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Course Outline for

Ultrasonic Testing in Accordance

with AWS D1.1 and ASME V
Prerequisites: 4. Interpret; Evaluate and Record weld
Completion of ASNT SNT-TC-1A discontinuities in accordance with
recommended training for UT Level I & II the codes.
qualification; i.e., 80 hours. Some angle 5. Gain confidence and efficiency in
beam experience preferred. performing ultrasonic weld
Course Duration: 6. Examine several test pieces of
The course is offered in 1-5 day blocks. various geometries and successfully
Generally speaking, a person with limited detect, dimension and record a
angle beam experience will take longer to minimum of ten weld discontinuities.
complete the curriculum; i.e., calibrate, 7. Pass a written examination specific
detect, plot and record, interpret and to the aforementioned codes.
evaluate all recordable indications. K2
Technologies will maintain records of Course Outline:
attendance and examination documents for 1. A General section that discusses
each student. A certificate of completion ultrasonic weld testing, flaw sizing
will be issued for successful detection; and characterization of weld flaws.
dimensioning and recording of a minimum 2. An AWS D1.1 section that covers
of ten weld discontinuities. specific calibration and examination
techniques to this code.
Course Description: 3. An ASME V section that covers
This course is designed to provide the specific calibration and examination
operator with an understanding of techniques to this code.
interpreting signals and characterizing
flaws with angle beam ultrasonic Course material and test samples provided.
examination in accordance to the AWS Equipment Arrangements are available.
D1.1 and the ASME V codes.

Course Objective: Course Prepared by:

Upon completion of the course the
participant will be able to: Ken L. Heaps
1. Reference appropriate sections of 3400 Glenn Don Cr
Anchorage AK 99504
both codes. 907-333-1666
2. Interpret ultrasonic signals and
characterize various indications ASNT NDT III UT/MT/PT/LT/RT
AWS CWI; API 570; 653 NACE
related to welds.
3. Calibrate the ultrasonic instrument in See attached files UT Angle Beam #1 - #5
accordance with the codes.
Angle Beam
General Information

References:................................................................................................................................................... 2
Math Review ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Trigonometry ................................................................................................................................. 2
Near Field: .................................................................................................................................. 2
Beam Spread ............................................................................................................................... 2
Circumferential Scanning Formula............................................................................................. 2
dB equation ................................................................................................................................. 3
Wavelength: ................................................................................................................................ 3
Areas: .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Using a calculator: ...................................................................................................................... 3
Velocity Chart:............................................................................................................................................... 3
General Discussion of Ultrasonic Sizing of Flaws ........................................................................................ 5
Interpreting Signals ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Rise and Fall Time ...................................................................................................................... 6
Peaks ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Signal Base.................................................................................................................................. 7
Tip Diffracted.............................................................................................................................. 8
Transmit Receive ........................................................................................................................ 8
Characterizing Indications in Welds.............................................................................................................. 8
Root Indications (surface connected).......................................................................................... 8
Midwall Indications (subsurface) ............................................................................................. 11
Weld Cap Indications (surface connected) ............................................................................... 11
Interpretation Tips for Non-relevant and False Indications ......................................................................... 12
Refracted L-wave Indications ................................................................................................... 12
Creeper Wave Indications......................................................................................................... 12
Standing Wave Indications ....................................................................................................... 12
Pre Inspection Requirements...................................................................................................................... 13
Physical Measurements............................................................................................................. 13
Calculate Distances................................................................................................................... 13
Mark Surface Distances on Plate Adjacent to Weld................................................................. 13
Weld Profile/Sound Path Transparency.................................................................................... 13
Basic Angle Beam Calibration .................................................................................................................... 14
Sweep Distance:........................................................................................................................ 14
Sensitivity ................................................................................................................................. 14
APPENDIX A: AWS D1.1............................................................................................................................ 16
APPENDIX B: ASME V ............................................................................................................................... 17
Quiz Questions:............................................................................................................................................. 1

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Angle Beam
General Information

ASME V Article 4 & 5
AWS D1.1 Section 6 & Annexes

Math Review
SP = T/cos0: 1st leg Sound Path
SP = 2 x (T/cos0): Full V Sound Path
SD = SP x sin0: Surface Distance
T = SP x cos0: 1st Leg Depth
T = 2 x (T – [SP x cos0]): 2nd Leg Depth
T = (SP x cos0) – (2 x T): 3rd Leg Depth

SD Full V

SP 2nd leg

SP 1st leg
SP 3rd leg

Figure 1. Sound Path, Surface Distance, Thickness

Near Field:
N= D x F
(4 x V)
Keep velocity in microseconds to cancel out frequency exponents. Near field
calculations are important when dimensioning flaws because they can mask tip
diffraction signals.

Beam Spread
SIN0 = 1.22 (λ / D)
The sin value for ½ angle beam spread equals 1.22 x wavelength divided by
diameter. It’s a sin value so you need to do a sin-1 function to convert it back into a
degree value. Beam spread plots may be required and they should always be
supported by a Near Field and Beam Spread calculations. The 1.22 constant plots
the theoretical beam edge. 1.09 constant for –12 dB.

Circumferential Scanning Formula

SIN01 = (ID/OD) x SIN02

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General Information

Calculates the required refracted angle (01) to produce desired refracted angle (02)
at the inside diameter of the component. Enter the desired angle of refraction at ID
for SIN02; SIN01 is the wedge angle required to achieve the desired angle.
SIN02 = SIN01 / (ID/OD)
To determine angle of refraction at ID for a known wedge angle.

dB equation
dB = 20 x log(Amp%2 / Amp%1)
Used to determine the db difference between two amplitudes.

λ = V/F
Keep velocity in microseconds to cancel out frequency exponents. Flaws can be
reliably detected only when greater than ½ wavelength.

Area of circle = pi x radius2
Area of rectangle = length x height

Using a calculator:
Make sure calculator is set to Degrees, NOT Radians & NOT Gradients. Degree
units used in formulas are sin values. To convert sin value back to degree uses the
sin-1 of the sin value.

Velocity Chart:
Material Longitudinal Shear Acoustic
Velocity Velocity Impedance

Air 0.013 0.33 - - 0.0004

Aluminum 0.25 6.3 0.12 3.1 17
Alumina Oxide 0.39 9.9 0.23 5.8 32
Beryllium 0.51 12.9 0.35 8.9 23
Boron Carbide 0.43 11 - - 26.4
Brass 0.17 4.3 0.08 2 36.7
Cadmium 0.11 2.8 0.059 1.5 24
Copper 0.18 4.7 0.089 2.3 41.6
Glass (crown) 0.21 5.3 0.12 3 18.9
Glycerin 0.075 1.9 - - 2.42
Gold 0.13 3.2 0.047 1.2 62.6
Ice 0.16 4 0.08 2 3.5
Inconel 0.22 5.7 0.12 3 47.2

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General Information
Iron 0.23 5.9 0.13 3.2 45.4
Iron (cast) 0.18 4.6 0.1 2.6 33.2
Lucite 0.106 2.7 0.05 1.26 3.16
Lead 0.085 2.2 0.03 0.7 24.6
Magnesium 0.23 5.8 0.12 3 10
Mercury 0.057 1.4 - - 19.6
Molybdenum 0.25 6.3 0.13 3.4 64.2
Monel 0.21 5.4 0.11 2.7 47.6
Neoprene 0.063 1.6 - - 2.1
Nickel 0.22 5.6 0.12 3 49.5
Nylon, 6-6 0.1 2.6 0.043 1.1 2.9
Oil (SAE 30) 0.067 1.7 - - 1.5
Platinum 0.13 3.3 0.067 1.7 69.8
Plexiglass 0.11 2.7 0.043 1.1 3.1
Polyethylene 0.07 1.9 0.02 0.5 1.7
Polystyrene 0.093 2.4 0.04 1.1 2.5
Polyurethane 0.07 1.9 - - 1.9
Quartz 0.23 5.8 0.087 2.2 15.2
Rubber, Butyl 0.07 1.8 - - 2
Silver 0.14 3.6 0.06 1.6 38
Steel, mild 0.23 5.9 0.13 3.2 46
Steel, stainless 0.23 5.8 0.12 3.1 45.4
Teflon 0.06 1.4 - - 3
Tin 0.13 3.3 0.07 1.7 24.2
Titanium 0.24 6.1 0.12 3.1 27.3
Tungsten 0.2 5.2 0.11 2.9 101
Uranium 0.13 3.4 0.08 2 63
Water 0.0584 1.48 - - 1.48

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Angle Beam
General Information

General Discussion of Ultrasonic Sizing of Flaws

A full volumetric weld inspection consists of propagating ultrasound throughout the entire weld
metal volume and heat affected zone (HAZ) in a cross pattern; i.e., each angle used is propagated
from both sides to achieve the cross pattern using the 1st and 2nd legs as diagramed below. If
access is limited to only one side of the weld then a 2nd and 3rd leg exam is performed to achieve
the same cross pattern. Whenever possible, use the first leg of sound path in all weld

Figure 2. Cross Pattern to Achieve Full Volumetric Weld Examination

The ASME Section V, Articles 4 and 5 and AWS D1.1 Annex K codes require flaw
dimensioning using decibel (dB) drop sizing methods; e.g., a 50% amplitude drop. It has been
demonstrated that when the flaw is
less than the beam spread, the dB 50% drop 50% drop 50% drop 50% drop
drop sizing method tends to
dimension the beam profile instead
of the actual flaw size, thereby
over sizing the flaw. This
becomes even more pronounced
when plotting flaws using an angle Flaws

beam; often the flaws plot into the

base metal when they shouldn’t, or
they don’t plot to the exact same
position from each side of the
weld when they should. The
Element dimension Flaw dimension
diagram on the right shows the
transducer dimensioning the flaws
via the 50% amplitude drop. The
flaw on the left gets oversized
because it’s smaller than the beam
profile. The flaw on the left is
accurately sized because its
dimension is larger than the beam Figure 3. Flaw Dimensioning, 6dB Drop Method

In addition, it is recognized that other techniques different than the nominal 45o, 60o & 70o shear
wave examinations may be required verify and dimension planar flaws. This is a good reason
why codes specify a ‘scanning sensitivity’ that is above the reference level. Flaw

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General Information

characterization and sizing methods such as ID Creeping Waves, Tip Diffraction, Bi-Modal, and
Refracted Longitudinal Waves have demonstrated a higher degree of accuracy for sizing the
depth of planar flaws in pipe, plate and vessel components welds, in lieu of the Amplitude
Comparison or dB Drop Techniques. Tip Diffraction is the only advanced technique discussed
in this curriculum.

Interpreting Signals
Rise and Fall Time
The signal rise time is related to how fast the signal peaks as the transducer is moved toward
a reflector, and how fast it falls when the transducer is moved away from it. As shown
below, the rise and fall time of signals is drastically affected by the angle of the sound beam.

70o 60o 45o

Figure 4. A-Scan Displays of Rise/Fall Time Related to Angles

In the above diagram the beam profile is dimensioned instead of the SDH. This can lead to
over sizing flaws as well as underestimating flaw depth. This problem alleviates itself once
the flaw size is equal to or larger then the beam profile. Discontinuities with a through wall
dimension greater than the beam profile dimension will have a longer rise/fall time and be
more accurately dimensioned. Geometry
indications from a weld cap or weld root
exhibit a slow rise/fall time and have a
broad base signal with multiple peaks.

Sound that is reflected back to the
transducer at different or varying time of
flight (TOF) indicates a multifaceted
reflector surface and creates multiple peaks
on the signal. In most cases the
multifaceted surface is also irregular to Figure 5. Multiple Peaks From Irregular Surface

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General Information

normal incidence, such as the face of a crack that follows grain boundaries or porosity, both
of which cause sound to be dispersed and lowers signal amplitude. Indications that reflect
sound back at the same TOF do not exhibit multiple peaks. Lower dB to view and interpret
the signal peak

Signal Base
The signal base is related to amplification and to the amount of time, or more
specifically, the difference in TOF from when the first energy is returned from the flaw
to when the last energy is returned; transducer position is static. As shown, a radius
reflector widens the signal base compared to a normal incidence reflector, which is the
narrowest. An irregular surface also causes signal base to increase. A sharp signal has a
narrow base.

TOF delta from radius TOF delta from normal

flaw is greater incidence flaw is zero TOF delta from planar
flaw is greater

TOF delta at signal base Amplified signal base TOF delta at signal base

Figure 6. How Signal Base Relates to Flaw Geometry

Of the nominal angles, the 70o shear wave mode is nearest to normal incidence to a
subsurface vertical weld centerline crack and will return the most energy.

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General Information

Tip Diffracted
• The radial wave pattern that emanates from a long crack tip is reliably detectable only in the
far field and requires a good signal to noise ratio. Better results obtained with a highly
damped 45o or 60o shear wave. Interpretation of RF A-scan display better for low amplitude

Figure 7. Tip Diffraction

These signals are important, due to their vertical orientation these types of planar indications are
difficult to detect. The technician needs to acknowledge their critical nature and further
investigate with other angles.

Transmit Receive

This signal only appears when it reflects from

a planar flaw and is received on a second
transducer. A transmit/receive technique can
be employed to further investigate a planar
discontinuity. Through transmission is an
amplitude attenuation test. Figure 8. Transmit/Receive Technique

Characterizing Indications in Welds

Root Indications (surface connected)
1. Root Geometry (irrelevant indication):
The operator should determine if the weld exhibits a root geometry that will reflect sound
back to the transducer. The sound path should calculate to a thickness equal to or slightly
greater than weld plate thickness. The surface distance from each side of the weld should
not plot exactly to the same point or to the weld centerline. This signal should be closely
interpreted during inspection, so that other root indications coming up just in front of, or
on the front flank of this signal, may be noted and interpreted also.

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General Information
SD plot overlaps

Depth slightly greater than

Plate Thickness

Figure 9. Root Geometry

2. Excessive Root:
Excessive Root is similar to the Root Geometry noted in Figure 9 above. Excessive root
bead will have sharper sides due to excess weld metal melting through. Signals will vary
more in amplitude and exhibit a greater TOF than normal root geometry.

3. Longitudinal Crack (weld metal or HAZ):

Best detected with a 45o angle due to corner trap at ID. Signal will appear sharp with fast
rise time. The 60o angle will provide approximately ½ the return amplitude of the 45o
angle. If the crack follows grain boundaries and exhibits a multifaceted face the signal
may exhibit a multiple peak and return less sound than a notch in a reference block.
Crack indications should plot to same point from each side of weld.
SD plots to same point above crack

Figure 10. Longitudinal Crack in HAZ, Surface Connected

4. Transverse Crack (weld metal or HAZ):

Transducer needs to be aligned parallel to weld direction and skewed 30o to propagate
sound in towards the weld root to detect short transverse root cracks. The skewed sound
beam will cause some sound to reflect off small transverse cracks and away from
transducer, reducing the returned amplitude.

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General Information

Ground Weld Cap

Weld Cap
Figure 11. Rotation of transducer for detection of transverse flaws.

5. Lack of Fusion (LOF):

Lack of fusion connected to ID at root face is difficult to distinguish from a longitudinal
root crack. If the depth of the LOF exceeds the root land and follows the angle of the
bevel it will return less sound from the side that is not at normal incidence to the sound
6. Incomplete Penetration (IP):
A tight root fit up during welding, or poor arc penetration, can make this indication
difficult to distinguish from a centerline root crack. Signal characteristics from IP should
exhibit a single peak because the sound beam is reflecting from a uniform surface.
Surface distance will not plot to exact same point. Depth
will be equal to or less than plate thickness.

Figure 12. Incomplete Penetration

7. Root Concavity (Suck Back):

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General Information

Suck Back will plot similar to incomplete penetration. Due to the concaved (rounded)
geometry of suck back the signal may not be as sharp, nor have as much amplitue, as that
of a centerline root crack or incomplete penetration.

Midwall Indications (subsurface)

1. Lack of fusion on bevel face:
The sound beam needs to strike lack of fusion at or near normal incidence, therefore lack
of fusion exhibits greater amplitude on the 2nd leg when scanning from same side of weld
as indication, or 1st leg when on opposite side of weld; unless weld thickness is great
enough the weld cap usually creates an obstacle and the 3rd leg is required when on the
opposite side of the weld joint. A 60o angle is best suited for LOF on a 30o weld joint
bevel and a 70o angle is best suited for LOF on a 22.5o weld joint bevel because they are
nearest the normal incidence of 90o.
Second leg on opposite side
of weld reflects off LOF

Second leg used to detect

LOF on same side

Figure 13. Lack of Fusion (LOF)

A slag line can generally be detected from both sides of the weld. Signal characteristics
may include multiple peaks and a broad base.
2. Porosity
Porosity is generally difficult to detect. Signal characteristics may include multiple
peaks. Peaks can be maintained while skewing transducer.
3. Crack (weld metal or HAZ)
The midwall crack is one of the most difficult indications to detect. Generally speaking,
a vertical orientation of a planar flaw is best detected with a 70o angle. See Figures 7 & 8
for alternative techniques for characterizing a midwall crack.

Weld Cap Indications (surface connected)

1. Weld Cap Geometry
The operator should determine if the weld exhibits a weld cap geometry that will reflect
sound back to the transducer. This is a broad based signal with multiple peaks and is
generally maintained over full length of weld. Adjust amplitude to reference level and
try dampening signal with finger. The sound path should calculate to a full V path or
slightly greater. The surface distance should plot to the opposite side of weld cap. This
signal should be closely interpreted during examination, so that other indications coming
up just in front of, or on the front flank of this signal, may be noted and interpreted also.
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General Information

2. Longitudinal Cracks (weld metal or HAZ)

Longitudinal Cracks are best detected at the end of the 2nd leg of the 45o angle. Shallow
toe cracks are easy to miss when weld cap geometry exists.
3. Transverse Cracks (weld metal or HAZ)
Transducer needs to be aligned parallel to weld direction. The end of the second leg of a
45o angle is best suited for this indication.

Interpretation Tips for Non-relevant and False Indications

Refracted L-wave Indications
An angle beam shear wave soundbeam can impinge on an irregular surface creating a
refracted L-wave that may travel straight up to the test piece surface, such as a weld cap, and
reflect back reconverting back to a shear wave and creating a irrevelant indication on the
screen that may be misinterpreted. If the operator wipes or dampens the surface area at ½ V
path SD the signal will dampen out if it is a refracted L-wave. Small diameter transducers
with large beam beam spreads and 60o angles are vulnerable to this non relevant inidication.

Creeper Wave Indications

The "so-called" creeping wave is putatively formed as a result of a simple compression wave
interacting at a free boundary. Upon incidence from a Lucite wedge designed to provide a
refracted angle somewhere between about 70-80 degrees in a test piece, the "creeping wave"
forms on the near surface. This can easily occur when propagating sound circumferentially
around a radius surface, such as a pipe, using a non-radius transducer wedge. Place a finger
or pencil eraser right in front of transducer wedge to dampen this non-relevant signal out.
The creeping wave attenuates out in about a ½ inch of surface distance.

Figure 15. Creeper Wave Indication

Standing Wave Indications

More sound reflects inside a 70o wedge than a 60o or 45o wedge, making the 70o vulnerable
to this indication. When couplant builds up on the front of the wedge a mid screen ‘standing’
signal with a large signal base may appear on the CRT display. This signal is created by the
reflected and refracted sound inside the wedge and stays at the same TOF on the baseline.
Wiping the excess couplant off the end of the wedge will eliminate this false indication.
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Angle Beam
General Information

Pre Inspection Requirements

It is recommended that these pre inspection requirements be performed prior to calibrating
equipment and examining welds. The results of these measurements may be used to select
the best angle or determine a better technique.

Physical Measurements
1. Measure Weld Thickness (adjacent plate).
2. Measure ½ weld cap width.
3. Measure transducer offset (distance from sound exit point to front of wedge).
4. Add 2 and 3 above, this is the closest surface distance to the weld centerline the
transducer can be positioned.

Calculate Distances
1. Sound Path (SP) for 1st leg or ½ V path.
2. Surface Distance (SD) for 1st leg or ½ path.
3. If SD for ½ V path is less than number 4 above then you CANNOT reach the weld root
on the first leg SP with the angle being used, you will have to use the third leg to get root
coverage or change to a higher angle.
4. Surface Distance (SD) for full V path.
5. Surface Distance (SD) for 1 ½ V path.

Mark Surface Distances on Plate Adjacent to Weld

1. Parallel to the weld mark a 1st leg ‘X’ line on the plate that is equal to a ½ V Surface
Distance from the weld centerline; when the transducer exit point is on this line the end
of the 1st leg of Sound Path will be at the weld root.
2. Parallel to the weld mark a 2nd leg ‘X’ line on the plate that is equal to a Full V Surface
Distance from the weld centerline; when the transducer exit point is on this line the end
of the 2nd leg of Sound Path will be at the centerline of the weld cap.
3. Parallel to the weld mark a 3rd leg ‘X’ line on the plate that is equal to a 1½ V Surface
Distance from the weld centerline; when the transducer exit point is on this line the end
of the 1st leg of Sound Path will be at the weld root.

Weld Profile/Sound Path Transparency

The Weld Profile/Sound Path Transparency is a useful tool to help the operator visualize
sound paths within a complex weld joint and to easily and quickly characterize a flaw; it also
serves as a useful tool to diagram to welders or clients where rejects or other discontinuities
are located.
1. Using graph paper draw a cross section of the weld joint.
• If weld thickness is much less than one inch the weld joint should be drawn on a 2:1
• Mark the weld centerline and in each direction mark reticules at about 0.2”
increments with cumulative distance at major reticules. Reference drawings or use
other means to obtain correct bevel angle(s) of weld joints.
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General Information

• Make sure enough base plate exists to support the number of V paths you will use
when examining the weld.
2. On a different graph paper draw, to the same scale, the sound path at the angle(s) and V
paths to be used in examining the weld.
3. Mark the sound path distance at the end of each leg, then mark reticules along each sound
path leg at about 0.2” increments.
4. Copy the weld cross section onto a transparency. You can now take the sound paths and
slide them through the weld to easily visualize weld joint location and surface distance to

Basic Angle Beam Calibration

These are just basic guidelines, each code will have specific tasks that must be performed.

Sweep Distance:
1. Use a miniature angle beam lock, DSC block or IIW block to calibrate sweep.
2. Find main bang and position at left of screen.
3. Adjust screen range and or velocity to see the first reflections from a minimum of two
4. Adjust gate to read leading edge of first reflector.
5. Adjust zero until sound path reads correctly from first radius.
6. Adjust gate to read leading edge of second reflector.
7. Adjust velocity until sound path reads correctly from second radius
8. Repeat 4 – 7 until both signals read the correct sound paths.

1. Find a sensitivity reflector (the right one depends on the code you’re using) and adjust
this signal to 80% FSH. This is the reference level, or the amplitude level to which you
will adjust indication signals to record their information.
2. Verify this is correct signal by physically measuring depth and surface distance to
sensitivity reflector.
3. Check the horizontal sweep calibration after you adjusted the gain to the sensitivity level.
4. Add from 6 to 20 dB to the reference level for detection purposes during scanning.

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General Information

1" 2" 1 4"


1" 4"
4" 9"
Figure 16. Plot the next two reflectors Figure 17. Plot the next two reflectors

1" 3"

1" 5"

Figure 18. Plot the next two reflectors

In the above diagrams the dashed sound path is not at an angle that can be received from the
transducer element, only the solid sound path lines are at the correct angle to create a signal. The
distance between signals is equal to the sum of both radiuses.

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Please see attached file UT AWS.pdf for current material.

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General Information


Please see attached file UT ASME.pdf for current material.

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General Information

Quiz Questions:

1. To obtain full volume weld metal examination on a .580” thickness which of the
following scenarios is the most appropriate; i.e., provides the cross pattern with the least
amount of sound path?
a. A 1st leg 70o exam from both sides of the weld
b. A 2nd and 3rd leg 45o exam from both sides of the weld
c. A 3rd and 4th leg 60o exam from both sides of the weld
d. A 2nd and 3rd leg 52o exam from both sides of the weld.
2. What is the surface distance in 1. a. above?
a. 1.96
b. .62
c. 2.0
d. none of the above
3. A beam profile larger than the reflector may dimension the reflector as being…
a. Oversized
b. Undersized
c. Correct size
d. +/-.10%
4. The amplitude reflected from a crack should be…
a. Equal to lack of fusion of similar size
b. Less than when sound is reflected at less than normal incidence
c. Maximum when sound is reflected at normal incidence
d. Equal to the incident angle amplitude
5. What is the near field length of a .375” diameter, 7.5 MHz transducer propagating a
longitudinal wave mode in steel?
(show your work)

6. If doing an ASME weld examination on an in-service pressure vessel dimensioning

indications for evaluation to acceptance standards to ASME VIII App 12.1 which Article
would apply?

7. If performing an ASME 24” schedule 40 pipe weld examination, which article would

8. Which code allows the use of dual transducers?

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General Information

9. Which code requires a horizontal linearity procedure?

10. Which Article(s) require Amplitude Control and Screen Height Linearities?

11. What ASME Article section describes the beam spread measurement?

12. What is the best transducer selection for an AWS job?

a. .25” diameter, 5MHz
b. .50” diameter, 2.25 MHz
c. 1” diameter 2.5 MHz
d. b & c above

13. When examining a 3” butt weld on a building to AWS which of the following is
a. A 45o and 60o angle are required
b. A 60o angle to the middle half and 45o angle for the bottom quarter
c. A 70o, with the weld cap ground flush
d. A 45o and 70o
e. c & d above

14. In question 13, the following information has been tabulated: reference level 28,
indication level 40, examination angle 70o and reflector at 8” sound path. What is the
indication rating?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

15. The indication for question 13 is 2.25 inches in length, is it…

a. Acceptable
b. Rejectable

16. What is the scanning sensitivity for question 13?

a. 20
b. 25
c. 19
d. none of the above

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General Information

17. What frequency is most appropriate for an AWS examination?

a. 7.5 MHz
b. 10.0 MHz
c. 5 MHz
d. 2.5Mhz

18. When calibrating to AWS, what is the diameter of the sensitivity reflector in the IIW
a. .60”
b. .060 mm
c. 60 mm
d. .060”

19. What is the transducer position(s) (it’s a letter) for verifying a wedge angle on an IIW
a. A
b. K
c. C
d. F
e. B

20. What part of AWS would you reference to develop a technique for a material < 5/16”?

Angle Beam General Page 3 of 3

K2 Technologies Rev 1 05/01/04

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