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The A B c Murd,e'fs Christie, Agatha

AJe'.x Cress Hli!- London B ...

Patte rs on, James



Ale'x 'CHlISS 1,11;- I, AJ,e:x :Cr ...

Patte rs 0 n, James

Abrah,a m l.ineel n: Vam pl.; Grahame-S,mith, Seth

Ale.x 'Cross 11'- M,a.!}', M.;HI) Patterson, James

Alex 'Cross 2- Kim the 'Gi ...

Patterson, James

After the Funeral Christie, Agatha

Alex Cross 12 - Cross Patters 0 n, James

.lAMEr., . , .. '


'!IIi- c ....•••.•• -

~ ~ z: -~: :1' ,

. ! -;,,---:-:,--:-..;

. ",I .... _ .

AI,ex Crees 3 - .Iaekand J ill Patte rs 0 n, James

Airframe, Crichton, Michael

Alex '(H)lSS 13- Deu ble C ..

Patterson, James

A.I,e:x. '(rO(SlS .4 - 'Cat and M ... , P'atterson, James

T I ~ I

A Lt";.!!11 MIS-I

The Ak:h,emist Coelho, Paulo

Alex 'Cross 14- 'Cross 'Co ...

Patterson, James

Ale.:':: :Cr,oss5- Pop 'Goes t. ..

Pattersort, James

AI,e:.:: Cross 1.- Along '(,a ...

Patterson, James

A.lex <Cross 15 - Alex Cres ...

Patte rs 0 n, Jarne s


J.~M [S PAmn~VN

AI,ex Cross ,6,- Riooes Ar,e ...

P'atte rs 0 n, '-1~tfttil!''-i.'''iil!l;i~::rtI]::I_!IfIl_ ,;

AJ,e.x Cress 7- Viol,ets Ar'e.... AI,ex Cross :8:- Four Blind ....

Patterson, James Patterson, James

Alvin M,aker 4 - Journey... Alvin M,aker5 - Heart Fhe

CareR,OrsonScott Cardl, Orson Scott

Ameri,can PSyicho Ellls, Brat Easton

Anansi Boys Gaiman, Neil

Alex (ross 9- The Big B ...

Patterson, James

Alvin Maker 16, - The 'Cry!St ...

Cardi, Drs 0 n scott

Anathem Stephenson, Neal

Alvi n Ma.ker 1- Seventh ....

Card, Orson Scott

The Amber Spyglass Pullman, Philip

And Another Thing Clarkson, Jeremy

Alvin Maker 2- Reid Prop ...

Carel, Ors 0 n Scott

The Ambl,er W,arning Ludlum, Robert

And Then There 'IJij',er,e N ...

Christie, Agatha

Alvin M,akerl- Prentlee ...

Cardi, Orson Scott

American ,Gods Gailllan, Neil



.Ii, II c


Angels ,8, I)e mons Hrown, Dan

l.lveshlp Traders 2· The ...

Hobo, Robin

The Lord of the Ri ngs 2· ...

Tolkien, .JR..R.

:8, []I N IE s

. ",..--. .

I .. I~' • I .... L L

The LO"lJ!e,ly' Bane's Seb'olel, Alice

Lhlie'Ship T radars 3· Sh i p ...

Hobo, Robin

The Lord ofthe Rings 3· ...

Tolklert, J.R.R. Palahniuk, Chuck

Lane Eagle Steel, D'anielle

I ~ I

I . '.7.'

l~ji~J~": ~~ i

,': ':-.

I~ .. ,


Loot Maguire, Greg,my

M . Autobiog raprhy of Mal...

X, Malcolm

LardEdgew~ue Dies Christie, Agatha

The Lost Symbol Brown, Dan


Ma.k!1ub Coelho, Paulo

Lord 'Of The, FI ies Golding, William

The l.ord ef the Rings 1 ....

Tolkien, J.R.R.

The Lost World Ch ri ehten ,M i ch ael

The Lost Worl,ds of 210:01 Clarke, Arthur C.



The Man in the Br,awn Suit The Manua.l of the Warri...

Christie, A.g'atha Coelho, Paulo



1~lMA1A:m~ CIRm

'.", .. . . .. ,-.J ...... ~ .....

Mata rese (:i rele Lu diu m, Robert

Max.imum Ride, 5- Max Patterson, James

The Minority R>eport Dick, Phillip

The' M,atar.e'se Cou ntdown Lu ell U IT! , Ro,bert

Maximum Ri,d,e i6, - Fang P'a.tters on, James

!G\lli\ (~J)lml

"T'io. . .....

fbi 1m

J Hilnm . kF1ur~

The Mirror (rack's From ....

Gh ri sti e, Ag,ath a

Maxi mum Ride 1 - The.A. ...

P'atterson, James

M,e' Talk P'r,etty One I)ay S.e-claris, Davie!

Mirror Mirror Maquire, Grego!),

Maximum Ride 2- Schoo ...

Patte rs 0 n, J ame

The M,emory of Running McLarty, Ro n

Mis:ery King, Stephen

Maximum Ride 3- Savin ...

Patterson, James

M,er,e' 'Christi:anity Lewis, c.s

The Mist King', stephen

Maxi mum Ride 4- The' FL ..

Patters 0 n, J ame-s

M,e!S!Sa'!J'e' I n A Battl,e Sparks, Nicholas

Mol.e,cular M,echanisms 0 ...

Lee, Frank

MlotoI'World Clarkson, Jeremy

Murder is Easy Ch rlstl e, Agath a

Ihe mysterious Affair at ...

Ch rlstl e , Ag ath a

The' Movi ng Fi ng,er Ch r:i sti e, Agath a

The' Mu rder .of RO!J,er Ack ...

Chr.istie, Ag'atha

•• 0 •••• " __ ._.

The' My:s1!e'FY of the Blue ...

Christi e, Ag:ath a

Mrs McGi nty~'s I)e,a,d Christie, Agatha.

Murder on the Links Christie, Ag'atha

Nor M Christie, Agatha


I ~II""

lJii .: ~~. I

-: , .-:-,

21 .... ~ ':1


The Murder at the' VicaJ,a ...

Ch ri sti e, Aglath a

Mur,d,er on the' Orient Ex ....

Chr.istie, Agatha

Naked Seclaris, David

......... r .. ·I _

Murde'r in Mesopotam i:a Gh ri sti e, Agath a.

MY' Horizontal l.ife: A 1(,01...

Handiler, Chelsea

The' N,akie,d Su n As i mo'l,l,. Isaac

A Murder is An nou need Christie, Agatha

My Sister"s I{;e.eper Picoult, Jodi

Nap.alm and Silly Putty Carlin, George

N,arn ia 1.- The' Lion, The' ...

Lewis, C.8.

Nam i a 7- The Last Battle, Lewis, C.s.

Nights in Rio-dan the s.p arks , NiCholas

Nami,a 2- Prlnee 'Ca:sp'ian Lewis, C.S.

N,eme'si:s Ch ri sti e , Agath a

Nineteen M in utes Picoult, Jodi

C.S'_~,i ~.

I .. _, .

';Wf,' s:

., .

Na rn i a 3 - The \i!oyage' of...

Lewis, e.s.

NeV1e'rwh,er,e Gaiman, Neil

No '[au ntry' For Old M,en McCarthy, Go rrnac

,~, c. ..

, I

I '. '

. !



- ..... t t ,

• ·J11

Narnia 4- The Silver 'Chair Nami,a .5<- The' Horse' and ...

Lewis, C.S. Lewis, C.SO.

It New Earth Tolle, Eckhart

next Crichton, Michael



The Notebook Sparks, Nicholas

Notes from a Small Island B,yson, Bill

namia10 - The Ma,gicianm ••• Lewis, C.·S.

Nightfall As i mov, Is aac

NUMA 1- Serpent Cussler, Clive


I', "'I

NUMA 2- Blue 'Gold Cusslar, Cli\i'e

NUMA8: - MHdusa Cuss I er, GI ive

One Door Away From He ....

Knon1z, Dean

NUMA3 - Fire lee Cussler Cli1Je

Odd Thomas 1 -'Odd Th ...

Koontz., Dean

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe Ch ri sll e , Agath a

NUMA 4 - Whi.1e' I}e,ath Gus s Ie r, CI ive

N U MA5,- Loot City' Cussler, Clive

.odd Thomas 2- FOrev'er .. ,. .odd Thomas 3- Br,other ...

Koontz., Dean Koontz., Dean

Ordeel by lnnoeenee Gh ri stle , A~;!'dth a


I ~~., 'lL ...

M~b.r:gb'!iU C i.~Rt·W'ti.i:.

Outliers: The Stolj,of Su ...

Glad!\ivell, Malcolm

NUMA '6:- Polar Shift Guss I er, GI ive

.odd Thomas 4- Odd Hou rs Koontz., Dean

The Pact Picoult, Jodi

NU MA 1 - The N,ii)vig al Cussler, Clive

.on The Road Kero u ae, J ack

A Painted House' Grisham, John

The Pale' Horse Christie, Ag'atha.

P,ercy Jaekson :2 - The Se ...

Riordan, Rick

The Physi,es of Sta r T rek KraLl s s, Lawre n ce

Th,e Partner Grisham, John

P,er,cy Jaekson 3- The Tit. ..

Hi 0 rdan, Ri ck

The Pi Ig ri mage Coelho, Paulo

Passeng,er to Fran kfurt Ch ri sf e, Agath a

P:er,C}I Jackson 4- The Ba ...

Ri 0 rdan , Ricl(

The Pillars of the Earth Follett, Ken

The Pellean Brlef Grisham, John


~~ -»


. - ... -.:.._

P,er,cy Jackson .!) - The La ...

R.i 0 rdan, Hi ck

Plain Truth Picoult, Jodi


IIOW""ltJ) >i:~ 111.', A PEOPLE·S HlSTO nv



A P',eople's His10ry of the ....

Zinn, Howard

P:erJied M,a1ch Picoult, Jodi

,4!OnN GltlSHLA.M

Pta.ying for Pizza Grisham, John

P',er,cy Jaekson 1- The Li ...

Riordan, Rick

.lIlIl~11 __

Th,e' P,eril at End House Christie,Agatha

A Pocket Full ef RYle' Christie, Agatha

Postern of Fa,te Christie, Agatha.

Pr,etty Little Liars 4- Un b ...

Sh e p@::Ii, Sa ra

'Qui,ckHr Than The Eyle 11

~HIEP£l'1'l' ~~ m


, .... _--.-





The Power of Now Tolle, Eckhart

P'r,etty Little LiarsS. - Wic ...

Shepard, Sara

The Qukkie' P'

The Prestiqe Priest, Christopher

Pr,etty Little Liars '6; - Ki lief 8h e p,arcl, Sara

• I : I I • ~ ..


loi).;;:c-J,.. ,.

I v , "~! .',

11:1' ! I·'

~ I I I

.......... , .... ' ..

Pr,e,tty Little Liars Sh e p·ardl, Sara

Pr,etty Little Liars J- Hea ...

Sh e p·arcl, Sa.ra

Rain Wild 1. - The IJragon... Rain Wild:2 - Dragon Hav ...

Pr,e,tty Little Liars 2: - Fla ... 8,hepardl, Sara

Pr,e')f Crichton, Michael

m ... _····


The' Rainmaker

ris h n

Pretty Little Liars 1 - P,erf ... sn e p,@rd, Sara

Pride And Prej udiea And ...

G ra h a me-sm ith, Seth


Rant n .

R,ed [jlragon Harris, Thomas

Safe Harbor Steel,Danielle

The Scarlettl In herltanee Ludlum, Robert

Ri;ch !lad, Poor !lad Kiyo:s all:;i, Ro bert

Sail Patterson, James


Th o 11'11 p.s on" Hunters

The RiGad McCarthy, Cormac

Salem Falls Picoult; Jodii

The S, Letters Lewis,G,S,

The Rum !liary Thompson, Hunter S

Salems LOot King, stephe,n

The Secret Adversary Ch ri sf e , Agath a

Runaway Jury Grisham, John

.pJo~t~liiril!"~I~ .. ",n1'oIIL"ilil IJI .. In.

Sa nta La nd lJi aries Seclari,s, Da;\lid

The Secret of [h i m neys Gh ri stie, Ag'ath a

Sad 'Cypr,ess Chr.istie, Agatha

A Sea n ner !larkly Dick, Philip, K,



, ~,\::,Fr(

The, Selfish 'Gene Dawkins, Richard

, I., 1"'1.

A. Series .of Unfortunate E... A Series of Unfortunate E.. A Series of Unfortunate E.. A Serles of Unfortunate E... A Serles of Unfortunate' E... A Series of Hnferturrate E. ..

Snicket, Lemony Snicket, Lemony Snicket, Lemony Snicket, Lemony Snicket, Lemony Snicket, Lemony

A Series of llnfertunate E... A Series of Hnfertunate E.. A Series of tlnfortunaie E... A Series of Hnferturrate E.... A Series of Unfortunate E... A. Series of Unfortunate' E ..

Snicket, Lemony Snicket, Lemony Snicket, Lemony S'nicket, Lemony Snicket, Lemony Snicke~ Lemony

~'., \ ~~. 'Mr~

~~ ~ .. . - ; ..

.: .' ',(II//j , I· ."., •. \:f.H~r· I • ~:I;lk!l·:


A Series of U nfortu nate E ..

Snicket, Lemony

The' Seven [)Iia Is Mystel)' Christie, Agatha


Se'ven Habits of Highly H ...

Govey, S,tephen R.

The Shining King, Stephen

A Short Histol}' of He.arly ... The Short Saeend Life of. ..

B:ryson, Bill Meyer, stephenie

Sh utter Island Lehane, Dennis

SlaughterhouSie, Fh/'e Vormegut, Kurt

Soldier Son 3- Rienegan ...

Hobb, Robln

The Sigma Protoeel Ludlum, Robert

Sleepi ng M.u rder Christie, Agatha

Someth i ng Wiickle,d Th is ...

B.raclb u ry, Ray

The' Silence of the Lambs Harris, Thomas

Snow I[rash Stephenson, Neal

Sp.a,oe' Trilogy 1- OuHJf ...

Lewis, C.S.

Th·e Silmarillien Tolkien, J.RR.

Snuff PaJahniuk, Chuck

Sp.aoe T ri logy .2 - P,erela ...

Le,wis, C.Si.

The Sitt.a"ford Mys1ery Christie, Agatha

Soldier Son 1 - Shaman' ...

Hoob, Robin

Spiaoe Trilogy 3- That Hi...

Lewis, C.S.

Ski pping (:h rlstm as Grisham, John

Soldier Son 2- Fme'st M ...

Hobo, Robin

Sp.aTkling 'Cy,anide' Gh ri sti e, Ag'ath a

Animal Farm Ol"\i'l,i'ell, Georgie

The Aquaintaine P'rogess ...

Ludlum, Robert

The Audacity of Hope Obarna, Barack



An na Karen i na Tolstoy, Leo

'~.:::.~.~.,E:: ~ :

i ,(s ~<-~il~' , .



-- !

AT,e' You There, Vodka? Is ...

Handler, Chelsea

Ba rrel F,eil.ller Se dlari s, Da'l.l'.i cI

The ApocalyplSie Watch Ludllum, Robert

The ate Grisham, John

The Be,a!ch House Patters 0 n, James


.,.. . .,., _"",-..

\l~t I-: \ I. '~ ""' '~ . ..- "


HHI\ ~;HI~H.·U]

The A.ppe,al Grisham, John

Appoi ntment with Ile,ath Christie, Ag'atha

Apt Pupil King', Stephen

At Bertram"s Hotel.

Christie, ,I\gatha

At Fi fstSig ht S;p·arl:(s, Nicholas

AtlasSh rugged Randl,Al(n

..... • ..... n"1 ...... ••····•·· ........

Be,a!ch Rioad Patterson, James

A Bend in the RiGad Sp,arks, Nicholas

The Bj,g Four Gh rrstl e, Ag atn a

Sphere Crichton, Michael

The Subtle Kn ife Pullman, Philip

Taken at the Flood Christie, Agatha

Spider"s W,eb Gh ri stl e, Agath a


GRISI [~.\ ,. ~;r /1~f Ihr ,f' ..

I .. - >

, WI \


The Summons Grisham, John

The Tawny Man 1- Foals ...

Hobo, Hobin

......... n:~ooi! S!l'EPHEMJ b4C:;

The Stand King,Stephen

Su perF reakoncm les Le\litt, Steven

The' Tawny M:an 2: - 'Gold ...

Hobo, Robin

. .


GA·IMA'N .. ,.1

, , '.

" I _- •

. ~~, ~~ .~

SIA~l)tl::;";'·1 I .. - . ~Y-"'· -- ... ,

Stardust Gaiman, Neil

Smell' V:ou"reJoking, Mr: ...

Feyn rn an, Ri cn ard

The Tawny' M,an 3 - Foals ...

Hobo, Robin

n loont'l

!'hJo • .",.p,_!,-- _.

Strange,rs Koon1z, Dean

SurviV:C:)r Palahniuk, Chuck

The Tenth Cirela Picoult, Jodi

The Street La\lV}ller Grisham, John

JAM~~ 1"ATTIlRSON &._.'.~fo<



I. , :

,',"-;r . I

, I

Suzanne'S [)liar}!' fer Nich ....

Patte rs 0 n, J ames

The' Testament Grisham,John

The Th,eory;(llf E'lJ!el)thing ...

Hawking', Stephen

Th ree Act, T ra,gedy Ch ri sti e, Ag~ath a

m •• ,,,,,\o •. ~, _ .... ~, .. ,,..."III:I ... ,



The Tipping Point: Hew ...

GladMIe·ll, Malcolm

They Came to Bag hdad Christie, Agatha

/\R TIl U R c:

CL~R~~ ·

l tl··\ l ' I::.



Time Odyssey 1- Times ...

Clarke, Arthur C.

Towards Zero Ch rlstl e, Agath a

They 1)9 It With Mirrors Christie, Aga.tha

.'\iUHUI~ c.

(l,A ·KE

I 'S N~ln

, "

~ STEPHf\~


Time Odyssey 2- Su nstorm Clarke, Arthur C.

The Tristan Be'trayal Ludlum, R.obert

Things FaU A.part Achebe, Chinua

. ",RHnIR C

'. ~. . .



Ti me Od.yssey 3- Fi rstborn Clarke, Arthur C.

True Bel i,e''lJ!er Sl)arks, Nicholas

Thinner King,Stephen

It Time 10 Kill Grisham, John

TwiHght 1- Twilight Meyer; Stephenie

~nt\ Ol~ISnl

Third Ghl Gh rrstl e, Ag atn a

Timeline Crichton, Michael

Twilight2 - new Moon Meyer, Step,henie

Twmg ht3- Eel ipse' Meyer,Stephenie

Vampir,e Chronleles 110: B ...


Uamp'ire Chrenicles 7: M ...

Rice, Anne

Twililght4- Br,e,a.king dawn Meyer,Stephenie

Vampir,e Chronleles 2: Th ...


Vampire Chronleles ,8:: E3<I ...


Under the lJome' King,Stephen

Vampir,e 'Chronicles 3: Th ...,Anne

UampiJe Chrenteles 9: BL..


The' U nexpeeted 'Guest Christie, Agatha

\lam pi re Ch ron ides 4: Th ...


Uanishing .Ads Picoult, Jodli

Th,e' Val kyri'es Coelho, Paulo

\l:ampire '(hronicle's50: M ...


Veronika. Deeldes to lJie Coelho, Paulo

Vampir,e' Ch ron leles 1: I n1...

Hi ce, i;,n n e

\lam pi re 'Ch ron leles 16,: Th ...


fit Wa,1 k "'(;(!I Riemem bier Sparks, Nicholas

~ -!/t-

o 11·._ .....

• '_:"!/



W,atch,e'rs Ko 0 ntz, De an

Whe·el of Ti me 10'4 - The ...

J 0 rdan, Ro be rt

Wheel of Ti me 10- Ie ross ...

J 0 rdan, Ro be rt

What [)Ir,e,ams May ,Come Wheel of Ti me t~- New ...

Math,egon, Richard Jordan, ROob,ert

Wheel of Time 10<5- The F... Wheel .of Time 1®'6,- l.ord ...

J 0 rd!a n, Robe rt ,J 0 rdan, Robert

Wheel of Time 11- Knife... Wheel of Time 12- The ...

Jordlan, Robert S:anclerson, Brandon

Wheel of Time 01- The E... Whe,el of Time I~l: - The ...

Jordan, Robert Jorclan, Robert

D:.....-~- I


D V·G .. F.U<;':-' .'

, ... f .. n..._ ...


.- '~1F~ ...

~'~ .... <',".

I .. ··: ROb~~[

- Jon:(j,dn

Whe,el of Time Illil- A Cro.; Whe,el of Time I®lS; - The ...

Jordan, Robert Jordlan, Robert

I' ~U-'\\'II~

.If SL'~

l~i{1 ,\(j II [I

II rOI~.~ t' IIOP:-' "

I~'! '_~ r;"~-4

.,.. 'i."r' ." fit

,- ,~ .. ,~ ...

Ii _. " .• -- 1 • _~_ _

When the Wind Bl.ows When Will JH'SUS Bring th ...

Patterson, James Carlin, George

Wh,ee·l, of Time ij3- The ...

Joroan, Robert

Whe,e,1 of Ti me, 1®19 - Wint...

Jordan, Robert

Why [)lid nt They Ask Evans Christi e, Ag ath a

Wicked - The l.ifea nil:! Ti...

Mag'uire, Gregory

Womans Murder 'Club 1- ...

Patte rs 0 n, James

Womans Murder 'Club J - ...

P'atters on, James

Wicked 2 - Son of a. Wi.1eh Maq,uire, Gregory


'. .t



Womans Murder 'Club 2- ...

Patte rs 0 n, J arne s



Womans Murder Club ;8: - •• ,.

Patterson, James

Wicked 3 - A Lion Amon ...

Mag,uire, Gregory

Womans Murder 'Club 3- ...

Patte rs 0 n, Jarne s

Womans Murder 'Club 9- ...

Patterson, James

The Wi n ner Stands iUone Coelho, Paulo

Womans Murder 'Club 4- ...

Patts rs 0 n, James

WorldW,arZ Broo l:i::s , Max

Witch and Wizard Patterson, James


-, . __ .--


Womans Murder '(lub5 - ...

Patterscn, James

ill World Without IDe Pollack, PhD., Henry

The Wi,tch of Pertbello Coelho, P'a.ulo

Womans MurderOub ,6, - ••• Patterson. James

V:our [)ir,e,am Home': A, '(,0 ...

Smith, M aJg u e rite

lou r Heart Belongs to Me Ko ontz, De an

LiIll110: Ody'SSle')! Two Clarke, Arthur C.

Th€ Zahlr Coelho, Paulo

2!1}6;1: Odys<sey Th r,ee Clarke, Arthur C.

Zodia,c Stephenson, Neal


~t 300 1

•• I". ". I

l®i0l1: The Fi nal OdY'SSle:y Clarke, Arthur G.


~UL~V!VJl!J!' g·!l!IP[


Zombie Survival 'Guide Brooks, Max

4.5i1ll From Paddington Christie, A.gatha

1984 Orwell, George

48: Laws of P,ower Greene, Robert

:2!®-01 - A Spa,oe OdJ'SSIey 01 arke, Arth.u r G.

BI aek '(offe,e Ch rlstl e, Agath a

Biond 1- 'Casino Royal,e Flemingl, Ian

Band 3- MOOon raker Fleming', Ian

Bia,ek Hawk [)lown Bowden, .Mark.

Blond 11@i - Th,e'Spy Who ...

Fleming, Ian

Band 4- [)iiamands cAr,e F. ..

Fleming, Ian

The' Ble,achers Grisham, John

Band 1.1- On Her Maje5lty ...

Fleming', Ian

Band 5- From Russia wit ...

Fleming, Ian

The Blind Side Lewis, Michael

Band 12- Y:ou Oonly U'llie ...

Fleming, Ian

Band '6,- [)ir. No Fleming" Ian

bl ink

Blink: The Power of Thin ...

Gladwell, Malcolm



,~~ I ~ .

\/1. ,til : .

...... : I ••

l c':rJ!:~;' I ,1';' Q.u~.~ i l'~~' r '

" .... ".\ .... ~. "~.'

;. -~'_J'lDl'~'" 'l;n~

:.' ... '"J:" .... , r " I

~, 'i.' :;x.;\_. ...

'-":, '0' ",. ', .• '

:-.r.IL.::II:..o •• ~ ~


Band 13- The Man With ...

Fleming" Ian

Bond J - Goldfinger Flemingl,lan

The' Blod'j/ in the Li brary Ch ri sti a, Ag,ath a

Bond 2- U'llieand Lei. me Fleming, Ian

Band ;9- For Y:aur Ellie'S 0 ...

Fleming:, Ian

Bond 9 - Thunderball Fleming, Ian

Bourne Trilogy 1 - The B ...

Ludlum, Robert

Th,e Brethren Grisham, John

The Book of Us<el'e'ss Info ...

Botham, Noel

Bourne' Trilogy 2- The B ...

Lucnium, Rob,ert

A Brlef H is1ol) of Ti me H awki n gl,Ste ph e n

Border Trilogy 1- All the ...

M oCarthy, Co rmac

Beurne Trilogy 1- The B ...

Ludlum, Robert

A Briefer His10ry of Time Hawking, 8.tephen

'00J1MAC M~C.~I[HI)r I,ll., ~~",uijj~

"'" L.I ....... I'! .":"L..L.L ...... ·.lLt

Border T ri logy 2- The 'Cr ...

MoCarthy, Cormac

Bral n IJroppi ngs Carlin, George

The Broker Grisham, John

Border T ri logy 3- Gti'es ...

McCarthy, Cormac

Brav1e new World Huxl ey, AI clo u s

By The Pricking of My Th ....

Christie, Agatha

BOom To Be Ril,ed Clarkson, Jeremy

Breath less Koontz, Dean

By the Rh,'er plied rill I Sal ..

Coelho, Paulo

_ •• ifi, .... ---.. .........

(:~uds on the Table Oh ri sf e, Agath a

A eari bbean My'St"ery Christie, Agatha



I 1".

l:f :;\\I,;q I~

I[,ell Kingl, Stephen

The Chamber Grisham, John

~~~~,~~. 1;. ;;,-_


Childr,en of Men James, P D.

'Choke Palahniul:<:, Chuck

A ease' of Censelenee MacleodJ, Ksn

'Change' .of Heart Pleeult, Jod:i

Christine King, Stephen

eat Among the P'i'geons Ch risti e , Ag ath a.

Chelsea Chelsea Bang B. ..

Handler, Ghe;lsea

G,a.rk5ian on Du.5 Clarkson, Jeremy

eatch-22 Heller, Joseph

The fa,tcher in the Rye Sa.linger, J.D.

'I'~UR!~~I !ClAR1hI.

~HllD HD:UDI'S ~ ... - E'iN fill

~ "I L!I

I'~-- )"


'Ch i Id hood's End CI arke, Arth u r

The, 'Ch Hd ren 'Of Hurl n J.R.R. Tolklen


. ., ..

. 41lIIIf..:~

rur ~ C1IE~~T

The Cllent Grisham, John

TheClocks Christie, Agatha

A 'Clm:k'Work Ora ng,e Burg'9s.s, Anthony

I[,ov!ert One' 2 - The' Cassa ...

Ludlum, Robert

Crash a,allard, J.G.

A Colessal Fall u re of 0]1 ...

McDonald, G. Lawrence

Covle,rt One' 3- The' Paris ...

Ludlum, Robert

erookie,d House, Christie, Agatha

Confesslons of a WaH Str; ..

Reingoldl, Dan

,Cov,ert One' 4- The Altma ...

Ludlum, Robert

The ery Of The Ha I lden Ludlum, Robert

I[ongo Crichton, Michael

ICovlert. One' .~ - The Lazar ....

Lucfllum, Rob-ert

(rypt,onomi,oon Stephenson, Neal

Coraline, Gairnan, Neil

(:IOV1ert One' "1 - The' Ardi,c ....

Ludlum, Robert

f"ujo King', Stephen

O]lv1ert One 1- The' Hade' ...

Ludlum, Robert

i[:radle'and All. Parterscn, James

The iCu rse IOf Lone Thompson, HunterS

eu rtal n The Ila Vi nel (ode

Christie, Ag'atha BWll'iln, Dan

llark10wer 3 - The W.illste ... Ilarktower 4- Wi zardan ...

King" Stephen King., Stephen

Ilead Man"s Foll}r Christie, Agatha

llel~1r Joh n S:p,a rks, N ich 0 las




~ ",~,


The Ila Vinci. f;ode Brown, Dan

Ilarktow-er§ - The Wohl!e ...

King. Stephen

[)Ielath Cemesas the End Christie, Agatha

Ila rk Pitl:3- l,oeber'9 Cusslsr, Clive

-, II'U""



llarkt9llVer i6, - Song of S ...

King, Stephen

Ilelath in the Oouds Christie, Agatha

Ilarkiower 1- The 'Gunsli ...


Ilark Tower]' .- The [)I;:uk ...

Ki n g!,Step-h e n

[}e,ath on the' Nile Christie, Ag a

- ;: l i l ">.

!(I~( ~

,..- ~

.. '


I - .

.. ..,~:,(

Ilarktl)wer 2- The [}rawi ...

King', Stephen

The Dlaylt RainHd For:e'll'er B.raclbul1", Ray

Ile,oeption Point Bwwn, Dan

l}es1i nation Un known Christie, Agatha


I}j,amond Age Stephenson, Neal

I}j rk Pitt Hli - Dragon Cu,ssler Clive

The l}e'Vi la nd Miss PlJm Coelho, Paulo


I}i,ary Palalmiuk, Ohuck

I}j rk Pitt 11- Sahara Gussler,Olille

I}exter 1 - I}arkly I}r,e,ami", Lindlsay, Jeff

·ID. •• '_ ... L.-- ... !


~""""" :__ ~<.:. ... -4 -"!,- i


·1 .:_.', I I' I _II. !

I}ig ital fortress Brown, Dan

mrk Pitt 12 - I nea 'Gold Cuasler Clive

I}exte·r 2: - l}e1arly I}e'vote'", Lindsay, Jeff

Oi rk 'Gently' 1- lJirk 'Gent!. ..

Adlams, Douglas

I}irk Pitt, 13- Shock Wa'lJie· ousster Clive

Be,xt<,er3,- Oex,te'r in the .. , Lindsay, Jeff

lJirk 'Gently 2: - The Lang, , ..

Adams, Douglas

I}irk Pitt 14- Flood Tide Cus s I er, CI ive

I}ext:er 4- I}ext<er boy Oe'Si ,,'" Lindlsay, Jeff

[]iirk Pitt 1 - Paeifle Vmtex Gussler, Clive



I}irk Pitt, 1~- Atl.antis Found Cussler Clive

Dirk Pitt 17- Trojan Odys ...

Cussler, Clive

[)iirk P'itt 6:- Night Probel Cussler, Clive

lJiisCWIorld I®lJ .Equal Rite's pratchett, Terry

Di rk Pitt 18- Bl.a·ck Wind Cussler, Clive

lJiirk Pitl:l- De.ep Six:

Cussler, Clive

mscworld I@!4 - Mort P ratcnen, Te rry

Di rk Pitt 1 :8,- Val halla Risi...

Cuss I e r, GI i'IJe

Di rk PittS - fy:c:lOpiS Cuss I er, CI ive

lJiiscworld ,®I!) - Sou r,eery' Pratch ett, Te rry

Dirk Pitt 2- The M'edit,eH ...

CU3sler, Clive

lJiirk Pitt 9- Treasure Cussler, Cli'lle

Disoworld t6, - W'yrd Sisters Pratch ett, Te rry

lJiirk Pitt 4 - Raise· The TiL.

Cu.ssler, Clive

lJiiscworld 01- The Colou ....

Pratchett, Terry

lJiscworld 11lI1'- Pyramids Pratchett, Terry

Dirk Pitt5- Vix;e'n I®ll Gussler,OIi\le

mscworld '2- The Ught ...

Pratchett, Terry

[)iisCWIarld 1®i8:- 'Guards! G, ...

Pratchett, Terry

Oiscworld i®i9 - Erie 1II1I - Moving Pi ...

Pratchett, Terry Pratchett, Terry

Oiscworld 15- M,enat Arms Oiscwodd 1'6: - Soul Music

Pratchett, Terry Pratchett, Terry

Oiscworld 21- Jingo P ratch ett, Te rry 11- RJe1aper Man Oiscworld 12- Witches A ...

Pratchett, Terry Pratchett, Terry

Oiscworld 11- lnterestlnq.; Discworl.,d 18:- Maskierade

Pratehett, Terry Pratchett, Terry

OiscworldU- The Last C.. Oiscwmld 23- 'Carpe Jug ...

Pratehatt, Terry Pratchett, Terry

OiSicworld 24- Fifth Elep ... pratchett, Terry 13 - Small ,GOods Pratchett, Terry

Oiscworld 19- Feet of (Jay Pratchett, Terry

1111 OF 00

OiSicwarld 26, - The Thief ...

Pratchett, Terry

Oiscworld 14 - Lords and ...

Pratchett, Terry

Oiscworld2!®1 - Hogfath'er Pratchett, Terry

mscworld 21 - The Last H ...

P'ratchett, Terry

()iscworld 218:- The Amillz. ...

Pratehejt, Terry

()isC'l.lV'orld 33- ,Going P'oo ...

Pratcheft, Terry

()iscworld 291- N ig ht W,a1ch ()iscworld 3!®i .. Monstrous ...

P'ratch eft, Te rry Platch eft, Te rry

()isC'l.lV'orld 15- Wi ntersm ith ()iscworld 316,- Ma ki",g M ...

Pratehett, Terry Pra.tcheft, Terry

()ra~g!on Tears K

Dress Your Farn i Iy' in 'Cor ...

ri ,', i

()iscworld Jill - Th udl Pratcheft, Terry

()iscworld 31 - llnseen Ac ...

Pratch eft, Te rry



n .. brl"'hl •• ·r •••• iLII-.!II!' r ••• !III.II.~'''' LI.

()rive i

()iSlcworld :31- The W,e,e ...

Pratchett, Terry

()isworld 25 - The Truth Pratchstt, Terry

()riving Blind

()iscwarld 32- A Hat Fun ...

Pratcheft, Terry

()o Andr,oids ()r,e,am of EI...

Dick, P,hilip, K .


_ ... ri. __ ._

Dumb Witne'ss Christie, Agatha

Ender in Exi I'e Ca rdl, Ors a n Scott

Enders 'Game '6,- Shade ...

Cardl, Drs a n Scott

Dune Herbert, Frank

Enders ,Game 1- Ender's ...

Cardl, Orson seen

Enders 'Ga mel- Shade ...

Card, DrsonScott

The, Eaters of the Delad Crichton, MiChae.l

Enders 'Game' 2: - Spe,akle ...

Carel, Ors a n Scott

Enders 'Game' ,8 - Shade ...

Cardl, Ors a n Scott

The Eleqarrt Un ive'fse Greene, Brian

Enders 'Ga me' 3 - )(;e'nodde orson Scott Card!

End less tUg ht Ch rlstl e , Agath a

Elephants Can Remember Christie, Agatha

Enders ,Game 4-'[hildre ...

Carel, Orson Scott

lEvi I. Under the Su n Christie, Agatha

! -. ,-., J ' •... ~

,'.' __ p;~,-O I : COELHG)

, .. /~r -.,~.&...:.. ~~."""~ .. - ... . - -,

. - ,

He've," Min utes Coelho, Paulo

Enders 'G arne .5' - Ender's ...

Carel, Orson Scott

Fa h ren helt 451 Bradlou ry, Ray

A Far,ewell. To Arms Hem rn g,way, E:rn est

FioghtOub Palahniuk, Chuck

Foundation 1- Foundation Asirnovlsaac

Fa rseer 1- Assassi n"s Ap ...

Hobo, Robin

The' Firm Grisham, John

Foundation 2- Foundatlo ...

Asimo\l, Isaac

Farseer 2- Riov,al Assassin Hobb, Hobin

Fi rst Meetings in the' End ...

Cardl, Orson Scott

Fou nd atlon 3 - Seeond F. ..

Mirno\l, Isaac

Farseer 3, - Assassin's i(~u ...

Hobb Robin

".,' . ...,,!'I~"".~

Fi'llle' Little P'i'gs Christie, Ag'atha

Foundetlon 4 - Foundarlo ...

As i mo'V, Is aac

Fe,ar And l.eathlng In La ...

Th OIl:WS on, Huntsrs ..

For Crying Out Loud!

Clarkson, Jeremy

Fou ndation5 - Fou ndatio ...

AsimoIJ, Isaac

Th·e Fifth Mountain Coelho, Paulo

Ford 'Country Grisham, John

Foundation '6;- Prelude t ..

As i 1U0."", Isaac

Fou nd arion "l- Forward t. ..

As i mo'IJ, Isaac

.... _"' ".u

~1I!C1([(lIlII<IllllI,UIlU III !!!Il!I!~!I!I:.~__.

_h~ -............_ ... li~...".;

nnu I. LDIIt !II .HElIU .,\I •. [mit.


Levitt, Steve n

Gonzo Papers - The ,(; re ...

Thompson, Hunter S

The Fountainhe,ad Raml,Ayn

The, 'Givler Lowry, Lois

'Good Omens Gaiman, Neal

The Fou nta i rrs of Parad iss GI arke, Arth ur G.

11111 I lIIel.u~io~

Richard Dawkins

The, ,God lJe,1 uslon Dawkins, Richard!

The 'Gra.very'a.rd Book Gaiman, Neil

Fr,ankens1ie,in 1 - P'rodi:gaL.

Koon1z, Dean

A 'God In Ruins Uris, Leon

A 'Grav'eryl:lrd For Lunatles Bradb u ry, Ray

Frankensl,ein 2- '(ity of N ...

Koontz., Dean


D!' -

IiltheJ1 Mario Pm

The 'Godtath·er Puzo, Mario

The 'Gr,e,at Slmeleen eaper Stephenson, Neal

Frankenstein 3- I}eladan ...

Ko 0 ntz, Dean

The, 'Golden Cern pass Pullman, Philip.

lit r~~~,i ••• ~II' ~io~il

The 'Gr,e,en M He King, Stephen

'Gu ns, 'Ge'rms and Steel.

Diamond, Jared!


.,~~."". ,,~.\. I i i--~""1"-r ..

I. _,.' '-. I

,... ... -

.... ~ -' 'I

.: ... -,. r--- 1


I~ < • ,

;~~ .. '''~_:

ta rill Piotter 3- Harry Pot.; Rowling, J.K.

Heir's An9,el Thompeon, Hunters

HalloOwe',en Party Christie, Agatha

HaJry Potter 4 - Harry Pot.; Rowlingl, J.K.

Hereule Poiro.f's 'Christmas Ch ri stl e, Aglath a

Handle With Care Picoult, Jodli

Harry' PotterS- Harry Pot. ..

Rnwling" J.K.

HHGTTG 1 - Hitchhiker's ...

Adams, Douglas

Hannibal Harris, Thomas



fj' :,t~ -.r.!'

I 1


- .

-- '

HaJry Potter 16,- Ha rill PiOot. ..

Howling, J.K_

H HGTT'G 2- The R,estau r ...

Aclams, Douglas

Harry Potter 1 - Harry Piot...

Rawling, J.K.

Harry Potter J - HaJry Pot ..

Rawling, J.K

HHGTT,G 3- l.ife, the Uni...

Adlams, Douglas

Harry' Potter 2: - Harry' Pot...

Rawling, JK

Haunted Palahniuk, Chuck

HHGTT'G 4- So Long, An ...

Adlams, D'ouglas

Hell"s Angel Thomason, Hunter S

H HGTT'G5- Mostly' Harm L ..

Adams, Douglas

The House .on HopeStreet Steel, Danielle

Hereule P:oirof's Christrnas HHGTT'G 1 - Hitchhiker's ...

Christie,Agatha Adams, Douglas

H ickiory I]lickiol)f !Jock eh ri sti e , Agath a

Hide and Se,ek Pattarson, James

H9USle, Ru les Picoult, Jodi

How -';00 ,Ge,t Rich Trump, Donaldl

H HGTT'G 2- The Restaur ...

Adams, Douglas

The Hobbit Tolkien, J.R.R

Haw tOo Ma.kie P,e9ple Li k ...

Boothman, Nicholas

HH,GTTG,l- l.lfe, the Uni ...

Adams, Do u s I as

The' Hollow Christie, Agatha

I I r I I I~ V. :-.. nit..



Trick, i~1'I' Ui Jl :s.lre~~_;; ill


How io Talk to Anyone: 9 ...

Driver, Janlne

H HGTTG, 4- So Lang, An ...

Aclams,. Douglas

The' Host Meyer, S.tephenie

I Am Legend Matheson, Richardl

I Kno1l.lll!' You 'Got Sou I: MiL ..

Clarkson, Jeremy

The Iron Man Howard, Robert E.

Jack Ryan 12- The Teeth ...

Clancy, Torn

The learus Ag,enda Ludlum, Robert


King, Step-hen

, 'I'T'Oln : i~!~J~lY .

. ~ ...

I ';-0.,


.. .. *' .. *'

Jack Ryan 2- Patriot 'Ga ...

Glancy, Tom

If I lJid It Th,e' Illustrated Man

Simpson,O.J. BracllJouFlf, Ray

It's Not About the Bike: M... Jack Rya.n 1 - Without Re ...

Armstrong', Lance Clancy, Tom

Jack Ry,an3- R,e,d Rabbit Clancy, Tom

Jack Ry'an 4 - The Hunt f ...

Clancy, Tom

The In noeerrt Man Grisha.m, John

Jaek R'Y,an 1!1II- Rainbow ...

Clancy, Tom

Jack Ry.a:n5- The' Cardin ...

Clancy, Tom

lnvisible Mons1ie'fs Palarmluk, Chuck

Jack Ryan 11- Bear And ...

Clancy, Tom

Jack Ryan '6,_ 'Cle,a r and ...

Glancy, Tom

Joe' Pitt. 3 - Half the moo ...

Huston, Charlie

J u m per :3 - 'Griffi n's S10ry Gouldl, Ste'llen

The Lake House, Patterson, James

Joe' Pitt 4 - E\I1ery Last Drep Huston, Charlie

J urassle Park Ghrichton, Michael

'i , II.''_'.L


..•. '


• M •••••••••

The' Last. J uror Gr.isham,John

Joe Pitt.5- My I)e,ad Body' Huston, Charlie

Kal,eidoooope Steel, Danlelle

l.eap of Faith Stee·I,. Danielle

Judge and Jury Patte rs 0 n, James

KHepi n9 Faith Pi cou It, J 0 d'i


Lies My Teecher "f:old M,e Loewen, James W.

Jumper 1- Jumper Gnu I eII,Steve n

JOHN ""'1 ~[SHAM I

TH f K~I NiG. ~ 01: TORTS

The' Ki"g of Torts Grisham, John

Ughtning Ko 0 ntz, De an

.JurnperZ - Reflex Goulcl, Steven

Kitchen Cenfldenrlal 8:ourdJain, Mthony

Lh/,e'ship Traders 1-Ship ...

Hobo, Robin

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