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I Mohit Agarwalla of christ university doing a Rereach Project on Comsumer Preference and Frequency

of purchase with special reference to Amul Butter for which I am conducting a servey.


Name :


 15 to 25
 25 to 35
 35 to 45
 45 & above

Gender: Male Female


 Student
 Employee
 Other

Q1: Have you ever purchased Amul Butter?

 Yes
 No

Q2: How many members are there in your family?

 2–4
 5–8
 9 -12
 12 & above

Q3: How often do you consume Amul Butter?

 All the days

 Frequently
 Occasionally
 Not at all
Q4: How often do you purchase Amul Butter in a month?

 Once in 7 days
 Once in 15 days
 Once in 3 weeks
 Monthly once

Q5: Do you go for

 Branded butter
 Local butter

Q6: Which brand of butter you perfer to purchase to your family?

 Amul Butter
 Mello Butter
 Nutralite Butter
 Britannia Butter

Q7: Which brand you are using currently?

 Amul Butter
 Other. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Q8: How did you come to know about Amul Butter?

 Not heard
 Friends
 Display
 Family
 Media

Q9: Where do you usually purchase the Amul Butter?

 Departmental stores
 Shopping mall
 Both
 Grocery shop

Q10: Usually what size you will purchase Amul Butter?

 Small
 Medium
 Large
Q11: Why do you prefer to buy Amul Butter?

 Quality
 Price
 Taste
 Availability

Q12: Compared to last purchase has your present consumption of purchase of Amul Butter?

 Increased
 Some what increased
 No change
 Decreased

Q13: Rate the satifaction level of Amul Butter based on :-

(5 Max)

 Quality
 Value
 Price
 Availability

Q14: Are you completely satisfied with the Amul butter?

 Yes
 No

Q15: Have you ever encounter any Quality problem regarding Amul Butter?

 Yes
 No

If yes, what is the nature of complaints?

Q16: Any suggestion for improvement:-

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