fine” seeks to control all non-patent-protected
billions of dollars by issuing inaccurate, or will it just be a shuffling of funds natural cures and treatments on behalf of
overly rosy stock research reports to win between the pockets of different factions multinational drug companies (best
investment banking business. These firms of thieves? termed the “global petrochemical-
continue to decry a probe by New York And speaking of robbers of the type pharmaceutical cartel”). In other words,
state that led to the settlement because our front-page feature story points out we view the FDA’s widely publicized
they say state officials should not be this month, how about the following persuasion campaign attacking natural

PAGE 6 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

healing practitioners and formula health threat, yet proclaim throughout the
manufacturers as a real life enactment of media our natural healthcare industry’s SPECIAL REQUEST
the Wizard Of Oz. Pull back the curtain shortcomings?
and behold who profits from pulling What is most sad is your organizations’ Dear SPECTRUM readers
strings on your commission, and the FDA manipulation of the average American and Wisdom Books customers:
overstepped authority. who does not comprehend this joint FDA/
We notice that responsibility for your FTC attack for what it really is—simply a PLEASE use our toll-free
electronic notification was signed, not by promotion to facilitate a form of ordering line for ORDERING
a person, but by your non-human nutritional and pharmacological slavery ONLY.
organization/entity. For your information through a political and economic drug If you need to call for any
and official notification, we only respect agenda called Codex Alimentarious.
and respond to real people. As sovereign In recent years the global drug cartel other reason, please call our
individuals subservient to only one has sought to pirate and patent anything regular phone number at:
Creator, we rebuke any and all misplaced uncontrolled in Nature’s bounty.
authority in your “commission”. Examples of this, in recent months, 1(661) 823-9696
We do this cognizant of rapidly include further violations of freedom of Thank you and God Bless,
advancing multinational corporate efforts choice with declared restraints on ginseng Gail Cortright
increasingly administered through the production and the classification and
World Health Organization (WHO), labeling of stevia—the natural Business Manager
affecting global drug sales, healthcare therapeutic sugar substitute—as a
policies, and contrived declarations of regulated “nutritional supplement” rather classic research volume by Eustace
urgencies directed against nation states to than a food. Mullins titled Murder By Injection about
compel compliance with neocolonialistic Beyond these reasons for our disregard how the medical mafia got started.
politics, policies, and interventions of your authority, there are many more Rememeber: They get away with such
inconsistent with personal freedoms and egregious violations of human rights bullying because they can—until we
democratic governments. perpetrated by those with whom you are stand up and put a stop to it!
Your transparent efforts may be associated. One example involves the Which leads to this next item. As you
effective in deceiving the general origin of HIV/AIDS and the FDA’s read the following, keep in mind the vast
population, but most of us in the natural apparent role, in collaboration with the pill-pushing scam that the parmaceutical
healing arts and sciences are not fooled or Merck pharmaceutical company and the empires carry out through brainwashed
frightened by your threats. Most members Centers for Disease Control and MDs:
of our allied organizations view as Prevention (CDC), having cooperatively
inexcusable, if not despicable, increasing produced the 1974 Hepatitis-B vaccines PRESCRIPTION FOR VIOLENCE?
German-American political efforts to tested on gay men in New York City and GEBAUER CASE DRAWS
suppress natural healing methods and Central African Black women. According NOTICE OF GROUP LINKING
materials. to the most recent scientific evidence CRIME, ANTIDEPRESSANTS
This includes new SARS treatments and cited and discussed at
potential cures at a time of global urgency, this From the
when, in fact, government health officials collaboration played a major role in website, 6/1/03: [quoting]
in the hardest hit nations, including triggering the international AIDS by Joe Smydo, Post-Gazette staff writer
China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and pandemic. Looking to bolster a theory linking
Tawain, have been embracing herbal and In conclusion, we will not be antidepressants to adolescent violence, a
plant-derived natural medicines for the intimidated, coerced, or corrupted by your group that studied the Columbine High
prevention and treatment of SARS. drug company collaborating, School massacre has decided to follow the
We notice your commission and the administration, and/or commission. John Gebauer murder case.
FDA turns a blind eye to the promotion We understand that mostly well- The International Coalition for Drug
and use of the experimental, expensive, meaning persons within your ranks have Awareness—counting dozens of cases in
and highly toxic drug Ribaviron, never been persuaded, largely by deception, to which juveniles reportedly hurt
tested against the SARS-associated act as agents on behalf of the above- themselves or others while taking
coronavirus, yet widely promoted as the named global menaces. We simply prescription drugs such as Paxil, Prozac,
standard for SARS patient care since rebuke your misdirected, politically Celexa, and Luvox—wants Congress to
before anyone knew the illness was linked contrived authority, yet remain open to hold hearings on whether the
to a coronavirus. serving your policy-makers by sharing, in antidepressants are appropriate for young
Reflecting on the FDA’s and your every way possible, the uncommon people.
commission’s official tolerance of this intelligence required to expose and arrest Through monitoring of newspapers and
harmful, if not lethal, practice by the the “Wizard of Oz behind the curtain” for the Internet, group members built a bank
mainstream media and medical doctors the sake of world health and the public’s of cases to advance their claims. In the
treating SARS patients adequately protection. process, they became aware of Gebauer,
exposes your hypocrisy. American tax Very truly yours, 16, charged last year with fatally shooting
dollars would be far better spent having Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., his adoptive mother, Alison, and sexually
your commission and the FDA address the M.P.H. abusing her corpse at the family’s
third leading cause of death in the United [end quoting] Fallowfield farm.
States—iatrogenesis, that is, physician- Dr. Horowitz could have easily written a Gebauer, who faces a preliminary
induced illnesses and lethal drug side- much longer response that traced the hearing June 18, acknowledged taking an
effects. How do you have the audacity to historical roots of this longtime antidepressant in an October 2000 school
virtually disregard this pervasive public intimidation scam. And don’t forget the essay he wrote about his family life. He

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 7

didn’t identify the drug. gunman’s use of Luvox. Some lawyers also have assailed the
Washington County [Pennsylvania, Cooke said he’s willing to consider Van drugs in criminal cases.
near Pittsburgh] assistant public defender Syckel’s information but doesn’t know Psychiatrist Peter R. Breggin says on his
Thomas Cooke said Gebauer had been how, if at all, the group’s concerns would website ( that his expert
prescribed Prozac before coming to live fit into a defense strategy for Gebauer. He testimony persuaded a South Carolina
with Alison and Edward Gebauer, who said he doesn’t know whether there’s a judge to reduce the sentence of a man
adopted him in 1999, but didn’t know conclusive scientific basis for the theory who committed rape after taking Paxil
whether his client ever took the drug. of antidepressant-induced violence or and a Virginia judge to reduce the
Washington lawyer David DiCarlo, whether it would be possible to isolate a sentence of a man who shot his wife and a
Gebauer’s court-appointed guardian, drug’s effects from the effects of a sheriff’s deputy after taking Prozac and
declined comment. traumatic childhood. other drugs.
Ann Blake Tracy [the front-page Gebauer, 15 at the time of the Columbine is one of many cases the
feature story for our July 2000 issue, shootings, lost his biological mother to coalition cites in letters to elected
titled The Ticking Time Bomb— cancer when he was 7. His father was out officials demanding better regulation of
PROZAC—Prescription For Disaster], of his life by then, and the child was the drugs. One case hits close to home for
the coalition’s executive director, said shuttled between foster homes for years Van Syckel, who said her family’s story
Prozac and other antidepressants can before the Gebauers decided to adopt him. will be told in the August issue of Good
induce a state in which adults or Cooke said he still needs medical Housekeeping magazine.
juveniles act out their “worst records to determine when Gebauer took She said she became active in the
nightmares”. Tracy said she founded the Prozac, if at all. He said it doesn’t appear coalition after her daughter, Michelle, a
nonprofit group in Salt Lake City, Utah, Gebauer took an antidepressant while high school senior, four years ago
about 10 years ago to educate people living in Washington County. complained of ill health, mistakenly was
about the risks and described teenagers Van Syckel said she would consider diagnosed with depression and was
as particularly vulnerable because of traveling to Washington for Gebauer’s prescribed a variety of antidepressants.
their developing minds and bodies. trial. Van Syckel said she saw sweeping
She said Prozac, Luvox, and Paxil The notion of antidepressant-induced changes in an honor-roll student who
belong to a family of drugs that, in violence has been introduced in court spoke French fluently, had no history of
fighting depression, restrict the brain’s with mixed results. drug or alcohol abuse, and hailed from a
ability to metabolize the chemical Van Syckel said she helped Mark stable family.
serotonin. The coalition’s website Taylor—wounded multiple times by She said her daughter cut herself dozens
( says serotonin “is Harris—to file suit against Luvox of times with knives, razors, and jagged
the same brain chemical that LSD, PCP, manufacturer Solvay Pharmaceuticals. In pieces of compact disc cases. “She even
and other psychedelic drugs mimic in February, Taylor settled for a $10,000 cut the word ‘die’ in her abdomen” and
order to produce their hallucinogenic contribution to the American Cancer threatened to kill her mother with an ax,
effects”. Society. Van Syckel said in a July 30 letter to
In some people, Tracy said, violent Two years ago, a federal jury in President Bush that urged him to act on
tendencies occur during use of the drugs Cheyenne, Wyoming, ordered Paxil maker her concerns about the drugs.
and during withdrawal. If people aren’t GlaxoSmithKline to pay $6.4 million to Van Syckel said her daughter had Lyme
weaned from the drugs slowly, she said, relatives of a man who fatally shot his disease, not depression, and was evidently
violent behavior can linger for months or wife, daughter, granddaughter, and infected by a tick when the family settled
years. himself after 48 hours on the drug. It was in New Jersey after living five years in
“It begins to subside, but it can the first major victory in such a case, with Belgium.
continue” she said. the jury finding the drug primarily Meanwhile, the Van Syckels have sued
A spokesman for the Pharmaceutical responsible for the violence, said the the doctors who misdiagnosed Michelle
Research and Manufacturers of America plaintiffs’ lawyer, Andy Vickery of and the hospitals where she was treated.
could not be reached for comment. But Houston, Texas. The case has not been resolved.
drug companies have refuted the Vickery reached an undisclosed “Her beautiful smile and wonderful
coalition’s claims and similar arguments settlement for Melvin J. and Diane V. disposition have returned, and she has
by lawyers who took the companies to Cassidy of Monroeville, Allegheny been treated for her Lyme disease” Van
court. County [a suburb of Pittsburgh, Syckel told Bush. However, the letter said
Lisa Van Syckel, the coalition’s New Pennsylvania], in their lawsuit three years Michelle has irreversible brain damage
Jersey director, said she called Cooke last ago against Prozac maker Eli Lilly and and other problems.
month after Common Pleas Judge Co. The suit alleged Diane Cassidy Van Syckel said she wasn’t satisfied
Katherine B. Emery rejected Gebauer’s attempted suicide because of the drug. with Bush’s response, which arrived in the
motion to have his case heard in juvenile While Tracy blames the drugs’ impact form of a letter from a U.S. Food and Drug
court. She said she wanted to alert Cooke on serotonin levels, Vickery offered a Administration official who asked the
to the drugs’ effects on some people and somewhat different theory. He said a family to file a formal report about
speak about cases the group had small percentage of people may have Michelle’s reaction to the drugs. On a
investigated, including the 1999 difficulty metabolizing the drugs and act more positive note, she said, a handful of
Columbine massacre of 12 students and a aggressively when the medications build congressmen have come out in support of
teacher by trenchcoat-clad teens Eric inside them. hearings on the issue.
Harris and Dylan Klebold. Vickery, who chronicles some of his U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Upper St.
“I know the Eric Harris file like the cases on the website at Clair [another Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
back of my hand.... I now understand said drug companies are liable because suburb], a child psychologist who took
how Columbine could have occurred” they haven’t adequately warned office in January, said he did not know
Van Syckel said, referring to the consumers about the danger. whether his office had been contacted by

PAGE 8 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

the coalition. But Murphy, co-chairman Wilder’s work will do so for the Rumor own testimony and perjuring himself!
of the Mental Health Caucus, said he’s Mill News Readers. Many of us just The most unfortunate thing about this
willing to listen. don’t have the connections, background, was that, because Bateman was still
“I’ll certainly review anything they or knowledge. Thank you. — Novice awaiting sentencing, he was unable to
send to me on that” he said. testify.
[end quoting] * * * Another witness against Fritz, Jim
Longtime readers of The SPECTRUM From Virginia Brooks: Vermeer, had five years for marijuana
are well aware of Dr. Ann Blake Tracy and Please help this wonderful patriot in cultivation reduced to two. When
her powerful book PROZAC: Panacea Or buying his book, one of the most confronted with statements recorded by a
Pandora? which we first featured in outstanding books you will ever read! BATF interviewer that, within days of the
September 1999—almost a year before Fritz’s book will show you what the robbery in question, Bateman told
our eye-opening July 2000 feature Reform Party is fighting against. Fritz Vermeer that Scotty (AKA Simon Elliot)
interview with her. Naturally the large had the guts to put it into print, and I helped him do “it” (the bank robbery)—
pharmaceutical companies, making truly believe that was why he was Vermeer said that Bateman meant prior
handsome profits from pushing these targeted, put into prison, to shut him up. bank robberies. When actually shown
drugs, are denying any such correlations But let’s not let that happen in vain. Buy the written statements by Fritz’s defense
as Dr. Tracy has so shockingly and the book; you will never be sorry for the attorney, Pat Birmingham, Vermeer said
consistently documented. These drugs knowledge you will have access to by that the BATF interviewer got it wrong.
seem to cause aggressive and sometimes reading his great book. And if you can, (Oh really!)
downright bizarre behavior, yet so many make a donation too. Thanks. Worse still, was the testimony given by
of them are being dispensed to children — Virginia Brooks Simon Elliot (AKA Scotty). When
and young adults like candy. approached by FBI interviewers offering
Of course, as many readers of The P.S. Please pass this on to everyone leniency in exchange for information,
SPECTRUM would be quick to point out, you know, who realize what is happening Elliot received a signed guarantee by the
from the larger perspective this pill and why it is happening! Fritz has and is agents that the statute of limitations for
pushing is part of the elite world paying the price for getting this bank robbery was five years. At this
controllers’ strategy for neutralizing many information out for the salvation of our point, Elliot admitted to commiting
gifted, advanced beings incarnating into great country. Please don’t let him down! seven bank robberies. He proceeded to
planet Earth at this time with an agenda to Please read his story below. give the names, locations, and
break the longstanding chains of slavery approximate date of six of these.
over the people. Dear Friend: When he got to the seventh, his
And speaking of ones who have been You are being contacted on behalf of memory had somehow failed. Is it
exposing the world controllers like those my husband, Fritz Springmeier, who has possible that Elliot suddenly realized
called the Illuminati: been framed by several criminals in that the seventh robbery—the one that
exchange for outrageous plea bargains. Fritz ended up getting indicted for—had
FRITZ SPRINGMEIER Fritz unfortunately made the not yet passed the five-year mark? These
RAILROADED acquaintance of some of these people and other idiosyncrasies were all brought
through ministering to them through to light through defense cross-
From the Bible study sessions. (He has ministered examination.
Reading Room Forum, 4/28/03: to Jehovah Witness, mind-control It seemed as though prosecution didn’t
[quoting] victims, and many others since the early
Posted By: Novice 1980s.) This email is being sent to
For the many who may be unfamiliar
with this man and his work, the details
knowledgeable and aware people with
the hope that we can fight this injustice
Colloidal Silver
about his books and video offer
important information.
I received this message just as is from
together. First, allow me to fill you in on
the trial. Handbook
Virginia Brooks, Reform Party of Ohio, Fritz’s Trial
State Chair. I met Virginia at the We The
People Congress event called Operation The proceedings seemed unreal as I sat
Enduring Patriotism which was held at there and watched as defense revealed
the National Press Club in November that the principal witness for
2002. We have stayed connected. She prosecution, Tony Huntington, when
has been given permission by Patricia faced with approximately 130 years on
Springmeier to spread this information various weapons and drug charges—
far and wide. received a paltry 2-½ year sentence as a
I am surprised that this book is plea agreement for testifying against my
available. I thought that the Illuminati husband!
had done everything that they could to Furthermore, our side had learned from Why You Need It
prevent it’s distribution. I have no idea
as to the validity of Arizona Wilder’s
the attorney for Forrest Bateman (a man
who had pled guilty to the robbery) that
How To Make It
work. In this forum, I have read of the Huntington had actually taken an active 44-page booklet
skepticism concerning Kathy O’Brien’s role in the bank robbery on the day of $7 (shipping included)
material. I hope that those Agents who the robbery. When pressed by defense Code: COL (0.5 lb.)
can offer valid critique of Fritz cross-examination, Huntington finally See next-to-last page for ordering
Springmeier’s work and/or Arizona admitted to this—thus, impeaching his or call toll-free: 1-877-280-2866

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 9

have much of a case. Later that evening
DR. CHET SNOW’S SIGNS OF DESTINY. CROP CIRCLES & when at home, Fritz’s attorney, Pat
Birmingham, telephoned Fritz and
SACRED GEOMETRY CONFERENCE PRESENTS: suggested that there was no need to call
any of the witnesses for defense. At
Fritz’s urging he then promised to call at
THE CROP CIRCLES: PRIMARY MESSAGE by Drunvalo Melchizedek. least two of the twenty defense witnesses.
As a celebrated mystic and teacher, Drunvalo Melchizedek’s life experience reads The next day, Birmingham called none
like an encyclopedia of breakthroughs in human endeavor. After having taken of the twenty witnesses for the defense.
physics and art at UC Berkeley, he ventured out, and over the last 25 years has All the jury knew of Fritz were lies,
studied with over 70 masters from all belief systems and religious backgrounds. An rumor, and hearsay, and that’s what they
accomplished speaker, he instinctively communicates what’s in his heart—his took with them into deliberations.
personal warmth, his love for life in all forms, and his deep compassion for humanity. Thus, on February 12, 2003, Fritz was
His “Flower of Life” teachings and “Mer-ka-ba” meditation
E O system have helped thousands better understand their own VHS video – 118 min.
found guilty of bank robbery. Appeals
VID history and life work. An expert on Sacred Geometry, he $19.95 (+S/H)
are in process now and sentencing will be
passed on June 15, 2003. This is why I
has studied how Crop Circles manifest these ancient forms Code: CCMV (1.0 lb.)
must work quickly while there is still
for a decade.
time to fight.

THERMAL PLASMAS OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN by Linda Moulton Howe. Fritz’s Books

An Emmy-award-winning investigative journalist and author, now living near
Philadelphia, Linda was the creative genius behind the original Sightings TV series. Anyone who is not familiar with Fritz
For several years she has provided millions of listeners with a weekly UFO update might ask: “Why would they want to
and summary at the beginning of the Dreamland radio show and has done numerous frame Fritz Springmeier?”
guest appearances on Art Bell’s Coast-to-Coast late-night show. One of the most Those who are familiar with his work
serious and respected investigators of the paranormal, her interests include alien would say: “Because of his books.”
abductions, animal mutilations, crop circles, and ET Fritz has spent most of his adult life
contacts. This lecture focuses on her latest research into VHS video – 54 min.
exposing the Illuminati, their false
EO $19.95 (+S/H)
the mysterious plasma and glowing-orb effects found in a religions, and their total mind control.
remote valley in Hessdalen, Norway. Code: TPV (1.0 lb.) His third book, Bloodlines Of The
Illuminati is now in print. This book, the
first of three volumes, exposes the “who”,
THE IMPORTANCE OF HOW AND WHEN THE CROP CIRCLE “what”, and “when” of the Illuminati and
PHENOMENON BEGAN by Colin Andrews. One of the earliest and best- their ancient plans for a New World Order.
known crop circle researchers and authors, Colin became involved in this mystery (The second and third volumes, co-
when, in 1983, he saw a quintuplet formation near his home in Andover, England. authored with ex-Illuminati Mother of
An electrical engineer by training, he was intrigued about what forces could create Darkness, Cisco Wheeler, exposes “how”
such perfect glyphs in crop fields. In 1989 he and Pat Delgado wrote Circular the Illuminati have maintained control
Evidence, a best-seller, followed by Crop Circles: The Latest Evidence, a year later. over their own people through the use of
Colin founded Circles Phenomenon Research International (CPRI) and later moved to total mind-control programming.)
Connecticut. His scientific investigations have been widely recognized as models in
E O the field and he has been featured in many crop circle A Call To Action
V I D documentaries. Recently, he has stated that while he VHS video – 92 min.
considers many complex formations to be man-made, one $19.95 (+S/H) This letter is a request for help with
cannot rule out unknown paranormal involvement in the rest. Code: CCPV (1.0 lb.) Fritz’s defense fund. We cannot allow the
establishment to “railroad” Fritz into jail.
SACRED GEOMETRY WORKSHOP by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Drunvalo’s We need money to pay for transcript
information was given to him from 1972 through the 1980s by Thoth, best known as evaluations and other legal expenses
the Egyptian deity of inner wisdom pertaining to science, mathematics, and while there is still time to fight.
literature. Since the 1980s, Drunvalo has been presenting his Flower of Life • If you know of retailer who would like
Workshops (either personally or through his trained facilitators). His work has been to sell Fritz’s books, please have them
spread to at least 40 countries, is taught in many languages (such as Spanish, contact or email me at one of the
Dutch, German, French, Japanese), and has deeply touched thousands of people addresses provided.
around the globe. When the teachings of geometry are used to show the ancient • To purchase more copies of
E O truth that all life emerges from the same blueprint, we can clearly see that life Bloodlines Of The Illuminati, or any of the
V I D springs from the same source—the intelligent, unconditionally loving Creative Force other books and video tapes by Fritz
some call “God”. When geometry is used to express and explore this great truth, Springmeier, see later on in this letter.
a broader understanding of the universe unfolds until we can see that all aspects of • To purchase more copies of Bloodlines
reality become sacred. The ancients, such as the Egyptians, Mayans, and others Of The Illuminati by credit card, you may
all knew this truth and incorporated sacred geometry teachings into their mystery schools as a way for do so online by visiting our website at the
anyone to begin to practically understand his or her personal relationship to “God” w w w. p e n t r a c k s . c o m / b l o o d l i n e s /
and the universe. In this presentation, Drunvalo speaks on the experience in his VHS video – 118 min. bloodlines.htm Internet location.
life that led him on the path to practicing the Flower of Life teachings. A full two- $19.95 (+S/H) • To send a donation via snail mail—
hour presentation on the Flower of Life and sacred geometry. Code: SGV (1.0 lb.) make the check payable to me and send to
the below address.
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 • To send a donation online through

PAGE 10 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

PayPal—go to the
website. Sign up for an account (unless
you already have one); press the tab that
says “Send Money” and key in my email
address. Please fill in the text box to let
me know what it is for.
Many thanks for whatever you are able
to do. Your efforts will be greatly
appreciated. Sincerely, Patty Springmeier

Bloodlines Of The Illuminati

This latest edition includes:

• A Genealogy Chart Showing How 25
American Presidents are Related
• An Expose of Wolf’s Head Society
• A Photo of the Illuminati’s secret
Mother of Darkness Castle
• Artwork by an American Mother of
And much, much more.
If you liked the first or second editions,
you’ll love this new 7"x10", 544-page
new edition even more. The book is
offered at the low price of $24.95. A great
We have returned from Conspiracy Con 2003 , held over
book at a great price.
Other books: Memorial Day weekend, May 24 & 25, at the Santa Clara Marriott
Vol. 2—The Illuminati Formula Used To Hotel, in the Silicon Valley area of Northern California.
Create An Undetectable Total Mind- The show was a success and we really enjoyed talking with
Controlled Slave many of you again, and some of you for the first time! We would
This classic was the first book to really
expose the total mind-control that is also like to acknowledge and welcome our new subscribers. It is
turning our entire nation into just one big always a treat for us, Gail and Rick, when we speak with people
mind-control lab. 500 pages. ($69) from around the country (and around the world) who are finding
Deeper Insights Into the Formula out about SPECTRUM, or meeting us, for the first time.
This is the sequel to the Vol. 2 Formula
book. This sequel has many pages It was also good to see and talk with some of the speakers,
devoted to the solutions and how help such as Arizona Wilder, Jim Marrs, and Jordan Maxwell. There
comes for victims of the Illuminati’s total wasn’t a dry eye in the house with Arizona’s lecture, which was
mind-control. 600 pages plus numerous the talk of the conference.
color illustrations. ($79)
Ezekiel 6:3 Spiritual Warfare We would like to thank Brian Hall for producing another
This book explains the where and when successful conference, and for creating such a user-friendly
Illuminati rituals take place, and lists environment for us as vendors.
hundreds of coven addresses in the U.S. It This show has been such a blessing in enabling us to reach so
also explains the spiritual mechanics that
the Illuminati use, and Christian many more people than we would otherwise, who say, “I never
responses to bring healing to this nation. knew such a great magazine existed!”
Video Tapes: plus $2 for shipping. NOTHING is a more powerful force in
Understanding The World Mail your order to: counteracting the multi-dimensional
This is Fritz’s best two-day seminar Patricia Springmeier aspects of the dark energies’ efforts to
where he discusses such questions as: 2870 NE Hogan Rd., E135 stop Fritz’s exposing of their longtime
What can be done to help our country? Gresham, OR 97030 shenanigans on planet Earth.
What is wrong with the churches today? Website:
How does the Illuminati control the Email: OVERTIME PAY CUT
world? [end quoting]
When did we lose our Constitution? Fritz has been a crusader for Truth for From the
And many other important topics. The many years. Check David Icke’s website website, 5/12/03: [quoting]
cost for the set of two tapes (12 hours of ( for more of the A Bush Administration overhaul of
seminar) are $50 plus $5 for shipping. background on Fritz’s ongoing decades-old labor legislation could force
Fritz’s Only Television Interview harassment, which began with a March 1, many Americans to work longer hours
This one-hour show was on public 2001 fraudulent raid on his property by without overtime pay. The Administration
access television in Austin. It is an “SWAT team storm troopers, ATF, and FBI argues that the pillars of U.S. labor law,
exclusive exception to his personal agents”. Also be sure to send him which established the 40-hour work week,
policy of not being on television. $10 supportive thoughts and prayers; a minimum wage, and overtime pay, are

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 11

antiquated. According to the Labor soon share the blessings of the $2-a- Company a chance.
Department, the changes would make gallon fuel we enjoy in America, courtesy [end quoting]
more lower-income workers eligible for of the U.S. oil companies on whose behalf This writer has captured the sentiments
overtime. Unions fear the changes will Iraq was attacked. of many thinking Americans who can’t
severely restrict who is legally required to Sure, it was necessary to destroy much articulate these same thoughts so
be paid for overtime. of the country to save it from the powerfully. Perhaps his column WILL
[end quoting] barbarous Saddam. But we were forced to disappear soon, a casualty of the new
Again, see Al Martin’s commentaries do it, and right away, to keep that dictator federal laws in effect against badmouthing
regularly shared in The SPECTRUM for from using all his Weapons of Mass the government, a matter that Al Martin
further insights about the fallout from Destruction against us. points out elsewhere in this issue of The
what he calls Bushonomics. Okay, maybe no WMDs have been SPECTRUM.
found. So far. But they’re there. You
EDICT TO KEEP PIGS HAPPY know they are, because you have Mr. ID CARDS FOR ALL BRITS?
Bush’s word for it, and you know his
Excerpted from the http:// honest character from both his record at From, 5/23/03: website, 5/15/03: school and as a businessman and his [quoting]
[quoting] valiant conduct during the Vietnam war. ID Cards For All, In Battle To Track
Farmers throughout the British Isles Besides, it might not be wise to criticize Immigrants
have 90 days to put a toy in every pigsty too loudly. Bush’s attorney general has by Richard Ford, Home Correspondent
or face up to three months in jail. The new already suspended habeas corpus in the The Home Secretary is to legislate in
ruling, from the European Union, is United States and conducted many secret the next session of Parliament for a
designed to keep pigs happy and prevent arrests and imprisonments without trial. national identity card to be issued to
them chewing each other. Off icial So unless we want to risk being every adult living in Britain.
instructions are to give pigs disappeared, like so many American The move was disclosed yesterday as
“environmental enrichment” by providing residents of Islamic heritage [and many the Home Office released figures showing
manipulable material” which is being others], best to hold our tongues. a sharp fall in asylum applications in the
interpreted as balls of different colors. There’s plenty more room in those cages first three months of the year. In spite of
[end quoting] at Guantanamo Bay and other the fall of 32% compared with the last
This is but a small token consideration, undisclosed locations for people who three months of 2002, David Blunkett is
likely designed by a bureaucrat and based express disloyalty by criticizing our to tighten asylum laws further with new
on economics, to offset the way modern leaders. If this column should suddenly measures in the autumn.
agribusiness has made the farmyard life of cease to appear—but we won’t get into A Home Office policy paper, including
chickens, pigs, cows, etc., so miserable. that. a recommendation to proceed with the
President Bush is, as he often boasts, a identity card, is likely to go to the Cabinet
HOW WE’VE HELPED IRAQ very religious man. So it’s only to be for agreement before the summer recess.
SO FAR expected that he encourage the Legislation would follow in the next
reintroduction of religious control of all session of Parliament, although the
From The Tehachapi News, Tehachapi, aspects of life (except oil production, of scheme would not be operating before the
CA, 5/21/03: [quoting] course) in newly liberated Iraq. Our good next general election.
Another View, by Norm Haughness friend and ally, Saudi Arabia, where the The card, carrying a photograph, name,
Some malcontents and spoilsports are mullahs rule everything and the oil flows and address, would be voluntary, although
saying that, despite the heroic photo op unimpeded, will be the model. without it citizens would find it difficult
President Bush had, celebrating the end of The U.S. conquest is bringing back to get healthcare or education. It would
the Iraq war by riding with three other religion—the fundamentalist kind Mr. also be used in an attempt to curb illegal
men to a carrier landing in a Viking S-3B Bush prefers. Suppressed under Saddam, working in the black economy. The ease
jet May 2, all’s not well in that conquered Iraq’s majority Shiites were seen on TV with which people can find work in
land. recently marching by the thousands, Britain is believed to be one of the
O, they of little faith. Iraq has freedom streaming blood, having slashed their reasons why the country is attractive to
now. Can’t the soreheads see that scalps with knives. More inspiring sights asylum-seekers and illegal migrants.
freemarket capitalism and religious fervor to come, as Iraqi women are returned to [end quoting]
are now starting to bless the country lately proper subjugation. Is the United States prepared to be next
locked in Saddam’s cruel embrace? All Why can’t these impatient critics of the on the list after this experiment?
those critics whine about is the destroyed war on Iraq wait a year or two? Look at
infrastructure, the blasted roads and what we’ve accomplished in Afghanistan. OPEN-MEETING PROVISION
bridges, the bombed and looted schools, There, the U.S. presence has brought a MAY BE CUT
homes, hospitals, and museums that once return to the order the Taliban once
made life livable in Iraq. imposed. This is the Taliban we armed to From The Daily News, Los Angeles, for
They complain that at gas stations defeat the awful Russians who were 5/20/03: [quoting]
where, until the Americans freed them, supporting a secular government. by Naomi Kresge, staff writer
Iraqis could buy gasoline for about 7¢ a Today, it’s expensive to bribe the Gov. Gray Davis’ latest budget proposes
gallon, there are now mile-long lines of Afghan warlords not to attack the capital, dropping a requirement that local
vehicles at the few pumps still working, Kabul, where our puppet, Hamid Karzai, governments make public the agendas,
motorists waiting dawn till dusk to get a huddles behind his U.S. Special Forces locations, and times of official meetings.
few liters. bodyguard. But it’s calm there, and the The law obligates the state to pay for
“Iraq’s oil must benefit the Iraqi same tranquility can soon be realized in something that local governments should
people” according to Mr. Bush. They’ll Iraq, if only we give Mr. Bush and feel duty-bound to do on their own and

PAGE 12 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

produces no “significant benefit” to the Suddenly you start experiencing severe
state, according to Davis’ proposal. pain in your chest that starts to radiate out NOTICE REGARDING
Open-government advocates say the into your arm and up into your jaw. CHANGES OF ADDRESS
proposal diminishes the public’s access to You are only about five miles from the
government. hospital nearest your home; unfortunately Subscribers: please be aware that our
Some local governments said Monday you don’t know if you’ll be able to make current postal class of mail is NOT
forwarded when you fill out a “Change Of
that they would post agendas anyway, it that far.
Address” form at your Post Office.
regardless of state reimbursement. What can you do? You’ve been trained As the CHANGE OF ADDRESS
The proposal appears within a budget in CPR, but the guy who taught the information box on page 4 instructs, please
item that would save the state $32.9 course neglected to tell you how to contact us as soon as possible when you
million by reducing reimbursements to perform it on yourself. change your address. This is the only way
local governments. How To Survive A Heart Attack to be sure you’ll receive your magazine
The governor’s revised budget does not When Alone without interruption. Calling us is the
specify how much of that money pays for Since many people are alone when they preferred method for handling your
the agenda mandate—the only state suffer a heart attack, this article seemed in address change.
We are sorry, but The SPECTRUM
mandate within the item proposed for order. Without help, the person whose cannot absorb the additional costs of
elimination instead of suspension. heart stops beating properly and who replacing missed issues due to not following
State Department of Finance officials begins to feel faint, has only about 10 this procedure.
could not be reached for comment seconds left before losing consciousness. We are investigating other mailing options
Monday afternoon. However, these victims can help that could allow for better service should
The money-saving proposal leaves the themselves by coughing repeatedly and our financial status improve. Thank you.
door open for corruption in local very vigorously. — The SPECTRUM
government, government watchdog A deep breath should be taken before
groups say. each cough, and the cough must be deep Spire, executive director of the Alliance
“There were long fights to remove the and prolonged, as when producing for Children’s Rights. “The number of
secrecy in local government, and it’s not sputum from deep inside the chest. children showing up missing is not going
necessary today in the era of South Gate, A breath and a cough must be down. I think one of the most disturbing
Colton, Carson, San Bernardino to make repeated about every two seconds, things I read was that 75% of the
it easier to conduct the people’s business without let up, until help arrives, or until runaways are teenage girls. That is an
behind closed doors” said Richard the heart is beating normally again. astounding number.”
McKee, president of the California First Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs, The number of abducted children
Amendment Coalition. while coughing movements squeeze the jumped from 21 in the last quarter of 2002
Since 1986, the California open- heart and keep the blood circulating. to 44 through March 2003. Also, 213
government law, the Ralph M. Brown Act, The squeezing pressure on the heart children ran away in the first quarter of
has required that agendas be posted three also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this this year, up from 194 in the last quarter of
days before each public meeting. way, heart attack victims can get to a 2002. Of the runaways, 53 voluntarily
Advocates for open government say hospital. returned or were located. A total of 11
removing the requirement that local Tell as many other people as possible children who were abducted were located
agencies tell the public what they will about this; it could save their life! or recovered.
talk about before they talk about it cuts [end quoting] Nationwide, 9,112 foster children were
out the heart of the open-meeting law. Surely the worst-case scenario is when listed missing in March.
Cutting the requirement means that you’re alone and something like a heart DCFS Director David Sanders said
even if local governments post an agenda, attack happens. Make sure your family social workers need to spend more time
they are not required to stick to it, said and friends know about this technique. with foster children and develop
Thomas Newton, general counsel for the relationships with them so they can spot
California Newspaper Publishers 257 CHILDREN MISSING early signs of trouble.
Association. IN 3 MONTHS “I’m concerned we are not spending the
[end quoting] kind of time we need to with the child in
California is likely a test case for this From The Daily News, Los Angeles, for the very beginning to actually prevent
tactic to keep the public away from 5/21/03: [quoting] them from running away” he said.
monitoring political shenanigans. Once it by Troy Anderson Sanders said social workers are now
happens in California, then the rest of the Los Angeles County, which has one of visiting children once a month as required
states are likely to follow in short order the nation’s largest number of missing by a recent court order.
unless the public kicks up a fuss. foster children, saw a further increase of “I think it needs to be more than once a
257 runaways and abducted children in month” he said. “Not just ‘Hi, how are
HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART the first three months of this year, you doing?’ but to have a kind of
ATTACK WHEN ALONE according to a report released Monday. relationship where the children can say
That increase follows a county ‘It’s not working. I’m thinking about
Sent to me via a reader from an Internet Department of Children and Family running away.’ ”
souce, 5/27/03: [quoting] Services report in January that listed 990 By moving more administrative and
Do read. This could save your life. Pass children as missing since 1995, including management employees into social worker
this on to everyone you know. 238 who had returned or been located. positions, Sanders said he could reduce
Let’s say it’s 6:15 p.m. and you’re As of Sunday, 759 foster children were the average caseload from 30 to 15
driving home (alone of course), after an still listed as missing. children, a ratio similar to other large
unusually hard day on the job. “Clearly, we are at a critical point child-protection systems in the nation.
You’re really tired, upset, and frustrated. because this keeps happening” said Janis “The number of cases is critical in that

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 13

it allows social workers to spend time with pets has a longstanding track record of makers like Stan Schwarz says drivers are
families” he said. reliability and safety, and is a relatively warned before the “kill”.
[end quoting] cheap and painless procedure to perform. Manufacturers say the technology can
Do you ever wonder why certain make the difference between getting a car
children are given so much publicity MISS A PAYMENT and walking on foot for many. But critics
when they are missing, yet hundreds go AND YOUR CAR MAY DIE say customers don’t always leave the car
missing every day under the government’s lot with a better price, or better financing
“protection” programs after many of them From the if they have the device. It turns out cars
are literally stolen from their parents by website, 5/26/03: [quoting] may not be the only things fitted with
the courts? Imagine getting in your car and it won’t those kill chips. Look for them to turn up
Of course, those of you aware of the start. The situation would be aggravating in computers, air conditioners, and yes,
secret satanic ritual abuse of children, by for most, but for hundreds of thousands of even TVs.
ones belonging to secret societies and Americans it could simply mean their car Macy’s no critic; she’s grateful for the
often including some with jobs high up in payment is overdue. A growing number of opportunity to buy a car and working hard
government, already know the answer to car dealers are using “starter stoppers” to get a solid credit history started. To her,
why so many children are “missing” and technology to ensure you don’t get lax on that device under her dash is a dose of
why so little of substance is done about it! your loan. discipline. “It really helps because it
Macy Pearson loves the used car she makes you pay on time.”
FDA APPROVES SHOT just bought, but it will only start if she’s [end quoting]
TO NEUTER MALE PUPPIES made her car payment. Nestled under her Do you get the feeling from this
dash is a device called a starter interrupt technological “advance” that perhaps Big
Excerpted from the system. If Macy doesn’t pay, the device is Brother has arrived at a new level of
website, 5/20/03: [quoting] set to disable her car so she can’t drive. surveillance and control over us? Next
Veterinarians now can offer an Macy’s salesman insisted she have it, they’ll be wanting to put a lock on our
alternative to surgery to neuter puppies. since she has no credit history. Once wallet so we pay them first—or else!
Called Neutersol, it’s a shot Macy sends in her payment, she’s given a
administered directly into the testicles of code number to input into a remote that FLUORIDE APOLOGY FROM
puppies at the right age for neutering. The connects to a device underneath the dash. PROMINENT RESEARCHER
ingredients—the amino acid l-arginine “I stick it right in here. You punch in your
and a zinc salt—cause the testicles and code, you hear another little chirp, and From The Tribune, Mesa AZ, 12/5/99:
prostate to atrophy. you’re done” explains Macy, as she easily [quoting]
The alternative, surgically removing the connects the device that will allow her car
testicles, guarantees sterility. In a study of to run for another week. Prominent Researcher Apologizes
224 dogs, Neutersol did almost as well: Mike Simon’s company, Payment For Pushing Fluoride
Semen analysis showed only one Protection Systems, made the device in
sterilization failure, said Dr. Melanie Macy’s car and some 60,000 others by Barry Forbes
Burson of the Food and Drug bought at corner used-car lots and “Why’d you do it, Doc? Why’d you toss
Administration. dealerships alike. He says the device the fluoride folks overboard?”
The FDA approved Neutersol in March, protects dealers from credit risks. “The I had just tracked down Dr. Hardy
but did not announce the approval until people know that they have to make their Limeback, B.Sc., Ph.D in Biochemistry,
Monday. payment and they really do perform in D.D.S., head of the Department of
A type of chemical castration already is making their payments on time” says Preventive Dentistry for the University of
available for humans. Sex offenders often Simon. “Our delinquency rate was Toronto, and president of the Canadian
are sentenced to regular injections of probably up around ten to twenty percent Association for Dental Research.
hormones that deplete testosterone. But without the device. And since then, it’s Dr. Limeback is Canada’s leading
that’s not permanent sterilization. dropped down below two percent” says car fluoride authority and, until recently, the
The new method for dogs is permanent, dealer Steve Matthews about using the country’s primary promoter of the
but some testosterone production device with customers. controversial additive.
continues because it’s not hormonally It may be good for dealers, but what In a surprising newsmaker interview
driven, Burson said. So unlike surgical about drivers? Not everyone’s sold on the this past April, Dr. Limeback announced a
castration, Neutersol may not eliminate idea of “no cash, no dash”. Jack Gillis of dramatic change of heart: “Children
unwanted male behaviors such as the Consumer Federation of America has under three should never use fluoridated
roaming, marking, and aggression, the written a book about buying a car. He toothpaste” he counseled. “Or drink
FDA warned. says the devices could put customers at fluoridated water. And baby formula must
Pet overpopulation is a serious problem, risk. “You might be in a situation where never be made up using Toronto tap water.
and scientists have struggled to find ways you are in an unsafe position, and you Never.”
to make animals infertile. Some were need to get out of there quickly, and you Why, I wondered? What could have
dangerous either for the animal or for the can’t do it” says Gillis about the pitfalls of caused such a powerful paradigm shift?
veterinarian administering them, said such a device. “It’s been building up for a couple of
Bruce Addison, founder of Addison But device makers say cars won’t stop years” Limeback told me during a recent
Biological Laboratory of Columbia, while in motion, they just won’t start once telephone interview.
Missouri, which is selling Neutersol. they’re turned off. Even then, drivers like “But certainly the crowning blow was
[end quoting] Macy can call their salesmen for an the realization that we have been
One can only wonder what other agenda emergency code that is good for 24 hours. dumping contaminated fluoride into
may really be driving this research and Dealers also insist everyone is told about water reservoirs for half a century. The
product. The usual neutering process for the service before they buy, and device vast majority of all fluoride additives

PAGE 14 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

come from Tampa Bay, Florida years of misinformation from public other. If we lose control of our
smokestack scrubbers. The additives are a health and the dental association. Me, government, then we lose our ability to
toxic byproduct of the super-phosphate too. Unfortunately, we were wrong.” dispense justice and human kindness.
fertilizer industry.” Last week, Dr. Hardy Limeback Our first priority today, then, is to defeat
“Tragically” he continued, “that means addressed his faculty and students at the utterly those forces of greed and
we’re not just dumping toxic fluoride into University of Toronto, Department of corruption that have come between us and
our drinking water. We’re also exposing Dentistry. In a poignant, memorable our self-governance.”
innocent, unsuspecting people to deadly meeting, he apologized to those gathered [end quoting]
elements: lead, arsenic, and radium, all of before him. The miracle is how this doctor’s story
them carcinogenic. Because of the “Speaking as the head of preventive ever made it into print, past the censors.
cumulative properties of toxins, the dentistry, I told them that I had Most inquiring minds (including some of
detrimental effects on human health are unintentionally mislead my colleagues us who were dentists) knew many years
catastrophic.” and my students. For the past 15 years, I ago that fluorides are horrible poisons.
A recent study at the University of had refused to study the toxicology Notice this story is almost four years
Toronto confirmed Dr. Limeback’s worst information that is readily available to old and yet you haven’t seen any changes
fears. “Residents of cities that fluoridate anyone. Poisoning our children was the in the official American policy toward
have double the fluoride in their hip furthest thing from my mind.” fluoridated water. Could that have
bones compared to the balance of the “The truth” he confessed to me, “was a anything to do with the dumbing-down
population. Worse, we discovered that bitter pill to swallow. But swallow it I effect of fluoride (known since Nazi
fluoride is actually altering the basic did.” experimentation during World War II) to
architecture of human bones.” Skeletal South of the border, the paradigm shift facilitate the control of the masses of we-
fluorosis is a debilitating condition that has yet to dawn. After half a century of the-sheep?
occurs when fluoride accumulates in delusion, the CDC, American Dental
bones, making them extremely weak and Association, and Public Health IS HIDDEN TRUE CAUSE OF
brittle. stubbornly and skillfully continue to ALZHEIMER’S YOUR TOOTHPASTE?
The earliest symptoms? “Mottled and manipulate public opinion in favor of
brittle teeth” Dr. Limeback told me. “In fluoridation. From the website, for
Canada we are now spending more Meantime, study after study is 5/3/03: [quoting]
money treating dental fluorosis than we delivering the death knell of the deadly From Paul Kuhlman
do treating cavities. That includes my toxin. Sure, fluoridation will be around Hello Jeff Rense,
own practice.” for a long time yet, but ultimately its I am a truck driver, and have hauled just
One of the most obvious living supporters need to ready the life rafts. The about everything over the past 13 years.
experiments today, Dr. Limeback believes, poisonous waters of doubt and confusion I read your site’s article postulating that
is a proof-positive comparison between are bound to get choppier. naturally occurring aluminum found in
any two Canadian cities. “Here in “Are lawsuits inevitable?” I asked the water might be the key to Alzheimer’s
Toronto we’ve been fluoridating for 36 good doctor. disease. I’ll go one better than that.
years. Yet Vancouver, which has never “Remember tobacco” was his short, I once picked up a 44,000 pound load
fluoridated, has a cavity rate lower than succinct reply. of aluminum dioxide powder in the aptly-
Toronto’s.” Welcome, Dr. Hardy Limeback, to the named town of Bauxite, Arkansas. Noting
And, he pointed out, cavity rates are far side of the fluoride equation. It’s that the destination for the load was not a
low all across the industrialized world, lonely over here, but in our society processing plant or a mill, I enquired as to
including Europe, which is 98% fluoride loneliness and truth frequently travel why this load was destined for the
free. hand in hand. Thank you for the Colgate-Palmolive Company. The
Low because of improved standards of undeniable courage of your convictions. shipping agent said that the quality of
living, less refined sugar, regular dental Want more scientific information about bauxite (aluminum dioxide) found in
checkups, flossing, and frequent brushing. fluoride/fluoridation? Find it on the net: Arkansas was too low grade for
Now less than 2 cavities per child Canada- International Society for Fluoride manufacturing purposes, but was fine for
wide, he said. Research ( toothpaste.
“I don’t get it, Doc. Last month, the “We have a duty to look after each “Toothpaste?” I enquired. He then went
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) ran a
puff piece all across America saying the
stuff was better than sliced bread. What’s
the story?”
“Unfortunately” he replied, “the CDC is
basing its position on data that is 50 years
old, and questionable at best. Absolutely A story honoring en-Light-ened Balancing Fulcrum, from riding the
no one has done research on riding masters who developed Figure 8. The en-Light-ened
fluorosilicates, which is the junk they’re Guidelines to bring: discipline, beauty, equestrian masters were Fritz
dumping into the drinking water.” grace, and balance in the movements Stecken and Ludwig Von Zeiner, Head
of a horse, from a girl who desired to Rider of The Spanish Riding School.
“On the other hand” he added, “the be a better rider. She became the
evidence against systemic fluoride in-take first equestrian American woman in PRICE: $12.00 (SHIPPING INCLUDED),
continues to pour in.” Olympic history. This is her own life PAYABLE WITH NAME & ADDRESS TO:
“But Doc, the dentists.”
M.B. Gill, P.O. Box 184 !
story; how their Guidelines produced
“I have absolutely no training in oneness with her horses, also the
toxicity” he stated firmly. “Your well- realization of Creator-God, the Chester Springs, PA 19425
intentioned dentist is simply following 50

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 15

on to explain that common white Southern United States. Some of them producer out of business since they are
toothpaste is made largely from aluminum were categorized as F4 and possibly F5 on responsible for paying for this and
dioxide, which is a mildly abrasive, the Fujita Scale. The town of Pierce City, maintaining detailed records. Eventually,
brilliantly white powder. They’ll simply Missouri was completely destroyed. The only large, government-sponsored farms
add a sudsing agent to make the bubbles, May 6, 2003 edition of the Chicago and ranches will be left viable. Their
a flavoring agent to make it palatable, Tribune reports that there are 13 people products will all be genetically re-
perhaps a food coloring agent, some still missing in the (13)0-year-old town. I engineered and under strict government
water, and presto—toothpaste. am familiar with this town having passed control.
Go read the ingredients on your tube of through it several times on the way to If I Only Had A Brain (5/15/03)
toothpaste. It’ll list one or two “active visit relatives. This little town of 1400 From 1970 to 1999, the brains of at
ingredients”—notice the combined total people looked like something out of the least 20,000 people were removed without
amounts of “active ingredients” is usually 1950s. The word “pierce” in programming permission in Britain by medical
less than 1%. What about the other 99%? vernacular means to “cut through to personnel and morticians. A report by Her
• Were you aware that every day of your another level”. Majesty’s Inspector of Anatomy said that
life, you are filling your mouth with a gob These tornadoes that killed at least 40 these were used for neuropsychiatric
of nearly pure aluminum dioxide? people were artificially generated and research (or possible cannibalism at
• Can you imagine the possible health were part of the same ELF pulses that rituals). Many more could have been
effects? created the earthquakes last week in destroyed or taken elsewhere. There were
• Do you see how this is the number-one Alabama and Arkansas. Tornadoes also more than 3500 organs from babies
entry point for aluminum to enter the occurred on May 5, 2003 which and children taken without permission by
body? numerologically equals 5-5-5. This is an the Royal Liverpool Children’s Hospital.
• Can you guess why the inactive activation of triplet programming and was In the U.S., the FDA is delaying regulation
ingredients aren’t listed? part of an Illuminati national ceremony. on transplant tissue that might be
• Imagine the outcry from all the Tornadoes within a programming matrix infecting and contaminating patients.
millions of health-conscious Americans are created mentally by the internal Perhaps they were tired of sending Igor
who suddenly discovered that they are programmer to switch alters from one out to the cemetery with a shovel in the
being poisoned! level of programming to another. This is middle of the night.
• Yes, that’s why they aren’t listed. standard imprinting and conditioning. A Naughty In Saudi (5/15/03)
So, if you and your vast readership are Local residents and meteorologists from The recent attack on the foreign
concerned about getting too much Nebraska to Georgia said that they had compound in Riyadh has already been
aluminum in your diets, you can all relax never seen such devastation over such a blamed on Al Qaeda, without ever sifting
about naturally occurring aluminum in wide area due to tornadoes. We must through the rubble. Guaranteed that the
the water, or cooking with pots and pans. watch what happens in the next few days evidence will point to another Islamic
These are trivial sources of aluminum in the United States that would have country hosting the terrorists. Perhaps
compared with the several pounds of required the need for such a ceremonial they shall accuse Iran, Syria, or Libya. We
aluminum directly swallowed or absorbed event. This type of activity is most likely also have to eliminate the former Soviet
through the tissues while brushing your going to trigger programmed slaves with Republics that are Islamic and bordering
teeth. Wizard of Oz programming. on China. These staged terrorist attacks
On the bright side, we can all still have Was Jessica Lynched? (5/11/03) are designed to rile up American support
a beautiful smile in our old age, if only we Former U.S. POW Jessica Lynch, age 20, for destroying all countries where the
can remember how to smile. who was rescued from an Iraqi hospital as populations wear robes and pray to
[end quoting] the sole survivor of her unit, has amnesia. Mecca. Saudi Arabia will eventually have
As a now-retired dentist, I learned long She cannot remember anything from the a change in government and become
ago that you can’t believe any labeling! moment her vehicle was attacked until the extremely westernized as an example to
Furthermore, through their various well- moment of her rescue. How odd? others. The Royal Family of Saudi Arabia,
paid puppets, the elite world controllers (Convenient!) Doctors at Walter Reed set up by the British Monarchy in the
are quite skilled in feeding us the required Army Medical Center (and programming 1920s, is on its way out.
poisons to advance their depopulation center) said she may never recover her The Blair Witch Hunt (5/15/03)
agenda—all the while filling their wallets memory (especially since they wiped it New York Times journalist, Jayson Blair,
from various poison-induced illnesses we clean). All of her unit members died and has been accused of embellishing and
get along the way to our death. were found buried outside the hospital. making up stories for his news reports.
There has been no information about the Blair, a Black man, is said to be a
ANALYST STEWART SWERDLOW’S condition of those bodies. Only her scandalous reporter who included
NEWS BRIEFS AND COMMENTS handlers know what type of heinous ritual fabrications in his articles. Remember a
she was used in and for what purposes. while ago I wrote about journalists being
From the It will be interesting to see what Utah’s fired or killed for what they were writing,
website: [quoting] Elizabeth Smart remembers or forgets especially concerning the war in Iraq and
In this regularly updated column, when her time comes to testify. the Elizabeth Smart case in Utah.
Stewart discusses current events based Grow This! (5/15/03) Journalism is no longer about the truth.
upon his personal knowledge and The U.S. Agriculture Department is Perhaps it never was. Today, the news is a
experience of Illuminati plans for the proposing a new rule that would require media variety show, designed to entertain
Earth. farmers to prove that their product is and entrain the population to New World
To The Emerald City (5/7/03) American-grown. This means paperwork Order-sanctioned propaganda and
As you all have heard in the past few detailing the life history of every pig, cow, disinformation. Hitler would be proud.
days, there were over 90 tornadoes sheep, etc. The cost and logistics of this Weird News—Really! (5/17/03)
touching down in the Midwestern and documentation will put the small I have seen on the news that now there

PAGE 16 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

is possible evidence that Laci Peterson
was murdered by a Satanic cult who cut
the fetus out of her during a ritual
ceremony. I reported this back in
December, 2002, when she disappeared “Dear Ed: I am in profound appreciation for the great work that you and
from her California home. If proven, her your team of Lightworkers are doing to help the American people wake up
husband will be vindicated of her murder now that the American Dream has turned into the American Nightmare.
and the police will have a lot of ’splainin’ “Blessings on your path.” — Dr. A.J. from CA
to do!
Also, I have been receiving reports “Dear SPECTRUM : I found your article in your June 2003 issue on
about that missing Los Angeles film crew ‘Looting Iraq Of Priceless Weapons Of Mass Destruction’ very interesting....
in Antarctica. They disappeared in Your articles always make me think about what is going on—very inspiring.
November, 2002. Now, apparently their Thanks, and keep up the good work you all are doing. It is much
film has been discovered 100 miles west appreciated.” — M.G. from OK
of Lake Vostok (check the archives for an
earlier story on this). The film supposedly “Dear Friends: I’m always grateful to you for the information each month. I
contains scenes of a large excavation by read it all! It seems that much more is about to happen for us. Have our
the U.S. government two miles below the water, food, batteries, etc., updated and doing the best that we can.”
ice which revealed an ancient city with — V.B. from WV
amazing architecture, technology, and
glyphs on the walls. The U.S. government “To all at The SPECTRUM : Health and Happiness! With Love and Light!
has censored release of this film, citing Don’t know how you do it. You must work 36 hours a day.” — H.M. from AZ
national security risks. (Perhaps this is
where Saddam and Bin Laden are [Editor’s note: That’s the only drawback once we perfected the time machine .
hiding—or perhaps it’s Superman’s frozen Now there’s no excuse not to work 36 hours a day —or so it seems! ]
hideout.) I am attempting to verify this
story, which is reported to have other “I’ve been reading The SPECTRUM for the last 2-3 years, and I have
strange connections to a Lovecraft novel always thought it was great. But in the last year, you have really reached a
from the 1930s. The film crew is still new level.” — N.P. from NY
I am researching the news story of the “Dear SPECTRUM : I want to thank every one of you who work so hard to
woman who killed two of her sons by get each month’s issue out. I pray for you all. I really look forward to each
bashing them in the head with a rock issue. Light and Love to you all.” — D.F. from MO
because God told her to do it (shades of
the Houston drownings). Her one-year- “There are many interviews, talks, and classroom lectures that I have given
old still clings to life. Hearing voices like over the years, but sometimes things just flow and new bits of information
that is a sure sign of programming come out that I never included anywhere before. Rick Martin and I had
triggers. been talking about this interview for some time and then one day he called
Finally, a military attack in Iraq this me and turned on the recorder and we let it roll. The following interview is
week by American troops was called ‘A#1 primo’ and a credit to Rick Martin who guided the path for you to see
“Operation: Planet X”. This is a clear the past, present, and future.” — astrophysicist James M. McCanney
reference to Nibiru/Marduk and a staged (excerpted from his website introduction to our May 2003 feature story)
alien invasion. As details of the above
stories emerge, I will tap my sources for
the story behind the media story. To order The SPECTRUM please call: 1-877-280-2866,
Yellowknife Strife (5/20/03)
The son of Canadian Prime Minister or if you are outside the U.S. please call: 1-661-823-9696.
Chretien was acquitted of sexually
assaulting a 19-year-old woman in holographic reality mind-control. programming matrices.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. The • Serial killer on the loose in Southern I’ve Seen Fire & I’ve Seen Rain (5/20/03)
woman said Michel Chretien, 34, Louisiana who defies capture. The police A volcano in the Northern Mariana
assaulted her three times when she was 10 have basically told women that they Islands, previously thought to be
or 11 years old. The active Michel was cannot protect them. Perhaps the police dormant, erupted last week, causing an
sentenced to three years in prison in 1992 know who he is but are protecting him. evacuation of the tiny island of Anatahan.
for sexually assaulting a woman. In 1998 • The hazing incident in the Chicago There has not been a significant eruption
he received a nine-month suspended area high school where the pledges were in this island chain since 1981. The
sentence for assaulting his girlfriend’s six- videoed being beaten, abused with paint seismic equipment set up there years ago
year-old son. Well, he certainly sounds and garbage, and verbally humiliated. is no longer functioning since funding
like U.S. Presidential material. • The constant appearances of white has run out. The eruption brings to light
The Imprinting Update (5/20/03) rabbits on American television the dangers of volcanic activity in the
The following is a small list of current commercials. Pacific. Recently, new fault lines were
Illuminati imprinting on the public • Virtual grass is being promoted in the discovered under Hawaii, and a moving
concerning mind-control, ritual, and Southwestern U.S. This new form of plume of magma was pushing toward the
sacrifice: Astroturf which turns the desert to green is Big Island. There has also recently been a
• The release of the movie sequel another method of encouraging artificial swarm of small quakes near Mt. Rainier in
Matrix Reloaded and its implication of environments which subliminally support Washington State.

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 17

Meanwhile, in Sri Lanka, flash floods
THE BAY AREA CONSCIOUSNESS NETWORK PRESENTS: and landslides have killed over 140
people, and more rain is on the way. The
region hardest hit is the Ratnepura
VIDVHS district famous for its gem mines.
PARADIGM POLITICS EO Arrogant Ari—Gone (5/21/03)
by Daniel Sheehan S White House Chief Spokesman Ari
Daniel Sheehan is a social activist who has spent virtually his entire life working Fleischer, the bald-headed, snippy, anti-
on progressive social programs and initiatives. As the Legal Counsel on such social voice of George W. Bush to the
nationally-recognized investigative cases involving government as the Karen press, has decided to resign as of July,
Silkwood Case, the Iran/Contra Case, the Pentagon Papers Case, the Watergate 2003. The official reason is that the
Burglary Case, and the American Sanctuary Movement Case, Dan brings to the pressure of the job is too much, and the
issue of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the UFO Phenomenon a unique background 42-year-old wants to return to a quieter
in investigating and exposing the world of American governmental covert operations, life in the New York suburbs with his wife
“black budget” operations, mind-control programs, of six months. Fleischer is known to
government disinformation projects, covert warfare, and VHS video – 120 min. reporters for his arrogant attitude, and
clandestine operations. He established the Christic Institute $19.95 (+S/H) often incorrect information. He is the
in Washington DC, which for nearly two decades was the country’s preeminent public- Code: PPV (1.0 lb.)
latest in a string of Bush aides who have
interest law firm.
left the White House service in the last 18
months. Wonder what they found out?
THE TRUTH ABOUT 9-11 Bandar Barter (5/21/03)
by Carol Brouillet Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi
Arabia’s Ambassador to the U.S. (and
Carol Brouillet is a Co-Founder of the International Media Project, which produces resident of Aspen, Colorado) warns that
Making Contact, a half-hour radio program now heard on over 165 stations, primarily “something big” in the way of terrorist
in the U.S. and Canada. (Making Contact will also pilot a new daily show beginning attacks may soon strike the U.S. and
in February 2001.) Carol also helped found the Who’s Counting Project, which Saudi Arabia. Bandar, exposed by Cathy
promotes the film Who’s Counting? Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies & Global O’Brien in her book, Trance-Formation
Economics. Both non-profits seek to connect people, vital ideas, and important Of America, as a handler for Monarch
information to nurture healthy social change, economic justice, and ecological sex-slaves, says he gleans this
sustainability. A passionate advocate of local currencies to
information from his “gut feeling”. Well,
raise consciousness, nurture community, and increase VHS video – 91 min.
local self-reliance, her paper Reinventing Money, Restoring $19.95 (+S/H) that’s hard evidence! How about he
The Earth, Reweaving The Web Of Life has won an honorable mention from the Code: 911V (1.0 lb.) knows because he is part of the plan!
Millennium Institute as one of the best ideas for the 21st Century. Remember, fifteen of the hijackers on 9/
11 were Saudis. Osama bin Laden is
Saudi. The Saudis also refused to allow
FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY their country to be used by American
by Michael Cremo forces against “their brother, Iraq”. Is this
Prince to be trusted? What does he know
Michael Cremo is on the cutting edge of science and culture issues. In the that he hides behind those robes? There
course of a few month’s time he might be found on pilgrimage to sacred sites in is a great deception here.
India, appearing on a national television show, lecturing at a mainstream science Pardon Me, Have You Seen My Tank?
conference, or speaking to an alternative science gathering. As he crosses (5/21/03)
disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a The Department of Defense has a
compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality. Michael problem. They cannot account for $1
Cremo is a member of the History of Science Society, the
trillion (yes, that’s trillion!) in cash! They
World Archeological Congress, the Philosophy of Science VHS video – 120 min.
Association, the European Association of Archaeologists, $19.95 (+S/H)
also seem to have misplaced 56 airplanes,
and associate member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute Code: FAV (1.0 lb.) 32 tanks, 36 Javelin missile command
specializing in history and philosophy of science. launch-units, and a partridge in a pear
tree. These are the same folks who spent
$640 on a toilet seat. Seems to me the
SCIENCE, POLITICS AND THE NEW MILLENNIUM cash and equipment went somewhere.
by Dr. Nick Begich Oh, and Vice President Cheney is
missing too! Perhaps they should look in
Best selling author and lecturer Dr. Nick Begich presents an overview of the those 131+ underground bases the public
HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) transmitter and antenna doesn’t know about. Or, perhaps they
in Alaska. His countless years of research helps to provide a glimpse of new might look at the secret terrorist
technological achievements that can help better the environment and reshape programming centers that the New World
mankind in the future. Pulling from an array of extensive documentation from Order has all over the world—none, by the
government, academic, and media sources, Begich is able to explain the big picture way, in Afghanistan or Iraq. We, the
in terms that anyone can understand. There was a city-wide American public, are not amused. We
power loss shortly after Begich began his presentation, but VHS video – 120 min. would like our money back—and not be
through the use of a quickly placed battery pack, very little $19.95 (+S/H) persecuted for asking! People are afraid to
of this valuable presentation was lost. Code: NBV (1.0 lb.)
say anything these days for fear of being
placed on a list of “suspected terrorists” or
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 being a “person of interest”. What has

PAGE 18 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

happened to America? We should not be deprogram by eliminating a front alter in These men registered to comply with
looking in Central Asia. We should look his programming matrix. American law, and now they are being
along the Potomac! Mad Cow, Eh? (5/23/03) persecuted as are their families. Reminds
Body-Mania (5/23/03) It has been determined that a cow in one of another country back in the 1930s
• United Kingdom: Archeologists have Alberta, Canada that was slaughtered last and 1940s.
unearthed six bodies near Stonehenge January(!) has Mad Cow Disease. It took Don’t Do It! (5/29/03)
that date from 2300 B.C. At least some until May(!) for the test results to return. For the past two years, I have warned
evidence points to the fact that they Talk about a quick turnaround! Seems Black Americans not to register with the
originated in Switzerland. like someone in the New World Order government. The ploy has been to
• Arizona: Three mummified infant wants to punish Canada. First SARS, now determine connections to slavery for
bodies were found in a warehouse. They Mad Cow. Many countries now ban beef possible reparations. Then it was to pay
were stored by a woman from New York imports from Canada even though this them for DNA samples to determine
who apparently gave birth to three babies animal died five months ago and nothing connections to White ancestry from slave
from 1981 to 1984. When they died, she has turned up since. The fallout has owners. Since none of that worked, they
kept their bodies in storage. caused stocks in food retailers to drop. are saying it is to help collect data for
• Congo: Government and military Stand on guard, Oh Canada! Black race diseases since Blacks are “left
personnel are hunting and killing Quake Report (5/23/03) out” of health studies and healthcare.
pygmies to eat. They claim their flesh has Algeria is the latest target of temblor None of this is true. They want Black
magical powers. activity. A M6.7 quake rocked this North DNA to determine who should be
Another One Bites The Dust (5/23/03) African country, killing well over 1,000 eliminated and who is “salvageable” for
Former New Jersey Governor Christie people. Following a reverse trend, quakes programming. The last people to do this
Whitman, EPA Administrator, just are moving east to west this month. were the Nazis. The Jews in Germany who
resigned from the Bush Cabinet, adding Starting with China, then Afghanistan, registered are now gone from the Earth.
to the growing list of those who are Turkey, now Algeria. Next in line is the Please, all Black readers—do not do this!
fleeing the Bush Government. Whitman, Mid-Atlantic Range (undersea) followed California Swarmin’ (5/29/03)
from the most polluted state in the U.S.A., by Southeastern U.S. (Charleston area), This past weekend saw another swarm
was a poor choice to head an then Missouri, California, and Hawaii. of quakes in and around the San Francisco
Environmental Protection Agency. She Halliburton Halibut (5/26/03) area. There was only minor damage and
and President Bush allowed more arsenic A recent article in the New York Times some gas leaks. However, this is
in the drinking water and more oil drilling titled “Dancing With The Devil” was a connected to the upwelling of magma
in pristine areas. To her: good riddance! fascinating comparison of how the public, under the Pacific Northwest. Mt. Rainier
No loss! However, she claims she wants to guided by the media, attacked the Dixie has been evacuated in Washington State
spend more time with her family. All of Chicks for speaking their minds, while and scientists are examining data from
them have said this. What do they know Vice President Cheney and his “meal equipment there after a swarm of quakes
is coming? By the way, Prime Minister ticket” the Halliburton Company remain around that mountain. I am headed to the
Blair of the United Kingdom had his unscathed. Since 1984, Halliburton has region at the end of July and August. Stay
spokesperson recently resign. made moneymaking deals with Libya, tuned as I receive more information.
G8 Not GR8 (5/23/03) Iraq, and Iran, three nations on Bush’s Residents from San Jose to Seattle—take
Next week, this year’s G8 meeting will “axis of evil” list. Yet, Cheney, from precautions!
be held in France. Bush will argue for the 1995-2000, while head of Halliburton, Fire & Water—Again! (5/29/03)
acceptance of genetically-altered food to continued these deals. Two very strange stories evolve this
Europe and Africa, whose countries are In fact, in 2000, Halliburton opened an month. A crewman on the USS Nassau fell
reluctant to accept them. Bush will also office in Teheran, Iran. Interestingly, they overboard while trying to catch a football
push for $15 billion over the next five also now stand to make $billions running on deck. This occurred about 900 miles
years to combat AIDS in Africa and the Iraq’s oil production operations. So, why east of the Virginia coast. Then, the next
Caribbean. He said: “I will remind them aren’t people saying anything about this? day, another sailor missed role call and is
that the clock is ticking.” Yes, it is a Only Congressman Henry Waxman of presumed fallen off the ship, in the middle
countdown to their deaths. As usual, the California has raised these issues with of the ocean! Very odd that two crewmen
global public will not be informed about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld—old disappear within days of each other from
what these self-righteous men have bathroom face. the same ship!
planned for them. The New York Times article refers to Meanwhile, both Texas and Alaska are
Alter-Nate Reporting (5/23/03) Halliburton as “a slithering enterprise under clouds of smoke from fires in other
Former New York Times reporter Jayson with its rapacious tentacles in everybody’s countries. Mexico farmers are burning off
Blair said he often laughed at his pockets”. A clearly Reptilian description. old crop material and the haze and smoke
deceptive stories in the newspapers. He Looks like a Congressman and another are choking residents of Central and
was gleeful over fooling the “most New York Times writer are going to bite it! South Texas. In Alaska, smoke and haze
brilliant people in journalism”. It is 9/11 Holdovers (5/26/03) from fires in Russia are preventing
reported that Blair had serious mental After 9/11, men from Muslim countries sunlight from reaching the ground. What
issues. In an interview he states: “I was were ordered to register with the U.S. is going on in the skies of Texas and
either going to kill myself or I was going government. About 13,000 Arabs and Alaska that the public should not see?
to kill the journalist persona. So Jayson Muslims have been detained without Youth Core? (5/29/03)
Blair the human being could live, Jayson legal representation and could be The Department of Labor is bringing
Blair the journalist had to die.” Those prosecuted and/or deported. These men child soldiers from Sierra Leone to speak
readers who have seen my mind-control have American families who are now not in the public schools about their forced
and programming videos know that this is supported financially. Phone calls from servitude in their homelands. They
the statement of a person trying to the detention centers cost $2 per minute. describe everything from graphic death

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 19

scenes to rape. Do our young children successful, they then record a new But SBC spokesman John Britton
really need to hear these atrocities in such outgoing message. Later on, the hacker faulted AT&T for continuing to press
detail? Once the plight of these soldier/ places a long-distance phone call and victims of the scam to pay for the
children is publicized and society primed, asks the operator (or a computer) to fraudulent calls. [end quoting]
they will be brought to the U.S. and forward the charges. The operator calls Be aware of this scam and pass this
“integrated” here with our own youth. (I the hacked phone number and gets the information along to friends and
wonder who will influence who?) These changed message, which tricks the phone relatives. Also note the arrogance of the
children are already traumatized and company into thinking the line’s owner AT&T position on this matter; keep it in
jaded, out of necessity for self-survival— has agreed to accept the charges for a mind when you see their folksy
perfect mind-control candidates. long-distance phone call. advertisements (and get annoying
Additionally, more power is being In Steel’s case, before she had a chance dinnertime calls) to switch your phone
granted to our children—16-year-olds to change her phone message, the service to AT&T.
being allowed to vote because a law was hackers had run up more than $20,000 in
passed “inadvertently” (this is already long-distance charges via AT&T, PRINT ME A PANCREAS, PLEASE
being discussed in the United Kingdom as including 95 hours in overseas calls.
a way to increase voter turnout—yeah, But even though AT&T agreed Steel From Popular Science magazine, for
right!), school prayer as long as the was the victim of fraud, it insists she’s on May 2003: [quoting]
children instigate it, children soldiers in the hook for much of the charges. Desktop printers assemble three-
our society. Sounds like the “youth core” “It is an awful thing” Steel said. “I dimensional living tissue. Are
of Communist China days when the can’t sleep. I wake up and think about replacement organs next?
children were turning in their parents and it.” Seeking a better nose? Plastic surgeons
friends. Watch for this trend to continue. Steel is hardly alone. Phone thieves might someday be able to print you a new
The Kids Seem Rather Bright In School (6/1/03) have reportedly broken into the voice- one right on their PCs. A team of
The U.S. Department of Agriculture mail systems of scores of victims scientists has used an off-the-shelf ink-jet
(USDA) has lifted its ban on irradiated nationwide, sticking them with printer to assemble three-dimensional
beef for school lunch programs. This thousands of dollars in overseas phone living tissue, a breakthrough that could
opens the way for the 27 million students charges before they detect anything pave the way for mass-produced
in the U.S. on the lunch program to eat amiss. transplant organs and made-to-order body
irradiated meat, I suppose after they have Experts said AT&T is one of several parts.
been on the Ritalin line. The USDA is on companies affected by the scam. But Today’s tissue engineers work mostly by
its way to becoming the largest supplier while SBC Communications and other hand, dipping a polymer scaffold into a
of irradiated beef in the world. They light companies have agreed to reverse the bath of cells and nutrients. This is a time-
up your life. charges, critics complain AT&T is consuming technique that works fine for
[end quoting] insisting customers pay for thousands of small scraps of tissue or hollow organs
Once again Stewart’s keen eye catches dollars in calls they never made. like the bladder, but not for livers or
events of behind-the-scenes significance AT&T blamed the customers for using kidneys, says Thomas Boland, a chemical
that we might otherwise miss. easy-to-guess passwords or never engineer at Clemson University, who
bothering to change the default developed the technique with Vladimir
HERE’S THE HANG-UP: passwords assigned by their local phone Mironov from the Medical University of
AT&T SAYS “YES SCAM” VICTIMS company. (Steel, who never worried South Carolina.
OWE FOR CALLS about anyone tapping into her voice- Large organs contain millions of cells,
mail box, used the easy-to-remember all fed by a complex web of tiny blood
From the code 1-2-3-4.) vessels. Engineers cannot currently
website, 5/29/03: [quoting] “The customer is responsible” said construct these vascular supply lines fast
When Susan Steel called her phone AT&T spokesman H. Gordon Diamond. enough, so interior cells starve to death
line a few months ago, she heard Also, Diamond faulted SBC for not before the organ can be completely built
something strange. doing enough to warn customers to and its cells fused.
Instead of her usual voice-mail change their voice-mail codes. Enter ink-jet printers. Inspired by
greeting, a man with an accent answered: But SBC blamed AT&T’s automated industrial rapid-prototyping machines
“Investment office, please hold.” Then system, which asked the same question that squirt out plastic car fenders and doll
after a burst of elevator music, the voice exactly the same way, making it easy to arms, the research team wondered if they
returned to say: “Yes...yes...yes.” Steel fool with a recorded message. could use similar printers to slather cells
kept saying “hello”, but the man ignored In Steel’s case, Diamond said, a human right where they needed them, building
her, then hung up. operator was fooled by the message. complex organs one layer at a time.
It wasn’t until the next day that Steel, a Diamond said the phone company has “You say to yourself, ‘Wow, why didn’t I
self-employed employee recruiter in San taken several measures to trip up the think of that?’” says Anthony Atala, a
Francisco, learned what had happened: scam in the future. For instance, the leading tissue engineer at Harvard
She was the victim of the “yes scam”. company sometimes asks recipients of a Medical School.
Someone had hijacked her voice-mail collect call to punch in a random number The team scrounged Hewlett-Packard
box to make thousands of dollars in on their key pad to make sure it’s a real and Canon ink-jet printers from university
long-distance phone calls to Saudi person authorizing the call, and not a surplus, swapped hamster ovary cells for
Arabia and the Philippines. sophisticated voice-mail recording. ink, and made a few hardware tweaks. In
Here’s how the scheme works: Since it added the security measures place of paper, the scientists print the cells
In recent months, hackers have been earlier this year, Diamond said the on a stationary sheet of temperature-
dialing into peoples’ voice-mail boxes company has recorded only a handful of sensitive biodegradable gel that holds the
and trying to guess the password. If voice-mail fraud cases. cells in place until they fuse. Once the

PAGE 20 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

cells have set, they simply adjust the as microprocessors, this is a problem; COOL USE FOR MAGNETS
temperature of the tissue slightly until the electrons won’t stay on their copper paths,
gel melts away. spontaneously disappearing and From Popular Mechanics magazine,
The scientists haven’t made anything reappearing elsewhere. But some June 2003: [quoting]
fancy yet, just a bagel-like ring of hamster engineers now realize that if they design Mindful that Japan imports all of its
ovary cells to show the idea works. “By with quantum effects in mind, they can fuel, Nagoya-based Chubu Electric Power
the end of the year, we hope to make a build incredibly small electronic devices. has found a way to cut the electricity
decent blood vessel” says Boland, who And if scientists can manipulate needed for refrigeration. At a recent
described his work in the April issue of individual light quanta within the meeting of the American Physical Society
Trends In Biotechnology. arena—a field known as nanophotonics— in Austin, Texas, Chubu described a
Printing a new liver or kidney is still a these devices can communicate. refrigerator that uses one-third less energy.
long way off, the scientists emphasize. Consider IBM’s quantum corral, an Instead of using an electric motor to
More likely the technology will first be elliptical arrangement of iron atoms on a compress a working fluid to carry away
used to create custom tissue scraps for copper base 14 nm across. The corral, heat, a rotating permanent magnet
drug screening. invented in 1993, could conceivably store compresses and relaxes a magnetic field.
But one near-term possibility is to information by holding atoms that signify Chubu plans to sell a household model.
create spare parts for plastic surgery. 1s and 0s. [end quoting]
Cartilage, says Mironov, contains few IBM’s minuscule invention is only a Considering how popular refrigerators
blood vessels, so it is easier to make. little smaller than a more common are, with at least one in every household,
(Companies already grow replacement information-bearing nanostructure: this could put a big dent in the Japanese
knee cartilage.) A few years ago scientists rhinovirus, the cause of the common cold. electric bill. Hopefully this company will
even sculpted a crude human ear. A tissue Rhinovirus’ 20-sided shell of interlocking be smart in their exporting of the
printer, says Mironov, could speed the proteins protects an RNA strand of technology to countries where, like the
process and make it far more precise. roughly 7,000 nucleotides. That is, this 100-miles-per-gallon carburetor, such
“Let’s say I want to have a nose exactly replicating nanomachine essentially practical increases in eff iciency are
like Clint Eastwood” he muses. A surgeon carries 7 Kbytes of executable code. squashed by Big Business greed.
could fill an ink cartridge with cartilage The quantum corral stores data.
cells, download the blueprint, and tap Rhinovirus executes a program. Design a NATURALLY FORMING ARTWORK
print: “You have a new nose in five nanophotonic interface between them
minutes.” — Michael Stroh and, in principle, you’ve got a computer From Popular Mechanics magazine,
[end quoting] only 100 times bigger than a silicon June 2003: [quoting]
It’s a big step from what has currently atom! Images resembling American Indian art
been demonstrated as possible to what Today, the corral is considered an appeared when a magnetic field was
they quickly jump to as “just around the engineered device, while rhinovirus is applied to metal particles in a liquid.
corner”—like the promise of a cure for viewed as a biological entity. Within the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
the common cold for fifty years now. nano arena, though, the distinction is senior Cory Lorenz wanted to see if the
meaningless. Both are nanomachines, particles could form structures. Instead,
NANO SPACE: one built on a substrate of metal, the other
THE NEW SPACE RACE IS THE on a substrate of organic molecules.
BATTLE FOR MORE AND MORE Bridging the gap will spark an explosion CLASSIFIED ADS
CONTROL OVER LESS AND LESS of playful development as nanoscale Solutions to Your Ultimate Health
devices are snapped together as if they Concerns. Addresses the cause of all
From WIRED magazine, June 2003: were Lego blocks. illness utilizing an “Electrical
[quoting] At first, technologists will replicate Understanding”. Eliminate chronic &
MICROCOSMOS — by Larry Smarr familiar devices like motors and switches, degenerative diseases. Attain high
I have seen the future, and it is small. but soon they’ll set out in entirely new energy and youthfulness. Transform
Steady advances in miniaturization are directions. Nanocomputers will be cheap your life forever. Free info package.
leading technologists beyond the scale and plentiful, making it possible to Call NOW! 1(888)658-8859 E-mail:
where Newton’s laws govern the world and embed the world with intelligence.
into the realm I term the nano arena. Everything will have information-
Within the unimaginably tiny space of processing capability—every brick,
100 by 100 nanometers—one millionth bicycle, and body. Cooking for PEACE. A booklet
the area of the period at the end of this Scientists and engineers who come of of various recipies, special foods,
sentence—we’re about to witness an age working in the nano arena won’t beverages, to help balance the
amazing collision of physics, biology, cloister themselves in disciplinary guilds. immune system, electrolyte levels,
and information technology. They’ll be equally adept with the tools of and important cellular growth.
Developments in nano space will define the bio lab, the chip fab, and the physics Price: $12. Send name and address
this century just as electronics defined the department. They’ll be masters of to:
last. bioinfonanotech.
Outside the arena, electrons behave like [end quoting] Cooking for PEACE
billiard balls. Squeeze them into narrower You can be sure that the military is P.O. Box 184, Chester Springs, PA 19425
confines, though, and they behave like already far down this road. It brings up How wonderful is the brain to
waves rather than particles, and the argument that our technology is far
counterintuitive quantum phenomena outpacing our morality—and a wreck of
alert an unbalanced part of the
like tunneling, spin, and entanglement major proportions may be just around the body and the mind
take effect. In conventional devices such bend. TO SEEK THE TRUTH.

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 21

patterns emerged. “It was the first time data on a disc. It’s the optical equivalent HOW TO GET BETTER RESULTS
this had ever been observed” says of taking a sharper pencil to paper. But USING GOOGLE SEARCH
Lorenz’s adviser, Markus Zahn. manufacturing flaws have plagued the ON THE INTERNET
[end quoting] emerging technology.
Perhaps this discovery will lead to a The standard way to generate blue laser From Lockergnome Windows Daily
new field of art or imaging technique. light is to run an electric current through a ( 5/03: [quoting]
crystal or chemical. Excited electrons in Normally I have to scour the forums to
MOLDING MOLECULES the substrate then emit blue light rays. bring you great little tidbits to share with
WITH LIGHT Trouble is, the substrates tend to crack you, but a little birdie gave this one to
under extreme heat, a glitch that ruins up me—and it is just too good to pass up! So
From Popular Mechanics magazine, to a third of all batches. And the solutions I’m gonna step aside, and let Oftentired
June 2003: [quoting] are pricey. take the command today:
Researchers have found the key to Liquids, however, don’t crack. Enter the A successful search using Google can
creating a real “Star Trek”-style Holodeck. world’s first water-based blue laser. be an interesting experience. The key is
Holograms have, of course, been around Researchers at BlackLight Power heated to use the best possible keywords for the
for decades. While your hand passes water vapor with microwaves to generate search and to use as few keywords as
unimpeded through a hologram’s ghostly energized hydrogen atoms which emit possible. After you have your initial
images, microscopic particles can be multispectrum light rays, including Google results, if you are lucky or have
drawn to regions where the light is infrared, blue, and violet. A prototype used these keywords before and know
brightest. blue laser device is expected by the end they work, you will find what you’re
At a recent meeting of the American of the year. looking for on the first Google page of
Physical Society in Austin, Texas, The team says such a multispectrum results.
researchers explained how this particle- laser light could be miniaturized to If you cannot find what you’re looking
drawing effect has been used to create micron dimensions for many for on the first (or only) page of results,
holographic optical “tweezers” that microelectronic applications. “A there are three choices to consider:
suspend particles in space. University of hydrogen laser may prove to be the most 1. Use different, or additional, or fewer
Chicago physicist David Grier, who useful of all” says Randell Mills, keywords for a new search: If your search
pioneered the technology, said very large BlackLight Power’s CEO. results appear to have too many different
computer-generated 3-D holographic — Charles Q. Choi topics of information, remove one or more
arrays could create bright spots or optical [end quoting] of the keywords from your search that
traps that exert sufficient force to suspend Don’t hold your breath on the liquid relate to the more obvious results that you
a collection of microscopic objects. “This approach to solving this problem in an didn’t want—even if those keywords seem
is StarTrek’s Holodeck in action” he said. affordable manner. Also don’t be in a big essential to your search. If you have more
The first application will be more serious: hurry to buy the new blue laser products keywords that you didn’t use for the first
building smaller and faster “lab on a unless you’re willing to be among the search because you wanted to keep it
chip” chemical analyzers. [end quoting] statistics where the blue lasers failed simple, now would be a good time to use
Does this mean we’ll one day be downstream after you’re using the product them either for a new search or in place of
watching Star Trek reruns on a virtual TV for a few months. It sounds like they have some keywords you removed. Sometimes
formed purely from light? some serious bugs to work out yet before your second or third choice of keywords is
this is reliable technology—par for the the right one. At the bottom of a Google
BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL course, at the public’s expense, when results page is a link to “search within
rushing things to market. results”. Sometimes you can narrow your
From Popular Science magazine, for search down using better keywords that
June 2003: [quoting] INTERESTING SEARCH TOOL may come to mind after you view the first
A novel way to squeeze more data onto search results. Just click the link and type
CDs and DVDs. From researcher Calvin Burgin in your keywords. No need to repeat the
Sony’s high-capacity blue laser DVD (, for 5/29/03: ones you already used.
recorder, set to debut in the United States [quoting] 2. If there is more than one Google page
this fall, crams five times more Al, in case you don’t know, if you use of results, try clicking the second and then
information on a disc than the standard Google to search you can type in a phone third page and see if you get lucky. Do
red laser version does and heralds the number in XXX-XXX-XXXX format not waste much time doing this. The odds
arrival of next-generation technology. (include the hyphens), and click search, are greatly diminished if you don’t find it
Enthusiasts eager to get their hands on and it will give you the name and address, on the first couple of pages.
that much data capacity, however, may sometimes a map, of the person and 3. Right-click links (see Hint #3
think twice after learning that production sometimes other information. below) that don’t have exactly what
snags boosted the DVD’s price to about A friend tried his phone number and it you’re looking for, but which DO display
$3,500. But researchers at BlackLight showed his name and address and an words that appear to have something
Power in Cranbury, New Jersey, say they accident report of when he crashed a similar to what you’re searching for, and
have made a discovery that may help plane as a student pilot in World War II. open them in a new window. Quite often,
overcome technical hurdles and get [end quoting] you will find a link to what you’re
reliable blue lasers to market. After a little testing, it was found that looking for on one of these pages. Just
When the kinks are worked out, blue this identification method worked for as often, you will discover better
lasers will likely be the heart of next- listed telephone numbers, but DID NOT keywords to search for on one of these
generation DVDs, CDs, printers, and WORK for unlisted numbers. Again, do pages. Almost as often, you will get lost
scanners. Having shorter wavelengths you get the feeling that Big Brother is for an hour looking at really interesting
than their red brethren, they can etch more REALLY watching us?! stuff you were not originally looking for.

PAGE 22 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

Hint #1: This one is a no-brainer, and KRNL386.EXE 001:00002867) or “This email was cleaned by
you will kick yourself every time you (CMDNINST caused protection fault emailStripper, available for free from the
realize you didn’t do it: use a keyword module KRNL386.EXE)
that will obviously always be on the page 4. Try different, completely intact website location.”
of information you are looking for. This sections of it in quotes (“CMDNINST This statement (above) was put here by
keyword will have absolutely nothing to caused a general protection fault”) the program and will be put at the end of
do with what you are looking for. (“fault in module KRNL386.EXE”) any email conversion; I just left it on so I
Example: If you are searching for a (“module KRNL386.EXE at could tell you about the program.
program to download called “cars” and 001:00002867”) Go to their site and you can get this
perform a search for “cars”, you will get a 5. Try the idiot numbers that showed up, tiny free program that will clean up most
whole bunch of cars. Red cars, green cars, with and without quotation marks. You of the < and > brackets and other garbage
blue cars, new cars, used cars, 1998 cars, might get lucky and find yourself that you f ind in email when it is
2000 cars, etc.... Now, change your search hollering BINGO really loud. forwarded.
and use the keywords “cars download” (001:00002867 or “001:00002867”) I keep an icon for it in the “quick
and see what you get. Downloads, all Hint #3: Always right-click and Open launch” section of my task bar (on the
kinds of them, and there is a game called in New Window every link you look at lower left of my Windows desktop) so it’s
Tiny Cars that you can download. How from your search results. This will save always handy. When I get an article from
about that? you a lot of time. To go back to your the Internet or email I want to put into
“Hint #2a: If you have something search results, just minimize the new my normal MSWord format, I COPY the
you’re looking for that has more than one window or click the X to close it. But do article/message to the clipboard, and
word to describe it, and those words are in remember to keep the link window open then open the Email Stripper program,
the shape of a phrase, try searching with if there is even the remotest chance you which opens as a new window, and then
quotes around your phrase with no other will want to look at it again. By keeping click on PASTE, then STRIP, and then
keywords present. You may get lucky. For the original search results open in their COPY (which copies to the clipboard). I
example, if I’m searching for information own pristine window, you will save a lot then open MSWord (or any other word-
on my Samsung CDRW, I can get the exact of time and irritation. processing program) and PASTE it on a
name of it from my system information Hint #4: (via Chris_1013): I’ve got a clean page. I now have a clean copy.
and search using that exact name. But, I similar tip along the same vein—ever If I want to email it, I then COPY and
will get search results containing all of the have a song stuck in your head, but you PASTE it into a new email message form.
words scattered around, and not just can’t remember what it’s called? I just go
together as they would be if the page had to Google, enter the whole line of lyric I MORE INTERESTING WEBSITES
specific information on it regarding my can remember, enclosed in quotes. I TO BROWSE
particular make/model. What I’m looking always find a page that’s got the whole
for WILL be in the search results, but I lyric of the song, and get the title from •
will have to spend an hour clicking page that. (Note: I would add that, in this case, topic.asp?whichpage=2&TOPIC_ID=
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc., to find it. In most the keyword you might consider 475#3094 is a very interesting free forum
cases where there is a page of detailed including is “lyrics”—used for the same site with something for everyone.
information, it will also have the exact reason I suggest using “download” in •
title of what you are looking for. If I put hint #1.) modules.php?name=Web_Links is an
the quotation marks around the title of it, Hint #5: via (Chris_1013): Another excellent site for Earth conditions;
I will be more likely to get the results on thing is that Google is so good you can poleshift, weather, volcanos, food
my first or second page of search results. sometimes do away with bookmarks. Just availability, etc.
Hint #2b: The use of quotation marks type the name of any major company, • has
also applies to error messages. But software application, TV show, etc., and many ancient esoteric books.
searching for error messages needs a hit the “I’m Feeling
separate hint. Sometimes taking chunks
of a long error message and searching for
Lucky” link, and it
usually takes you to SPECTR UM SPRING
parts of it that seem to be most specific to
the error can provide quick results.
Here’s an example of how I would do a
the official site. I do
this from the Google
toolbar, so I don’t
Google search for this error message: “The even have to surf to It’s springtime and we need to clean out the old to make room for
error CMDNINST caused a general Google first! the new — LUCKY YOU!
protection fault in module [end quoting] While they last*, ALL back issues of The SPECTRUM — from
KRNL386.EXE at 001:00002867” Also, the following June 1999 (our very first “Premier” issue) until December 2001 —
1. Try the entire thing first without is a very handy free are ONLY $2.00 each, and that includes postage! These are all in
quotation marks (The error CMDNINST program for taking newspaper format. See back pages of this magazine for a listing of
caused a general protection fault in most of the all the issues. Get them while you can — they won’t last long!
module KRNL386.EXE at “garbage” out of Credit Card orders, call toll-free: 1 ( 8 7 7 ) - 2 8 0 - 2 8 6 6
001:00002867) your email when you
2. Try the entire thing enclosed in want to save it to a Mail Orders, send Check or Money Order to:
quotes (“The error CMDNINST caused a WORD document or The SPECTRUM
general protection fault in module to forward it without PO BOX 1567
KRNL386.EXE at 001:00002867”) “garbage”, etc. I use Tehachapi CA 93581
3. Try the entire thing with some words it many times a day; Be sure to specify the exact issues you want.
removed; no quotes. (error CMDNINST it’s been a big
caused general protection fault module timesaver for me. (*This offer does NOT include out-of-print issues — Vol. 1, #’s 2, 3, & 12)

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 23

• on to their thrones by wowing the general deep presentation deeply questioning the
forum.cgi?read=32494 shows the populace by claims that their royal Madison Avenue contrived culture being
Digital Tectonic Activity Map (DTAM), “Merovingian” bloodlines trace back to foisted upon us as necessary and standard.
which is a new visualization tool for Jesus Christ (and his wife, Mary of [end quoting]
both researcher and educator alike to Magdela). Their pimp, “Sir” Lawrence One could start quite a debate about the
better understand tectonic activity of our Gardner, is currently on the lecture circuit subconscious symbolism of this movie.
planet for the past 1 million years. pushing several books making this Ultimately, it’s effect depends upon the
preposterous claim. character of each viewer—as to whether it
COMMENTS ON THE MOVIE Then again, we cannot discount the opens one up to greater mind-control
MATRIX II importance of the figure of “The manipulation or stimulates a resolve to
Architect” (the creator of the Matrix faux- recognize and overcome already well
From Dr. Richard Boylan (E-mail: universe cybernetic program). The established mind-control techniques; Website: Architect is grandly pompous, pseudo- effectively used every day through the, 5/18/03: [quoting] omniscient, and patronizing, and is thus media.
Matrix II, while not a complete another sly parody of the Masonic secret
departure from Matrix I, nevertheless societies’ quasi-divine central principle of TWO AMAZING STORIES
deals with metaphysical issues which the world.
seldom come within the purview of many The “world rulers” like to think that From the
college students who are not Philosophy they derive their power from their website, 5/18/03: [quoting]
majors, much less today’s general public. exclusive possession of the ancient
Needless to say, aside from some seldom- secrets handed down by the Thule Story Number One
viewed French philosophical movies, it (Hitler’s) Society, Madame Blavatsky,
sets a standard for accessible and Illuminati, Masonic, Knights Templar, Many years ago, Al Capone virtually
appealing presentation of fundamental Kabala, Essene, Gnostic, Delphi, owned Chicago. Capone wasn’t famous
philosophical issues of human existence. Zoroasterian, Babylonian, Akkadian, for anything heroic. His exploits were
For example, take John Partridge, a Sumerian metaphysician-regents, who anything but praiseworthy. He was,
professor of philosophy at Wheaton wrongly monopolized the teachings however, notorious for enmeshing the
College whose work focuses on the given by the Star Visitors of 6000 B.C., windy city in everything from bootlegged
philosophy of the ancient Greeks. and only handed them on to fellow secret booze and prostitution to murder.
Partridge considers the striking society initiates. Capone had a lawyer in Chicago
similarities between The Matrix and the This is the dangerous trend perpetuated nicknamed “Easy Eddie”. He was his
“cave” scenario described in Plato’s by Nazi-era Professor Strauss, the lawyer for a good reason. Eddie was very
Republic. In addition to pointing out the philosophical fountainhead of the current good! In fact, Eddie’s skill at legal
numerous surface parallels between the Pentagon’s “The Cabal”—housed in the maneuvering kept Big Al out of jail for a
cave-dwellers Plato describes and the Office of “Special” Projects. long time.
humans trapped in the Matrix, Partridge Indeed, in this metaphysical whiz- To show his appreciation, Capone paid
explores a deeper continuity between the movie, Matrix II, I am tempted to think him very well. Not only was the money
film and Plato’s text: both narratives that the Wachowski Brothers are waging big, but Eddie got special dividends. For
privilege the self-knowledge that follows single-handed beneficial psychological instance, he and his family occupied a
from the right kind of self-examination. warfare against the geoplutocratic cabal fenced-in mansion with live-in help and
As Plato might put it, both Neo [Keanu elite, and mocking their pseudo- all of the conveniences of the day. The
Reeves, the hero] and the cave-dwellers metaphysical underpinnings to boot. estate was so large that it filled an entire
must undertake a difficult journey from Far from a message of discouragement Chicago city block.
darkness to light if genuine knowledge to the Light-workers and metaphysically- Yes, Eddie lived the high life of the
(and consequently true “care of the soul”) aware among us, I found the Matrix II’s Chicago mob and gave little
is to be attained. message to be a rallying call that all is not consideration to the atrocity that went on
Further, I read in Matrix II a careful lost, that those who are awake to the around him. Eddie did have one soft spot,
parallel to certain important but covert trillion-dollar deception being woven however. He had a son who he loved
contemporary geopolitical issues. The around us are capable of winning back dearly. Eddie saw to it that his young son
“Merovingian” character is a sly society from the Forces of Darkness. had the best of everything: clothes, cars,
caricature of the pretensions of certain Finally, I must rejoin: the fight scenes and a good education. Nothing was
contemporary European royalty, many as ridiculous? I think not. The scene of withheld. Price was no object. And,
deposed, who would like to regain/hold Neo’s combat against a hundred Agent despite his involvement with organized
Smiths (think elite cabal crime, Eddie even tried to teach him right
from wrong. Yes, Eddie tried to teach his
REMINDER TO OUR READERS henchmen) will set the
standard for years in martial son to rise above his own sordid life.
arts cinematography. And a Eddie wanted his son to be a better man
The SPECTRUM is a non-profit educational visual reminder that a Light- than he was. Yet, with all his wealth and
corporation with 501(c)(3) tax status. All worker, like the Sir Lancelot influence, there were two things he
donations are tax deductible and greatly help us of legend of old, “has couldn’t give his son; two things that
keep our doors open to provide you-the-readers the strength of ten, because Eddie sacrificed to the Capone mob that
his heart is pure”. he couldn’t pass on to his beloved son: a
with The Truth. All donations are gratefully All in all, I think that good name and a good example.
appreciated and formally acknowledged for Matrix II realizes the best of One day, Easy Eddie reached a difficult
your tax-deduction purposes. cinema’s potential, in decision. Offering his son a good name
presenting a painless but was far more important than all the riches

PAGE 24 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

he could lavish on him. Easy Eddie Finally, the exasperated Japanese the spaces between the big rocks. He then
wanted to rectify all the wrong he had squadron took off in another direction. asked the group once more: “Is the jar
done. Deeply relieved, Butch O’Hare and his full?”
He decided he would go to the tattered fighter limped back to the carrier. By this time the class was on to him.
authorities and tell the truth about Al Upon arrival he reported in and related “Probably not” one of them answered.
“Scarface” Capone; he would try to clean the event surrounding his return. The film “Good!” he replied.
up his tarnished name and offer his son from the gun-camera mounted on his He reached under the table and brought
some semblance of integrity. But to do plane told the tale. It showed the extent of out a bucket of sand. He started dumping
this, he would have to testify against The Butch’s daring attempt to protect his fleet. the sand in the jar and it went into all of
Mob, and he knew that the cost would be He had in fact destroyed five enemy the spaces left between the rocks and the
great. aircraft. This took place on February 20, gravel. Once more he asked the question:
But more than anything, he wanted to 1942, and for that action Butch became “Is this jar full?”
be an example to his son. He wanted to the Navy’s first Ace of World War II, and “No!” the class shouted.
do his best to make restoration and, the first Naval Aviator to win the Once again he said: “Good!”
hopefully, have a good name to leave his Congressional Medal of Honor. Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and
son. So, he testified. A year later Butch was killed in aerial began to pour it in until the jar was filled
Within the year, Easy Eddie’s life ended combat at the age of 29. His hometown to the brim.
in a blaze of gunfire on a lonely Chicago would not allow the memory of this World Then he looked at the class and asked:
Street. But in his eyes, he had given his War II hero to fade, and today, O’Hare “What is the point of this illustration?”
son the greatest gift he had to offer, at the Airport in Chicago is named in tribute to One eager beaver raised his hand and
greatest price he would ever pay. the courage of this great man. said: “The point is, no matter how full
So the next time you find yourself at your schedule is, if you try really hard,
Story Number Two O’Hare International, give some thought you can always fit some more things in
to visiting Butch’s memorial displaying it!”
World War II produced many heroes. his statue and his Medal of Honor. It’s “No” the speaker replied, “that’s not the
One such man was Lieutenant located between Terminals 1 and 2. point. The truth this illustration teaches
Commander Butch O’Hare. He was a us is, if you do not put the big rocks in
fighter pilot assigned to the aircraft carrier * * * first, you’ll never get them in at all.
Lexington in the South Pacific. One day So what do these two stories have to do “What are the ‘big rocks’ in your life?
his entire squadron was sent on a mission. with each other? Time with your loved ones; your faith;
After he was airborne, he looked at his Butch O’Hare was Easy Eddie’s son. your education; your dreams; a worthy
fuel gauge and realized that someone had [end quoting] cause; teaching or mentoring others?
forgotten to top off his fuel tank. He Many lives were ultimately saved due “Remember to put these ‘big rocks’ in
would not have enough fuel to complete to those important lessons of character first or you will never get them in at all.
his mission and get back to his ship. His that Easy Eddie conveyed to his son. And “So, tonight, or in the morning, when
flight leader told him to return to the once again, truth is so much more you are reflecting on this short story, ask
carrier. Reluctantly, he dropped out of interesting than fiction! yourself this question: What are the ‘big
formation and headed back to the fleet. rocks’ in my life? Then, put those in your
As he was returning to the mother ship, A PARABLE ABOUT jar first.” [end quoting]
he saw something that turned his blood LIFE’S MANY CHOICES Sounds like a good question to answer
cold. A squadron of Japanese aircraft were before we wish we had done so sooner.
speeding their way toward the American From the website,
fleet. The American fighters were gone on 5/29/03: [quoting] THE SIMPLE SECRET
a sortie, and the fleet was all but One day, an expert in time management OF HAPPINESS
defenseless. He couldn’t reach his was speaking to a group of business
squadron and bring them back in time to students and, to drive home a point, used Shared by a reader and Internet
save the fleet. Nor could he warn the fleet an illustration those students will never correspondent, 5/29/03: [quoting]
of the approaching danger. There was forget. One day, one friend asked another:
only one thing to do. He must somehow As he stood in front of the group of “How is it that you are always so happy?
divert them from the fleet. high-powered over-achievers he said: You have so much energy, and you never
Laying aside all thoughts of personal “Okay, time for a quiz.” seem to get down.”
safety, he dove into the formation of He pulled out a one-gallon, wide-mouth With her eyes smiling, she said: “I know
Japanese planes. Wing-mounted 50 Mason jar and set it on the table in front The Secret!”
calibers blazed as he charged in, attacking of him. He also produced about a dozen “What secret is that?”
one surprised enemy plane and then fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, To which she replied: “I’ll tell you all
another. Butch wove in and out of the one at a time, into the jar. When the jar about it, but you have to promise to share
now broken formation and fired at as was filled to the top and no more rocks The Secret with others.”
many planes as possible until all his would fit inside, he asked: “Is this jar “The Secret is this: I have learned there
ammunition was finally spent. full?” is little I can do in my life that will make
Undaunted, he continued the assault. Everyone in the class yelled “Yes!” me truly happy. I must depend on God to
He dove at the planes, trying to clip a The time management expert replied: make me happy and to meet my needs.
wing or tail in hopes of damaging as “Really?” “When a need arises in my life, I have to
many enemy planes as possible and He reached under the table and pulled trust God to supply according to His
rendering them unfit to fly. He was out a bucket of gravel. He dumped some riches. I have learned most of the time I
desperate to do anything he could to keep gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces don’t need half of what I think I do. He
them from reaching the American ships. of gravel to work themselves down into has never let me down. Since I learned

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 25

that Secret, I am happy.” passing through. She couldn’t thank him nearly eight months pregnant, but she
The questioner’s first thought was: enough for coming to her aid. never let the strain and aches change her
“That’s too simple!” Bryan just smiled as he closed her attitude.
But upon reflecting over her own life, trunk. She asked him how much she owed The old lady wondered how someone
she recalled how she thought a bigger him. Any amount would have been all who had so little could be so giving to a
house would make her happy, but it right with her. She already imagined all stranger. Then she remembered Bryan.
didn’t! She thought a better paying job the awful things that could have After the lady finished her meal, and
would make her happy, but it hadn’t. happened had he not stopped. Bryan the waitress went to get change for her
When did she realize her greatest never thought twice about the money. hundred-dollar bill, the lady slipped right
happiness? Sitting on the floor with her This was not a job to him. out the door. She was gone by the time
grandchildren, playing games, eating This was helping someone in need, and the waitress came back. The waitress
pizza, or reading a story—a simple gift God knows there were plenty who had wondered where the lady could be, then
from God. given him a hand in the past. He had she noticed something written on the
Now you know it too! We can’t depend lived his whole life that way, and it never napkin, under which was four $100 bills.
on people to make us happy. Only God, occurred to him to act any other way. There were tears in her eyes when she
in His infinite wisdom can do that. Trust He told her that, if she really wanted to read what the lady wrote: “You don’t owe
Him! pay him back, the next time she saw me anything; I have been there too.
And now I pass The Secret on to you. someone who needed help, she could give Somebody once helped me out, the way
So once you get it, what will you do? that person the assistance they needed. I’m helping you. If you really want to
You have to tell someone The Secret, And Bryan added: “And think of me!” pay me back, here is what you do: Do
too. That God, in His wisdom, will take He waited until she started her car and not let this chain of love end with you.”
care of You. But it’s not really a secret. drove off. It had been a cold and Well, there were tables to clear, sugar
We just have to believe it and do it. depressing day, but he felt good as he bowls to fill, and people to serve, but the
Really trust God! [end quoting] headed for home, disappearing into the waitress made it through another day.
How easy to say, and yet how difficult twilight. That night, when she got home from
for most to live. A few miles down the road the lady saw work and climbed into bed, she was
a small cafe. She went in to grab a bite to thinking about the money and what the
WHAT GOES AROUND, eat, and take the chill off before she made lady had written. How could the lady
COMES AROUND the last leg of her trip home. It was a have known how much she and her
dingy looking restaurant. Outside were husband needed it? With the baby due
From an Internet source, 5/30/03: two old gas pumps. next month, it was going to be hard. She
[quoting] The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. knew how worried her husband was, and
“Throw your dream into space like a The cash register was like the telephone as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave
kite, and you do not know what it will of an out-of-work actor: it didn’t ring him a soft kiss and whispered soft and
bring back—a new life, a new friend, a much. Her waitress came over and low: “Everything’s gonna be all right; I
new love, a new country.” brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. love you, Bryan.”
He almost didn’t see the old lady, She had a sweet smile, one that even [end quoting]
stranded on the side of the road. But even being on her feet for the whole day You just never know how fast some
in the dim light of day, he could see she couldn’t erase. random act of kindness might come
needed help. So he pulled up in front of The lady noticed the waitress was home to roost. S
her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac
was still sputtering when he approached
Even with the smile on his face, she was
worried. No one had stopped to help for Bill Schorr / New York Daily News
the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt
her? He didn’t look safe; he looked poor
and hungry.
He could see that she was frightened,
standing out there in the cold.
He knew how she felt. It was that chill
which only fear can put in you.
He said: “I’m here to help you ma’am.
Why don’t you wait in the car where it’s
warm? By the way, my name is Bryan.”
Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for
an old lady, that was bad enough. Bryan
crawled under the car, looking for a place
to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a
time or two. Soon he was able to change
the tire.
But he had to get dirty and his hands
hurt. As he was tightening up the lug
nuts, she rolled down the window and
began to talk to him. She told him that
she was from St. Louis and was only just

PAGE 26 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

Your Lively, Living Universe:
Both Without And Within
6/1/03 SOLTEC experience. living universe. This is because once your
This is the kind of schoolroom consciousness starts to expand from
Good evening, my friend. Thank you for environment your dear Mother Earth encountering such a breathtaking reality,
dedicating this time to we of the Host of provides, despite enduring so much pain you more clearly perceive the petty nature
God that a message can be “brought from the “tantrums” of those relative few of the dark ones’ deceptions, and thus their
through” and shared with many on your dark ones who struggle, against an control tactics quickly lose power over
world who sincerely ask from the heart for incoming high-tide of great change, to you.
guidance and insight. sustain their status quo of control over the Why do you think your astronauts have
It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” vast majority of you. As Mother Earth returned from important space missions as
Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of continues to shake and shudder more profoundly “changed” people? Of course
Creator Source. I speak on behalf of many intensely, due to energies affecting her some of their odd behaviors are indeed due
of your Elder Brethren who are here with both from within and from without, it to an immense degree of memory-blocking
me at this challenging time for us all. would be wise to acknowledge her mind control having been imposed on
For newer readers who may be curious sustained, nurturing compassion toward these ones—in addition to very real
about such messages as these, I can be you ones with a simple prayer of thanks. “national security” death threats to
regarded as a kind of senior scientist and Many ones have been chattering on such themselves and their families, etc. And yet
geophysical overseer of this present Earth as your Internet with great curiosity about The Truth still leaks out under certain
Transition Project. Your living universe— photographs of large “objects” seen in the triggering circumstances, as some of you
both without and within—is much more vicinity of your Sun. Sometimes these who follow such matters are well aware.
alive and lively than your current level of objects are “there” and sometimes they’re Such revealing outbursts are kept to a
science has yet recognized, though the not. Sometimes areas of your SOHO minimum by keeping these astronauts
clues continue to hit them over the head. images are blocked-out or patched-over away from public interactions as much as
Yes, my scribe, your head feels like it is with pieces of other images to avoid possible.
about to split apart all of a sudden. We are sharing The Truth with you who pay the As for those controversial “objects”
making adjustments as great efforts are, as bills for these projects. Some ones assert sometimes being sighted near your Sun—
usual, put forth from dark ones associated quite vigorously that such an object is well, at any given time objects both natural
with your Earth domain to attempt to block imminently going to wreak havoc with and artificial may be present and
these transmissions. While such Earth, sending you back to the Stone Age observable there. Your Sun is a great
antagonisms have crippled some of our less or worse. conscious being as worthy of attention at
focused or determined receivers, our Dear ones, we would remind you that the this epochal Transition time as are you
capabilities infinitely surpass those of the space around your planet and throughout ones. Much is going on there that is of
adversarial forces who would effort to your solar system is literally TEEMING interest to (and has attracted the presence
block such messages as this. with intelligent activity. Only a very small of ) some of your elder cosmic brethren,
Behold the folly of these adversarial window of that liveliness occurs within a who seek to learn more about the thinking
pawns, these wayward “children of the lie” frequency range visible to your physical of our Creator, the Grand Designer of All
who have been conned by the Great senses and related instrumentation. That Is, through that which you would
Trickster into thinking they sit in a driver’s But even within that narrow physical recognize as “scientific” study of Creation.
seat of some kind of power. They, too, will perception zone, it would truly astound Dear ones, it is time to grow beyond the
eventually learn, as a result of the free-will most of you to see what your astronauts image of space painted by your
choices they’ve made at this time, that routinely observe during their near-space disinformation experts and their media
there are more fulfilling paths they have missions. Of course, you-the-people are (especially Hollywood) stooges as some
yet to experience. the last to know what REALLY goes on in kind of hostile, haphazard place wherein
You more Lighted ones play a teaching space. Besides it’s disguised military nobody is “minding the store”. Nothing
role in their learning, just as they mission, NASA’s main job is to act as a could be further from The Truth!
presently play a strengthening and buffer between The Truth and the public on We have explained to you, over and over
testing role in your learning. As you behalf of what you call your secret again, that you are in a time when your
Lighted ones grow stronger with respect government of spiritually dark, elite world entire solar system is entering into a region
to their “temptations”, they will see the controllers who function as well-duped of universal space wherein there exists a
shortsightedness of their present chosen puppets for the Great Trickster. domain of high-frequency energies that act
path of service to self rather than service These dark ones are, as usual, as a kind of a “cosmic car-wash”. We (and
to others. It is a valid path for some to desperately trying to keep you ignorant to some of your wisest Native teachers like
explore in the greater unfoldment of the Greater Realities of your dynamic, the Hopi) often refer to this as the time of

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 27

the Great Awakening and Great Cleansing stimulation, in essence greatly expanding Furthermore, ones are finding
on planet Earth because these terms what your experiential machine is capable themselves gravitating toward “lighter”
describe the kinds of global of doing—as many of you will gradually meals in smaller portions, but perhaps more
transformational events that are being be discovering. often. A peanut butter sandwich with fresh
energized and accelerated all around your [Editor’s note: While we’re on this fruit or salad is more often sounding more
world as a result of the influx of these Great fascinating subject, be sure to see Master satisfying than is a heavy meal of steak and
Celestial Healing Energies. Hilarion’s classic dissertation titled potatoes.
EVERYTHING—from delicate Understanding Your Bio-Electric Sensing But beyond the physical changes taking
mechanical and electrical devices on your Machine shared elsewhere in this issue of place, so too is your “mental body”
planet (like clock mechanisms and The SPECTRUM.] responding to these incoming high-
computers), to rates of radioactive decay of One common effect of these accelerating frequency energies. Though perhaps at
isotopes, to cellular structure of both plants changes is a feeling of tiredness partway times disorienting right now, these energies
and animals, to the behavior of Mother through your day, and a need to sleep are stimulating an expansion of
Earth herself—is being affected. NO more. In sleep your body can more easily consciousness leading to a deeply felt
PHYSICAL MATTER CAN AVOID “catch up” again to the frequency awareness of a greater personal connection
RESPONDING TO THESE INCOMING upshifting that you begin to lag behind, as to all around you—from the little butterfly
HIGH-FREQUENCY ENERGIES because your day progresses, due to the typical that just landed on your finger to the
their transformative effects occur first at the stresses associated with modern living massive churnings going on at the center
“etheric” level wherein operates the (which tend to lower your frequency). of Mother Earth.
substructure of energy patterns which Even those who generally remain in a This expansion most emphatically
literally form what you perceive as higher-frequency state of laughter, joy, and includes the awakening of greater intuitive
physical matter. appreciation are feeling some effects from or “psychic” abilities, including a stronger
Naturally, you too are being affected. the energies which are bathing your planet perception of dishonesty in any of its many
This is partly because you utilize a bio- at this time. And those who allow prevalent forms on your planet at this time.
electric physical apparatus—your body— themselves to entertain the lower- Needless to say, this situation alone poses
to interface with the physical reality of frequency states of pessimism, anger, quite a problem for those dark ones who
your environment, and that body’s physical depression, etc. for any length of time are wish to maintain their status quo of control
matter/energy construct is responding just having particular difficulties now, often over you!
as much to the incoming high-frequency manifesting life-threatening illnesses of Meanwhile, these incoming high-
“cleansing” energies as is everything else one kind or another. (So consider well the frequency energy effects are certainly not
around you. Your cellular structure is Hopi message shared in last month’s limited to your Earth environment—
enhancing in response to this energy SPECTRUM.) though that’s understandably your


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immediate viewpoint. ALL of your solar Dear ones, if it is the Will of God that appears more topsy-turvy to the physical
system—including your planets, as well as such be done, do you not think we of God’s sensing experience. These inner senses
their great parent, your Sun—are likewise Host have the capability to literally move will become your source of orientation,
responding in their own ways to an entire planet to a new location in a balance, and “grounding” as you
stimulation from these cosmic energies of universe?! So rest assured that ANY object experience a stronger and stronger personal
cleansing and healing leading to a which may come your way is by design for connection with the grand dimensional
fundamental dimensional upshiftment. your growth in the Earth schoolroom—and upshiftment that your entire solar system is
That is what this time of Transition is all not some careless or hostile or random act experiencing at this time.
about. of chance. So we say to you again: Go within for
In that regard, we of the Host of God (and [Editor’s note: Furthermore, picture your answers, and ask your questions with
many who work with us in various what would happen to NASA’s credibility a pure and sincere desire of the heart. AND
observational and supervisory capacities with the public, the press, and the not- THEN LISTEN FOR THE ANSWER! For
from throughout the omniverse of bought-off amateur astronomers if NASA the call always compels the answer.
universes) are very busy these days chose to make a public announcement Let us end this here with the expectation
monitoring—and in some cases about some object in space that’s, say, that our discussion has been of some value.
stabilizing—that which is underway in spotted as coming toward the Earth. And You who are honestly seeking answers
your physical domain for the greater then a few weeks later it has changed through such as these messages are on a
balance of our combined evolutionary course, perhaps radically—or worse yet, grand journey of discovery and expansion.
journey. just plain disappeared. That’s a much Do not be concerned about those ones not
Thus you may, for instance, see bigger dilemma to try to explain away yet ready to move past the comforts of the
“objects” near your Sun one day and not than just saying nothing to begin with. familiar, for at this time of Transition they,
the next. And if the object is not What is NASA supposed to do at that too, will be caused to grow in ways
seemingly “there” when you look, is that point? Certainly not admit The Truth that consistent with their seeming free-will
because it has moved away from your would negate their entire disinformation choices actually rooted in fear.
space, or has it simply moved up in mission! ] I am Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec,
frequency, out of your range of perception And that brings us to matters of the heart. speaking on behalf of many other Teachers
with physical senses and instrumentation? This is your “connection point” to your and Wayshowers from what you would call
Let me repeat this as a clue for your Higher Self, and also your “truth meter” for the Higher Realms. I am of the Host of God
consideration: Your universe is NOT a detecting all kinds of sophisticated and I leave you in His Infinite Light and
bunch of dirty rocks haphazardly flitting manipulations that the desperate world Love.
about in some random format, like an controllers are throwing your way. You have much to think on and even
accident waiting to happen, with nobody ALL of you were endowed by your more to feel hopeful about. There is
supervising what’s going on! WHERE Creator with exquisite inner perceptive nothing random about Creator’s Grand
DOES GOD (OR WE OF HIS HOSTS) FIT abilities. These are the ones we have been Design—except that which is perceived to
INTO SUCH A LIMITED VIEWPOINT?! encouraging you to develop through many be such due to lack of understanding.
This is a similar view to what one of your past messages of this nature. You are now at the threshold of the
more insightful astrophysicists—ostracized These inner perceptive abilities are doorway that leads to a grand exploration
(as usual) by the conventional scientific going to become more and more important of both inner and outer space. Will you
community—has asserted on a much to you ones as your world seemingly knock or turn away in fear? Salu. S
smaller scale about the complex beings
you ones call comets: that these are not
simply “dirty snowballs” as is
conventionally believed.
[Editor’s note: Here Soltec is obviously
referring to Jim McCanney, the subject of
our May 2003 front-page feature story.]
Meanwhile the dark controllers on your
planet are scrambling to hold onto the
“kingdom” they have been building for so
long now. In that quest they are utilizing
every possible avenue of deception to
create their favorite consumer control
product: FEAR! And outer space is no
exception. “You both have
Those of you who have been following a something in
certain source of the “outer space object common. Dr.
coming this way very soon” agitation may Rudolph has
wish to now more closely examine how
woven in FEAR have been the many doom- discovered a
and-gloom pronouncements in that regard. particle which
Thoughtful examination of the nobody has seen,
information presented would show the and Prof. Higbe
telltale hallmarks of such a manipulation has discovered a
exercise: (1) throw some truth in the mix as galaxy which
a convincing hook, but (2) leave God out nobody has seen.”
of the picture.

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 29

Cancer Cure
Since 1930s [ Continued From Front Cover ] Interview by Rick Martin

Notice you don’t see news stories habit to walk all over the constitutional legal actions, class actions, by daring
about the numbers of deaths and injuries rights of those whom they choose to prosecutors would carry the message
by our medical establishment in their identify as a target for persecution (but loud-and-clear as well.
“practice” of medicine. That’s a sacred not necessary prosecution, which could (NOTE: This story constitutes an
cow as off-limits to media probing as are raise too much public awareness of their educational sharing of available
those incessant (but oh-so-lucrative) bullying tactics). information. It is not intended to
advertisements pushing drugs that, as One of the KEY (but by no means the represent a medical prescription, nor is
they tell you more, sound downright only) focal points for the FDA has been it to be construed as giving medical
lethal. If Hitler had done what American the perpetual suppression of Rife advice. If you have a medical
medicine is doing, it would have been technologies—or what is generally condition, consult your physician.)
called a holocaust. referred to as “electro-medicine”. And For medical practitioners and scientists
And then there’s the rising costs of the FDA’s usual technique for in the know, Rife technology is one of
our current medical system. But we’re suppressing this amazing technology is the most powerful and effective tools
not JUST talking about money here. simply to go in and conf iscate all available for health and wellness. This is
Sure, we’re being robbed of more and equipment and related business tools, precisely why it represents such a threat
more money at every turn in the thus effectively financially ruining many to the longtime domination of the
road—from simple office visits to of the small businesses working to medical-pharmaceutical cartels, while
unnecessary procedures. But—as develop and promote this route to good emerging as a powerful alternative to the
you’ll see as this story unfolds— health. solutions offered by an antiquated
WE’RE LIKEWISE BEING ROBBED One confidential impeccable source medical system which is f inally
OF GOOD HEALTH AND, IN MANY tells The SPECTRUM that, since 1982, revealing itself to be in a full-blown
CASES, OUR VERY LIVES! How do the FDA—“watching out” for us—has crisis in the United States.
you calculate those costs? conducted over 12,500 raids on
Because so many people—millions American citizens and businesses! California Publicly Recognizes
and millions of them now—realize that None dare call these government- Alternative Healthcare
something is terribly wrong, they’re sponsored FDA raids criminal grand-
seeking alternatives. And that’s bad news theft, and none dare call them In a long overdue public recognition
for the BUSINESS of conventional terrorism. BUT THAT IS EXACTLY of the fact that millions are looking for a
medicine. WHAT THEY ARE! better approach to health and wellness,
When the sheep start to stray, the When there is no genuine last year California passed legislation
“Medical Maf ia”—in one form or Congressional oversight, the checks and THAT SHOULD BE NOTED VERY
another—is called in to “restore order” balances built into our democratic CAREFULLY BY OTHER STATES. I
by suppressing alternative (and republic by the Founding Fathers have am including this here because, as the
especially superior) avenues to wellness been effectively shut-down, giving FDA raids continue in the state of
which are derailing cash flow from the easily influenced alphabet agencies like California, it opens up some potentially
designated Big Business coffers and, the FDA an open invitation to carry out signif icant legal ramifications to be
higher up the ladder, upsetting the world the wishes of behind-the-scenes noted and perhaps utilized in defense
control gang’s depopulation agenda. controllers. And that’s exactly where we actions.
And who leads this assault restricting find ourselves today. In a press release from the California
the health choices—and in a sense, Perhaps since Congressional oversight Health Freedom Coalition issued on
overriding fundamental freedoms—of the of that which directly affects we-the- September 23, 2002, we read: (OTHER
American people? Enter the federal Food people is OBVIOUSLY NOT WORKING, STATES, PAY ATTENTION!)
& Drug Administration (FDA), working in a Special Prosecutor or Special Council [quoting]
collusion with the American Medical should be appointed. The only problem
Association (AMA) and the top is: who would do the appointing? Senate Bill 577 Signed Into Law
(wealthiest, elite-owned) pharmaceutical Certainly not the foxes already running By Governor Davis!
companies. the henhouse! Or perhaps it is up to the
The FDA—supposedly watching out individual states to act as watchdogs We did it. With your help, the
for you and me—has abused its authority over those federal agencies abusing the California legislature has now passed
for decades, and has regularly made it a constitutional rights of citizens. Perhaps landmark health freedom legislation that

PAGE 30 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

guarantees health freedom not only for Business cartels dominating the medical it quite clear why the FDA is frantically
our state, but changes the health freedom and pharmaceutical industries? Not trying to “keep the lid on” this cheap
climate nationwide. likely on their own. Not until we-the- alternative to the lucrative status quo.
California has passed landmark health people put more pressure on them to First here’s some introductory
freedom legislation—Senate Bill 577. In clean up their act. But their covert comments by the Editor of Everyday
fact, the bill passed the legislature collusion with business doesn’t alter the Practical Electronics in that April 2001
without a single “no” vote. historical facts. I will be sharing more on issue of their fine magazine:
Today (9/23/02) Senate Bill 577 was that subject later in this article. [quoting]
signed into law by Governor Davis. As In early April of this year, one such Suppression
he said when he signed the bill, SB 577 Rife wellness-device business in San
“will ease access to alternative and Diego was raided by the FDA, and a lot It’s not often that we carry an
complementary healthcare options for all of equipment was, as is their usual tactic, interesting story in EPE rather than a
Californians”. He also stated that “the simply taken away. No charges, as yet, technical feature, project, or review, but
bill provides adequate safeguards for have been filed, but federal prosecution this month our The End To All Disease
California consumers and enables them in that case is anticipated later this supplement is just that. It’s quite a
to make an informed choice regarding summer. departure for us, but when you read it
their personal healthcare.” The FDA and federal prosecutors can you will realise why we feel it is
SB 577, authored by Senate Pro Tem expect a major fight on their hands. important to publish the full story, rather
John Burton (D-San Francisco), provides SPECTRUM readers have seen the than simply skim the surface and give an
that a person is not in violation of certain advertisements for this particular Rife experimental circuit.
provisions of the Medical Practice Act device within our pages, month after The level of interest in this material,
(that prohibit the practice of medicine to month. These are the kinds of devices following our brief announcement last
anyone who is not a licensed physician) that the FDA seized. month, has been amazing, and once you
as long as that person does not engage in Before we examine the arrogant are aware of the story, some research on
certain specified medical acts. It also specifics of that FDA raid, we need to the web will throw up many sites with
requires specified disclosures to each cover some background about who Royal information. We hope that by giving
client about practitioner training and R. Rife was and what he created that is so exposure to the original work of Rife it
method of treatment. Client receipt of important to suppress. will encourage a more open-minded
disclosure materials must be The following superb article about approach by those in the medical
acknowledged in writing. Royal Rife and his amazing research profession, and thus further research and
The California Health Freedom comes to us from the British publication development of this important area....
Coalition (CHFC), sponsor of the bill, Everyday Practical Electronics for April Let us hope that the work of Rife will
expects that SB 577 will change and 2001 ( be resurrected, and that substantial
improve the culture of healthcare in Portions of what you are about to read are investment will be made in progressing
California by enhancing access to necessarily technical in nature, but this this important area of medical research to
alternative forms of healthcare. Since the f ine article explains all the relevant the benefit of everyone. Unfortunately,
law also requires unlicensed alternative background for understanding over 60 for too long powerful organizations with
and complementary healthcare years of technology suppression, making vested interests have suppressed
practitioners to provide basic

information to consumers about
themselves, their training, and their work, YD
it also serves to enhance consumer safety.
SB 577 will become effective January
1, 2003.
[end quoting]
In the first paragraph of the bill, the Everyday Practical Electronics ( EPE )
legislators recognized the fact that: Magazine is the UK’s No. 1 Electronics
“Based upon a comprehensive report by Magazine for practical electronics
the National Institute of Medicine and technology and computer projects.
other studies, including a study If you’re a novice electronics enthusiast or
published by the New England Journal hobbyist, student, professional, or advanced
Of Medicine, it is evident that millions constructor who enjoys practical electronics,
of Californians, perhaps more than five then EPE has something for you! Each
million, are presently receiving a monthly issue brings you:
substantial volume of healthcare
services from complementary and
• At least four fully detailed constructional
alternative healthcare practitioners.” projects and circuits for you to build.
Five million people represent A LOT EPE Subscriptions Dept. • Absorbing educational series, articles,
OF MONEY to the medical 408 Wimborne Road East and topical features.
establishment (and that’s just California). Ferndown • News and ads from a diverse range of
Is it any wonder that the FDA has Dorset BH22 9ND electronic component suppliers.
stepped-up its attacks on such Tel +44 (0)1202 873872
“alternative” approaches as the Rife Fax +44 (0)1202 874562 Everyday Practical Electronics is also available
electro-medicine device? in an electronic format at a very good price at:
Will the FDA come forward and admit
they’re a well-oiled front for the elite Big

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 31

development and research in this area. It The growing migration to “alternative” The discovery of radioactivity, X-rays,
appears that, with the availability of therapies underlines this all too well. and Tesla coils only served to fuel this
information via the web, that is no longer Nowadays an increasing number of trend. There was a general perception
so easy. /s/ Mike Kenward, Editor, EPE people are turning to all kinds of that if something was mysterious, used
[end quoting] seemingly strange therapies where the hidden rays or energies, and involved
Indeed, as the public becomes more deficiencies of traditional medicine are high technology (or even big sparks)
and more disillusioned with all too obvious. then, in true Frankenstein style, it had to
conventional medical procedure, and One area that has seen a revival in be good. An attitude which is not
savvy to superior alternatives, it’s going recent years is electrotherapy—the idea entirely absent today. Hence it became
to be hard to continue to maintain the that disease can be cured through the almost common practice to expose
current atmosphere of suppression. application of electric, magnetic, or patients to radiation, electric shocks, and
With that said, let’s plunge now into electromagnetic f ields. There are magnetic fields.
the following commendable report: numerous weird and wonderful devices In Figure 1 is shown a 19th century
[quoting] both on the market and in use today. sketch of a Clarke Machine, a typical
Some are described in this article, but generator which would apply a strong
The End To All Disease also, as will become clear, this is far from voltage to anyone holding two rods,
a new area and is simply a continuation shown in the foreground. The operator
by Aubrey Scoon of a trend that started in the late 1700s. would crank the machine while the
In the 18th century, static electricity patient held the rods. Ouch!
Can disease be cured electronically? was well known. Nobody knows who
Here’s a story involving electronics, first proposed experiments to use it as Mysterious Energy
blackmail, intimidation, government therapy, but it was not uncommon for
conspiracies, arson, vandalism, theft, major medical schools in Europe to Vendors of “mysterious energy”
bribery, and murder! conduct electric experiments on patients, devices had a f ield day with these
particularly the poorer ones. This machines. They came up with more and
Nobody can deny that today’s doctors continued well into the 19th century and more bizarre gadgets, belts that gave the
know more than ever about the nature became all the more prevalent following wearer electric shocks to relieve back
and effects of disease, but as technology Faraday’s publication of his discovery of pain, weird Tesla and Oudin coil
advances, many people are all too aware electromagnetic induction. contraptions that bathed people in
that the results often pose more questions showers of high-frequency sparks,
than they answer. The fact is, the more Frankenstein’s Lab magnetic and electric jewelry, and so on.
we know, the more obvious it becomes A simple Internet search will show that
that there is even more that we don’t The early “therapies” in most cases this kind of weirdness thrives as much
know. were little more than applied electric today as it did then.
shocks. Numerous It was only a matter of time before it
interesting, novel, and became obvious to anyone other than
in some cases hilarious hard-core fanatics that these kinds of
ways were found to devices were at best useless and in most
generate and apply cases seriously dangerous. Amidst ever
electric potentials, mounting calls for regulation, the
both static and medical establishment started to firmly
alternating, which were entrench itself against this kind of
applied seemingly quackery and eventually succeeded in
haphazardly to slowing the sale and development of
patients. these devices. Unfortunately this was
The results were achieved more through suppression and
unpredictable to say intimidation rather than education.
the least. Many
experiments failed New Age Or Old Age?
badly, and in some
cases the “therapy” Although there was a steady
was more successful at background trade in electrotherapy
removing the patient devices that continued, most people were
permanently than the unaware of it; and it was only in the
disease. However, 1960s when “New Age” solutions to
there was at the same everything appeared that it took off
time a growing body of again. Ironically, the “new” age material
evidence that is far from new.
indicated that some of But the excesses of the late 19th and
these “quack” cures early 20th century had taken their toll.
actually did seem to The medical establishment was now more
improve the condition vigilant than ever and ruthlessly
of seriously ill patients determined to stamp out quackery.
Fig. 1. A 19th century sketch of a Clarke Machine, an who had not responded Unfortunately, this literal counter-
electric generator which applied a strong voltage to to the traditional reaction had the effect of reinforcing the
anyone holding the two foreground rods. treatments. idea that conventional medical

PAGE 32 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

techniques were the only ones worthy of the most intriguing. building a high-resolution microscope,
consideration and that any mainstream His history is sketchy at best, and is one of the most important being the light
qualif ied doctor knew better than mainly reconstructed from his own notes, itself.
anybody else, resulting in its own semi- newspaper reports, and anecdotes of his Purely theoretical work of the time
fanatical mentality. And nobody can associates. Rife was born on 16 May indicated that optical resolutions beyond
deny that many doctors today still show 1888 in Elkhorn, Nebraska, U.S.A. No about 20,000 times were impossible
signs of this kind of attitude and are records remain of his early history (as far because of limitations imposed by the
quick to condemn any alternative as I am aware) but his work became wavelengths of the light itself and effects
therapy that they know nothing about. widely known around 1929. such as diffraction. Also, the amount of
In 1913 Rife was in Germany and was light that could be focused into an
Suppression awarded an honorary Ph.D. by the objective at high magnification was
limited; that is, the area being looked at
The worst side effect of this attitude is so small, there isn’t much room for the
was the suppression of serious research light to get in.
into these therapies. While many serious Vibration was another problem. Even
theories of the time appear ridiculous in modern electron microscopes suffer
the light of present-day knowledge, at badly under ambient vibrations, because
the time they deserved a better reception an otherwise imperceptible movement
than they got. And, of course, the very becomes all too obvious at high
real and compelling results obtained by magnification, as anyone who has used a
many serious researchers were also modern zoom camera lens will know.
ignored. Finally, there is the question of how one
One or two of the old therapies have is to stain the specimen to make it
actually crept back into medical favor. visible.
But only after being introduced slowly To expand on that last point, it is
and cautiously by conservative usually necessary to apply some sort of
researchers who followed the proper stain to any (optical) microscopical
protocols of placating the medical specimen because many microscopic
establishment. cells, etc., are basically transparent at
What is more startling, however, and high magnif ications, and very little
widely unknown, is that among all the Fig.2. Royal Raymond Rife in his detail can be seen. A stain, however, is
snake oil and quackery of the old laboratory, around 1960. just a chemical dye of some sort, and
electrotherapies were a few gems that unfortunately, since its uptake cannot be
did not just seem to have a sound University of Heidelberg. During the precisely controlled, the stain may not
medical basis or benefit to them, but course of the next seven years he properly penetrate the specimen and may
might potentially surpass the supposedly spent further time in Europe even collect in clumps. So under a high
achievements of the best modern performing work for the U.S. Government, enough magnification, the stain itself
therapies in curing major diseases. and during this period he worked for a appears as a series of lumps or spots that
This article concentrates on one of time for the Zeiss optical company. It is do not reveal anything much about the
them, a fascinating story about a claimed that he was trained by Carl Zeiss specimen. Furthermore, the stain itself,
potential cure for nearly all diseases that himself. He later became famous for his being a chemical, may kill the organism
is a scientific detective story in itself, development of advanced optical under study.
including, if it is to be believed, microscopes. By 1920, he ended up
blackmail, intimidation, government living in San Diego, California. Polarization
conspiracies, arson, vandalism, theft, From his own lectures, Rife says that
bribery and murder. It would make a around 1920 he first became interested Rife decided therefore that he had to
great X-Files plot, but is truth really in the biological effects of dispense with the stain. But how can one
stranger than fiction? electromagnetic fields and their possible see the specimen without a stain? The
therapeutic effect, and from that point first obvious answer lay in polarized
A Quick Disclaimer developed the microscopes to observe light.
the effects of electric phenomena on The theory of polarization is quite
While I have tried to verify everything bacteria. Rife had certainly been simple. Light is an electromagnetic
in this article that I can, the lack of influenced by earlier theories and wave, it consists of an oscillating electric
objective material has meant that I have machines. However, the microscopes field in one plane, with a corresponding
had to rely on second-hand sources for a were the key to his later research and so oscillating magnetic field in another
lot of material. I have not personally make a good starting point. plane at right angles to the first.
witnessed some of the effects claimed Normal light consists of a mixture of
and present them here solely as a matter The Microscopes such waves all traveling with their
of interest. electric and magnetic fields oriented at
Rife was determined to develop an arbitrary angles relative to each other.
Royal Raymond Rife optical microscope with unprecedented Polarized light, on the other hand, is light
magnif ication and resolution. He in which all the waves have their electric
Our story starts with a man called proceeded to look at the problems f ield in the same plane and their
Royal Raymond Rife, pictured in Figure associated with high-magnif ication magnetic field (at right angles to the
2. Rife was not the first to experiment in microscopy from a unique angle. There electric field) also in the same plane.
this field, but his alleged results remain are quite a few problems associated with Fortunately, polarized light (or any

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electromagnetic wave) is easy to when you see something like L-arginine visible. He didn’t need a stain; the light
produce. All you need is some sort of or D-tryptophan (both amino acids), the itself became the stain. So in this way
fine grating in which the spacing of the L and the D refer to Levo-rotatory and one type of bacteria, for example, would
rails is less than the wavelength of the Dextro-rotatory respectively, polarizing appear a specific shade of blue, another
light itself. The waves that have their molecules that twist light to the left red, and so on. The actual color of the
electric fields lined up with the spaces of (levo) or right (dextro). resulting “light stain” itself gave a lot of
the grating pass through, while the ones information about the chemical structure
with their electric fields at an angle are Fluorescence of the specimen under study and the
blocked by the grating in proportion to polarization helped distinguish f ine
the angle; so at 90° all light is blocked. Rife took the reasoning still further. structural differences.
This is the principle of polarizing film Not only did he decide to use polarized After a lot of development work,
and sunglasses, which are simply fine light, but he also wanted to avoid the around 1929 Rife finally produced a
gratings of this type. limitations of backlighting a tiny object. prototype of what was later to become
Polarized light is useful because, if you
It was much better if the object could be known as the Universal Microscope
pass it into a compound or specimen, made to fluoresce in its own light or which used the above principle. Not
chemicals, stresses, or density changes inreflect the incident light. Most much is known about the early
the specimen itself cause the rotation of biological specimens would fluoresce or prototypes but they reportedly
the incident plane of polarization. By reflect, but only in ultraviolet (UV) or succeeded in producing unprecedented
comparing the variably rotated output other invisible light ranges. And this magnifications, supposedly up to 60,000
from the specimen with a f ixed depends on their chemical structure. times in some cases. This kind of
polarizing f ilter, different rotations So he hit upon the idea of illuminating magnif ication is comparable to a
appear as different shades, and in this the object with two polarized beams of modern-day electron microscope. The
way you can see the density changes, monochromatic light in the UV range photograph in Figure 3 is of one of the
stresses, or different chemical structuresthat would heterodyne each other and the later Universal Microscopes and shows
as shades of light. result of which would be fluorescence or just how complex these instruments were.
Incidentally, this technique has been reflection in a visible range. It would be These optical microscopes had one
used for many years to identify specific the differences in the wavelengths of two major advantage over the modern
chemical compounds and is the basis of or more illuminating sources that would electron microscopes. They allowed the
the designations given to amino acids determine the output. study of live specimens. An electron
and complex organic molecules; that is, [Editor’s note: Actually, the microscope operates in a high-vacuum
heterodyning process chamber and bombards the specimen
mentioned above— with high-energy electrons; not much
which simply means can survive that!
bringing the two
different frequencies Beam Ray Machine
or wavelengths
together to Now that Rife could clearly see
interact—produces a bacteria and cells, using his microscope,
sum and a difference he began experiments in which he
component as well as exposed the samples to various electric
the two original and magnetic fields. He then discovered
interacting light that he could make bacteria and single-
frequencies or celled organisms react to the fields.
wavelengths. So for Curiously, static f ields had little
you more technical obvious effect, but alternating or pulsed
readers, it should be f ields caused dramatic changes,
noted that an depending on the frequency he applied.
important key to the Each different type of bacteria, etc.,
Rife microscope’s appeared to respond to one specific
amazing operation is frequency, and in particular, that
likely due to the frequency ultimately caused the
heterodyning destruction of the organism.
interaction of the The effect, which modern researchers
light, but that key is have duplicated, is very interesting.
not recognized in the Supposedly, as you approach the critical
above explanation.] frequency of a bacterium, for example, it
By means of a appears under the microscope to have
complex set of what might be best described as a
polarizers and “seizure”. The bacterium changes shape
rotating prisms, Rife or becomes agitated. A typical example
developed a way of (reported by a modern researcher) is
making any where a rod-like bacterium “seizes” into
biological sample a “C” shape as the critical frequency is
fluoresce in such a approached.
way that its internal The frequency range of the effect
Fig.3. One of Rife’s “Universal Microscopes”. structure was clearly varies with the specimen and the

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intensity of the field seems to become caused the gas to ionize and conduct research papers also show evidence of
pronounced within five or six Hertz of current. The MOR was then created by meticulous work.
the critical frequency. If you give the quenching the carrier at a lower
specimen a short burst of modulating frequency. So the original A Cure For Cancer?
electromagnetic energy near the critical MORs actually consisted of two
frequency it seizes and then usually parameters: a carrier frequency (C) and a Rife became obsessed with the idea of
recovers after a few seconds. If, however, modulating frequency (M). curing cancer. He found from his
you proceed to expose it to the critical [Editor’s note: Again keep in mind experiments that cancerous tumors in
frequency, it literally explodes. that this is a heterodyning process and animals shrank and even disappeared at
[Editor’s note: While the above results in not just the two frequencies certain frequencies. But his observations
explanation is vague about how the above, but also a sum (C + M) and showed that the tumor cells did not
various electromagnetic fields are difference (C – M) frequency, which may explode like the bacteria. Something
applied to the specimen, we can or may not contribute to whatever effect was killing the tumor cells, but in a
probably assume the procedure was the is observed in the specimen.] different way.
same for all the samples.] The end product became known as the He then turned his attention to viruses.
Rife Beam-Ray Device. It allowed Rife At that time little was known about
Selective Destruction to expand upon his experiments. viruses. The word virus itself is derived
Rife started conducting lab tests using from one of their properties: “f ilter
Rife repeated his experiments with live animals. Most of his notes were later passing”. A virus by definition was some
thousands of samples and reproduced the destroyed and very few remain. But he infective agent that was so small that it
same effect every time. What was even clearly documented that he was able to could pass through a filter that would
more interesting, however, was that he apparently cure the animals of specific block bacteria and other pathogens.
was unable to find any frequency that infections with only short exposures to After thousands of further
would cause human (or other the Beam-Ray Device. experiments, Rife finally announced
mammalian) tissue cells to explode in We may never know exactly how many that he had isolated the “filter-passing
the same way. experiments he performed, or all of what form” of an infective agent that would
The implications were profound. He he found, due to the destruction of his reliably induce cancer in any animal it
had seemingly found a way to notes. But his associates later told of was injected into. His conclusion was
selectively destroy bacteria and other literally tens of thousands of experiments simple: cancer is caused by a virus and
pathogens without damaging human he performed and that he became the machine could destroy viruses as
cells. If this method could be applied to obsessed with his work, spending days at effectively as bacteria; ergo, he could
a live human patient, he could a time without sleep, tuning the device cure cancer.
potentially eliminate a specific species and cataloging effects. His surviving At this point it is worth mentioning
of invading bacteria, and thereby cure
whatever disease that bacterium caused
in the patient.
His first task was to catalog the critical
frequencies that destroyed specif ic
bacteria. He reasoned that the effect
worked through simple resonance and
that the bacteria were shattered by a
specific frequency much like a wineglass
when it is exposed to a specific high-
pitched sound. So he started compiling a
list of what he called the Mortal
Oscillatory Rates of specific pathogens
(MORs for short).

Modulated Emissions

At the same time he wanted to refine

his equipment to produce the requisite
electromagnetic f ields. He
commissioned engineers to build a
device that would emit a field he could
tune. He was convinced that light was an
important factor and so he wanted the
tuneable device to produce light as well
as other forms of radiation.
The development of the device
unfortunately is not documented. But
the result was that the engineers ended
up with an X-ray tube which was filled
with low pressure helium gas (a normal
X-ray tube has a vacuum) driven by a
powerful radio frequency transmitter that

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that although Rife isolated the cancer agents the BX and the BY cancer viruses organism with a specif ic chemical
pathogen, there were other researchers in respectively. balance that made it revert to viral form.
the 1920s, notably Thomas Glover and While discredited at the time, modern
M. J. Scott, who had also done so, and Pleomorphism researchers are f inding increasing
probably earlier than Rife—although evidence that supports the theory of
Rife was probably the first to actually Rife also found direct evidence of pleomorphism.
SEE the agent with his super pleomorphism. Ever since the theory It is certainly accepted today that some
microscopes. was proposed by Antoine Béchamp (the cancers are caused by viral agents, a
In the light of this revelation the tumor forerunner of Pasteur and probably the theory that was resisted in the 1920s.
cell results became clear: The machine true discoverer of microbial infection) in The “discoverer” of the first officially
did not directly kill tumor cells. It killed the 19th century, it had been the subject recognized cancer virus in the late
the virus that was infecting the tumor of much controversy. To put it 1940s, Virginia Livingston, had worked
cell, and when the virus died, it simplistically, it stated that every with Rife and already knew of his results,
decomposed into a mixture of chemical pathogen had multiple developmental as well as those of Glover and Scott. As
poisons that effectively poisoned and cycles with different forms in each cycle; far as I know, she gave some credit to
killed the host cell. The dead tumor cells for example, a simple bacterium can “Glover’s theory”—but Rife is never
were subsequently reabsorbed mentioned.
and digested by the host
animal’s immune system. The End To All Disease

Intermediate Side-Effects During this time Rife had

periodically released
There was a further information to the press about
implication to this. Rife had his work. He had described
noted that when he “cured” and demonstrated his
animals of various infective microscopes several times and
agents, they often became had received enthusiastic
more ill for a short time after reviews from doctors and
exposure to the Beam Ray, but researchers who had been
rapidly recovered. He allowed to use them. On 3
reasoned that the destruction November 1929 his work was
of the infective pathogens featured on the front page of
always released poisons the San Diego Union
(which were normally inside newspaper, as an article about
the infecting organism) into his microscopes.
the animal’s body and blood Numerous other articles
stream, and that the illness was followed around this time,
caused by the effect of these including at least two articles
poisons. This is an original Rife machine manufactured in San in the Los Angeles Times. He
Since these poisons are Diego, California, for an unknown doctor. On the front panel had also mentioned his work
often the very same chemicals of this 1947 device, the lower black knob on the left on electromagnetic effects and
that are responsible for the changes the frequency band and the similar knob on the that he hoped one day to be
symptoms of a particular right changes the amplitude or power. The large black dial able to cure diseases like
illness in the first place, it was fine-tunes a specific frequency within a selected band. cancer, although it is clear that
therefore not unusual to see a most of the reporters didn’t
worsening of symptoms, after exposure, transform itself literally into a viral understand the implications of what he
that rapidly improved as the body equivalent (or vice versa). was saying.
disposed of the toxins. This effect is well Rife insisted that he had observed that By 1931, Rife had announced his
known in medicine today; it is known as each bacterial pathogen had a results to various doctors and
the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, and it corresponding viral form, and, depending university medical departments. He
was originally recorded in the antibiotic on the mixture of proteins that the was visited by a stream of eminent
treatment of syphilis. bacterium digested, it could transform doctors and researchers, most of whom
[Editor’s note: In his medical readings reversibly into its viral form and back to enthusiastically endorsed his work.
during the earlier 1900s, psychic Edgar bacterial form. He mentioned this in One of Rife’s supporters was Dr.
Cayce often would caution those seeking various research papers, and concluded Millbank Johnson, president of the
his help that the treatment prescribed in that there were only about 10 different Southern California branch of the
trance may make them feel worse before classes of pathogens that were American Medical Association and one
they actually get better for the same responsible for nearly all diseases, and of the board of directors of Pasadena
reasons discussed above.] even that it was possible for any Hospital. Another was Dr. Arthur
Ultimately, Rife succeeded in pathogen in one class to transform into Kendall, Director of Medical Research
identifying two different viral agents that another pathogen of the same class. at Northwestern Medical School in
caused cancers—one that caused For example, Rife believed that E. Illinois.
carcinomas (cancers of covering and Coli, a common bacterium found in most On 20 November 1931, Johnson
lining membranes), and one that caused water supplies, was the bacterial form of arranged a banquet for Rife at his
sarcomas (cancers in bone, connective one cancer virus. It would only produce estate in Pasadena, California, which
tissue, or muscle). He called these two cancer-causing effects in a weakened was attended by 44 of the most eminent

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medical personnel of the day and at
which they honored him as the man
who had found “The End To All
From this point on the story takes a
twist. Many incidents referred to are
documented and historically verifiable,
but are the subject of great controversy.
Also, the chronology is occasionally

A Clinical Trial

In early 1934, Johnson rented premises

in San Diego for Rife to begin clinical
treatments. Under his instructions, the
University of Southern California
arranged formal clinical trials of the Rife
Beam-Ray device. They appointed a
special committee of top doctors to
oversee the project including, apart from
Johnson and Kendall: Dr. Rufus Klein-
Schmidt (President, University of
Southern California), Dr. Edward Kopps
(Metabolic Clinic, La Jolla, California),
Dr. George Fisher (Children’s Hospital,
NY), Dr. Karl Meyer (Hooper Foundation,
San Francisco, California), Dr. Whalen
Morrison (Chief Surgeon, Santa Fe
Railway), Dr. George Dock, and Dr. Alvin
G. Foord, a pathologist.
Sixteen cancer patients from the
Pasadena County Hospital volunteered
to be treated with the machine. The
procedure was for the patients to be
treated at Rife’s clinic in San Diego, and
after three months the doctors would
perform an in-depth examination of any
of the surviving patients at that time.
Rife reportedly treated the patients with
three-minute exposures to the Beam-Ray
Device, at the cancer frequencies, once
every three days.
Initial daily treatments were suspended
due to extreme Jarisch-Herxheimer
reactions. At the end of three months,
however, all the patients were still alive (Image source:
and were examined. In 1937, the medical committee who
The doctors were amazed to Conflict Begins oversaw the clinical trials ended up
pronounce that 14 of the 16 showed no arguing over when and how they should
signs of cancer and were pronounced Johnson then introduced Rife to Dr. release the results, with no actual
clinically cured. The remaining two Mildred Schram of the International decision ever being reached. By now
went for further treatments. Cancer Foundation in Philadelphia. they had plenty of evidence to support
Rife reasoned that maybe they were However, on hearing of the work, Schram Rife’s claims, but they found themselves
infected with a mutated form of the allegedly made demands for experiments pressured by the medical authorities and
cancer virus and made some slight that Rife insisted would not and could feared that they would not be believed.
frequency adjustments. Four weeks not work. Following much argument, he A press release went ahead, however,
later the remaining two patients were eventually refused to have anything and on Friday 6 May 1938, the San
examined and also pronounced further to do with the foundation. Diego Evening Tribune published a
clinically cured. The results were Schram supposedly admitted, years later, front-page article [see nearby] entitled
stunning; it was a major breakthrough. that Rife had been right. Dread Disease Germs Destroyed By
There is some discrepancy in the In the meantime (1935) Johnson had Rays, Claim Of S.D. Scientist. However,
accounts of what happened next, but the set up a clinic in Los Angeles to treat the clinical trials were not mentioned
most likely explanation is that the people using the Beam-Ray Device, and and Rife was cautious not to claim that
members agreed to do further work before Kendall and others were continuing the device represented an absolute cure
publicizing the results. experiments and treating people with it. for cancer.

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Conspiracy Theory refused, Fishbein effectively destroyed honesty rather than fear and greed?]
him. Hoxey was allegedly arrested 125
During this time, a new player times in 16 months at Fishbein’s Beam-Ray Corporation
emerged. Dr. Morris Fishbein was editor instigation. The charges never stuck, but
of the Journal Of The American Medical Hoxey was ruined. By this time, Rife had established his
Association between 1924 and 1949. Fishbein then did the same to Rife. own company to market the device. The
However, Fishbein was a very rich and AMA officials started visiting doctors corporation became known as Beam
powerful man who, by that time, owned who were using Rife’s machines and Rays Inc. However, in 1939, an engineer
all the stock of the AMA and had informed them they would be struck from called Philip Hoyland, an employee of
extremely powerful political the medical register if they did not stop the company, brought a lawsuit against
connections. immediately. Many gave in and Beam Rays Inc., claiming that he, and
[Editor’s note: Readers not not Rife, had invented the
already aware of Fishbein’s machine, and that he had
nefarious background should developed the initial theory
read Eustace Mullins’ superb that was now claimed by
classic research volume Rife—despite the fact that he
Murder By Injection. And if had only joined Rife around
you happen to have your back 1937 and Rife had published
issues of The SPECTRUM details long before that.
handy, review the excerpt in Another factor that emerged
the July 2002 issue. If that at this time was that there was
alone doesn’t raise your blood some difference between Rife’s
pressure, then check your original machine and newer
pulse.] Hoyland variants that the
Fishbein approached Rife company had been shipping.
with an offer to buy the Rife’s original machine created
exclusive rights to the Beam- the MOR frequency using a
Ray technology. Rife refused. variable carrier wave which
The details of the offer are Interior view of the 1947 Rife Machine. was then modulated with a
unknown but Fishbein had super-regeneration wave at
made similar offers to other inventors of surrendered the machines to AMA other frequencies (ranges of 15 kHz to 11
medical technologies claimed to cure investigators or allowed the machines to MHz appear in Rife’s lab notes). Table 1
cancer. In one case Fishbein made an be destroyed. Others held out and gives carrier frequencies in kilohertz and
offer to the creator, Harry Hoxey, of an refused. Many were arrested or had super regeneration wavelengths in
herbal cancer cure in which Fishbein equipment and notes seized and meters, compiled from his original lab
would receive all prof its from the destroyed by Food and Drug notes.
invention for nine years, and thereafter, at Administration (FDA) agents. The MOR frequencies studied by Rife
Fishbein’s discretion, he would pay 10% Fishbein refused to allow publication were mostly in the hundreds of kilohertz
of future profits to Hoxey. When Hoxey of any reference to Rife’s work in the to megahertz range. The details of the
AMA journals, and also difference between the original Rife and
Table 1. Rife’s Original Carrier Frequencies supposedly pressured other Hoyland machines are unclear, but Rife
medical journals insisting that complains in a letter of 14 May 1939 to
And Super Regeneration Wavelengths they should not publish Dr. Gonin, head of the London School of
Pathogen Carrier (kHz) SRW (m) anything about Rife’s work Tropical Medicine, about Hoyland’s
because it was all a fraud. A machines:
B. Coli 8,581 27
number of doctors actively “I spoke only Friday evening to a Mr.
Bubonic Plague 160 585 opposed this, including John Chanblin, a radio man now
Cancer (BX) 11,780 17.6 Johnson. But many of the connected with Beam Rays Inc., about
doctors who had attended the redesign and building of a device
Typhoid 900 345
Johnson’s banquet for Rife in according to the old original Rife Ray
Anthrax 900 1,100 1931, fearing the loss of their principles, as the present instrument has
Catarrh 1,800 175 medical licenses, started been so deviated away from that old
Diphtheria 800 275
denying that they had ever principle that it is nowhere near the same.
heard of Rife, even though many “I know nothing about the
Syphilis 900 108 had been photographed with experimental machines you have, as I
Tetanus 700 19,000 him at the banquet. was never even asked to see them or to
Tuberculosis 583 554 [Editor’s note: Here we see a pass on them in any way before they
perfect example of how, through were shipped to you. But Henry stated in
Actinomycosis 678 1,607 many small steps such as these, one of his last letters that he had tried
Gonorrhea 600 1,990 we’ve lost so many of our basic one of them on a culture of his bacteria
Glanders 986 407 freedoms. Can you imagine how and it had failed to do the work. I would
different the medical world consider from that, that those devices
Influenza 1,674 154 would be right now if the which you have are merely working on a
Leprosy 743 1,190 doctors who knew better had harmonic and not a true frequency; and
banded together in a unified in our research on electronics, we
Pneumonia 1,200 785
front on the side of decency and definitely know that there is no possible

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way of controlling electrical harmonics industry” who offered him
of a frequency.” money to suppress information Table 2. Crane’s List Of MOR Frequencies
Nobody knows why Hoyland started a about Rife’s work. Supposedly Microorganism Frequency (Hz)
lawsuit he couldn’t possibly win, or why he refused. He had also
he produced non-working Rife machine certainly been pressured by Tetanus 120
variants, except that it is alleged that Fishbein. Treponema 660
Hoyland’s legal costs were funded by the The night before the press
owner of a major pharmaceutical conference, however, Johnson Gonorrhea 712
company. Rife’s invention was died suddenly and Staphylococci 728
potentially lethal to the multi-billion- mysteriously and all his notes
dollar pharmaceutical industry. were pronounced as “lost” by P n e u m o c o c c i 7 76
[Editor’s note: Regular readers of The the executors of his estate. His Streptothrix (fungus) 784
SPECTRUM would have no problem death was recorded as
Streptococci 880
concluding that the person, his lawsuit, “accidental death” although I
and his sabotage were of a purposeful, have no details. There are Typhoid Bacteria 712
well-funded design to get rid of Rife.] claims that his body was later Typhoid Virus 1862
Rife eventually won the lawsuit, but exhumed by FBI investigators
the costs bankrupted Beam Rays Inc., who concluded that he had Bacillus Coli Rod Form 800
putting it out of business. And Rife’s been murdered by poison. Bacillus Coli Virus 1552
reputation had been damaged by inferior Dr. Arthur Kendall, one of
machines that had been shipped out by Rife’s most prestigious and Tuberculosis Rod Form 803
Hoyland, using Rife’s name. After this, influential supporters, Tuberculosis Virus 1552
Rife started drinking heavily, and suddenly accepted an
became depressed and discouraged. unprecedented pension of (same as B-Coli)
$250,000 to retire to Mexico, Sarcoma (all forms) 2008
Vandalism And Arson and effectively disappeared
Carcinoma (all forms) 2128
from the scene. George Dock,
Around this same time Rife’s another of Rife’s clinical team,
laboratory was subject to a spate of and also highly respected and and others the latter.
thefts, his microscopes vandalized, and influential, also took a huge and Users claim both are effective, but the
finally, his laboratory was burned to the unprecedented gratuity to retire early. original plasma device has the advantage
ground (and most of his notes destroyed) Many of Rife’s supporters were that it can be used to treat the whole
in an arson attack. Nobody was ever convinced this was the work of drug body, or even several bodies at once,
caught or prosecuted for it. companies who were anxious to since it has an effective operating radius
Another doctor, a Dr. Nemes, who had suppress a technology that would make of around 20 to 30 feet, depending on
set up an independent laboratory and virtually all drug treatments obsolete. power level, and does not require any
confirmed some of Rife’s results, was Rife was hounded by the FDA and the body contact.
killed in a laboratory fire and all his AMA. He was unable to practice without Modern researchers who made contact
notes and research lost. A third official intervention, and continued a with Crane studied circuit diagrams that
laboratory working on confirming Rife’s steady decline into alcoholism. This Crane gave them and concluded that not
work, the Burnett Laboratory, also didn’t stop him, however, trying to only could the circuits not work as they
mysteriously caught fire and burned to continue his research. In the early 1950s were, but Crane did not seem to know
the ground, with all research destroyed. Rife teamed up with a man called John very much about electronics. However,
In 1940, two other doctors who had Crane, under the auspices of a new some of the circuits did work with minor
supported Rife, Cooperson and Clayton, company (owned by Crane) called Life modifications, indicating that Crane had
were raided by Federal officers who Labs, Inc. probably taken the diagrams from
confiscated their equipment and notes. prototype notes of other engineers who
Later, each was found dead, supposedly Life Labs, Inc. had worked for him.
having committed suicide by poison. Crane’s involvement led to a second
[Editor’s note: This leads one to Here the record becomes confused source of confusion. Crane published
contemplate which was more effective in again. Crane worked on the lists of MOR frequencies which were all
furthering the New World Order gang’s development of several new machines. in the low audio range. Clearly there was
ongoing depopulation agenda—this One in particular was quite different; it a big difference between Crane’s
blatant suppression of a truly health- used a pad which had to be placed in frequencies and Rife’s.
giving technology, or what the same contact with the body. Crane claimed A popular list of frequencies (Table 2)
crooks were about to engineer, called that he and Rife had developed the which was obtained from Dr. Robert P.
Pearl Harbor, to “convince” a naïve machine together, and Rife was certainly Stafford M.D., who is claimed to have
American public that millions needed to associated with the company because he used a “Rife machine” (probably a
die in yet another contrived world war.] wrote letters on its behalf. But apart from “Crane machine”) for clinical trials
In 1944, Johnson arranged a press Crane’s statement there is no direct between 1957 and 1963 and which is
conference and let it slip that he would evidence to suggest that Rife developed often advertised as Rife’s original
announce publicly the clinical results or endorsed the pad machine. Because of frequency list, is in fact a copy of a
and that the cure for cancer had been this there is some confusion as to what document he received from Crane.
found. There are allegations that constitutes a real “Rife machine” Interestingly, these frequencies have
Johnson had already been approached by because some people (particularly those been claimed to be effective for Rife-
“representatives of the pharmaceutical selling such devices) claim the former type plasma machines by modern

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researchers, but they are obviously not Even Rife’s microscopes were cover, it was “written by Barry Lynes
Rife’s original frequencies. forgotten, except for odd articles of with John Crane”. Barry also has a new
[Editor’s note: From a technical point historic interest. For example, a 1944 (2002) book called The Cancer
of view, confusion is unavoidable here report from the board of the Smithsonian Conspiracy: Betrayal, Collusion, And
because most (if not all) of the Museum stated basically that the The Suppression Of Alternative Cancer
researchers likely were unaware that a microscope worked and that Rife’s results Treatments. There’s a lot of related
multiplicity of electromagnetic healing had been validated. The author, Dr. information at his
modalities were at work. Raymond Seidel, reportedly survived a website.]
A simple analogy would be that a subsequent assassination attempt in Whatever the cause, several modern
researcher gives some patients a glass of 1945, after which he refused to mention researchers tried to build duplicates of
“elixer” every day at noon while they’re Rife ever again. the original Beam-Ray devices. Most of
sitting out on a patio. The people get An original Rife microscope (which, them succeeding in producing allegedly
better, so the researcher ascribes success however, had probably been tampered bioactive machines, but none of them
to the elixer—completely unaware that with by Hoyland) resides today in the were truly original.
sitting out in the sunlight was a crucial Science Museum in London, Eventually these modern researchers
component (if not the major component) unfortunately broken and not on display. managed to make contact with the few
to the recovery.] The microscope was formerly used at the surviving doctors who had worked with
In 1971 Rife was admitted to the London School of Tropical Medicine, Rife and his machine, and slowly the
hospital. Details are unclear, but I’ve but following a dispute between Dr. details began to emerge.
seen accounts that attributed it either to a Gonin, the British doctor who used it, Although Rife had used a variable
car accident or an alcoholic binge. and Beam Rays Inc. (probably Hoyland), carrier wave in his original prototype
Either way, it is reported that he died the machine was supposedly smashed by machine, later models of the machine
following accidental injection of a a mysterious man who arrived from used by other doctors used fixed carriers
massive overdose of Valium. America. It was later donated to the with amplitude modulation. It is not
Science Museum by Dr. Gonin’s family known whether these machines were
The Lost Technology after his death. Rife’s, Hoyland’s, or Crane’s.
Even the newspaper reports were hard The modulation was a square-wave
Following his death, Rife’s work was to come by. Some of the newspapers told pulse with fast rise-time. Calibration and
forgotten. Most of his original notes had researchers that they had lost the specific measurement of dial settings on the old
been lost in the fires and/or supposedly editions with reports of Rife’s work. machines revealed that the active
destroyed by AMA/FDA agents. But (Note: only those editions!) Luckily frequencies of modulation were all in the
some of his associates remained alive, there were people who did still have low audio range, corresponding to the
particularly Crane, who wrote a book copies. lists published by Crane.
about the work (supposedly very long- One explanation of the discrepancy
winded and not very technically accurate Modern Revival between Rife’s original notes and the
according to those who have read it). derived frequencies may be explained in
Crane was arrested numerous times for The whole matter was revived terms of harmonics. The higher
promoting Rife’s work, and spent three suddenly around 1986. As far as I know, harmonics of a square wave pulse
years in prison for it. And there were still the recent efforts appeared after a book represent odd multiples of the
a few old doctors who claimed to have about Rife called The Cancer Cure That fundamental frequency (Fourier’s
been successfully using the device for Worked was written by an author called theorem) and so the square wave
treatments (mostly in secret) over the Barry Lynes. produces a range of different (higher)
years, and still had working machines. [Editor’s note: According to the book frequencies for any given fundamental
[Editor’s note: For you more technical
readers, the above is partially correct
and illustrates the confusion, noted
earlier, that’s so easily generated over
this subject. And the shorter the pulse,
the more complete is the array of other
frequencies produced in addition to the
fundamental (pulsing) frequency.
However, let’s not get lost in details,
and keep in mind that Rife was
identifying mortal frequencies by
subjecting his specimens to
electromagnetic energies in a very
particular beam pattern, and he did this
WHILE watching the reaction on the
specimen DIRECTLY through his special
microscope. You can’t do any more
elegant “real-time” experiments than
that! And it’s questionable how many
later researchers arrived at their mortal
frequencies in so exact a manner.]
The large tube for the Rife Machine was made in Los Angeles. Another theory is that the

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microorganisms have more than one
mortal frequency. There is some support
for the latter idea in letters written by THE CANCER CONSPIRACY
Johnson which indicate that, at one BY BARRY LYNES
stage, he and Rife stumbled onto a
“super-frequency” which would kill Few people are aware of the deep criminal
almost any microorganism. activities by organized medicine, top university
Unfortunately, this frequency was never medical researchers, drug companies, and high-
recorded. ranking government “health” officials which
The modern researchers took various perpetuated the crisis that gave birth to the
approaches to reproducing the machine.
Some used old X-ray tubes filled with grassroots demands for choice in healthcare. In his
low-pressure helium or argon, others had latest book, Cancer Conspiracy , world reknown Rife Energy
tubes made, and some even made them Medicine researcher Barry Lynes describes in great detail the
themselves. atrocious actions by those in power and the unapproved remedies
and cures developed by Rife that have been suppressed for
Bare Machine decades. It’s time to learn the truth.
One of the most popular recent Available at:
incarnations of the Rife machine was
developed by a Dr. James Bare. Bare What is even more interesting is the researchers claim to have found MORs
took a minimalist approach to the number of people who have reported for yeasts and molds, various protozoa-
problem and modified a CB transmitter relief from the symptoms of diseases that like amoebas, worms, and parasites like
and power amplifier to increase the are not known to have any viral or flukes, and even some insects.
bandwidth and to drive the tube at a bacterial component, or the cause of The consensus seems to be that low
carrier frequency around 27 MHz. Using which is still officially unknown. The frequencies are deadly to simple
the audio input of the transmitter to devices have also allegedly been widely organisms. The more complex organisms
introduce the modulating pulses, he then and successfully employed in veterinary like mammals (at f irst sight, see
proceeded to perform experiments to practice as well, implying that the results comments later) seem to be immune to
verify Rife’s work. are not simply due to the placebo effect. these frequencies.
I don’t know exactly which
experiments he did (I haven’t read his Frequency Lists Side-Effects
book), but he claims that the device
worked just as Rife described and he has As a result of all these efforts, there Advocates of the machine are very
had photomicrographs taken which now exist a number of frequency lists (all keen to point out that there do not
allegedly show the device destroying freely available on the Internet) which appear to be any negative side-effects
single-celled organisms like give specific treatment frequencies for (apart from the inevitable Jarisch-
Blepharisma. You can download a just about every disease imaginable. Herxheimer reactions), and so far nobody
Windows AVI video file showing the Others are classif ied by the micro- claims to have identified any bad or
process via the Internet (address at the organism species. dangerous frequencies. My own feeling
end of the article). Bare also sells videos Another interesting point worthy of is that this is not strictly true and there is
of other experiments. note is that while Rife’s original work ample evidence of possibly bad
The book of Lynes, and the work of only concentrated on MORs for bacteria frequencies. However, to someone dying
Bare and others, caused a virtual and viruses (though he knew it affected of a terminal cancer, the risk is worth the
explosion of activity in this field. Today, yeasts, etc., as well), the modern potential reward.
it is estimated that nearly 5000 people
have Rife machines (or at least modern
equivalents) in active use, and an
enormous amount of anecdotal data has
Image source:

been compiled through amateur efforts to

cure specific diseases. Although many of
the anecdotes are purely subjective, a
great many claim to have been verified
by doctors, and some contain
considerable clinical detail.
It is not unusual to see comments in
which users have stated def inite
biometric measurements of their own
diseases, both before and after treatment
with the device. One thing is
overwhelmingly clear: a large number of
people are convinced that the devices
work. Fantastic as it may seem, many
people claim to have experienced
improvements in cases of the most dire
diseases, such as cancer and even AIDS. (In color on front cover.)

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How It Works mysterious new type of energy, called a samples by passing a tiny electric current
plasma wave, but my personal feeling is (less than 100 microamps) through the
By now you are no doubt longing to that this is too fanciful and there is a blood itself. A similar paper was
know how it works. The answer is that simpler explanation. published around the same time by a
nobody knows for certain—although [Editor’s note: The physics of Rife team in Japan.
there are many clues to be found in devices operates as much in the etheric The interesting thing here was that
modern research into the effects of as in the physical domain. This is what they didn’t kill the virus; they just made
electric and magnetic f ields on leads to so much of the present it inert.
biological systems. Unfortunately, this confusion because, figuratively The virus reportedly was unable to
whole area of research still appears to be speaking, ones are trying to deal with a penetrate and infect body cells after
vehemently opposed by the mainstream three-dimensional object in flat, two- exposure. Either way, the result was
medical establishment, and very little dimensional terms (of conventional more or less the same; it provided a clue
(compared to other fields of medical science). Those who are familiar with to a potential cure.
research) serious and rigorous research is Nikola Tesla’s poorly (if at all) The Einstein team were quick to file a
being done. understood early 1900s research, patent (U.S. Patent 5,139,684) in which
At f irst sight it appears that the involving the astonishing effects of very they described a hypothetical device
electromagnetic waves emitted by the short pulses of electricity, may realize which could be connected to the
plasma tube of the device are inducing the important parallels to Rife’s work.] patient’s circulatory system, and in which
f ields or currents into body cells. the blood would pass through a set of
However, many researchers are quick to Patented HIV Cure electrodes which would in turn pass a
point out that putting the device inside a current through the blood, the
Faraday Cage (which will block all At this point I would like to digress to “deactivated” blood being returned to
electromagnetic waves) does not impair look at some other machines of a similar the patient’s body. Other researchers
its effectiveness. Nor will a simple aerial nature that may throw some more light were also quick to confirm that the effect
produce the same effect. on the puzzle before returning to the wasn’t just limited to HIV; it worked just
question of what is actually happening. as well with other bacteria and viruses.
Plasma Waves? On 14 March 1991, two researchers,
William Lyman and Steven Kaali, at the New-Age Devices?
Some have speculated that the light Albert Einstein School of Medicine,
from the tube is involved, but once again announced to the First International This led to more amateur
the device appears to work well with Symposium On Combination Therapies experimentation. A host of “new”
covered tubes. I have seen various that they had found they were able to machines emerged from various
theories that claim the existence of a inactivate the HIV virus in blood experimenters. I qualify the word “new”
because all of them are just modern

How Can Electricity Help rehashes of the old 19th century

electrotherapy machines. They basically
fall into two main classes: those that pass
Restore Health? a low-voltage alternating current through
the body (ideally across some major
artery) and supposedly purify the blood
according to the Lyman/Kaali principle,
Check The Beck Protocol ... and others that produce intense magnetic
A First-Aid Kit for the Future field pulses.
[Editor’s note: The above description
The healing power of gentle currents of seems to overlook the most common
electricity was known in ancient Rome (electric variety of such electrical devices, which
fish) and was used extensively in spas and are commonly called “pulse boxes”.
clinics before The Medical Health Model was They produce a low-voltage, low-current
established. Today The Natural Health Model series of pulses which are conveyed—
usually by two small electrodes at the
recognizes the electrical nature of the body and
ends of wires—to the skin above major
the importance of working with the body’s natural surface arteries, like at the two wrists.
ability to heal itself. The generated electric field thus
The Beck Protocol offers a four-part program for penetrates and “cleans up” the blood
health using micro-currents of electricity (Silver Robert (Bob) C. Beck, D.Sc. circulating below the skin, in an arterial
Pulser), pulsed magnetic fields (Magnetic Pulser), circuit, in a fashion similar to what the
Albert Einstein School of Medicine team
Ionic-Colloidal Silver and freshly Ozonated Water. did, but without the blood needing to
travel through any external plumbing.]
1-800-224-0242 People who claimed to have tried these
devices for the most part reported that
Tel: 250-770-2023 Fax: 250-770-1999 they provided an amazingly rapid relief from symptoms. Of further interest was
the fact that many people reported a
PO Box 20019
consequent Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction.
Penticton, BC V2A 8K3 To put it simply, if you kill enough

PAGE 42 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

microbes you get a Jarisch-Herxheimer Electroporation Voltage-Dependent Gating
Returning to the question of what is Voltage-Dependent Gating (VDG) is a
Snake-Oil And Snake-Bites happening, I have frequently seen it different effect in which a protein
suggested that electroporation, or molecule just a bit longer than the width
Vendors claim that these machines voltage-dependent gating, may account of a cell membrane, typically helical in
(which typically produce about 28 volts for the effects of electric and magnetic shape, tends to burrow its way through
peak-to-peak a.c. square waves across the fields on bacteria. I don’t believe this to the cell membrane literally like a
skin for the electric machines), and be the case and I think these ideas arise corkscrew. This creates what is known as
magnetic pulsers which work by from an inadequate understanding of cell an ion bridge and, under the influence of
discharging capacitors charged up to a structure. To explain, let’s start by an electric potential, the ion bridge turns
few kilovolts into a magnetic coil, have looking at cells. on like a switch and carries ions across
no deleterious side-effects and are Bacterial, plant, and yeast cells are the cell membrane. This mechanism
completely safe to use. very different from the kind of cells occurs in many biological subsystems,
I am personally skeptical about most found in the human (or other animal) most noticeably nerve cells.
of the claims made for these devices and body. Pathogens like the ones listed The theory I have seen advanced for
very much so about the safety of some of earlier tend to have a thick cell wall and the operation of the Rife machine is that
them. I believe that they do provide an internal cell membrane that encloses one or both of these effects results in an
some of the symptomatic relief ion imbalance in the bacterial
that they claim and not simply cell (but not the body cell)
through a placebo effect. which results in an osmotic
However, the long-term effect pressure differential that
of using these machines has ultimately causes the
never been properly studied. bacterium to blow up like a
Some of these devices are balloon and then explode.
supposed to be frequency
dependent, others not. But as Balloons Versus Footballs
far as I can tell, the Rife
machine still remains the clear But the two effects above
winner. both operate on cell
None of these devices have membranes (I don’t know if
been accepted by the they operate on cell walls),
mainstream medical and so it follows logically that
establishment. However, many they are much more likely to
hospitals today use pulsed damage a normal body cell
magnetic f ield therapy to Fig.4. A bacterial/mold/plant cell (left), than a pathogen.
speed up the healing of broken and (right) an animal cell. To put it more simply,
bones. This highlights the imagine a bacterial cell to be
hypocrisy of some medical people who them. There is a major distinction rather like a football, and a body cell to
on one hand declare that there is no between the cell wall and the cell be rather like a child’s balloon. If you
possible benef it to these kinds of membrane. The cell wall is typically blow air into both the football and the
therapies, yet happily use them to heal about 200nm thick, and the cell balloon at the same rate, the balloon is
fractures. membrane usually consists of a layer of going to explode much more easily and
[Editor’s note: This author’ skepticism two protein molecules bonded together much sooner than the football, because
of the efficacy of the electric-field and and is about 5nm to 10nm thick, the football is thicker and stronger.
magnetic-field pulsers likely stems from a depending on which protein is So this explanation is unlikely
lack of familiarity with the sizeable body involved. because observation supposedly shows
of medical research reporting sometimes A typical body cell does not have the the opposite to be happening.
astonishing findings utilizing electric cell wall, it only has the cell membrane.
currents and magnetic fields to assist Simply put, a bacterium or fungal cell New Theory
healing. The clues are all over that has a coating many times thicker and
literature—and thus make the hypocrisy stronger than a body cell. See Figure 4. If the reports are to be believed, the
noted above all the more glaring! ] Electroporation, an effect often used real explanation must lie in some
As an interesting aside, there is a by genetic engineers to introduce DNA electrochemical property that cell walls
modern item of “bush-lore” widely strands into cells, occurs in cell have that cell membranes don’t.
accepted and used by travelers in certain membranes. Cell membranes have The answer may lie in what are known
parts of the world, and even endorsed by natural pores due to the statistical as ion exchange membranes (IEMs for
many doctors, that an excellent therapy movement of the molecules that they are short). The full technical explanation is
for venomous snake bites is to apply a made of. The molecules move about, too long and complex to reproduce here,
strong electric shock to the site of the leaving momentary holes. If the but to simplify: a cell wall acts like an
bite, which apparently somehow movement of the molecules is increased IEM; a cell membrane doesn’t. An IEM
neutralizes most snake venoms. by electrical stimulation, they tend to promotes the exchange of ions either
You can get manuals on how to leave bigger (sometimes permanent) side of it when an electric potential is
perform an instant “bush cure” using the holes, and the cell membrane becomes applied.
ignition coil of a car. It’s supposed to more porous. A large enough hole will Simplistically speaking, I personally
work great for Rattlesnake bites. destroy the cell. believe that the electric potential

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 43

induced across a cell wall by an external normal body cellular electrochemical meal. Having had no results from any
magnetic field (or local electric current) processes as well as those of bacteria. conventional therapy in the past, I
causes ion exchange across the cell wall, Two real questions remain: firstly, figured I had nothing to lose by trying
which results in profound changes in the whether these devices have any the machine. I tried setting the machine
chemical environment of the cell, for beneficial effect at all; and secondly, to 676 Hz, the modern MOR frequency
example pH (acidity/alkalinity). whether the gentler devices like the Rife for Helicobacter Pylori, which is the
Under the influence of such changes, Beam-Ray Machine (as opposed to usual cause of ulcers.
the proteins that hold together both the something like the magnetic discharge After about three minutes exposure at
cell walls and the cell membranes machines) are really completely safe. 676 Hz I felt a bit dizzy. About an hour
denature, depolarize, or lose their Of course, a degree of “collateral later I had a particularly bad attack of
hydrogen bonding—i.e. they change damage” may well be acceptable when acid and pain which lasted for about two
shape from nice regular helixes into you are treating a serious disease such as hours. But next morning when I woke
random strands. As such, they firstly lose cancer. Undoubtedly existing traditional up, the usual pain under the ribs was
their ability to properly participate in the radiation and chemotherapy techniques much less. Later that day I tried again,
chemical reactions that keep the cell which are commonly used to treat cancer this time two six-minute exposures, one
alive and, secondly, result in the (and even in some cases antibiotics) do at 676 Hz and the other at 464Hz (the
weakening of the cell wall which cause serious “collateral damage” to Candida frequency).
eventually ruptures and disintegrates. normal body cells. I discovered that 676 Hz makes me feel
This would explain both the Rife Another point to consider is that if you dizzy and 464 Hz gives me stomach gas.
exploding bacteria effect and the Lyman/ can kill a tumor cell by exploding a virus This time I got a much smaller attack of
Kaali bacterial inactivation. inside it, it follows that you can kill a pain, but also this time I got a spate of
Mild denaturing of the cellular normal cell the same way. red blotches on the skin followed by
proteins will inactivate the pathogen’s Up to this point I’ve been relating itching all over, again lasting for about
ability to bond to other cells or stories and theories secondhand. Now I’d two hours. I figured the first was a
participate in chemical exchanges with like to just mention some experiments Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction to the 676
body cells; a more pronounced that I’ve done in this field. I would like Hz, and the second the reaction to the
denaturing will destroy the pathogen’s to stress that I am giving this information 464 Hz.
cell wall. for completeness and because it is The next day, I woke up again with
I have greatly oversimplif ied this interesting. I am not suggesting that hardly any pain at all. During the whole
explanation because molecular anyone else should try this; it might be day I only had to take one antacid tablet,
electrochemistry is not an easy subject to dangerous. which is unprecedented. After four days
master. I hope, however that I have of similar treatments, all pain had gone
conveyed a simplistic picture of what Subjective Experiment and I was getting no detectable reaction
may be happening and why I have at all to either of the frequencies. What
doubts about the more conventional As an experiment, I decided to try is more important, I had no indigestion
explanations. making a simple machine. Basically I for the first time in years and there was
[Editor’s note: A simplified rebuttal to designed a very simple magnetic pulse no more bleeding. I stopped the
this theory would point out that ionic generator. treatments at that point.
movements like those suggested above I made a simple driver circuit that At the time of this writing, it is now
are generally far too slow for the accepts square-wave pulses from a TTL nearly three months since I performed
electromagnetic frequencies involved in input and drives them at about 36 volts this experiment. I have had no pain, no
Rife-like devices. It would be like a with a current capacity of up to four bleeding, and feel better than I have in
bowling ball on the deck of a boat that’s amps into a 35mH magnetic coil. The years.
being rocked back and forth very fast; resulting magnetic field is quite intense. A few weeks ago, I got the symptoms
above a certain “rocking frequency” the I then hooked the machine up to a of a mild cold for a couple of days. The
bowling ball more-or-less stands still signal generator and tuned it to various indigestion returned for a day, although
because it can’t respond fast enough to known Crane MOR frequencies for not as badly as before. I tried the
move in any one direction.] common pathogens that most people machine again, tuning randomly through
have, and held the coil near to my body various frequencies and looking for
A Cautionary Note in various places. reactions. I got strong reactions at
Interestingly, I felt nothing at most frequencies which I later discovered were
Having said all that, I must urge frequencies, but got a noticeable reaction known MORs for Adenovirus (a common
caution. While the mechanism of these when I tuned to certain frequencies, for respiratory infection) and also
electrotherapy devices may have a example 464 Hz, which turns out to be Chlamydia Pneumonia (also a respiratory
greater effect on bacteria, etc., than the MOR for Candida Albicans (a pathogen). Two days of treatment, as
normal body cells, it would be a great parasitic yeast that just about everybody before, at the new frequencies, has once
mistake to assume that body cells are has to some degree). again removed all symptoms and the
never damaged by these effects. Any I was suffering from a gastric ulcer— indigestion is gone.
body cell relies on an extremely complex i.e., gnawing pain under the ribs when my
system of electrochemical reactions to stomach was empty, bleeding, etc. I also Placebo Effect?
operate. have a hiatus hernia (weak stomach
Clearly an electric, magnetic, or valve) which for many years has caused It’s not very scientif ic, but I’m
electromagnetic field applied close to almost continuous indigestion and acid convinced it works. If anything, it has
the body will induce electrical potentials burning. convinced me that this whole field is too
across cell membranes (and those of I normally have to take antacids every important to ignore, and the more serious
organelles) and will inevitably disrupt couple of hours, and certainly after every research and experimentation that is

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done, the better. in a cloud of smoke! MHz are more effective than the 27 MHz
Skeptics will, of course, argue that this The coil, L1, consists of approximately CB range.
is a classic placebo effect. But having 333 turns of 22-gauge enameled wire Currently, I am working on the design
tried various remedies over the years wound on a plastic form of about 13 cm of a high-accuracy digital frequency
without anything like these results, I diameter (a standard plastic waste-pipe synthesizer that I intend to use for further
believe otherwise. coupler) in eight layers, across a span of experiments.
I also tried a further experiment with about 25 mm. The turns of the coil need I must add that, despite my opinions, I
molds. I took a piece of bread, dampened to be tightly wound and well varnished am not specifically endorsing any of
it, and left it out overnight. I then broke into place to prevent oscillation and these devices in any way. I am only
the bread into two similar pieces and put heating in operation. The prototype coil presenting this information as a matter of
each piece in a separate, sealed, sterile gets mildly warm in normal use, about interest.
container. I took one container and 40°C.
exposed it to a range of different anti- Other Evidence
mold frequencies of the magnetic pulser. Do Not Try This At Home
The first container was left untouched. Among the scientific literature, I have
After four days, the containers were Again I urge everyone to take care. I discovered there is a wealth of
compared. The f irst, untouched only experiment on myself. The cardinal information as yet not properly compiled
container was full of mold; together, and usually buried
the second was completely in incomprehensible
clear. Since the only technical gibberish. I have
difference between the two seen research reports which
was the exposure to the indicate that weak magnetic
magnetic pulser, I concluded field pulses at 16.7 Hz can
that the magnetic pulser had stimulate the body into
killed all the mold spores in increased production of T-
the second container. lymphocytes. I have seen
other reports that indicate
Pulser Circuit that other frequencies inhibit
the same lymphocytes.
For anyone interested in There are also reports that
doing further experiments, the claim similar effects at various
circuit diagram of a second, frequencies that inhibit cancer
very simple prototype of my cell growth and ones that
pulser is shown in Figure 5. stimulate it. Most of the
The input is a simple TTL current research, however, has
square wave at the frequency focused on the effect of power-
of interest. The circuit Fig. 5. The author’s experimental pulser circuit. line frequencies (50/60 Hz).
consists of two simple buffer/ Most reports indicate that
inverter stages, around transistors TRl rule for me is: don’t try to treat anybody these frequencies are dangerous; I have
and TR2, to translate the TTL signal into else. I am aware of the risks I take and not seen any evidence of any beneficial
a larger voltage swing to drive the two accept them; other people may not be. I effects reported at these frequencies.
parallel MOSFETs in the output stage, also don’t encourage anyone to try this One thing that does seem to be
shown combined as TR3, into hard on themselves, but only to perform confirmed repeatedly by research is that
conduction. proper experiments with microorganism weak electric and particularly magnetic
The MOSFETs are wired in parallel to samples with due precautions under fields have a most profound effect on
increase their current capability and scientific conditions. There is still too growing cells. The faster the rate of cell
mounted on a big heat-sink, although much that is not properly understood growth, the more pronounced the effect.
they have a very low on-resistance and so about this technology. This implies that any low-frequency
the dissipation of the circuit is low. The I personally believe that the Rife-type magnetic f ield may be particularly
20-Volt Zener diode, D1, wired from the plasma machine is the safer option. dangerous to children, and especially to
drain to gate of the MOSFETs, prevents However, these machines are difficult to unborn children. Also, prolonged
inductive voltage overshoot and gives obtain and very overpriced (ready-built). exposure to any low-frequency magnetic
the MOSFETs a very hard switch-off I have asked a few manufacturers for f ield may cause VDG and/or
edge, which is supposed to be ideal for specs, but I’ve found that many are electroporation and consequent cellular
bioactive effect. unwilling to give proper specifications, damage.
The power supply is a simple 21-Volt and in some cases the advertising claims It is now widely accepted by many
unregulated supply (a rectified 15V a.c. are simply untrue. researchers that any field in excess of
transformer with a 4700pF smoothing If there are any decent r.f. engineers out 150nT is likely to have an immediate
capacitor) but which needs to have a there (high-power r.f. design is not my bioactive effect on cellular metabolism,
high surge capacity as the transients specialty) I for one would be interested in and much weaker fields may have effects
generated by the coil can overload the a modern design for a Rife plasma device after a longer exposure.
transformer and rectifier. built from the ground up and optimized,
The second prototype uses a 200 VA not just based on modified CB radios. It Official Recommendations
transformer and l0 A rectifier, which should also work with lower carrier
works well. My first prototype used only frequencies, as there is some evidence Despite numerous well-founded and
a 100 VA transformer and died suddenly that carriers in the range of 3 MHz to 11 intensive research studies on the

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 45

bioactive effects of low-frequency that low-frequency fields have bioactive on the Internet, addresses later) cite
electric and magnetic fields, both the effects per se, although there is impressive figures for kill rates of specific
U.K. NRPB (National Radiological controversy over the field strengths that bacteria at specific pulse rates of a strong
Protection Board) and the U.S. NCRP might have an effect, and whether or not magnetic field. But the conclusion of the
(National Committee on Radiation the effects are temporary or permanent. reports is that pulsed fields do not qualify
Protection) insist that their off icial The NRPB in the U.K. has published for approval as a method of food
position is that there is no proven risk of reports in which it admits that some preservation because the mechanism of
adverse health effects from low- strong low-frequency fields might have action is unknown, and also because of
frequency fields. temporary bioactive effects. The NCRP is inconsistent results; in some cases the
Many informed observers believe that also at the center of a controversy over a fields appear to enhance the action of
this is a short-sighted view motivated by “leaked” internal draft recommendation bacteria, in others they kill them, and
political considerations. For example, of 1995 by its own research teams which some appear to have no effect at all.
both authorities have close ties to power makes various recommendations, citing The interesting conclusion the FDA
generation companies that obviously specific bioactive effects of low-intensity draws from this is that the effect is
would be reluctant to admit that their low-frequency fields and which obviously frequency dependent and also
product might be dangerous to concludes: is influenced by field strength, exposure
consumers. “Based on available evidence, the time, and the nature of the material
In the United States, at least, this has led committee concludes that it is desirable to exposed. This is almost exactly what
to conflict between various government reduce human exposure to electric and Rife was saying in the first place.
agencies. For example, the NCRP and the particularly to magnetic fields over the
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). frequency range from near zero to 3kHz. Magnetic Field Report
The EPA has allegedly petitioned various This may be accomplished, particularly in
U.S. government authorities to classify areas with frequent and prolonged human Here is an extract from the FDA
low-frequency radiation as “a possible occupancy, by recommending an magnetic field report:
human carcinogen”, but has met with exposure standard, or a set of safety “Exposure to a magnetic field may
concerted resistance from the power guidelines, or by recommendations that stimulate or inhibit the growth and
companies and their lobbyists. In fall short of establishing either a standard reproduction of microorganisms. A single
addition, numerous lawsuits have been or guideline, but offer guidance to limit pulse of intensity of 5 T to 50 T and
filed by consumers and environmental exposure.” frequency of 5 kHz to 500 kHz generally
groups against power generation reduces the number of microorganisms by
companies, citing research and statistical Food Preservation at least 2-log cycles (Hoffman, 1985).
studies that supposedly show a strong High-intensity magnetic fields can affect
correlation between childhood leukemia Perhaps the most interesting twist to the membrane fluidity and other properties of
and proximity to power lines emitting whole story comes in the form of two new cells (Frankel and Liburdy 1995).
low-frequency electric and magnetic reports by the U.S. FDA, the very Inconsistent results of other inactivation
fields. organization that tried to shut down Rife. studies, however, make it impossible to
The fact remains that while these These latest two reports consider the use clearly state the microbial inactivation
authorities insist there is no proven risk of pulsed electric and magnetic fields for efficiency of a magnetic field or to make
from low-frequency f ields, they are food preservation on the basis that any predictions about its effects on
talking in the context of normal domestic accepted research shows that pulsed microbial populations.”
power lines, and on the basis of projected electric and magnetic fields can kill
field strengths and exposures in normal bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. Finally
use. Neither authority is actively denying These two reports (which are available
I have deliberately tried to keep this
article simple, trying to find a balance
...and the truth shall set you free between completeness, common sense,
global conspiracy and
and scientific overkill. I hope that I have
David Icke exposes the real story behind
global events which shape the future of human offers an inspiring at least stimulated some readers to
existence and the world we leave our children. spiritual solution in research this fascinating subject
Fearlessly, he lifts the veil on an astonishing which every man, themselves.
web of interconnected manipulation to reveal woman, and child on
that the same few people, secret societies, planet Earth breaks Acknowledgement
and organizations control the daily direction of free from the daily
our lives. They engineer the wars, violent programming—the Photographs of the 1947 Rife machine
revolutions, terrorist outrages, and political “coup d’état on the were downloaded from the
assassinations; they control the world market human mind”—and -rifetech/rife.html website and reproduced
in hard drugs and the media indoctrination takes back their by kind permission of James Bare.
machine. Every global negative event of the infinite power to think
20th Century, and earlier, can be traced back for themselves and References
to the same Global Elite, and some of the decide their own
names involved are very well known. Never destiny. His words are $24.95 (+ S/H ) Ions, Electrodes, And Membranes
before has this web, its personnel, and designed to inspire all Code: TSSF (1.5 lb.) J. Koryta. 1992. John Wiley and Sons,
methods been revealed in such a detailed and of us to fling open the door of the mental
ISBN 0-47193080-6. A good introductory
devastating fashion. prison we build for ourselves, and to walk into
Icke reveals the esoteric background to the the light of freedom.
book on cellular electrochemistry.
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 Jeff Behary’s Turn of the Century

PAGE 46 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

Electrotherapy Museum. A wonderful site
with descriptions and many photos of the MURDER BY INJECTION
plethora of extremely weird, wonderful, THE STORY OF THE MEDICAL CONSPIRACY
and hilarious early electrotherapy AGAINST AMERICA
devices. This classic by Eustace Mullins unveils the Conspiracy to deny you low-cost alternative healthcare and how federal
Another wonderful on-line “quackery” agents commit acts of “Criminal Syndicalism” to protect the
museum with links to many sites. profits of the “Drug Trust”. The world’s 18 largest drug firms are listed. Some of the topics covered are: Profits of Cancer, AIDS,
Site of the Rife Plasma Digest, a very Contamination of the Food Supply, Death $20.00 (+S/H)
good site with scanned copies of 361 pages Hard-Cover and Vaccination, The Rockefeller Syndicate. Code: MBI (1.5 lb.)
numerous original Rife documents and SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866
correspondence. meant as opposed to what I actually said! this pulser. It was not designed as a proper
James Bare’s website; lots of So I’d just like to clear up a few points that therapeutic tool. It was meant to confirm
information and great links. Check out have been misinterpreted. some crude experimental results. I have
the AVI video of the exploding Firstly the circuit described in the no idea of what the longterm effects of
Blepharisma! article is for a simple magnetic pulse exposure to pulsed magnetic fields might device. It is NOT a Rife device and I have be and recommend that anyone who
The Rife Information Forum—Europe, never made any claim to that effect. The wants to experiment with this should do
useful links and information about only association with Rife’s work is the so with extreme caution. If you want to
clinical trials. fact that I personally tried it with Crane see if the Rife effect works, try it on a frequencies that have been (probably sample of mold or bacteria in a culture
details?patent_number=5139684 wrongly) attributed to Rife. The article is dish; don’t go around trying to cure
A link with details of the Einstein designed to throw some light on several people with it. If you want to try it on
team’s patent for their proposed HIV aspects of electrotherapy. While Rife is yourself, that’s up to you; but I didn’t tell
treatment with details of numerous the main focus of the article, it is not you to do it!
subsequent similar patents. exclusively about Rife, so the fact that I did not comment anywhere in the various devices are mentioned does not article that I recommended this kind of
omf.html imply that they are all forms of Rife treatment and that I thought it was
FDA report (2000) on use of pulsed devices or that they have anything to do unconditionally safe. On the contrary, I
magnetic fields for food preservation. with Rife. clearly stated that I thought it could The reason I decided to try a magnetic potentially be very dangerous. I did
pef.html pulse device was to test an initial theory mention that other people had claimed it
FDA report (2000) on use of pulsed of my own that it was the magnetic field was safe; but I didn’t make that claim
electric fields for food preservation. from the Rife ray device that was myself. There are many different forms of responsible for the bactericidal effect. I electrotherapy and many different kinds
The official web page of the U.K. have since found that I can duplicate the of devices. Each should be
National Radiological Protection Board effect with pure electric fields, magnetic independently assessed and treated on its
(NRPB). fields, and even infra-red light. I haven’t own merits, something I didn’t try to do in tried electromagnetic fields. All the pure my article.
The official web page of the U.S. scientific research I have seen indicates A few readers have commented that the
National Committee on Radiological that normal EM fields (i.e. radio waves) super-regeneration wavelengths quoted
Protection (NCRP). do NOT (in general, there are exceptions) from Rife’s papers are higher frequencies exhibit the Rife effect. than the carriers. This is true, but one
A link to a copy of the “leaked” 1995 So to all the people who have should not literally accept that an original
NCRP draft recommendations for low- commented to the effect that my circuit Rife machine consisted of a simple
frequency field exposures. doesn’t produce EM fields or is an modulated carrier. In fact, the little
inefficient EM transmitter: it is NOT an information that does exist about those
* * * EM transmitter; it’s just a crude prototype original machines indicates that they may
designed to create pulses of magnetic have been more like mixers than simple
Editor’s note: The following comments flux, nothing else. modulators. I believe I now know the
by the author of the above April 2001 As for the coil mentioned in the article, significance of the “super-regeneration”
Everyday Practical Electronics article the one described measures at an aspect of Rife’s original machine and
were written a month later in response to inductance of 931uH. The 35mH coil intend to expand on that in a forthcoming
a lively array of feedback he received. referred to was a first prototype, the follow-up article.
construction of which is not described in With regard to how the Rife effect
Comments By Aubrey Scoon the article. As I did mention in the article, works, I believe that magnetic and electric
the circuit described is for my SECOND f ields are inducing electrochemical
I’ve received numerous responses prototype, which was much simpler and changes in cell membranes which affect
regarding my article in the April [2001] more efficient than the first. electrochemical pumping mechanisms. In
edition of Everyday Practical Electronics Some readers have asked me for particular I believe that the Rife-type
( therapeutic recommendations for the machines interfere with proton pumps that
It appears that some people have magnetic pulse device. I mentioned are fundamental to the operation of
misread parts of the article or jumped to clearly in the article that I am NOT bacterial cells, but which are not present
conclusions about what they think I recommending medical treatment with in animal cells. I have no idea how the

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 47

Rife effect works on viruses, and as yet I for yourself what is true or not. someone is trying to sell you something,
don’t even have the basis of any theory I recommend that readers read Barry then any information offered in support of
because viruses are very different to Lynes’ book, look at James Bare’s their product should be treated with the
animal-bacterial cells. I am working on an experiments, the reports on Peter Walker’s utmost suspicion unless it can be
expanded theory that may account for Rife Information Website, and also check independently verified. Secondly, if
how infra-red pulses can produce the out the recently available reproductions anyone quotes a dozen pages of their
effect by photoelectrochemical of audio tapes and video films of Rife professional qualifications in support of
absorbance, but I would like to clarify that himself talking about his work. But don’t their pet theory, whether for or against,
I do not endorse the view that the Rife stop there; keep looking! that should also be viewed with
effect is due to mechanical resonance. The true spirit of scientific method is to suspicion, because facts speak for
Rife thought it might be, but I didn’t say I investigate somethng with no themselves; they don’t need
agreed with that idea! preconceived ideas about whether it’s qualif ications, accreditations,
I do encourage readers to do their own right or wrong. It involves simply certifications, and accolades to be facts.
research. Look at proper published looking at the facts, checking and Anyone who needs to do this to
scientific research papers; don’t just verifying them, and then formulating a promote their ideas probably has a very
accept what you read on some website or theory to fit them. The moment one weak case, because facts should stand on
book or advertisement (or even magazine makes any assumption, either way, the their own merits.
article!) either for or against. The only scientific method has been lost. The same [end quoting]
way to find the truth is to look for it applies if you discard any facts you don’t In light of the above astonishing
yourself, with an open mind. like or introduce unverified information information, is it really any stretch to
Some people have commented that the as fact. The fundamental reason why such imagine that the major pharmaceuticals
only correct way to approach this is with a promising field of research is still in its (and their AMA and FDA puppets) would
skeptical thinking, but there is a flaw in infancy is simply because many people go to any lengths of immorality to
that because a skeptic—in my definition are more concerned with forming suppress such cheap electromagnetic
at least—is someone who refuses to themselves into opposing camps of alternatives to an otherwise lucrative
believe the facts before them unless they skeptics and believers than with simply business?
can be made to f it an accepted, looking for the truth for themselves.
conventional theory. But the facts are the [Editor’s note: Well, even though it’s Royal Rife Comment
facts; the theory needs to be modified to not the FUNDAMENTAL reason by a
fit the facts, not the other way around! longshot, he’s certainly correct to imply Not long before he became ill, Dr. Rife
Unconditional belief is just as bad that a lot more progress will come from made the following profound
because, despite the best intentions of working together in honest inquiry than (under)statement:
some of the “distributors”, a lot of the from extremes of “blind belief” that lead [quoting]
material that one reads about Rife, etc., on to fighting. After all, those crooks in high I hope I have helped humanity some. I
places like the web is unresearched and in secret places who have long worked to am just an ordinary man, doing the best
many cases just plain wrong. But you can derail such advancements as electro- he can.
read from some of Rife’s original papers; medicine have always found that well- We are all here to do our part. Each has
you can find proper scientific research placed skeptics can keep a field in a a purpose as he lives it and thinks it. We
papers; and finally, best of all, you can do turmoil, chasing its tail rather than need religion to balance scientific
your own experiments and see it for getting anywhere productive. It’s time to discovery, and the material and the
yourself. rise above being so easily hoodwinked by spiritual must go side-by-side.
You can do historical research too. The such baited trickery.] Religion guides scientific discoveries.
full story is a lot more interesting than just I have a couple of personal rules of Religion is a stabilizer. I sincerely think
my brief description. You can find thumb that are not strictly in accordance and believe that our Good Lord helps us
information on the people mentioned and with the true spirit of scientific enquiry in many ways to accomplish our desires.
events referred to. Look it up and decide but may be valuable in general. Firstly, if This has been proven in many cases where
results obtained were from none other
The most important thing I ever did was
One half of the world’s current population build a microscope. The things I’ve done
should soon be dead according to authoritative have possibly [!!!] helped humanity. I
projections. Will you, your family, and friends be have tried to create and develop things for
among the survivors or the deceased? the good of the Universe. I am grateful to
Dr. Len Horowitz and Dr. Joseph S. Puleo God that he has allowed me to do the
investigate 2000 years of religious and political things I have done.
persecution and the latest technologies being [end quoting]
537 PAGES 4 hours used to enslave, coerce, and even kill billions of Is it any wonder why Dr. Rife was
unsuspecting people. chosen to bring forth a gift of such vast
This work returns the most precious spiritual good for humanity? But what a threat to
Hard Cover Book: Audio Tapes: knowledge and “healing codes” to humanity. It the world controllers! And their
offers hope for the loving masses to survive the
$26.95 (+S/H)$29.95 (+S/H) worldwide plagues, famines, and weather suppression tactics continue to this day,
Code: HCBA (2.5 lb.) Code: HCBAA (0.5 lb.) which brings us to our next topic.
changes that are now at hand. Healing Codes
presents an urgent, monumental, and inspired work that will be hailed for
Now that we have an understanding of
generations to come. why Rife’s discoveries and equipment
represent such a threat to the modern
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR INFORMATION OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 medical-business establishment and the

PAGE 48 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

pharmaceutical cartels, we’re going to
examine the matter of a recent FDA raid
on the home of Jim Folsom in San Diego. DEATH IN THE AIR:
(He’s the author of the quote at the very
top of this article.)
This book explains how and why:
We’ll begin with Jim’s letter to the
President and Congress: • We have evolved from the nuclear age into a “Technotronic Era”
[quoting] with “psychotronic warfare” for optimal population control.
• Non-lethal warfare is being effectively used to produce sociopolitical
Open Letter To and economic outcomes consistent with global genocide.
President George Bush & Congress • The world’s wealthiest policy-makers have recommended, and are
working toward, eliminating half the world’s population.
Re: Operation Health Freedom • Accepted methods of disease prevention, such as pesticide
(Editor’s note: Though it’s called sprayings, can only be scientifically rationalized as costly and Hard Cover: $29.95(+S/H)
Operation Health Freedom, their website deadly contributions to non-lethal warfare and population reduction. Code: DTA (2.5 lb.)
is noted as—which means • Chemtrail sprayings that obscure blue skies are not normal, but reflect a conspiracy of
Operation Total Health Freedom.) silence and military attacks on the health and welfare of people around the world.
Striking at the heart of those responsible for the latest forms of bio-terrorism, psychotronic
This past March you launched warfare, and ecological genocide, the revelations contained in this book offer more than a
Operation Iraqi Freedom. I commend you reality check—they give you and your loved ones a final, last-minute choice for survival.
on your desire for freedom for the Iraqi
people. This great endeavor and the SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866
success of the American military men and homes belongs to an honorably served “pacified” in an old-age home or special-
women serving under you is most U.S. Army veteran. One family care facility? Industrialized Japan finds
commendable. experiencing this armed “terror attack” its citizens, both young and old, happy,
On July 4, 2003, We-The-People of the was a newly arrived Mexican family, one healthy, and not loaded with drugs, who
United States of America are launching member with recent U.S. citizenship, and pass their senior years in a quality state of
“Operation Health Freedom”. We are having come to the U.S. for better political health and well-being.
calling upon you as the President of the and economic freedoms. Their part of the Our American hospitals are among the
United States to join us in this great American dream has been shattered. most deadly infectious places on planet
undertaking. We are calling upon our Another experiencing this attack was a Earth. There are third-world countries
Representatives in Congress to join in legal resident from Southeast Asia who more infection free than our hospitals,
also. came to the U.S. in order to be away from which have infection rates, leading to
Also, We-The-People and Citizens brutal police tactics that are often known death, of over 100,000 citizens per year.
choose July 4th for a New Declaration Of in that part of the world. Her dream of a This rate does not match the number of
Independence and A New Era Of Freedom truly free America was severely shaken. deaths caused annually by medical abuse,
for the People of the United States of How does all this tie into Operation mis-diagnoses, and mis-application of
America. Health Freedom, which we are asking you, drugs which, together with hospital
On April 2nd of this year, while Mr. President, to join and even lead the infections, cause 270,000 deaths per year.
American soldiers and marines began way? Another great success for freedom, These drugs often cost $100 or more per
incursions into Baghdad for the liberation particularly for freedom here in America, pill, and more often than not just “mask-
of Iraqi men, women, and children from an will be a great tribute to your Presidency. over”—or at best “manage”—a symptom,
oppressive dictatorship and a flawed This terror attack on our homes was not eliminate it; and another drug is used
oppressive governmental system, homes done on the pretext of “protecting” the to mask-over the symptoms of the prior
here in the United States of America came health of American citizens. We believe it prescribed drug, and on and on this goes.
under attack, not by members of Saddam is only a pretext to protect and hold Hospitalization stays, often minimal at
Hussein’s Red Guard, but rather by U.S. together an “old order” and “lagging $2,000 per day, are financially breaking
Federal Agents from the FDA (Food & edge” medical and pharmaceutical all too many of our citizens. Medical
Drug Administration) and other Federal industry that all too fraudulently holds its insurance is too cost-prohibitive for most,
Police who are under your administrative economic power grip on the U.S. economy, and becoming costlier daily.
authority. Our homes were forcefully the political processes, and most Are we surprised that medical costs are
invaded as we became victims of importantly the vital health and welfare of one of the greatest causes of bankruptcy
fraudulent, “illegal/legal” actions, with every citizen of America. here in America? Or, that the true healthy
clear violations of our civil and [Of course, with the well established well-being of our people is not the best in
constitutional rights. Without any Bush family ties to the Eli Lilly the world?
charges of illegality our homes were Pharmaceutical Company, it is likely that We desire cost-effective health and
searched, property seized, we were placed this request to the President will fall on wellness modalities that are not
under intense interrogation (no Miranda deaf ears. — R.M.] restricted and controlled by Federal
rights presented), with intimidation of What are we saying here? bureaucratic tyranny, with its main
possible further economic loss (legal fees), Example: The life expectancy of purpose to hold the “old order”
and possible seizure of our homes. Yes, Americans is high, but is the quality of medical/pharmaceutical system in
this in our free America, and at a time life—when our children are drugged to place. No, we no longer seek our
when we are “liberating” Iraq from keep them “attentive” in school, our salvation in more and costlier
oppressive tyranny. senior citizens drugged, kept numb, and “research”, expensive technologies,
One of these U.S. invaded and terrorized partially alert until the “die-off ” drug, “miracle” surgeries, “wonder” drugs,

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 49

etc. The later is responsible for the me are among those who helped build this order”, cost prohibitive, medical/
“health crisis” in America and is placing country, fought for its freedoms, helped pharmaceutical/governmental system that
us and our families at risk. We demand preserve and protect it in it’s battles and is in crisis? The recent armed Federal
change for the better. wars, and made it the great country that it Police and FDA Agents’ terror attacks on
It is well known, the current “health” is today. our homes were a result of equipment
system in America is flawed and in crisis. Mr. President, those who walked before used for experimental and investigative
We are calling upon you, Mr. President, us in this great country would not be research that is often used in health clinics
Congressional Representatives, Federal, proud if they saw what happened with this by N.D.s, Ph.D.s, M.D.s (often retired),
State, Local representatives and civil terror invasion of our homes last week by D.C.s, Dentists, other “wellness”
servants at all levels to join and assist in armed U.S. Federal agents, with fraudulent practitioners, and a broad spectrum of
our endeavor Operation Health Freedom. “lawful” disregard for our civil and American citizens.
There is a part each and every one of you constitutional rights—actions which only The historical records, results, and
can take. the likes of Saddam or Hitler would truly research of this technology spans most of
For you, our Congressional be proud. the prior century.
Representatives, we are requesting that Mr. President, we are talking about As has happened in the past, your
you personally demand a full and agents under your direct authority. I have Federal Police and FDA agents today are
complete U.S. General Accounting Office had FBI agents in my home assisting them making a continued effort of suppression
investigation of the Food and Drug in investigative matters and with them and destruction of low-cost, cost-effective
Administration which, under the guise of being aware and having in their files the “alternative” health technologies and
“protecting the health” of citizens, is all business activities that I am involved with services. The trail of this conspiracy is
too often only protecting the “old order” and represent. vast.
and often doing so with blatant civil and I am demanding that, if I did anything Again, Mr. President, as this drama
constitutional violations of our citizens. in my business that is illegal, that I be plays out, and that is exactly what it is,
We are requesting a full and complete legally charged accordingly, arrested, we-the-citizens of the United States of
Congressional investigation of the and provided my day in court. America are asking for your participation,
“health crisis” in America, an Otherwise, I demand that all property, along with the participation of others, and
investigation into the money trails and records, books, historical library, reports, we are watching to see who is on our side
the strings of influence. We believe a very etc., that were seized in these terror raids, in Operation Health Freedom.
flawed “old order”, lagging-edge, costly, be returned immediately and be returned We would like to know if we still have a
entrenched system has been strongly in in good order. government here in America that serves
place for all too long. This is a text case for us here in us, its citizens. Is this truly so?
We-the-American-people are paying the America. Civil and constitutional rights We commend you for your desire to
price for this in our health—physically, violations and freedoms are only part of bring freedom to the Iraqi people. Are
mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and the issue. The troubling and overriding you willing to do the same for we-the-
economically, and we are demanding issue for the “health police” is the citizens of the United States of America?
change. Not little change. A big change. economic, low-cost technology that the We are requesting that you come aboard
Now. American people are becoming aware of, to assist us in this great cause for freedom.
I, the author of this letter, am a U.S. finding affordable, effective, and are Yes, this is a great cause. It will not be
Army Veteran, having honorably served purchasing. easy. There are entrenched interests that
during the Vietnam era in a NATO missile At issue is: Do we, as citizens of these are not about to let go easily. And yes, we
command in Southern Europe. My United States of America, have the right to are talking about freedom, here in
lineage here in America is tenth care for our own health and wellness, America—freedom regarding basic
generation, and those who came before without having to rely upon the “old physical health, economic health for us as
individuals, and for the health and
EMERGING VIRUSES - AIDS & EBOLA economic well-being of our families, all
our families. This also involves freedom
This is the first in-depth exploration into the origins from fear of individual and family
of HIV and Ebola. Claims that these “emerging fortunes being wiped-out due to this
viruses” naturally evolved and then jumped species tragic health system here in America.
from ape to man seem grossly unfounded in light of ES Those seeking answers in the old
the compelling evidence assembled in this TAP system are not going to find answers to
extraordinary text. Alternatively, the possibility that A 3 HO our health crisis; they are looking in the
these bizarre germs were laboratory creations, wrong direction. Just as you did not look
accidentally or intentionally transmitted via tainted to Saddam for freedom for the Iraqi people
Hepatitis and smallpox vaccines in the U.S. and and provide him with billions upon
Over 590 pages Africa—as numerous authorities have alleged—is $19.95 (+S/H) billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars, we
Code: EVAEA (0.5 lb.)
$29.95 (+S/H) investigated herein. expect neither you, nor our Congressional
Code: EVAE (2.5 lb.) This book reviews the numerous viral vaccine studies conducted
Representatives, to receive much valuable
simultaneously in New York City and Central West Africa by a
assistance, answers, or results from the
narrow network of virologists working for major military-medical contractors under
the auspices of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the World Health
“old order” medical/pharmaceutical/
Organization (WHO). The text presents bizarre and horrifying facts about the governmental system currently in place.
biological weapons race of the 1960s and early 1970s when researchers Nor do we desire seeing more and more
developed countless immune-system-ravaging viruses and experimented with billions thrown into this flawed system.
antidote vaccines allegedly for “defense” and cancer prevention. It is known that a majority of our
citizens are seeking low-cost “alternative
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 methods” for health and wellness and are

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not deferring to the “old order” of drug immune system that Chemo and current South African government, in
medications and surgeries. This includes Radiation is known to destroy. Is this why perpetuity, all rights to naturally grown
67% of the post-war generation (Baby the FDA never approved Chemo (mustard herbal/floral products of that country (and
Boomers and richest segment), 70% of gas) which is considered “slightly less who knows how far these purchase
their children (the largest segment), and deadly” than cancer itself ? restrictions and control processes reach
87% of their parents who are seeking 2. It is documented that upper-echelon into other third-world countries).
alternative health services and FDA officials will send their cancer- Currently, the pharmaceutical cartel is
technologies. We are referring to health stricken family members to Germany in perpetuating the United Nations Codex to
and wellness modalities that are cost- order to obtain treatments which they restrict the worldwide use and sale of
effective, affordable, results-oriented, not themselves ban in the U.S.—i.e., ozone, natural herbal and food supplement
infectious, crippling, or riddled with side- etc. There are many viable cancer products.
effects. treatment modalities available in In November 2002, the European
These alternative health services and Germany’s hospitals and clinics that are community came under the Codex
technologies to date have only minimally, banned by the FDA in the U.S., including restrictions, leaving mostly large
at best, been supported by insurance Rife-type frequency technologies. pharmaceutical companies in control of
companies or governmental health 3. The FDA, via the North American herbal and food supplement products
programs, research funding, etc. Secretary Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has set there. At the same time the FDA/
of Health and Human Services Tommy out and is attempting to close all cancer pharmaceutical industry is making every
Thompson fortunately has started in the clinics along U.S. borders, particularly the attempt to restrict and control all natural
right direction with the release of the ABC Mexican clinics. Dr. Hulda Clark’s and herbal and food supplement products sold
Codes. This is only a beginning. The New Hope Clinics in Tijuana, here in the U.S. Does this smell of a
Lastly, AIDS, West Nile Virus, SARS— Mexico, are among those already hit. worldwide FDA/medical/pharmaceutical
there are more of these diseases upon us (Clark’s remains open after a court battle.) cartel conspiracy? Certainly this is
and we expect they will be coming with Those being closed are usually clinics of worthy of investigation.
greater and greater intensity. We are last hope after cancer victims have been 7. Naturally grown products cannot be
requesting a thorough investigation as to Chemoed, Radiated, and Surgeried in the patented. Artif icial, chemically
which of these diseases have come from U.S. produced/created pharmaceutical
pharmaceutical laboratories and to In Canada, Don Tunney, who assembles products can be patented. Resulting very
what extent they are being fostered upon and provides Jim Bare/Rife frequency costly prices are obtained from these
us to further entrench the “old order” instruments was presented a “cease and patented drug products, prices most often
costly systems. desist” order by the FDA (thanks to and supported by high insurance premiums,
With news media hype paralleling each via NAFTA) in June/July 2002. costly government/taxpayer support for
new disease, we are being told this “old- 4. Why the FDA’s banning of Rife-type pharmaceutical aid to seniors, “health and
order” system is here as our “savior”. Is frequency instrumentation? It has been welfare” programs for the poor, etc.
this truly so? Are they manufacturing suggested that after 70 years of Are these artificially produced
these “new” diseases in their labs (truly suppression and cover-up, if the general petroleum-based products toxic to the
we like to believe no one could be so public becomes aware of the results and body? Read the warning labels because
cruel and dastardly), and then are the resulting unnecessary suffering and they tell the story. The same process
only ones to provide the diagnosis and deaths caused by the “old-order” money applies to the cosmetic industry; if it’s
cure? system, there will be a public outcry and natural, it is not patentable. If it is
What is truly happening here? We-the- resulting litigation that will, by artificial, even laden with very toxic
people of the United States of America comparison, make the cigarette industry chemicals, it is patentable (with no FDA
demand an investigation and true answers. affair look like a small firecracker. approval or monitoring required).
We are demanding and declaring a New 5. South Africa, as a result of the AIDS Follow the industrial money trail from
Declaration Of Independence and a New epidemic there, is currently investing 24 petroleum to chemical to pharmaceutical
Era of Freedom for the people of the million Rand in R&D in “electo- and cosmetic, then discover the trail of
United States of America. wellness” technologies (Rife frequency- toxicity from one industry to the other,
type technologies). and then to the human body. Bill Meyers
Post-Scripts: Germany has the Grayfield Versatile made a report showing where the chemical
Operation Health Freedom Microscope capable of viewing live industry is using the cosmetic industry as
microbes at 40,000 magnification. Rife’s their toxic chemical dumping ground.
1. An example of costly, often Universal Microscope views live The EPA would be “all over” the chemical
debilitating “old-order” health systems, microbes at 60,000 magnification. The industry if these same chemicals were
perpetrated and locked into place in most electron microscope today has great placed in the environment, and yet, as
U.S. states is the California law restricting magnification; however, in the staining extremely toxic as some of these
all cancer treatments to Chemo, process, views only dead microbes. The chemicals are, they can go onto the
Radiation, and Surgery. There are many electron microscope, as currently used in human body and never fall under the
very viable modalities for treating/curing microbiology/pathology, views the dead attention of the FDA. Is it any wonder
cancer. past, while the other microscopes view the why just 40 years ago cancer was
Dr. Lorraine Day, M.D., San Francisco live life cycles of microbes. The expected to reach 1 of 25, and today it is
General Hospital surgeon (see website: difference is similar to civilizations being expected in 1 of 3 or less? turned her large studied via archaeology or walking 8. The not so BIG SECRET. Cellular
malignant breast cancer/tumor around through live cities and neighborhoods of receptors in the body respond to
nutritionally. A good immune system is the present. frequencies. Frequencies will fracture the
the best natural first-line of defense 6. Bayer pharmaceutical, in May 2001, membranes of viruses and bacteria, etc.,
against debilitating diseases and it is the is reported to have purchased from the and destroy them. Frequencies will assist

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in cellular cleansing, regeneration, and he may become the first to receive two next day I visited Dr. Nguyen, M.D.,
healing. Minerals (as in mineral Nobel Awards. cardiologist, for further testing. He
supplements), herbs, food supplements, [end quoting] recommended drugs which I did not use.
and yes, even pharmaceuticals are carriers As Jim makes the point quite clearly, At home I used natural dietary
of frequencies, and this is how they work should enough of the public become supplements and the Rife instrument, and
and operate. aware of what the medical/pharmaceutical now I am healthy and well. Is it because
Minerals, as found in fruits and industry has suppressed that would bring your Federal Drug agents want me to use
vegetables at ionic size, will readily pass true health, there would surely be a expensive drugs that they took this
through the cellular receptors and provide mutiny. The problems of the tobacco equipment from me?
natural nutrients at the cellular level. industry would pale by comparison. I rely on this Rife technology that
Pharmaceuticals will pass through the Continuing with the presentation of works to make me healthier and healthier.
cellular receptors the same way; however, this matter, I next present a letter written If a cold or flu comes along, I can usually
they are artificial and for the sake of being by Jim Folsom’s wife, Sata Burwell, to the get rid of it in a few hours and not have to
patentable are manufactured with exotic Assistant U.S. Attorney, following the raid take drugs and suffer for days, or weeks,
substances that are often toxic and will on their home: which would usually be the case.
often lower the body’s natural blueprint [quoting] A year ago, I had two ugly cataracts that
frequencies, thus allowing other ailments were blurring my vision. I used the
to take over, and consequently the Letter From Sata Burwell frequency instrument, and 10 days later
dreadful side-effects that require one after the cataracts flaked and peeled away. My
another drug to mask over the symptoms Melanie K. Pierson vision is good again.
of the prior drug, etc. Assistant U.S. Attorney Three years ago I was working at
9. Why the threat to the U.S. Attorney’s Office banquets for a local hotel. My arms and
pharmaceutical/medical system? Because 880 Front St., Room 6293 shoulders were becoming numb and
natural herbs, food supplements, essential San Diego, CA 92101-8893 partially paralyzed due to heavy lifting.
oils, and frequency instrumentation are As a result, I would wake up in the night
not noted for toxic side-effects, lowered Re: Case No. 03mg0800 crying for fear of what was happening to
immunity problems, destroyed benevolent me. I did not believe I would live to the
intestinal flora (primary cause of candida Dear Melanie: age of 50. Then I was laid off from my
problems), lowered body/organ/hormonal full-time work and could not receive
blueprint frequencies, etc. They are not Why was my house raided and Workmen’s Comp or disability payments.
the cause of 100,000 drug-induced terrorized by your armed Federal FDA That is when I was introduced to the Rife
hospitalizations per year, and the cause for agents? Why were my Rife frequency frequency technology. Today, my health
10% of all hospitalizations in the U.S. instruments taken from my bedroom and is back, my shoulders and arms are serving
They are not the cause of 270,000 my living room where I use them daily for me well, and I feel healthier than before.
hospital infections, or misapplied or research purposes and for my personal On another occasion, I experienced a
abusively applied pharmaceutical deaths health and wellness? severe appendicitis attack where I was
per year in the U.S. These instruments are vital for my buckled-up in pain. With the use of the
10. Currently in Iraq, as the war there health. They were hooked-up and Rife equipment, the infection, swelling,
comes to a close, we are witnessing the operating at the time your agents took pain, and blockage cleared within a 2-
looting and burning of that nation’s them from me. Since they are legal for me hour period and I was back immediately
cultural heritage, and the whole world to use and operate, I do not understand in good health. Your drugs, hospitals, and
suffers for this. Silently our own nation why you have taken them. For the sake of surgeries could not accomplish this with
experienced looting and burning from my health and wellness, I demand they be such speed.
this nation’s records and history books, returned to me immediately. Today I would no longer have a very
removing the memory of one of our I am Asian, and I do not believe in necessary organ to my body had the
greatest geniuses, Dr. Royal Raymond putting toxic chemicals and drugs into or surgeons gotten to it first. They would
Rife, who is right up there with the likes onto my body. I do not work full-time and have cut it out and discarded it in the
of Tesla and Einstein. cannot afford expensive health insurance nearest dumpster. Financially this would
The medical/pharmaceutical cartel saw for drugs, doctors, and hospitals. Your have likely cost me well over $20,000
this man as a major threat to their monied American hospitals are infectious and between the ambulance, emergency room,
monopoly interests because of his costly. This is why I rely on this available doctors, anesthesia, surgery, and hospital
inventions and discoveries. His Universal technology. Why should you take it from stay.
Microscope made it possible to view (by me? Can I have my Rife instruments back? I
refractive light) live viral and other Months ago I experienced what it is was using them for good and I was
pathogenic forms. He was the first one like to visit your American hospitals. I harming no one, not even myself. They
inventing the means to view live viruses, had heart palpitations, so I visited Dr. Cao, give me no side-effects like the expensive
bacteria, and other pathogens, and then he M.D. He put me on heart diagnostic drugs the doctors want to give me. Why
developed the means to devitalize and equipment to find out what was wrong. should I put those harmful chemicals into
destroy them. While in his office my heart began racing my body?
In the human body this destruction of and I was passing out, with difficulty of I have my own dietary food supplement
harmful pathogens takes place without breathing, and I was scared. Dr. Cao had distributorship. This is how I make a
the harmful side-effects often experienced me rushed to the hospital emergency. living. These supplements help to keep
from pharmaceutical drugs. We are There they put me on monitoring me and others healthy and feeling young.
looking forward to the day this great 20th equipment, gave me IVs, Tylenol, and I reference my product brochures
century genius, posthumously, is honored nothing more. Three and a half days of “BioSolutions”. I wonder if this is a crime
with a Nobel Prize. Some have suggested this, and $10,000 later, I went home. The because your Federal agents took away

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some of my equipment that I need for my monied enslavement system. I and others There was a tremendous amount of civil
business. Do I also deserve this? chose to step out of this system by and constitutional rights violations,
I feel violated by the intrusion of your choosing other technologies, and now I spearheaded by the FDA and the Postal
armed Federal FDA agents into my home. truly know why your Federal armed agents Inspector, and half a dozen other people.
Is that what it is to be “free” in America? had to come after me and the business my Let me just lead into this. What we’re
My father was a policeman back in the husband is associated with. My husband doing is stating that, while Bush was
country where I came from. I hope he chose to help others get out of the sending in troops into Iraq to free the Iraqi
never did to anyone as your Federal medical system entrapment. There is a people, our homes were being invaded by
agents did to me and my home. I left my better way, but this is not allowed because federal police and agents, under the
home in S.E. Asia to be away from this your government is dedicated to authority of Bush. We’re asking for a New
kind of police terror and tactics. Shame protecting a failing system. Even the Era Of Freedom in this country. Look at
on your people in America for allowing economic security of your country would what is happening. On July 4th, our
this to happen in your great country. I fear be shaken if there were a public awareness Independence Day, we’re asking for a New
for you, America. of technologies and means to good Declaration Of Independence and a New
I now wake up in the middle of the health, as described above. Era Of Freedom for the American people.
night, frightened and wondering if this is P.S. I am formally requesting of you, as Martin: It’s interesting you should say
going to happen again. Are these the Assistant U.S. Attorney authorizing the that because—do you know what the
strangers going to return and steal from raid on my home, that you provide all headline of our June issue is?
me? Your Federal agents went through my names, contact addresses, Federal Folsom: [Laughter] Tell me.
entire home, through my bedroom, drilled Departments, or other departments and Martin: You’re the first to know.
open my safe where I keep my valuables, locations, their authorizing supervisors’ Folsom: Ok, beautiful.
documents, and business contracts, etc. names, and by what legal authority they Martin: “Operation American
They took family video tapes and approved this raid, badge numbers, etc., of Freedom”
business contracts from the safe. They each and every person or agent who Folsom: You’re kidding. This is
took my Rife instruments. Why? entered my home, including the perfect.
It occurred to me while writing this locksmith. Martin: It sounds like the
letter why most Americans are not truly Several years ago a local sheriff synchronicity here is pretty good.
“free” as they like to believe. Coming investigating a burglary returned later a Folsom: I knew when you said this
from outside I can see what is happening burglar himself. I fear this will happen to would be in your July issue that it was
here. me. I do not sleep well knowing these timing brought in from Higher Levels.
You have a medical/pharmaceutical strangers may return at night, with no Now, my end of the operation deals,
system in crisis. Your people can no good intent. basically, with electro-wellness, the
longer afford health insurance. So much Enclosures: Hospital and Medical instrumentation you’re aware of. It’s
of your national economy is caught up Statements advertised there in The SPECTRUM. We
servicing a health system that is nearing [end quoting] look at this as more than frequency
total failure. As she says so well above, just what is it instrumentation, more than herbal, dietary
Your medical doctors are running that’s FREE about the United States when supplementation, more than the old term
scared because the best of your drugs Big Business can dictate governmental “alternative”.
are not keeping up with the mutating actions so blatantly at
and new oncoming viruses and bacteria. odds with fundamental
Your drugs only mask over the constitutional rights of
symptoms of the prior drug. Your the citizenry?
elderly are fed cupboards full of these To explore this
costly drugs. Your children are drugged critical matter further,
to keep them “attentive” in school. You on April 24, 2003, I
fight a costly “war on drugs” while your had the opportunity to
whole economy is based upon drugging speak with Jim Folsom
your people with some of the most toxic about the FDA raid.
and costly drugs. Here is what he had to
You pay and pay and pay for this say:
craziness. Most of you are living from
one paycheck to the next, hoping and Interview With
praying you are not laid off or lose your Jim Folsom
job or become ill and can no longer
work. Your people are enslaved to a Folsom: This is
system and don’t even realize the Operation Health
entrapments you are in, and you still Freedom. Now, it
call yourselves “free”. involves raids here in
Who is kidding whom? I truly feel the San Diego area.
sorry for all of you. My house was
Melanie, now I understand why you invaded. This was a
sent your terrorizing Federal FDA agents period of time when
into my home. They have a very long there were incursions
history of these terror tactics in ruining starting into Baghdad,
families and health businesses and April 2. This was “I stopped taking the medicine because I
technologies that do not conform to your seizing property. prefer the original disease to the side effects.”

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The new terminology, as Tim Bolen working through the attorneys. That is in going; we are not going there.”
told you, is “advanced wellness”. It’s the part of the letter that was put together. Martin: [Laughter]
total area of American freedom, and (The letter from Sata Burwell above.) Folsom: They rounded-up the
getting back to American rights, as the Martin: And who is your attorney? instruments. The subpoena, etc., had full
Constitution provided. That’s the basics Folsom: I am working with Jim Turner, territory; anything that related to Rife
of it. Esq., from Washington, DC. He’s a former equipment, they seized and took. They
When these raids took place, they FDA attorney. And, as it becomes took videos that did not even relate. They
weren’t just of my home. I was necessary, we’ll have attorneys out here in took all the John Crane videos that I had,
anticipating this two days ahead of time, California. showing equipment, talks he gave around
and was not frightened, or scared, or Martin: Were you served with a the country, etc., Rife CDs, Barry Lyne’s
anything else; but they took a major Warrant? books, his latest one that goes into the
amount of stuff. Folsom: Yes, and it’s under a “Gag conspiracy, the FDA with the
But I saw it as, they were opening up Order”—sealed. There was a Search pharmaceutics, and the NIH, and the
the OPPORTUNITY for what we’re seeing Warrant and a Subpoena. Cancer Institutes, Kettering Sloan, etc.
here, coalescing people on all levels. This Martin: And it’s sealed because it’s Now, in this raid, they went through the
is the opportunity to make it happen. And pending criminal prosecution? house. They went into the bedroom and
there is no greater opportunity than right Folsom: Correct, from an investigation disconnected these instruments that I
now, with this coalescing, and the ongoing from about August 1999. Now, have that were hooked-up to the electrical
American people’s involvement on a with this—I don’t know if they were just supply; one was in the bedroom, one was
major scale. When we get this out on the raids, but there were similar shut-downs in the living room, it was on at that time.
Internet, there is no reason why this here in San Diego, same technology. These were instruments that they said
couldn’t be—well, it WILL BE BIG- Martin: On the same day? were legal for me to have! Their response
TIME! Folsom: No, several years back. And was: “We’re taking them, anyway.”
When we talk about the tobacco affair, then, December 1, 1991, there was a raid Martin: How many machines did they
what has been brought on by these powers on the Biotech 2000 people in the San take?
that have held the “old system” together, Francisco area. There was Jacque Bovee Folsom: Out of the house here, they
as this overturns, it should make the and Roger Whitman—they went into their took—these were used instruments, one
tobacco industry situation look like a homes and confiscated materials. was new that had been returned from the
small firecracker, and everything that’s Martin: When you were raided, how Postal Department—they took about 16
gone on for most of the last century, that’s many people participated in the raid? machines.
holding a failed system in place, and that’s Folsom: There were approximately 7 Martin: That’s a lot of money.
what we’re dealing with, a failed system. people, total. Folsom: Yes. But they hit another
The FDA claims “right”; they came in Martin: Who was present at your person who I was working in conjunction
with the idea that this is an “unapproved” place? with, and they took about 60 instruments
medical device. They were given, by Folsom: There was one lady from from him. They hit a storage facility too.
Congress, a 1977 law to, basically, set up Mexico, my wife Sata, and myself. All total, it was a retail value in the
control with this. With that they were Martin: How were you treated? neighborhood of $2,000,000.
given responsibility to put together an Folsom: I would say, once they heavily The same identical instrument by the
independent review board for any knocked on the door, pounded on the Energy Wellness people was hit the
growing, new technology of public door and said “Federal Police, open-up”, following day, raided. That is Bruce
interest. THEY TOTALLY IGNORED they came in, they rushed in, and Perlowin, in North County.
THIS. They abrogated, as a result, any basically secured the area. They were Martin: He is being charged, as well?
authority over this area. And they are armed. From that point on, they were Folsom: No charges.
stretching the imagination when they say cordial. They had us sit in the corner of Martin: Yet?
it’s a “Class-III Instrumentation” case; I the living room, after they searched the Folsom: It doesn’t mean there won’t be
can’t go into all of that. sofa, etc. an indictment.
But, we’re on a roll, and it’s happening. They were hauling out boxes. Martin: Assuming you’re arrested and
Martin: Documentation? charged later this summer, is your
(We continued with our interview on Folsom: Yes, documentation. There approach a counter-action, a separate suit
5/1/03:) were frequency instruments, which I told in Federal court, or is it as your defense?
them I had to do some repair and Folsom: We’re aiming for counter-
Martin: When were your raided, and servicing on. People had paid good action. One of the items could be in the
who raided you? money for these instruments, and I was category of a Class-Action suit; it could
Folsom: The raid was at 9:00 on April here to see that they were provided the be in the category where the attorneys
2, by the FDA, Jim Logan, and the District service, whenever it was necessary. took on the cigarette industry.
Postal Inspector from Los Angeles, Now, when the agents came in—they In doing so, we would make that affair
Patricia, and there were several other had the blue jackets, like FDA, Postal look like a small firecracker,
people, not providing names. I did Inspector, the others would have Federal considering all the pain and suffering
request names; they did not provide them. Police on the back—one of the first and the death that has gone on without
I requested names, badge numbers, and questions I asked them is: Is this warrant over the last 70 years—and all
department locations, and I was told I instrument legal for me to own? in conspiracy and collusion and
would have to request that from the U.S. The answer was “Yes.” suppression.
District Attorney, or Assistant District Is it legal for me to use and operate? Martin: You mentioned using a
Attorney, Melanie Pierson. The answer was “Yes.” Washington, DC lawyer. Is he prepared to
Martin: Have you done so? Is it legal for anyone else to own? go the distance?
Folsom: I have not, at this point. I am The answer: “We know where you’re Folsom: We need to get the funding in.

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This is very necessary. We will be calling
upon the public to make donations.
Martin: So, a Legal Defense Fund?
Folsom: A Legal Defense Fund, yes.
Martin: How is your and your wife’s For those of you readers wishing to write to Jim and Sata
general attitude?
Folsom: It’s a little tough along the directly, you may do so at the following address:
way, the way my wife takes it.
What I’m looking at, I feel this is a Jim Folsom & Sata Burwell
major opportunity that we have actually 10464 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., #175
been looking forward to, we’ve been San Diego, CA 92124
anticipating, in order to galvanize
everyone in the “alternative health Fax: 858-565-9708
field”, to get the publicity out, and to
turn this whole corrupt system around. And for those of you wishing to support their legal
The current medical system is lagging- defense fund, donations can be made to:
edge, and it is in crisis. There are no
answers where they are currently looking Operation Health Freedom — Defense Fund
for answers. The answers are: bringing-up c/o Swankin & Turner, 1400 16th St. NW, Suite 330
the whole advanced medical system—
when I say advanced, that’s the Washington, DC 20036
terminology for what was used for Office: (202) 462-8800
“alternative health”. This is for health and Fax: (202) 265-6564
wellness, not for treating symptoms, as the
old mode has been—and symptoms with email:
drug medications, to bring on another
symptom, to bring on another symptom For further information on how to help out, visit the
with another drug. Operation Health Freedom website:
We’ve got to get away from that.
We’ve got to get into building the feature story. He talked in more general extensions of where we are, because
immune system, detoxifying the body, terms, that “people of Light” needed to homeopathy, herbal, ARE frequency-
clearing the parasites, etc., and bringing come together in a united front and not based. They are resonant-frequency
the body into a healing mode, as we were allow themselves to be so easily divided modalities.
created. by differences that don’t amount to Martin: Everything is frequency.
The natural direction of the body is anything important—except perhaps for Folsom: The pharmaceuticals—and
toward health. We want to be able to feeding egos! The dark elite controllers they don’t want to have this out I’m
facilitate that. We are moving away work to foster such division since, should sure—even pharmaceuticals deal with
from the “alternative” concept the “people of Light” come together, then frequency. Whether it’s herbal, dietary,
terminology; we are into “advanced the longtime dark control game is over— anything, it’s all frequency, but some of
wellness” or “advanced medicine, whether it is control over our rights to lesser value. The problem with
health, and wellness”. good health or control over any other of pharmaceuticals are the toxins that come
Martin: It’s like us here at SPECTRUM. our fundamental freedoms.] along with them, and they come from a
We cringe at the phrase “alternative Folsom: This is absolutely the case, petroleum base, and they’re drawing from
media”. We’re not alternative media; we and this is where it is. And this is why we animal substances, etc. They have to
are TRUTHFUL news media! So, you are see the opportunity here to galvanize, to synthesize, in order to get something
the health industry, the wellness industry. bring together. It does not mean that the patented, to have their controls over it.
Folsom: “Alternative” implies people in the Rife and the frequency Martin: Do you want to tell me more
subservient or secondary, and that is instrumentation field will necessarily about the raid itself ?
totally out of place. We are advanced! galvanize, until THEY become a direct Folsom: The Postal Inspector came in,
“Alternative” means that we are on the target. And the powers that be, like the Postal Department, on the supposition
defensive. We are no longer on the FDA, have stated clearly that they will that “there was a fraudulent return address
defensive; we are on the offense! take down each and every one of them. label on a package”.
Martin: Another thing that you’ve just Martin: I would believe them. They Martin: [Laughter] Excuse me, I
mentioned, that Bolin also stated, which is are out to do it. They have the money; shouldn’t laugh.
true, is that so many of the Rife-related they have the resources; they have the Folsom: [Laughter] This is true! Now,
and so-called “alternative”-related man-power; and they can do it. [Thanks this was a postal annex, and they said
businesses are either not talking to each to YOUR tax dollars; how’s THAT for the they could not trace the owner of that
other, or there is not a coordinated unity ultimate insult?!] particular box. This is how they termed it
among them. Therefore, as individuals Folsom: That is what they are “fraudulent”. It happened to be a long-
there is a vulnerability to attack. And it’s targeting, not to take down just the Rife term box, and they may have changed the
through a united front that greater leaps equipment. But if they have their way, to rules along the way in signing-up for the
and bounds may be made. take down anything that is in the dietary boxes. It was paid, current.
[Editor’s note: Some of you may and whole-health fields. But, THEIR time Now, that label was on a Federal Express
remember this same crucial point was is short, and it’s time for US to act! package. FedEx is, I’m told, working right
made by Native American leader Red Elk We include the herbal and homeopathic in conjunction with the Postal Department
way back in our April 2002 front-page industries, that they see these as today. The Postal Department may not

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deal—and enticed to return, at which
OPERATION HEALTH FREEDOM point I would be kidnapped and either
done away with, or the message would get
across that I would not be dealing with
For those of you readers wishing to know more about these instruments anymore. Now,
Operation Health Freedom, visit the following websites: basically, not drug cartel, but a private-
eye that got involved with the marketing (Operation Total Health Freedom) of the instrumentation, and wanted to not
have competition. This went on. (Global Operation Health Freedom) Then, during the interrogation by the
FDA, they asked me to “spill the beans”.
I said: “I don’t know what you mean.
have been informed of this, but the over- what I, supposedly, said. Anything, even All of this is on the record. I’ve had as
riding label was the large, preprinted if it were writing, you would know better many as six FBI Agents in my home; go to
FedEx label, my home address, with my than I do that it would be totally the FBI.”
phone number, in my name, and my FedEx convoluted, fallacious, and have no And what’s interesting is, I don’t fully
account number. value.” understand it, but I saw fright on their
Martin: And this was all on the box? Silence. faces, from not doing their homework,
Folsom: All on the box, and this was a Then the FDA Agent says: “You seem plus there is always that competitive
box going to the United Kingdom. The like an honorable and good guy, situation between agencies. But they
FDA saw my man going there to FedEx, trustworthy.” were caught unaware, and they knew it.
after it was paid for, contracted for My response: “Why do you say that? I And there may be some significant legal
constitutionally, they went in and seized never implied such.” implications here, also. That was the one
that package, and that was not the only Then it was interesting, the two of them time they flinched. I never flinched
one they seized. They were seizing jumped on me with the “good guy-bad through the whole operation.
packages, shipments in the postal system, guy” routine of interrogation. They said: Martin: Jim, do you want to take a few
as well. “You cannot lie to a Federal officer.” She minutes and bring this in for a landing.
Back to the raid here. They came in and jumps in: “It’s a Federal offense, a felony What do you want to say that would be a
had us on the sofa. offense to lie to a Federal officer.” general statement to all of our readers
They tried their interrogations. At this point I said nothing. I pointed about this whole issue, and what is at
There were no Miranda rights. There to the FDA Agent and I looked him dead stake?
were no charges. And they started in the eyes and I said: “Don’t even go Folsom: WHAT IS AT STAKE IS
asking me for a plea-bargain, and they there. I did not lie to you. I do not intend THE RIGHT OF THE AMERICAN
started reeling out information. to lie to you. I did not in the past, the PEOPLE TO HAVE THE FREEDOM
And I said: “What information? There present, nor do I intend to in the future.” OF CHOICE TO HAVE THE ABILITY
are no charges! How do I respond? How At that point they started backing-off. TO TAKE ON RESPONSIBILITY FOR
do I reply?” They knew they were not getting THEIR OWN HEALTH AND
Let me back-up. This was between the anywhere, and they went about their WELLNESS. THIS IS WHAT IS
Postal Inspector and the FDA Agent—they seizure processes. They even went into BEING DENIED THEM,
were playing “good guy-bad guy” here— the bedroom, etc. They could not open COMPLETELY. THIS IS WHAT IS
and they brought up a phone conversation the safe. They brought in a locksmith; BEING DENIED THEM THROUGH
that I made to FedEx, when I was trying to they drilled it; and finally reset it. They THE SUPPRESSION GOING ON.
track that package through the FedEx took contracts out of there, one of which There is the fear from the whole
tracking number. Apparently, I was was for a foreign country that has conspiracy cartel situation, the knowledge
switched over, I suspect, I was switched government registration of this of this type of technology, which is user-
over to someone who was an FDA Agent. I instrumentation. friendly; it is free of side-effects, and so
said there was a prior FedEx package, In the meantime, the FDA is trying to often conditions can be eliminated in one
ground shipment to Florida, that never say this whole technology is a myth, no or two sessions. Sometimes it can go on
arrived. When I called up to track that, value to it, never proven. There was never for longer periods, requiring
they said it was damaged. anything proven with Rife; that’s what the detoxification and cleansing of the body,
I said: “You didn’t inform me? Why Agent was saying. then clearing the condition. There are no
was I not informed? What was done with Also, there has been some significant guarantees that it will work in every
it?” stuff going on here in San Diego instance.
Response: “We destroyed it.” associated with the people dealing with But it’s a matter of FREEDOM OF
They don’t do that. They confiscated Rife—we’re talking about across-the- CHOICE for the American people. And
it; they seized it! border items. this is not just an issue of frequency
Get this one: during the interrogation Some of this first started out when I had instrumentation; it’s the whole dietary,
they said they have a recording where I received a call from the FBI. They said supplement industry; it is into the
referred to British Homeland Security. there is some significant information we advanced wellness, the prior
I then said: “British Homeland need to get to you, can we set up an “alternative” wellness territory, the
Security? I never knew such a thing appointment. Two Agents arrived at my freedom of Americans to have this.
existed! I’ve never used that terminology; home. They said, due to a recent law It goes beyond that, even. This comes
you guys are way off-track here.” passage, they can head-off potential down to basic constitutional rights.
Then I said: “You guys are asking me kidnappings, etc. They said that I was Who is in charge here?! Is it a
for a plea-bargain? You’ve already subject to being kidnapped, while first dictatorial bureaucracy or systems of
convoluted the first opening statement of enticed across the border for a business bureaucracy? Or, is it the American

PAGE 56 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

people who have the choices? Is it the of frequency technology as a wellness physical, mechanical blueprint. That is
people who determine their own path? option? absolutely false and misleading, based on
Who serves whom? Dr. Horowitz: I think it’s absolutely the most recent science, in the fields of
This is the vehicle that we have here, to rude that the federal regulators have in genetics and resonance and
allow the American people to coalesce any way, shape, or form infringed upon biotechnologies and water science, in
behind a movement. This is exactly what the rights of human beings to practice particular, which shows that the principal
it is leading up to, at this point. And it is what is, clearly in the Bible, in the book of function of DNA—that is, about 93% of
expanding and growing at a very rapid Numbers, Chapter 7, Verses 12-83, in my its active function—is as an
rate. book Healing Codes For The Biological electromagnetic receiver and transmitter.
We welcome and we urge everyone who Apocalpse, we showed you that those are Technically it’s called “photon-phonon
has an interest here to come aboard and the electromagnetic frequencies for, emissions for intercellular
see this to the end! These are American virtually, creation, destruction, and communications and for cellular
freedoms! We’re coming upon the 4th of miracles, including miraculous healings. regulation”. Photon is light; phonon is
July here, Independence Day, dealing The third tone of that ancient musical sound. Over 90% of the function of DNA
with what we would like to see as a New scale, it’s a set of six tones known as the is to receive and transmit electromagnetic
Declaration Of Independence, and a New ancient Solfeggio musical scale, has to do frequency signals for everything that is
Era Of Freedom in this country. with repairing damaged DNA. All the going on in the cell, at any given instant.
Martin: Thanks for sharing that with tones have to do with an affirmation of That means, the enzymatic reactions, the
our readers; they’re on your same who we are as spiritual beings, first, development of the energy processes, the
wavelength about the issue of freedom. crystallized into physical matter, neurological and immunological and
[end quoting] ultimately by the voice and music from endocrine functions, everything that is
So there you have an up-close-and- the Heavenly Throne. going on is a manifestation, first and
personal account of a recent action by the The bottom-line is that, if there is to be foremost, of electromagnetic frequency
medical/pharmaceutical gestapo. This separation of Church and State, and if signaling.
time, however, they’ve picked on someone there is to be religious freedoms, then this THAT’S THE BIG SECRET IN
who is not about to roll over and play particular case could be landmark in MEDICINE!
dead. In many ways, Jim is a patriot setting precedents for affirming our right The Food and Drug Administration is
fighting for freedom in the fullest sense to exist without government infringement acting as a virtual Gestapo for the
our Founding Fathers intended! on the entire field of electro-medicine, as pharmaceutical interests and those who
it speaks to, above all, our spirituality. wish to continue to control humanity.
Dr. Len Horowitz Now, let me also add to that point. The Ultimately this knowledge, this truth, has
concept that DNA is simply a protein- the capacity, literally, to set not simply the
To add another important perspective synthesis machine that is directing RNA field of electro-medicine free from such
to this volatile issue, I’ve asked longtime to send messages to the ribosome, which control, but humanity entirely free, from
SPECTRUM friend Dr. Len Horowitz [see is the protein manufacturing station of the virtually the shackles of ignorance as to
News Desk] about his views on electro- cell, and subsequently, that creates who we are as physical beings, second,
medicine and recent attacks by the FDA proteins being formed, which gives rise to and spiritual beings, first.
on the Rife frequency technology. Here new cells and new life. That has been the So, that’s the wonderful opportunity
is what Dr. Horowitz had to say: focus of what we have learned about that’s been presented by the Adversary,
[quoting] genetic interests and biotechnologies, through the Food and Drug
Martin: What is your stand on the use namely, that the DNA is simply a Administration, with regard to this case.

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J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 57

I plan to be as active as I possibly can Interview With Tim Bolen are, talked to authorities, followed-up
be, working with my colleagues to assert (JuriMed) from Jim Carter’s book Racketeering And
our religious freedoms and exemptions Medicine, and how these came to be, and
from any legislation that would impair our With that point established, we now turn how they came to be a power in the United
ability to utilize this technology and this to a conversation I had with Tim Bolen on States today.
knowledge, to the greatest ability that we 4/29/03. Who is Tim? Well, noted on his Now, the Quackbusters, several years
have, to uplift the physical and spiritual business card is the following statement ago, as part of their project, began to
well-being of people all over the Earth. you can probably identify with by this influence certain employees in our
Martin: Well said! Wonderful. What point in the story: “Strategies for government agencies to their way of
is your feeling about the effectiveness of government-beleaguered health thinking. They have, I think, three
these kinds of technologies for wellness professionals.” That ought to give you a employees under their influence at the
applications? good idea of where he fits in. Here’s what Federal Trade Commission (FTC). One of
Dr. Horowitz: It’s something that we he had to say: them is named Michael Milgrom, Esq.
observe daily, we absolutely experience [quoting] He’s an attorney out of the Cleveland
daily in many ways that are not even Bolen: I’m going to give you my office, and he’s the one who attacks
perceived. The fact that the new science opinion about what is going on because I everybody with his letters. He’s the
shows that the electrical signaling in the am an opinion writer, and that gives me a off icial attorney for one of their
body affects the nervous system, the little more latitude in terms of what I think subgroups, called Operation Cure-All,
nervous system itself, the transmission is going on. All I have to do is show that which you can find on the Internet if you
capabilities of cells, and ultimately I have good reason for it. go to any search engine and put in
tissues, the fact that all of this is being Here’s what is going on: Operation Cure-All.
utilized by clinicians in Naturopathy, and There is an organization called the You’ll find that Operation Cure-All
electro-medicine, and acupuncture Quackbusters who, in my opinion, their was funded, several years ago, to the
(Oriental medicine), herbology, essential only objective is to shut-down tune of $10 million dollars.
oils techniques, light therapy, color competition to the drugs and surgery [Editor’s note: Who do you suppose has
therapy, sound therapy—ultimately it’s all paradigm. this kind of money to throw around on
based on the fundamental principle of the [Editor’s note: See the great story on relatively small projects? Following the
way the entire Universe operates page 11 in last month’s News Desk money trail has always been a good way
according to frequencies. And, ultimately, relating the sound thrashing these to reveal a conspiracy in disguise.]
the clinical results are well established. weasely Quackbusters got in a California But since that time, they basically have
You have the American public court recently. The tide is turning and attacked—and on their website they make
currently clamoring for these services, signals the possibility of great gains for claims to shutting down—these terrible
even though it’s mostly out-of-pocket freedom if enough people take advantage people. But these terrible people, from
expense, not covered by third parties. of these conditions to act with a my investigation, there are 8 of them last
Obviously, people are moving away from concerted focus.] time I looked, are all mom & pop
the fraud of slash, burn, and poison Martin: It’s my understanding that they operations who couldn’t afford an
healthcare, to the preventative and got hammered recently. attorney to fight back. So, that’s their big
alternative healthcare practices that Bolen: They sure did, and I was one of claim.
involve natural healing. And ALL of the people who arranged that! We set Now, Milgrom is the attorney for that
natural healing is based, again, on this them up, staked-out a bleeding sheep in group, plus he sends out nasty letters to
concept. the jungle, and waited for the lion to show people about Internet operations. They
When you think about even the up, then shot ’em. That’s what happened have two others: Matt Daynard and
concept of loving, heart-filled intent, and to them. They walked into a trap. Having another named Richard Cleland. Richard
the effects of prayer on healing, or the said that, here’s what has happened: Cleland’s claim to fame is, every time
Placebo Effect, you have to consider how They call themselves Stephen Barrett ends-up in an article in a
it is that thoughts, ultimately, effect the We call them quackpots, so my newspaper or a magazine around the
physical body, and either enhance our competitive website is named country that has anything to do with the
immune system or disable it. What’s FTC, Richard Cleland is there speaking,
been now proven increasingly, is that it’s Now, on my website, I’ve got on the left- right alongside Barrett. That’s the major
ALL electromagnetic phenomena hand column an article called Who Are connection there, against whatever it is
ultimately being expressed in a more These Quackbusters? I did a considerable that the FTC is attacking.
physical form. amount of research to figure out who they Since no one in our organization, the
So, the science of frequencies North American Health
is tremendously powerful. It is
THE most powerful! It really
REE NERGY Freedom Movement, has
any attention to how the

integrates your concept of the A T

ND HE HITE OVE W D politics works, the
Great Creator with the physical Exposes the most important alternative scientific Quackbusters have had free
beings, the living creatures, on advancements of our time utilizing free energy reign with their three people at
this planet. concepts which were uncovered by Tesla and perhaps FTC. What I think has
[end quoting] derived from other-worldly sources. happened is, those three have
About The Author: A former military intelligence
So now you see a much larger operative who has kept his identity a secret cliams to put together a little program to
picture in which to place Rife- have worked inside underground bunkers in Area 51 convince Timothy Muris, the
like technologies. In that larger where he actually flew UFOs via telepathy and Bush appointee and his group
picture, both the power for good levitation methods derived from contact with ETs. up there, that there are real
and the threat to the status quo $15.00 (+S/H) SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING problems out here in the world,
Code: FEWD (0.75 lb.) OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866
become all too clear! on the Internet, and one of them

PAGE 58 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

is “energy medicine” or what is called
frankly, competes very quickly and very

strongly with the pharmaceutical industry.

The big push now with this Operation
Cure-All and from the FTC, they went to Our subscription rates are as follows:
San Diego and they got hold of the U.S.
Attorney there, and if you know how U.S. 6 issues = $25 U.S. / $30 Canada / $35 Foreign
Attorneys work, they are almost
autonomous from region to region. It 12 issues = $45 U.S. / $55 Canada / $60 Foreign
must have come from very high to get the
U.S. Attorney’s attention. (Note: All prices are in U.S. dollars.)
They assigned a prosecutor down there Please call for bulk subscription rates.
in San Diego; I have not met the woman, I
only know her first name is Melanie. But,
from her description, she’s in her mid-30s; To order by credit card:
she’s on a fast-track for upward. They’ve Call toll-free (U.S. & Canada): 1-877-280-2866
given her this case, and she is just an
attack-dog that goes after people. We Otherwise call: 1-661-823-9696
believe that—and I’ve made sure that the ~ OR ~
Rife people and the others understand
that—an indictment is imminent; these Send Check or Money Order to:
are criminal charges. The SPECTRUM
This is just now beginning, criminal
indictments, out of San Diego. PO BOX 1567
Now, the reason for San Diego is Tehachapi CA 93561
because there are a lot of Rife people
who operate out of there. There are the
Mexican clinics, across the border, Federal Court. It will cost you a whole lot So, consequently, those people who are
which attract attention. So, there’s going less. They will try to block the evidence; trying to find answers are under fire by
to be a big push to shut-down alternative they’ll try and block the argument; they’ll our government. Well, that’s got to quit!
practitioners in the San Diego area. And try to do it all. But, make them do it. And I’m making these noises, and I’m a
there’s going to be arrests, indictments, Go ahead; do the campaign in two conservative Republican from Orange
seizures, the whole thing. ways: one, through public opinion; and County. I want this to quit, right now!
They’ve already seized stuff from these the other, through this right here. And This isn’t a matter of: “Please, would
people [Jim Folsom], and I made it clear to that’s exactly what we’re talking about, you think about making it quit?” I
them that they better plan on an how to deal with it. It’s happened before; want to know, from our government:
indictment. They have not hired me, yet. they’ll try and exclude information. But, What is your point in putting this out of
I would help them with a strategy to basically, what they’re going to say is that business? I want the suppression
defeat it. I have no problem working with all of this is fraud. stopped, right now! And I want the
them. I am talking to them about it. The answer is: This is NOT fraud! This people who are behind the suppression
My recommendation to them is that technology has been around for a number placed in a nice federal prison!
they adopt a very hard-nosed strategy of years; it’s time to stop the suppression! Martin: It’s been the Big Boys all
about this, and it goes something like That’s the defense. along. How far it will go in the Federal
this: You know why? Because it’s true! court system remains to be seen.
When a pharmaceutical company It’s time to stop the suppression of these Bolen: There’s more happening. There
brings a new drug to market, it costs them things, not just all electro-medicine, are a lot of attacks going on nationwide. I
anywhere between $50 and $100 million which is a big thing, but a lot of our other know because that is my business and I
dollars of testing to get it approved things that have been suppressed, like have clients everywhere. Some of them
through the FDA. The system has been set oxygen therapies. are confidential, and I’d like to be able to
up with the FDA to make it cost this Why the suppression? leak it right now, but I can’t. There’s a lot
much. They demand this kind of testing They’re cheap; they work extremely happening. Ones like the Quackbusters,
on a new product. What the FDA and the well. They’re being used around the and their federal friends, are after them all.
FTC together are saying here, through world. You know, the Quackbusters have been
Operation Cure-All, is that unless you’ve Is there any other research being after Hulda Clark for a long time.
got $100 million bucks, you can’t play in done on electo-medicine like Rife? Martin: She’s fine, now, isn’t she?
this game. Oh YES! A huge amount of it is being Bolen: No, they still are at it. They
The system has been set up to favor done, both underground and above maintain some lawsuits. They’re just
only the richest of the rich, and that means ground, on planet Earth. trying to drain-off her finances so she
the drug companies. And I consider that We can no longer, in this country, can’t continue her research.
system to be bogus. claim to be the do-all, be-all of medical Martin: That’s the way they do it.
So, what happens for me here is, my care. Frankly, our medical system here Bolen: The problem with that is, we’ve
advice to the Rife people is: marshal your is the 3rd largest killer of Americans. been designing ways to get back at them.
forces; get your words together; there is We know that to be true. What in the I tried, about a year and a half ago, to get
another way of proving that what you are hell are we protecting it for? We should the Rife people interested. I knew
doing is right. Let them take you to court, be attacking it left and right. something was coming because of my

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 59

other projects around; I hear things. They Let’s turn to an article written some time his cronies, and minions, are not known
didn’t listen to me. They decided as a ago by Tim Bolen which provides to do intelligent research.
group, the Rifers around the country, that background on the subject of the
they felt they were doing just fine staying Quackbusters: Evil?
below the radar, and that they would be ok. [quoting]
I said: “You’re wrong and you’re about Yes. The “Quackbuster Conspiracy”
to find out, sooner or later.” Sure enough, Quackpot Watch: was started shortly after the American
I was right. The Last Days Of The Quackbusters Medical Association (AMA) lost the court
It’s like nobody wants to be the first one battle to the chiropractors in a case begun
to test this in California. But we passed Opinion By Consumer Advocate in federal court in 1976. The federal
SB 577 here [see early in this article]. If Tim Bolen judge ordered the AMA’s covert operation
you’ll read that bill, it makes it ok for shut down—and leave the chiropractors
homeopaths, naturopaths, nutritionists, I’ve been following the activities of the alone. The AMA files, library, etc., ended-
etc., to do whatever it is they want to do. “Quackbusters” for about five years, ever up in Stephen Barrett’s 1,800 square foot
That’s the law that was passed this last since the name Stephen Barrett basement in Allentown, PA. Barrett and
year—in fact, unanimously, both houses, ( came up, as a his minions had the common sense to stay
and the governor signed it. So, we’ve got player, against a client of mine in away from criticizing chiropractors for
an impressive lobby here. California. I asked the question: “Why quite some time. Barrett has since
Martin: The foundation has been laid. would this group be using a doctor from abandoned that common sense.
Bolen: My trouble is, the way I see it Pennsylvania as their witness, when there Federal judges have a way of enforcing
around the country, the Health Freedom are 300,000 health professionals in this their decisions using shackles, federal
Movement is kind of like a Celtic army. State?” marshals, the federal prison facilities, asset
The Romans defeated 480,000 Celts with Thus began my education. Now I’m seizure, etc. Even Barrett, in all his
78,000 Roman troops in France, way back going to educate YOU! incredible arrogance, isn’t dumb enough
when. And the reason was, the Romans The “Quackbuster” operation is a to match wills with a federal judge. I
were very organized, and the Celts conspiracy. It is a propaganda think the Chiropractic Association should
couldn’t get together. So, I’ve learned enterprise—one part crackpot, two parts consider re-opening the Wilks case in
from that. That’s all it takes is evil. It’s sole purpose is to discredit and front of that same federal judge—and
organization. But the thing is, the Health suppress, in an “anything goes” attack point right at Barrett and his cronies.
Freedom Movement is so huge in this mode, what is wrongfully named In that early educational case for me in
country that they really ought to win, “Alternative Medicine”. California, Stephen Barrett and two slime-
easily—except they don’t communicate. It has declared war on reality. The ball investigators from the California
Here’s the thing. I don’t mind you conspirators are acting in the interests of, Medical Board had convinced members of
quoting me on this: and are being paid directly and indirectly the Laguna Beach Police Department that
The suppression issue is the biggest by, the “conventional” medical-industrial a nutritionist using ozone therapy was “a
health issue we have in America. Since complex. sex criminal preying on women”. Flak-
health is such a big problem right now, it Millions of health freedom fighters, and jacketed thugs screwed a gun into
makes it one of the top issues in America. members of the public, worldwide, know Salvatore D’Onofrio’s ear, forced him to lie
To me, and to others who are insiders, what I know. Public outrage and reaction on the ground, and thus began a brutal,
the suppression issue is killing is growing. After 25 years of unopposed anything goes, persecution.
Americans. success, the “Quackbusters” are now in D’Onofrio’s attorney was a hiking
I want to find out who’s behind it, and I real trouble. “The end” for them, has partner of mine, and told me the story on a
want something done about it. I’ll do begun. They, themselves are being ridgeline, seven miles up from a trailhead.
something about it. It’s not going to hunted. I laugh now when I remember my naive
happen on its own. What do we do? The “Quackbuster Conspiracy” is in a response: “This can’t be happening in
Martin: Going through the legal desperate place now. They know they’ve America!”
system is one approach. It’s time lost the war, and are going to pay a terrible Sal D’Onofrio, through his attorney,
consuming, and it’s expensive. price for their actions. The fear is in their hired us, at day 43 in solitary
Bolen: What happens is, people say: eyes. confinement in the Orange County Jail.
don’t use the legal system because it He was in “solitary” because that’s what
doesn’t work. My thing is: listen, I’m in a Crackpots? they do with sex criminals. He was in jail
war. It takes all kinds of attacks to win a because the judge had set bail at
war! Yes. When the self-named $500,000, an amount his supporters
Martin: That’s right. And it’s the “Quackbusters” stumbled around to find couldn’t raise. Barrett’s minions were
system we have in place. a derisive name to call their victims, they ruining D’Onofrio’s life in the press.
Bolen: It’s the system we have in place; picked the word “Quack” without ever We organized a bail hearing for day 48
that’s right. bothering to discover its origins. Its of incarceration, put 62 of D’Onofrio’s
Martin: Not only that, you’re sending original meaning, from Europe, comes supporters in the courtroom, LA network
a message—big time! from the term “quacksalver” which was television in the jury box, got the front
Bolen: You bet! That is the message used to describe dentists who were dumb page of the Los Angeles Times, etc.,—and
that we intend to send! enough to use mercury (a poison) as the judge let D’Onofrio out on his own
[end quoting] fillings for teeth. Look at propagandist recognizance. Seven weeks later, the
And that’s the kind of organized front and Quackbuster kingpin Stephen prosecutor dropped the charges.
which eventually sent the British back to Barrett’s website (, Who are these people who would, so
England at the time of the Revolutionary and you’ll find that HE IS IN FAVOR of casually, inflict that kind of nightmare on
War! mercury amalgam tooth fillings. Barrett, an innocent man?

PAGE 60 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

James Carter MD’s authoritative book
Racketeering In Medicine, published by HEALING CODES VIDEO Set (4-hours)
Hampton Roads, carefully explains the
Quackbuster Conspiracy. Could bioelectric technologies technologies being used to enslave,
investigated during the Cold War coerce, and even kill billions of
Alternative Medicine? provide the most advanced form of unsuspecting people.
killing, enslaving, and coercing billions This work returns the most
“Alternative Medicine” is defined as of unsuspecting people worldwide? precious spiritual knowledge and
any protocol, action, or therapy that isn’t More frightening: could infectious “healing codes” to humanity. It offers
“drugs, radiation, or surgery oriented”. agents, including the “mad cow hope for the loving masses to survive
Wrongfully named? Yes. disease” protein “prion” crystal, have the worldwide plagues, famines, and
So-called “alternative medicine” is been engineered to effect a new weather changes that are now at
actually the health choice of planet insidious level of bio-spiritual warfare? hand. Healing Codes presents an
Earth. It is a combination of every good Dr. Len Horowitz investigates 2000 urgent, monumental, and inspired work
health idea invented by mankind, in years of religious and political that will be hailed for generations to
VIDEO Tape set: persecution and the latest
every country and culture on this planet. come.
$39.95 (+S/H)
There is nothing “alternative” about it. Code: HCBAV (1 lb.) SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866.
Labeling planet Earth’s health choice as
“alternative” is, and was, a propaganda persecute two groups: (1) “Alternative not “alternative”.
device. Practitioners” within the MD ranks (they But, if you peruse Stephen Barrett’s—
North Americans have treat them like traitors); and (2) non- don’t call him doctor, he’s not licensed—
overwhelmingly (by their purchases) licensed alternative health professionals website, you get the impression that
made “Alternative Medicine” the (they charge them with “practicing “allopaths” are to be classified
“health choice of the people”—for the medicine without a license”). somewhere next to archangels, and
best of reasons: it works better than The Quackbusters, through the FSMB, “alternatives” are snake-oil salesmen,
allopathic; it “removes the cause” have been able to change the focus of akin to the devil’s minions.
rather than “treating the symptoms”; it prosecutions against “bad doctors”. They Barrett clearly def ines, in smirky
is cost effective; it makes people feel define “bad doctors” as those who use arrogance, health fraud as “alternative
better and think clearer; and it doesn’t alternative modalities—and maximum medicine”. Huh?
have all those horrible side-effects of penalties are exacted. We have seen in Doesn’t Barrett read national statistics
invasive surgery or prescription drugs. California that real “bad doctors”—those on health fraud? Of course he does; he
More than half of the U.S. health who kill their patients—actually get off just ignores them. And “Barrett’s parrots”
dollar in 1999 was spent on “Alternative with a slap-on-the-hand by using the at the FSMB mimic their supreme
Medicine” and it was all out-of-pocket. defense “but I prescribed a lot of drugs”. commander’s every word in their policy
Conventional medicine is being paid for, State medical boards are not serving statements. Anyone can read FSMB
and is surviving, only because insurance the needs of we-the-people; they are policy statements, in their entirety, on the
and Medicare pay for it; the public won’t serving the needs of the Quackbusters web. Just go to and start
spend an out-of-pocket nickel on it. and their paymasters. reading. They, like Barrett, define “health
Alternative Medicine philosophies fit Medical board prosecutions are fraud” as “alternative medicine” and fail
the American way of thinking. (“I’ll make funded by the States [taxpayers]. Barrett to even mention the real national “health
my own decisions!”) Allopathic Medicine and his slime artists don’t have to spend fraud” statistics.
philosophies f it the Germanic way. a dime. I couldn’t even count the
(“Follow my orders!”) number of “alternative medicine” Why The Fear In Their Eyes?
“Alternative Medicine” is for people practitioners currently under
who think for themselves—Americans. persecution from mis-informed medical Three Reasons: Exposure, ridicule, and
The door to real “alternatives” is barely board investigators and prosecutors. public rage.
open. The future of medicine is right in The damage done to Americans from 1. EXPOSURE: Health Freedom
front of us. It isn’t in pharmaceuticals; it this attack is incalculable. Fighters, tired of the persecutions, and
is in nutrition, body cleansing, outnumbering the Quackbusters 100,000
prevention, oxygen therapies, and energy Barrett’s Dubious Claims About to 1, are now watching Barrett and his
medicine—all of which are constantly What “Health Fraud” Really Is soldiers carefully. They’ve decided to put
targeted by the sleaziest of the a stop to Barrett and company. Lists are
“Quackbuster” soldiers. The U.S. government has indicated that being made of who the Quackbuster
“health fraud” is a major problem in the conspirators are, what their function is,
The “Quackbuster” Stronghold United States healthcare system. Statistics where they fit into the conspiracy, who
show that “conventional medicine” rips they work for, who their associates are,
The Federation of State Medical Boards off the American public significantly each where they live, and what their probable
(FSMB) is a vital medical doctor (MD) year in bogus billings, false claims, motives are. Their daily activities, as
control point. It is the trade organization unnecessary procedures, and tests, etc. Quackbusters, are being monitored and
of all 50 States’ medical boards. The [Former] Attorney General Janet Reno documented.
FSMB is the organization that writes the has a special nationwide “Health Fraud Health leaders consider Barrett and
policy manuals, and provides training for, Prosecution Unit” to deal with this company to be running a subversive
medical board investigators and massive problem. The prosecutions are organization working against the interests
prosecutors all over the United States. The against mega-greedy hospitals, HMOs, of America.
FSMB is the Quackbuster police agency. ambulance companies, nursing facilities, 2. RIDICULE: Examination of Barrett’s
The Quackbusters use the FSMB to etc.—all “conventional” medical units, operation proves that the Quackbusters

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 61

are a paper tiger. They are a construction reprinted from On Wilhelm Reich And evaluated by the AMA-FDA
with a 25-year-old modus operandi. Their Orgonomy, Pulse Of The Planet #4, 1993: pharmaceutical-dominated medical
membership is small, they have an even [quoting] establishment. Instead, policemen have
smaller core group, the industry is turning been called in to simply arrest and jail the
its back on their extremism, and their Anti-Constitutional Activities offending practitioners, seize their files,
leadership “public presence” is laughable. And Abuse Of Police Power mailing lists, and other property, burn
Their support network could best be By The U.S. Food And Drug their books, and otherwise trample the
described as pea-brained. Administration And Other U.S. Constitution into the dirt.
Their “annual meeting” for the Federal Agencies • Dr. Royal Raymond Rife was crushed
conspiracy was held in a Super 8 motel in when his new microscopical techniques
Missouri. 25 stalwarts attended from, at In recent years, there has been an demonstrated the pleomorphic nature of
least, six different plotter groups. Not upsurge of police activities in the U.S.A., viruses and bacteria. [1]
very impressive. the nature of which most Americans would • Harry Hoxsey’s successful herbal
“Bizarre” Stephen Barrett, his cronies more readily associate with repressive formulas for the treatment of cancer, used
and minions, even labeled two-time Nobel dictatorships. We Americans have been in dozens of clinics across the U.S.A. in
Prize winner Linus Pauling as a “quack”. educated to believe that democracy, due the 1950s, were stomped into oblivion by
The American public, in a consumer- process, assumed innocence-until-proven- an enraged FDA, after Hoxsey refused to
driven movement, is rejecting, with guilt, and constitutional protections sell his formula to Dr. Morris Fishbein,
laughter and ridicule, Barrett and against illegal search and seizure are the then president of the AMA. [2]
company’s ludicrous assertions—hence laws of the land. • Max Gerson’s dietary immune-
the term “Quackpot” is now used, On paper, these protections are there; boosting treatments for degenerative
commonly, to describe the self-named but in reality, these basic constitutional disease were criminalized by the FDA at
Quackbusters. rights and freedoms have been the very time he published scientific
3. PUBLIC RAGE: The American public gradually and steadily eroded away by evidence and clinical reports on their
is just now realizing two things: (a) that a new laws, judicial rulings, and effectiveness. [3]
good many of those “alternative” things bureaucratic decrees. Today, none of these treatments are
being blocked and suppressed have been One of the lesser-known but more OPENLY used in the U.S.A., but only in
around for a long while, but not available significant leaders of this assault on clinics south of the Mexican-California
to them because of the conspiracy; and (b) American freedom has been the U.S. Food border.
that the system to find and put new things and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA also attempted to ban and
in place is corrupt, and works against burn Rodale’s Organic Farming And
Americans. Every “cure” since polio has Background To Gardening magazine as “advertising
been suppressed, and the proponents of FDA Police-State Activities literature” not covered by the First
those cures reviled by the Quackbuster Amendment; many vitamin companies
conspirators. As early as the 1950s, the FDA was were advertising in it, and Rodale
Statistics show that every one of those engaged in aggressively spying on claimed—to the annoyance of the
“cures” worked to some extent. healthcare providers who employed chemical fertilizer and drug companies—
Barrett, his cronies, minions, and medications and approaches which were that the vitamin and nutrient values of
henchmen, have every reason to fear not considered “acceptable” by plants were increased by use of natural
public rage. Russian leader Nikita mainstream orthodox medicine. Notably, organic farming methods, thereby
Khrushchev said it best. He said: “We it was and has been the American Medical improving human health. The FDA lost
would never invade America, for every Association (AMA) which has dominated that case, but Rodale was forced to spend
American has a gun.” ideas within the medical community, as a fortune in legal fees to defend his right
“You mean my mother didn’t have to well as nearly all legislation related to of free speech.
die that horribly, or even die at all?” is a health care. Probably the most significant and
question more and more Americans are If the AMA dislikes a particular blatant example of FDA aggression and
asking. healthcare approach, they work to banish anti-constitutional activity is the case of
[end quoting] such methods within hospitals, and to Dr. Wilhelm Reich. The Reich Legal Case
And yes, indeed, the numbers are at suspend the medical licenses of any surpassed the Scopes Monkey Trial in
least 100,000 to 1 who are awakening to doctor who employs them. They have legal and historical significance, as it
the longtime conspiracy and often been able to rely upon state clearly marked the willingness of the U.S.
unconscionable fraud that’s been licensing boards and legislatures, and courts to condone the censoring of
perpetrated upon the American public by even the U.S. Congress, to pass laws speech, the burning of books, the
their own government operating as outlawing natural healing methods and unreasonable seizure of property, and the
puppets for the big business of medicine. the non-MD practitioner (such as willful ignoring of written documents
But people are fed up with such midwives, herbalists, or acupuncturists). presented to judges.
usurpations of basic health freedoms and Failing here, the AMA and friends in the Reich may not have been what one
they’re becoming outspoken in their drug industry have relied upon their allies could call a “model legal client”, but the
opposition—particularly people who who in the FDA to aggressively assault the willingness of the U.S. courts to
are experienced in the benefits of advocates of natural treatment methods. incarcerate him, burn his books, and in
alternative technologies. Many new healthcare discoveries have general treat him like a criminal,
Consider the following article from Dr. thereby remained “underground”, never demonstrated how far legal
James DeMeo, Director of Research at the being allowed to flower productively in technicalities and procedural issues had
Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory the light of day. Inexpensive, non-toxic, replaced the original intent and spirit
(P.O. Box 1148, Ashland, Oregon 97520 and unpatentable natural healing methods of the law. Certainly all the various
USA; email: This is have never been seriously or honestly judges who reviewed Reich’s case and

PAGE 62 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

ruled against him, from the local and
district court judges, to the U.S.
Supreme Court judges, knew they were
Money And The Conspiracy Of Evil
agreeing to censorship of speech and to Conspiracy Con 2002 Lecture (2 hrs.)
the burning of books.
[Editor’s note: A superb article on Dr. By Eustace Mullins
Wilhelm Reich appears elsewhere in this Sixty years ago Eustace Mullins was a protégé To accomplish all this, the “perpe-traitors” control
issue of The SPECTRUM in conjunction of literary giant Ezra Pound, who understood central the government, the schools, and the media, while
with the theme of this front-page feature banking and its relationship with world unrest. He keeping us in unimportant jobs, and stealing most of
story.] has been a respected researcher for over 50 years, our earnings. For these purposes the Central Bank
The judges also demonstrated no and has since authored many books on conspiracy, is the only mechanism that works. Without the
interest in any of the technical or including Secrets Of The Federal Reserve and The government-granted license to print money, the
procedural issues which would have World Order. conspiracy would be no more of a threat to us than
weighed in Reich’s favor, such as the fact Using his recent travel experiences and Orwell’s bin Laden actually is.
1984 as examples, Eustace discusses the irony of Eustace gives a history lesson you won’t forget—
that the prosecutor was himself Reich’s
Homeland Security and how Americans are now nor should you!
former personal attorney, or that Reich treated as “Enemies of the State”. He then
had submitted documents (his “Response describes the real manipulators behind all major VIDEO TAPE: $20.00 (+S/H) Code: EMV (0.75 lb.)
to Ignorance”) to the lower courts which wars, the Cold War, the Stock Market, the Medical
were, essentially, thrown into the trash. Scam, 9/11, terrorism, and more.
AUDIO TAPE: $10.00 (+S/H) Code: EMA (0.5 lb.)
Indeed, the deep significance the courts SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866
gave to procedural technicalities in his
case was exclusively to those matters while you were busy waving the flag and cadres of “specialists” who decide
which worked AGAINST Reich. Clearly, pretending that all is well.] whether this or that medication will be
they were out to “get Reich”, no matter While blatant political repression of made legal and available to the American
what. politicians has declined over the years public. Where scientific evidence once
On the basis of legal technicalities, his [because they’re now more effectively was the criteria for extended use of a new
many books and research journals were bought-off before ever being placed in medication, such decisions are today
burned in incinerators by court order, and the public arena], with increasing being made more on the basis of the
both Reich and a co-worker, Dr. Michael protections afforded to political speech,prof its which can be made from a
Silvert, were sentenced to over a year in the political repression of unorthodox particular medication.
prison. Reich died in prison, while Silvert scientific discoveries related to health andToo many of the top physician-
committed suicide shortly afterward. sickness has not declined at all. In fact,
bureaucrats working in the FDA,
Other FDA violations at the time included repression of non-political speech has National Institutes of Health (NIH),
the warrantless invasions and searches of increased, especially when it is linked American Cancer Society (ACS), etc.,
the homes of people peripherally with concrete marketplace activities are themselves often drug-company
associated with Reich. In one such case, a which conflict with official government millionaires, with personal stock
home was searched and Reich’s books policies or big business monopolies. holdings or investments in the
were confiscated from private In the years since Reich’s death, companies whom they regulate. Drug
bookshelves. School teachers and doctors constitutional protections against companies provide large sums to
who worked with Reich were fired from illegal seizure of property, assumed political campaigns so as to definitively
their jobs, in a manner reminiscent of the innocence-until-proven-guilt, and due influence legislation, and to various
more purely political repressions of that process of law have been flagrantly medical institutes to “research” their
time, the McCarthy period. violated and trampled into the dirt by products. Their full-page color
The Reich Legal Case has been the FDA leaders and field agents, who advertisements for new drugs in
discussed in detail elsewhere [4], and so are increasingly teaming up with other medical journals essentially pay for
will not be repeated here, but its arms of the federal bureaucracy to those publications.
importance lies in the fact that the FDA increase their power. Pharmaceutical companies are one of
was able to commit severe anti- Numerous medical pioneers have been the highest profit-margin industries in the
constitutional actions—indeed, assaulted and personally destroyed, in a U.S. who do not have to account for the
MURDEROUS actions, against an manner so blatant and aggressive it makesoften extreme prices they charge—higher
internationally-known and respected Reich’s treatment by the FDA appear than anywhere else in the world. Drug
scientist without so much as a peep of almost gentle by comparison. The FDA’s company money plays a powerful role in
protest from the various academic police-state activities are taking place all
shaping health policy, the approval
“scholarly societies”, “civil liberties”, or across the U.S.A., but little of it is being
process for new patent drugs, and
“free speech” groups, etc. This lack of reported in the mainstream media—or if publishing (or censoring) research
significant social protest was an so, generally with biased justifications findings about the effectiveness or side-
encouragement and green light of given for the FDA actions, that “the FDA effects of those drugs.
approval to nearly every federal is combating health fraud” or “medical Additionally, nearly every major
agency wanting to shape public or quackery”. Here, the reader will be medical organization and medical society
private behavior to one or another informed of more recent assaults by the in the U.S.A., to include many
government policy. FDA against the natural health movement. governmental agencies like the FDA, NIH,
[Editor’s note: So, once again, when and ACS, expend significant sums of
people finally wake up enough (usually The AMA/FDA/Pharmaceutical Cartel money each year to fund unfactual, even
through personal experience) to ask slanderous propaganda against relatively
where their freedoms have gone, the Increasingly, health care decisions in inexpensive natural healing methods,
answer is: stolen, one small step at a time, the U.S.A. are being mandated by small which might otherwise substitute for the

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 63

expensive and often toxic medications and drugs, the “war against cancer” has USDA. A few farmers have been shot
and surgical procedures pushed by the been a huge, expensive flop, benefiting dead.
medical-pharmaceutical cartel. “Quack- only the over-bloated cancer industry. [Editor’s note: And as was briefly
busting” groups, such as the National Today more people are engaged in the alluded to earlier, those farmers wanting
Council Against Health Fraud, team up “treatment” of cancer than those who die to run their farms along natural,
with various medical societies, licensing from it in a given year. Obviously, the chemical-free and pesticide-free,
boards, and the FDA to efficiently snoop attitude that “war” is necessary to solve a “organic growing” guidelines—much
upon and “police” the medical social or healthcare problem is itself part healthier for the farmer, the farm, and
community, making sure that only the of the problem, and not part of the the consumer—have experienced a
most orthodox medical treatments will solution. mountain of obstacles. So too (as was
prevail. [Editor’s note: And for you astute earlier briefly mentioned) has such
Word quickly spreads, through the SPECTRUM readers, that “war” attitude organizations as Rodale’s popular
medical gossip system, if a doctor does provides a big clue about how far up the Organic Gardening magazine (and
not prescribe the usual drugs or Pyramid of Power resides those really in Rodale Institute, near Emmaus,
treatments. Any doctor employing control of this whole FEAR-based Pennsylvania), which has been
vitamins, herbs, nutrition, energetic medical fraud. Another clue would be promoting natural techniques since their
medicine (homeopathy, [Wilhelm Reich’s] that “their” agenda includes extensive first (May 1942) issue, as the lucrative
orgone accumulator), chelation therapy, depopulation of planet Earth without “chemical agriculture” push began by
or any other progressive, innovative, or alerting the public that anything ones likewise controlling the pill-
unorthodox treatment can expect great particularly sinister is going on. And, pushing business. Was it really an
pressure from these groups, up to and hey, if “their” willing puppetry can make “accident” that founder J.I. Rodale’s son
including visits from aggressive, gun- a buck in the process, all the better for and then-Editor-In-Chief Robert Rodale
waving “healthcare” policemen. keeping the REAL agenda on track!] died in an auto crash in 1990 during a
Similar, or even more aggressive, trip to Moscow?]
treatment is meted out to midwives, Increasing Use Of Legal and constitutionally-protected
herbalists, or to other healthcare providers Swat Teams & Seizure Laws citizen opposition to federal
who lack the MD degree, and employ government policies has been met by
methods which compete with the entire One clear consequence of the increasingly aggressive and militant
lucrative doctor-hospital system. A widespread “war” approach to social reactions by policemen—armed with
doctor or midwife who is today labeled a problems has been the growing use of machine guns, flak jackets, concussion
“quack” in the newspapers can expect as police Special Weapons and Tactical grenades, and even tanks. The message
bad and unfair a treatment as did a (SWAT) teams to enforce bureaucratic is: Obey, Or Else!
“witch” in the Middle Ages. decrees by federal agencies, even those The USDA, Bureau of Alcohol,
The quite telling consequences of this agencies one normally does not associate Tobacco and Firearms (BATF), Drug
anti-scientific pogrom against the new with “law enforcement”. Enforcement Agency (DEA), and even
and unorthodox health research In recent years, the [superb] farm the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) have all
findings are that a higher percentage of journal Acres, USA [6] has exposed developed well-armed “security forces”,
people are dying from degenerative numerous examples where individual equiped with Special Weapons and
illness today than in the 1950s, while farmers, who were making legal Assault Tactical (SWAT) teams, armored
cancer cure and survival rates are challenges to U.S. Department of personnel carriers, military-style attack
essentially unchanged from when the Agriculture (USDA) rulings about crop aircraft, and other forms of sophisticated
multi-billion-dollar orthodox “war” quotas or loan-security arrangements, weaponry which flagrantly defy the
against cancer was initiated. [5] had their homes, land, and farm constitutional ban against the use of
Like the “wars” against crime, poverty, equipment SEIZED at gunpoint by the military forces for domestic law
Hundreds of millions of dollars in
RULE BY SECRECY: The Hidden History property—to include homes,
That Connects The Trilateral Commission, The automobiles, cash in bank accounts, and
Freemasons, And The Great Pyramids other personal and business property—
BY JIM MARRS has been seized by these various
agencies, who often work in coordination
In this astonishing under the mindful auspices of the Council on Foreign with the FBI, Internal Revenue Service
book, celebrated reporter Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the
(IRS), U.S. Customs Service, and U.S.
and New York Times Bilderbergers, the CIA, and even the Vatican.
bestselling author Jim Drawing on historical evidence and his own
Postal Service.
Marrs painstakingly impeccable research, Marrs carefully traces the Surely, some of this military weaponry
explores the world’s most mysteries that connect these modern-day is genuinely used against organized
closely guarded secrets, conspiracies to humankind’s prehistory. The eye- crime and illegal drug traffic. But it
$15.00 (+S/H) exposing clandestine opening result is an extraordinary synthesis of surely does not stop there, and it is
Code: RBS (1.0 lb.) cabals and the power they historical information—much of it long hidden from precisely the spill-over of such methods
have wielded throughout time. Defiantly rooting out the public—that sheds light on the people and against ordinary civilians who break
the truth, he unearths startling evidence that the organizations who rule our lives. some petty or technical rule of federal
real movers and shakers covertly collude to start Disturbing, provocative, and utterly compelling, bureaucracy, or civilian dissenters to
and stop wars, manipulate stock markets and Rule By Secrecy offers a singular worldview that federal policy, or even only unorthodox
interest rates, maintain class distinctions, and even may explain who we are, where we came from, and medical practitioners, which makes it all
censor the six o’clock news. And they do all this where we are going. so dangerous.
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL - FREE : 1-877-280-2866 The various “War on Drugs” seizure

PAGE 64 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

laws, for example, have allowed various the cases where assets are seized by the automatic weapons and tanks, leading to
government agencies to “seize and U.S. government under the forfeiture nearly 100 deaths (including over 20
impound” (STEAL!) the property or cash laws, NO ONE IS CHARGED WITH A children). [8] The incident at Waco was
money of any citizen, based upon MERE CRIME OF ANY SORT. [7] undertaken for allegations which were no
SUSPICION that the property or money Even the U.S. Environmental more severe than what has been routinely
was acquired from sales of illegal drugs. Protection Agency has gotten into the act certified and documented as occurring
A citizen whose property which has been of creating its own police force SWAT within more established religions (such
seized must post a significant cash bond teams. They recently raided an insectary as child sexual abuse by Catholic
to the courts (a percentage of the value of which was legally challenging the need clergy). By contrast, no Catholic church
the seized goods), and then go to court to obtain “EPA permission” to sell lady or school has ever been invaded by
and “prove their innocence” to the judge bugs to organic farmers. BATF or Health and Human Services
before the property is returned. Failing In another recent disgusting example, (HHS) agents, snooping out “alleged
to do so, the “law enforcement” agencies when the National Park Service (NPS) child sexual abuse” at the point of a gun.
which made the seizure are then allowed wanted to purchase a large plot of land A recent Congressional investigation
to auction off the seized properties and adjacent to a National Park in southern into the Waco massacre suggested the
keep a percentage of the money for California, the elderly owner, Mr. Donald allegations of “child sexual abuse” had
“internal use”! Scott, refused to sell. Angered, NPS been concocted, after-the-fact, by [then]
For example, there was the case where officials teamed up with the IRS and DEA Attorney General Janet Reno, to justify
a large fishing boat was seized by the and went snooping for dirt on Mr. Scott her approval of the shockingly
DEA during a “routine” U.S. Coast Guard “to see” if he was growing pot on his aggressive raid.
inspection, when one of the deck hands property. One of the NPS agents then These examples are only a few, from
was found to have marijuana cigarettes conveniently volunteered that he had many, of clear and growing evidence of
in his pocket. The seizure of the seen “pot plants” when flying overhead the decline of respect for constitutional
expensive fishing boat destroyed the many hundreds of feet up in a helicopter principles and due process of law—not
life’s work of the boat-owner captain, who (!), and somebody else received an by ordinary citizens, but rather, by out-
was held responsible for the concealed “anonymous tip” that Mrs. Scott was seen of-control, power-hungry government
actions of one employee. purchasing items in town with hundred- leaders and bureaucrats, stimulating the
Then there was the case of Willie dollar bills. With this fabricated growth of an American Police State.
Jones, a hard-working gardener who paid “evidence”, they raided Scott’s rural Increasingly, these various federal
cash for an airline ticket, not knowing mountain home with SWAT teams and police forces are coordinated through
that airline ticket agents often provide gunslingers, with the expectation that—if larger and larger computer data banks on
“tips” to policemen about travelers who drugs were found—they could confiscate ordinary citizens. With poverty and
pay for tickets with cash. The his home and land, and whatever money homelessness on the rise, with more and
assumption is that anybody buying an he had in the bank, which would then more of the public wealth, lands,
airline ticket with cash is a drug dealer! become the property of the various “law resources, and means of production
The cops confronted Jones, and enforcement” agencies. owned and controlled by fewer and fewer
confiscated $9,600 he was carrying for As they burst in on Scott’s mountain people, and with new reforms blocked by
purchase of shrubbery for his home early in the morning, Mrs. Scott both political barriers and bureaucratic
landscaping business; he was flying to a screamed with alarm at the sight of guns immobility, it is not surprising to see an
gardening convention to purchase plants being pointed at her by strangers. Still increase in social chaos and crime.
for next year’s work. Although the cops dressed in pajamas, Mr. Scott jumped up But the public clamor has unfortunately
“arrested” his cash, Jones was never from his bed with a pistol in his hand to NOT been to address the root causes of
charged with anything, and he did not defend his wife against intruders. With crime, or even to hold the guilty federal
have additional money to go to the his pistol pointed to the ceiling, he was leaders accountable for their autocratic,
courts to “prove his innocence”. So the shot dead in his own home by the cops, indeed fascistic, conduct. Rather, with the
cops just kept the money. Jones at the very moment when he was news media nearly silent about these
observed: “I didn’t know it was against complying with police orders to put the various assaults upon democracy and
the law for a 42-year-old Black man to gun down. No drugs of any kind were freedom (or with the media uncritically
have money in his pocket!” found on the property. The entire raid parroting only the federal “party line”),
In another remarkable case, two was staged purely for the purpose of the cry from Washington DC is for even
gardening supply stores, along with stealing the man’s land, and placing it on MORE police “protection”.
inventories and bank accounts, were the auction block! [7] And so, new legislation is making its
seized by DEA agents after an employee These are just a few incredible way through Congress, supported by
advised undercover agents how grow- examples, from HUNDREDS TO both conservative Republicans and
lights might be used for indoor PERHAPS THOUSANDS of similar liberal Democrats, to grant even more
cultivation. Marijuana was implied, but cases, of federal assaults upon ordinary police powers to the various federal
never mentioned explicitly—but so citizens who were never charged with a agencies, and frighteningly, to centralize
what! The DEA felt the selling of grow- crime, as more political powers and their activities under a single anti-crime
lights was contributing to the drug trade, guns are accumulated into the hands of umbrella.
so they raided the stores. our unelected federal bureaucracy. This is the background against which
Now, this is purely legal stealing, And, of course, there were the events in the AMA/FDA/Pharmaceutical cartel
where the activities of the cash-greedy Waco, Texas, where a fundamentalist has turned up the heat against
federal agents and judges is not religious group was needlessly assaulted healthcare reformers, midwives,
supported by anything written in the by swarms of federal and state police, physicians employing natural healing
Constitution, nor by any other moral or and Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and methods, and vitamin and herb
rational premise. Indeed, in fully 80% of Firearms (BATF) agents armed with companies.

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 65

Growth Of Natural Healing Methods to natural healing methods is growing and Even when evidence is found that the
In The U.S.A. threatens the economic monopoly of Big pharmaceutical companies completely
Medicine, the AMA/FDA/Pharmaceutical fabricated their FDA-approval data out of
According to a recent study in the New cartel, which has for many years dictated thin air, nothing is done; the FDA turns a
England Journal Of Medicine [9], about healthcare approaches used in the U.S.A. blind eye in such cases.
a third of all American adults use with an iron fist. Some examples [1993]:
unconventional medical treatments, such This appears to be THE major reason for • The FDA has received over 5,500
as chiropractic, therapeutic massage, the intensification of the FDA’s vicious complaints against Aspartame
relaxation techniques, special diets, and and murderous war against the natural (NutraSweet), which was legalized amid
megavitamins. Americans are health movement. The Director of the controversy regarding the capacity of this
increasingly attracted to non-toxic FDA, under both the Bush and Clinton substance to alter brain hormone
natural healing methods, as an Administrations, is [was] Dr. David balances; some 9% of the complaints
alternative to the cut, burn, and poison Kessler, a powerful bureaucrat who today involve serious neurological
methods of allopathic medicine. epitomizes what Wilhelm Reich meant by effects, including seizures.
In recent years, there also has been the term HIG (Hooligan In Government). • A recent major study by UCLA
increasing evidence that vitamins and Kessler has intensified efforts by the FDA researchers of 109 patent-drug
other items advocated by “healthfood to control what is said, published, used, or advertisements found 81% to be
nuts” do indeed work to prevent sold in all aspects of healthcare in the “inaccurate, misleading, and even
degenerative diseases, and to promote U.S.A. He has established a “snitch” dangerous.” [11]
recovery and remission from severe telephone hotline whereby “responsible • A General Accounting Office report
illness. Health reformers are increasingly doctors can call in and report any of their found that 51.5% of patent drugs
advocating natural healing methods, colleagues engaged in unacceptable, approved by the FDA between 1978 and
including natural childbirth, home birth, unorthodox, or deviant medical practice”. 1986 had “serious post-approval risks”
breastfeeding of infants, and organic A blatant double-standard is applied: not disclosed on originally-approved
fruits and vegetables. natural health advocates are assaulted for package inserts, including “heart failure,
Vitamins A, B, C, and E, in moderate to legal technicalities or for no reason at all, myocardial infarction, anaphylaxis,
high doses, are increasingly being found while big pharmaceutical and surgical respiratory depression, convulsions,
to reduce one’s risk of heart disease, device companies can literally get away seizures, kidney and liver failure, severe
cancers, and other degenerative diseases. with murder. Nutritional supplements blood disorders, birth defects, and
Indeed, the National Institute of Health, with proven benefits are banned without blindness”. [12]
in response to growing pressure from the evidence of any public health hazards, In spite of these and many other deadly
public, recently opened an “Office of while synthetic pharmacological drugs problems associated with costly “FDA-
Alternative Medicine”, and has started to or horrific surgical devices which have approved” patent drugs and medical
fund investigations of natural healing never been proven effective, are devices, you never read about a major
methods. [10] approved in spite of demonstrated deadly pharmaceutical company being raided
The percentage of Americans attracted side-effects. with SWAT teams, their bank accounts
seized, with offices, laboratories, and
homes of off icers being raided and
9/11: THE GREAT ILLUSION ransacked at gunpoint, or their drug
inventories being confiscated and
End Game Of The Illuminati. Our Choice: Fear Or Love? impounded. Nor has the FDA taken any
actions against the blatant advertising of
drugs within medical journals publishing
papers purportedly evaluating the
GEORGE HUMPHREY efficacy and safety of those same drugs.
[Excerpts from the author’s Introduction:] Though I knew in my heart [Editor’s note: It got so bad by a few
from day one that the 9/11 WTC/Pentagon assault was a staged event, years ago that the conscience-striken MD
I told myself that I would not write another booklet. Plus, I had had one who was then the Editor-In-Chief of the
too many conversations with dear and educated friends who had gone New England Journal Of Medicine quit
absolutely ballistic when even the concept that anything other than the her job. But not before she courageously
reported “news” could be behind this episode. published an astonishing editorial
However, as I listen to the media and their 24/7 frenzy of hateful summarizing rampant cheating and
misinformation, I knew it was time to act. This booklet is not for corruption like that noted above—and
everyone. But it is for those who love their country and have that rare more!]
quality called an open mind. But such repressions and police actions
9/11: The Great Illusion is intentionally kept short so as many as are being taken against natural healing
$3.50 (+$1.50 S/H)* possible will have access to this material. People must wake up to clinics and smaller laboratories all across
Code: TGI (0.25 lb.) some cold hard realities: A small occult group—The Illuminati—have
been organized for centuries, and have control of our economy, culture,
the U.S.A. for doing nothing more than
70 Page Booklet manufacturing, selling, or prescribing
and political organizations. These people have ZERO respect for our
Republic and Bill Of Rights. They are behind a vast majority of the wars and revolutions, and are vitamins, aloe vera, herbs, and other non-
behind the events of September 11th. toxic food substances. Witness the
This booklet is presenting evidence that goes against everything that the mainstream media and following recent examples:
political structure would have people believe. 1. (1987) Ft. Lauderdale, Florida:
Based upon a perjured search warrant,
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 the Life Extension Foundation, a non-
*Free shipping if ordered with any other item from Wisdom Books & Press prof it organization supplying

PAGE 66 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

supplements to low-income individuals, Harrington-McGill, 57-year-old owner of seized him and forced him to cross the
is raided by armed FDA agents and U.S. a pet food store, for violation of a border to the U.S.A. There, Keller was
marshals. Breaking down the doors, the proposed Health Claims Law because her arrested by the FBI on 12 counts of wire
agents spent 12 hours seizing every literature stated vitamins would help fraud. Keller had made telephone calls
nutrient product, file, and newsletter keep pets healthy. Her store was raided across interstate lines to attract people to
they could get their hands on, including and ransacked without a search warrant. his Mexican clinic.
many personal items of owners and When her day in court arrived, Following the illegal kidnapping of
employees. Even telephones and Harrington-McGill requested a jury trial. Keller from Mexican soil, without
computers were “ripped from the wall”. The judge refused her request, dictating extradition, he was jailed in Texas, his
Four years later, another raid took place, that he alone would judge the case. She bond set at $5 million. He was later
after the Foundation relocated to was tried and convicted of violation of convicted and sent to a North Dakota
Arizona. Employees were intimidated the Health Claims Law, EVEN THOUGH prison for two years. Keller ran a very
into thinking they had been “shipping IT HAD NOT YET BEEN PASSED BY successful cancer treatment clinic, which
illegal drugs” (vitamins!), but no charges THE U.S. CONGRESS AT THE TIME he founded after using natural methods to
were filed against anyone. The raid took THE FDA RAIDED HER, OR AT THE cure himself of “terminal” cancer. His
three days to complete. Requests for the TIME OF HER TRIAL OR own cancer had been unsuccessfully
return of property were consistently CONVICTION. Ms. Harrington-McGill “treated” 25 years earlier by orthodox
refused. Lawsuits against the FDA are in repeatedly informed the federal judge of cancer specialists who amputated his ear
progress. [13] this fact, but he ignored her complaint. and mutilated his face. Following the
2. (1990) Mt. Angel, Oregon: For this f irst-time misdemeanor horrific surgery, Keller‘s cancer returned
Nine FDA agents, 11 U.S. marshals, and “violation” of a non-existing law, she and metastisized. He investigated natural
8 heavily armed Oregon state police raid was sentenced to 179 days in prison, healing methods, cured himself, and then
Highland Laboratories, kicking in both with a fine of $10,000. She was led away began helping others to do so. [17]
front and back doors. Over an 11-hour in chains and served 114 days in prison 6. (1991) Texas:
period, virtually everything except tables before being released after the U.S. The alternative medical clinic of Dr.
and chairs were carted off to waiting Congress refused to pass the Health Stanislaw Burzynski, an emigre from
trucks, including many items not listed Claims Law. Lawsuits against the FDA communist Poland, is raided by FDA and
on the search warrant, at a total value of have been filed. [15] Texas Department of Health agents,
$37,000. Nobody was informed about 4. (1990) Reno, Nevada: following public announcement that
the grounds for the raid, the “supporting The Century Clinic, which employs Burzynski’s successful, unorthodox
affidavit” being suppressed by the court. chelation therapy, homeopathy, methods will be evaluated by the
The seized property was taken to an nutritional, and natural therapies, is raided National Cancer Institute. Until then,
undisclosed location. Mr. Kenneth Scott, twice by FDA and Postal Service Burzynski had worked quietly for 15
owner, and other Highland employees inspectors and other government agents. years without any complaints or trouble
were threatened with violence if they During the first raid, a 14-page list of with the law. [18]
attempted to enter the company items was confiscated even though the 7. (1991) San Leandro, California:
premises, and the daughter of the owner warrant itemized only three short NutriCology, a nutrition supplement
was held “in house arrest” for 12 hours at paragraphs of materials for seizure. company operated by Stephen Levine,
a location several miles away. Virtually all equipment, supplies, files, Ph.D., a molecular geneticist from the
Highland subsequently reopened, and mailing lists, computers, and records were University of California at Berkeley, is
hired a separate outside mailing service taken during a 16-hour ransacking of raided by 12 FDA agents. Levine spends
to satisfy FDA requirements. In response, facilities. No charges were filed. Century $500,000 over the next year to fight three
the FDA raided the mailing service, Clinic then recovered, rebuilt their facility, different FDA injunctions, all of which are
which was a small business run out of the and sued the FDA for return of the seized thrown out of court. No complaints were
home of a woman in another town. property. ever made about the firm. [19]
Finding nothing there except mailing The FDA responded with a second raid, 8. (1992) Kent, Washington:
equipment and business records, FDA this time involving searches of the The unlocked door of Dr. Jonathan
agents threatened to conf iscate the persons, homes, and vehicles of Clinic Wright’s natural medical clinic was
woman’s checkbooks and cash, failing to owners and employees. Patients in kicked in, while FDA agents wearing
do so only after being begged not to. treatment at the time of the raid were bullet-proof vests, with drawn guns,
When she asked them: “Why are you treated rudely, ordered about, and pushed into the room, shouting at
doing this?” the agent replied interrogated. Many were not allowed to everyone to “Freeze! Put up your hands!”
“Somebody’s got to do it!” Because of leave without giving names and The raid was in reaction to a recent FDA
the raids, the owner of the mailing firm addresses. Cash and checks were also ban on a contaminated batch of B-
subsequently closed her business and seized, along with another 14 pages of vitamins in another state.
refuses to file charges out of FEAR OF inventory. Again, NO CHARGES WERE Wright was not connected to that
GOVERNMENT REPRISALS (!). No FILED AGAINST ANYBODY! [16] particular incident, and did not ever use
charges were ever filed by the FDA 5. (March, 1991) Tijuana, Mexico: contaminated vitamins. No matter.
against anyone, nor has any of the seized Four armed Mexican police, without Workers were held at gunpoint and his
property been returned. The FDA still warrants or charges, kidnapped Jimmy office searched, while computers, mailing
has not given anyone reasons for their Keller from his office at the St. Jude lists, books, and files were hauled away in
outrageous tactics, which were designed Hospital, and took him to their a large truck. Patients were generally
simply to put the firm out of business. headquarters. There, six men in blue jeans treated like criminals. The FDA Gestapo
[14] and work shirts who refused to identify agents spent 14 hours at the clinic,
3. (1990) El Cajon, California: themselves (later identified as bounty searching through everything.
The FDA attempts to railroad Sissy hunters for the U.S. Justice Department) Dr. Wright is internationally known for

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 67

his work on nutritional medicine and on the seizure list, no charges were filed, employed at a raided firm was roughed-up
preventative health approaches. At the and none of the products were ever and handcuffed for 11 hours while FDA
same time, down the street, the For Your returned to the stores. [22] agents ransacked her home.
Health pharmacy was being raided in a 11. (1993) U.S.A.: These latter raids included the clinic
similar manner. This pharmacy serves Nearly 40 different natural-healing and offices of Dr. Kurt Donsbach, author
preventative health doctors in the Kent clinics, healthfood stores, and vitamin of many self-help nutrition-oriented
area. As of mid-1993, none of the manufacturers were raided in May and books widely sold in healthfood stores.
impounded equipment, computers, or September, in armed commando-style Donsbach’s home was also reportedly
f iles have been returned, and NO assaults by combined agents of the FDA, raided, and his personal bank accounts
CHARGES HAVE BEEN FILED DEA, IRS, U.S. Customs and U.S. Postal seized. Also raided were the U.S.A.
AGAINST ANYONE. [20] services. Details on these more recent distributors of German-made Neiper
9. (1992) San Diego: raids are difficult to come by, but it is Products, formulated by the
David Halpern and several of his family reported that, besides seizing various internationally-known and respected Dr.
members, as well as the Presidents of three stocks of vitamins, herbs, and other Hans Neiper, who operates a successful
British and one German vitamin nutritional supplements and compounds clinic in Germany, and sponsors the
companies, are charged with 198 counts (such as shark cartilage), IRS officials popular health-science magazine Raum &
of “conspiracy”, “smuggling”, and seized both personal and company bank Zeit.
“violation of the Food, Drug, And accounts, along with automobiles, Many ordinary citizens were
Cosmetic Act” for importing banned computers, office equipment, and other manhandled and threatened with death by
nutritional supplements which are freely valuables. Mailing lists of customers and gun-pointing government agents during
available, over the counter, in Britain and patients were of particular interest in the these raids, all for the “crime” of
Germany. The indictments carry a seizures. The homes of the company manufacturing, distributing, selling, or
potential prison term of 990 years in owners and employees were also raided, prescribing vitamins, nutritional
prison. [21] without search warrants. SWAT teams, supplements, and related natural health
10. (1992) Texas: armed with machine guns and flak products or methods. [23]
The FDA, working behind the scenes, jackets, participated in some of the raids. The above are only representative
prompted the Texas Department of The Post Office, in turn, acted to illegally examples from a very long list of similar
Health (TDH) and Texas Department of block the mail of some of the companies, FDA abuses of power in recent years.
Food and Drug to undertake raids upon effectively shutting them off from The FDA clearly has become the
over a dozen large healthfood stores. communication with the public and attack-dog tool of the AMA and
Over 250 different products, an arbitrary leaving them without funds, mailing lists, pharmaceutical industry, and many
list some 88 pages long, was forcibly or other resources necessary to mount a FDA field agents are on record as
seized from shelves. The list includes proper legal defense. As before, NO stating that the agency is out to
flaxseed oil, effervescent vitamin C, CHARGES WERE FILED. “destroy the health food and nutritional
various herbs, Sleepytime Tea, aloe vera, Some shocking examples of Gestapo supplements industries”. And that is
and zinc products. Following a public tactics occurred. At the home of one precisely what they are trying to do.
outcry, and restraining reactions from employee, dark-dressed men with guns [Former] FDA Director Kessler wants to
Texas politicians, the TDH Gestapo demanded entry, but the scared individual control not only the marketing of
officers threatened one of the ravaged refused to let them in; instead, she went to products, but also what is said in speech
healthfood store owners in the manner of the bedroom to dial 911 for the local or print about health matters. He has
a Mafia extortionist: “Don’t talk to the police. The door was smashed down and vowed to “crack down” even on scientific
press, or we’ll come down on you twice she was shoved to the floor with a gun put meetings and conferences which present
as hard!” No justifications were given to her head. f indings “unacceptable” to FDA
for the inclusion of any of the products In another case, a breast-feeding mother policies—and this is no idle threat.
findings about the threat China poses. The CIA
SEEDS OF FIRE: publicly confirmed what Gordon Thomas reveals in
SEEDS OF FIRE. Just how big a threat China is.
CHINA AND THE STORY BEHIND This has been kept out of the news agenda
because it does not suit certain business interests to
THE ATTACK ON AMERICA have that truth emerge. But at last here it is. Every
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Seeds Of Fire That prediction is from a CIA briefing paper to the simply revelatory.
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China by 2015 will have deployed tens to several American — everyone who cares about the future of thinking Americans to “the sleeping giant” of the
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PAGE 68 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

Kessler and the FDA are the closest thing
to a domestic Gestapo-type police force in
the U.S.A., and their power is growing; ERIC JON PHELPS
new alliances are being cemented
between the FDA, IRS, DEA, FTC,
2-hr VIDEO tape
Customs and Postal Services, HHS, and $20.00 (+S/H) Code: VAV (0.75 lb.)
other government agencies, to “combat
the growing menace of health fraud”. Eric Jon Phelps, the author of the centuries of collusion. Eric’s lecture
The FDA alliance has destroyed the blockbuster book VATICAN ASSASSINS, includes slide presentations of
lives and work of numerous medical gave a 2-hour lecture at the Conspiracy graphics and photographs from his
pioneers, as outlined above, usually Con 2002 held on May 25-26, 2002. book. If you would like to see and hear,
WITHOUT ANY CHARGES BEING Eric’s richly historical and profoundly first-hand, the man who puts significant
FILED. They simply arrive at the informative lecture concerned the historical and conspiratorial pieces of
offending clinic and home of the pioneer, history of the Jesuit Order and their the puzzle together, then this video tape
break down the doors, shove guns into the ultimate control of the Vatican, spanning is the one for you!
faces of everyone present, seize and
impound off ice and laboratory
equipment, mailing lists, computers, files, ALSO AVAILABLE: ON AUDIO CASSETTE $10.00 (+S/H)
bank accounts, etc., carting everything off The 2-hr AUDIO tape version of ERIC JON PHELPS’ Code: VAA (0.5 lb.)
to a warehouse where it is dumped. Even popular Conspiracy Con 2002 Lecture.
personal funds in a bank account are SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866
“impounded” (stolen!) by these
government thugs, whom we may assume hit squads) on matters of medical efficacy. (D-OH).
are, like DEA agents raiding a crack Since Reich’s time, and through the The proposed legislation would grant to
house, using drug-seizure laws to keep a 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, the FDA has the FDA:
percentage of whatever they steal! consumed millions of taxpayer dollars to • Power to set arbitrarily low potency
Amazingly, NONE of the major wage its war against natural approaches to levels for vitamins and foodstuffs, and to
political parties have displayed alarm or healthcare. The result is that our forbid the sale of any vitamin or foodstuff
interest in these FDA assaults. It has all healthcare system is one big gigantic which contained levels higher than the
been done with the full knowledge and expensive mess, rife with official fraud, FDA mandates.
approval of top politicians (Reagan, Bush, and a holocaust of victims, due to the • Power to forcibly censor advertising of
Clinton, Gore) and Justice Department toxic and deadly side-effects from health claims in magazines and books.
officials (Janet Reno). Virtually ALL of ineffective “approved” drugs and horrific • Power to embargo and destroy any
these politicians have consistently been surgical mutilations. imported product without proving its
sent letters of protest by the lawyers, Nature, science, and compassion have threat to the public health.
friends, patients, and co-workers of the been thrown out of the house of modern • Power to issue its own subpoenas and
various clinicians or small businesses who medicine, and the doors and windows to undertake WARRANTLESS searches,
have been raided. To my knowledge, have been barred shut, with armed guards seizures, and electronic surveillance,
nobody who has been raided by the FDA posted outside. based upon MERE SUSPICION, without
has ever received a friendly note or a the need for court approval.
helpful response from any of our political The Congressional Battle • Power to set its own punitive fines
Royal Family. These power elites either against anyone who fails to obey their
agree with the FDA, don’t care about In spite of the damage done to many demands—up to $250,000 for
natural health matters, or are completely individuals, clinics, and small businesses, individuals, and $2 million for
isolated from what is going on in the real the natural health movement continues to businesses.
world by layers of bureaucracy and fight back, through legal means and by • Power to dictate to the Federal Trade
“helpers”, who censor the pleas for help pressuring their elected representatives to Commission new regulations for
from their mail and telephone calls. restrain the FDA. But the FDA has its own censoring health claims in television and
The FDA raids demonstrate a serious supporters in Congress, and wants even radio programs and advertisements.
erosion in the principles of government more power and authority so that it can go • Power to pay informants a reward, up
by law, due process, liberty, and justice. out and even more thoroughly “search to $250,000, for reporting on suspected
For health matters, at least, we now and destroy” the natural health movement. violators of FDA regulations.
have government by iron-fisted New legislation has been offered into Other related legislation was also
bureaucratic decree, with only the the U.S. Congress which would grant the proposed (SS732, S733, H940, Sen.
façade and illusion of law. FDA the more complete and sweeping Edward Kennedy sponsoring on behalf of
Originally the FDA was formed under police powers it wants. In 1993, several the Clinton Administration), which would
the mandate of the Pure Food & Drug Act, new Congressional bills were proposed: establish a “national registry and tracking
which simply required that products be the Regulatory Enforcement Amendments system” for the vaccination of all infants
accurately labeled as to what their for the existing Nutritional Labeling And and children—a prelude to the notorious
contents are and to actually contain those Education Act (H1662, H2597, H3642, “Smart Card” or “Health Identity Card”—
ingredients, which is a necessary S1982, S2135). Their sponsors are long- with total control over healthcare
regulation in order for consumers to make time FDA supporters and recipients of decisions by a centralized medical Big
informed decisions. However, this simple pharmaceutical PAC “donations”—Rep. Brother. These bills, which are offered up
mandate has grown into a bureaucratic Henry Waxman (D-CA), Rep. John in one version or another, year after year,
monster which has decreed itself the sole Dingell (D-MI), Sen. Edward M. Kennedy mandate “social workers” to essentially
judge, jury, and prosecutor (with its own (D-MA), and Sen. Howard Metzenbaum become the new “healthcare police”,

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 69

calling upon every home in America, door not clear that these laws do anything to pioneering health breakthroughs to reach
to door, to “investigate” whether or not restrain the FDA, which is governed by the general public. The battle lines are
every child in residence would have all federal legislation. Rep. Henry Hyde (R- drawn, but the outcome is not clear or
“mandatory vaccines”. If not, the child IL) has also sponsored the Civil Asset certain at all. Hanging in the balance is
might be blocked from enrollment in Forfeiture Reform Act Of 1993 to restrain nothing less than the future of our
school, or the parents charged with “child the “long arm of the law”, and place the remaining democratic and social
abuse”, and the child forcibly taken away burden of proof on the government in freedoms.
by the state for adoption. asset seizure cases, where it belongs.
Already, legal attacks for “child neglect These latter laws to restrain government Postscript, 1995-2001
and abuse” have been mounted by social power are a start in the right direction, but
workers and medical authorities against in fact do not go far enough to curb the Since the time when this article was
parents opting for home-birth, and against persisting abuses. written, the following events have taken
parents refusing to inoculate their Wilhelm Reich’s suggestion that place:
children with potentially dangerous judges, prosecutors, and government • Congressman Henry Hyde has
experimental vaccines. [24] officials who plot to throw innocent introduced new legislation to
Even breast-feeding mothers have had people into prison should themselves be dramatically scale-back seizure laws,
infants ripped from their arms, being imprisoned, is the kind of strong putting the burden of proof back on the
charged with “child sexual abuse” by medicine necessary to prevent our government, where it belongs. To date,
power-drunk “social workers” who did not social situation from spiraling into however, his reform measure is not part of
approve of breast-feeding beyond two even more despotic conditions. the new “Republican Agenda”, and no
years. [25] Clearly, a Congressional Investigation meaningful reform has in fact yet taken
Coupled with the new, national health with public hearings and testimony place.
insurance initiatives, we rapidly approach should be initiated in Washington DC to • Mrs. Scott, widow of the murdered
the creation of a politically-directed, allow hundreds of ordinary citizens the Donald Scott mentioned above, sued the
centralized network of “health spies” and right to come forward and tell their stories government for shooting her husband in
“health police”, whose ultimate goal about U.S. government hooliganism, in his home without cause. She lost her
would be to root out any and all forms of full light of day, and where the case, which is on appeal.
natural healthcare, self-responsible “mainstream” news media could not so • Congressional hearings on the Waco,
healthcare, or anyone who would exhibit easily ignore it. Texas massacre of the Branch Dravidians
signs of independent-mindedness or A Special Prosecutor should also be has revealed that the FBI and BATF lied
“disobedience to authority” regarding appointed by the President, to investigate and fabricated documents later presented
basic matters of child-rearing, sexuality, the blatant Police State activities of the to the U.S. military and Justice
education, or health. FDA and other governmental agencies. Department, falsely claiming a “meth-
This is reminiscent of the KGB FDA Commissioner Kessler should amphetamine laboratory” was in the
neighborhood-spy systems of the immediately be fired and investigated for Dravidian’s compound. This lie allowed
communist nations, and the religious his role in these abuses. the military to provide helicopters and
police of the fundamentalist Muslim All FDA leaders, field agents, and tanks to the FBI, for use in the
nations. It is a clear and present danger to lawyers, AMA officials, and prosecutors subsequent “f inal assault” on the
our democracy, given the fact that and judges who plotted, approved, or compound, which resulted in the deaths
Americans today are prone to grant to directed the invasions of clinics, of nearly all inhabitants. (Federal law
white-coated “doctors” the same laboratories, and homes of medical prohibits the use of military weaponry
uncritical, unquestioning obedience as pioneers, carrying out the massive and resources in civilian law
once was given to black-robed priests seizures of property where nobody was enforcement, except in drug-related
during the witch-burning period of ever charged with a crime—those cases.)
history, or to communist-party individuals should receive stiff fines and The hearings also revealed a sharp
functionaries during the Stalinist purges. jail terms, with compensation paid to split between the FBI/BATF “troops” on
Science, particularly medical science, is those whose lives and work was destroyed the ground surrounding the compound,
today the New Religion of Homo by power-drunk bureaucrats. and the FBI negotiation team, who were
Normalis, and the witch hunt against Even those now-elderly FDA officials, in telephone communications with
heretic disobedient unbelievers is prosecutors, and judges who presided over Koresh and the Dravidians inside the
gathering steam. the burning of Reich’s books should be compound. The “troops” were literally
Opposing the above FDA/AMA/ held fully accountable for their past “chomping at the bit”, wishing to invade
pharmaceutical Gestapo legislation was abuses of power. the compound with poison gas,
the Health Freedom Act (S784 and These and other concrete steps must be concussion grenades, tanks, machine-
H1709) sponsored by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R- undertaken if we are serious about our guns, etc., in spite of the fact there were
UT) and Rep. Bill Richardson (D-NM). Constitution and Bill Of Rights, and if the women and children inside. A deal
This bill, which was passed in modified words “land of the free” are to have which had been arranged by FBI
form, restricted the FDA on some of the meaning beyond that of a mere slogan, negotiators for complete surrender of the
above matters, preserving the rights of recited mindlessly at political rallies. inhabitants was sabotoged by the
Americans to make their own essential Clearly, unless our social reformers and “troop” leaders who pushed for the gas
health decisions—regarding vitamins, healthcare pioneers are allowed to move attack (flame attack?), and whose
herbs, and food supplements at least. from the present suppressed contempt for the negotiation team was
There additionally are a few states, such “underground” situation, and practice well-documented.
as Alaska and Washington, which have their arts openly in the social marketplace, To my knowledge, the issue of the
passed specific legislation to protect free from constant FDA-police harassment, flame-throwing tank, documented in
natural healthcare methods, though it is there will be no real health reforms or videotapes [8], was never openly

PAGE 70 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

discussed at those hearings. FBI top
brass were reprimanded, but nobody has
been charged with any crimes, and
nobody has spent a day in jail for the
nearly 100 civilian deaths, or the ARCHIVED ON CD-ROM!
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• New “anti-crime” and “anti- Get each full year of The SPECTRUM archived on
terrorism” legislation, some of which was CD-ROM. One year per volume. Volume 1 thru 3
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rammed through Congress after the
Oklahoma City bombing, provides even
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both CIA and military resources to be Several Audio Chapters from WISDOM OF THE
used against U.S. citizens for anti-drug or RAYS: The Masters Teach, Vol. I book. These will
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the Ascended Masters • Selected writings and
The problem here is the very wide and
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broad definitions of what constitute such several writings by the Ascended Masters (non-
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Pentagon airline terror-attacks. While it
is the opinion of this writer that these medical device industry. Americans to eat what Europeans feel
laws are justified and necessary in this I personally overheard, on one of the is unclean and unsafe.
time of national emergency [except that televised news programs, a debate • In late 1996, the FDA announced
such “national emergency” was between leading Republican and plans to try and “regulate” (read:
obviously fabricated by the same ones Democratic lawmakers, wherein they suppress) the free flow of information on
pushing the subsequent legislation!] , it both emphatically stated that they were “unapproved” healing methods on the
is also a legitimate fear that they will be opposed to “medical quackery” Internet. As always, they want to control
misapplied against unorthodox (meaning: natural healing methods) what is said, and by whom, on health
physicians and healers by the FDA and both supported the FDA in its matters.
[among many other targets].) efforts to “clamp down” on healing • As of 1996, Dr. David Kessler was
• Dr. Jonathan Wright, with help from methods not approved by “general still in charge of the FDA. But not much
citizen’s organizations such as National medical practice”. In short, there is no long after. Kessler left the FDA, and at
Health Federation, Cancer Control evidence that natural healing methods least some of the rather draconian police-
Society, and Citizen’s For Health, will get more support from the state aspects of FDA attacks against
organized a public relations assault upon Republicans than from the Democrats. holistic medicine have declined in
the FDA and fought back with lawsuits. • In the face of evidence of frequency ever since. This does not
He won a victory of sorts when the FDA demonstrated health risks, and strong mean the FDA has “reformed” however,
recently announced they were not going protests by citizen’s health groups, the as seen in their enthusiastic embracing of
to file charges against Wright, even FDA has approved the public marketing genetically-modified foods, and their
though for 3 years they have illegally of dangerous new drugs and vaccines push to introduce food-irradiation, and
held onto his property, patient records, with proven toxic side-effects, irradiated to undermine all efforts to have
computers, files, etc. The Congressional foods (for food preservation), genetically-modified foods fully labeled.
legislation which would have given the genetically-engineered bovine hormones
FDA increased power and authority was (for stimulation of milk production in References
passed, though in watered-down form. cows), and artificial fat. In coordination
New legislation by both pro-FDA and with the push to provide BGH to all 1. Barry Lynes, The Cancer Cure That
anti-FDA forces have been organized. American milk cows, “protein bypass” Worked: Fifty Years Of Suppression,
The battle is not yet won. feeding methods have been initiated, Marcus Books, Ontario, 1987.
• Newt Gingrich and other wherein the carcasses of sheep and cattle 2. Ken Ausubel, Hoxsey: How Healing
Republicans announced in 1995 that (even those which have died of unknown Becomes A Crime, Mystic Fire Video,
they would “take on the FDA” and causes) are ground-up and mixed with Malibu, California, 1987.
“restrain its powers”. This led, in my cattle feed, and then fed back to the dairy 3. Max Gerson, A Cancer Therapy:
opinion, to a highly premature cattle for “protein enrichment”. Such Results Of 50 Cases, Gerson Institute,
celebration on the part of many health- foul and unclean feeding methods were Bonita, California 1990.
reform activists, that the new part of the reason why Mad Cow Disease 4. Jerome Greenfield, Wilhelm Reich
“Republican Revolution” would bring spread in England. A similar syndrome Versus The USA, W.W. Norton, NY 1979;
about more freedoms in healthcare. exists in the U.S.A. under the name Lois Wyvell, “The Jailing Of A Great
Unfortunately, in various televised and “Downer Cow Syndrome”. Because of Scientist In The USA”, Pulse of the
published interviews, it is unmistakably such health risks from American beef, the Planet #4, 1993; James DeMeo,
clear that the new Republican Congress European Economic Community has a “Author’s Preface”, The Orgone
only wishes to prevent the FDA from ban on the importation of American beef Accumulator Handbook, Natural Energy
restraining the drug companies and products. The FDA says it is OK for Works, El Cerrito, CA 1989.

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 71

5. J. C. Bailar & E.M. Smith: “Progress full swing, to deny Americans the the individual States step forward, under
Against Cancer?”, New England Journal freedom to choose their own pathway to pressure from the citizenry, to address
Of Medicine, 314:1226-1232, 8 May health. And since the contrived events of legal violations of basic rights by these
1986. 9/11, that trend has only been expanded federal thugs manipulated by Big
6. Acres USA, PO Box 9547, Kansas through even more legislation—like the Business and those higher up the world-
City, MO 64133. Patriot Act and the Homeland Security control ladder?
7. San Francisco Chronicle, 25 June Act—which is designed to further limit The fact remains that government,
93; Contra Costa Times, 5 June 93; Bay our fundamental freedoms in all aspects unchecked, is hardly likely to police
Guardian, 2 June 93; Pacific Sun, 12 of living, including health. itself! It’s the responsibility of we-the-
March 93. people to correct this out-of-control
8. A videotape “Waco, The Big Lie” Much More Has Been Written situation that’s gotten to this point
(American Justice Federation, 3850 S. precisely because WE’VE not been
Emerson Ave., #E, Indianapolis, IN There has been so much written on this minding the store.
46203) shows flame-throwing equipment subject that there is simply not room to Class Action? That’s one possibility.
on the front of the tanks which assaulted include more of it here. Just a few of Certainly with the number of
the Waco compound, casting serious those additional, substantial, and more “alternative” healthcare and wellness
doubt upon the “official” version of recent articles that have been written organizations that exist throughout the
events. about the FDA’s abuse of authority United States, NETWORKING
9. Eisenberg, et al; New England include (available online): BECOMES KEY to f inding united
Journal Of Medicine, 328:246-52, 1993. • LEF’s Magazine, August 1998, titled solutions that have been begging
10. Health Federation News, March “First Amendment & Codex Alert” by attention for so long. It takes aggressive
1993; SF Chronicle 16 Feb. 93, 18 May William Faloon. participation. Perhaps even aggressive
93, 13 Sept. 93. • “FDA Abuses Alternative-Medicine lobbying. (Note: I didn’t say hostile or
11. Health Federation News, March Industry But Is Lax On Drugmakers” by violent; I said aggressive.)
1993; SF Chronicle 16 Feb. 93, 18 May Milton R. Copulos, appearing in Insight Consider the tragic toll in terms of
93, 13 Sept. 93. On The News, and posted on the Life compromised health, lost human lives,
12. GAO/PEMD 90-15 FDA Drug Extension website. and unnecessary astronomical costs
Review: Post Approval Risks 1976-85, • “A New Day At FDA? After Years Of due to the suppression of Rife and other
p.3, 28 April 1990. Battling In The Court, The FDA May powerful technologies by the FDA over
13. FDA Versus The People Of The Finally Be Forced To Comply With The the years, especially since the early
United States, Jonathan Wright Legal Law—AGAIN” appearing in Life 1930s! AND THEN ASK YOURSELF
Defense Fund, Citizens For Health, PO Extension Magazine, April 2003. HOW WE CAN POSSIBLY LOOK THE
Box 368, Tacoma, WA 98401; phone: OTHER WAY AND ALLOW SUCH A
206-922-2457, Fax: 206-922-7583. FDA—A Rogue Agency MOCKERY OF COMMON SENSE TO
14. FDA Versus The People... ibid. CONTINUE!
15. Body & Soul, 8(4):6, June 1992; With such a long pattern of abuse of Whatever the final outcome may be,
FDA Versus The People... ibid. power, some important questions come to the fact remains that more and more
16. FDA Versus The People... ibid. mind: people ARE stepping-up and taking
17. FDA Versus The People... ibid. What can be done to curtail these responsibility for their own health, and
18. FDA Versus The People... ibid. abuses by this aggressive super-puppet no amount of “bought” legislation will
19. FDA Versus The People... ibid. agency with an annual taxpayer- reverse that wise and determined trend.
20. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 7 May supported budget (that we know about) It’s time for the politicians to pay
92, 11 May 92; FDA Versus The of $27,355,000? attention to the will of their constituents,
People...ibid. Has Congress effectively abrogated its not to Big Business and other related
21. FDA Versus The People... ibid. authority over the FDA, thus coming in special interests that have for so long
22. FDA Versus The People... ibid. violation of Article 1, Section 1 of the manipulated public policy.
23. Sarasota Eco Report, July 1993; U.S. Constitution, which states that: “All When will we finally hold Congress
Am. Preventative Medical Assn., PO Box legislative powers herein granted shall be accountable for playing a significant
2111, Tacoma, WA 98401; phone: 206- vested in a Congress...”? role in such extensive criminal behavior
926-0551, Fax: 206-922-7583. And if Congress is in violation of the against we-the-people?
24. Regarding the vaccine issue, see: U.S. Constitution—still the highest legal Nobody said reclaiming our health
Neil Z. Miller, Vaccines: Are They Really authority in the land regardless of freedom was going to be easy. But what’s
Safe And Effective? New Atlantean Press, efforts to make it subservient—what is the alternative?
NM, 1993; “Vaccinations: The Rest Of to be done about it and by whom? And think about this: How important is
The Story” Mothering Magazine, PO Could Congress, despite its current your health to YOU?! S
Box 1690, Santa Fe, NM 87504. impotent role, be
25. The average age of weaning, world- pressured enough by we-
wide, is around 3.5 years. See the case of the-people to appoint a “The whole imposing edifice of
Denise Perrigo in New York, discussed in Special Prosecutor to
Birth Gazette, Spring 92, p.11; also investigate a long pattern modern medicine is like the
discussed in Sex-Economic Notes, Pulse of criminal activity, theft, celebrated tower of Pisa — slightly
of the Planet #4, 1993. and intimidation by the off balance.”
[end quoting] FDA—the very agency it
Even though the above article is is turning its own
almost ten years old, it speaks with great authority over to? — Charles, Prince of Wales
clarity about the trend, already then in And at what point do

PAGE 72 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

Who Was Dr. Wilhelm Reich?
And Why Has History Tried So Hard To Erase Him?
Editor’s note: The following superb In the mid 1930s Dr. Reich began by the American government and the
article, from the March 13, 2003 issue of noticing an energetic connection that is American medical system.
The Idaho Observer, is offered as an shared by all living beings and had the Wilhelm Reich was born in Austria in
important extension in conjunction with clarity of mind to not dismiss the 1897 as the son of a rather wealthy
this month’s front-page feature story. Dr. observation as unimportant. Dr. Reich farmer and, as was common at that time,
Wilhelm Reich is mentioned in that story called this energy “orgone” and worked he was home schooled, f irst by his
(along with Dr. Royal Rife) as another for decades demonstrating its laws and mother and later by a number of tutors.
significant trailblazer whose advanced studying its various manifestations. He excelled in his studies because of his
research was viciously attacked and His work encompassed 40 years within intelligence and also, in part, out of fear
suppressed by those wishing to preserve six countries, but in the end he suffered of his father’s horrible temper that would
the status quo of people control on the indignity of seeing his life’s work erupt over something as trivial as an
planet Earth. incorrect answer in his studies.
Reich’s research opened up vistas of Reich’s family was tragically
possibilities with such far-ranging dysfunctional and, at age 13, his
implications—well beyond “just” the mother poisoned herself to flee the
simple curing of illnesses—that his abuse of Reich’s violently-tempered
work held the keys to nullifying the father. Four years later, Reich’s father
core forces of coercion utilized by the died of pneumonia—a f inancially
world controling elite to keep the rest destitute and lonely man. Reich, at
of us in line. You can imagine how 17, ran the farm himself for a short
many big-ego toes he stepped on— time after his father’s death, but the
whether he realized it or not! property was destroyed by World War I
The Idaho Observer introduction to in 1915.
this article states Reich’s situation After serving in the Austrian army
well: on the Italian front, Reich began
“Before dismissing what you are attending classes at the University of
about to read, consider that the FDA Vienna and graduated in 1922 as a
did everything in its power to doctor of medicine.
eliminate the knowledge of orgone While studying for his doctorate,
energy from the world because, it Reich became a protégé of Dr.
claimed, ‘it doesnt exist.’ Sigmund Freud, and soon after
“If orgone energy does not exist, it graduating became the clinical
is, therefore, not a threat—is it? assistant at Freud’s Psychoanalytical
“Rather than ignore this thing that Clinic where he, himself, became a
does not exist, the FDA effectively pioneer in psychoanalysis.
sentenced Dr. Wilhelm Reich to death In his book Character Analysis
and, for at least a decade, actively Wilhelm Reich (1933), Dr. Reich detailed a biological
pursued a campaign to destroy all the basis for neurosis and provided a step
books, notes, and research papers it banned in America and tons of his books toward the discovery of the cosmic
could find containing the word ‘orgone’. and journals burned by the U.S. Food and orgone energy. During the years 1936-
Judging by the government’s actions, Drug Administration per bureaucratic 1939, Dr. Reich conducted experiments
orgone energy does, indeed, exist.” decree. concerning the idea of airborne
Their extreme actions against him only It was a brazen act of censorship that is infection. He showed that
served to reveal, beyond any doubt, just overlooked today within the texts of microorganisms form themselves from
how important Reich’s research actually history. inorganic material and disintegrating
was. Prior to his orgonomic research, Dr. organic substances. He proved where
Reich had earned an international airborne germs came from and
3/13/03 JERRY MORTON reputation as a scientist of integrity. demonstrated the absurdity of the
Once, after he had demonstrated orgone commonly held “air germ” theory. It was
Dr. Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) is still energy to Albert Einstein, the famous during these experiments in 1939 that Dr.
noted historically for his work in physicist exclaimed that “this would be a Reich accidentally discovered radiation
psychiatry and psychoanalysis. However, bombshell to physics”. particles which he later named orgone.
Dr. Reich’s work in biophysics has been Dr. Reich spent his last days in prison An assistant had mistakenly taken the
stricken from the historical record. falsely labeled a quack and a racketeer wrong container from the sterilizer and

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 73

heated the substance within it to accumulator and destroying Dr. Reich’s below the floor (as is often claimed), OR
incandescence. The substance was books and journals. influence the circuitry sitting right in
common ocean sand and, when cultured Dr. Reich was able to watch orgone in front of the experimenter that converts the
and inoculated on an egg and agar the various forms it would take on within thermometer’s output signal to read on a
medium, yielded a yellow growth. When an accumulator. The forms were: a bluish- chart recorder?]
viewed under high magnification this gray fog-like formation, deeply blue- What astounded Dr. Reich was the fact
growth was seen as vesicles (he called violet luminous dots, or whitish rapid that, for over two thousand years, the
them SAPA bions) that glimmered an rays. presence of this orgone energy was
intense blue color that, in time, would He was also able to demonstrate and overlooked or argued away whenever a
grow and then move about. measure orgone with a thermometer and scholar attempted to describe what he saw.
As he continued to experiment with an electroscope, as well as with a Geiger What Dr. Reich discovered is nothing
these “bions” he noticed that, when he counter. short of the energy responsible for the
placed live cancer cells next to them, the [Editor’s note: These very sensitive but biological pulsation of life on Earth (and
cells would die. It was during days of very different devices—and other possibly the universe). Rather than
observing these phenomena that Dr. Reich instruments, if they had been available embracing Dr. Reich’s discoveries, the
came down with an extreme case of at the time—all respond to this energy collective (politically motivated)
conjunctivitis, and his eyes became scientific community responded
very sensitive to light. He noticed with levels of anger and derision
that it affected his eyes the most that bordered on hatred; rather than
when he was looking at these conducting investigations of their
vesicles through his microscope. own and furthering the knowledge
During the course of this work, in of orgone energy for the betterment
the winter of 1939, Dr. Reich also of mankind, the (politically
noticed that he had developed a motivated) scientific community
suntan under his clothing. He led the charge to destroy any
reasoned he was being exposed to documents that even mention the
some type of radiation, and it word “orgone”. And then the
greatly worried him. He used a (politically motivated) scientific
radium electroscope to test the community destroyed Dr. Reich.
culture tubes, and it gave no [Editor’s note: In our modern
reaction. It took a few weeks for world, the first line of defense is to
him to realize that this newly block publication of the
noticed radiation (that he had “politically incorrect” discovery in
named “orgone”) was present the scientific literature, and then
everywhere. terminate the researcher’s financial
Taking his SAPA bions into the lifeline while attempting to malign
darkness of his basement and professional reputation—as I (E.Y.)
waiting for two hours, he noticed wrote about in the page-3 editorial.
that his hair and clothing emitted a That’s how the religion of science is
blue glimmer, and the room was kept “pure” these days! ]
filled with a hazy, slow-moving, Though a meticulous researcher
gray-blue vapor. Dr. Reich under arrest. and prolific scientist, Dr. Reich saw
Over time, Dr. Reich himself as only a pioneer in the
demonstrated that the orgone field of orgonomy (the science of
radiation was the same energy that the because it interacts with the very SUB- orgone) and likened himself to
Sun gave off and that the incandescing STRUCTURE of the physical matter out Christopher Columbus. In his book
and swelling of the sand had released of which all the different instruments are Ether, God, And The Devil (1950 and
this energy once again from its material necessarily constructed. 1951), he said that, as Columbus did not
state. He was forced to this conclusion For example, it’s not that the orgone is discover New York City or the resources
by the facts before him, but he admitted radioactive; but in the case of the Geiger on the West Coast of America, but rather
having to overcome great emotional counter’s REACTION to an orgone a stretch of seashore that was up to that
reluctance in doing so. concentration, it may seem that way. In time unknown to Europeans, so he only
Further experiments showed that this actuality, the concentration of orgone discovered the orgone energy. This
ever-present orgone would be repelled by likely changes the properties of the gas in phenomenon, being the common etheric
metal objects and absorbed by organic the Geiger counter’s high-voltage tube, energetic thread coursing through all life
material. By making a box with alternate causing the gas to behave differently (like forms, represents a universe of discovery
layers of organic material (wool) and ice behaves differently than water or of which Dr. Reich located only one
metal, Reich found that he could steam), and thus the Geiger counter acts small shoreline.
accumulate a more concentrated field of AS IF something radioactive were The object of the (politically
orgone. He called these boxes “orgone present. motivated) scientific community’s
accumulators” and they played a major This is a common problem (and often opposition of Dr. Reich’s work was his
role in his experimentation with orgone. overlooked consideration) when “orgone accumulator”. The orgone
Nearly 15 years later, the American analyzing experiments that involve accumulator, a “box” large enough for a
government made an attempt to wipe psychic energies like psychokinesis. Did person to sit in and constructed of
the very word “orgone” from the the psychic’s mind influence, say, the alternating layers of organic and
English vocabulary, by banning the actual thermometer that’s buried fifty feet inorganic substances, was used to

PAGE 74 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

successfully treat his patients for various pose serious health problems to both the of discovery and he was going to leave it
maladies. operator and the atmosphere itself. to others to carry out the results.
In his book Cancer Biopathy (1948), The ability to safely use the cloud
Dr. Reich recreates his carefully buster died with Dr. Reich and remained * * *
documented work regarding the buried for half a century.
treatment of several cancer patients Science, good or bad, historically Note from Don Harkins, Editor of The
deemed hopeless and terminal by moves forward of its own inertia; a Idaho Observer:
orthodox medicine. Several of his cancer scientist dies, another scientist picks up The Idaho Observer understands the
patients were “cured” but, being the his notes and continues where he left off. controversial nature of orgone energy.
careful man of science he was, Dr. Reich Not so with orgonomy. It wasn’t until Though one cannot see or smell it,
was careful not to declare orgone almost 50 years after the (politically sensitive equipment can measure it.
treatment as a cure for cancer. motivated) scientif ic community Therefore, it exists—regardless that the
After a lengthy harassment campaign sentenced Dr. Reich to death and erased FDA determined [actually just
by the FDA over the medical use of pronounced, like a decree] it did not
orgone, that began in the mid 1940s, Dr. exist in 1954.
Reich died in prison in 1957. Our contemporary controversy,
[Editor’s note: Appreciate that the therefore, has nothing to do with whether
medical mafia had just gotten Rife or not orgone energy exists, because the
pretty much under control by the mid- federal government’s non-scientific
1940s, and then along comes Reich’s wishing-it-away doesn’t make it so. The
threat to the controlling empire. Their controversy is the modern adaptations of
own brutally aggressive posture orgonomy and claims by a growing circle
unmistakably gave away how important of people who believe that Reich’s work
Reich’s work actually was recognized to provided a foundation for positive
be by those who truly understood it!] changes in our embattled world.
All of his books and papers were, by One has to wonder if those who
federal decree, burned, up through 1962, worship the “DOR” and revel in its
and may have continued on a lesser ability to cause misery recognized
scale until 1970. The government of the Reich’s discoveries as a direct threat to
United States had declared that orgone their globalist intentions. Is that
did not exist and orgone was the only recognition the power behind the
word that was necessary to appear in campaign to ruin the man and erase the
print to qualify the material as worthy of memory of his orgonomic research from
destruction. history?
During the course of his varied orgone The answer becomes obvious when
experiments, Dr. Reich touched upon you place into perspective what the
many aspects of science. Among these, government did to Reich. It killed him
the disciplines of medicine, physics, at the age of 60 for continuing to
cosmology, and meteorology. He research, without FDA approval,
discovered atmospheric orgone and something it claims does not exist.
noticed that, in the presence of When asked to prove orgone energy
pollutants of various kinds, including does not exist, it refused to provide the
electromagnetic emissions, the orgone Patient using “orgone science that supports its claims or the
would become stagnant and cause accumulator” box. identity of those who conducted the
illness and environmental damage. experiments and reached that
Dr. Reich called this “stagnant” orgone, the memory of his work from history that conclusion.
“dead” orgone or “DOR”. The effects of a new and improved cloud buster would Those who have ever taken a high
DOR would often be that of drought and be developed. school-level biology class understand
the formation of deserts. Self-taught bioelectric innovator Don the scientific method and can determine
To counter the effects of DOR, Dr. Reich Croft has recently developed a modern that Dr. Reich was sent to his death by a
added long pipes to an orgone cloud buster he claims is safe for both the government that ignored science to make
accumulator box and pointed it skyward operator and the environment. a political point for all those who may
to help balance the atmospheric orgone Dr. Reich touched upon many aspects wish to explore orgone energy: Do not.
and bring rain. He called this device a of the cosmic orgone energy and knew Most Idaho Observer readers
“cloud buster”. that it would take many people to develop understand energy—that good energy
In one experiment starting in October, the many potentials of its nature. In 1948 which produces good things (like
1954, Dr. Reich was successful in a close friend of Dr. Reich, by the name of sunshine, positive thoughts, healthy food,
bringing rain to the desert around A.S. Neill, stopped by Reich’s laboratory, and healthy bodies) occupies higher
Tucson, Arizona. Even before the rain called Orgonon, in the state of Maine. He vibrational frequency ranges, and bad
fell, the newly-balanced orgone had saw a small motor turning over that was energy that produces bad things (like rot,
caused the grass to grow a foot tall in the attached to an orgone accumulator. He disease, unhealthy food, and negative
desert. This green spectacle stretched said that Reich cried out with great joy: thoughts) occupy lower vibrational
some 40 to 80 miles to the east and north “The power of the future!” frequency ranges.
of that city. It took tremendous skill to When later asked if he had developed It follows, therefore, that a world
use the cloud buster because it drew the that power source any further, Reich is saturated in low-frequency vibrations
dead orgone into the device and could reported to have said that his job was one will produce a world filled with anger,

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 75

hostility, disease, and death. prove to a candid, if not doubting world, 1949, but he did not appear, nor was
What kind of world do we live in now? that the following ills can be corrected there any word from him” wrote Sharaf.
Ah, success. by the proper application of techniques Sharaf and Dr. Reich checked out some
Because the U.S. government has that harness orgone energy. They believe of the stories Bill had told them about
managed to keep low, through a variety of in their ability to prove how properly his past and previous employment.
socio/political maneuvers, the vibrational directed orgone energy will neutralize “None of these stories proved true”
frequencies within which Americans bad-energy emissions from cell towers, Sharaf noted.
operate, our people are sick, angry, chemtrails, and angry people. They also Dr. Reich was able to speak to Bill on
frightened, and living in chaos—the believe they can reproduce Dr. Reich’s the phone once in late Summer, 1949.
environment most conducive to experiments and bring rain to drought- Reich, a lifelong student of the human
totalitarian control. ridden areas. mind, deduced that Bill was hesitant in
Dr. Reich’s work evoked the wrath of the Can they direct orgone energy to his speech because he was being
baby totalitarian state. It killed him to accomplish these things? My own monitored by some outside force,
send a message to scientists that orgone personal skepticism has been extreme for probably the federal government, a
energy is off limits for further study. In many months. However, a few things conclusion not shared by Sharaf.
the absence of scientists developing have happened to cause my skepticism to “Washington was never heard from
beneficial applications for orgone energy, waver and my hope begin to grow. again” wrote Sharaf.
the totalitarian state has come of age. Besides, we haven’t much else to lose. Ola Raknes, Ph.D., had observed the
Now it appears we have nothing left to Wouldn’t it be marvelous if something as orgone-force motor in action and saw
lose. The pretense of freedom is gone. All simple as overcoming bad energy with that the theory was valid. Unfortunately,
that remains is the illusion of freedom good is the antidote for all the evil which no further research into this area was
being kept alive in the minds of has so saturated our modern world? Isn’t conducted after Bill left Orgonon. “This
dwindling numbers of Americans. it also just like God to set things up to be would be an extremely important area of
As the totalitarian police-state emerges, so simple even His human children can orgone energy research” Raknes
its emissions of dead, stagnant energy do it? observed in 1970.
from exponentially-increasing sources
(both organic and inorganic) is also * * * * * *
increasing. Rising to the challenge are
groups of people who have picked up Dr. Whatever Happened To The following is from the book
Reich’s work and are running with it. William Washington? Wilhelm Reich And Orgonomy—The
Next month we will continue this story Great Psychologist And His
[in the Idaho Observer newspaper] with by Don Harkins Controversial Theory Of Life Energy, by
the adventures of those who claim to be Ola Raknes, Ph.D, of Norway, 1970:
using orgone energy to replace bad As Dr. Reich indicated, he only
energy with good. discovered the shoreline of what could What Is Orgone Energy?
A small candle, when lit, can, all by lead to a universe of potential
itself, overcome darkness, where the same applications for orgone energy. Though Dr. Wilhelm Reich was first a protégé
amount of darkness cannot similarly we may never know which potential and then a contemporary of Sigmund
affect light. The same is true when it application caused the federal Freud. Most people associate Freud with
comes to good and bad energy. That’s government to sentence Dr. Reich to his belief that the manifestations of
why bad energy must have outside help death and zealously seek out and destroy being human are directly related to
from government and its duplicitous all references to his work, a clue may be sexual repression or expression.
minions to prevail. found in the mysterious Fall of 1948 As Dr. Reich’s work began pulling
Those who have chosen to expand disappearance of William Washington. away from that of Freud, he became
upon Reich’s work believe they can Reich biographer and Harvard intrigued with identifying the specific
graduate Myron Sharaf form of energy that made sexual
The (Fury On Earth: A expression possible. He discovered that

Idaho Observer
Now that we know what is really
Biography Of Wilhelm
Reich, 1983), claims to
have met “Bill” at the
University of Chicago
when they were both
the formula of function that led to an
orgasm was the common formula of
function for all biological processes in
all living matter: tension > charge >
discharge > relaxation.
going on, let’s do something about it freshmen in 1944. Dr. Reich isolated the particle
Sharaf explains that Bill responsible for this formula and named it
The Idaho Observer is a monthly, 24-page began working with Dr. “bion”. He was also able to culture bions
newspaper dedicated to the truth. For a Reich in the summer of from inorganic matter and, quite
complimentary copy, please write: 1947 to help him with the accidentally, solved the riddle of
mathematics of developing biogenesis: He discovered the
PO Box 457, Spirit Lake, Idaho, 83869;
an orgone energy motor. mechanism whereby lifeless substances
or call: (208) 255-2307. “When he left Orgonon in transition to living matter.
$1 for postage is appreciated Fall, 1948, he took the He later named the energy that resulted
but not necessary. motor set-up with him in from bionic activity “orgone”. It’s
order to work on further properties can be summarized as follows:
email: ref inements. He was 1. Organic substances attract and
web: supposed to return to absorb orgone energy.
Orgonon in early Summer, 2. Metalic substances attract and repel

PAGE 76 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

or reflect orgone energy.
3. Stopage of orgone energy by any metalic obstacle, as well
as by a sensitive living organism, will result in a rise in COMMON SENSE II
temperature. Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense was
written and widely circulated in 1776. The simple logic
* * * and wisdom presented in Common Sense persuaded
thousands of ordinary citizens to support a movement
Final Comments By Don Harkins that sought to unite the colonies in an effort to win their
(Editor, The Idaho Observer) independence from England. The birth of our nation
and freedom from King George’s tyranny is a direct
We should begin construction of the Museum of Federally- result of this nation’s people understanding the REAL
Buried Technologies so we can dream about what the world issues and choosing freedom over tyranny.
would be like if problem-solving intelligence was celebrated We, the editors of Common Sense II , are
instead of persecuted. anonymous—just as Common Sense was originally
Did the FDA ban evil’s antidote in 1957? published anonymously. We recognize that this 92-
page, 3" x 6" booklet has tall shoes to fill. Time is
Dr. Wilhelm Reich, MD, died at the age of 60 after serving
running out and we must once again persuade our
eight months of a two year prison sentence. Since his death,
tremendous energy has been expended to erase his memory $2 + $1 S/H countrymen to choose freedom over tyranny.
The sole purpose of Common Sense II is to awaken
from history. Code: CSII our sleeping countrymen. We have compiled the most
One must ask: “Why?” illustrative and eloquent writings available, and have
The following paragraph, taken from the book Wilhelm Reich arranged them in the manner most likely to persuade a nation to stand up for
And Orgonomy, by Ola Raknes, Ph.D, sets the stage for freedom and independence—our God-given rights!
answering that question: The Cover: The signal lantern for Paul Revere’s infamous ride shined in
“The existence of such energy is still contested—or at least Boston’s Old North Church to warn vigilant colonists that the King’s troops were
neglected—by practically all scientists who have not heading toward Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, early on the morning of
themselves made the observations and experiments, and had April 19, 1775. The light is shining again today.
the experiences, that form the basis of the discovery. An SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866
American Federal Court has even, in March, 1954, in a Decree
of Injunction, declared Orgone Energy to be nonexistent, MIND STALKERS: UFOS, IMPLANTS, & THE
without, however, giving the facts on which the Injunction is
said to be based. In a correspondence with the present writer PSYCHOTRONIC AGENDA OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER
[Raknes] the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), on whose ALIEN ABDUCTIONS, ELF WAVES, MENTAL
complaint the Injunction was decreed, said that experiments MANIPULATION—ALL EQUALS BEHAVIOR
executed with the most modern equipment and methods by MODIFICATION! There is a secret plot by the
experienced scientists had proved the nonexistence of orgone New World Order to control the Earth’s population
energy. None of these experiments has ever been published, for a sinister agenda. Many UFO abductees
and in further correspondence, the FDA refused to divulge the maintain they have become part of a brainwashing
names of those scientists or any of the experiments on which program by “aliens”—but is a “secret society”
the complaint was said to be based. As Dr. Reich did not obey $15.00 (+S/H) really behind all that is happening?
the injunction, he was arraigned for contempt of court and
sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. He died in prison
after not quite eight months.” The Missing Diary Of Admiral
Dr. Reich, a world-renowned psychologist and protégé/ Richard E. Byrd
contemporary of Sigmund Freud, was sent to prison at age 60 to “I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity. It
die because he insisted upon continuing his research into concerns my arctic flight of the nineteenth day of February
orgone energy—in defiance of a federal injunction that in the year of nineteen hundred and forty-seven.
resulted from the FDA’s apparently unscientific opinion that “There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade
orgone energy did not exist. All Reich’s books were banned, into insignificance, and one must accept the inevitability of the
and those that were found were burned by the FDA. Any Truth! I am not at liberty to disclose the following documentation
printed matter that contained the word “orgone” was subject to at this writing, perhaps it shall never see the light of public scrutiny, but I must do
the ban and burning by the FDA per the injunction. The my Duty and record here for all to read one day in a world which hopefully the greed
injunction was still holding in 1970. and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is Truth.”
The question now becomes: “What is orgone energy?” $12.50 (+S/H) —Admiral Richard E. Byrd (from the Introduction)
If it did not exist, why did the federal government behave so Code: MDAB (1.0 lb.) See next-to-last page or call toll-free: 1-877-280-2866
militantly in its attempts to remove all mention of it from the
world of print and the minds of people? Why did the federal THE DULCE WARS: Underground Alien
government give a death sentence to a well-respected old man Bases & The Battle For Planet Earth
for insisting upon continuing his studies of something that Is an alien “Fifth Column” already active on Earth preparing
doesn’t even exist? total conquest via implantations and mind control? In the corner
The federal government has used its authority to ban many of a small town in America’s Southwest something very strange is
viable and useful technologies. Should we accept the FDA’s going on. Did U.S. military forces perish recently in hand-to-hand
position that orgone energy doesn’t even exist? Or, is it in our combat with a group of hostile “Greys” who subsequently seized
best interests to take another look at Dr. Reich’s work and his $15.95 (+S/H) control of one of our top-secret underground bases? Includes
controversial theory of life energy? More importantly, can Code: TDW (0.75 lb.) latest on animal mutilations, energy grids, secret societies, lost
orgone energy be used to help neutralize the negative energies civilizations, abductions, and missing time.
that so permeate our modern world? S SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 77

Cancer Research:
A Super Fraud?
Editor’s note: Given the theme 1997 ROBERT RYAN, B.SC. Bailer, who spent 20 years on the staff of
launched by our front-page feature story the U.S. National Cancer Institute and was
this month and expanded through “Everyone should know that most editor of its journal. [3] Dr. Bailer also
several other articles, the following is cancer research is largely a fraud and that said: “The five-year survival statistics of
surely another very important the major cancer research organizations the American Cancer Society are very
contribution to the overall picture, one are derelict in their duties to the people misleading. They now count things that
that should be publicized as widely as who support them.” are not cancer, and, because we are able to
possible. — Dr. Linus Pauling diagnose at an earlier stage of the disease,
This is a well-researched 1997 article (Two-time Nobel Prize winner) patients falsely appear to live longer. Our
from “down under” (remember the story whole cancer research in the past 20 years
from there in last month’s News Desk on Have you ever wondered why, despite has been a total failure. More people over
the attack on health supplements?) the billions of dollars spent on cancer 30 are dying from cancer than ever
copyrighted by the Campaign Against research over many decades, and the before.... More women with mild or
Fraudulent Medical Research, P.O. Box constant promise of a cure which is benign diseases are being included in
234, Lawson NSW 2783, Australia; forever “just around the corner”, cancer statistics and reported as being ‘cured’.
phone +61 (0)2-4758-6822; website: continues to increase? When government off icials point to survival figures and say they are winning
What this contributes to the overall Cancer Is Increasing the war against cancer, they are using
picture is a professionally strong, honest, those survival rates improperly.”
and bluntly stated appraisal of the Once quite rare, cancer is now the A 1986 report in the New England
outright fraud being perpetrated by so second major cause of death in Western Journal Of Medicine assessed progress
many working in cancer research today. countries such as Australia, the U.S.A., against cancer in the United States
Regular readers of The SPECTRUM and the United Kingdom. In the early during the years 1950 to 1982. Despite
will need to be kind in terms of 1940s cancer accounted for 12% of progress against some rare forms of
overlooking that this analysis stops at Australian deaths. [1] By 1992 this cancer, which account for 1 to 2% of
the level of money motivation. It would f igure had climbed to 25.9% of total deaths caused by the disease, the
appear to be unaware of the New World Australian deaths. [2] report found that the overall death rate
Order gang’s depopulation agenda The increasing trend of cancer deaths had increased substantially since 1950:
(coming from much higher up the and incidence is typical of most Western “The main conclusion we draw is that
pyramid of world control power nations. It has been said that this some 35 years of intense effort focused
structure) that is “simply” moved along increase in cancer is just due to the fact largely on improving treatment must be
through the motivating power of money. that people now live longer than their judged a qualified failure.” The report
As Dr. Sydney Singer put it so candidly ancestors did, and that therefore the further concluded that “we are losing the
herein: “Researchers are like prostitutes. increase of cancer is merely due to the war against cancer” and argued for a shift
They work for grant money. If there is no fact that more people are living to be in emphasis towards prevention if there is
money for the projects they are older and thereby have a greater chance to be substantial progress. [4]
personally interested in, they go where of contracting cancer.
there is money. Their incomes come However, this argument is disproved by Most Cancer IS Preventable
directly from their grants, not from the the fact that cancer is also increasing in
universities. And they want to please the younger age groups, as well as by the According to the International Agency
granting source to get more grants in the findings of numerous population studies for Research in Cancer: “80-90% of
future. Their careers depend on it.” which have linked various life-style human cancer is determined
Behold the simple equation (money factors of particular cultures to the environmentally, and thus is
plus ego) which reliably casts its spell of particular forms of cancer that are theoretically avoidable.” [5]
control over so many for so long. predominant there. Environmental causes of cancer
That said, we are thankful to be able include lifestyle factors such as smoking,
to share with you such candid and The Orthodox “War On Cancer” a diet high in animal products and low in
passionate commentary from several Has Failed fresh fruit & vegetables, excessive
courageous conventional medical exposure to sunlight, food additives,
professionals about the cancer racket. It “My overall assessment is that the alcohol, workplace hazards, pollution,
surely encourages further development national cancer program must be judged a electromagnetic radiation, and even
of alternative pathways to good health! qualified failure.” Thus said Dr. John certain pharmaceutical drugs and

PAGE 78 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

medical procedures. But unfortunately, therapy must be disbelieved, denied, future. Their careers depend on it.” [10]
as expressed by medical historian Hans discouraged, and disallowed at all costs,
Ruesch: “Despite the general recognition regardless of actual testing results, and Money Spent On Fraudulent Research?
that 85% of all cancer is caused by preferably without any testing at all. As
environmental influences, less than 10% we shall see, this pattern has, in A large portion of money donated to
of the (U.S.) National Cancer Institute actuality, occurred repeatedly, and cancer research by the public is spent on
budget is given to environmental causes. almost consistently.” [8] animal research which has, since its
And despite the recognition that the Indeed, many people around the world inception, been widely condemned as a
majority of environmental causes are consider that they have been cured by waste of time and resources. For
linked to nutrition, less than 1% of the therapies which were “blacklisted” by instance, consider the 1981
National Cancer Institute budget is the major cancer organizations. Congressional Testimony by Dr. Irwin
devoted to nutrition studies. And even Does this mean that ALL of the people Bross, former director of the Sloan-
that small amount had to be forced on who work in the cancer research industry Kettering, the largest cancer research
the Institute by a special amendment of are consciously part of a conspiracy to institute in the world, and then Director
the National Cancer Act in 1974.” [6] hold back a cure for cancer? of Biostatistics at Roswell Park
Author G. Edward Griffin explains: Memorial Institute for Cancer Research,
Prevention Not Profitable To Industry “Let’s face it, these people die from Buffalo, NY: “The uselessness of most of
cancer like everybody else.... [I]t’s the animal model studies is less well
According to Dr. Robert Sharpe: “In obvious that these people are not known. For example, the discovery of
our culture, treating disease is consciously holding back a control for chemotherapeutic agents for the
enormously profitable; preventing it is cancer. It does mean, however, that the treatment of human cancer is widely
not. In 1985 the U.S., Western Europe, [pharmaceutical-chemical] cartel’s heralded as a triumph due to use of
and Japanese market in cancer therapies medical monopoly has created a climate animal model systems. However, here
was estimated at over 3.2 billion pounds of bias in our educational system, in again, these exaggerated claims are
[that’s many BILLIONS of dollars, too], which scientific truth often is sacrificed coming from or are endorsed by the same
with the ‘market’ showing a steady to vested interests.... [I]f the money is people who get the federal dollars for
annual rise of 10% over the past five coming from drug companies, or animal research. There is little, if any,
years. Preventing the disease benefits no indirectly from drug companies, the factual evidence that would support
one except the patient. Just as the drug impetus is in the direction of drug these claims. Indeed, while conflicting
industry thrives on the ‘pill for every ill’ research. That doesn’t mean somebody animal results have often delayed and
mentality, so many of the leading blew the whistle and said: “Hey, don’t hampered advances in the war on cancer,
medical charities are f inancially research nutrition!” It just means that they have never produced a single
sustained by the dream of a miracle cure, nobody is financing nutrition research. substantial advance either in the
just around the corner.” [7] So it is a bias where scientific truth often prevention or treatment of human cancer.
is obscured by vested interest.” [9] For instance, practically all of the
Desired: A State Of No Cure? This point is similarly expressed by Dr. chemotherapeutic agents which are of
Sydney Singer: “Researchers are like value in the treatment of human cancer
In fact, some analysts consider that the prostitutes. They work for grant money. If were found in a clinical context rather
cancer industry is sustained by a policy there is no money for the projects they are than in animal studies.” [11]
of deliberately facing in the wrong personally interested in, they go where In fact, many substances which cause
direction. For instance, in the late 1970s, there is money. Their incomes come cancer in humans are marketed as “safe”
after studying the policies, activities, and directly from their grants, not from the on the basis of animal tests. As expressed
assets of the major U.S. cancer universities. And they want to please the by Dr. Werner Hartinger of Germany, in
institutions, the investigative reporters granting source to get more grants in the regard to cancer-causing products of the
Robert Houston and Gary Null
concluded that these institutions had
become self-perpetuating organizations THE BIGGEST SECRET
whose survival depended on the state of by David Icke
no cure.
The blockbuster of emotional prisons. It includes a devastating
They wrote: “a solution to cancer all blockbusters! With exposé of the true origins of Christianity and the
would mean the termination of research stunning information other major religions, and documents suppressed
programs, the obsolescence of skills, the never before released on science, which explains why the world is facing a
end of dreams of personal glory; triumph the murder of Diana, time of incredible change and transformation. The
over cancer would dry up contributions Princess of Wales. Biggest Secret also exposes the true and
to self-perpetuating charities and cut off David Icke’s most astonishing background to the British Royal
funding from Congress; it would powerful and explosive Family and, through enormous research and unique
mortally threaten the present clinical OVER 500 PAGES book to date. Every contacts, Icke reveals how and why Diana,
establishments by rendering obsolete the $29.95 (+S/H) man, woman, and child Princess of Wales, was murdered in Paris in 1997.
expensive surgical, radiological, and Code: TBS (1.75 lb.) on the planet is affected This includes information from a close confidant
chemotherapeutic treatments in which so by the stunning information that Icke exposes. He of Diana for nine years, which has never before
much money, training, and equipment is reveals in detail how the same interconnecting been made public.
invested. Such fear, however bloodlines have controlled the planet for thousands The Biggest Secret is a unique book and is
unconscious, may result in resistance of years. How they created all the major religions quite rightly dubbed: “The book that will change
and hostility to alternative approaches and suppressed the spiritual and esoteric knowledge the world.” No one who reads it will ever be the
in proportion as they are that will set humanity free from its mental and same again.
therapeutically promising. The new SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 79

pharmaceutical-petrochemical industry:
“Their constant consumption is legalized
on the basis of misleading animal
experiments...which seduce the consumer
into a false sense of security.” [12]
Since September the “Hidden Hand” behind the cover story of “Bin
11, 2001, the people Laden did it”. Icke takes apart the official version Imagine What Could Be Achieved
of the world have been of 9/11 and the “War on Terrorism” and shows that
told the Big Lie. The those responsible are much closer to home than a The next time you are asked to donate
official story of what cave in Afghanistan. He explains why 9/11 was to a cancer organization, bear in mind that
happened on 9/11 is planned and to what end. It is vital to maintaining your money will be used to sustain an
a fantasy of untruth, our freedom that the light shines on the lies and industry which has been deemed by many
manipulation, deceit behind September 11. eminent scientists as a qualified failure,
contradiction, and Icke also places these events in their true and by others as a complete fraud.
anomaly. David Icke context as part of an agenda by hidden forces If you would like to make a difference,
has spent well over a working behind the puppet politicians to create a inform these organizations that you
decade uncovering the global fascist state based on total control and won’t donate to them until they change
force that was really surveillance. But it doesn’t have to be like this; it their approach to one which is focused
$29.95 (+S/H) behind those attacks does not have to happen. We can change the on prevention and study of the human
Code: AIW (1.75 lb.) and has traveled to world from a prison to a paradise and, as Icke condition. We have the power to change
40 countries in pursuit of the truth. explains, the power to do that is within you and
When the attacks came, it was easy to recognize
things by making their present approach
within us all.
unprofitable. It is only through our
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 charitable donations and taxes that these
institutions survive on their present
Children Of The Matrix
How an interdimensional race has controlled the
unproductive path.

world for thousands of years—and still does!
We are born into a world controlled by unseen forces that 1. d’Espaignet, E.T. et al., Trends In
have plagued and manipulated humanity for thousands of Australian Mortality 1921-1988,
years. You may look around and think that what you see is Australian Government Publishing
“real”. But in truth you are living in an illusion designed to
keep you in a mental, emotional, and spiritual prison cell. Service (AGPS), Canberra, 1991, p. 33.
Icke exposes these forces and their methods of human 2. Australian Bureau of Statistics,
control and reveals a fantastic web of global manipulation, Causes Of Death, Australia 1992, ABS,
orchestrated by forces beyond this physical realm. He Canberra, 1993, p.1.
exposes the hidden bloodlines, through which other- 3. Dr. Bailer, speaking at the Annual
dimensional entities live and operate unseen among us; Meeting of the American Association for
and he shows how the bloodlines of the royal, political, and the Advancement of Science in May
economic rulers of today are the same as those who ruled 1985, as quoted in Bette Overall, Animal
as the kings and queens of ancient times.
The truth is not only out there. 493pages $29.95(+S/H) Research Takes Lives, Humans And
Much of it is right here. Code: COM (1.75 lb.) Animals BOTH Suffer, NZAVS, 1993,
4. Robert Sharpe, The Cruel Deception,
Thorsons Publishing Group,
THE REPTILIAN AGENDA: PARTS I, II & III Wellingborough, U.K. 1988, p.47.
W 5. Robert Sharpe, op. cit. 1988, p.47
NEape David Icke has extraterrestrial story in a way that will blow your 6. Hans Ruesch, Naked Empress—The
T ! produced two amazing mind. UFO researchers have ignored Africa and
3- Set Great Medical Fraud, CIVIS, Massagno/
videos with the Zulu therefore ignored one of the greatest sources of
Lugano, Switzerland, 1992, p.77.
shaman, Credo Mutwa, knowledge on the planet.
who reveals astonishing While people still argue over Roswell and the 7. Robert Sharpe, op. cit. 1988, p.65.
information which, until extraterrestrial beings apparently found there, 8. as quoted in Hans Ruesch, op.cit.
now, was only available to African tribes-people have been interacting with 1992, p.65-66.
the highest initiates of the these ET “gods” for thousands of years. 9. Edward Griffin, The Politics Of
African shaman tradition. Credo has not only seen dead “greys” many Cancer, audio cassette, American Media,
Credo says, “The world times, he has seen them examined behind their 1975, available from CAFMR ($14).
must know this—and “grey” exterior and he knows exactly what they 10. Sydney Singer, Medical
know it now!” really look like—and it is nothing like we think! Demystification (M.D.) Report, Vol.1
He reveals how a After making these videos, Credo was visited No.1, p.5, Medical Demystif ication
shapeshifting reptilian race by two people from Cape Town who offered him Crusade, 1992, CA, U.S.A.
(the “Chitauli”) has controlled humanity for thousands 50,000 rand, and a house anywhere in South 11. Irwin Bross, as quoted in Robert
of years and how their bloodlines are in the positions Africa, if he would agree to never speak to David Sharpe, op.cit., 1988 p.179.
of royal, political, and economic power today. Icke again and never have anything to do with 12. Dr. Werner Hartinger, in a speech
These videos will re-write the UFO/ him. Credo’s reply can be imagined! given at the 2nd International Scientific
3-Tape Set: over 6 hours $59.95 (+S/H) SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING Congress of the Doctors in Britain
Code: TRA (2.5 lb.) OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 Against Animal Experiments (D.B.A.E.),
London, 24 Sept. 1992. S

PAGE 80 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

Understanding Your Bio-
Electric Sensing Machine
Editor’s note: The new/old theme of this most instructive lesson from Master understood by your current level of so-
electro-medicine—highlighted in this Hilarion. Our physical body—that machine called medical science.
month’s front-page feature story and which most of us just take for granted—is It is a self-contained bio-electric machine
expanded in several other articles in this indeed a most amazing creation and, as that is quite suited to handle a wide array of
issue—begs the sharing of the following Master Hilarion so skillfully points out, can energy patterns and frequencies that allow
insightful two-part dissertation from 1997, be very helpful in our quest for inner peace for the animation and coordination between
especially for our newer readers who may and fulfillment through the sorting out of the physical and the non-physical. The
not have the benefit of so many of our past those often nagging fundamental questions body’s electrical system is quite sensitive
presentations of spiritual messages about direction and choices and purpose. and balanced in such a manner as to have
“received” from Master Teachers of the The following is Chapter Four in Volume the capability to respond and alter
Higher Realms. II of WISDOM OF THE RAYS: The Masters according to emotional desires of the one
Furthermore, the “subtle energy” physics Teach. And for those of you who are controlling the mechanism.
discussed so simply yet profoundly herein wondering: yes, a Volume III will eventually YOU ARE NOT YOUR BODY! “You” are
may assist readers looking for insights in be a reality. How soon that happens is a the one inhabiting the mechanism and it
trying to understand the true mechanisms matter that depends upon the usual things responds to your desires. There is similarity
through which electro-medicine’s seemingly that bring such a project into manifestation. between “you” inhabiting and operating
exotic devices, like Rife machines, could be Volume III will continue the collection of your body, and the process of sitting behind
so dramatically effective in restoring health. spiritual messages from where Volume II left the wheel and driving your automobile.
For example, consider the following point off, up to the present. The wonderful, The body, for the most part, is self
that opens a doorway to treating causes heartfelt appreciation you have so often regulating and will tend to run quite well in
rather than effects: expressed about this ongoing series of an “autopilot” mode. However, there come
“These ones trained in your so-called messages from the Higher Realms is what times of experience where the body is
medical schools (again under the control of keeps the momentum going and expands subjected to threat, such as physical injury,
those drug companies) can prescribe their reach worldwide—in both English when it will offer a reactionary response to
electrochemical mixtures (drugs) which will and French editions, so far. the danger and bring focus to the
cause reactions and responses in the impending physical condition.
physical as your body tries to deal with the 5/17/97 HILARION An example of this reactionary impulse
chemical invader. They can offer would be to quickly remove one’s hand from
electromagnetic radiation treatments to kill Good afternoon, my friend. Please release a hot stovetop. The body will retain
living tissue (both cancerous and non- of the emotional charge and allow the information that will help one to avoid
cancerous). But these ‘medical energy to flow naturally and smoothly. It is future damage and will offer a cautionary
professionals’ do not understand the non- I, Hilarion, of the Fifth Aspect of Creator’s warning to the host (you) when the hand
physical effects that their treatments have Spectral Expression. I come in The Light of even gets close to a warm object.
on the light-body part of the human Holy God of Lighted Creation. I come as This mechanism is part of the design of
apparatus. Therefore they, for the most part, the Cohan (Master Teacher) of the Emerald the body so that more primitive (lesser aware
end up treating the symptom(s) instead of Ray. spiritually) users will be able to persist long
the TRUE cause(s).” Ones on your planet are greatly enough in the physical without demise so
Indeed, even for some who claim to be concerned with the physical well-being of that there will be adequate time sequence
familiar with electro-medicine, often their the body in which they are housed. Here we for growth.
explanations for what’s going on focus too shall give forth some insights that will help This is the situation wherein one will tend
much on contriving purely physical to clarify the causes of the conditions that to live instinctively and obey the signals of
mechanisms rather than appreciating that ones are experiencing. For most this will not the body such as hunger, thirst, and rest.
non-physical, higher-dimensional processes be “comfortable” reading because the Ones will seek out the satisfaction of these
and principles underlie and govern ALL reasons for illnesses are most often other basic needs so that they can experience as
that is manifest in the physical. than what a person wants to hear, let alone fully as possible.
As the planetary frequency continues to accept. As entities begin to grow more and more
rise at this time of the great Awakening and The physical body is “merely” a conduit aware spiritually, they will begin to come
Great Cleansing, and all of us upon Mother for the interaction into and the interfacing out of the fog and into a more reasoning
Earth experience various effects stimulated with the physical experience. I say condition wherein mental anticipation of
by these incoming energies associated with “merely” because that body is a most the future need for food will be recognized
a dimensional upshift, it is helpful to review exquisite creation indeed and poorly and planned for through storage.

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 81

This is the point where ones begin to important messages concerning the non- this?”
awaken enough to realize that there is seen-but-felt spiritual connectedness of The physical part of the body is but
something more to the experience than to mankind. “only” one small part of the entire apparatus
just exist and search out survival needs. These awakening nudges will often cause that makes up the entire, functioning, bio-
This is where ones begin to reason with great emotional stirrings in the body. Ones electric machinery. Just like in a computer,
others the value of working together with will not know how to handle these energy you have all the physical components—the
one another in order to quiet the distractions surges at first, because they are subtle yet main processor, the memory modules, the
and concerns of the body. This is where strong in their grip upon the physical peripheral (audio and video) circuit boards,
there occurs the first spark of sensing that apparatus. The surges will cause an array of and the interconnecting wiring. And yet,
man is more than a reactionary animal and sensations within the physical which, in more fundamentally, the computer still
that there is an inner desire to explore this turn, can provide the physical entity with requires electricity (energy) operating in
awareness. guidance as to what is right versus what is very focused ways in order to function and
As cultures and beings evolve, there wrong. come to life at all.
comes the need for Guides and Wayshowers Much like the reactionary impulses to In the case of the body, there are various
to interject more and more of the true nature avoid physical danger, the body will offer electrical counterparts associated with each
of the physical experience. While Esu reactionary impulses in response to other physical part of the body, including each
“Jesus” Sananda is a good example of one kinds of situations, which can nudge you to organ and each individual cell. More
such Wayshower who came to your planet go toward that which will offer comfort and fundamentally, there is a coordinated
2000 years ago, MANY have come at this warmth. And in the case of the presentings electromagnetic (LIGHT) energy field that
present time. These more advanced ones of spiritual truth, the body will offer the best encompasses the entire physical body.
will volunteer for the challenge of fulfilling it can in the way of “gut felt” responses to Some can actually see this “luminous”
this task and will choose to take on a body that which is being offered. electromagnetic field under the proper
in the physical to bring forth the all- “How”, you may ask, “does the body do conditions and call it the aura.
Your body’s electromagnetic field
The HeartMath Solution AUDIO Book interacts with the electromagnetic fields
emanated by others and will respond to the
by Doc Childre & Howard Martin various frequencies of these fields.
This is when you ones will say that you
WHAT IF YOU COULD EASILY– You can. profoundly affects our mental and
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• SLOW-DOWN AGING? your heart’s and only then, can we make the most it. This is why, when another comes offering
intelligence—which has more impact of our health and our minds. These true spiritual knowledge, you “feel” it
on our emotions, our mind, and our life-altering techniques will show you within your “gut”. You are responding to
physical health than was ever thought how to deepen the qualities long the higher-frequency energies flowing into
possible! In this audio, the authors associated with the heart—wisdom, the electromagnetic field of your body. The
offer astonishing proof that the heart compassion, courage, love, strength, 3-hours $18.00(+S/H)
Code: HMS (0.5 lb.) body then responds with a desire to find
has an intelligence, one that and joy. This audio abridgement is more of what causes this reaction.
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 approved by the authors. This is also the reason why some ones
will be frightened of you. They will know
that you hold truth and they cannot hide
Everyday Enlightenment: their trickery from you and that you will, in
The Twelve Gateways To time, see through their games. These ones
have resisted the spiritual path, having not
Personal Growth yet learned to recognize that there is value
Here is Dan Millman’s magnum opus—the most in the experience. These ones have an
complete presentation of his teachings, showing how to energy signature that is much lower in
live as a peaceful warrior, how to actually practice a more frequency. They are usually the ones
enlightened way of life. Everyday Enlightenment presents clinging to the physical-material for their
SAL +S/H) twelve “gateways” or arenas that radically redefine the comforts and security. They are much like
ON $10 ( Last meaning of success and the purpose of our lives. These the animal who has to horde and hide food
y es
onl le Suppli twelve gateways: keys to worth, will, energy, money, mind, from others who might take it away—not
i intuition, emotions, fear, shadow, sexuality, heart, and
Wh realizing that there are infinitely abundant
service, represent twelve books in one, a clear map of the
$14.99 (+S/H) territory of human potential. sources of nourishment for both the physical
Code: EDE (1.0 lb.) apparatus and, more importantly, the soul
Comments by Dan: Those who have read most or all of
my books know that each has a different purpose, and expresses another piece of (the non-physical, God-like, thought
the puzzle of personal and spiritual growth. Like the story about the five blind men projection of Creator Source).
who came upon an elephant and perceived a different kind of creature depending When ones turn from their purpose, there
on whether they touched the elephant’s ear, tail, trunk, or leg—someone who come the “STRESSES” of the life
reads The Life You Were Born To Live may see me as a “numerologist”. Someone experience. This unbalanced condition is a
who reads Divine Interventions or Body Mind Mastery or The Laws Of Spirit will signal to you so that you can stop to
have a completely different experience. evaluate where you are heading and
Everyday Enlightenment provides, in a single volume, the most complete map compare that to where your heart tells you
to the major practical and spiritual challenges (and solutions) we face in everyday that you should be heading. The heart
life. It culminates with a final chapter worth far more than the price of the book: knows the direction which will garner
“The Practice Of Enlightenment”—a radical approach to living wisely and well. fulfillment.
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 More accurately, it is the emotional

PAGE 82 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

(electromagnetic) energy center associated ones know analytically that there are often physical-functioning organs and cellular
with the heart that is attuned to both your “growing pains” associated with such matter that make up the entirety of the body.
purpose from Creator Source and the responsibility—as the primitive, ego- There must be two-way communication, in a
impinging emotional currents of the ever- based, reactionary mode of living is timely manner, between the physical body
changing electromagnetic pulse-wave replaced with a freer, more personally and the non-physical counterpart we will
universe in which you exist. This heart responsible mode of living. refer to as the light-body (light being
energy center responds by instinctively Many will go through many life electromagnetic pulse-wave energy) in
offering that which will help you to discern experiences without ever recognizing the order for the body to respond to the delicate
your most satisfying path in life. connection between the physical condition fluctuations of the electrical impulses
When you first start heading in a and the non-physical stress—only to cast generated by each cell of the body.
direction that is not fulfilling to the purpose blame upon another for their lack of This exquisite communication is
for your being down there, you may or may physical balance. YOU each are creator of accomplished through what you ones would
not notice the subtle annoyance that you YOUR experience, either through deliberate call superconductivity. We will here
feel. But be assured that it is there. This action or passive reaction. Your physical broadly define superconductivity as the
causes slight distortions in the energy field condition is no exception! conduction of electrical energy without
of the body as you resist the natural flow of Ponder upon these words, for they are resistance to that flow of energy.
your experience. These distortions are what offered in love and NOT with the intent to In the world of “science”, ones are having
you ones refer to as “stress” and the be offensive or hurtful. At this time many trouble achieving this superconducting
corresponding worry and frustration is a by- are crying out for assistance with the state utilizing just basic metal and ceramic
product of the electromagnetic distortions physical condition of the body. You will see compounds, even at temperatures just
in the non-physical part of the body. that there is great value in finding within slightly above where the conditions are
If these distortions are allowed to persist, yourselves the TRUE cause(s) of any most favorable (very cold). Yet, in Nature
they will cause physiological malfunctions unbalanced situation. (God manifest), it is happening all the time
within the body. The physical body will The subject matter discussed here is far right before your eyes. (In fact, it is
respond to the out-of-balance (out-of-phase from complete. It is offered as a general happening IN your eyes, for that matter!)
electrical impulses) condition of the overview so that ones can come into And in the body, this superconductivity
electromagnetic energy field of the body. awareness of self in a general, yet more occurs at temperatures averaging 98.6°
This will result in negative physiological balanced, manner. There shall be more Fahrenheit—and higher when the body is
changes within the body if the condition coming forth on this subject of the physical fighting foreign invaders.
persists—such as colds, flu, cancers, and body’s functioning. Please be patient and The problem is that the current
especially that #1 cause of death: HEART understanding. Thank you! perceptions of “physics” are based upon
dis-ease. I am Master Hilarion. I represent the Heart assumptions which would appear to be true,
Please be aware that the direction of the Center of God. In Light and Love, Salu! but actually only include half (at best) of the
individual always starts with a thought and picture. This is why your typical
a decision. When ones are considering 5/24/97 HILARION mainstream scientists are having so much
choices of action is when ones should really trouble duplicating (or even realizing the
make an effort to monitor the response of Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Master true physical nature of ) the world in which
the heart or “gut” while evaluating their Hilarion, of the Emerald Ray of Creator’s they live. But here I am digressing from the
choices. Some do this automatically and Spectral Desires. I come within the lesson for today, so let me return to that
may cause frustration in others because Wholeness of The One Light, Creator subject.
there will be times when the only reason Source. Let us please continue from last we Each individual type of cell is attuned to
they can offer for an action is: “I don’t know; wrote, for there is great interest and desire for very specific frequencies and will respond
it was ‘just’ a feeling.” These perceptive this information at this time. to the regulating currents of the light-body
ones have learned to recognize and utilize We last spoke about the general overview energy pulses. There is an underlying
the “bio-feedback” that is being offered to of the basic functioning and interactions of unique frequency signature associated with
them. the physical body. The various energy EACH individual on the planet that will
When there is illness of any sort in the centers of the body function in a keep each of you, to some extent,
body, you can be assured that the one harmonious and balanced interchange in electrically isolated from one another, so
experiencing the illness was not paying carrying out the regulation of the various that the direct electrical functioning of your
attention to the signals offered through the
heart energy center. There are choices and
decisions associated with the condition that
allowed for the stress to persist on and on
The Masters And The Spiritual Path
until there is great unbalance within the You have friends in high places!
physical, causing improper coordination There are Masters who the rule. We, too, are destined to fulfill
between the various energy centers, and have come out of all the our life’s purpose and reunite with Spirit.
thus the body will not regulate itself world’s great spiritual In this intriguing work you will discover
properly. traditions. These great valuable keys to your own spiritual path.
When ones can isolate that which causes Lights have graduated You will lear n about the function of the
them “stress”, they will be looking for that from Earth’s schoolroom. Spiritual Hierarchy and the role of the
which has a decision or choice associated Now they come to show Masters of East and West. Includes a
with it and would be wise to perhaps re- us the pathway home. unique meditation on the bliss of union
360 pages The Masters tell us with Spirit and a breathing exercise to
evaluate or look for that which they are
resisting. Usually those things that the $16.95 (+S/H) that they are examples help you balance and expand
Code: MSP (1.5 lb.) and not exceptions to consciousness.
heart desires by way of growth have
responsibility associated with them, and S EE NEXT - TO - LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL - FREE : 1-877-280-2866
J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 83
body will not interfere with the direct functioning of another
OTHER VOICES person’s body.
BYGEORGE HUNT WILLIAMSON This is the “genetic signature” of the body, unique to the DNA
& TIMOTHY GREEN BECKLEY structure or blueprint of each cell. This is a “plasma shielding” that
The author was one of the original witnesses the body exists within. It will allow physical matter to pass
at the meeting between contactee George through, while shielding out specific frequencies and wavelengths.
Adamski and Orthon from the planet Venus. Without this shielding, ones would empathically alter the state
Williamson claims he also had contacts with of one another. There are ones who can tune into the various
aliens and received transmissions over his radio frequencies associated with this energy field, and if not careful,
from friendly extraterrestrials. Others have make themselves quite sick (unbalanced) if they are tuning into
claimed the same. Senator Barry Goldwater one who is out of balance.
reportedly heard mysterious signals on his ham When ones are in an out-of-balance condition, the energy field
$12.50 (+S/H)
radio and our own astronauts have reportedly Code: OTV (0.75 lb.) tends to be compromised in that it will lower in frequency and in
picked up messages not transmitted from Earth. intensity. This is a condition wherein you ones become more
Other Voices is essentially a reprint of The Saucers Speak , by susceptible to manipulations by those who specialize in the “black
George Hunt Williamson and Alfred Bailey, originally published in the arts”. These dark ones will alter their frequency to match the lower-
1950s. Much of what the authors report has come to pass. Warnings frequency state that you enter when in these “stressed” states.
of aliens about nuclear war and environmental doom remain urgent. Know that these dark ones operate ONLY in the lower spectrum of
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 the physical range of existence.
When you move up in frequency, you are moving beyond the
Nostradamus: Predictions Of World War III range of their influence. This is why we of the Lighted Hosts of
God will urge you to keep your Light shielding in place and
After the 9/11/01 disaster at the World Trade Center, fortified.
there is a renewed interested in what the great seer
While each physical body is isolated in certain frequency
Nostradamus had to say. This book is a serious
study of his predictions, based upon the author’s ranges, each entity is also connected in other HIGHER frequency
research into the original manuscripts. His work details ranges that will allow for the communication with the rest of the
the struggle that is going on in the Middle East and universe (God’s infinitely creating Mind). As we spoke about in
the ongoing conflict between the Christian world and last week’s writing, the creative desires are projected out from the
the Islamic world. Jack Manuelian has combed through heart energy center and are focused with the mind. The greater the
the prophecies of more modern seers, pointing out desire, the quicker the physical manifestation of the desire.
how they may agree with what Nostradamus had to This mode of creation exists and works outside of the limitations
say. He offers hope for mankind, but admits that it is of moral and ethical beliefs of the individual. This is to say it works
$15.00 (+S/H) troubled times we live in. What will be the outcome? for everyone regardless of their morals or beliefs. This is a basic
Code: NOST (1.0 lb.) Read the book and decide for yourself.
Law of Creation: Go forth and CREATE, expand, and GROW!
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 There are ones on your planet who will manifest money and
power without regard for who they step on, in order to reach their
THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT goals. Their desires often manifest quickly because they are not
easily distracted with the Conscience that the average person has
& OTHER UFO CONSPIRACIES to contend with.
BY BRAD STEIGER These ones, who are so physically focused and self-isolated from
In l943 the Navy accomplished the their Conscience (inner guidance from their Higher Self ), will
teleportation of a warship from Philadelphia to achieve a state where they get to the top of the mountain and will
Norfolk by successfully applying Einstein’s have everyTHING (physical) that they desire—only to find that
Unified Field Theory. The experiment also there is still an inner lacking that is not satisfied. These ones are
caused the crew and officers of the ship to taking to extremes, one aspect of creating, and will, in time, either
become invisible, during which time they were disintegrate their souls completely, or rebound back into the Light
launched into a time-space warp. One Source who created them—then wiser, for they know then where
survivor tells his amazing experience. value IS NOT!
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING $15.00 (+S/H) You focus your desires and send them out through the heart, and
Code: PEUC (0.75 lb.)
OR CALL TOLL - FREE : 1-877-280-2866 then the universe responds. Yet you never seem to get what it is
you are wanting. Therefore you dismiss these words as fanciful
EVIL AGENDA OF THE delusions of a lost soul.
NO! They are NOT!
S ECRET G OVERNMENT You ones fail to monitor your thoughts CAREFULLY! You
BY TIM SWARTZ will send out conflicting signals, and thus negate the energy
Exposes Project “Paper Clip” and the underground pulses. You will say: “I want more money!” And then, in the next
UFO bases of Hitler’s elite scientific corps. breath (or thought) you will say: “But, I never get it.” Do you see
Elements of the CIA and the Secret Government that the one thought cancels out the other? Your vacillating
have imitated real alien abductions to convince the heart will send out both, and the net sum will be zero—or quite a
public of interplanetary invasion so New World Order bit less than you “thought” you were creating!
gang can rule the Earth unchallenged. The seeming lack of clarity and single-mindedness of thought
$10.00 (+S/H) Project Paperclip was the secret plan that took and focus usually comes from a conflict between what you
Code: EASG (0.75 lb.) Nazi scientists and psychiatrists out of Germany consciously desire and what your Higher Self is desiring in the way
and into the upper echelons of the U.S. of growth. And that Higher Self is doing battle with the ego-based
governmental, scientific, and academic realms. self which desires comfort and satiation of physical desires.
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 This causes the kinds of stress that you ones feel, usually in the

PAGE 84 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

heart area of your chest. While this lower, balance. This means that you have to either treating the symptom(s) instead of the TRUE
ego-based self serves a self-preservation confront the garbage that the ego-self holds cause(s).
purpose in the primitive cultures, it must be onto, and see it for what it is, and come to These ones are usually well intending and
overcome if you are to ever move beyond grips with the fact that YOU are responsible well educated in the physical structure of
the limitations that hold you from reaching for YOUR condition, and accept the the body (to a point), yet they would need to
through to Higher levels of realization. responsibility for that which you have study fundamental electrical science and
The ego’s reactionary impulses will serve created. Or, you can (and this is possible molecular physics to great depths in order to
you physical “warnings” to obey, by though difficult) simply insist on balanced come into a more complete understanding
offering physical reactions or pains if you physical health, and focus the mind and of what is taking place around the body.
do not follow what it desires. Much like the heart on that singularity with the entire And even then, they would still need special
warning sensations felt when your hand passion of your heart, and don’t listen to abilities and talents in order to directly
comes into close proximity to a hot object, those who would hold you down, for they perceive these all-important energy fields of
the ego-based reactionary self will attempt are the puppets and tools of the adversary. the body.
to cause you to avoid situations that could Particularly within the framework of You will have to follow your own
lead you to override the ego’s functioning. policing controls set up by those dark ones Guidance, and be responsible for the
This “war” is perhaps the greatest challenge who own the drug companies and make choices and decisions that affect both the
you ones face in the physical experience great profits from a drug-based “health” quality and length of your stay in the
because there are great efforts on the part of business, medical “science” has yet to (be physical. Do keep in mind that what you
the dark ones to hold you from progressing allowed to) discover the correlation between voice with your mouth is often in conflict
through that physical classroom. the various electromagnetic energy fields of with what you radiate from your heart. You
When you live in fear, you live in a the body and the body’s physical may be able to hide behind words, but the
reactionary state that will, at best, only serve functioning—let alone perceive the heart will give you away every time. And
the ego’s desire for self preservation. connection between (and the true impact for those who tune into the heart energy
However, your Higher Self knows the from) this “clashing” of the mental emanations, they will know you and they
functioning of the ego and will offer to you reactionary ego with the Higher Self or soul will know when you are out of balance and
challenges that will shed light upon this connection. Therefore there is, more often off purpose.
fact. Most often the “clash” which results than not, misdiagnosis of the cause for a And for those of you who like to deny
from encountering the lessons of this condition that is manifesting in the body. this to yourselves, you can look to that
learning process will cause physiological These ones trained in your so-called which manifests in your life: Is your current
changes and unbalanced conditions within medical schools (again under the control of state of “living” this life’s experience
the body. These reactions could manifest in those drug companies) can prescribe something that is fulfilling to you, or is it
many different ways, from sudden weight electrochemical mixtures (drugs) which will full of stress and frustration?
gain or loss, to colds and flus, or even cause reactions and responses in the May your heart be your guide, and
cancer. physical as your body tries to deal with the may you learn to listen with the heart
Most elderly people in poor health are in chemical invader. They can offer and project forth from those inner
that deteriorated condition due to years and electromagnetic radiation treatments to kill satisfying desires that bring forth
years of ignoring the “small” stresses and living tissue (both cancerous and non- balance. I am Hilarion, Master Teacher
allowing them to build and accumulate into cancerous). But these “medical and Healer, come in the Radiant One
conditions of cancers or other various dis- professionals” do not understand the non- Light of Creator Source so that His
ease ailments. These ones will often be very physical effects that their treatments have on promise to you may be fulfilled—and so
unhappy in general, and will reflect this in the light-body part of the human apparatus. that I, too, may grow in wisdom of
their physical demeanor, appearance, and Therefore they, for the most part, end up experience. Salu! S
Middle-aged people on this same path
will often exhibit physical symptoms of old
age (such as prostate troubles or menopause) “This is all just a
at an “early” age. The individual always has front. Actually, I’m
a choice to turn around the physical
conditions of the body, for it will respond a faith healer.”
miraculously to a re-balanced mental state
wherein the head and heart can live in
Teenagers and younger adults tend to act
irrationally to their inner conflicts and will
lash out and hurt those around them in both
physically and mentally abusive manners.
When they realize that this behavior is not
acceptable, they will begin to internalize
their frustrations and hide them from the
world. Meanwhile those stresses begin to
manifest in the body, in later years, as
degenerative malfunctions like cancers and
organ failures.
You may be asking: “How can one avoid
this, or turn it around?”
First there must be a desire for inner

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 85

Blindness, Mad Cow Disease,
And “Canola” Oil
Editor’s note: Something’s going on trademark clues of the New World Order likewise, cautioned about these two items.
right now that’s VERY fishy—figuratively gang’s calculated high-level agenda in (We presented a lengthy and alarming
speaking. And it’s serious enough, play, to slowly but surely compromise the discussion about soy in our July 1999
especially given the health theme health of, well, the actively health- issue of The SPECTRUM.)
dominating much of this issue of The conscious consumer. In the debate section of this article
SPECTRUM, to warrant our revisiting a “Who better to target? This is the same (later on), it is amusing to watch the
potent article we last shared with you uppity portion of the citizenry most familiar tactics of establishment scientists
way back in December of 1999. feared by the world control misfits feverishly at work, as prostitutes for Big
The curious situation is that so-called because these are the people most likely Business, quoting their “religious books”
“Canola” oil is showing up in the to be actively protesting, say, the war in in order to discredit what is both beyond
ingredients list of more and more Iraq. But only if their health permits. An their understanding and a major threat to
products all of a sudden. And for at least unhealthy public is a docile public of their way of life. Their antics recall all
some of those items, it would seem this easily herded sheep. those sanctimonious tobacco executives
ingredient was forced into the mix under “Further, if such poisonous ingredients lying to Congress about the health risks
some kind of edict! are, as an incentive for use, nearly ‘given of cigarettes.
I (E.Y.) already commented on this away’—perhaps at dirt-cheap prices—to The kind of “subtle energy” or “higher
matter recently, in the April 2003 issue, in key manufacturers more infatuated with vibrational” considerations which are
the process of introducing a fine article profit than, say, their ‘fine old Italian integral to what author John Thomas
from the Edgar Cayce group’s magazine recipe’—then the temptation becomes talks about herein are—like Rife, Reich,
titled What Are We Doing To Our Food? practically irresistible. From a pure and related technologies addressed in
wherein I said: ‘business’ point of view, it’s a captivating our front-page feature story—the “energy
“Alarming things are happening to our situation for such manufacturers, who’ve medicine” of the future and give a whole
foods these days. And if we’re not aware sold their souls (and the earned trust of new (and much more accurate) meaning
and vigilant enough about such matters to loyal customers) to become—knowingly to the phrase “you are what you eat”.
‘vote with our wallets’ to send messages or unknowingly—agents for the higher- Edgar Cayce had much to say on this
back to the purveyors of such level depopulation agenda of the matter, a subject which is only now
unconscionable shenanigans, then guess depraved New World Order elite.” beginning to be appreciated by ones
what—we deserve the poor health and But what finally tipped the scales, in willing to foresake the shackles and
medical complications we get as a result.... terms of deciding to again share the blinders which mainstream scientific
“For example, if you’re vigilant about following article with you, was a recent training religiously imposes—especially
reading ingredients, you’ve probably shopping trip wherein a whole bunch at advanced levels.
noticed nasty poisons like “Canola” oil, more items, that were always “Canola” With that idea of “subtle energies” in
MSG, and Aspartame [and I forgot about oil-free, now list this dubious intruder in mind, it is important to note a subject
aluminum in so many bakery goods at the their ingredients. What’s the rush all of a which John Thomas does not cover
time of that writing] creeping into sudden to get this into so many herein. That is, longtime readers of The
products—even so-called and more products?! It sure takes a lot longer to SPECTRUM would be wise to entertain a
expensive “health” products—where they shop when, each trip to the store, you possible link between deleterious effects
never found residence before and surely have to now check the ingredients lists of on your mind and body that
don’t belong. Longtime readers with staple items that for years previously electromagnetic shenanigans like the
good memories will be quick to point out hadn’t gone down this road of selling out. HAARP system are capable of producing,
that these three pivotal ingredients have Originally the following article was and such effects perhaps being enhanced
all been the subjects of past ominous bravely published in the March/April or amplified when even a small amount of
articles within our publication. And for 1996 issue of the often excellent Canola oil is present in your body. Might
very good reasons! Perceptions magazine, which appears to that be the REAL reason for getting
“When a longtime staple of the food be no longer in production. Canola oil into enough different
shelf, previously with a very healthy The finely aware author, John Thomas, products—especially among the so-called
ingredient like olive oil, has now quietly draws a number of important parallels “healthy” products—so that one or
switched to ‘Canola’ oil—while still between Canola and soy—noting that the another of them will be sure to “infect”
prominently bragging about their ‘fine impact on our health from the Canola each of us?
old Italian recipe’—one can’t help but scam is 1000 times nastier than from the The duplicity of the scam being
wonder what nonsense is REALLY going soy fraud. Those of you familiar with perpetrated by the mind-control
on. Students of conspiracy recognize the Edgar Cayce may remember that he, (marketing) departments of big dietary

PAGE 86 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

businesses is exactly to target and irregularities—like retinitis and macula Rape Seed Oil Or “Canola”
convince those MOST conscious about lutea degeneration. (The macula lutea is
their health to embrace these an area in the eye near the center of the “Canola” is a coined word. It appeared
questionable ingredients as healthy for retina in which visual perception is most out of nowhere and is not listed in any but
you. The sleeping masses are not a acute.) Soy oil contains the most recent reference sources.
problem for the world elite controllers, phytohemagglutinin, PHG, a toxic [Editor’s note: This fact alone ought to
but those of you who are naturally driven biochemical that causes blood to clot and raise a flag of caution as to who is behind
to become informed, and then call their combines with impurities to form plaque, such marketing.]
bluff, ARE a BIG threat! obstructing capillaries. PHG numbs The flip side of the Canola coin reads:
The original Perceptions article carried immune-system T-cells, alters hormonal “rape”! You must admit that Canola
the introductory statement: “This excerpt activity, and slows vital organ function. sounds better than rape. The name Canola
from John Thomas’ new book Young Its effects are cumulative. disguised the introduction of rape oil to
Again! How To Reverse The Aging Death of the mitochondria in the cells America.
Process, published by Promotion in the posterior of the eye is due to Canola oil comes from the rape seed,
Publishing, San Diego, has been edited oxygen starvation, sodium toxicity, and which is part of the mustard family of
especially for Perceptions.” Some of you waste accumulation. When the plants. Rape is THE MOST TOXIC of
may enjoy reading John’s longer story in mitochondria die, the cells die, and the all food-oil plants. Like soy, rape is a
that still-available book format. posterior eye tissues atrophy. In this weed. Insects will not eat it; it is deadly
So—just what IS the “magic” about respect, glaucoma has much in common poisonous! THE OIL FROM THE
Canola oil that is making it appear in so with hair loss, Alzheimer’s disease, RAPE SEED IS A HUNDRED TIMES
many products now? While we don’t have multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and MORE TOXIC THAN SOY OIL!
any concrete answers, justifiable hearing problems. Canola is a semi-drying oil that is used
suspicions run high—just like with the [Editor’s note: Some of you may be as a lubricant, fuel, soap, and synthetic
chemtrails sprayings going on over our aware that there has been a tremendous rubber base, and as an illuminant for the
heads. And one thing’s for sure: after you increase, in recent years, in the number of slick color pages you see in magazines. It
read the following, you’ll be checking the senior citizens diagnosed with macular is an industrial oil and does NOT belong
ingredients lists of your favorite food degeneration. Care to guess why?] in the body!
products a lot more carefully! There are several things a person can do Canola oil has some very interesting
to reverse these debilitating conditions. characteristics and effects on living
MARCH/APRIL 1996 JOHN THOMAS Biologically friendly water is basic to all systems. For examples, it forms latex-like
rejuvenation, as is fresh, viable food. substances that agglutinate the red blood
Millions of people have suffered the Detoxification of the tissues and body corpuscles, as does soy, but MUCH more
loss of their vision from glaucoma, a fluids is accomplished with yucca extract, pronounced. Loss of vision is a known
disease involving atrophy (deterioration) Kombucha tea, PACs, and colon therapy. characteristic side-effect of rape oil, which
of the optic nerve. For years, “experts” (Biologically friendly water is water antagonizes the central and peripheral
have been telling us that glaucoma results resonant at 7.8 hertz, or Earth frequency— nervous systems—again like soy oil,
from fluid-pressure buildup in the eye that pure, highly charged, and magnetic in its again worse. The deterioration takes
causes the optic nerve to deteriorate. This strong right-spin molecular charge; years, however.
theory was based on an incorrect medical Kombucha tea is a revitalizing brew made Rape (Canola) oil causes emphysema,
model: They were wrong! from a fungus-like organism; PACs are respiratory distress, anemia, constipation,
Now the experts have admitted that this proanthocyanidins, which are plant- irritability, and blindness in animals—and
is not true and have given birth to a new derived antioxidants, free-radical humans.
theory. According to it, glaucoma is scavengers.) Rape oil was widely used in animal
instead caused by a deficiency of oxygen
and blood flow. Finally they are on the
right trial. In the end, they will discover
that glaucoma is the result of insufficient
ALIEN AGENDA: Investigating
blood flow due to agglutination
The Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us
(clumping together) of the red blood cells, BY JIM MARRS
and waste buildup in the cells and Jim Marrs is best known astronaut theories of Erich von Daniken, cattle
intercellular fluids. for Crossfire: The Plot That mutilations, Nazi saucers at the South Pole, the
These blood-corpuscle clusters cannot Killed Kennedy (1989), the contactees of the 1950s—and updates it credibly
squeeze through the extremely tiny book that Oliver Stone’s with UFO data from the 1980s and 1990s, providing
capillaries in the posterior of the eye, so film JFK was partially a reasonable survey of abductions, secret
cannot deliver oxygen to the based on. Now Marrs underground UFO bases, the MJ-12 group, crop
mitochondria. Mitochondria are attacks new mysteries and circles, remote viewing, and channeling. How can
$15.00 (+S/H) conspiracies in this something as momentous as contact with aliens be
microscopic bodies inhabiting the cells of
Code: ALA (1.0 lb.) extensive review of UFO kept secret? In an appendix, Marrs refers to the
all animals. They contain enzymes Bilderbergers and the Council on Foreign Relations
history and government
responsible for the conversion of food to cover-ups. After describing his own UFO sighting as examples of how small groups of powerful
useable energy. They produce and burn near Jackson, Mississippi, in 1952, Marrs recounts individuals can withhold information and manipulate
the energy-carrying molecule adenosine his involvement with other UFO cases as a world events. The facts are mostly accurate, and
triphosphate, ATP. newspaper reporter, and his suspicions that the U.S. the writing is crisp and journalistic.
This is what the problem has been all government knows much more about aliens than it — George Eberhart, Ft. Worth Star-Telegram
along, and if people continue to eat soy will admit. He incorporates an ample amount of
and “Canola” oils, a lot more of them are information from UFO books of the 1960s and
going to experience vision 1970s—strange lights on the Moon, the ancient- OR CALL TOLL - FREE : 1-877-280-2866

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 87

feeds in England and Europe between United States. The euphemism is still are called inhibitors.
1986 and 1991, when it was thrown out. very much in use, but is no longer needed. Toxic substances in Canola and soy oils
You may remember reading about the Look at the ingredients lists on peanut encourage the formation of molecules
cows, pigs, and sheep that went blind, lost butter labels. The peanut oil has been with covalent bonds which are normally
their minds, attacked people, and had to removed and replaced with rape oil. irreversible: They CANNOT be broken by
be shot. [Editor’s note: Now stop and think the body once they have formed.
A woman called me from Chicago to about that one for a minute! Going to For example, consider the pesticide
tell me that she had been in England such an extreme suggests an agenda far malathion. It binds to the active site of
when the “Mad Cow Disease” was at its beyond any simple business “cost the enzyme acetylcholinesterase and
peak. She said that she had seen a effective” step in manufacturing.] stops this enzyme from doing its job,
television news report which told people which is to divide acetylcholine into
not to panic if they had been using rape Chemical Warfare choline and acetate.
oil in their diet and were over 65 years of
age. The “experts” added that the effects Rape oil is also the source of the Nerve Function And
of rape oil in ingestion take at least 10 infamous chemical-warfare agent, mustard Organophosphates
years to manifest, and in all likelihood, gas, which was banned after blistering the
most of these people would be dead by lungs and skin of hundreds of thousands Organophosphates are any organic
then anyway. Comforting! of solders and civilians during WW-I. compound containing phosphorus,
In the reports I read, the “experts” Recent French reports indicate that it was
specifically ones used as insecticides, e.g.
blamed the erratic behavior on a viral again used during the [1991] Gulf War. malathion—the “harmless” pesticide
disease called scrapie. However, when Between 1950 and 1953, white mustard spray used to kill the Med Fly and
rape was removed from animal feed, (rape) seed was irradiated in Sweden to blanket every living thing in California a
“scrapie” disappeared. increase seed production and oil content.
few years ago, and again in 1994 and
No longer a European livestock Irradiation is the process the experts want
1995, and in Texas in April 1995.
problem, now it is ours. U.S. farmers grow to use to make our food “safe” to eat. Acetylcholine is critical to nerve-
rape seed, and manufacturers use its oil Genetically engineered fruits and impulse transmission. When
(Canola) in thousands of processed vegetables—which will soon have acetylcholinesterase is inhibited, as by
foods—with the blessing of government innocent things like Hepatitis-B splicedpesticide residues, nerve fibers do not
watchdog agencies, of course. into their DNA—are another example of function normally, and muscles do not
Officially, Canola oil is known as man’s misuse of technology and abuse of respond.
“LEAR” oil—Low Erucic Acid Rape. public trust by powerful interests and For example, think of a garage door
(Erucic acid is a solid fatty acid, a “head-in-the-sand” watchdog agencies. opener: If its signal is not received, the
homologue of oleic acid, derived from (See the article called The Devil’s door does not open. With one’s body, the
oils of mustard seeds and rape seeds.) Bargain: Gene-Altered Food, in the hand or leg is ordered to move, but does
Industry experts love to tell how Canola November/December 1995 issue of not respond. Recently there has been a
was developed in Canada and that it is Perceptions.) tremendous increase in disorders like
safe to use. (Can-ola = “Canadian oil”— [Editor’s note: Regular readers of The
systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis,
get it?) They admit it was developed from SPECTRUM are likewise very well aware cerebral palsy, pulmonary hypertension,
the rape seed, but that through genetic of the pitfalls of genetically engineered
neuropathy, and “myelinoma”, which is a
engineering (i.e. irradiation), it is no or genetically modified (GE/GM) foods. catch-all term used by doctors for the
longer rape seed, but Canola instead. And, of course, the most telling incident
deterioration of the myelin sheathing
They love to talk about Canola’s of all was when GE/GM giant Monsanto’s around the nerves. (The word ending
qualities—its unsaturated structure own headquarters cafeteria REFUSED to “-oma” means “tumor”, but the condition
(omega 3, 6, and 12), its wonderful use such products!] could as easily be “myelinosis”.) It is also
digestibility, and its fatty-acid makeup. Canola oil contains large amounts of often called “walking legs syndrome” and
They turn us against naturally staturated isothiocyanates—cyanide-containing causes its sufferers intense burning
oils and fats, while they come to the compounds. Cyanide INHIBITS sensations they must walk off.
rescue with Canola oil. They even tell us mitochondrial production of adenosine Soy and Canola oils are players in the
how Asia has warmly embraced Canola triphosphate (ATP), which is the energy outbreak of these disease conditions. So
due to its distinctive flavor. molecule that fuels the mitochondria. are the organophosphates—insecticides
Isn’t it wonderful how internationalist ATP energy powers the body and keeps us such as malathion, used in food
brokers “help” third-world peoples? healthy and young! production [modern agribusiness] in the
Reminds me of the introduction of the [Editor’s note: So in effect the Canola
name of efficiency.
microwave oven. oil acts as a slow poisoning agent, if Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors cause
[Editor’s note: That’s another very nothing else. Who does that suggest to paralysis of the striated (skeletal) muscles
important health subject we’ve covered, you is behind this project? Hint: Who has
and spasms of the respiratory system.
in an article titled Some Well-Hidden a longstanding agenda item to eliminate That is why malathion is the pesticide of
Hazards Of Microwave Cooking, back in we “useless eaters and consumers of choice by experts; it kills insects by
the January 2001 issue of The natural resources”—and has the paralysis—just like rotenone from soy
SPECTRUM.] worldwide means to do so?] beans does! It inhibits the insect’s
An earthy expression from the Old West enzymes—and those of humans, too!
sums up the flimflam accompanying rape Canola Oil & Metabolism Agents Orange and Blue that were used
oil’s rebirth and promotion worldwide: in Vietnam to defoliate jungle cover are
“horseshit and gun smoke!” Its new name Many substances can bind metabolic also organophosphorous compounds. The
provided the perfect cover for commercial enzymes and block their activity in the Vietnam vets and the Vietnamese people
interests wanting to make billions in the body. In biochemistry, these substances know about them firsthand. Government

PAGE 88 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

experts who okayed their use, and chemical companies who
manufactured them, have finally owned up to their toxic PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT CHRONICLES
effects on people and the environment. Nevertheless, present- BY COMMANDER X
day experts in academia and government continue to bamboozle Explores the strange case of Al Bielek (only
the public with stories of “safe” science and cheap food through known survivor of the Philadelphia Experiment)
the use of poisons. and the mysterious death of famed astronomer
Canola oil is also high in glycosides that cause serious Dr. M. K. Jessup, who first broke the news
problems by blocking enzyme function and depriving us of our about the disappearance of the warship and its
life force—chi, qi, prana—call it what you like. subsequent teleportation into another dimension.
Glycosides interfere with the biochemistry of humans and Also looks at time travel, alternative energy,
animals. Their presence in rattlesnake venom inhibits muscle anti-gravity theories. Highly classified
enzymes and causes instant immobilization of the victim. government/military projects exposed. $12.50 (+S/H)
Canola Oil, HIV, And AIDS

Soy and Canola oil glycosides also depress the immune

system. They cause the white-blood-cell defense system—the T-
cells—to go into a stupor and fall asleep on the job. These oils
Half of the book consists of a reprint of the classic
alter the bioelectric “terrain” and promote disease. Floride, SMOKY GODS written by a Swedish fisherman who
immunizations, antibiotics, and bio-junk food play a similar role claims he found his way inside the Earth and had an
in immune system collapse. amazing encounter with a race of super-wise giants
An alcohol is a chemistry term for the “reactive” chemical who have lived inside the Earth since ancient times.
group on an organic molecule. These “R” groups are what make Book also contains evidence that at least some UFOs
may come from inside Earth and are piloted by a race
organic compounds work—for good or bad! Canola alcohols of super-beings who have survived, largely unknown to
and glycosides are very reactive. They are as toxic as fermented the surface world. Includes interview with an inner $12.50(+S/H)
alcohols, but their effects manifest differently. The damage takes Earth inhabitant from a city beneath Mt. Shasta. Code: TSG (0.75 lb.)
years to show up. In a future article, I will discuss the sweet SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866
proteins in soy.
When the medical “experts” check your blood for the S ECRET U FO D IARY : E XPOSING T HE
presence of the HIV virus, they are looking at your white blood- E XISTENCE O F A LIEN S KYMEN
cell “count”. If the numbers are normal, they will tell you that
Shocking private memoirs of former Navy
you do not have HIV. What they don’t see is that the T-cells are Commander involving the retrieval of UFO
in this toxic stupor. This opportunistic condition causes life wreckage near our nation’s capital & how it
forms in the blood and lymph to metamorphose, manifest as suddenly “disappeared” from the secure
Hepatitis, Pneumonia, and HIV, bypass the body’s immune- government safe it was being stored in. Have
system defenses (the T-cells), and get a foothold. As Claude aliens been coming to the Earth’s surface &
Barnard said: “The terrain is everything!” experimenting with us for thousands of years?
Once inside the cells, HIV takes over the RNA and DNA. It Introduction by Commander X. 256 pages.
uses the mitochondria to produce energy for its own use. SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING $15.00 (+S/H)
Quietly it multiplies; then one day—BANG!—you wake up Code: SDCM (1.0 lb.)
OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866
dying of AIDS.
Is the Earth hollow? Is our planet honeycombed with
In his Earth-shaking book called AIDS: The End Of caverns inhabited by mysterious races? Are there
Civilization, Dr. William Campbell Douglass asked: “Do you civilizations of super beings living beneath the surface
really think some green monkey all of a sudden bit some guy in of the Earth? Are the residents of this subsurface
the ass, and presto, AIDS all over the world?” world friendly, or do they have our domination in mind?
Dr. Douglas was examining the hype that the Centers for Here are strange and unexplainable legions of the “Wee
Disease Control in Atlanta have been peddling to the public People”, the Dero, and long-haired Atlantean giants as
about the AIDS virus, HIV. Douglass’ book tells the “whole” encounterd by cave explorers and miners trapped far
beneath the Earth. $12.50(+S/H)
story of the development of HIV at the Ft. Detrick (Maryland) SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 Code: SWIE (0.75 lb.)
military installation. His story is well documented and confirms
the theme of the futuristic movie Outbreak. PROPHECIES OF THE PRESIDENTS: THE
[Editor’s note: As our readers know well, longtime SPIRITUAL DESTINY OF AMERICA REVEALED
SPECTRUM friend and health crusader Dr. Len Horowitz has BY T IM BECKLEY
exposed in great detail the vast historical webs of conspiracy
behind AIDS and many other manufactured diseases—mostly The future of America? Chapters include: Origin of
Great Seal of U.S. • Psychic presidents (including
involving the same cast of nefarious characters working in Lincoln, Washington, Kennedy) • Coming Polar Shift
concert with the elite world controllers.] & America’s destiny • Reincarnation of Atlantis •
America’s great curses • Secret Government—who’s
Lorenzo’s Oil really in control? • Space visitors watch over America
• All presidents since Eisenhower said to have met
Another film, Lorenzo’s Oil, offers a good example of how far with ETs on American soil.
off course medical science has strayed and how muddled is the S EE NEXT - TO - LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING $12.50 (+S/H)
Code: POP (0.5 lb.)
scientific mind. Early on in the movie, the experts say the OR CALL TOLL - FREE : 1-877-280-2866

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 89

problem with the dying child is not the POWERFUL COMMERCIAL Upon even the most casual consideration,
“math”, i.e., pH. They are wrong. INTERESTS BEHIND THE SCENES. Thomas’ major assertions fall flat. The
Had the experts determined the pH of article, based on the author’s opinions, cites
the saliva, urine, and blood, they would Blood & Oils no clinical, medical, or biological research
have instantly known what they were up references. Thomas fails to explain the
against: That dying boy had a chronically By now it should be obvious that basic biochemical interactions that are
low total-body pH—so low [meaning a congested blood and lymph flow inferred to evolve out of the claimed
highly acidic state] that his fluids were negatively affect every part of the body. actions of toxins he attributes to Canola
dissolving the myelin sheathing Moreover, using processed foods oil. To be scientific, Thomas’ claim for the
protecting his nerve fibers. This caused containing Canola oil, soy oil, and ensuing biological pathologies should be
his nervous system to disintegrate. Does chemical additives “confuses” the body tied to specific symptomology. Thomas
this description sound like the dozens of and weakens the immune system. offers no such connection.
degenerative nerve-related disorders It should come as no surprise that Despite Thomas’ claims, his article
plaguing people today? anyone wanting to enjoy peak health contains not one scientific reference, nor
The boy was given Lorenzo’s oil to and longevity MUST take personal any cogent chemical or biochemical
boost energy output and act as a control of, and responsibility for, his or argument based on known laboratory
detoxifier of metabolic poisons. The oil her health and life. There is NO other testing or methods associated with
shocked his body into a less-acid way! “Healthcare industry” is an brassicia/napus campestris plant varieties
condition. LORENZO’S OIL IS OLIVE oxymoron; it protects its own health (the botanical name of Canola) or
OIL! When given in large quantities, and economic interests. L.E.A.R., i.e., Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed.
olive oil shocks the body and causes it to Learn to protect YOUR health and Further, Thomas presents no scientific
adjust its pH. It will also safely purge the economic interests by learning how to credentials or experience which would
body of gall and liver stones, thus take care of yourself. Then act on that lend any measure of credibility to the
removing the need for gall-bladder knowledge. discourse he offers in Perceptions.
surgery. (Yucca extract and PACs must With the above preamble in mind,
precede the “flush”.) * * * please review our analysis of Thomas’
[Editor’s note: One of the reasons for claims. Spectrum’s abridgment of
again sharing this fine article with you POINT: Thomas’ claims are noted below. [Editor’s
was precisely the fact that two well- The Great Canola Debate note: Remember that this reference is to a
known products, that always contained company called Spectrum Naturals,
olive oil as a key ingredient, have Spectrum Naturals Offers which is in the dietary oils business; there
recently replaced the olive oil with A Rebuttal To “Blindness, Mad Cow is NO connection at all to The
Canola oil. But you can’t tell that from Disease, And Canola Oil” SPECTRUM newsmagazine!] They can
the big labels on the front of the bottles; be found throughout his article, but we
you have to read the fine-print As a service to both writers and have condensed them to deal with claims
ingredients list!] readers, Perceptions offers a forum for in summary. They have been grouped
Shortly after Lorenzo’s Oil was released, informations all too often absent from here for focus. Our point-by-point
my brother saw an “expert” on a TV talk- mainstream media. We make no claims for response includes scientific citations and
show claim that Lorenzo’s oil was rape oil. any specific health products or therapies, refutations for your consideration.
This was a lie. Give rape oil to a sick but provide space to those responsibly
person, and you will seal his or her doom. presenting opposing views. Thomas’ Claim 1: Glaucoma
HERE IS ANOTHER GOOD The following “debate” involves a
EXAMPLE OF “DISINFORMATION” spokesperson for Spectrum Naturals, a For years “experts” have been telling us
IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. THESE manufacturer of Canola and other oils, that glaucoma results from fluid-pressure
FALSEHOODS SHOULD CAUSE and John Thomas, author of Young Again! buildup in the eye that causes the optic
EVERY THINKING PERSON TO How To Reverse The Aging Process. As nerve to deteriorate. This theory was
QUESTION THE MOLDING OF always, we invite our readers to think and based on an incorrect medical model:
PUBLIC OPINION BY THE seek the truth and, with it, greater power They were wrong! Causes: agglutination,
for themselves, waste buildup in cells, and intracellular
VATICAN ASSASSINS recognizing that it fluids caused by consuming soy and
Companion CD-ROM isonlysometimesoutside found Canola oil. Loss of vision is a known
This is the same CD-ROM that is included with the current scientific
book VATICAN ASSASSINS and contains 13 rare, dogma. Spectrum’s Rebuttal:
historical, out-of-print books (over 4,000 pages!) used
in the researching of that masterpiece volume. An article by John Glaucoma is caused by fluid-level
Titles on the CD-ROM are: The History of Romanism, Dowling, 1845; History
Thomas, published abnormalities in the ocular membranes of
of the Jesuits, Nicolini, 1854; Popery, Puseyism and Jesuitism, Desanctis,
1905; The Engineer Corps of Hell, Sherman, 1883; Secret Instructions of the
in the March/April the eye. It rarely occurs before age 40.
Jesuits, Brownlee, 1857; The Black Pope, Cusack, 1896; The Jesuits, 1996 issue of This disease is caused by injury to the eye
Griesinger, 1903; The Footprints of the Jesuits, Thompson, 1894; The Awful Pe rc e p t i o n s or a degenerative disease like uveitis.
Disclosures of Maria Monk, Monk, 1835; The Thrilling Mysteries of a Convent magazine, makes Blockage of the drainage duct adjacent to
Revealed! Peterson, 1835; The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of the s e v e r a l the ciliary muscles is the principle cause
Order, Leone, 1848; The Crisis: Or, the Enemies unsubstantiated of humoral-fluid pressure in the eye. No
claims connecting scientific study links glaucoma to any
ONLY $15.00 (SHIPPING INCLUDED) See next-to-last page for ordering Canola oil with lipid toxicity or diet.
Code: VACD (0.5 lb.) or call toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 “Mad Cow Disease”. Platelet aggregation, as Mr. Thomas

PAGE 90 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

states, is a possible cause of glaucoma. If black mustard, generated to “juncea” or emphysema, respiratory distress, anemia,
his suggestion is true, however, Canola oil leaf mustard, generated to “campetris” or constipation, irritability, and blindness in
may be helpful in glaucoma since the turnip rapeseed, and it is a cousin of kale animals.
10% omega-3 fraction in Canola oil, as and cabbage plants. Napus is the
well as the 16% omega-6 fraction of fatty common variety grown in the Western Spectrum’s Rebuttal:
acids tend to reduce platelet aggregation. world. Because Canola is susceptible to
Thus, Canola oil would be a curative numerous types of pests which thrive in Canola is not an industrial oil. Canola
rather than causative agent of aggregation temperate climate zones, it is only grown is and has been history’s most investigated
of cells. However, there is no scientific in climates that do not experience fat and feed source for humans and
evidence that platelet aggregation is extended periods of freezing. Canola animals. Walnut, soybean, and flax oils,
related to this eye disease. seed plants are susceptible to flea beetles, high erucic rapeseed H.E.A.R. variety, can
People suffered with glaucoma long aphids, cabbage seed-pod weevils, and all be used industrially to make paints,
before the widespread use of Canola, types of foliage-feeding insects which plastics, cosmetics, inks, etc. Any organic
rapeseed, and soy oils. To the contrary, thrive in temperate climates. This plant hydrocarbon (meaning all vegetables) can
statistics tend to indicate that the does poorly in southern climates due to be processed and denatured to make
widespread use of these oils benefits insects; geographic regions out of Kansas industrial chemicals. Extensive refining
health. [Ref: Dr. C. Calyman, editor, are not suitable. Because of their and modif ication of vegetable
American Medical Association, extended cold weather, western Canada phytochemicals makes them inedible.
Encyclopedia Of Medicine, Random and the Great Plains states are the prime Protein in milk can be used to make glue,
House, NY, 1989; Shahidi, F., Canola & areas for cultivation. the oils in orange skins are used to make
Rapeseed, Production Chemistry, The consumption of Canola for feed or explosives, the skins of various fruits emit
Nutrition And Processing Technology, AVI oil content presents no known toxicity in gases that can be fatal in high
Printers, 1990.] either crude or ref ined states. The concentrations. Various plant chemicals
L.E.A.R. variety has only a small which serve humanity well as foods can
Thomas’ Claim 2: percentage of erucic acid remaining in the be dangerous and even lethal in high
oil (less than 0.02% to 0.01%). Erucic concentrations. [Ref: American Heart
Canola appeared out of nowhere. acid is the same substance that gives Association, Report of Nutrition
Rapeseed (Canola) is the most toxic of all mustard its potent flavor bite. All Committee, “The Value And Safety Of
food plants. Rapeseed, like soy, is a weed. mustards that have this potent flavor Diet Modif ication To Control
Insects will not eat it. Oil from rapeseed is property contain some percentage of Hyperlipidemia In Childhood And
100 times more toxic than soybean oil. erucic acid (up to 66%). The special Adolescence” Circulation 58:381, 1978;
breeds used for Canola cooking oil Kramer, J.K.G., Saur F.D., and Pigdin, W.J.
Spectrum’s Rebuttal: contain only very small amounts. This eds., High And Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed
flavor property was bred out for taste, not Oils, Toronto: Academic Press, 1983.]
For more than 3,000 years, rapeseed was health considerations.
the preeminent culinary fat for the Barlow and Standby corrected the prior Thomas’ Claim 4:
Indians, Western Asians (Indian perception that erucic acid was damaging
subcontinent), and China. It has been to humans, as the original studies were Rapeseed causes “Mad Cow Disease”.
cultivated in Western Europe since the conducted on rats with flawed results.
13th century and has become the most Recent laboratory research has retested Spectrum’s Rebuttal:
popular culinary oil due to its high oleic this hypothesis and indicated that the
and mono-unsaturated fat profile. It is 1970 findings were flawed. “Mad Cow Disease” is a brain disorder
considered the most nutritionally Unfortunately, these flawed studies (spongiform encephalopathy) caused by
balanced dietary fat. In 1985 the USDA continue to be cited in error. Erucic acid errant protein structures in the brain.
granted GRAS (generally recognized as has not been proven harmful in humans Prions (pronounced pree-ons) are the
safe) status to the hybrid variety of and has been used as a medicine in others suspected cause. Neither bacteria nor
rapeseed. Canola was pedigree bred (not (see Lorenzo’s Oil ). [Ref: Barlow, S.M. virus, these are protein structures that
genetically engineered) in Canada during and Standby, M.E. eds., Nutritional cause decay of synapses, nerves, and cells
the 1970s. Evaluation Of Long-Chain Fatty Acids In in the brain. The transmission of “Mad
[Editor’s note: Now there’s a statement Fish Oils, London: Academy Press, 1982; Cow Disease” occurs when the rendered
whose “deception coefficient” is worthy Bell, J.M., “From Rapeseed to Canola: A animal tissue from sheep and other
of the Bush Administration; see Al Brief History Of Research For Superior animals is added to cattle feed. Offal and
Martin’s columns elsewhere in this issue Meal And Edible Oil”, Poultry Science, diseased organ tissues are the suspected
of The SPECTRUM for similarly choice 61:613-618, 1982. Canada Grains transmission vector, originating in sheep,
examples. By some liberal stretching of Council, Canadian Grain Industry, with crossover into cattle and then
the definitions, it may even have been Statistical Handbook, Winnipeg, humans. Cattle are not fed Canola oil as
true “during the 1970s”—but, just from Manitoba, Canada, Jan. 1988; Murray, part of their typical diet in England.
past eye-opening articles in our News G.A., Auld, D.L., O’Kieffe, L.E., and Thill, There is no proven or even suspected
Desk, we know that the terms Genetically D.C., “Winter Rape Production Practices causative role played by Canola seed,
Engineered and Genetically Modified In Northern Idaho”, Idaho Agricultural meal, or oils in this disease. Mr. Thomas’
have, through Monsanto’s aggressive Exposition, Station Bulletin, 634, 1984.] link between Canola and “Mad Cow
marketing tactics alone, been associated Disease” is a completely inaccurate
more with rape seeds than perhaps with Thomas’ Claim 3: affiliation of an edible oil to a serious
any other GE/GM agricultural product health problem. [Ref: Wall Street Journal,
pushed on farmers.] Canola is an industrial oil not fit for March 26, 1996, Section A15, “EU Agrees
The origins of the seed are “nigra” or human consumption. Rapeseed causes To Ban Exports Of British Beef (Mad Cow

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 91

Disease)”; Press Democrat, “Mad Cow and animals. Soy and Canola glycosides We trust that the foregoing
Disease” March 26, 1996. also depress the immune system. scientifically substantiated rebuttal to
Thomas’ unfounded claims for a
Thomas’ Claim 5: Spectrum’s Rebuttal: connection between “Mad Cow Disease”
and glaucoma clarifies the issue to your
Rapeseed is genetically engineered. Most seed of any type have small satisfaction.
amounts of cyanogetic glycosides. If — Rees Moerman
Spectrum’s Rebuttal: ingested in concentrated amounts over a
number of years, these cancer-causing * * *
Some forms of rapeseed are genetically agents may be detrimental to one’s health.
engineered—primarily the somatic When consumed in large quantities, COUNTERPOINT:
diploid or gametic haploid cell however, even common apple seeds The Great Canola Debate
modification. However, all new seed become lethal due to the organic cyanide
variants were within the same species compounds each seed contains. Rincin, John Thomas Responds To
block as far as our research shows. In processed from rice, is also a lethal refined Spectrum Natural’s Rebuttal
other words, there is no evidence that material used as a nerve agent. However,
cross-species genes were used. The these toxic substances do not make rice, I expected the Canola cartel to go
rapeseed varieties are primarily used in apples, and Canola seeds lethal in their ballistic when Perceptions magazine
seed varieties that have industrial uses. natural form. These chemicals become published the “Blindness and Oils”
Canola does not fit into this category toxic only if synthesized using highly chapter on Canola from my book Young
since it is an edible human oil produced refined and post-refined techniques. Again! How To Reverse The Aging
under very tight controls governed by Super-high concentrations of these Process. I look for a repeat performance
both the United States and Canadian toxins cannot be found in Nature. from them when the soy oil, soy protein,
departments of agriculture. Mustard gas is another example. There is tofu scam impacts public consciousness.
Editor’s note: And while those “very no mustard gas in natural rapeseed, Spectrum Naturals conjured up the
tight controls” looked good on paper to mustard, or Canola seeds. Flax seed, if usual establishment tar and feathers: “no
politicians and bureaucrats “well-oiled” harvested green or frozen before curing, scientif ic proof, lack of credentials,
by GE/GM money, as many more scientific has high levels of prussic acid, a form of divergence from known and recognized
and common-sense voices predicted, organic cyanide. Cyanide in excess can scientific community” and other mewings
those so-called controls proved useless to cause illness and even death; however, the designed to belittle me, degrade
prevent the contamination of adjacent heating of seeds destroys these low-level Perceptions, and blur public
fields with undesired GE/GM rape seed natural agents. As seeds are expeller- consciousness about the energy nature of
(and other) varieties. So it’s a big mess pressed and heated above 120ºF, the substances we call food and water.
right now that’s kept mostly out of the isothiocyates and other compounds are Spectrum does not understand that all
press because the “expert” opinions destroyed. [Ref: Erasmus, U., Fats That substances have a racemetric energy
were—as is usual where Big Money is Heal, Fats That Kill, Alive Books, 1990; footprint and electrical signature that
involved—wrong. And that often quoted Erasmus, U., Fats & Oils, The Complete manifests itself as a “measurable” right-
“scientific” baloney rests on top of the Guide To Whole Wheat & Nutrition, Alive or left-spinning energy field.
typical kind of deception quoted since the Books, 1986.] When food enters the body, it imposes
mid-1990s, to push GE/GM agriculture, and transfers its vibratory signature to the
such as you are about to read.] Thomas’ Claim 7: body’s bioelectric energy f ields.
Furthermore, Canada has a strict Therefore, food and water either increase
genetic-engineering program and closely Lorenzo’s oil is olive oil. or diminish health and the body’s energy
controls the release of new plant spin, as reflected in our aura. The effect is
varieties. The seed stock which Spectrum’s Rebuttal: best described as a bioelectric energy
generated Canola from rapeseed shift. This shift is not based on
originated from experiments conducted Lorenzo’s oil was not olive oil. Croda, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and is
in the 1970s—twenty years before the New Jersey-based lipid-research and not understood by conventional science,
genetic engineering became popular in specialty-oil-products firm, developed a which knows disease and aging only by
the United States. [Ref: Chen, B.Y., purified erucic fatty acid, the very same their symptoms.
Heneen, W.K., and Jonsson, R., “Re- substance in mustard that gives the Food and water influence the tissues
synthesis of Brassica Napus L”, Plant pungent bite to mustards. Erucic acid, and cells through the homeopathic
Cell Reports 7:407-40, 1988; Chuong, used as a therapeutic agent, helped the principles of resonance and transference,
P.V. and Beverdorf, W.D., Powel, A.D. and little boy in the movie Lorenzo’s Oil, which describe subtle energy changes in
Pauls, K.P., “Somatic Transfer Of stabilizing his disease condition. Erucic the body when substances are introduced
Cytoplasmic Trains In Brassica Napus L acid is a 22-carbon-chain fatty acid with a into the system. Canola and soy upset the
By Haploid Protoplast Fusion” single double-bond (C22:1). Olive oil body subtle-energy fields because they
Molecular Gen. Genet. 211:197-201, has no naturally occurring erucic acid, are powerful, deep, and rapid left-spinning
1988.] unless it has been blended with Canola energy substances that are toxic and,
oil. Lorenzo’s oil is not olive oil. [Ref: therefore, should NOT be ingested.
Thomas’ Claim 6: Lavoisier, Dictionaire Des Huiles I suggest everyone learn to use a
Vegetables, Springer-Verlag, USA, pendulum, a vibration chain, and
Rapeseed “isothiocyates”, cyanide- Salunke D.K. 1996; Chavan J.K., Adsule, aurameter so they can confirm for
containing compounds, cyano- R.N., and Kadam, S.S., World Oilseeds: themselves that Canola and soy are bad
glycosides, and glycosides in Canola, Chemistry, Technology, And Utilization, news. I highly recommend everyone read
interfere with the biochemistry of humans AVI Books, 1992.] the article “Soy Products For Dairy

PAGE 92 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

Product? Not So Fast...” in the September surprised to learn that the international as they did with their fairy tales about
1995 issue of Health Freedom News and food cartels peddle energy-toxic, bigtime soy use in Asia and how healthy
learn of the deleterious effects of soy oil industrial “food” oils like Canola and Asians are as a result of a dietary intake
and soy protein on living systems. Then soy to an unsuspecting and ignorant of soy.
let’s see what Spectrum has to say in public. The experts don’t have a clue The TRUTH of the matter is that we
response to this very well done article that about disease prevention and consider produce 144 billion pounds of WASTE
backs up and confirms what I had to say aging reversal to be ludicrous. soy protein a year. Cartel propaganda
in my chapter on soy: “Bald Heads And Spectrum’s experts quote chapter and is behind the massive push for
Oil”. verse to support their position, but it consumption of soy products (tofu, soy
Once people understand the energy matters not. Their response suggests that milk, and baby formulas) over
nature of food as relates to aging and behind the smoke screen is a powder keg conventional protein and fat sources.
rejuvenation, they will discover to their of information they hope the public will Soy and Canola are in almost all
horror that Canola and soy are not only never learn. [Just like finally came out in processed foods. We dump the balance
out of place in their diets, but actually the tobacco industry scam.] on the Asians.
accelerate the breakdown of the body’s Young Again! How To Reverse The Edgar Cayce advised against the use
connective tissues and nerve fibers. Aging Process was not written as a of soy and rape (Canola) oils. Skilled
These “experts” who have been telling scientific work, but as a common-sense doctors of Chinese medicine will not use
us fairy tales about the wonders of guide to help people understand why soy because it interferes with subtle-
Canola are the same nice folks who they prematurely age and die. energy patterns in the body. Canola is
vaunted oleo and soy margarines and If your readers want to keep their 1000 times more toxic than soy.
orchestrated the condemnation of butter, health or get back what they have lost, I suggest your readers read Young
coconut oil, and lard. they must learn to ignore the advice of Again! cover to cover before they find
Is it any surprise? Last year’s [1995] the experts and do exactly the opposite their health in serious jeopardy from
haul on “industrial” food oils—like of what the masses are being following “expert advice” and ingesting
Canola and soy—was in the range of brainwashed to do and think. toxic-food substances. Vision loss, nerve
$12,000,000,000 (BILLION)! As the Canola and soy are serious players in degeneration, connective tissue
consumption of these oils increases, degenerative aging and disease. At best, breakdown, and balding are just a few of
people’s health slowly deteriorates and they confuse body energy patterns. At the problems they may avoid. For sure,
the old-age homes and cemeteries fill. worst, they become the straw that breaks they will learn how to live long and
Scientific madmen seem to forget that the proverbial camel’s back—or healthy lives.
the human body works synergistically precipitate things like “Mad Cow — John Thomas
and that their snake oil has multiple Disease”, glaucoma, and a thousand
fangs when turned loose in bodies other “degenerative” conditions that P.S. On my desk is a fax about a test-
already stressed from environmental and keep the cattle lines in the clinics full lab finding that Canola oil produces
chemical toxicities. and profitable. sterility in rabbits. Perhaps this is
The toxic effects of Canola and soy take Lastly, cunning marketing propaganda behind the plummeting sperm counts in
years to manifest. by the international food cartels has young U.S. males? Canola oil is in
[Editor’s note: What could be more Americans foolishly believing in the almost every processed food on the
convenient to the New World Gang’s widespread historical use of Canola just grocery shelves. Scary! S
depopulation agenda than a subtle-
acting time-delay poison to make it
difficult to trace blame—a much better
plan than the tobacco industry’s longtime
Laboratory test tubes, studies, and
industry experts cannot be counted on to
give us the truth. Wasn’t it “experts” who
gave us Agent Orange, DDT, malathion,
thalidomide, Gulf War Syndrome,
aspartame (Nutrasweet), MSG
(monosodium glutamate), Swine Flu
shots, fluoridated water and toothpaste,
and presently, live Hepatitis-B vaccines
for helpless children under two years of
How about conditions like Type-1
diabetes, hearing loss, and death in
children from mutant DPT and polio
vaccinations the “experts” are rabidly
pushing at us? What about the
thousands of “safe” drugs the
pharmaceutical and medical folks
peddle—all with known, toxic
contraindications for the liver (our most
vital organ)?! “. . . sodium phosphate, di-glycerides, BHT. Warning: The Surgeon General
Perceptions readers should not be has determined that eating is dangerous to your health.”

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 93

Bushonomics And The
Downfall Of America
Editor’s note: There is no arguing AL MARTIN Regime will do nothing to limit costs
with the point that, if you want to size-up insofar as the pharmaceutical industry
what is happening to the United States Want Your Civil Liberties And Rights is the third richest source of money for
in very concrete terms, then examine the Back? Move To U.S.-Occupied Iraq Republicans.
condition of the financial arenas. No (4/20/03) Tuition costs at major universities
one does this better than Al Martin, are now rising by 10% a year under the
whose savvy reading of the financial According to the latest reports, the Bush Administration. At the same time,
playing fields is like the way some of the benefits that Iraqi citizens will now enjoy the Bush Regime is cutting back federal
best coaches explain the fine points of a under a U.S.-supported regime (they’re not student aid and grants and loans.
football game. calling it U.S. occupation) will be much If you’re one of the 70 million
The problem is, this isn’t a game— better than the disenfranchised naïve Americans who doesn’t have healthcare
though too many asleep Americans take American flag-wavers. coverage, or can’t afford prescription
it as such. And thanks to Al’s courageous General Brooks, a spokesman for drugs, and you can’t afford to send
spelling out of the impending dire CENTCOM Command, made a your kids to college because you’ve
consequences, perhaps more people will pronouncement reiterating the expanded been wiped out and your 401K account
awaken to reverse the writing on the First and Second Amendment privileges that is now a 201K account under the
wall. After all, a lot can be Iraqi citizens will have. The would-be Iraqi scourge of Bushonomics, and if you’re
accomplished by the wolves in the leaders being groomed for the coalition concerned about your civil rights and
henhouse when the guard dogs are they’re trying to form were being liberties (as the representative from the
bought and farmers sound asleep. interviewed and told about all the new Constitutional Law Center points out),
Rememeber that old story about the benefits they’re going to have. Iraqi citizens will now have greater
frogs being boiled in the pot of water? A Shiite mullah with a turban on his head First, Second, and Fourth Amendment
So long as the temperature goes up heard this announcement and he says: “If privileges than do the citizens of the
slowly enough, the frogs remain that’s the case, I can’t wait to be occupied.” United States in the post-U.S.A. Patriot
blissfully unaware of their predicament But what struck me funny about it is that Act world.
until it’s too late. Sound familiar? Iraqi citizens will now have (at U.S. As General Brooks said himself, the
But all is not in a downhill slide, as Al taxpayers’ expense) universal free new U.S.-backed administration in Iraq
so optimistically points out: “The healthcare coverage, universal education up will do away with the national identity
American Psychiatric Association noted to university level, and they will be entitled card in Iraq. At the very same time,
that anti-depressant sales (Prozac, to financial aid for the purchases of food, Senator Orrin Hatch says that we see
Zanax, etc.) are at record highs. They utilities such as water and electricity will be smooth sailing for the National Identity
have now increased 40% since the subsidized, gasoline for cars, and so on will Card Act in this session. So while
election of George Bush Jr.” How’s that remain at 13¢ a gallon. How can you beat national identity cards are being done
for an omen to reflect our subconscious that? away with in Iraq, U.S. citizens will be
knowing of what’s really going on?! Iraqi citizens understand that it is a compelled to carry them. Patriots
For those newer readers who may not coalition of widely disparate people who would love to move to Iraq now.
be familiar with this crusader, according the United States has to put together in order The Constitutional Law Center’s
to his own biographical statement (at his to rule Iraq under at least the guise of an spokeman further pointed out that the Internet website), Al is Iraqi government. He said that there will be State Department is forming
America’s foremost whistleblower on protests against us in Iraq, but Iraqi citizens restrictions because they’re afraid that
government fraud and corruption. A should know that they will have all the U.S. citizens who have been wiped out by
retired U.S. Navy Lt. Commander and rights of civil disobedience and they will be Bushonomics, and are frightened of the
former officer in the Office of Naval able to protest. Also, Iraqi citizens will have limitation of their civil rights and
Intelligence, he has testified before the absolute right to keep and bear their own liberties which have come under the
Congress (the Kerry Committee and the firearms, unfettered by the Iraqi government. Bush Regime, will start expatriating
Alexander Committee) regarding Iran- Then, after hearing all of this, I themselves to Iraq.
Contra. Al Martin is the author of the thought to myself: There are 70 million Subsidized by U.S. taxpayers, we are
revealing and witty exposé titled The Americans who no longer have health exporting the gospel of corporate socialism
Conspirators: Secrets Of An Iran-Contra insurance or can no longer afford their to U.S.-occupied territories. But at the same
Insider ( © 2001, National Liberty Press; medications because medical costs are time we’re giving the Iraqi people greater
order from Wisdom Books & Press: see now rising by 14% a year under the civil rights and liberties than the American
information nearby). Bush Administration, because the Bush people now enjoy. And that’s the great irony.

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Bush says that we are going to export to Peterson and Dick Armitage. American citizens not only pay for their
Iraq an absolutely free and unfettered Chalabi also became an associate partner own narrow-mindedness, the American
democratic state—which is precisely the with the Kissinger group in those people pay to maintain the Bushonian
opposite agenda of what the Bush Regime transactions with Ghaith Pharoan and the Cover-up.
is doing domestically. Bush Family’s Pilgrim Investment Trust, Now to all those Old Flag-Wavers: watch
Even the Wall Street Journal is writing which committed all sorts of fraud in those taxes going up to pay for the Iraqi
about the new liberal gun policies in Iraq— Bahrain. Occupation.
much more liberal than in the United States. With those kinds of credentials, you And to those Old Farts, especially those
This is from an April 16 story by Dan Morse: could run a country. These are the perfect who complain about spending $500 per
“Surrounded by warehouses holding candy, credentials to run a Bushonian Regime in month on their prescription medication:
yarn, tea, and shaving cream, Army Capt. Iraq. Chalabi is an old Bushonian Cabalist Hey, move to Iraq!
Paul Stanton listens to five import and Republican Scammer. Don’t forget the vets. Even the VA
merchants explain in imperfect English that Al Jazeera did a poll in Iraq, and the Iraqi medical benefits have now been reduced by
they NEED the seven assault rifles his people definitely don’t want this guy in the the Bush Regime. The prescription charges
troops have found here to fend off looters. leadership. They’re frightened of him. have been increased. First it was $3, then it
‘You’re a businessman right? I’m going to Along with the Bush Family, he’s defrauded went to $7 and $10, and now it’s going up to
leave you with four.’ Salam Bayram, one of a lot of people in the Middle East. $20.
the importers, counters that even seven Meanwhile Bloomberg News stated that The reason why they’re pushing Zoloft all
aren’t enough. ‘Ok, here’s the deal: I’ll let they would stand up to White House the time, and Larry Kudlow talks about it, is
you keep all seven, but we’re going to Bushonian pressure. They have been because it reduces your willpower. As Bill
record all the serial numbers; we’re going to running a crawl tape on Chalabi every day. Wolman said to Larry: I know why you want
come by daily, and if the guns aren’t here, It says: “Chalabi, wanted in Jordan for bank everyone to take Zoloft; it’s because after
we’ll detain everyone.’ ” fraud....” The White House has pressured they’ve all lost their money under
Imagine this conversation in the U.S. of them every day, but a spokesman said that, Bushonomics, they take Zoloft and you tell
A.—where even one assault rifle is illegal: though CNN has knuckled under pressure, them to buy more stock, and they do.
“But officer, I need seven assault rifles.” Bloomberg will keep reminding their You may have heard about the $680
Iraq is now the new Land of Milk and viewers who this Chalabi is. million sole-source non-compete contract
Honey, gratis of the U.S. Taxpayers. Or Evidently Mayor Bloomberg even wrote that Bechtel got to rebuild Iraq and the
maybe it’s just the Land of Bilk and a letter to the King of Jordan asking him $500 million non-compete contract that
Money. why Jordan isn’t pressing the extradition CSC/Dyncorp got for the police and prisons
And then there’s Ahmed Chalabi, the U.S. warrant on Chalabi it had filed with the and judiciary system in Iraq. Bushonian
quisling choice to head the government in Department of Justice. Why did they minions have successfully used the line that
post-war Iraq, who is strongly supported by suddenly withdraw several months ago? Halliburton, Bechtel, etc. are all public
the Department of Defense and the CIA, Could it have anything to do with corporations, and if they can be helped
despite State Department opposition. And Jordanian “aid”? through Bushonian largesse, then that helps
that is so common during Bush Regimes. The Jordanian government withdrew its all other shareholders as well.
DoD and CIA always support an old Bush extradition filings at the exact same time
Cabalist like Chalabi, and the State that Bush was recommending an increase of
Department says: “Watch out for this guy.”
After all, this is a guy who hasn’t been in
about $143 million in Jordanian aid. As
usual the American taxpayers continue to The Untold
Iraq in more than 40 years. Although he was
well known and respected in Iraq at one
pay for the Bushonian cover-up.
This isn’t the Bushonian Cabal using the
time, now nobody in Iraq remembers who he
is anymore. The median age in Iraq is 29
fruits of its previous frauds to maintain a
cover-up. It is again the American people in
Of America
years and this Chalabi hasn’t been in Iraq their capacity as taxpayers who are forced to by Ray Bilger
since 1958—i.e., since Edsels were maintain a cover-up of those who are now in
manufactured. control of the government. This book shatters the image that has
Chalabi is wanted by the kingdom of Even though a CNN poll said that 61% of traditionally been portrayed as American
Jordan for banking fraud. He was involved American citizens now say that all tax cuts History, by exposing the high-level corruption
with Bushonian-controlled companies should be delayed, Bush keeps pushing it that passes for business-as-usual in the
during the Iran-Contra period, all the way to and pushing it. Halls of Congress, the White House, and
the early 1990s before Clinton came into If the $726 billion Tax Relief Bill were to throughout our entire Judicial System.
office. pass intact, including the elimination of the Special emphasis is placed throughout the
Chalabi cofounded Petra Bank in Jordan double taxation of dividends as well as all book on the original Native inhabitants of
in 1978, which collapsed in 1989 after of Bush’s tax relief for the Republican Rich, America. They lived for thousands of years
which he fled the country. In absentia, the top 1% of the nation, which now on this continent in complete harmony and
Chalabi was then tried and convicted of controls 66.3% of all the private wealth of balance with the Earth. With their help we
embezzlement, theft, and fraud. Chalabi the country (78% of said people being may yet be able to turn things around so that
was afraid the Clinton Administration might Republicans), would in 12 months increase our tomorrows will be something we will all
extradite him to Jordan, which they did to 67.5% control. feel honored to pass on to the children who
consider doing. In fact, the Bush Family would personally are our future generations.
A lot of Jordanian banks got scammed profit by at least $14 million. And that’s 242 pages $10 (+S/H)
during these Bushonian Cabalist probably a low figure. As the EPI pointed Code: UHA (1.0 lb.)
banking scams. Chalabi was a principal out in the past, so much of the Bush Family
partner in the Blackstone investment wealth is held through a network of secret OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866
group, as were Frank Carlucci and Pete and complex shadowy offshore trusts.

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 95

Just compare American society and the as well as light-armored-vehicle assault great respect for the KGB and they want to
new Iraqi society (at American taxpayers’ weapons. The conclusion is obvious. learn all they can, so they can further their
expense). American people should be Disenfranchised, disarmed Americans agenda of internal passports for U.S. citizens
moving to Iraq because of all the freebies should immediately move to Iraq to enjoy in the United States.
we’re giving them. the rights, liberties, and financial largesse The British MI-5 is also aware of these
A lot of the right-wingers are up in arms which the rest of the flag-waving U.S. “new hires” and is monitoring the situation
over this. They say we should be turning citizens are stupid enough to pay for. with some alarm.
Iraq into a capitalist state like the United Now you too can enjoy the new rights and had previously
States, but we’re turning Iraq into a social liberties of the Iraqi people (which U.S. reported that Primakov and Karpov were
welfare state at the expense of the American citizens have lost or will lose), as well as U.S. hired by the Department of Homeland
taxpayers. taxpayer-funded largesse. Security, but this was incorrect.
So now all those Americans who have Just move to U.S.-occupied Iraq. Before When the Bush Administration found out
seen their 401K accounts turn into 201K the rush starts. that they couldn’t deny this new “hiring” of
accounts under the scourge of Primakov and Karpov, to misdirect everyone
Bushonomics, and all those who have lost FLASH UPDATE: they put out the word that these two former
their jobs, their pensions, their healthcare, U.S. Government Soviet spies had a relationship with the
since the election of Junior, should move to Hires Former Soviet Spies Department of Homeland Security, which
Iraq. There’s free healthcare. There’s free (4/22/03) they don’t.
education. Subsidized everything. In this way, when the media called (and
Will they be on the dole forever? Of Former KGB counterintelligence chief, they were constantly pestered), the
course they will. Once they get used to the General Oleg Kalugin, confirms U.S. agency Department of Homeland Security could
Yellow Brick Road of U.S. taxpayers’ dollars, relationship with former KGB chiefs legitimately say that the former KGB chiefs
you’ll never wean them off of it. General Yevgeny Primakov and General don’t have a relationship with them. And it’s
The Religious Right like Jerry Fallwell Aleksandr V. Karpov. true—Primakov and Karpov are working for
and Pat Robertson are always harping on Recently interviewed on the Spy Cruise Poindexter in the Office of Information
the idea that the United States is supposed (San Diego to Hawaii, March 27 to April 9), Awareness.
to be spreading the gospel of capitalism. Kalugin, a Fox News commentator, stated [Editor’s note: So the point of Al’s
But what we’re creating in Iraq is a socialist that DARPA’s Office of Information original story remains quite valid (and
welfare state funded by U.S. taxpayers. Awareness has hired both Primakov and perhaps just a bit scary), and in fact takes
This is an issue that really gets people Karpov as consultants and “advisors”. on even more seriousness once we see the
upset, this idea of U.S. taxpayer largesse in The Office of Information Awareness is extent of deception the Bush Administration
rebuilding Iraq, when the Bushonian headed by convicted Iran-Contra felon Vice used to try to obscure what was going on!]
Regime opposes universal healthcare, Admiral John Poindexter.
universal education, etc., in the United In essence, a convicted felon (Poindexter) Bush Cabal’s
States. Yet U.S. taxpayers are going to pay is hiring former Soviet spies (Primakov and World Domination Tour Continues;
for it in Iraq. Karpov) to help the Bush Administration Prozac Nation Still Sleeping
It’s as if the Great Satan is building a spy on U.S. citizens. (4/28/03)
Yellow Brick Road for Iraqis. But don’t [Editor’s note: Some readers will
follow the Yellow Brick Road or you’ll end remember the first installment of this eye- Bushonian Regimes have traditionally
up with a 201K plan in America. This is opening story, Al’s 3/17/03 column on page used the office of the Vice President to hide
directly counter to the Bushonian Regime’s 90 of the May 2003 issue of The mischief making. Think of the Vice
pretended philosophy that capitalism and SPECTRUM. That story must have really President’s Task Force on Drugs in 1983,
free enterprise are the rules of the game. stepped on some big toes because the formed in Miami with George Bush Sr. as its
You have to remember that there are now Internet was abuzz for awhile with head, which acted in an illicit capacity to
millions of those people in this country— disparaging accusations thrown at Al, ensure that CIA-authorized Iran-Contra-
millions who have had their jobs, pensions, which he explains further on in this story.] related narcotics shipments were not
and healthcare wiped out. This is a big The Office of Information Awareness has inadvertently stopped.
issue, particularly when the Iraqi people are received great notoriety with its bizarre logo This tradition continues to this day.
provided with programs which the Bush of a floating pyramid in space with the all- George Bush Sr. himself as Vice President
Administration opposes here in the United seeing eye in the capstone, flashing a was in charge of Iran-Contra operations to
States. searchlight onto the planet Earth. maintain “deniability” of then President
The irony is once again deafening. Under (Why go to the lodge when you can just Ronald Reagan. This is the same game that
a Bushonian Regime, you pay for it again go to the Office of Information Awareness?) Bush and Cheney play today.
and again and again. It’s a never-ending Since it was first unveiled, however, the Put Cheney in charge of everything that’s
payment scheme for the U.S. taxpayers. office has deleted its occult logo and its illegal to maintain deniability for the
That’s a definition of Bushonomics: It’s a ponderous Masonic symbology to a much President. What has changed? Not much.
Never-Ending Payment Scheme. more straightforward letterhead design, The Republican tradition of Vice Presidents
Even the NRA people are upset now, which now simply says “IAO”. taking the fall goes back to the forgetable
especially after seeing the pictures of U.S. Another participant in the Spy Cruise, Spiro Agnew—or at least the Republicans
soldiers handing out AK47s to the newly FBI counter-intelligence expert David hope we forgot.
defeated Iraqis, when the AK47 is Major admitted that Poindexter was his Meanwhile, in an important ruling, the
considered an assault weapon and is banned boss. When asked if he wasn’t concerned, Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has allowed
in the United States. Major just shrugged and said that he’d have the lawsuit filed jointly by Sierra Club and
As General Brooks said, private Iraqi to see their (the Soviets’) “backgrounds” Judicial Watch against Vice President
citizens will have the right to keep and bear before he could make a comment. Richard Cheney, in his capacity as chairman
arms—including fully automatic weapons Evidently American spymasters have of the Energy Task Force, to proceed despite

PAGE 96 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

heavy pressure against the Court from the The GAO spokesman also reiterated the sabotage the UN inspections thorough a
Department of Justice. comments of Larry Klayman that this is the web of lies, forged documents, and
Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch worst case of Bushonian Cabalism yet seen. intimidation.
reiterated that he intends to get to the In other news, the UN Office of Hans Blix You may have heard that the U.S. Army
bottom of the consultations that were held is also upset at the Bush Administration found $600 million in U.S. hundred dollar
in secret between U.S. oil companies and the because they’ve stated that there is no bills behind the wall of one of Saddam’s
Vice President regarding oil pricing before envisioned role for UN inspectors in Iraq. palaces. They showed this money being
the war on Iraq. Klayman went on to say UN Chief Kofi Annan wants to send a lifted out by whole lines of forklifts, pallet
that this was a blatant example of team back and so do the French, Russians, after pallet of freshly wrapped notes.
Bushonian Cabalism. and Germans —as a condition to financially They’re wrapped in the hermetically sealed
The Department of Justice responded supporting the rebuilding of Iraq. The Bush wraps with the yellow bands, which is
through their spokesperson, Barbara Administration however wants them to sit exactly the way they come from the Federal
Comstock, that DoJ will “vigorously” out. In response to this, the UN announced, Reserve. However, Secretary of the Treasury
appeal this most recent ruling and will fight through the office of Hans Blix and Kofi Snow issued a release saying that they are
“obviously liberal-influenced” courts that Annan, that the Bush Administration is nearly 100% certain that the notes are
would allow private lawsuits to proceed that dangerous and they are sustained by the counterfeit.
would attempt to dictate U.S. policy. creation of a “web of lies unheralded in Of course, coming out of the Iraqi regime,
The inference is that if the Bush human history”. the Treasury agents believe that the Iranians
Administration loses on this issue before the The UN complained about it and they gave the Iraqis the money, or the Iraqis
Supreme Court, it will simply invoke their had documentation how the Bush bought the money from the Iranians because
newly found national security powers and Administration did it. They formally the Iranians were the only ones with intaglio
override the court’s decision. They charged the Bush Regime with forging presses.
steadfastly will not submit these materials to documents with intimidating and bribing This goes back to the Super Counterfeit
the court that the Sierra Club and Judicial witnesses to give statements in an effort to Bills story from the early 1980s. But what
Watch have requested, namely the so-called discredit UN arms inspectors in Iraq everyone has forgotten now, of course, is
secret minutes of the meetings that Cheney pursuant to the Bush Administration’s that there was a special Army operation in
had with various CEOs of various oil “need” to have a war with Iraq. They 1986 (and this was widely publicized at the
companies. didn’t elaborate about what they meant by time) wherein a special elite Army unit
In a related matter, the General the word “need”—but you can probably
Accounting Office has stated that it too has read between the lines: in order to divert
launched an investigation into the Vice the public’s attention from what the
President’s affairs and his contacts with U.S. scourge of Bushonomics is doing.
oil companies vis-à-vis the awarding of non- The Bush Administration is tight-lipped
competitive bids under the Rebuilding of about it. MSNBC ran the story by Alex Witt
Iraq program. and they made some terse comments. She
As the GAO points out, the Vice President was shuffling the papers on her desk and
simply ignored the agreement previously then some guy from off-camera yells (you OVER
made with the British and Australians and can’t see him, but you hear his voice): 6-1/2 HOURS
other allies who actually committed troops “We’re not supposed to run that story.” And
to the Iraqi Adventure. The Vice President she turned around in her chair and looked in ON 3 VIDEO
was required by the agreement, which the the direction of the voice, and then she starts TAPES
Bushonian Regime agreed to, that these shuffling her papers again, and stops
contracts would be open to British and reading the story. Fox News wouldn’t run it. See and hear David Icke at the top of his form
others of our allies. The Vice President has The UN put it out to everyone, but very few as he presents six-and-a-half hours of incredible
refused to do so. people ran it. But I like Annan’s comments information before a sellout audience of 1200 at
Also the GAO is concerned that the Vice about the Bush Administration in which he the Vogue Theatre in Vancouver, British
President is awarding these non-competitive called them a dangerous gaggle of right- Columbia, Canada.
contracts on “a political point system”. The wingers maintained by a web of deceit, You will laugh, you may cry, and you will be
GAO will challenge the non-competitive unheralded in human history, who are hell on the edge of your seat as the fantastic story of
true human history, and WHO really controls the
status and how it was done without bent on world domination.
world today, unfolds in Icke’s unique style, aided
congressional approval, which should have The Russians already knew that the Bush by video footage and hundreds of illustrations.
been required, or so the GAO seems to Regime was sabotaging UN weapons This is the presentation that the Illuminati (the
believe. inspectors in Iraq, and yet the Russian forces of global control) tried so hard to stop—
They said they have support in this action government came out with a statement media interviews were cancelled; immigration
from the Republican-controlled CBO feigning surprise, dismay, and even shock at officials turned up at the theatre to question his
(Congressional Budget Office). The the Bush Administration’s activities. right to speak; pressure was applied on the venue
inference is that the Republicans have The Russians, French, and Germans see to cancel the event itself; and pies were even
consistently chided the GAO, but now they this as a real coup because it’s played up thrown at David at a book signing by a rent-a-
have the support of the Republican- very well in the rest of the world, outside of mob who ludicrously and outrageously sought to
controlled CBO, which also supports them the United States. Chirac and Schroeder dub him a “racist”.
But nothing could silence him or break his
in this action. They are alleging that the issued a joint statement stating that it is spirit—and here you will see the result.
Vice President gave out these contracts on a their belief that the Bush Administration is
political point system wherein the first the single greatest danger to world peace. GET THIS 3-VIDEO SET (6-1/2 HOURS) FOR $59.95 (+S/H)
preferences are given to U.S. companies And now, with the UN report to back them Code: PTP (1.75 lb.)
which have donated the most money to the up, it’s obvious how the Bush SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING
Republican Party or its interest groups. Administration has consistently acted to OR CALL TOLL - FREE : 1-877-280-2866

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 97

comprised of retrained (but not refried) citizens since the Great Depression. account. Although this may be the age of
Treasury agents secreted themselves into And the Bush White House’s response to Corporate Journalism, good old-fashioned
Iran and destroyed the Iranian intaglio the American Psychiatric Association’s political investigative reporting is still alive
presses and plates. Then the Reagan-Bush report? They will try to speed up the and well at
regime pressured the Government of Italy so development and increase the testing on the It should be noted that Kalugin is one of
that no more presses were sold. The Iranians program of the Valium Gas/Prozac Water. the savviest of the KGB generals. Like a
haven’t had the ability to produce [Editor’s note: See Al’s column in the chess grandmaster, he doesn’t say hello until
counterfeit notes in many years, yet the December 2002 issue of The SPECTRUM he thinks about it first.
Treasury department states that these notes for details about this outrageous tactic So here’s the mea culpa:
are all the new series. against the American people.] got snookered by
The upshot is that everybody is laughing It makes sense because not only is it an Bushonian disinformation too, but we’ll
about it. People say: “You wait and see. In instrument of control, but the Bush correct any errors as quickly as possible.
a couple weeks, when these notes finally get Administration understands the great
back to the United States, the Treasury will mental stress that’s being created by * * *
immediately declare them to be counterfeit, Bushonomics and they need a way to
and they will issue a statement saying that counter it. As a further note on the market
the notes have been destroyed.” In fact, the It also brings to mind the Gallup poll, commentary we present on this site, we
money is genuine. regarding the contention of Malthus and the called the market rally last week precisely
And that’s how the Bushonian Cabal will longevity of political parties. Malthus when the SPX went to 920 and that’s what
get $600 million in “extra” cash to spend. pointed out that in all democratic societies we said it would move to, before it backed
When they showed the money, most since the ancient Greeks (for the last 3,500 off. The predictions in the equities and the
people wouldn’t understand that it’s very years), all political parties whose members commodities were correct, right to the dollar.
hard to duplicate the original Federal exceeded the median age of the underlying We have to tell you about how much
Reserve wrappers. The notes were also population were extinct 50 years later. In money you could have made. Note: Please
block-sealed in plastic. You could tell by other words, they had disappeared as the gap feel free to pass this information on to your
looking at it that this money came directly continued to grow between the median age sophisticated trader friends and
from the Federal Reserve. Not only was it of party members and the median age of the acquaintances so they can benefit as well.
block-packed, but the stacks of notes were population. And subscribe as well.
alternated reverse, obverse, reverse, obverse. In this context, in round numbers, the Even Gore Vidal talks about the United
It’s exactly the way they came out of the median age of the U.S. population is States as the United States of Amnesia. And
Treasury. currently 36.5 years, and the median age of he is known to have said that he found my
It should be remembered that three- Republican Party members is 43.5 years. In book The Conspirators: Secrets Of An Iran-
quarters of all U.S. hundred dollar bills other words, this gap has been growing and Contra Insider to be “very revealing”.
printed are in circulation outside of the continues to grow. This is a record gap. As In more exciting news, the Highway
United States. Only 25% of $100 the Rukeyser Report pointed out, this does Safety Administration announced that
banknotes are in the United States. The not bode well for the Republican Party. traffic fatalities are at a 13-year high, even
Russian Government is the largest The Republic Party did try to attract with a reduced speed limit. The funny thing
individual purchaser of the U.S. $100 bill. young people in the 1980s, but after the is that they also mentioned the growing
So here’s a prediction: The bank notes Reagan-Bush effort in the 1980s, they gave depression of the American people. People
found in Iraq will be declared counterfeit. up. When the 18-24-year-old Republican are so depressed that they’re driving wildly,
In other news, first quarter profit vote peaked in 1986 at 24.9% of the like they don’t care anymore.
expectations of the major population, I was surprised. 87.9% of all 18- The nation’s murder and suicide rates are
pharmaceutical companies, like Merck, 24 voters were Republican, almost 90%. also at 15-year highs. All-time use of
Pfizer, et al, were 60% to 80% above Today that fraction has dropped to 30% and antidepressants is at an all-time high.
original estimates. Even the individual young people have frankly abandoned the Psychology Today magazine, in a cover
companies all put out statements stating Republican Party in droves. story on the new Prozac Nation movie,
that it was due to the continuing surge Could it be the End of the Republic Party reports that almost 30 million Americans are
in the sale of anti-depressants. (As We Know It)? taking Prozac—that’s just Prozac and not
Coincidentally the American They’ll just have to recruit within their counting other antidepressants. Alcohol
Psychiatric Association noted that anti- families to keep the thing going. Or they consumption is at its highest since 1939.
depressant sales (Prozac, Zanax, etc.) are can change the name back to Whigs. The person reporting these statistics just
at record highs. They have now increased threw up his hands in the air and said: “The
40% since the election of George Bush Jr. * * * nation’s falling apart!”
The APA is a very liberal organization, The reason I found this noteworthy is
completely opposite of the AMA. That’s And here’s an update to the Flash Update because this is the collateral damage (and
why they never amalgamated with them— of the Oleg Kalugin story (U.S. Government consequences) of Bushonomics. We saw the
because of their political differences. Hires Former Soviet Spies). same thing in the era from 1989 to 1991,
The APA reminded everyone about the Fox News commentator and former KGB when the Great Credit Bubble created by
first-quarter profits due to the record General Kalugin left his Hotel Pierre digs in Bushonomics-I unraveled. We saw the
sales of anti-depressants as the American New York rather abruptly after my story was same increase in highway deaths and in the
people continued to feel the adverse posted on my website murder and suicide rates, and the increase in
effects of Bushonomics. The spokesman and he immediately checked in under an the use of liquor and drugs.
for the American Psychiatric assumed name in a Washington DC hotel. We are, after all, a confused and depressed
Association also stated that (Note to indolent reporters: It is a certainty people because of Bushonomics.
Bushonomics is the greatest threat to that the good general is staying in a hotel Meanwhile the Bush Cabal’s World
the mental health of the American where Fox maintains a corporate charge Domination Tour continues. George Bush

PAGE 98 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003

says Iraq yesterday, Syria tomorrow, and
North Korea next month.
So what are we going to do about it?
Secrets Of An Iran-Contra Insider
The Scourge Of Bushonomics WHAT IF a criminal cabal, white papers concerning Operation Black Eagle,
Explained—Part 1 a de facto white-collar crime the code-name for the Bush-Casey-North program
(5/5/03) syndicate, took over the U.S. involving U.S. Government-sanctioned narcotics
Government and used its trafficking, illicit weapons deals, and wholesale
In a recent Wall Street Journal / NBC systems and operations for its fraud—corporate securities fraud, real estate fraud,
own profit? According to banking fraud, and insurance fraud.
opinion poll, only 18% of the people claim
former government operative Martin has first-hand knowledge of the dirty
they actually understand what a budget
$19.95 (+S/H) and now whistleblower Al deals, high-level scams, frauds, and treasonous
deficit is. And out of all the respondents, Code: THCO (1.0 lb.) Martin, this is exactly what activities of the U.S. Shadow Government costing
only 6% understood the deleterious effects has happened. taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars—and still
that ever-expanding budget deficits have For example, at a meeting with General Richard growing. This is a story of true conspiracy, an
on economic growth. (When their check V. Secord, Martin was briefed about Iran-Contra uncensored look at what really goes on in the
bounces and they get charged twenty bucks operations and allowed to view voluminous CIA back rooms of criminal power politics.
at the bank, these people probably ask:
“Hey, why am I being penalized here? This SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866
is just a budget deficit.”)
Now the Bushonian Regime is H OW T HE W AR O N T ERROR
encouraging American business and
industry to borrow from future revenues, I NTERRUPTED ET C ONTACT
and there is now a record number of BY JIM MARRS
companies selling on these delayed credit A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Mr. Marrs earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in
deals. You buy something for zero down, journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate
zero interest, no payments for a year for School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for two years more. He has worked for several
consumer purchases like washing Texas newspapers, including the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where beginning in 1968
he served as police reporter. Mr. Marrs then became a general-assignments
machines, TVs, and cars. And this is all
reporter covering stories locally, in Europe, and the Middle East. After a leave of
done to maintain the phony consumption absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he
numbers. Because of this I have decided became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative
to explain once and for all the meaning of reporter. Since 1980, Mr. Marrs has been a freelance writer and public relations
Bushonomics and the scourge it consultant. He also published a rural weekly newspaper along with a monthly VHS video – 2 hrs.
represents to the American Economy. tourism tabloid, a cable television show and several videos. Since 1976, Mr. Marrs
This “borrowing from future sales” is the has taught a course on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy at the $19.95 (+S/H)
Code: JMV (1.0 lb.)
latest pernicious effect of Bushonomics, University of Texas at Arlington. In 1989, his book Crossfire: The Plot That Killed
and now they’re doing it at levels Kennedy was published to critical acclaim, and within three years had gone into an eighth printing in both
unprecedented. The people of the United hardbound and softbound editions. Crossfire reached the New York Times Paperback Non-Fiction Best
States, wearing their hats as consumers, in Seller list in mid-February 1992 and remained there for more than six weeks. His book became a basis for
the last 12 months have “spent” more than the Oliver Stone film JFK. Mr. Marrs served as a chief consultant for both the film’s screenplay and production.
$500 billion in expenditures on these Mr. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, the Discovery, Learning, and History Channels,
delayed-payment programs. And this This Morning America, Geraldo, Montell Williams, Today, and The Larry King and Art Bell radio programs.
means that business and industry are just SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866
stealing from future sales in order to
maintain sales in the present. REMOTE VIEWING TRAINING SESSIONS
Of course what happens is that this makes
it very difficult for an economic recovery to REMOTE VIEWING TRAINING SESSIONS: DISCOVERING YOUR
take hold, because these future payments act INTUITION by Prudence Calabrese and TransDimensional Systems.
like an anchor around the neck of the Prudence Calabrese is the Director of TransDimensional Systems, which provides
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This does bode well for the repo market.
transfer, consciousness mapping, physical profiling, and other techniques.
The repossession industry is the only Prudence has been teaching people to remote view since 1996. She takes the
industry in the country that’s growing. scientific approach to the study of remote viewing and has developed methods and
(Here’s another tip for my readers: Go into techniques that go far beyond the restrictive, protocol-based traditional remote
the repossession business!) Pawnshops are viewing first developed over a generation ago at Stanford Research Institute. This
also doing well, as are money-lending seven-part 13-hour video program includes training in Basic Remote Viewing and
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health facilities are also enjoying record Part 1 only
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business. VHS video – 2 hrs.
and use of remote viewing for everyday purposes and career choices. Also covered
The key word for the future is “vig”—as is a live remote viewing and knosomatics demonstration by Prudence and her team $19.95 (+S/H)
in what’s the magic word for the New Era of of professional remote viewers as presented for the London Sunday Times and HBO. Code: RVV (1.0 lb.)
Bushonomics? Vig. This series takes the new remote viewer all the way through the basic training 7- tape Set
Bushonomics is revitalizing an old required to successfully remote view. Actual in-class results are shared, sessions VHS video – 14 hrs.
concept. In order to survive Bushonomics are examined, and the entire process is revealed. Join Prudence Calabrese and her
in the future, make the vig—or else. staff as she leads another class into the unknown world and the larger universe. It’s $125 (+S/H)
Code: RVVS (7.0 lb.)
Let me explain the concept of vig or all here for you to watch, enjoy, and learn.
vigorish for you: If you’re a business owner SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 99

or a consumer in this environment, the only puppet capacity of seeming power rights of the Iraqi people) is Republicanize
way you’re going to survive is to pay the obviously still want him in that slot—or Iraq, and that means Scam City Here We
vig—or the egregious interest payments on changes in personnel would “happen”.] Come. It would go from Banana
the loans you’ve made. Consequently that’s why we have Republicans to U.S. Republicans.
Coincidentally, the Bush Regime, in the leadership in which Iran Contra, IraqGate Why do you think guys like Richard
last 12 months, has quietly allowed the and BCCI only happen in this nation. They Secord are over there all the time? And
states to relax the usury laws. There is a only happen here. Why? Because the speaking of retired Major General Richard V.
federal usury limit, although the states government knows it can get away with it Secord, this notorious Iran-Contra felon was
regulate individual usury laws within a because the people are too stupid. recently subpoenaed for CTI, his medical
federal limit. The federal limit is 36%, but a And the United States is where the scams scam company, which even had a doctor as
lot of the states have imposed 24% caps. are the biggest—those scams perpetrated by a front man. The technology never really
The Department of Justice had a lawsuit U.S. Administrations. They perpetrate these worked and it was actually dangerous.
going against the Money Store for the “we’ll scams in what I call the American Vacuum of Women who had their boobs scanned with
cash your check this week and you don’t Stupidity. There is a vacuum between the these machines said that later their boobs
have to pay us till next week” crowd. The people and government and that vacuum is glowed in the dark. It’s what they called The
DoJ finally figured out that you’re paying what I call a Stupidity Vacuum. It’s not a Secord Touch.
about 78% or so per annum. They had fled Power vacuum. It’s not a Recognition The Washington Post reported: “A federal
a suit on behalf of the government against Vacuum. It’s a Stupidity Vacuum, and this is grand jury subpoenaed Richard V. Secord,
Money Store, Amsco, and a lot of check what allows Bushonomics to happen. the Iran-Contra figure and chief executive
cashing places for violation of the usury But this is why we added the Market of Computerized Thermal Imaging Inc., who
laws. And that lawsuit has been quietly Analysis—to give people the ability to sold nearly $127,000 worth of the
withdrawn. make money even during an Era of company’s stock just before a federal panel
When that lawsuit got withdrawn, larger Bushonomics. recommended against approving its leading
and more mainstream business and industry (Check this week’s column at product.”
took it as a sign that you can now literally After Secord sold his stock, the company’s
charge what you want. And that’s another marketcommentary.html to see how much stock price fell 63% to close at 39¢ a share.
group of people who are making money in money you could have made by following The Washington Post also reported that:
America—the Vitos and Guidos (as in the last week’s trades.) “one of the members of the company’s six-
Guido Collection Agency who come out to You may have heard that the famous member board and chairman of its audit
your house to ask why you haven’t made Enron Scamscateer, Thomas White, who was committee is Brig. General Harry C.
the payment like you were supposed to). the Secretary of the Army, finally resigned. “Heinie” Aderholt, who was Secord’s
But to get back to Bushonomics, both the It’s surprising he lasted this long since this commander in Southeast Asia when both
OMB and CBO have stated that Bushonian guy was a liability as soon as his were involved in covert operations for the
budget deficits are not supportable beyond nomination was announced. There has to be CIA.... Secord pleaded guilty in 1989 to
2009—when they will reach $1 TRILLION a reason for the timing of this “resignation” lying to Congress about his role in the Iran-
per annum. because the Administration tried to protect Contra affair, in which Reagan
Then people who call-in to radio shows him for a long time after he became a Administration officials arranged arms
ask me what does it mean when they say liability. shipments to Nicaraguan rebels and to Iran.”
“unsupportable”. When a nation can’t sell So why are they kicking him out now? It But to get back to Bushonomics:
any more bonds to support its debt, it means must be that there’s something new coming Bushonian budget deficits have been
economic collapse. with Enron. What’s coming is the second DOUBLING every year. People need to
Instead of using the government’s own wave of Enron documents that the SEC and understand that the government fiscal year
language to say that deficits are other investigative bodies are putting ends September 30 every year. Of course
unsupportable beyond a certain period of together regarding Enron’s offshore Bush came in with a $58 billion budgetary
time, you have to tell people that budget accounts and details of their other frauds. surplus on the day he took office. In his
deficits will lead to economic collapse. It This second wave of documents is most first year (2001), the fiscal budget deficit
sounds frightfully shrill to say it that way, likely going to show some Republican was $100 billion. In 2002, it was $200
but it’s true. connections. You’re going to start to see the billion; and in 2003, it is estimated at $400
I often wonder about how Bush can stay linkage. The Bush Regime was getting billion.
in power, and it’s only because he is nervous that these documents would start to However, since last November, you have
governing a nation of stupid people, people document the real linkage between Enron to understand that Bush formally
who are too stupid to understand what he’s and the Republican Party. There must be a transformed the U.S. economy from GAAP
doing to the nation’s economy. If you bigger story behind White than what is (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)
compare Americans to other first-world known, and that’s why the Administration which Clinton people had put us back on
nations, people are more adroit and there is a got rid of him. Perhaps White was used as after George Bush Sr. was gone. Then Bush
greater understanding of things political some sort of conduit by Enron to funnel Jr. took us off GAAP and put us back on B-
and economic and social than there is in the money into the Republican Party illicitly. FLAP (Bush Fantasy Land Accounting
United States. They should send Head Enron Principles).
[Editor’s note: There’s no argument that Scamscateer, Ken Lay, to Iraq and have him Bush did this last November, when the
it certainly helps to have so many people be the new interim president of Iraq. He Administration boldly announced before
more focused on shoping at the mall and could set up all sorts of oil scams and he’d the bi-elections (it’s surprising they had the
watching gladiator sports than supervising have that country Republicanized in 60 nerve to do it) that after the elections they
THEIR government. But SPECTRUM days. He’d turn Baghdad into Scam City— would begin once again the Bsuhonian
readers are likely to point out that the more like it never was before. Scam of raping and pillaging the nation’s
direct answer for why Bush “can stay in What the Bush Regime is trying to do Social Security Trust Fund as well as the 42
power” is that those who PUT him in that (and this has nothing to do with the civil other public trust funds.

PAGE 100 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003
In other words, they would count the instrument. Therefore they are able to count debt does not constitute a direct liability of
$125 billion of surplus revenue payment these worthless instruments as what is the United States Treasury. Therefore, it
into the Social Security system that people known in accounting terms as “near cash should not be included in the calculations
make through their FICA taxes as “general equivalents”. That is how they make up the of the overall federal National Debt.
revenue” and that furthermore they would underlying deficits. Technically they’re right about this. The
(as they had done from 1986-1992) begin The 3-1/2% coupons that these government has no direct obligation to fund
re-scamming the $40 billion a year in instruments bear under a GAAP system any deficit that should occur in the Social
revenue out of the 42 other public trust should be paid from the U.S. Treasury Security Trust Fund. The only obligation
funds. every year into these accounts to at least the government has is the continuation of
This $40 billion is a hodge-podge of cover the coupon. Therefore that would payments.
revenue the government receives from these represent a current burden of about If there is a deficit in the Social Security
42 public trust funds—ranging from Bureau $100 billion per annum just in the Social Trust Fund, the government can (and is now
of Land Management mineral rights and Security General and Disability Trust doing so) reduce future payments—and
royalties, public land grazing fees, Bureau of Funds—and this does not include what alter the age at which you can collect those
Indian Affairs federal gaming taxes, special the U.S. Treasury should be paying back payments.
federal taxes, pass through taxes, etc. into the 42 other public trust finds. The laws governing U.S. Treasury’s
The Bush Jr. Administration (as the Bush But the money is not paid under a Bush commitment to the 43 public trust funds is
Sr. Regime also did) is now simply counting Administration. It was paid in the second exactly the same as those laws governing the
this $40 billion of payments every year as Clinton term, but now that Bushonomics is U.S. Treasury’s commitment to so-called
general revenue, instead of segregated back, that $100 billion of interest on these GSEs or Government Sponsored
payments for their underlying beneficiaries. non-marketable securities is not paid. It is Enterprises—i.e., Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae,
Therefore, in order to convert B-FLAP simply put on an accrual basis, wherein the Ginny Mae, Sallie Mae, etc. It is only an
(trying to figure out the annual federal coupon payment accrues indefinitely in “implied” indirect obligation.
budget deficit), you have to add $165 arrears and is counted as part of the principal Brokerage firms, for instance, claim that
billion per annum (under a Bush liability or principal debt. those Ginnie Mae and other funds are
Administration) on top of whatever the People have asked me why it is that the guaranteed by the government. They’re not.
Bush Administration claims the federal Social Security deficit was $3.8 TRILLION There is no direct obligation of the U.S.
budget deficits are, in order to convert B- when Bush Sr. left office. This constitutes Treasury to guarantee the GSEs. That’s why
FLAP into GAAP. the $3.8 TRILLION which the Bush they are called “quasi-governmental”
That is a point I’ve had to make a Administration stole. agencies, because they are 50% publicly
thousand times, and I know people still There is no way around it. They didn’t owned and 50% owned by the U.S.
don’t understand it. That’s why it needs to bleed it out. They didn’t convert it. It was Government. All of the liability is
be stated and restated again, especially if unlawfully stolen in order to mask or ultimately transferable to the underlying
they see it in print. obfuscate the actual size of Bushonian public shareholders.
Therefore, it is estimated that this year the budget deficits that were created during the The U.S. Government has no ultimate
federal budget deficit will be $400 billion 1986-1992 timeframe. liability pursuant to the maintenance or
for fiscal year 2003 ending September 30. Why is that $3.8 TRILLION deficit today funding it guarantees to government-
However, in terms of GAAP (or “real a $5.3 TRILLION deficit? How did it grow? sponsored enterprises.
money”) the deficit would be $565 billion It grew by that $100 billion per year The Bush Administration is scared to
because you have to add the $165 billion coupon payment that is not being paid by death of putting the U.S. Treasury in the
on top. the U.S. Treasury, but being accrued into the capacity of directly guaranteeing the Social
GAAP or Generally Accepted Accounting principal amount of the debt. That’s how Security Trust Fund. If the Democrats are
Principles is the normal standard of they do it. able to change the law, then the
accounting principles applied in business In B-FLAP, you convert interest payments accumulated so-called Social Security
and industry and within government in owed into principal accrual of debt. deficit would: (1) have to be counted as part
order to calculate revenues, payments, Therefore the debt
debts, liabilities etc. simply increases. William Cooper: Death Of A Conspiracy Salesman
B-FLAP or Bush Fantasy Land However since
Accounting Principles is where you take you’re not servicing On November 5, 2001, William Cooper was shot to
government revenue, which is supposed to the debt and you’re death by sheriff’s deputies in a gunfire exchange.
be segregated for other purposes, and you not counting the Who was Bill Cooper? Was he a true patriot? A
tough survivalist? Or simply a fanatic?
count it as general revenues. Social Security debt Some knew him as a UFO “expert” (claimed insider
B-FLAP then creates continuing deficits as part of the overall information on government knowledge of
within the 43 public trust funds. federal National extraterrestrials living among us)...a conspiracy
Remember the Bush Sr. Administration Debt, then it doesn’t theorist...a former Navy Intelligence operative...and
(1986-1992) sucked $3.88 TRILLION out really make any the person the President once called “the most
of the Social Security system. The Bush difference. dangerous man on American airwaves”. Cooper
Administration gets around that (you have The Bush always said he acted from his “conscience” and $16.00 (+S/H)
to put something in there) by replacing the A d m i n i s t r a t i o n sought to warn all Americans of the dangers of Code: WCO (0.75 lb.)
hard cash they sucked out with 3-1/2% non- claims they can do the New World Order, creeping socialism, and our
own brand of Nazism. Here is the inside story, as told by a fellow
marketable non-convertible restricted U.S. this under B-FLAP. patriot and government whistle-blower. Commander X has collected
Treasury bonds with no fixed maturity Their position has together for the first time Cooper’s thoughts and finds on such subjects
date—essentially worthless paper. always been as: The Illuminati • The Kennedy Assassination • MJ-12 and the UFO
GAAP, however, does not distinguish (because it is Cover-Up • Area 51 • The AntiChrist • The World Trade Center Disaster
between a restricted instrument and a full- somewhat nebulous) • Gun Control • Skull and Bones Society.
faith-and-credit marketable government that Social Security SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 101
of the overall national debt, and (2) the U.S. capital surplus reserves for future liabilities, However, to get around that, so they do
Treasury would have to start to service that both actual and contingent, the deficits not have to show an even larger future
debt at a cost of more than $100 billion a would balloon. contingent liability, the government simply
year simply to maintain the debt (not even We get back to this one key point which recalculates the basis of future payments, to
paying down the debt). Republicans who call-in to radio shows ask: make those payments lower. This is the plan
That $100 billion a year in turn would If we’re in such bad shape, why is it that the that is the Bushonian 2029 Social Security
pass through directly to the bottom line of total debt service of the U.S. Government is Readjustment Plan, wherein between now
Bushonomics-created federal budget only 24% of revenue, while in Britain it’s and 2029, the age at which you can collect
deficits. This in turn would raise interest 37% of revenue, therefore making the U.S. social security gradually rises, and it’s not
rates and there would be many more look pretty good economically? going to be 62 and 65. It will rise to 65 and
repercussions. And I always have to say that the reasons 67, and then from 67 to 70. The Bush
Under Bushonomics, all economic debt service is so low is because the United Administration tries to justify this by saying
growth is a fallacy. It doesn’t really exist. It States, unlike the other countries you’re that the median lifespan of the nation is
only exists on paper. The total debt of the talking about, only services about half of its growing.
U.S. Government exceeds its total assets. outstanding federal debt at any one time— To keep Social Security solvent, you have
The total debt of all business and industry because so much debt is not counted as to reduce future demand for Social Security,
also exceeds their total assets. debt, such as the deficit in the Social and the only way you can do that is to do
And then there’s the pro forma loophole. Security Trust Funds. what the Bush Regime has done, and that is
All publicly held businesses and industries The accumulated deficits, which now to: (1) make sure people can’t collect Social
report their earnings on both a pro forma total more than $2 TRILLION in the 42 Security until they’re older, which reduces
and an adjusted basis. The adjusted basis is other public trust funds, are also not counted financial demand on the fund, and (2)
always less than the pro forma. as debt. This is at the very heart of annuitize Social Security, which is
Pro forma means according to the Bushonomics. incorporated into the 2029 Social Security
broadest interpretation of GAAP standards. Of course, a country that has the ability Readjustment Act.
Fully adjusted would be taking out all through “creative accounting practices” to Social Security payments will no longer
special payments, special-interest payments, only service half of its debt is always going be calculated the way they have been since
accrued reserves, accrued contingent funds to be able to stay between 18% and 26% of 1935, when the fund was first established.
for future liabilities, etc. the budget. That’s all it will have to commit That is, there won’t be a fixed payment
The analogy of business to U.S. to debt service because, as time goes by amount as there has been in the past. To
government is that all government statistics under Bushonomics, the government some degree, there is some justification for
are issued on a pro forma non-adjusted services less and less of its debt. this because there has been a vast increase in
basis. This gets a little more complex. People the median lifespan of the people.
The U.S. Government does not issue fully ask me how you can be a government and In the future, beginning in 2017, Social
adjusted numbers, and it’s only pro forma actually service less of your debt over time Security payments will be calculated on an
numbers. If the U.S. Government was forced insofar as the principal amount of that debt annuitized basis, i.e., an actuarial table,
to issue fully adjusted revenue numbers, continues to rise. instead of a fixed payment scheme. That
then it would have to start to make You can do that under the crafty smoke- will immediately reduce Social Security
contingencies for future debts and and-mirrors accounting procedures which payments by at least 50%.
obligations—something the Bushonian Bushonomics incorporates. You do it by The Republicans feel perfectly free in
Administration is steadfastly against. reducing estimated future liabilities vis-à- talking about annuitizatiuon because they
In 1995, when the Clinton Regime vis that debt. understand that the American people don’t
attempted to push through the recalculation The Social Security Trust Fund is a classic know what they’re talking about.
of pro forma to include adjustments, the example. Each year that goes by, the future The Social Security Trust Fund must be
Republicans fought it like hell and they liability of the Social Security Trust Fund annuitized by 2016-2017. These dates are
defeated it, knowing that when they got grows as the population growth continues. important because the general trust fund
back into office (had they not defeated it), it Furthermore, future liability grows as the that pays pensions to old people cannot
would have closed again another loophole median lifespan of the nation (now at 77 financially survive beyond 2017 without a
which allows Bushonomics to continue. years, an all-time high) continues to reduction in payments.
If the U.S. Treasury were forced to make increase. This is the terminus date of the old fixed-
payment system, which cannot be sustained
beyond 2017. Therefore, in the
The Untold Story Behind CIA Experiments
annuitization process, not only would
retirement benefits drop by approximately
half, immediately, but also, benefits for
With MK-Ultra & Germ Warfare. future generations would gradually decline,
America’s Great State Secret as the median lifespan of the nation would
by Gordon Thomas increase. Payments will now be calculated
Now published for the first time as an original on an actuarial table.
e-book (only available via the Internet).
(Author of: Seeds Of Fire: China And The Story Just Another No-Brainer Week In
Behind The Attack On America) The New Bushonian Age
To download your copy, go to: There’s two types of no-brainers: the kind
Price is $20.00 of person who is glued to the no-brainer
Domino Pizza commercial. (What’s better?

PAGE 102 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003
One pizza or two?) Or you can be the kind
of no-brainer who reads
and makes money. This separates the no-
TRANCE Formation Of America
This is the documented autobiography of a victim CIA’s TOP SECRET mind-
brainers who survive and those no brainers of government mind-control. Cathy O’Brien is the control research program
who thrive. Which no brainer would you only vocal and recovered survivor of the CIA’s MK- code-named MK-Ultra. On
rather be? Ultra Project Monarch mind-control operation. February 8, 1988, an MK-
It’s hard not to keep beating the drum on Chiseled deep into the white stone of the CIA’s Ultra victim, Cathy O’Brien,
this, but this column, and the economic Langley, Virginia headquarters is a partial verse was covertly rescued from
market commentary column, really are a lifted from the Holy Bible and writings of Saint her mind-control enslavement
service to the nation. You could even call it John: “...and the truth shall make you free.” This by Intelligence insider Mark
an Al Martin Raw Economic Rehabilitation statement, like the agency, is total unreality. The Phillips. Their seven-year
Program. We’ll get you off your Prozac. building that it is engraved upon houses the world’s pursuit of Justice was
And you’ll make money and restore your most successful manufacturer of lies to facilitate stopped FOR REASONS OF $18.00 (+S/H)
201K account, that used to be a 401K psychological warfare. The “Company” uses truth NATIONAL SECURITY. Code: TFA (1.0 lb.)
account before the election of Junior. and technology as their raw materials to produce TRANCE Formation Of
“pure” lies for control of you and America’s allies. America exposes the truth behind this criminal abuse
(Remember: Al Martin is not a CFP or Within the pages of TRANCE Formation Of America of the unconstitutional 1947 National Security Act.
RIA, and these are just floor-trading you’ll find the truth.
suggestions.) PUBLIC NOTICE: This book contains sexually
U.S. GOVERNMENT MIND-CONTROL explicit quotes and irrefutable anatomical
All the suggestions I made last week details of perpetrators and is therefore
On August 3, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened
based on floor commentary, for example, recommended for mature readers only.
hearings into the reported abuses concerning the
came true. When I said buy the June T-
bonds on any dip below 113-1/2 to sell on
the ensuing rally 114-5/8, you would have And speaking of disingenuous Drug took out a full page ad in major newspapers
been able to capture at least at 1-1/4 point Czars, remember when General Barry around the country to announce that the
profit ($1250 per contract). McCaffrey was the Drug Czar and he said award in the New (Bushonian) Era went to
What’s better? To have $1,250 of new let’s fill up the prisons. Later it turned out Boeing Chairman Phil Condit and to
money or two pizzas? that the General owned stock in companies Senator John Warner. Why? Because
But people really need to understand the that owned the nation’s privatized prisons, as obviously the defense industry is the second
realities of “offshore banking”—especially well as other prison suppliers, largest source of Republican Money and the
now when it becomes crucial to protect your And then there are the stories about Bill first largest source of Bushonian Cabal
assets, or anything you may have left after Bennett and his partying with Peter Fonda in Faction Money within the Republican Party.
the scourge of Bushonomics. Popular media Montana. They don’t even have to call Boeing is also the largest contributor to
has marginally connected this term with Ollie North’s drug delivery service. They get John Warner and his campaign committees
money laundering and tax evasion and pizza and coke right at the door. and so on. And that is “Good Government”
illicit political funding, but it’s really But Bill Bennett has had this reputation according to the Bush Administration.
something you need to research for yourself. of being such a “good and virtuous” man Warner has shown his appreciation by
You may have heard about former drug and he doesn’t have any vices. consistently voting against all
czar and Secretary of Education Bill In other news, Ambassador Paul Bremer investigations of Boeing for fraud regarding
Bennett and his gambling problem. has been named as the new dictator of the handling of government contracts and
They’re even calling him the “Bookie of Iraq—a U.S. dictator, mind you. Bremer, of by using his influence to steer ever more
Virtue” in honor of his self-righteous and course, is the former shill for Henry government contracts with no fixed
obviously hypocritically titled Book Of Kissinger. He is, after all, the Henry delivery dates and unlimited cost over-runs
Virtues (sic). Kissinger front-man. Bremer was also an to Boeing and/or its defense consortium
(According to several reports, Bill Ambassador at Large and former deputy partners
Bennett even scammed his ghostwriter and Secretary of Defense. There was a follow-up on the Vermont
didn’t pay him for his work. You didn’t think As mentioned in my book The high school student who got into a big
he actually “wrote” the book himself ? Conspirators, Bremer is connected to a lot ruckus because of the George Bush poster
How’s that for “virtue”?) of Bushonian swindles. He was president of he had on the inside if his locker. This
Every time there was a state which didn’t Kissinger Associates, as well as connected to picture of George Bush had a piece of duct
have gambling but wanted it, they would all the usual right-wing deals, but he tape over Bush’s mouth—as a protest. (The
march out Bill Bennett to talk about the essentially acts as a front for Kissinger. He student was just looking for a way to use up
evils of gaming in order to throw a sop to the goes to countries that Kissinger is frightened the duct tape he bought during the last
Republican Religious Right. But Bennett to go to, because he will be subpoenaed or Orange Terrorist Alert.)
says that gambling is not evil and it takes an charged with war crimes. If you’re Henry Anyway, a group of right-wing high
adult to control it. As reported by Kissinger, you need somebody to front for school boys (they called themselves the
Newsweek, his losses were in the $8 million you. “state security boys”), who are rabid pro-
range for the last ten years or so. But why Bremer is really there is to act as Bushers, went to a local cop who apparently
This is another example of the a coordinating function for Kissinger’s was also a notorious naïve flag-waver. This
disingenuous right-wingers and how they office in Baghdad and Kissinger clients flat-topped hairdude cop, without the
used to put this guy out front to talk about such as Halliburton and Fluor. He’s there to knowledge of his superiors in the police
anti-gambling. When he was a “Drug Czar” make sure a certain group of companies department, marched down to the high
they started the policy of using taxpayer receive all of the contracts. He is the school and demanded that the principal
money to help out narcotics users and defector Bostonian Cabal’s Man in Iraq. open this boy’s locker, and the principal
gamblers to help the “poor souls”. But for a The Administration gives good wouldn’t. He told him that he would have to
Republic Role Model—nobody is pointing government awards to those in business or to get a warrant. The cop knew he couldn’t do
out how disingenuous this is. members of Congress, but this year, they it because there hasn’t been any test case on

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 103
warrants for the Seditious Publication Act. it’s because they’re members of the “proof ”—under the presumption that
So the cop then waits till after dark, and Bushonian Cabal. Obviously they know the nobody would remember they showed a
breaks into the high school, and goes to the conclusion of the “investigation” even picture of this truck. And, of course, the
kid’s locker, and breaks it open. He rips the before it gets started.) American people don’t remember what
poster out, apparently intact, then presents it You can imagine Cheney’s former high- happened yesterday. It was kind of beat-up
to the principal the next day. He calls the ranking associates at Halliburton looking at looking and parked in a ditch, half tipped
Office of Homeland Security and then each other and wondering who’s going to over in Northern Iraq. The U.S. Army
demands that this kid be expelled. The cop get the word “scapegoat” written on their proclaimed it to be the “Infamous
evidently yelled and threatened the back. Biochemical Mobile Weapons Laboratory”
principal, and called him a dangerous left- As they pointed out, most of the former in question.
winger who promotes sedition among his high-ranking people at Halliburton who In fact this is the same truck that Secretary
students by unlawfully allowing them to were close to Cheney when he was of State Powell had shown in the UN
display anti-Bushonian materials. But the Chairman are of course Arch-Bushonian briefing prior to the commencement of
high school principal wouldn’t budge. Cabalists. Several of them are RNC hostilities in Iraq which the Secretary had
Now the cop, acting as an individual Committee-Men. Most of them have said that the CIA had identified through
citizen, with the support of the Office of already left for their non-extraditable satellite photographs as a “biochemical
Homeland Security, is now suing the Cayman Island retreats—and taken their ill- mobile weapons laboratory”.
principal and the school board in an effort to gotten millions with them. However the truck in question, in Hans
get the principal to enforce the new There was another failure at the Blix’s response to the Secretary of State’s
expanded Seditious Utterance And Bushonian LCB (Lie Coordination allegations, was that this was in fact an ice
Publication Law to expel this student. Bureau)—or, How the Good Humor Man cream truck that had already been identified
Apparently the cop was surprised that the Became a Terrorist in the Bushonian by UN inspectors. It was refuted several
principal stood up to him because, Regime. days later.
according to the cop, “liberals don’t have [Editor’s note: Al is referring back to a And wouldn’t you know it —the Good
any backbone”. wonderful column he wrote on Bush’s need Humor ice cream truck made a comeback.
The Republican National Committee has for a Lie Coordination Bureau that’s in the This is the first time I had ever seen it
made it official: we will have a Bush- November 2002 issue of The SPECTRUM.] close-up in a live photo. The photo that
Cheney ticket in 2004 (providing that the In the morning, the infamous Deputy Secretary of State Powell presented was
Vice President is not indicted for any sundry Secretary of State Richard Armitage of Iran- taken from 500 miles up. The UN-submitted
malfeasances pursuant to the ongoing SEC Contra infamy announced that he was photo was taken from about 30 feet away,
and other regulatory agencies’ absolutely positive that biochemical and you could see the little panel that lifts
investigations of fraud committed at weapon facilities would be discovered in up on the side and the Formica counter that
Halliburton while the Vice President was Iraq. In the afternoon the U.S. Army comes down. But this was the first time I
chairman). However, the RNC assures the “coincidentally” found a so-called had ever seen it close-up. The Iraqis painted
public that, although there may indeed be biochemical weapons mobile laboratory in it in a camouflage brown sand color, but on
indictments, Vice President Cheney will not a truck. the top panel of the truck you could still see
be among those indicted. (I’d like to know This turns out to be the same ice cream the faded “Good Humor” Ice Cream written
how they know that in advance, but I guess truck they trotted out several months ago as on the top of it. This was on CNN.
But nobody in this country actually

Al Bielek on CD-ROM remembers. If you did a poll of how

many people remember the incident of
the ice cream truck from Powell’s UN
This is the most in-depth compilation of interviews with
survivors of the Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project to testimony, maybe 3/10ths of 1%. They
date on one computer CD. The information comes from the were safe in this. And its our job to
memories of those who were interviewed. Because these projects expose it and remind people.
are so secretive, gaining hard evidence is nearly impossible. Here’s what they’re doing. First Armitage
However, that doesn’t mean the projects never happened. announces that we’re sure we’re going to
There are many out there who do not want you to know the find it. And then “coincidentally”, six hours
truth about these projects. Use your own judgment as you hear later, the Army finds this much-vaunted
the words of these survivors. Use this information as the “Mobile Bio-Chemical Weapons
beginning resource to help you onto your own research track. $24.95 (+S/H) Code: BIE (0.5 lb.) Production Facility”. Wow, you couldn’t
The five people featured on this CD all testify that they worked CD-ROM CONTAINS OVER 25 HOURS even fit all those initials on the Good
with Al at the Montauk Project, and some even remember him as OF AUDIO INTERVIEWS ENCODED IN Humor ice cream truck logo.
Ed Cameron during the Philadelphia Experiment. MP3 AND REALAUDIO. CD IS IBM, Where are those people at the Lie
MAC, AND UNIX COMPATIBLE. Coordination Bureau when you need them?
Al Bielek Psychic Operations Program Mind-Control Development Another egregious example of Bushonian
Life of Ed Cameron Duncan Cameron Involvement Montauk Boys Program market manipulation in order to benefit the
Visit to Alpha Centauri Duncan Cameron Larry James Republican Elite and the Friends of Bush
Philadelphia Experiment Memories of Montauk Operating the Time-Control Program Society was on the CNN crawl tape, which
Trip to 2137, Trip to 2749 Stewart Swerdlow Experiments With Time Travel reported that former deputy defense
Trip to Mars and 100,000 B.C. Being a Montauk Boys Programmer (JFK, Civil War, WWII) secretary Richard Perle secretly gave advice
Life of Al Bielek Human Genetic Manipulation Involvement With Bielek
History of Montauk Involvement With E.T.s What Happened To Ed Cameron? to “Republican insiders” to short U.S. equity
Montauk Boys Program Preston Nichols Dr. James F. Corum markets prior to the invasion of Iraq. This
Montauk Mind-Control Program Working With Bielek at Montauk Replication of Radar Invisibility was done in order to generate profits for
Montauk Time-Travel Program Stealth Technology Development themselves AND for the Republican Party.
S EE NEXT - TO - LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL - FREE : 1-877-280-2866 Late in the day, interestingly enough,

PAGE 104 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003
CNN stated that they would not run the If the redistricting bill is passed, it will now has the absolute authority, under the
story, no doubt under White House pressure. eliminate between 5 and 7 Democratic seats expansion of the War Powers Act Of 1947
It’s interesting how Bushonian Market in the State of Texas. Delay stated in an therein contained in the U.S.A. Patriot Act.
manipulation works. Perle was telling interview that the Democratic Texas This expansion of these powers means, in
wealthy Republican insiders to short U.S. delegation has “consistently stood against this case, that once the president declares a
equity markets at the very same time the the Leader”. Those are his words. He means State of National Emergency, which he did
Bushonian shills like Larry Kudlow were George Bush Junior. He looks at it as his on September 14, 2001, three days after the
out in force telling the “little investors” to God-given mission to eliminate the 9/11 incident, that effectively authorizes the
buy, buy, buy. Democratic Party from Texas, and in so president to do a variety of things: postpone
By the way, this is a principal component doing make Texas the first Sedition-Free elections, cancel elections, impose a state of
in the Bushonian Agenda pursuant to the State in the union. martial law, order the arrest of any legislative
“continuous consolidation of money and Although the media is trying to put a or judicial members of government, etc.
power into higher, tighter, and righter humorous spin on it, there is a more serious Those powers had always existed. However
hands”. This constitutes a direct transfer of (and sinister) side to the situation. The the president couldn’t act without the
wealth from the so-called “Joe-Sixpack 300 Texas Republicans, particularly the Speaker consent of Congress. He couldn’t assume
Shares Buyers” or “Sucker Buyers” into of the House Tom Craddick, as well as Texas these imperial powers without a super-
wealthy Republican hands. Governor Perry and Congressman Delay, are majority vote in Congress and without a
When Bush appeared at a commencement using this incident to do what they say they majority opinion from the Supreme Court.
address at the University of South Carolina, intend to do—eliminate the Democratic The U.S.A. Patriot Act, however, sidelines
there was no applause—and when there was, Party in the state of Texas. the legislative and judicial branches from
it was, how would you say, very lackluster. They’ve even made playing cards with their oversight role—legislative oversight or
Bush now travels to all these functions the Texas Democrats on them, implying that judicial review—after the president declared
(which seems to be just about every day) in they are terrorists like the DoD playing cards a state of National Emergency. It gives the
which he continues to preach to the choir. with the Wanted Iraqis. president the power to act by edict.
There is never a hostile crowd, but now he There was evidently a letter sent out by Therefore, with the extension of the
goes with a special group of political the Republican Committee caucus of the Seditious Utterance And Publication Act,
handlers. It’s incredible to what extent Texas state legislature urging loyal Texas the president has the right to authorize the
Bush’s appearances are now stage-managed. Republicans to start taking down the names attorney general to swear out arrest warrants
Now they position these handlers at key of their Democratic neighbors, whom they against any member of any legislative
points in the audience. feel may be harboring seditious views. branch of the government of the United
They even unbutton their jackets so you And the 9/11 Presidential Commission States which includes, by the way, state
can see their guns in their shoulder holsters. Investigative Report has still not been legislators like in Texas—should the
They have large signs which you don’t see released, although Democrats in Congress legislators act to obstruct or otherwise
from the TV camera perspective. The signs have tried to force its release. The report has frustrate the will of the State or impede its
say: “Applaud if you know what’s good for long since been done. This is the report by operations.
you.” the 9/11 Investigative Committee chaired The Department of Homeland Security,
Who needs canned laughter or applause by Henry Kissinger, who resigned because not the Department of Justice, is now
when you have your goons in the audience? he refused to disclose his Middle Eastern charged with arrest of these Texas
clients, particularly his Saudi clients. After Democratic legislators. Once the president
Sedition & Treason In Kissinger’s resignation, the committee was has declared martial law, the Department of
The U.S. Imperial State chaired by Paul Bremer, who is currently the Homeland Security would assume many of
(5/19/03) defacto Overseer of U.S.-Occupied Iraq. the powers of the Department of Justice.
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer We are currently living under a State of
The most important story last week was: said he doesn’t care how much pressure there National Emergency, a lesser act than the
The Department Of Homeland Security is; the report will not be released until all imposition of the state of Martial Law,
Pursues Seditious Democrats. information that would embarrass the Saudi which the president has not yet imposed, but
The 50+ “Fugitive Democrats” were the government has been removed. But the he still has as much power.
Texas state legislators who were hiding out Democrats are beginning to push the Here is the key difference between the old
at the Holiday Inn in Ardmore, Oklahoma. concept of backing away from Saudi Arabia, law and the new law. Under the old law,
Governor Rick Perry of Texas, an Arch- a concept that scares the Bush Regime short of the imposition of martial law—i.e.
Bushonian Cabalist, in fact issued arrest because of their deep financial interests the imposition of a declared state of national
warrants for them under the Seditious there. emergency—the president had to seek
Utterance And Publication Act, insofar as They don’t care about strategic oil or legislative review and judicial oversight.
they were obstructing the will of the State political ties. It all comes down to money— That is the key difference. He no longer has
(not the state of Texas, but the Nation State. the Bushonian Cabal’s personal financial to do that.
Note the capital S.) interests in Saudi Arabia, including the However, now the president, since he has
And what’s behind this fracas? It’s a personal interests of the Bush and Cheney declared a state of National Emergency, can
redistricting bill that’s being sponsored and families. now rule by edict and has assumed,
pushed by Congressman Tom Delay. The But as I’ve said on radio shows before, therefore, extra-legal powers. To some
Democrats are asking, and rightfully so, why these Democrats who are holed-up in the degree, that sidelines the Department of
the U.S. Congressman from Texas is Holiday Inn SHOULD have been arrested. Justice, because the DoJ is not authorized to
involved in an issue which should be a state Why? Because they were in clear violation carry out arrests under extralegal
issue. This should be decided by the Texas of the relevant statutes of the Sedition Act as proceedings. That’s one of the reasons the
state legislature, not by a United States now revised and expanded, thanks to the Office of Homeland Security was created.
Congressman—and furthermore not by an U.S.A. Patriot Act. By this reasoning the Seditious
Arch-Right-Wing Nut like Delay. To put this in some context, the president Democrats in Texas are endangering the

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 105
security of the State because they were obstructing a vote in the
CLASSIC RESEARCh WORkS Texas legislature. Therefore they were impeding the will of the State
by EUSTACE MULLINS (the Nation State). This has nothing to do with the bickering over
redistricting in Texas. It doesn’t make any difference what they were
MURDER BY INJECTION voting for, whether it was for more fire hydrants or whatever else.
THE STORY OF THE MEDICAL The Texas Democrats are therefore required to be there. Why do
CONSPIRACY AGAINST AMERICA you think the governor had authorized using his powers under the
Eustace Mullins unveils the Conspiracy to deny you low- U.S.A. Patriot Act? The governor stated that he would authorize the
cost alternative health-care and how federal agents commit acts state police and/or the Texas Rangers. In other words, he would order
of “Criminal Syndicalism” to protect the profits of the “Drug the arrest of these legislators if they were in the state of Texas. This is
Trust”. The world’s 18 largest drug firms are listed. Some of a power that is granted to state governors under the U.S.A. Patriot Act.
the topics covered are: Profits of Cancer, AIDS, Contamination Since the Texas Democrats were out of the state (beyond his
of the Food Supply, Death and Vaccination, The Rockefeller jurisdiction), he had to go to the attorney general of the United
Syndicate. States, who then in turn had to go to the Department of
361 pages $20.00 (+S/H) Code: MBI (1.5 lb.)
Homeland Security, because the arrests at a federal level would
have been an extra-legal proceeding. Not illegal, but an extra-
THE RAPE OF JUSTICE legal proceeding, which would have required the Department of
AMERICA’S TRIBUNALS EXPOSED Homeland Security to actually order the FBI or the U.S.
This book reveals the “Secret Code” which judges and Marshals’ office to place these guys under arrest once they were
lawyers use to deny you your unalienable and civil rights in federal jurisdiction—the minute they crossed state lines.
protected by the Constitution. Some of the topics covered When they do not perform their constitutional duties, the Texas
are: Legal Anarchy; The Origin of Law; A Plague of Lawyers; Democratic legislators become liable then since they are acting in a
Judge Not; The Supreme Court; The Department of Justice; seditious capacity.
The Court as Arena; Freedom of Speech, Anyone?; Taxation Had the next step been taken, had Deputy Reichsfueherer Ridge of
Without Hope; The Taxing Power; Mullins on Equity; Our the Department of Homeland Security actually ordered the FBI or the
Legal Future.
535 pages $22.00 (+S/H) Code: ROJ (1.75 lb.) U.S. Marshals’ office to take these people into custody, and had they
then continued to evade that custody, then the charges would have
been upgraded to treason against the Republic of the United States.
A Writ For Martyrs If they attempt to evade arrest when in federal jurisdiction against
by Eustace Mullins extra-legal proceedings (the United States now being in a state of
This is a fully documented exposé of the atrocities which declared National Emergency), the charges would be upgraded to
federal agents regularly commit against American citizens. treason. Here’s how they make the leap. This is also part of the new
This book reproduces 121 pages from Eustace Mullins’ law, which has been vastly expanded. It’s called “implied harboring”.
FBI file, which he obtained only by the personal To make the leap from sedition to treason, here’s what needs to
intervention of a college classmate, Senator John Warner, take place: First, the Department of Homeland Security would
Rep. Of Virginia. The FBI refused for two years to send have had to have stated that the wayward legislators were
Eustace his files through Freedom of Information Act attempting to impede or frustrate the will of the State. Insofar as it
inquiries. When Eustace found it, he discovered a plot by the FBI, with 60 pages was obvious that they were not going to vote for a proposal by the
of memos, in which J. Edgar Hoover personally ordered that Eustace be will of the majority of the said legislative body, they were
committed to a mental institution for life. attempting to impede the will of the majority of a governing body.
On the basis of these revelations, Eustace obtained two “Default Judgments” That means that they could have been declared as harboring views
against the FBI in Federal Court. One judgment was for $50 million, and one contrary to the security of the State and the domestic tranquility of
for $35 million, which remain on the books today.
the people. That is treason. (It didn’t used to be, but now it is.)
This book also documents atrocities committed against Eustace’s handicapped
sister, his ailing mother, and his invalid
The harboring is implied because the reason they fled was to
father, who all died of heart attacks after $20.00 (+S/H) Code: WFM (1.0 lb.) obstruct the will of the majority.
daily harassments by the FBI terrorists. The U.S.A. Patriot Act, in conjunction with the expansion of
the Seditious Publications And Utterance Act and the vast
expansion of presidential powers under the War Powers Act Of
1947 et al, then significantly waters down constitutional
Money And The Conspiracy Of Evil guarantees under a bicameral system of government.
We are now in a state of National Emergency, which means
Conspiracy Con 2002 Lecture (2 hrs.) that constitutional bicameral guarantees of legislative bodies
Sixty years ago Eustace Mullins was a protégé of literary giant Ezra Pound, DO NOT exist.
who understood central banking and its relationship with world unrest. He has It can be declared “seditious” or “treasonous” for a minority
been a respected researcher for over 50 years. in a legislative body to “obstruct” the will of the majority.
He describes the real manipulators behind all major wars, the Cold War, the That now translates into obstructing the will of the State.
Stock Market, the Medical Scam, 9/11, Terrorism, and more. Because the President says so. The President is the Leader of
To accomplish all this, the “perpe-traitors” control the government, the the majority party. His power by edict, after the imposition of a
schools, and the media, while keeping us in unimportant jobs, and stealing most state of National Emergency, is ABSOLUTE and
of our earnings. For UNCHALLENGABLE by any legislative or judicial body.
these purposes the VIDEO TAPE: $20.00 (+S/H) Code: EMV (0.75 lb.)
The only body that can review the expansion of powers is the
Central Bank is the only
AUDIO TAPE: $10.00 (+S/H) Code: EMA (0.5 lb.) new Supreme National Security Court in Washington, not to be
mechanism that works.
confused with the old National Security Court.
There is a new National Security Court as well as a New
Please see next-to-last page for ordering Supreme National Security Council. Remember: now we have
information or call toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 four; we used to have two.

PAGE 106 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003
The president directly chairs and controls the new National
Security Court and the New Supreme National Security Council. THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT THE DRUG WAR
You can tell the difference between the “new” and the old because by Michael Ruppert
it has the word “Supreme” in it. "This is the man who cost CIA Director Deutch his
People don’t seem to understand that, with the passage of the guaranteed appointment as Secretary of Defense after
U.S.A. Patriot Act and subsequent pieces of legislation, the confronting him at Locke High School with hard facts
president has fulfilled the requirements by the imposition of a about CIA dealing drugs." (Dick Gregory)
declared state of National Emergency to now act in this extralegal Mike Ruppert was an Honors graduate of UCLA in
capacity given to him with the passage of these various pieces of Political Science; he comes from a family rooted in
legislation. intelligence and the military. As an undergraduate he
The president now has the power to act as the Supreme Leader of
interned for Los Angeles Police Chief Ed Davis and
the State.
worked at 5 LAPD Divisions before graduating and
George Bush actually said that if he was a dictator, it would
make it much easier. becoming an officer in 1973. During Mike’s 5+ years of
The word “dictator” is not used in the text, which comprises HR active service, he received thirteen citations and four
3601, which now is actually over 4000 pages, when you include commendations. Twice the CIA attempted to recruit
the subsequent legislation related to it. Mike: the first time just before he graduated, and again after he was a highly
Instead of using the word “dictator” you will see the word praised field officer and budding narcotics investigator. In 1977 he discovered
“supreme” used—as in supreme power, Supreme National Security CIA bringing drugs into the U.S. through New Orleans in an operation supervised
Council, the Supreme National Security Court, the Supreme Office by his then fiancee, a CIA agent. He began to speak out and was forced out
of World Internet Police, etc. of LAPD in November 1978 after being shot at and threatened. He has been
Anytime you see the word “supreme” used in the creation of speaking out publicly ever since. In 1981 he spoke
these new federal agencies, offices, or bureaus, it means that the out about CIA and drugs inside the White House during VHS video – 120 min.
president can direct these agencies, etc., to act in an extra-legal a visit to his college classmate Craig Fuller. Fuller later $19.95 (+S/H)
authority, which is tantamount to dictatorial rule. served as Chief of Staff to Vice President Bush. Code: MRV (1.0 lb.)
This is the ineluctable conclusion—and we have allowed SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866
this to happen in the United States of America.
As soon as Orrin Hatch and John Warner, the Chief Bushonian
Minions of the Republican-controlled Senate, mark up and pass MIND CONTROL: PARANOID DELUSIONS OR FRIGHTENING REALITY?
the NICA (National Identity Card Act) funding bill, which failed in by Dr. Eldon Byrd
last year’s Democratic majority-controlled senate, and the bill to Byrd has a BS Electrical Engineering degree from
overturn the Posse Comitatus Act Of 1878, then the president’s Purdue and MS Medical Engineering from the George
power will be absolute. Washington University. Several of his work assignments
We will then go from a semi-dictatorship to a full were on Navy and Marine projects as TRIDENT,
dictatorship. They won’t need any more pretenses. POLARIS ICBM, SALT I, Chief Engineer of the World
This will be after the Posse Comitatus Act is overturned. This is Dolphin Research Foundation, U.S. Marine Corps
the real Bushonian agenda—and they’ve said so, so that none of Electromagnetic Non-lethal Weapons Development
this is all that secret. The Bush Regime has made their agenda Project, Cryogenics Engineer, Project Manager of the
rather public. They’re not acting secretly. They want the Navy Metal Matrix Composites Program. He was a retired
militarization of domestic law enforcement. They have Naval officer. President of three VHS video – 105 min.
already set up all the offices and machinations, to wit the new corporations. Mentioned in the
NorthCom Command—North American Command—in American Men of Science.
$19.95 (+S/H)
Code: EBV (1.0 lb.)
Philadelphia, the establishment of a fifth service branch to be
headed by a four-star general who will then become the chief law
enforcement officer of the nation. The attorney general will OPERATION MIND CONTROL: THE CRYPTOCRACY’S
relinquish that title because it will be required. Obviously, if PLAN TO PSYCHO-CIVILIZE YOU
you’re militarizing law enforcement, you’re going to have a by Walter Bowart
military officer as chief law enforcement officer of the nation.
And here’s what the Bush Administration has done: They haven’t Walter Bowart is best known as the author of the best-
got A yet, but they’ve already put in all of the B through Z. Now selling 1970s classic Operation Mind Control, which even
all they need is the A. The infrastructure is already in place and today, remains an authoritative guide to the intricate world
ready to go. of mind control. Delving deeper than just drugs or
In the words of Ashcroft, the so-called secret court within the electroshock, Walter H. Bowart takes serious research a
Department of Justice would be done away with and replaced with step further, into the Monarch mind-control program and
a new Office of Political Security, which can then act in complete the development and programming of multiple personalities
secrecy. The attorney general would still nominally direct the for future secret actions including murder and terrorism.
Office of Political Security, and Rumsfeld has already stated that That this research, in so many great halls of learning, has exceeded a cost
with the establishment of the Northcom Command in a post-Posse of untold secret millions of dollars, indicates that this project being produced by
our secret police is a matter of ambitious policy rather than the happenstance of
Comitatus environment, the Department of Defense would do away
cloak-and-dagger adventure.
with its internal security division and then set up an expanded
To alter and control human minds is the ultimate anarchy. What is offered by
Office of State Security.
official apologists as a tribute to the deeds of daring-do
The Department of Defense would then become involved in
by romantic spies are acts of hatred and sadism against VHS video – 90 min.
domestic law enforcement and, more importantly, the ferreting out
all people in an insane and degraded determination to $19.95 (+S/H)
of all seditious elements. For instance, the control of the CILF Code: OMCV (1.0 lb.)
extirpate conscience from society.
Program (Civilian Inmate Labor Facility), which is now jointly
under the control of FEMA and the Department of Justice. Then it SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 107
would be transferred to the Office of State Nero finished the job by making the they already have it all.
Security and would be administered directly emperor truly the emperor in terms of ruling Then there was the interview with former
by the military. by edict. Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill, who’s now
But people are joking about it because We know about Nero, but what about the working at the Blackstone Group. He told
the mainstream media has turned it into a Bushonian Cabal? What are their sexual the truth and it cost him his job as a Treasury
joke (“Democrats holed up in a Holiday proclivities? Secretary. He might end up working for
Inn”). It was Tom Delay’s idea originally to Remember what Nero said: half my twenty grand a year for some pro bono
have these people arrested and charged with empire to be a woman. He wanted to be a Democratic outfit. Wouldn’t that be a
sedition. When he made his comments that woman so desperately that he would have comedown?
it was his God-given right to eliminate given half his empire. The Caesars weren’t O’Neill said in an interview with CNBC
Democratic Party influence in Texas, and just bi-sexual, homosexual, and transsexual. that, thanks to Bushonomics, the nation has
thus declare Texas the first sedition-free They were polymorphous. TRILLIONS of dollars in debt—off the
state in the union, he did it on purpose. In And now in America, you have a books. The U.S. Treasury has no idea who
Delay’s mind, Democrats are seditious by politically popular president who’s doing we actually owe this money to. He points
their very nature. And he’s right—under the stupid and costly—but politically out the discrepancy between the number of
new interpretation of the laws previously popular—things, with control of the media, U.S. Treasury bonds outstanding, and what
mentioned. Being a Democrat or the which spins everything the right way, and the actual debt is. He said that there’s a lot
opposition party, and acting to frustrate the with everyone waving the flag around. of debt out there, but nobody seems to know
will of the Supreme Leader, is seditious. Dr. Samuel Johnson said: “Patriotism is where it is, or to whom it’s owed.
Anyone who attempts to impede or the last refuge of the scoundrel.” But the Ever since the 1980s the Republicans
frustrate the will of the Leader of the New Bushonian Cabal has even transcended that. have used off-budget financing to hide
Imperial State is acting in a seditious Now patriotism is the last refuge of the debt. They accumulated TRILLIONS in
capacity. would-be dictator. debt through this smoke-and-mirrors
As it has been pointed out quite correctly, accounting trick, and now nobody even
the Democrats are not an opposition party Bushonomics Roils The Markets: knows where it is. This is the legacy of Bush
anymore in our new defacto One-Party Sucker Buying, Gold, Senior.
State. No money equals no power. And The Threat Of The Truth Bushonomics has built-in a time bomb,
Therefore, the Democrats have become (5/27/03) he said, for those being born today. It will
superfluous and they cannot meet the make the Great Flood look like a spring
constitutional bar, as it were, to be an The latest scuttlebutt in Washington is rain. I was surprised at his candor, given the
effective party in opposition. that the time of the Silent Coup by the fact that he works for Blackstone. (See my
And how does this relate to the history of Bushonian Cabal has begun. book The Conspirators: Secrets Of An Iran-
the Roman Empire? The exact equivalent After his meeting with Philippine Contra Insider for more details about
to what we have in this country today would President Arroyo, Bush made a statement Blackstone Group frauds.)
be when Imperial Rome moved from calling al-Qaeda a shadowy cabal that hides They finally told Treasury Secretary Snow
Tiberius to Caligula, his grandson. in dark corners plotting its envisioned to keep his mouth shut, because every time
The United States is now entering the era havoc on the world’s political, economic, he says something, the dollar gets
of the “Twelve Caesars”. On the flowchart of and social order to impose its beliefs and hammered. That’s the problem when you
the Twelve Caesars, George Bush and values on the majority. It’s time to cut off have a guy as Treasury Secretary who knows
Company represent the passage to Caligula their money and bring them to justice. nothing about public finance. He doesn’t
from Tiberius. After hearing this, I thought to myself: even have a clue what he’s saying. He
The great emperors who had built Couldn’t the exact same thing be said about doesn’t understand the implications because
Imperial Rome—Caesar Augustus, Caesar the Bushonian Cabal and their allies in the he doesn’t even understand what he’s
Hadrian, Caesar Tiberius—it was all Religious Right? talking about.
destroyed under Caligula. Caligula had If you substitute al-Qaeda for the The White House then came out with a
senior members of the Imperial Senate Bushonian Cabal, you’d have something statement saying: “Oh, no, we still have a
murdered and seized all power for himself, that would be closer to the truth. But strong dollar policy.” This contradicted
until he was assassinated himself. Then you can’t cut off their money because what Snow had said over the weekend.
Snow said over the weekend that the dollar
Revelations of a Mother Goddess hadn’t fallen very much. Catherine Yang,
who was interviewing him, said something
An Interview by David Icke like: “Well, Mr. Secretary, the dollar has lost
The staggering story of human Glamis Castle and Balmoral, in which the 30% of its value since the election of
sacrifice and satanic ritual, involving the Queen, the Queen Mother, and other George Bush. What do you call ‘a lot’?”
most famous people in the world. members of the Royal Family sacrificed Ari Fleischer, Bush’s press secretary, has
Arizona Wilder, formerly Jennifer children in Satanic ceremonies. also announced that he’s resigning. He must
Greene, was mind-programmed from birth She talks of the same experiences have gotten fed up with lying all the time.
to become one of the three most with Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Bill But he’ll do fine. Generally, press
important female conductors of Satanic Clinton, members of the Rockefeller and secretaries will end up with $300,000 a year
rituals on the planet. Her programmer Rothschild families, and a host of the
was Josef Mengele, the notorious “Angel most famous names in the United States for life directorships at the Heritage
of Death” in the Nazi concentration and the United Kingdom. Foundation or the American Enterprise
camps. When he died in the late 1980s, Your view of the world will never be the 2-VIDEO Tape Set Institute. But he’ll never have to do
her programming began to break down. same when you hear the revelations of anything because these Republican
OVER 4-Hours
In this video interview with David Icke, Arizona Wilder and consider their political patronage directorships are really
she describes human sacrifice rituals at relevance to your daily life. $39.95 (+S/H) about just getting the money and not really
SEE NEXT-TO-LAST PAGE FOR ORDERING OR CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-877-280-2866 Code: RMG (1.5 lb.) doing anything.

PAGE 108 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 J ULY 2003
Ari Fleischer will join the ranks of the gold coming from shadowy Republican- have made TRILLIONS shorting the equity
Bushonian Nomenklatura. He’ll be taken controlled offshore gold bullion depository markets since the election of their Boy
care of for life as long as he keeps his mouth accounts. He also said that, in the same George and have consequently gotten out
shut. Somebody’s got to tell Bush that this light, the same shadowy Smart Money of those dollars, converted their profits into
isn’t supposed to happen in a Capitalist Republican accounts have also been gold, and gotten that gold into offshore,
State. But then Bush seems to have some massively liquidating the dollar— non-taxable, non-attachable, and non-
confusion. His idea of “capitalism” is that particularly in the morning session. That’s attackable jurisdictions) is afraid that the
only Bushonian Cabalists should have what caused the dollar to get hit so hard in dollar could act as a tripwire and it could
cradle-to-grave security. This is in the the morning, before it floated back in the keep sinking so that eventually the
longstanding tradition of Bushonian afternoon. American people may figure out what
Corporate Socialism. He also said that there is a genuine fear Bushonomics has done to this nation and to
And then the Wimping Out of Paul among the Smart Republican Money Crowd the global economy.
O’Neill happened. He was back on the that there is a catalyst in all this, and the At that point, as this guy points out, there
commentary break on CNBC in the catalyst may be that this dollar decline may would most likely be a revolution in this
afternoon. O’Neill asked if he could come be unstopable country—or at the very least, a huge
back and he did weave into the The Bush Administration may not be able increase in civil unrest—if people ever
conversation that, in the interim since the to stop it because they don’t have the figure out what Bushonomics is all about
interview of the morning, he said he had ability. The Treasury reserve funds are and what the Bushs have done. (Obviously
talked to the “Boss Man”, as he calls him, exhausted. The Federal Reserve Currency outright revolution is no longer possible
the infamous sinister and dreaded Arch- Stabilization Fund is exhausted. with the passage of the U.S. Patriot (sic) Act
Bushonian Cabalist Frank Carlucci, What they would do is to start changing giving the Bushonian Regime dictatorial
Republican Scamscateer Extraordinaire. their comments for one thing—to try to power to suppress internal dissent.)
(He’s “retired” but he’s still in control.) “jawbone” some stability into the dollar by He said that the Smart Republican Money
Now that he got the word, O’Neill said coming out and simply renouncing Crowd, as in Glenbrook, Illinois, is having
that the dollar’s decline isn’t any problem everything they have said before. They nightmares about barbed wire on top of their
and he sees that the White House and the would have to say: “We stand behind a fences and in front of their homes, and being
Treasury Secretary are coordinating their strong dollar—period.” attacked by mobs—once people figure out
statements on the dollar, and the dollar’s The Bush Regime is trying to have it both what they have done and who’s responsible.
decline is healthy for the economy, and he ways. They want a strong dollar in order to He said that is the dangerous part of the
supports the Bushonian tax cuts. It was a act as a governor on inflation—although game of Bushonomics, and that the
complete wimp-out. Why do you think he there is no inflation currently. As a matter of American people must not find out.
mentioned that he had talked to the Boss fact, we have the opposite problem. The The American people know they’ve been
Man? Everything had changed. Bush Regime knows that there is an scammed. They just don’t understand by
And that’s what happens. You step out of enormous amount of incipient inflation that whom or how it was done. That’s why
line and you get a phone call from an Arch- they have built up in the pipeline since the they’re so confused and depressed. If they
Bushonian Cabalist who sets you back on election of Junior, by ramping the money ever figure it out, we’re going to have one
the right path and who reminds you of your supply so much and by reducing the interest hell of a problem in this country.
perks, benefits, pensions, inside stock tips, rates rather quickly. I’ve said this on radio shows before: Look
and encourages you back on the Path of This inflation hasn’t been felt by the at the price of gold, and more importantly,
Righteousness. And that’s Righteousness— consumer because there is a look at the flow of gold—where it’s going
Bushonian Style. You’ll reverse yourself in a counterbalancing weight against that and who’s buying it and how its being
hurry when you speak a little truth. inflation, namely the global debt deflation accumulated.
Then I saw an interview with a British we are now experiencing. The traders on the floor know who the
psychiatrist who was commenting on the What the Smart Republican Money is buyers are (but they can’t tell you), and they
“growing wave of suicides” sweeping the concerned about is that the dollar may act as know what the buyers are doing with it.
“Euro Zone” in Europe and Japan as the some sort of tripwire and that the dollar’s Last week, billionaires George Soros and
world’s economy continues to sink into the decline cannot be halted. The Bush Warren Buffett were interviewed. Soros
abyss. The American interviewer said that Administration does not have the means to essentially stated that he was short the U.S.
the suicide rate in the United Sates has also stop it. It has released so many conflicting dollar, and he is continuing to sell short the
increased since the election of Gorge Bush, statements that it has lost any credibility in U.S. dollar and U.S. equities. It is his belief
but by no means could it be considered a terms of its ability to jawbone the dollar that Bushonomics is pressuring not only the
“wave”. The British doctor responded by higher. In terms of concerted measures, the U.S. economy, but the global economy,
saying that, fortunately for you, Americans Bush Administration doesn’t have any which is growing increasingly precarious.
are too stupid to understand what is money to support the dollar because they’ve His view is that if Bushonomics is allowed
happening. After then, the interviewer drawn down and misspent all of the to persist, he, George Soros, has absolutely
didn’t say anything. He didn’t have any Treasury’s and Fed’s “reserves” normally no doubt that it will cause the eventual
follow-up comment at all. dedicated to supporting the dollar. collapse of the world economy.
In other news, gold has skyrocketed $10 Evidently my comments on radio shows Buffett made some comments on the
in the regular session, and then, in the so- I’ve done have had some impact. He said Bushonian “tax plan” in which he made
called third-market after-hour session, where there were comments on the CME floor comparisons between himself and his
there is normally light volume in gold trade, about someone who had been writing secretary. If the tax plan passes through the
gold has continued to rise another $3 (when recently about “missing gold” from the U.S. proposed House-Senate compromise,
it usually ordinarily only moves 20¢ or so). stockpiles. And I’m the only one I know Buffett’s tax rate would go down to 3%,
A gold trader I know said that it’s “wild who has been writing about it. And it’s while his secretary’s taxes would increase
action” going on. What has propelled gold growing into a real rumor on the floor. from 28% to 30%—despite the fact that
has been an enormous demand for physical The Smart Republican Money (those who Buffett’s income is 10,000 times greater.

J ULY 2003 Toll-free: 1-877-280-2866 Outside U.S.: 1-661-823-9696 PAGE 109
After Buffett made those comments, on because there wasn’t any warning of it as coming out of the White House, and those
CNBC and FNN, they dragged out every there had been previously. who know too much are the recipients.
Bushonian shill they could find. Steve What’s caused additional fear and The orange alert may be a precursor for a
Forbes called him an idiot and said that unsteadiness in the world’s markets was that red alert. If they cannot prevent these truths
Buffett comes from a working-class the Bush Administration did it very from coming out, we may see another
background and he’s not educated and he suddenly—unlike the last two times it raised terrorist incident in the United States.
obviously doesn’t understand tax issues. the alert to orange when it clearly It would be a two-fold strategy: first, to
All the Bushonian shills kept saying: announced it in advance and clearly stated deflect public and media attention, allowing
don’t listen to the self-made billionaires who the reasons. They did this about 24 hours in them to get underneath the radar and to
made their billions by being short U.S. advance the last two times. clean up all their problems; then, if the truth
equity markets at the right time—i.e., during Deputy Reichsfuehrer Ridge actually cannot be sufficiently discredited, then they
Bushonian Regimes. Therefore, they are gave a speech to Congress saying that could actually use this as an excuse to seize
first unpatriotic, and secondly not everything was fine. Then he goes to the control. The signs are all there that
credible—despite the fact that this is how White House, and 12 minutes after he gets something big is coming potentially. I
we, the Bushonian Cabalists, made our there, they raise the terror alert from yellow think they’re setting up the pretext, as it
money. to orange. Then they state there are “no were.
Sucker Buyers: please help your favorite specific reasons” for the terror alert. (Other Ridge said he wants any U.S. citizen,
billionaire and buy more stocks. than the requests by 3M to help increase charged with any seditious behavior for
Soros even mentioned how Republicans now flagging sales of duct tape and plastic publicly criticizing the Bushonian Regime
speak with forked tongues, and that he sheeting.) during an orange alert, to not be allowed to
knew personally that the big deep offshore The markets globally were roiled by board a U.S. commercial aircraft, no matter
Republican-controlled short pools have this—by the way it was done—with no where the destination is. Further, they
been quietly taking in money from precursor, no warning, and no imminent should not be allowed to board any train or
Bushonian-connected Republicans in the threat. The Bush Administration didn’t bus that would cross an internal border.
United States. He said they currently have come out and say there were any domestic I like that they’re not even saying “state
more than $400 billion sitting offshore targets. Why raise it to orange when you lines” anymore. Now the language is
waiting for the Final Last Uptick of the have absolutely no proof that there is “internal border”. Notice that just after
current bear market rally, as he put it, to increased risk of terror attack? That Ridge and Ashcroft have a meeting with one
jump on it. What they want to do is try to immediately made people suspicious. of their Soviet “consultants”, they start
get their minions (the Larry Kudlows and There is a growing feeling that something using the language of “internal borders” and
Bill Seidmans of the world) to drum up is coming. The growing nervousness in the “internal passports”. The Soviet jargon is
every last retail sucker buyer they can. global equity markets, the wild inter-day being revivified.
But Soros won’t come back to the United gyrations we’re seeing in U.S. Treasury If you add all these little factors up, you
States now. He permanently lives in Europe bonds, gold, and even oil to some extent. come up with the concept that there is a
despite the fact that he is a U.S. citizen. He The enormous sudden amount of piece of truth out there that they can’t
says he keeps trying to tell the truth and expatriation of dollars from wealthy control. It may have to do with the
warn the people about Bushonomics and Republicans outside the United Stases. The Huntsville Arsenal story and how weapons
what the Bushonian Cabal is doing to the conversion of that money into gold. ended up in Iraq. Another more recent piece
country, denuding the people of their civil Then suddenly the Department of of it has to do with what happened to the $2
rights (something which Warren Buffett has Defense is very nervous. Suddenly the billion in cash seized from Iraq, which is
also spoken about). White House and Department of Justice is genuine yet will be declared counterfeit.
Soros is afraid of what might happen to very nervous. Something has leaked out. There is a military connection in this thing.
him, that the Bushonian Regime may have Something they’ve done wrong has leaked Some piece of truth has leaked out, and
something untoward planned for him. He out and they’re frightened of it. they’re trying to control it.
said that the only thing the United States is This might be a trigger or a catalyst that First, your 401K account becomes a
good for anymore is to sell short everything would simply be a level of truth about the 201K account. Next you lose your
that says “Made in the U.S.A.” on it, and Bushonian Cabal that would be pension and health plan. Then you’re told
make all the money you can, and live unacceptable for the American people to to buy duct tape, plastic sheeting, and cans
comfortably somewhere else. know. of Spam. This is the New Bushonian
Last Monday afternoon (May 19) there Since Sunday night, six former Learning Curve for the masses. S
was a period of time wherein almost $58 Democratic congressional
BILLION in 34 minutes left the United investigators of the committees
States. There has been such a huge sudden on Iran-Contra, IraqGate, “Medicine is not only a
demand by wealthy Republicans in the BCCI, BNL, etc., have science; it is also an art. It does
United States converting their dollars into suddenly disappeared, and
gold and effectively hiding that gold in their current whereabouts are not consist of compounding
offshore, non-taxable, non-attachable, non- unknown. Their offices were pills and plasters; it deals with
attackable, gold bullion depository receipt looted and documents were the very processes of life, which
accounts. shredded.
What’s suspicious is that when pressure I’ve been making calls and must be understood before they
on the dollar got relieved (when this people have left the country. may be guided.”
transaction was over and when gold came People are in hiding. The Bush
back down after hitting that $370.50 tick), Administration, to prevent this — Paracelsus (1493-1541,
twelve minutes later the nation’s terrorist truth from coming out, has
alert status was raised from yellow back instituted an operation to clean Swiss physician and alchemist)
to orange. This took the market off-guard up its past. There is great angst

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