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Boekenlijst collegeplank Game Studies 2011

- A casual revolution : reinventing video games and their players / JesperJuul – 2010
- Cheating : gaining advantage in videogames / Mia Consalvo - 2007
- Digital culture, play, and identity : a World of Warcraft reader / ed. by Hilde G.
Corneliussen and Jill Walker Rettberg - 2008
- Digital play : the interaction of technology, culture, and marketing / Stephen Kline, Nick
Dyer-Witheford and Greig de Peuter - 2003
- First person : new media as story, performance, and game / ed. by Noah Wardrip-Fruin
and Pat Harrigan – 2004
- From Barbie to Mortal Kombat : gender and computer games / ed. by Justine Cassell and
Henry Jenkins - 1999
- Gaming : essays on algorithmic culture / Alexander R. Galloway - 2006
- Half-real : video games between real rules and fictional worlds / JesperJuul - 2005
- Homo ludens : proeve eener bepaling van het spel-element der cultuur / J. Huizinga – 2008
- An introduction to game studies : games in culture / FransMäyrä - 2008
- The medium of the video game / ed. by Mark J.P. Wolf - 2001
- Racing the beam : the Atari Video computer system / Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost - 2009
- ScreenPlay : cinema/videogames/interfaces / ed. by Geoff King and Tanya Krzywinska -
- The state of play : law, games, and virtual worlds / ed. by Jack M. Balkin and Beth Simone
Noveck – 2006
- Persuasive games : the expressive power of videogames / Ian Bogost - 2007
- Pervasive games : theory and design / Markus Montola, JaakkoStenros, and Annika Waern
– 2009
- Play between worlds : exploring online game culture / T. L. Taylor - 2006
- Rules of play : game design fundamentals / Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman ; book design
and photography: Katie Salen - 2004
- The ultimate history of video games : from Pong to Pokémon and beyond: the story behind
the craze that touched our lives and changed the world / Steven L. Kent - 2001
- Understanding digital games / ed. by Jason Rutter and Jo Bryce - 2006
- Understanding video games : the essential introduction / Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Jonas
Heide Smith, Susana Pajares Tosca– 2008
- Unit operations : an approach to videogame criticism / Ian Bogost - 2006
- The video game theory reader / ed. by Mark J.P. Wolf and Bernard Perron –2003
- The video game theory reader 2 / ed. by Bernard Perron and Mark J.P. Wolf – 2009

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