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Cars all look alike.

I can't tell the difference between the Swift and not-so-swift, a car with an
Accent, and one without, one that plays Polo or one that plays Golf, or the car that provides
you with Esteem, or just drives you around the City. I used to think Corolla is a part of a
flower (as the movie Chupke Chupke told us through its Botany professor character), until
one appeared with four wheels on the road!

Similarly, Tavera sounds like a second cousin of the revolutionary Che Guevara, but is not.
Alto sounds like 'facebookese' for altitude, like congo is facebookese for congratulations.
Ritz, glitz and glamour is actually right for the fashion world,and not the world of the
automobile. A Safari is supposed to be had in a jungle, but takes you through the concrete
jungle today. 

Infiniti is something that most kids are scared of in their Maths class, and elders, in old age.
Micra sounds like a bikini for men, but is also a name of one and an anagram for my car
(spelt mi car). Figo is definitely a four letter world in Italian. Or at least, a challenge to
someone who remains unilluminated about some unfolding mystery, as in 'go figo'. 

Marketing experts will of course, vehemently deny all these attempts at breaking down their
defences and will swear by some irrelevant excuses to charge more, like "this car has
22mm of extra luggage space or 45 microns of extra leg space", or "we have a windshield
wiper that goes from 0 to 60 metres per hour in 3.7 seconds flat". But don't let that fool you.
All of them have 4 wheels and a steering, as a wag said(actually, Ricardo Semler said it),
and have had them since 1857, or whenever the car was invented). And in the Mumbai
traffic (or in Bangalore, or elsewhere for that matter), you can't go at more than 20 kmph

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