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Raymonds: The complete Man :A complete campaign

Raymonds : Expressions : A Complete man

Headline: Leadership comes naturally to those who do not stand on ceremony.

Subhead: Presenting Expressions

Bodycopy: Fine suiting fabrics that are skillfully woven from a unique blend of fibres
derived from nature like Bamboo, Casein, Soyabean, Tencel, Linen, Silk, Cashmere,
Mohair and Angora.And super 100s and 120s merino wool. So light, smooth and supple,
it's perfect for the gentleman who is at ease with himself and the world.

Baseline: The Complete Man.

Agency: R K Swamy/BBDO
Client: Raymond

Source :

Brand Count :4
Raymonds has struck a right cord with the positioning of "A complete man".
Expressions range however is promoted as an aspirational brand emphasizing on the
finer qualities of a complete man. This is a very sound strategy that allows the brand to
expand using the core values .

The strategy has been executed perfectly using commercials showing the metrosexual
qualities of a man. The current series of print ads tries to add the leadership quality to
the complete man.

Raymonds also like not only sober personalities but also dynamic go getters to use the
brand. So this range is essentially targetted at young achievers, not necessarily

Although I have reservations about the quality of print ads, since the brand is in line
with the positioning, All is well.....

Key words : Brand, Positioning, Marketing strategy, Indian Brands.

Labels: branding, readymade brands, textiles

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